Forbidden sight "Shaitan" for World of Tanks - what is the secret of bending? Shaitan sight buy full version.

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To shoot at a moving enemy in battle, you must correctly take the lead of fire, predicting the location of the target in the next moment. If you can’t learn how to do this, you can use a lead shooting cheat called Aimbot Shaitan from ZorroJan.

Please note: aimbot is a cheat. For using it, players receive a permanent account ban. Use at your own risk - in training, for education, or not use at all.

Shooting at a moving tank is somewhat difficult. To hit such a target, you need to take into account the speed of its movement, direction, distance to it and the speed of the projectile of your gun. As the number of fights increases, most players develop the ability to make the correct lead and additional help is usually not needed. If, for some reason, it’s easier for you to entrust this task to “electronics,” the game mechanics allow you to use a cheat for automatic fire warning.

The aimbot works as follows:

  • You aim the aiming marker at a moving enemy tank
  • The cheat mod takes into account the distance to the target, the speed of your and the enemy tank, and the speed of the projectile
  • The aimbot calculates the distance the enemy will travel during the projectile's flight
  • The aiming point automatically shifts to account for this distance

The aimbot does not guarantee 100% hits, since the program’s ability to predict human actions is limited, but, in many situations, it will make your shooting more effective.

Why is the Shaitan aimbot needed? You ask, and where else to download it, and we will answer, it is needed in order to fire at to a moving enemy you need to take fire lead, and also predict the place where the tank will be in the next moment, and you can download it from the link below at the end of this article. If you can’t do this at all, then a cheat for anticipating fire called Aimbot Shaitan. It also allows you to lock onto a target through various obstacles.

Automatic targeting of the enemy tank allows you to hit it the most vulnerabilities tank and at the same time take into account the effectiveness of the armor. Before using it, you should note that this is a cheat, and you can be blocked for using it in the game. It can be used as training to practice firing at a moving enemy.

In order to fire at a tank on the move, special skills are required. In order for a projectile to hit effectively, several factors must be taken into account - the speed at which the enemy tank is moving, the distance to the target, and at what speed the projectile flies. When the player’s number of battles increases, then using this cheat as an assistant is not required.

  • This sight is configured in the file (pictures are clickable)
  • res_mods\0 .9 .x \scripts\client\mods\ZJ_Mods\xml\ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml
  • The cheat works according to the following parameters:

  1. To shoot, you need to point the aiming marker at a moving enemy tank

The cheat automatically measures the speed of the tank, the distance to the target and the speed of the projectile, and fires a shot.

See the picture below for the most common user questions with answers.

Features of the Shaitan aimbot include:

  1. Tracking target dynamics
  2. Automatic shot
  3. Stabilization system
  4. Ability to lock onto target behind obstacles
  5. Targeting the most vulnerable points of the enemy tank

To configure the cheat you will have access to 15 different parameters. Any player who has a cheat can customize it to suit their playing style.

Tanker, you can download Shaitan for World of Tanks for free and without registration on our website. Illegal - some will say, increases the percentage of victories - we will answer. Statistics show that up to a third of players with a win rate above 60 percent use cheats for tanks.

Still afraid that you will be banned? In vain, because it is enough to play carefully and the control systems will not notice the additional software. The aiming principle of Aimbot Shaitan is as follows:

  1. Captures the enemy in sight.
  2. Calculates its speed and takes automatic lead.

He does the same thing as a regular player. If you don’t post screenshots and recordings, then the chance of being detected is almost zero. In addition, the mod tracks the potential direction of movement of illuminated tanks, can capture targets behind obstacles and independently find weak points on the enemy’s armor.

What do the numbers on the screen mean?

How to set up Shaitan aimbot

Shaitan is a customizable mod. To change the parameters you need to find the xml folder in the archive (see in the picture). It can be opened and edited with notepad. Let's look at the most popular edits.

  1. To change the captured point, you need to edit the line KEY_E. By default this is the E key.
  2. To turn off automatic lead setting, you need to use the function True replace True with False. This is done for the purpose of manually setting up the aimbot.

Shaitan is a convenient and universal mod. Don’t hesitate, friend, download the cheat mod Shaitan from WotSpeak for free now and see how quickly your stats turn from green to purple.

Already using this aimbot? Or maybe other cheats for WoT? Have you or your friends been banned? Have your say on this in the comments - your opinion important for us.

The goal of the Shaitan aimbot is to make the projectiles in the auto-aim more likely to hit a moving enemy.


You've probably noticed that the standard auto-aim, activated using the RMB, is generally not capable of shooting at moving targets. All this is due to the fact that the sight looks at one point and does not calculate the lead necessary for a successful hit. But after installing Shaitan, everything will change, and shooting will be much more effective, because the mod takes into account many parameters, for example, the distance to the enemy tank and its current speed. Thanks to this, almost no enemy will leave you without due punishment.

Another advantage is that if the target is out of sight, the auto-aim will still work, focusing on the last vector of movement of the vehicle, that is, even a blind shot can be successful. There is also a shotgun indication; in the screenshot below you can see a red arrow, which means that there is some kind of obstacle in the path of the projectile, in this case it is a rock. In addition to indicating the shot, you can also see the distance to the target.

This is far from the only automatic sight; you may prefer another option, for example, the famous mod, which has long been recognized among tankers.

The list includes any changes to the principle of operation of the auto-aim, so use Shaitan carefully, because there is a risk of getting a ban from Wargaming.

Advanced users can customize the sight to their taste; to do this, open the file called ZJ_AimBotShaytan.xml with Notepad++, in which you can change about 15 different settings.


  • Just below, download the archive with the mod, inside there will be one folder, which you need to copy to World_of_Tanksres_mods[current version of the patch].

The Shaitan aimbot for World of tanks 0.9.18 is a forward sight AimBot Shaytan from ZorroJan, which refers to cheats. Now you won’t need to guess where the enemy firefly might go, as soon as it appears in your line of sight, capture it with auto-aim and then the modification will do everything itself. It reads the speed of the tank, the distance to it, the speed of your projectiles and, based on this data, shoots ahead of the enemy, and he simply has nowhere to go, thanks to which you will be able to deal damage to moving targets without any problems. Just don’t forget to enable the cheat; before shooting, a sign indicating that this development is working will be written above the mini-map.

You can configure the sight in the file
The variability of settings is amazing. About 15 different parameters can be edited. Any player will be able to perfectly select modification parameters specifically for their playing style. Don't forget to use Notepad++ or its equivalent for editing.

Remember that the mod will only work correctly after removing alternative auto-aims.

We remind you that by installing prohibited mods, you do so at your own peril and risk. Do not post replays of battles or screenshots from the game.

Copy the contents of the archive to World_Of_Tanks/res_mods/0.9.x/. (x - current patch number)