The most mushroom years in the Leningrad region. When and where will mushrooms grow in the Leningrad region

Mushrooms are not losing popularity. For many, mushroom hunting is a way to spend the weekend. In ancient times in Rus' there were many proverbs and sayings related to mushrooms:

“Whoever gets up first will find the strong ones, whoever sleeps through the sunrise will find the rotten ones,” “When you pick mushrooms, look at the oak trees. So as not to suddenly get lost, know where the north is and where the south is.” Rules that have been tested for centuries are still observed by connoisseurs of “silent hunting” today.

But the main thing is to choose the right season. It starts in July and continues until October. Avid hunters roam the forests Leningrad region and return with full baskets. Mushroom pickers believe that prey can be found in any forest, but the right places are kept secret. Let’s try to reveal the routes of “silent hunting” lovers.

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Mushroom places in the Leningrad region: where to go on a day off

The list of mushroom places is compiled based on data from several previous years. In terms of mushroom harvests, there is no change from year to year, and the portal Kolesa.Ru has no opportunity with absolute precision find out what the situation is in all indicated places on at the moment. Happy hunting!

New Devyatkino

Briefly about the place. The forest in the Novy Devyatkino area is perhaps the closest mushroom place to the city. Knowledgeable people walk to it from the metro, and the journey takes them no more than 10 minutes...

District: Vsevolozhsky.

Distance from the city*: about 4 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: exit from the Ring Road to Toksovskoe Highway, then to Novy Devyatkino.

The likelihood of getting into a traffic jam on the road: traffic jams in this direction usually occur in the evenings, and you and I know that at this time real mushroom pickers are already in full swing sorting and cleaning the harvest at home. Therefore we will consider this shortcut practically jam-free.


Briefly about the place. Another opportunity, having driven quite a bit from the city, to return with good “trophies”.

District: Vsevolozhsky.

Distance from the city*: about 5.5 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from Kommuny Street along Ryabovskoe Highway, then along the Road of Life to the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: last time a traffic jam on the Road of Life was recorded about a month ago - congestion on this route is more of an episodic nature.

Semrino (railway station “46th km”)

Briefly about the place. One of the most “fruitful” (especially in season), but at the same time, the most famous mushroom places among summer residents along the Vitebsk branch of the railway.

District: Gatchina.

How to get there: the first option is along the Pulkovskoye and Kievskoye highways to the bypass road around Gatchina, then a short section along the H114 highway, then along the A120 highway, then along the secondary road towards Semrino; the second option is through Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Fedorovskoye, Fornosovo along the H233 highway, then along the A120 highway.

The likelihood of getting into a traffic jam on the road: if you choose the first travel option, you can get on the Kievskoye Highway in the Pulkovo Heights area due to the construction of an overpass on the Volkhonskoye Highway; if you take the second route, you can get stuck in Pushkin on the Pavlovskoe highway, and the traffic jam will most likely stretch all the way to Pavlovsk.


Briefly about the place. This refers to the forest area in the vicinity of Mga between the villages of Voitolovo and Sologubovka. If you drive from Pukholovo to Turyshkino station and further in the direction of Staraya Maluksa, then there are a lot of swamps there, so in September you can safely go there not only for mushrooms, but also for cranberries.

District: Kirovsky.

Distance from the city*: about 50 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the Ring Road - along the Murmansk highway to the exit to Kirovsk, then along the highway along the Neva to Kirovsk, then along the A120 highway to Pukholovo via MGU.

The likelihood of getting into a traffic jam on the road: you can get up on the Murmansk highway, at the entrance to the overpass being repaired in Razmetelevo.


Briefly about the place. A place well known to St. Petersburg mushroom pickers, where there are a variety of types of mushrooms: from “solonoviki” (those that are used for pickling) to the so-called. “noble” (white, boletus, etc.).

District: Tosnensky.

Distance from the city*: about 50 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the Ring Road - along the Moskovskoe highway to Tosno, then - around the city along the Moskovskoe highway and Lenin Avenue, from which you need to turn left onto the Babyrin highway; then follow the P40 highway to Nurma.

The likelihood of getting into a traffic jam on the road: on the Moskovskoe highway, almost any day of the week you can “get up” in the Lensovetovsky agricultural area, in Moskovskaya Slavyanka, before the turns to Pushkin and Kolpino.


Briefly about the place. Not very far, but a good (in terms of results) place. Main disadvantagelarge number mushroom pickers, especially in season, since Sinyavino is one of the largest gardens in this area of ​​the region.

District: Kirovsky.

Distance from the city*: about 60 km.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Murmansk highway to the village. Sinyavino.

The likelihood of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road is very high. You can get stuck (even if not “deafly” and for a short time) first of all in the area of ​​​​the village of Razmetelevo due to the repair of the overpass, as well as in front of the village of Sinyavino itself - where the Murmansk highway narrows from a four-lane highway to an ordinary suburban highway with one lane in each direction.


Briefly about the place. One of the most famous mushroom places in the Priozersky region, which is relatively easy to get to. The forest area is very large and rich in a wide variety of mushroom species. True, the consequences of last year's hurricane make it somewhat difficult to approach the mushroom places - there are a lot of fallen trees here.

District: Priozersky.

Distance from the city*: about 60 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the Ring Road - along the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, then along the Priozerskoye highway.

The likelihood of getting into a traffic jam on the road: you can get up already at the exit from the Ring Road: the traffic light at the traffic police post, as a rule, collects long “tails” in all directions.

Lake Mirror

Briefly about the place. One of the most mushroom places not only in the Vyborg region, but also in the entire Leningrad region.

District: Vyborg.

How to get there: from the Ring Road - along the Primorskoye Highway through Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, Pesochnoye, to Zelenaya Roshcha, then along secondary roads through the railway. Art. Yappila to the lake.

The probability of getting into a traffic jam on the road: from Sestroretsk to Zelenogorsk you can drive along the “upper” or “lower” highway, the “fastest” is the first. Traffic jams often occur on the way back at the junction of both routes with the Primorskoye Highway.


Briefly about the place. A very large forest area, and there are no large gardening areas nearby. In addition, these places are historical: it was through Lavrovo and Kobona that bread and food were transported to besieged Leningrad along the Road of Life.

District: Kirovsky.

Distance from the city*: about 70 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the Ring Road - along the Murmansk highway to the village of Dusyevo, then 10 km along secondary roads to Lavrovo.

New Village / Kipuya

Briefly about the place. A huge forest area stretching almost from the Murmansk highway to Lake Ladoga. Lots of swamps. Last year a hurricane hit these places, but the forest was only partially damaged.

District: Volkhovsky.

Distance from the city*: about 80 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the Ring Road – along the Murmansk highway to the “Kipuya” sign, then along secondary roads.

The likelihood of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road is very high. The most “traffic” places are in front of the overpass in Razmetelevo, in front of Sinyavino. Heavy traffic in front of the bridge over the Sarya River in Dusyevo.

Mushroom season in the forests near St. Petersburg the time is considered to be from August to November, but edible mushrooms can be found in the Leningrad region practically all year round. Take a look at the mushroom picker's calendar below - it covers the most popular of the more than 200 species of edible mushrooms growing in the forests of the Leningrad region.

Mushroom picker calendar for the Leningrad region
Collection month Types of mushrooms Features of collection
January Oyster mushroom For mushroom pickers, this is the emptiest month; there is practically nothing to look for in the forest. But if the winter is warm, you can find fresh oyster mushrooms. They usually grow on trees, the cap of such a mushroom is one-sided or rounded, the plates run down onto the stem, as if growing to it. Distinguish oyster mushroom from inedible mushrooms It’s not difficult - it has a cap that is completely leathery to the touch.
February Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms If there is no thaw, there is practically nothing to look for in the forest
March Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, talker There are practically no mushrooms, but at the end of the month the first snowdrops may appear.
April Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, govorushka, morel, stitch Snowdrop mushrooms – morels and stitches – are quite common
May Morel, stitch, oiler, oyster mushroom, raincoat Most mushrooms can be found not under trees, but in clearings, in thick grass.
June Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, raincoat In June, mushrooms of the highest (first) category begin to appear.
July Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, puffball, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom There are already quite a lot of mushrooms - both in the clearings and under the trees. In addition to mushrooms, strawberries and blueberries are already found.
August Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom At this time, mushrooms can be found almost everywhere: in the grass, under trees, near stumps, in ditches and on trees, and even in city squares and on the sides of roads. In addition to mushrooms, lingonberries have already ripened, and cranberries are appearing in the swamps.
September Butterfly, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom. September is the most productive month for mushrooms. But you need to be careful: autumn is coming to the forests, and in the bright foliage it is difficult to see the multi-colored mushroom caps.
October Valuy, oyster mushroom, camelina, honey fungus, champignon, boletus, porcini mushroom, milk mushroom, moss mushroom, russula The number of mushrooms in the clearings begins to decrease. In October, it is better to look for mushrooms near stumps and under trees.
November Butterfly, greenfinch, oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms. Frosts begin, and there is a high probability of finding frozen mushrooms.
December Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms There are almost no mushrooms anymore – but if you’re lucky, you can find remnants of the autumn abundance

Many people are looking forward to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Some particularly impatient people are already wondering if there are mushrooms in the Leningrad region now... But, as you know, silent hunt starts at the end of August. And every lover of this activity tries to guess in advance where it is better to look for the best harvest, and when exactly to start searching. But beginners may find themselves in difficulty, because not every experienced mushroom picker is in a hurry to share their proven places. Today we will try to answer the question: when will mushrooms grow and where in the Leningrad region...

When in the Leningrad region will go well mushroom picking?

The end of August - beginning of September is the time to pick mushrooms. Somewhere a few days after the second good rain... Well, that's approximately. Let's talk more precisely about some popular mushrooms.

Porcini mushrooms

Such mushrooms are especially loved not only by mushroom pickers, but also by chefs. And the easiest way to find them is in pine forest. Typically, such mushrooms will begin to grow in the Leningrad region somewhere around last numbers August, and their season does not last very long - for a week and a half, two at most. After this, tasty and healthy porcini mushrooms can also be found, but not in such quantities.

Where in the region can you collect more of these mushrooms??

As for the best places to look for such a harvest in the Leningrad region, these are:

- Gavrilovo;
- Kirillovskoe;
- Yappilya;
- Tarasovskoe;
- Mesterjarvi;
- Alekhovshchina;
- training ground near Luga (near the Serebryanka railway station).

When boletus mushrooms will delight you with rapid growth?

Such mushrooms are also distinguished by their remarkable taste qualities and are suitable for storing for the winter. You can meet them in various mixed forests or among the pines. Boletuses actively begin to emerge from the ground around the first of September. These mushrooms can be found a lot in the area:

Mshinskaya village;
- Roshchino;
- Gorkovsky (in the Vyborg direction);
- Kanneljärvi;
- Sosnovo;
- Priozersk;
- Kuznechny;
- Losev (in the Priozersk direction);
- Vyritsy (in the Gatchina region).

When boletus mushrooms appear in the area?

Such mushrooms prefer to grow in swampy areas and, of course, where there are a lot of birch trees. But in addition, readers of Popular About Health can also find them in the coniferous forest, in which birch trees are occasionally found. Basically, boletus mushrooms begin to actively grow in the first month of summer, and they can be collected until the end of the mushroom season.

As for the best places to look for such mushrooms, they are presented:

Kirillovsky (in the Vyborg direction);

In the vicinity of the village of Yagodnoye (in the area of ​​the turn from the Scandinavia highway);

The road to Kamenka (near the turn from the Vyborg highway - you need to drive about a kilometer and turn right into the forest).

A little about other places for picking mushrooms in the Leningrad region

A little higher we already talked about the village of Sosnovo. As the name implies, it is practically surrounded by fir trees and pine trees. And in the forest you can find not only boletuses, but also a wide variety of other mushrooms. Thus, these places are also known for black milk mushrooms, yellow and red russula, chanterelles and bitter mushrooms.

Getting to such a village is quite simple, from the Finlyandsky Station on a regular train.

Many mushroom pickers also happily go towards Lake Ladoga and Nevskaya Dubrovka, where the railway station called Berngardovka is located. If you walk from the station about half an hour to the forest, you can collect a good mushroom harvest.

Not so far from the above-mentioned village of Sosnovo there is another small locality Snegirevka. He is surrounded coniferous forest, in which you can find quite a lot of different mushrooms. Experienced searchers go here for chanterelles, moss mushrooms, mushrooms and russula. If you're lucky, you can also find porcini or aspen mushrooms. If you want to get to Snegirevka, first get to Sosnovo and then take the bus.

Not so far from the Vouksa River there is a village called Losevo, near which there is a wonderful forest. You can get to the village from the Finland Station by regular train. And you can find butterflies and boletus mushrooms, as well as chanterelles, in the forest. If you're lucky, you can also find porcini mushrooms.

The village of Stekolnoye, which is located in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, also enjoys great fame among mushroom pickers. You can get here by car, but if you wish, you can also go by bus from the city of Tosno (about an hour’s drive from St. Petersburg).

Between the villages of Borisovo and Michurinskoye there are amazing forests, rich in a variety of chanterelles, as well as black milk mushrooms. In principle, you can find porcini mushrooms here, as well as boletus and aspen mushrooms, but you will have to try hard for this (or the year must be especially successful). You can get to the place by bus from the aforementioned Sosnovo.

Real fans mushroom hunting They are happy to go east from the Myllüpelto railway station, which in turn is located southeast of Priozersk. Not many people come here, because you can only get to these forests by private car.

The islands located near the village of Kuznechnoye can be an excellent place to find chanterelles. But, of course, getting to them will not be easy. You will have to worry not only about the car, but also to negotiate about water transport.

If you want to find a good place closer, it might be worth getting to the village of Novoye Devyatkino, which is very close to the metro station called Devyatkino. True, it is worth noting that although this place pleases with a variety of mushrooms, everyone who is not too lazy goes to it.

In fact, true mushroom lovers will always find a place to harvest in the Leningrad region. But at the same time, you need to remember about safety, and collect only those mushrooms that you are confident are edible.

In August, all mushroom pickers take out their baskets and prepare to open the mushroom “hunting” season. We have reviewed the best places to pick mushrooms in the Leningrad region so that you never return home with an empty basket. Almost all the places on our list are accessible by public transport: they can be reached by train or bus.

New Devyatkino

This is the closest mushroom place to St. Petersburg. It can be reached from the Devyatkino metro station within 10-15 minutes. The mushroom season here lasts from August to October. Some mushroom pickers even found porcini mushrooms. However, do not forget to take rubber boots with you - the forest in Novy Devyatkino is quite damp.


You can get to the village of Sinyavino by minibus or bus from the Ulitsa Dybenko metro station. You can get there by car along the Murmansk highway. In Sinyavino you can find quite a lot different types mushrooms, ranging from russula and boletus to porcini. However, you should move through the forest in this area with caution: since the Great Patriotic War, there have been many dugouts and craters where you can accidentally fall through.


You can get to the village of Berngardovka by train from Finlyandsky Station in the direction of Lake Ladoga. True, from the station you will still need to walk 25-30 minutes to the forest. It's worth it: there are quite a lot of mushrooms in this area. Here you can find chanterelles, boletus and boletus.

Sosnovo is easily accessible by car along the A121 and A129 highways or by train from the Finland Station. The advantage of this place is that the village is located right in the forest, so it’s a stone’s throw to the mushroom picking area. The forest is good: dry, with a predominance of pine and spruce trees. After it was heavily damaged in the 2010 hurricane, many clearings appeared, however, this did not affect the number of mushrooms. In Sosnovo you can find a lot of black milk mushrooms, russula, chanterelles and bitter mushrooms. Cranberries also grow here - if you get tired of picking mushrooms, you can pick berries.


The village of Snigirevka is located not far from Sosnovo, and a bus runs from Sosnovo to the village. Getting there by car is also easy: you will need to drive about seven kilometers from Sosnovo along the P34 highway. The forest in Snegirevka is good and dry. Prevail coniferous trees. In your basket you can take home chanterelles, moss mushrooms and russula, and if you’re lucky, boletus and boletus.

Resort area

You can go to the Gulf of Finland in the vicinity of Zelenogorsk, Solnechny, Komarovo and Sestroretsk not only to soak up the sun, but also to pick mushrooms. So grab a basket along with a towel and sunscreen - it might come in handy. The basket may contain chanterelles, russula, boletus and even sometimes white ones. You can get there from the Finland Station by train or by bus from the Chernaya Rechka metro station.

Forests between Borisovo and Michurinskoye

The forests in the Priozersky district between the villages of Borisovo and Michurinskoye are famous for chanterelles and black milk mushrooms. You will find plenty of them. Of course, you can also find boletus, boletus, and white boletus, but much less often. In addition to mushrooms, this region is rich in blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries. Getting to the villages is quite simple: minibus No. 678 goes to Michurinsky from the station. m. "Ozerki", or you can get to Sosnovo, and from there by bus. If you are traveling by car, then you need to take the A121 highway also towards Sosnovo.

Losevo has long been known for its mushroom spots. Porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and boletus mushrooms can easily be found here. Among the simpler mushrooms there are moss mushrooms, butterflies and chanterelles. However, due to the nearby recreation center, competition among mushroom pickers is very high. If you still decide to take part in the mushroom hunting competition, then you need to go to Losevo from the Finlyandsky Station.

Forests near Myllypelto and Kommunard

The forests east of Myllyupelto station (in the area of ​​the villages of Solnechnoye, Motornoye and Pochinok, which are 10-15 km southeast of Priozersk) are of interest to mushroom pickers, as there are many different mushrooms found here. You can get to Myllypelto by train from Finlyandsky Station, but getting further is more difficult, so it’s better to go by car. The inaccessibility of this area ensures little competition among mushroom “hunters”.


Another mushroom place that is difficult to get to, but worth it. You can get to Kuznechny by train from Finlyandsky Station, but then you will need a boat or other watercraft to get across the islands. The region is famous for its large number of chanterelles.

You can get to Vyborg from the Finland Station, the journey takes quite a long time, even by express train. You can also get there by car along the Vyborg highway, or by bus from the station. metro station "Grazhdansky Prospekt". The forest near Vyborg is very dry. Therefore, during the season, you can often find boletus, boletus, and porcini mushrooms here. Get a big basket ready!

Also, according to the latest data from mushroom pickers and Internet users, mushrooms can be found along the Murmansk highway, in the area of ​​the Gorka cafe and the village of Syasstroy, in the village of Maluksa, Nizhniye Oselki and Zhikharevo.

When, where and what mushrooms to collect

Among the most popular mushrooms in August are boletus, boletus, morels, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and porcini. August is the beginning of the season. Mushrooms can be found almost everywhere: in the grass, under trees, near stumps, in ditches and on the side of roads. In addition to mushrooms, it is worth paying attention to the fact that blueberries and lingonberries have ripened, and cranberries have begun to appear in the swamps.

September is the most mushroom month. Mushrooms that you can find: boletus, boletus, aspen, oyster mushrooms, morels, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, moss mushrooms. You can find them the same way as in August: in the grass, near stumps, in ditches and under trees, only in September it is more difficult to do this due to the bright falling leaves.

October is the end of the mushroom season. You can find valui, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, champignons, aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula. You should look around stumps and under trees.

Rules for mushroom pickers:

  • When going into the forest, make sure you are fully charged. mobile phone and whether there is enough money in the account;
  • If you go deep enough into the forest, then try to remember as many objects as possible along the way: for example, unusual trees or stones, this will make it easier to return to the starting point;
  • It is better to wear bright clothes in the forest: red, yellow, red or white. So that you can be noticed immediately. It would be nice if there were reflective stripes on the clothes;
  • In addition to the mushroom basket, do not forget to take with you a compass, a knife, matches, a small supply of water and food;
  • The best time to go to the forest is from 7 am to lunch;
  • Mushrooms should not be collected near highways: the minimum distance from the road is 100 meters;
  • Don't eat raw mushrooms, even if they look delicious;
  • Do not cut or touch bright colors with your hands. poisonous mushrooms, such as toadstools, fly agarics, etc.;
  • Do not spoil the mycelium: mushrooms should be cut, not picked;
  • If mushrooms are not familiar to you, do not take them;
  • When cooking mushrooms, taste the broth for bitterness. If bitterness is present, it means there was an inedible mushroom in the basket.

Happy mushroom hunting!

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Of course, this review of mushroom places does not include addresses of stores with a guaranteed assortment, and the presence of mushrooms at a specific point in space and time is a thing in itself. There are many influencing factors - weather, seasonality - the moment of the proverbial layer, situations like today, you’ve already collected everything, you’re just sleeping, where you’re going, look at your feet, my dear friends left for an overnight stay behind mushrooms, and so on.... And of course, the site’s preference is given to the Sosnovsky direction.

In the center of Sosnovo there is a small market (it is free for sellers; local grebniks display their catch), where you can buy forest trophies. almost to the market and shows.

You can get to Sosnovo from or from, by bus from the Devyatkino metro station, or by car along Priozerskoye Highway.

Keep in mind that due to an unusual situation in August 2010, a hurricane unprecedented for these places swept through the Igora-Sosnovo area and windbreaks formed. During the 2010 mushroom season, going to these places to pick up mushrooms and berries was quite inconvenient and often dangerous. By the beginning of 2012, the forests had been noticeably cleared, but be...

Forests east of the station, the village of Kommunary. The area bounded by the villages of Solnechnoye, Motornoye and, 10-15 km southeast, the Brusnichnoe tract. Good woods, one of the most productive places according to many, but as elsewhere the result is not guaranteed. By the way, the names speak for themselves, for example, Lingonberry Stream, which connects the Meadow River and Bolshoye Berezhnoe Lake. What's wrong with our weather?

On the islands in the area chanterelles are collected. Although getting there is certainly not easy, you also need a car and water transport. And of course you need a good day, but we have it

Forest near the village of Novoye Devyatkino, Vsevolozhsk district. Although the forest here is quite damp and there is a lot of windfall, it is practically the closest to St. Petersburg - you can walk in 10-15 minutes from the Devyatkino metro station. From August to October, during the season, you can even find porcini mushrooms near New Devyatkino. It’s a pity that high-rise buildings have begun to be actively built in the Devyatkino area.

A short trip from Finlyandsky Station to Vsevolozhskaya Berngardovka brings good mushroom trophies. Near Berngardovka during the season you can pick up a basket of chanterelles, aspen and birch boletuses, and on a good day porcini mushrooms are often found.

Forest near Vyborg, respectively, in the Vyborg region. Here are dry pine and spruce forests and in August - October the real “dominance” of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms begins. You can get there by car, by train from Finlyandsky Station, or by bus from the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station.

Forest near the village of Sinyavino in the Kirovsky district. You can find any mushrooms here - from boletus and russula to porcini mushrooms. But take care of your legs and arms, you may stumble upon craters and dugouts overgrown with grass, during the Great Patriotic War In the 20th century there were fierce battles here. You can get there without a car, by bus from the Dybenko metro station.

If you are not busy making a choice, then let's go back to the mushroom business.

Hot, but at the same time rainy summer did its job. Already from mid-July, mushrooms began to appear near St. Petersburg, and, in large quantities! This means that now is the time to take a larger basket, put a Panama hat on your head, and rubber boots on your feet and go into the forest. Which one? This is where you will come to the rescue mushroom map, prepared by Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Coordinates: 61.7, N 29.52 E.

How to get there: perhaps the most difficult route (you will need a boat), but also the most profitable. You can get to Kuznechny by train from Finlyandsky Station, and then move to the islands.

What is: knowledgeable people they say it's best place in the area for collecting chanterelles.


Coordinates: 60.70 N 28.75 East

How to get there: you can get to Vyborg from the Finland Station. You can also get there by car along the Vyborg highway, or by bus from the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station.

What is there: the forest near Vyborg is very dry. Therefore, during the season, you can often find boletus, boletus, and porcini mushrooms here. Get a big basket ready!


Coordinates: 60.24 N 29.21 E.

How to get there: also move towards Vyborg, but get off a little earlier, at Zakhodskoye station.

What is: in surrounding forests you can find moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and harvest a rich harvest of porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.40 N 30.00 east

How to get there: you can get to Losevo by train from Finlyandsky Station to Losevo station or by bus from Sosnovo.

What to eat: You can find porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms and moss mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.33 N 29.51 E.

How to get there: minibus No. 678 runs to Michurinsky from Ozerki, or you can get to Sosnovo, and from there by bus.

What to eat: chanterelles and black milk mushrooms. You can also find boletus, boletus, white boletus, but much less often.


Coordinates: 60.33 s. w. 30.14 E.

How to get there: by direct train from Finland Station. Travel time: about 2 hours.

What to eat: The variety of mushrooms is impressive. Here you can find boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.00 N 30.36 E.

How to get there: just half an hour from the Finland Station or by minibus along the Road of Life. And another half hour walk to the forest.

What to eat: near Berngardovka you can find chanterelles, boletuses and even white ones.


Coordinates: 60.3 N 30.28 E.

How to get there: the most accessible, and therefore the most difficult site in terms of mushroom competition. You can also get there by metro. And then go deeper into the forest.

What to eat: Great variety of mushrooms. There are even porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.89 N 29.08, east

How to get there: there are electric trains from the Baltic station, and minibuses from Avtovo. It's not easy to get into the city itself. The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant is located there, so you may be asked for special permission. And passports.

What to eat: boletus and mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.37 N 61.3 E.

How to get there: minibuses from the Ligovsky Prospekt metro station.

What to eat: chanterelles, boletus, boletus, boletus.


Coordinates: 59.54 N, 31.04 E

How to get there: the village is located 45 km southeast of St. Petersburg. You can get there by your own car or train.

What to eat: boletus, chanterelles and saffron milk caps grow in the forests around the village; sometimes you can find porcini mushrooms and capsicum mushrooms. But that's if you're lucky.


Coordinates: 59.24 N, 30.20 E

How to get there: located 60 km south of St. Petersburg. It is very convenient to travel by electric train from the Baltic station.

What to eat: from the end of July, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and russula grow abundantly in these forests.


Coordinates: 59.33 s. sh., 30.54 east.

How to get there: by train or minibus to Tosno, and then by bus to Stekolny.

What to eat: They say there are most boletus mushrooms here. Well, other, less elite mushrooms have not been canceled.


Coordinates: 59.45 N 30.57 east

How to get there: By train from Moskovsky station towards Volkhov or Kirishi.

What to eat: chanterelles, russula and capsicum grow here. IN lucky days Porcini mushrooms can also be found.