How to attract clients to a nail service specialist. How to open a manicure at home

Beauty services are a business that every second girl dreams of. But entering the entrepreneurial environment is accompanied by high capital investment and complex organizational issues. This is not available to every woman. In light of these circumstances, the beginning own business from a small nail salon organized right in the apartment - the ideal solution. Manicure at home, as a business, does not require large investments and costs for renting premises. A detailed business plan will tell you where to start a business and how to achieve success.

Business registration

If we're talking about about a manicure business at home, then no permitting documentation is required. For particularly fastidious clients, you can take care of registering an individual entrepreneur and obtaining a medical record.

The individual entrepreneur form imposes certain obligations on the entrepreneur, in particular, he will have to report to the tax service in accordance with the chosen form of taxation. If the owner of a home nail salon still prefers to register an individual entrepreneur for pretentious clients, then it is more profitable to issue a patent, since it does not require drawing up reports and paying additional taxes.

Selecting a room

You can skip this point of the business plan, since a manicure salon at home will not require a separately rented premises for any purposes. It is enough to have 2-3 free squares in your own apartment. Workplace must have neat appearance, this rule applies to the entire apartment; clutter risks scaring off clients.

Another option is to visit the client’s home. For mobility, a manicurist just needs to purchase a stylish suitcase that will accommodate materials and tools.


Before starting a nail business at home, you will need to purchase some equipment and supplies. You will need:

  • tools (tweezers, buffs, files, spatulas, etc.);
  • equipment (UV lamps, LED lamp for drying gel polish, sterilizer);
  • consumables and care products (nail forms, varnishes, gel polishes, nail removers, hand and nail care products);
  • furniture (table and chairs). This item can be omitted if suitable comfortable furniture is available in the house, or the master plans to work on call.


How to start a manicure business at home? Experts advise starting with gaining education and experience. Training in nail service courses is just the basics for providing more services will have to be constantly improved, to improve skills by taking master classes. As a result, an at-home manicure salon should include the following range:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • nail plate extension;
  • gel polish coating.

In addition, the salon at home must provide related services - removal of extended nails, correction, design, and so on. Some clients may be interested in hand and nail care services - scrubbing and baths. It is important to follow modern trends in the field of beauty services and offer clients fashionable new items.


When creating a price list, you should focus on average market prices. Premium-level specialists have the right to offer services at a higher price; novice professionals or those who have few clients are forced to dump. As you gain experience and a constant circle of clients, the cost of services can be carefully raised.


Manicure at home, as a business, requires only one employee - an entrepreneur and a manicurist rolled into one. The master is required to have an appropriate appearance, special attention- to your hands. An ideal manicure will serve as additional advertising and convince the client of the professionalism of the specialist.

A good manicurist should be polite and sociable. The skills of a psychologist will help in this business, since clients at manicures prefer to share personal problems.

To confirm the professionalism of the master, it is recommended to take specialized courses and master classes. Periodic training will require additional costs, but will quickly pay off. Diplomas and certificates that are present on the wall behind the master are a plus for the reputation of an at-home manicure salon.

Advertising and customer acquisition

In this business, the main thing is to develop a customer base. In order to expand the circle of clients for free or at minimal cost, at-home manicurists use the following methods:

  • You can invite girls for a free manicure and use photos of the finished work for your portfolio. If the manicure is of high quality, then free client will return for paid service. A portfolio will be useful for a catalog or for advertising on the Internet.
  • The popularization of social media provides opportunities for free promotion of manicure salon services at home. A group or public page with photographs of finished works (necessarily the author’s, not someone else’s) can attract many clients. Especially if you ask friends and acquaintances to distribute publications among their circles on social networks.
  • Creating business cards or leaflets will require a small investment. Finished printing can be left in mailboxes neighboring houses, on information stands. Flyers or leaflets should be distributed near the nearest shopping center.
  • Customers will be attracted by a system of discounts and promotions. At first, you can guarantee a free manicure for referring a friend and other tricks.

Costs and profits

The main costs for organizing a nail business at home are the purchase of equipment and materials.

Table. Capital investments

As already mentioned, it is possible to reduce costs by using comfortable home furniture, if available. Saving on consumables and equipment is highly discouraged, as this will reduce the quality of services and may cost the client’s health. This will lead to scandal and the formation of a bad reputation.

Once a client base appears and services are provided at the average market price, the entrepreneur’s income will be about 25,000-30,000 rubles. per month.

This article is intended for beginners. This story was written by me based on personal experience, perhaps someone, after reading it, will see a copy of their life situation. In that case, this article may help you.

I - . Yes, now a master. This was once a hobby of mine that brought in a little extra income. But, probably, my main work was chosen incorrectly at the time. When I started doing extensions, it turned out that it turned out well and that my clients liked it. They quickly spread the word about me as a good specialist and there was no shortage of orders. On the contrary, sometimes there were so many of them that I passed some of them on to my friend, who also did nail service. I left my main job and became a “free bird”. There was no limit to the joy, because making good money doing what you love is not everyone’s luck. But unexpectedly changed personal circumstances changed everything dramatically - our family was forced to move to another area (to the other end of Moscow). And then the difficulties began.

The beauty industry is special world. A woman or a man comes to the salon to the master first of all for positive emotions. If a person's arms and legs are in order, he has good mood. The task of the master is to help you gain beauty and self-confidence. Following some rules and recommendations will help you become not only a good master, but also a pleasant conversationalist. Different people come to the master. Housewives and businesswomen, young and older, well-groomed and not so well-groomed, young girls and older men. You need to try to find an individual approach to each of your clients.

And this is how to win over a client:

  1. Smile. Be welcoming and friendly. Smile at the client who comes in as if it were your friend. There is nothing worse than a forced smile on duty.
  2. Appearance. The master's clothing should always be neat, not provocative and clean. To work with the client's feet, there must be a special robe or suit.
  3. Introduce yourself and ask for a name. Next, when communicating, call the client by name. It's always nice.
  4. You are the hostess, and your client is the guest. Do not forget about phrases such as “make yourself at home”, “take a seat” or offer a cup of tea or coffee if this is provided in your office. You can also relax the client by turning on pleasant music or lighting fragrant sticks or candles.
  5. Maintain subordination. Call the client you. Even a young girl will be pleased by such treatment.
  6. Don't be intrusive and communicate correctly. If some kind of conversation arises, there is no need to pry out all the details, just ask, asking a question on the merits, and if it’s hard for you to resist, then try to turn the conversation into a more business-like format. Also, do not forget about correctness. You should not point out to the client how bad the condition of his arms and legs is. Also, do not focus on age in older ladies. And most importantly - do not impose aggressively additional services, you can offer it gently and calmly, and if the client refuses, then calmly accept it.
  7. Learn to listen. There are very talkative people who are looking for somewhere to talk. Be patient and do not interrupt the client.
  8. Sense of style. Clients who come to the salon do not always know what they want and what will look best, so your task is to correctly assess the client’s style, his situation and lifestyle. By doing this correctly and offering the right option, the client will be glad to come to you again and again, because you know what he needs like no one else.
  9. Sense of humor. It will help you get out of difficult situations and avoid the pitfalls of communicating with an unknown person.

These were tips on how to win over a client and make him come to you again and again. Now let's figure it out 4 simple rules, which will show you as a professional in your field:

  1. Follow the record carefully. And never keep your client waiting!
  2. If some circumstances occur and you cannot accept a client, then notify the client about this as early as possible so that he can adjust his plans.
  3. If the client still had to wait, then succinctly apologize, even if it was not your fault.
  4. Don't get distracted while working. Make a rule for yourself that you should not communicate with colleagues while providing a service, or be distracted by your phone.
  5. There are also taboo topics for conversations with a client, such as money, discussion of work colleagues, other clients and superiors.

After all these rules and tips, are you still wondering: Can there be friendship between client and master? We have the answers.

As we have already said, the client comes not only for service and quality service, but also for emotions. Therefore, it is in the interests of the manicurist to make the visitor a regular, using basic needs and ulterior motives as an incentive to regularly visit the salon.

One of the most important hidden motives is the need for communication. And this, perhaps, is the factor that encourages masters to be excessively frank. It is worth considering that there are many types of people, and many of them need continuous communication - this is what they expect from a visit to the salon, in addition to quality service.

Having already stepped onto a slippery slope, the manicurist begins to face problems. And the most unpleasant moment, perhaps, is the lost profit. An imaginary friendship with a client hurts your pocket and makes you think.

This happens because, having realized your friendly relations with the master, the client believes that special payment conditions should be created for him. And he starts asking for discounts. In order not to lose the client, and with him good relationship, the master is forced to agree to these conditions. And subsequently this only leads to lost profits.

Another problem is familiarity. It is fraught with the fact that speaking about personal issues, discussing acquaintances and colleagues, you risk becoming a victim of such gossip yourself. The visitor’s problems and experiences can negatively affect the mood and well-being of the nail specialist. After all, this is good for the client: he spoke out, heard encouraging words and left. But the master lets everything pass through himself, and sooner or later the relationship becomes a burden, exhausting and depleting.

The third disadvantage is that Close communication with a client can also debunk your image as a specialist. They will follow your advice only because they trust you as a friend, but not as a professional. At the same time, it is important for any manicurist to be respected, valued and recommended as a qualified specialist, and not as a person from whom you can get a discount on services.

So how do you “properly be friends” with a client?

To succeed it is necessary to understand that friendship between the master and the client cannot exist . Of course, it is necessary to build positive, long-term and mutually respectful relationships, because this will help make the client more receptive to the specialist’s opinion. Therefore, when establishing communication, it is important to see the line after which trust develops into familiarity.

The first thing you need to realize is: friendship is not a panacea . This becomes clear if you start to draw parallels between a client-friend and a rare visitor. That is, the master subconsciously adjusts himself to the fact that communicating with someone he knows will certainly be better than with someone who came for the first time. This kind of behavior needs to be stopped at the root. A master cannot be friends with everyone, which means he must learn to find an approach to all his visitors.

When starting to communicate with a client, try to determine who is in front of you. This means that it is necessary to evaluate a person’s behavior and, based on this, choose an appropriate communication style. This will be enough to build effective communication within business relationships.

Psychologists identify several types of clients, each of which has its own characteristics and responds to a specific approach:

  1. “Bird-talker” - prefers to talk rather than listen. Does not need confirmation of his own thoughts, asking rhetorical questions more often. Such a visitor will appreciate your tactful comments on the matter and high-quality work.
  2. “Educator” - likes to give recommendations and comments even regarding the work of a professional, considers himself right in any matter. It is not easy to communicate with this type of person, because any attempt to enter into a discussion will cause aggression. However, it is the “Educators” who are most susceptible to flattery. Use this method to leave a positive impression.
  3. “Child” - loves to listen to advice and ask questions. If a client “Child” comes to you, you can safely recommend new procedures and services to him. A representative of this type will definitely listen to your words and appreciate your caring attitude.
  4. “Erudite” - loves to feel like a professional. Asks questions regarding your actions. At the same time, he is an innovator and is ready to try unfamiliar procedures. To interest Erudite, comment on all stages of the procedure.

Having decided on a behavior style, don't forget to keep your distance . Keep in mind that this is work, not a friendly meeting. As soon as you notice that a person is crossing the line and taking conversations into the personal sphere, immediately try to tactfully stop it. You must understand that work is a place for business communication, discussing topics of beauty and nail service, that is, what you are an expert in. In addition, excessive talkativeness can negatively affect the quality of work, which the client will not ignore. When entering into a dialogue with a client, whenever possible, discuss what you are doing.

You can comment on the stages of the procedure, discuss the history of nail modeling, and the characteristics of the drugs that are used. Never tell ambiguous stories and avoid topics such as politics, religion, finances, and personal relationships. You can ask the client’s preferences in music, cinema, fashion.

Creating an image of a professional is a sure way to becoming popular with clients. It can be built through the practice of consulting and diagnosing visitors. That is, the master must resolve issues regarding the nail service, and not the client’s personal life. When a person sees that, thanks to the recommendations and procedures of a specialist, many problems have been solved, he trusts the professional and is ready to pay for his services in full. Thus, the master will never miss a profit.

Regular visitors really appreciate the attentive attitude of the master. For example, if at a previous session the client talked about the project he is leading, then at the next meeting it would not be a bad idea to inquire about the state of affairs. In order not to forget about important details, we recommend creating individual visitor cards and marking them necessary information about the condition of your nails, your favorite colors and coatings, as well as some additional information. This approach will only help you remember important points, which will characterize you as a professional.

To summarize, there cannot be friendship as such between a master and a client. This should be a business relationship built on mutual respect, trust and professional service. To be in demand and receive good reviews, a nail specialist should be friendly and polite with all visitors, because every person will appreciate a friendly attitude.