Funny ditties about teachers on March 8th.

I would like to congratulate the teachers, teacher and class teacher somehow unusual. New funny school ditties are perfect for this. The ditties that were composed for you can be used to congratulate teachers at school at that festive matinee or party that you organize for teachers on March 8th. These ditties will fit perfectly into the scenario of the school holiday on March 8th. Be sure to make this holiday original for your teachers! Use all your imagination, and your teachers will definitely appreciate your efforts and talents.

Ditties on March 8 for teachers from students

It's a holiday in our school today

Women's Day! Flowers and laughter!

To all teachers at once

Let's say: you are the most beautiful of all!

Ditties for March 8 to the school principal from students

And we'll sing to the director

We have a separate verse.

So that at school this afternoon

Rule of fun!

Let the director be our favorite

He will forgive us for our pranks

And on the eighth of March - past

Let the stern look fall away!

So that a smile illuminates

She has a beautiful face!

Every day we repeat:

Our director is golden!

Ditties for March 8th for the class teacher

Like our cool mom

We've got a lot to do?

We promise on a glorious holiday -

We will listen all year!

Ditties on March 8 for the teacher from the students

On the eighth, yes on March,

Let's say to all teachers:

Let's be quiet at our desks,

so that you are not ashamed!

No to chatty students!

No - to pugnacious boys!

We promise to learn!

Yes to fives! No - kolam!

Ivanov is not at school again?

Where is Petya Ivanov?

He ran away from class to the field -

Bring flowers to school!

Where is Sidorova Dasha? –

Here he runs without feeling his feet!

For our teacher

I made a pie!

On this holiday the most glorious

We'll sing another verse

And give it to a cool mom

The most fabulous bouquet!

We sang ditties for you

How they did it - from the heart.

So that you don't get sick a bit

Now we hasten to wish!

Helpful tip: No holiday is complete without gifts. And especially such a holiday as March 8th. It is not always possible to give a gift yourself. Don't be upset, gift delivery will always come to the rescue. You only need to choose a gift, pay for it and indicate the address where your gift will be delivered, and a sensitive delivery service will deliver your gift on time!

Did you like our March 8 ditties for teachers? Share these fun school ditties with your friends! Tell us about them on your pages on the Internet. Just don’t forget to put an active link to this page.

Women's Day is coming soon, March 8, on which not only men congratulate their beloved women and colleagues, but also boys congratulate their classmates on this spring holiday.

On March 8, it is customary at school not only to give gifts to classmates, but also to organize some kind of performance for the girls: read poetry, play funny scenes, sing songs and perform ditties.

catchy and funny - this is always a good congratulation on Women's Day.

We're groovy guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations, girls,
Happy Women's Spring Day!

We sit in class
And we look at the girls:
And beautiful and smart -
It's simply not better to find.

There is a magazine on the table,
Well, it has A's.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

You're lucky girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you -
The most beautiful.

Why are we all dancing here?
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

Everything around is noisy, singing,
Women's holiday is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give to girls.

There is a nice day in March
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our little ones,
We won't offend you!

The first grass in the yard
Spring, sun and warmth.
On this day - March 8
Everyone's soul is light.

Despite the cold,
Severe frosts.
Brought to school by boys
Delicate mimosas.

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

May this day bring smiles
Everyone around is happy.
We are for our girls -
Reliable, loyal friend.

March 8 – glorious holiday,
Everyone has known about this for a long time.
And the boys in our class
The girls are given flowers.

We wish the girls
Always be near us.
Let me write off a test
At least sometimes.

On the best spring day in the world
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
You girls are in the mood.
You are doing well with us!

On this day March 8
We wish the girls
So that everything is great,
It will happen, we know for sure.

On a bright day, March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not have you,
Tease, tug and push!

The class is bathed in smiles,
And in gifts and flowers!
The girls didn’t dream about it,
Even in the most vivid dreams!

We glorify girls
Both with and without freckles.
Let the sun smile on them
More often from blue skies!

We won't hide it from the girls
Let's tell them straight away:
Before your beauty
Melting like a snowman!

We sang ditties for you,
Everyone they wanted.
Like it, don't like it,
It's time for us to take our leave!

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we are ditties for you
Let's sing it very loud!

There are girls in our class -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Love this!

You are always beautiful:
Ponytails, braids.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How does change come
We love to play with you:
We run away as much as we can,
So that they can catch up with us!

You dance, you sing,
Love to read books.
Don't forget those in class
At least give us some advice!

We promise you today
Give compliments.
And you will grow up a little,
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
We will boldly defend!

Ditties on March 8th for beloved mothers and grandmothers from school children or kindergarten. 25 naughty little ditties for the most precious women in the world!

Ditties for March 8th for mothers and grandmothers

1. I bring flowers to mommy,
And candy for grandma.
So that you may rejoice,
They could treat me!

2. I’ll hug my mom tightly,
I love her very much.
And I love grandma
She always forgives everything.

3. My mommy can’t sleep,
My mother is a craftswoman.
Sewing and knitting and cooking,
And he even drives a car!

4. I’ll tell grandma a secret:
There is no kinder woman in the world,
That's why they adore
All children are their grandmothers!

5. My mother and grandmother,
The most beloved!
Today you are simply class,
The most beautiful!

Ditties for March 8th for mom

6. I am for my mom
Brought friends to visit
Sparrow and hamster,
And a shaggy puppy!

7. Mom is baking a cake today,
I walk from room to room.
I probably can't wait
I'm going crazy from the smell!

8. I help my dear mother,
I clean everything at home.
I even cleaned the room
So that mom can rest!

9. On March 8th for mom
I'll give you a balloon
For mom to fly
To look at the countries!

10. My mommy in the world
The most beautiful
Beauty Queen
You are my favorite!

Ditties for March 8th for mommy

11. I will give a gift,
Made by hand
The best on earth
And to my beloved mother!

12. My mother is the best
Kind and brave
I follow her example
I will grow up skillful.

14. I tried all day,
I was cleaning the house,
Well, mommy, get some sleep,
You're so tired!

15. The most best friend in the world -
This is our mother!
And he will help and advise
It's all free!

Ditties for March 8th for grandmothers

16. I am for my grandmother
I've been drawing all day
Cake, picture, plane,
And it turned out to be a hippopotamus!

17. I hug my granny
I know all her wrinkles
If he smiles
Everything is already forgiven for me!

18. Grandmother, grandmother,
Stay close to me!
Sing me your song
I love her very much!

19. Grandma tells me bedtime stories
Will definitely tell you
I'm from grandma's caress
I'm falling asleep sweetly!

20. Pies, cheesecakes,
All the old ladies bake.
And my granny
He bakes buns with poppy seeds!

Ditties on March 8th for grandma

21. Grandmother, beloved,
The most beautiful.
Kind at heart, like a fairy,
Hug me quickly.

22. Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
We say thank you.
We don’t know how to live without you,
But sometimes we get upset.

23. I’ll tell my grandmother a ditty
I'll sing a beautiful song,
Be healthy, honey,
Be always happy.

24. Grandma is looking for glasses,
I went around the whole apartment.
Her granddaughter's naughty
They hid it so she wouldn't leave.

25. Who puts out the dough in the morning?
Well, of course grandma
So that we eat for breakfast
Delicious pancakes!

Scene "Three Mothers"

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs. There is a doll on one of the chairs. On the table there is a tablecloth, a dish with four cheesecakes, a samovar, mugs, and saucers.

Tanyusha came home from school one day

She lowered the heavy briefcase.

She sat quietly at the table

And the doll Manyasha asked:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter? How's your day, fidget?

You're probably quite tired of waiting for me?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

Walking without a hat? You'll get a belt.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Eat everything, get better while you're young.

For dessert there will be cheesecake!


Tired mom came home from work

And she asked her daughter Tanya:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair next to Tanya.


Hello dear! How are you, daughter?

What's in school diary got it?

Perhaps you were walking in the garden again?

Do you have to walk through puddles?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

And so on endlessly, every day!

Oh, these daughters are just a disaster,

Let's go to lunch, spinner!

Granny has already called us twice,

For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Grandma, my mother’s mother, came in here

And I asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?

Tired, probably, for a day?

Just half a minute to rest,

The profession of a doctor is very difficult,

But my daughter needs you at home healthy.

You can't go all day without lunch.

You know it yourself, you fidget.

Oh, these daughters are just a disaster.

Soon it will be as bad as a match.

Let's have lunch, spinner!

For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Everyone eats cheesecakes and drinks tea.


Three mothers are sitting in the kitchen having tea,

They look at their daughters with love and affection.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Scene "Mom's Day"

The son hums while sweeping the floor. Mom comes into the room with huge bags. She looks around in surprise and sits down in fear. Son, what happened? Did you get a D? - Why did you decide that? - Well, then why did you suddenly start cleaning? - There was just trash on the floor, so I decided to sweep it up! Mom touches the shelf and clutches her heart: You wiped off the dust too! Am I really being called to the director again? - No, I just decided to help you, so I wiped the dust everywhere! - Everywhere??? - Mom loses consciousness. Her son brings her a glass of water. Mom drinks with her teeth chattering. Perhaps you were expelled from school? Why does it smell so good? - We haven’t ruled it out at all. And it smells fried potatoes I have prepared it for you. You're probably tired! Mom falls from her chair and shouts: Doctor! Quickly! Apparently you were registered in the children's room!

The son goes to the phone, dials the number and mutters: Didn’t you say that nothing good will come out of this mom’s day? Ambulance? Take on the challenge! Yes, mom too! Also with a seizure!

Mom carefully raises her head: So this is all just a gift? the son nods. - For Mother's Day? Will everything be the same tomorrow? - Well, of course, mommy! I promise! The son kisses his mother on the cheek, they hold hands and walk into the kitchen. The son is carrying bags.

1. I bring flowers to mommy,
And candy for grandma.
So that you may rejoice,
They could treat me!

2. I’ll hug my mom tightly,
I love her very much.
And I love grandma
She always forgives everything.

3. My mommy can’t sleep,
My mother is a craftswoman.
Sewing and knitting and cooking,
And he even drives a car!

4. I’ll tell grandma a secret:
There is no kinder woman in the world,
That's why they adore
All children are their grandmothers!

5. My mother and grandmother,
The most beloved!
Today you are simply class,
The most beautiful!

6. I am for my mom
Brought friends to visit
Sparrow and hamster,
And a shaggy puppy!

7. Mom is baking a cake today,
I walk from room to room.
I probably can't wait
I'm going crazy from the smell!

8. I help my dear mother,
I clean everything at home.
I even cleaned the room
So that mom can rest!

9. On March 8th for mom
I'll give you a balloon
For mom to fly
To look at the countries!

10. My mommy in the world
The most beautiful
Beauty Queen
You are my favorite!

11. I will give a gift,
Made by hand
The best on earth
And to my beloved mother!

12. My mother is the best
Kind and brave
I follow her example
I will grow up skillful.

14. I tried all day,
I was cleaning the house,
Well, mommy, get some sleep,
You're so tired!

15. The best friend in the world -
This is our mother!
And he will help and advise
It's all free!

16. I am for my grandmother
I've been drawing all day
Cake, picture, plane,
And it turned out to be a hippopotamus!

17. I hug my granny
I know all her wrinkles
If he smiles
Everything is already forgiven for me!

18. Grandmother, grandmother,
Stay close to me!
Sing me your song
I love her very much!

19. Grandma tells me bedtime stories
Will definitely tell you
I'm from grandma's caress
I'm falling asleep sweetly!

20. Pies, cheesecakes,
All the old ladies bake.
And my granny
He bakes buns with poppy seeds!

21. Grandmother, beloved,
The most beautiful.
Kind at heart, like a fairy,
Hug me quickly.

22. Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
We say thank you.
We don’t know how to live without you,
But sometimes we get upset.

23. I’ll tell my grandmother a ditty
I'll sing a beautiful song,
Be healthy, honey,
Be always happy.

24. Grandma is looking for glasses,
I went around the whole apartment.
Her granddaughter's naughty
They hid it so she wouldn't leave.

25. Who puts out the dough in the morning?
Well, of course grandma
So that we eat for breakfast
Delicious pancakes!

There is a bright holiday at our school
The long-awaited Women's Day.
And congratulate the teachers
We, friends, are not lazy at all.

We need to start now
Celebrate Women's Day together,
We have time to congratulate everyone
And sing ditties for the ladies!

We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

Sing ditties to our ladies -
To the best teachers,
Smart and attentive
And super charming!

We read poems to you,
Let's sing good songs.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy March 8, Women's Day!

On a wonderful and spring day
Dear teachers
We'll lift your spirits
We send our best wishes to you.

You are not just teachers,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Only a smooth road for you
And live up to a hundred years!

Prepared for you
A surprise, no doubt.
And let at school on this day
Fun reigns.

On this day March 8
Let's tell all the teachers.
You don't need to be excited
You dedicated your life to us.

And therefore, dear ones,
We want to wish you.
Know no sorrows from now on,
Never lose heart.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he's not swearing.

To the school director

There is perhaps no more difficult share,
What is it like to be a director at school?
Your fate, oh, is difficult -
You are one for us all!

Our director is all about business,
It's not easy to run a school,
These are not ditties for you
Perform at a concert!

Ditties for the chemistry teacher

We put something in the flasks,
Almost half the school was blown up,
Invented active
We are a reactive mixture!

periodic table
We often dream at night,
If necessary - ain moment,
Let's remember each element!

We study acids.
Everyone went on break.
I don’t know what I added to what,
But there was a terrible explosion!

Biology teacher

About natural selection
We'll keep the conversation going
With what "kind" and "class" mean,
You introduced us!

Anatomy, science,–
Just for fun:
We treated the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

We are in biology
Learned a lot
From call to call
We study DNA.

I couldn't learn
Natural science again.
Where can I get a skeleton?
To complete the task?

Geography teachers

We love to learn from you,
We know the capitals of all countries,
We study not in vain
Mountains, rivers and seas!

We certainly wish
So that the sea is up to your knees,
Shoulder-deep, so without a doubt,
There were all the mountains in the world!

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You'll mix it up a little
A crocodile might eat it.

I want to go on vacation
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day now
Science Geography!

Chatushki for the teacher of Russian language and literature

We have a passion for Russian,
We read our classics,
We learn the rules together
Everyone needs to know Russian!

This is the subject of literature,
To understand its meaning,
We need it in the library
Take a book every day!

We are in Russian
Yesterday we wrote a dictation,
And today the whole lesson
Bugs have been corrected!

We were in physics
And we looked at the textbooks...
What do they write in this book?
We don't understand those secrets!

Math teacher

Math is hard -
Everyone knows her.
Let's think and guess
How can we solve problems?

We can do all the tasks:
And we divide and multiply,
We will add a poem to the bouquet,
And we congratulate you on spring!

To the life safety teacher

We studied life safety
We are from A to Z already,
Our children know for sure -
The nail should not be put into sockets,

They know how to behave
How to grow healthy
Where to cross the road
How to deal with fire!

We will wink at you together -
Let all evil burn with fire,
So that you live safely,
Well, it’s great to celebrate March!

Physical education teacher

Wider stride, straighter back -
This is how we warm up
We don't mess around a bit,
So, let's exercise as it should!

We radiate strength and agility,
Let's pump up the abdominal muscles,
We always look up to you
And we are changing for the better!

We wish you not to let us down -
Meet March in great shape,
Be cheerful and active
And super athletic!

To the singing teacher

No more patience
At a singing lesson
Give me the accordion,
I'll play it myself now!

For a teacher at work

I'm not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!

All the girls are at work
They embroider together.
Well, what about the poor boys?
They carry heavy things.

At a labor lesson
Everyone took a broom with them,
Everyone went out to the school yard,
Sweep away unnecessary rubbish.

Physics teacher

I know the laws of physics -
I'll tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

We were in physics
And we looked at the textbooks...
What do they write in this book?
We don't understand those secrets!

Ditties for the computer science teacher

My favorite lesson -
This is computer science
We go through the lesson
Game practice!

The teacher teaches us everything,
Having found out about the new products,
Our computer scientist, he is the best,
Let's be honest, no praise.

Computer Science subject
We need
Is there internet in the classroom?
And the teacher is wonderful!

Well, why do you need a notebook?
Why grammar?
Word rules everything for us again
Computer science rules!!!

In the world of new technologies
Computer Science subject
There are no secrets for us in it.

And our teacher is an example
And we wish him
Masses of innovations and discoveries,
Happiness, joy, love.

To the history teacher

Let's go to history -
Everything is shaking for the boys,
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

English teacher

In English
I forgot my native speech
And in Russian your name
I couldn't read it!

This women's holiday glorious,
We'll sing a verse again
And give it to a cool mom
Delightful bouquet!
(S. Pavlova)

You, our teachers,
In the world everyone is smarter and more beautiful,
With ardor, feeling and excitement
Happy March to all of you!

All the flowers in our city
They sell out quickly.
Everything is clear. Women's holiday
Coming soon.

Under the spring sound of drops
We sang ditties for you,
They tried to surprise you,
Pay attention to everyone!

We sang ditties for you,
Everyone they wanted.
Like it, don't like it,
It's time for us to take our leave!