Happy birthday to Sagittarius. Cool congratulations to Sagittarius

Sagittarius, symbol zodiac sign which is a centaur looking into the distance, aiming an arrow at the unknown, belongs to the element of fire, although it unites people under its protection, born in winter, at the end of the year. Namely - from November 22 to December 21. Sagittarians are calm and thoughtful natures, devoid of hypocrisy. They often become everyone’s favorites and idols, perhaps also because they consider it completely unnecessary to comply with generally accepted rules and restrictions. However, with all this, any Sagittarius on his birthday will be pleased to receive warm and sincere congratulations from among those that are on our website.

Sagittarius loves to argue with you,
But don't argue with Sagittarius!
They have at a crucial moment
There is always a compelling argument!
Sagittarius succeeds everywhere,
He knows exactly what he wants,
So we wish that Sagittarius
The success was just right!

Sagittarius's destiny is to wander around the world,
Carrying the crown of fate,
And since the world has no end -
Sagittarius will not calm down!
And in this, really, well done!
Should he look at things gloomily?
And many ardent hearts
Having pierced through cupid's arrow,
Boiling, boiling nature,
Unravel all the shackles,
Aim for luck without squinting
And hitting right on target!

According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
This sign of despondency cannot stand
And he gives surprises to everyone,
Our tireless fighter!
Philosopher and adventurer
Sometimes a technical worker
I suspect even the carpenter
Well, at heart, he is always an artist!
The ladies are ready to catch your gaze,
And you, imposingly and slightly,
You will touch me carelessly with a word,
Hitting the hearts for sure!

My eyes won't lie to you -
I dream about meeting you.
And to you, lovely Robin Hood,
I'm putting my heart on the line without a fight!
I will give everything for this moment.
Intoxicated with the hope of happiness,
Pierced by an arrow,
I fall at your feet.

Sometimes I want to admit
What is better than not knowing the truth.
But Sagittarius will open it for you,
Everything will be explained slowly,
And a kiss will calm you down,
If your soul hurts.
Sagittarius jokes and laughs.
Always smile with desire.
No one sees her in tears,
But she cries if someone offends!
The passion for travel is ineradicable,
Sentimental, playful,
Loved by children and grandchildren,
Optimistic and beautiful!
Paradoxically, but younger
Becomes from year to year,
He's also getting younger at heart
And he sings new songs!

Philosophizing is a master,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.

When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
It will interrupt your singing.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

I wish Sagittarius to be accurate,
To achieve your success
And try to shoot
More blue bird happiness.
Let the hand be precise
Shooting an arrow of love into the heart,
And then for sure you
They won't get you caught for poaching!

We congratulate Sagittarius! In a skirt
She is precise, direct, strong!
What eyes, cheeks, lips
The family is proud and the country is proud!
You're a sharp sniper, don't miss it
The quiver became empty before the holiday:
After all, it struck us all in the heart
You are the acuteness of great feelings!
There is no falsehood in words and looks,
Younger and more beautiful in the world - no
Be the same for a hundred years and beyond
Bring your warmth and light!!!

If you are a Sagittarius, then be accurate,
And sharpened the arrow of love,
Be able to be precise when choosing,
Your only one:
With whom always and everywhere
You can get through life,
With which trouble and happiness -
You will divide in life's journey.

Happy birthday to Sagittarius
Always be so cool and cheerful
Being cheerful suits you
And an optimist, a perky joker.
Let everything be smooth in matters of the soul,
Let your arrows hit the target,
May you have luck and good luck
They open the door to their world more often.

Congratulations to Sagittarius!
Even now it doesn’t matter to us -
Well done! Is it a young man, a father? -
You walk the earth bravely.
Our beloved pilgrim -
Wise, passionate and broad-shouldered,
You are in business - tireless
And a pure, beautiful soul!
We wish you well-aimed arrows,
The strings are elastic in the bow!
Life - the one you wanted:
Without sadness and separation!

Ah, this Sagittarius woman! Where does the waywardness end?
Always frolics like a child, mischievous like a kitten!
All she could do was jump and gallop, and reach the heavens with her hand!

It’s unlikely to break her, she’ll easily drive men crazy,
He will not stop at small things, he will lead everyone to the ideal!
He will not tolerate reins or chains, he will be able to punish severely,
This is the law in the blood: to win everywhere and everywhere!

Passion rages in her mixed with innocent purity of soul!
And he knows for sure: if you fall in love, don’t rush into the pool!
Happy Birthday to the unique you,
We wish to burn like our torch, but never to burn to the ground!

Sagittarius loves to argue with you,
But don't argue with Sagittarius!
They have at a crucial moment
There is always a compelling argument!
Sagittarius succeeds everywhere,
He knows exactly what he wants.
So we wish that Sagittarius
The success was just right!

You hit the target without missing a beat,
Always neat and on task.
Born in mid-December
Jupiter rules the roost for you.
In your eyes is a source of strength,
You are amazing, beautiful.
I wish you fiery love,
May you live happy and healthy.

I want to congratulate you
My Sagittarius woman!
And I also want to add:
You are worthy of all hearts.
Happy Birthday!
May it always, in everything, everywhere
There will be joy and fun,
And good luck will be with you!

We congratulate Sagittarius! In a skirt -
She is precise, direct, strong!
What eyes, cheeks, lips -
The family is proud and the country is proud!
You are an accurate sniper, don’t mess up...
The quiver became empty before the holiday:
After all, it struck us all in the heart
You are the acuteness of great feelings!
There is no falsehood in words and looks,
There is no younger and more beautiful person in the world...
Be the same for a hundred years and beyond
Bring your warmth and light!

Do you strive for high goals?

Sagittarius is always honest.

To charge everyone with optimism,
And he was as cheerful as a cucumber!

The ladies are ready to catch your gaze,
And you, imposingly and slightly,
You will touch me carelessly with a word,
Hitting the hearts for sure!
Just one more glance, and that's it, it's over!
According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
And you are destined from birth
Smite without regret!

We wish Sagittarius to be accurate,
To achieve your success
And try to shoot
More blue bird happiness.
Let the hand be precise
Shooting an arrow of love into the heart,
And then for sure you
They won't get you caught for poaching!

You are resilient, our Sagittarius,
Optimist and well done,
You're always ready to fight
May you always be lucky!

The brilliance of the mind, the warmth of the soul,
But carelessness happens
Sincerity lives in you,
That is why the soul sings!

Happy birthday,
We wish you happiness and joy,
And big- great love,

Do you strive for high goals?
Jupiter has endowed you with a fiery temperament
Loyalty, strength, nobility,
Sagittarius is always honest.
We want you to always be near
From Happy Birthday, our Sagittarius,
To charge everyone with optimism,
And he was as cheerful as a cucumber!

You were born as a fighter
Under the constellation Sagittarius.
We bring you a casket
It contains all our wishes:
A world of pure kindness,
Heart full of love
Life of crazy beauty
Fulfillment of desires.

Hearts beat a little faster -
We congratulate Sagittarius today!
What kind of best friend can you look for!
Let him like to soar in the clouds.
What can you do, such a dreamer!
But he also has a broad outlook!

Sagittarius can tell you a lot,
Philosophize like a sage.
And he is strong not only in reasoning:
Sagittarius is endowed with a creative streak,
Ready to work with enthusiasm,
Proving to everyone that he is not an empty talker!

Who among us is not big enough to dream?
True, Sagittarius will give you a hundred points ahead!
A wanderer at heart! If in life he could
It’s so expensive to walk as much as you dreamed of?!
We are glad that at least on Sagittarius’ birthday
At home they found “the messenger for happiness”!

Do people run from here for happiness?
It's so comfortable here, homely,
A table with treats and, finally,
So many hearts burning with love!
Stop, look around, take your time...
Let us congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May all your dreams come true,
But don't lose your guiding star!
Having met good people on the road,
Don't forget about old friends!

You are an adventurer and a romantic,
You are a husband and a loving father.
Today we will celebrate your holiday,
Oh, dear Sagittarius!
I wish you faith, optimism,
Shoot through life strictly at the target.
And so that the spirit of adventure
In the heat it would reign even in a snowstorm!

Let's throw a great party
For the glory of our Sagittarius,
To enliven hearts.
Sagittarius, where is the mug in the house?
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer,
Let's light a candle in a candlestick
And congratulations to Sagittarius
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Uneven hour, on your birthday
Again he will be drawn to the land of miracles -
Will leave the house without regret.
We will make him comfortable
Possibility of good communication,
And our Sagittarius on his birthday
He will find shelter among friends.
Let's set the table. Sagittarius Gourmet
Can't resist the treat
And it will be the best entertainment
The warmth of a heart-to-heart conversation.

No wonder this sign is legally yours.
Sagittarius is a very noble nature.
You show yourself as a hero,
You are very careful in every matter.
We wish you the strength to realize
All the most wonderful wishes,
Live with dignity and love joyfully,
IN huge world, full of understanding.

He was taught by his grandfather and great-grandfather:
Aiming is a waste of time.
He will take out the bow and load it
With your magic arrow,
That the target will find it on its own, blindly,
After all, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
But he himself will be wounded in the heart
Supermodel in a restaurant.
He only looks into her eyes,
And then everything goes by itself...
What if he meets someone else?
Well, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
There are, however, many Sagittarius people in the world;
And not everyone has the same path:
It happens that the hand trembles,
Then consider it the end of Sagittarius -
Fortune will not smile.
But it will never miss
Our birthday boy, our Sagittarius.

You are true to honor, you are brave.
You are very strong and fearless.
Born under the sign of Sagittarius -
A true fighter in life!
Have luck in everything you do
And hit the target with an arrow!
Strive for great, priceless love,
You are in an extraordinary life.

The stars awarded you with a fiery sign - Sagittarius,
You are a romantic at heart, but with the character of a fighter,
Never lose heart, have fun from the heart,
Please accept our congratulations on your birthday on this day!
We want to wish you good luck, a lot of joy, love
Never be sad, be cheerful and simple
Let Sagittarius's arrows only hit the target,
But for this, be wise, patient and just believe!

My eyes won't lie to you -
I dream about meeting you.
And to you, lovely Robin Hood,
I'm putting my heart on the line without a fight!
I will give everything for this moment.
Intoxicated with the hope of happiness,
Pierced by an arrow,
I fall at your feet.

Was once born
You are under the constellation Sagittarius.
With a targeted arrow
You are flying through a difficult life.
Today you are a year older,
So may you always be lucky
In love, in work and in family.
And always be on top!

Sagittarius is very sincere,
And in life - well done,
You are smart and fair,
You love work and are not lazy!

You carry the sign of fire within yourself,
Everything always burns in you!
You're too impulsive
Not passive, but active!

May luck be with you
Happiness leads
On this joyful day
We give this poem as a gift!

May November end
Rain outside and mud -
But in spite of this weather
You were born today.
Snowstorms are coming soon
Sweep the earth quickly -
You are like the sun, indeed.
It's warmer next to you.
What do you wish? Certainly,
I still have a hundred friends to find,
To be loved endlessly
And bloom for everyone’s joy.

When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
It will interrupt your singing.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

Extremely cheerful
Classic Sagittarius,
He knows a lot about all joys -
He's a specialist in this matter!
May your Jupiter faithfully
Always guides you
To heights unknown
On a fast journey!

When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
It will interrupt your singing.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

Sagittarius's destiny is to wander around the world,
Carrying the crown of fate,
And since the world has no end -
Sagittarius will not calm down!
And in this, really, well done!
Should he look at things gloomily?
And many ardent hearts
Having pierced through cupid's arrow,
Boiling, boiling nature,
Unravel all the shackles,
Aim for luck without squinting
And hitting right on target!

According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
This sign of despondency cannot stand
And he gives surprises to everyone,
Our tireless fighter!
Philosopher and adventurer
Sometimes a technical worker
I suspect even the carpenter
Well, at heart, he is always an artist!

Sometimes I want to admit
What is better is not to know the truth.
But Sagittarius will open it for you,
Everything will be explained slowly,
And a kiss will calm you down,
If your soul hurts.
Sagittarius jokes and laughs.
Always smile with desire.
No one sees her in tears,
But she cries if someone offends!
The passion for travel is ineradicable,
Sentimental, playful,
Loved by children and grandchildren,
Optimistic and beautiful!
Paradoxically, but younger
Becomes from year to year,
He's also getting younger at heart
And he sings new songs!

A master at philosophizing,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, or without a horse,
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

See also:
Anna Akhmatova poetry
happy birthday poems
Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
Comic poems about builders
Love SMS
Congratulations to the dentist
-Funny toasts
-Best toasts
Happy birthday to the doctor
Russian poems

Hey, Sagittarius traveler! Having returned from distant wanderings - albeit through the nooks and crannies of the soul - are you ready to accept congratulations on your birthday? Congratulations! With your clear mind, you are capable of great achievements not only for the benefit of us, your friends, but show your persistence and courage in business!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
Always strive high
This is Jupiter's great gift.
And nobility without borders
Jupiter also gave Sagittarius.

Happy birthday to Sagittarius
Sometimes I want to admit
What is better than not knowing the truth.
But Sagittarius will open it for you,
Everything will be explained slowly,
And a kiss will calm you down,
If your soul hurts.
Sagittarius jokes and laughs.
Always smile with desire.
No one sees her in tears,
But she cries if someone offends!
The passion for travel is ineradicable,
Sentimental, playful,
Loved by children and grandchildren,
Optimistic and beautiful!
Paradoxically, but younger
Becomes from year to year,
He's also getting younger at heart
And he sings new songs!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
He was taught by his grandfather and great-grandfather:
Aiming is a waste of time.
He will take out the bow and load it
With your magic arrow,
That the target will find it on its own, blindly,
After all, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
But he himself will be wounded in the heart
Supermodel in a restaurant.
He only looks into her eyes,
And then everything goes by itself...
What if he meets someone else?
Well, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
There are, however, many Sagittarius people in the world;
And not everyone has the same path:
It happens that the hand trembles,
Then consider it the end of Sagittarius -
Fortune will not smile.
But it will never miss
Our birthday boy, our Sagittarius.

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
Philosophizing is a master,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
Will interrupt your tunes.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
My eyes won't lie to you -
I dream about meeting you.
And to you, lovely Robin Hood,
I'm putting my heart on the line without a fight!
I will give everything for this moment.
Intoxicated with the hope of happiness,
Pierced by an arrow,
I fall at your feet.

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
Hey, Sagittarius traveler!
Having returned from distant wanderings - albeit through the nooks and crannies of the soul - are you ready to accept congratulations on your birthday? Congratulations! With your clear mind, you are capable of great achievements not only for the benefit of us, your friends, but show your persistence and courage in business!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
We congratulate Sagittarius! In a skirt -
She is precise, direct, strong!
What eyes, cheeks, lips -
The family is proud and the country is proud!
You're a sharp sniper, don't mess up...
The quiver became empty before the holiday:
After all, it struck us all in the heart
You are the acuteness of great feelings!
There is no falsehood in words and looks,
There is no younger and more beautiful person in the world...
Be the same for a hundred years and beyond
Bring your warmth and light!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
Let's throw a great party
For the glory of our Sagittarius,
To enliven hearts.
Sagittarius, where is the mug in the house?
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer,
Let's light a candle in a candlestick
And congratulations to Sagittarius
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Uneven hour, on your birthday
Again he will be drawn to the land of miracles -
Will leave the house without regret.
We will make him comfortable
Possibility of good communication,
And our Sagittarius on his birthday
He will find shelter among friends.
Let's set the table. Sagittarius Gourmet
Can't resist the treat
And it will be the best entertainment
The warmth of a heart-to-heart conversation.
A master at philosophizing,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

Congratulations according to the zodiac signs - Sagittarius
Here Sagittarius goes to battle -
Be yourself, Sagittarius!
Straight and honest as an arrow
But the arrow is sharp and evil...
There are at least a lot of arrows in the quiver,
I didn’t have time to let everyone out!
And there are - well done! -
The arrow is back!
And with your own arrow
You, Sagittarius, are pierced at times!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
This sign of despondency cannot stand
And he gives surprises to everyone,
Our tireless fighter!
Philosopher and adventurer
Sometimes a technical worker
I suspect even the carpenter
Well, at heart, he is always an artist!

Congratulations to the Sagittarius
Congratulations to Sagittarius!
Even now it doesn’t matter to us -
Well done! Is it a young man, a father? -
You walk the earth bravely.
Our beloved pilgrim -
Wise, passionate and broad-shouldered,
You are in business - tireless
And a pure, beautiful soul!
We wish you well-aimed arrows,
The strings are elastic in the bow!
Life - the one you wanted:
Without sadness and separation!

According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
This sign of despondency cannot stand
And he gives surprises to everyone,
Our tireless fighter!
Philosopher and adventurer
Sometimes a technical worker
I suspect even the carpenter
Well, at heart, he is always an artist!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Hey, Sagittarius traveler!
Having returned from distant wanderings - albeit through the nooks and crannies of the soul - are you ready to accept congratulations on your birthday? Congratulations! With your clear mind, you are capable of great achievements not only for the benefit of us, your friends, but show your persistence and courage in business!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Let's throw a great party
For the glory of our Sagittarius,
To enliven hearts.
Sagittarius, where is the mug in the house?
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer,
Let's light a candle in a candlestick
And congratulations to Sagittarius
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Uneven hour, on your birthday
Again he will be drawn to the land of miracles -
Will leave the house without regret.
We will make him comfortable
Possibility of good communication,
And our Sagittarius on his birthday
He will find shelter among friends.
Let's set the table. Sagittarius Gourmet
Can't resist the treat
And it will be the best entertainment
The warmth of a heart-to-heart conversation.
A master at philosophizing,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

Happy Birthday Sagittarius
Hearts beat a little faster -
We congratulate Sagittarius today!
What kind of best friend can you look for!
Let him like to soar in the clouds.
What can you do, such a dreamer!
But he also has a broad outlook!

Sagittarius can tell you a lot,
Philosophize like a sage.
And he is strong not only in reasoning:
Sagittarius is endowed with a creative streak,
Ready to work with enthusiasm,
Proving to everyone that he is not an empty talker!

Who among us is not big enough to dream?
True, Sagittarius will give you a hundred points ahead!
A wanderer at heart! If in life he could
It’s so expensive to walk as much as you dreamed of?!
We are glad that at least on Sagittarius’ birthday
At home they found “the messenger for happiness”!

Do people run from here for happiness?
It's so comfortable here, homely,
A table with treats and, finally,
So many hearts burning with love!
Stop, look around, don't rush...
Let us congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May all your dreams come true,
But don't lose your guiding star!
Having met good people on the road,
Don't forget about old friends!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
Will interrupt your tunes.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

cool congratulations to Sagittarius
The hero of the day was born under the constellation Sagittarius. Sagittarius is wise, directed upward, but stands firmly on the ground. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, it is the planet of luck, success, fame, and prosperity. The symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur aiming at the unknown.
Let's wish our "newborn" to hit his target!

My eyes won't lie to you -
I dream about meeting you.
And to you, lovely Robin Hood,
I'm putting my heart on the line without a fight!
I will give everything for this moment.
Intoxicated with the hope of happiness,
Pierced by an arrow,
I fall at your feet.

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

He was taught by his grandfather and great-grandfather:
Aiming is a waste of time.
He will take out the bow and load it
With your magic arrow,
That the target will find it on its own, blindly,
After all, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
But he himself will be wounded in the heart
Supermodel in a restaurant.
He only looks into her eyes,
And then everything goes by itself...
What if he meets someone else?
Well, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
There are, however, many Sagittarius people in the world;
And not everyone has the same path:
It happens that the hand trembles,
Then consider it the end of Sagittarius -
Fortune will not smile.
But it will never miss
Our birthday boy, our Sagittarius.

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Congratulations to Sagittarius!
Even now it doesn’t matter to us -
Well done! Is it a young man, a father? -
You walk the earth bravely.
Our beloved pilgrim -
Wise, passionate and broad-shouldered,
You are in business - tireless
And a pure, beautiful soul!
We wish you well-aimed arrows,
The strings are elastic in the bow!
Life - the one you wanted:
Without sadness and separation!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius's destiny is to wander around the world,
Carrying the crown of fate,
And since the world has no end -
Sagittarius will not calm down!
And in this, really, well done!
Should he look at things gloomily?
And many ardent hearts
Having pierced through cupid's arrow,
Boiling, boiling nature,
Unravel all the shackles,
Aim for luck without squinting
And hitting right on target!

Congratulations to Sagittarius
The ladies are ready to catch your gaze,
And you, imposingly and slightly,
You will touch me carelessly with a word,
Hitting the hearts for sure!
Just one more glance, and that's it, it's over!
According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
And you are destined from birth
Smite without regret!

congratulations to Sagittarius man
Here Sagittarius goes to battle -
Be yourself, Sagittarius!
Straight and honest as an arrow
But the arrow is sharp and evil...
There are at least a lot of arrows in the quiver,
I didn’t have time to let everyone out!
And there are - well done! -
The arrow is back!
And with your own arrow
You, Sagittarius, are pierced at times!

Congratulations according to the zodiac signs - Sagittarius
Philosophizing is a master,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

We congratulate Sagittarius! In a skirt -
She is precise, direct, strong!
What eyes, cheeks, lips -
The family is proud and the country is proud!
You're a sharp sniper, don't mess up...
The quiver became empty before the holiday:
After all, it struck us all in the heart
You are the acuteness of great feelings!
There is no falsehood in words and looks,
There is no younger and more beautiful person in the world...
Be the same for a hundred years and beyond
Bring your warmth and light!

My eyes won't lie to you -
I dream about meeting you.
And to you, lovely Robin Hood,
I'm putting my heart on the line without a fight!
I will give everything for this moment.
Intoxicated with the hope of happiness,
Pierced by an arrow,
I fall at your feet.

cool congratulations to Sagittarius

When at your blind door
Fate will knock
Don't be afraid of losses
And you will raise your bow.
And if fate comes to you
With the face of a desirable maiden,
That arrow of amorous hot years
Will interrupt your tunes.
But your stormy feast is short-lived,
And thirst for change
A new world will give you,
And new laughter, and new captivity...
Live your life radiating joy!
Your horse is dancing under the saddle.
And if you encounter troubles -
Drive them away with your whip!

Let's throw a great party
For the glory of our Sagittarius,
To enliven hearts.
Sagittarius, where is the mug in the house?
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer,
Let's light a candle in a candlestick
And congratulations to Sagittarius
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Uneven hour, on your birthday
Again he will be drawn to the land of miracles -
Will leave the house without regret.
We will make him comfortable
Possibility of good communication,
And our Sagittarius on his birthday
He will find shelter among friends.
Let's set the table. Sagittarius Gourmet
Can't resist the treat
And it will be the best entertainment
The warmth of a heart-to-heart conversation.
A master at philosophizing,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

Congratulations according to the zodiac signs - Sagittarius

He was taught by his grandfather and great-grandfather:
Aiming is a waste of time.
He will take out the bow and load it
With your magic arrow,
That the target will find it on its own, blindly,
After all, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
But he himself will be wounded in the heart
Supermodel in a restaurant.
He only looks into her eyes,
And then everything goes by itself...
What if he meets someone else?
Well, hit any target
Sagittarius is destined by Fate.
There are, however, many Sagittarius people in the world;
And not everyone has the same path:
It happens that the hand trembles,
Then consider it the end of Sagittarius -
Fortune will not smile.
But it will never miss
Our birthday boy, our Sagittarius.

Philosophizing is a master,
He talks with inspiration
And behind the words there is aspiration
Improve your life and make it so
To leave a mark on Earth,
Do not work for your daily bread,
And for the sake of the best share -
Be ahead and on horseback.
This is how our Sagittarius is in love:
Not tempted by a simple partner,
He loves, ardently admiring,
Those who have reached heights in life.
Sagittarius, you are dear to us,
Even if you are on a horse, without a horse, -
Your cleanliness is important to us
And your character is golden.

Congratulations to the Sagittarius

Hearts beat a little faster -
We congratulate Sagittarius today!
What kind of best friend can you look for!
Let him like to soar in the clouds.
What can you do, such a dreamer!
But he also has a broad outlook!

Sagittarius can tell you a lot,
Philosophize like a sage.
And he is strong not only in reasoning:
Sagittarius is endowed with a creative streak,
Ready to work with enthusiasm,
Proving to everyone that he is not an empty talker!

Who among us is not big enough to dream?
True, Sagittarius will give you a hundred points ahead!
A wanderer at heart! If in life he could
It’s so expensive to walk as much as you dreamed of?!
We are glad that at least on Sagittarius’ birthday
At home they found “the messenger for happiness”!

Do people run from here for happiness?
It's so comfortable here, homely,
A table with treats and, finally,
So many hearts burning with love!
Stop, look around, don't rush...
Let us congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May all your dreams come true,
But don't lose your guiding star!
Having met good people on the road,
Don't forget about old friends!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
This sign of despondency cannot stand
And he gives surprises to everyone,
Our tireless fighter!
Philosopher and adventurer
Sometimes a technical worker
I suspect even the carpenter
Well, at heart, he is always an artist!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Sometimes I want to admit
What is better than not knowing the truth.
But Sagittarius will open it for you,
Everything will be explained slowly,
And a kiss will calm you down,
If your soul hurts.
Sagittarius jokes and laughs.
Always smile with desire.
No one sees her in tears,
But she cries if someone offends!
The passion for travel is ineradicable,
Sentimental, playful,
Loved by children and grandchildren,
Optimistic and beautiful!
Paradoxically, but younger
Becomes from year to year,
He's also getting younger at heart
And he sings new songs!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Congratulations to Sagittarius!
Even now it doesn’t matter to us -
Well done! Is it a young man, a father? -
You walk the earth bravely.
Our beloved pilgrim -
Wise, passionate and broad-shouldered,
You are in business - tireless
And a pure, beautiful soul!
We wish you well-aimed arrows,
The strings are elastic in the bow!
Life - the one you wanted:
Without sadness and separation!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

The ladies are ready to catch your gaze,
And you, imposingly and slightly,
You will touch me carelessly with a word,
Hitting the hearts for sure!
Just one more glance, and that's it, it's over!
According to your horoscope, you are Sagittarius.
And you are destined from birth
Smite without regret!

Happy Birthday Sagittarius

We congratulate Sagittarius! In a skirt -
She is precise, direct, strong!
What eyes, cheeks, lips -
The family is proud and the country is proud!
You're a sharp sniper, don't mess up...
The quiver became empty before the holiday:
After all, it struck us all in the heart
You are the acuteness of great feelings!
There is no falsehood in words and looks,
There is no younger and more beautiful person in the world...
Be the same for a hundred years and beyond
Bring your warmth and light!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

The hero of the day was born under the constellation Sagittarius. Sagittarius is wise, directed upward, but stands firmly on the ground. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, it is the planet of luck, success, fame, and prosperity. The symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur aiming at the unknown.
Let's wish our "newborn" to hit his target!

congratulations to the Sagittarius woman

Hey, Sagittarius traveler! Having returned from distant wanderings - albeit through the nooks and crannies of the soul - are you ready to accept congratulations on your birthday? Congratulations! With your clear mind, you are capable of great achievements not only for the benefit of us, your friends, but show your persistence and courage in business!

Happy anniversary to Sagittarius

Here Sagittarius goes to battle -
Be yourself, Sagittarius!
Straight and honest as an arrow
But the arrow is sharp and evil...
There are at least a lot of arrows in the quiver,
I didn’t have time to let everyone out!
And there are - well done! -
The arrow is back!
And with your own arrow
You, Sagittarius, are pierced at times!