How to pin Yandex visual bookmarks. How to install and use Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox? Speed ​​Dial plugin

Visual bookmarks is an extension with which you can go to sites you frequently visit in one click. Bookmarks are saved as thumbnail images and are available when you open a new browser tab. In addition, Visual Bookmarks allow you to:

Add a visual bookmark

By default, the new tab page displays the sites you visit most often. This list is constantly changing.

You can add the sites you need manually, in which case they will always be on the screen. To add a visual bookmark:

    Open a new tab.

    On the right under visual bookmarks, click the button Add a bookmark.

    Enter the website address. You can also select a site from the Popular or Recently visited.

    If you want to change the site name on the widget, click the button Edit description.

Edit list of visual bookmarks

To reposition or edit a bookmark, hover your mouse over the bookmark. In the upper right corner of the bookmark you will see icons that you can use to:

Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark
Unpin bookmark
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position
Edit bookmark
Edit description
Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark The position of your bookmarks changes, as their list is automatically generated from the sites you visit most. To ensure that the bookmark always remains in the same place and does not disappear over time, click the icon.
Unpin bookmark Click the icon. The bookmark may then be replaced over time by a site you visit more often, or moved.
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position Touch and hold a bookmark and drag it to a new location.
Edit bookmark
Change the page the bookmark goes to Click the icon and enter the site address in the window that appears.
Add or edit page title on a bookmark Click the icon, then in the window that appears, click the button Edit description and enter or edit the page title.

Customize Visual Bookmarks

Also on the new tab, you can further customize the extension: change the number of bookmarks and their appearance on the page, as well as select the background and make a backup copy of the bookmarks.

To open the settings menu:

    Open a new tab.

    On the right, under visual bookmarks, click the Settings button.

You can change the following settings:

Number of bookmarks Allows you to increase or decrease the number of displayed bookmarks.
Bookmark type Allows you to change the appearance of visual bookmarks:

    logos and headings;

    logos and screenshots;

    website screenshots.

Change background Changes the background to one of the preset images.
Upload your background Allows you to upload an image from your computer. We recommend choosing an image that is the same size as your screen, such as a desktop wallpaper. If the image is smaller, the browser will stretch it.
Change background every day Enables alternating preset background images.
Extra options
Bookmarks bar Allows you to quickly go to the main page and home page browser, as well as to Yandex services.
Search bar Shows the Yandex search bar in a new tab.
Context Suggestions Allows you to enable or disable contextual advertising on a page with visual bookmarks.
Take into account my location in Yandex services When this option is enabled, services take your location into account. For example, Weather will show the forecast for the location where you are.
Automatically send anonymous statistics Allows sending anonymous statistics to Yandex. This helps make our services better.
Show information panel Enables an information panel in a new tab. The panel displays:
  • location;
  • weather;
  • traffic congestion;
  • Exchange Rates.
Show in a new tab Zen - personal recommendations feed Enables Zen when opening a new tab. The selection of content is based on your interests, search queries and browser history.
Save to file You can save a list of your bookmarks to a file. This will help you avoid losing them if synchronization was not enabled and the browser crashed.
Load from file It will help you transfer your bookmarks from another browser or restore them if a failure occurs or you accidentally deleted them.

Bookmarks are a familiar tool for every browser that allows you to quickly access a site. In turn, visual bookmarks are effective tool transform a blank page Google Chrome, and also conveniently organize the most visited pages. Today we will take a closer look at visual bookmarks from Yandex.

Yandex bookmarks for Google Chrome are some of the best visual bookmarks ever implemented for browsers. They allow you not only to instantly open saved web pages, but also to significantly transform the browser interface.

Visual bookmarks are a browser extension, so we will download them from the Google Chrome add-on store.

To install visual bookmarks from Yandex, you can either immediately go to the download page in your browser using the link at the end of the article, or find them yourself. To do this, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and in the list that appears, go to the item “Additional tools” – “Extensions” .

Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the link "More extensions" .

In the left area of ​​the window, enter in the search bar "Visual bookmarks" and press Enter.

In the block "Extensions" Visual bookmarks from Yandex will be displayed first in the list. Open them.

Click the button in the upper right corner "Install" and wait until the installation of the add-on is completed.

How to use visual bookmarks?

To see visual bookmarks, you need to open a blank tab in Google Chrome. This can be done by clicking on a special button in the upper area of ​​the browser, or using a special keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T .

Visual bookmarks from Yandex will open in a new tab on the screen. By default, they will not display bookmarks saved in the browser, but frequently visited pages.

Now a few words about how to manage bookmarks. To add a new visual bookmark, click the button in the lower right corner "Add bookmark" .

A small window will appear on the screen in which you will need to indicate the address of the page that will be added to the bookmark, or select one of the proposed ones. After entering the page address, all you have to do is press the Enter key, as a result of which the bookmark will appear on the screen.

To delete an unnecessary bookmark, hover your mouse cursor over it. After one second, a small menu will appear in the upper right corner of the bookmark, in which you will need to click the cross icon and then confirm deleting the bookmark.

Sometimes it is not necessary to delete bookmarks at all, but just reassign them. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark to display an additional menu, and then click on the gear icon.

The already familiar window for adding a bookmark will be displayed on the screen, in which you just need to set a new address for the bookmark and save it by pressing the Enter key.

Visual bookmarks can be easily sorted. To do this, simply hold down the bookmark with the left mouse button and move it to the desired area of ​​the screen. Other bookmarks will automatically move apart to make room for the bookmark you are moving. As soon as you release the mouse cursor, it will snap to a new location.

If you don't want some bookmarks to leave their position, you can pin them in the area you set. To do this, hover your mouse over the bookmark to display an additional menu, and then click on the lock icon to move it to the closed position.

Pay attention to the background of the visual bookmarks. If the background installed by the service does not suit you, you can change it. To do this, click on the icon in the lower right corner "Settings" , and then select one of the images offered by Yandex.

Also, if necessary, you can set your own background images. To do this you need to click on the button "Download" , after which you need to select an image stored on your computer.

Visual bookmarks are a simple, convenient and aesthetic way to place all your important bookmarks at hand. After spending no more than 15 minutes on setup, you will feel a huge difference compared to regular bookmarks.

This solution was developed by Yandex, but can be used in any browser, not just the one released by this company. Next we will talk about installing and using them in mozilla firefox.

You can always save a link to the desired page or resource by clicking on the asterisk in the address bar. In Firefox Quantum, links to the most visited sites are displayed on the new page tab, but it is most convenient to use visual bookmarks for this. They have several advantages:

Where to download and how to install the add-on

There are two resources, where you can download visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox: Yandex and browser extension catalog. Next we will talk about where exactly you can find the add-on on each of them.

Page with Yandex Elements

Directory of addons for Mozilla Firefox

  1. In the browser menu, select “Add-ons” (you can also call it by simultaneously pressing the Shift, Ctrl and A keys).
  2. In Firefox Quantum, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue button that says “View more add-ons” (you won’t have to do this in the earlier version of Mozilla). Enter the name of the extension in the search bar and install it following the system prompts.

Adjusting individual icons

After installing the addon, you should go to the page with bookmarks (to do this, just create a new tab) and understand its functionality and appearance. The panel already contains icons for several pages, but if you don’t need them, you can select the ones you like best.

To place a block on the panel, click “Add” at the very bottom. You will be asked:

Having made your choice, click “Add signature” . After that, your favorite resource will appear on the bookmarks page.

The settings of each individual block can be adjusted. Hover your cursor over its top right edge and you will see three small icons:

  • lock (if it is open, the settings of an individual bookmark can be changed, if it is closed - not);
  • gear (pressing this button opens access to settings);
  • cross (by clicking on it, you will remove this or that icon from the page).

General extension settings

To access general settings additions, click "Add" at the bottom of the screen. After this, a list of options will open, changes in which will affect appearance pages with visual bookmarks:

Other options available on the bookmarks bar

If you want to view the latest news directly on the bookmarks bar, activate the news feed on it. To do this, click the “Enable” button in the Yandex line. Next, select and save the sources from which you want to receive news (they will be divided into several thematic categories). Yandex. Zen will be displayed at the very bottom of the panel, under the icons of individual pages.

To synchronize with your Yandex account, just click “Login” in the upper right corner of the screen and enter your data. There you can also go to the personal profile created in the system.

How to remove an addon

Let's assume that you decide to remove this extension and return to the original interface . In this case, bookmarks are deleted like any other add-on in Mozilla:

  • in the main menu, select “Add-ons”, and then “Extensions”;
  • Find the line with Yandex bookmarks and click the “Delete” button in it. This will temporarily disable this extension.

What if you installed them as a third-party application and not as an addon? In this case, deletion can be done using Windows tools:

  • Find the “Programs” section in the “Control Panel”, and in it - the “Uninstall a program” item;
  • find the required plugin in the list (but do not accidentally delete Yandex. Browser itself), right-click on it and delete it;
  • you need to follow the instructions that will appear on the screen.

How to restore visual bookmarks in Firefox

If you find that visual bookmarks have disappeared in Firefox, this is not yet a reason to claim that the browser or add-on has failed. Possible reasons the problems are:

Now you know how to use this Yandex extension. All that remains is to install it in the browser and evaluate the convenience of this solution.

Hello, friends! In today's article we will look at how to set visual bookmarks in Mozilla browser Firefox, we will dwell in detail on those developed by Yandex and learn how to configure a panel with them in this web browser.

Unlike the Yandex and Opera browsers, in Mozilla they are not a built-in feature. Therefore, to install them in Mozilla, you will need to download and install one of the suitable extensions in the browser.

Setting visual bookmarks

The principle of installing different browser extensions is no different. Accordingly, following further recommendations, you can install any add-on in Mozilla Firefox, thus expanding the capabilities of your Internet browser. This could be, for example, a page translator or a widget for weather and mail.

If you are interested, read the article by following the link.

You can install the extension we are interested in in Mozilla Firefox using the browser add-on manager. To do this, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and select “Add-ons” from the drop-down list.

On the left side, go to the “Get Add-ons” tab.

To view all search results, scroll down the list and click on the “View 195 results” button (there may be a different number).

To find out more about the selected extension, click on the “Details” button next to it. To install the extension in the browser, click “Install”, and then, in the window that appears, confirm the installation. After this, you may need to restart the browser.

After installing the selected add-on, its icon will appear to the right of the address bar. The most popular are Speed ​​Dial, Fast Dial, Atavi. You can read more in another article on the site.

Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Now let's look at how to install them from Yandex in Mozilla Firefox. The required extension can be found in the list through the add-on manager, as described above. Then click Add to Firefox.

Another way to add them to Mozilla is to enter “visual bookmarks for mozilla” in the search bar. Under the first link, click "Install".

The Yandex Elements page, or, as they were called before, Yandex Bar, will open in a new tab. The set of these elements also includes visual bookmarks. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Install” button.

Allow installation in the window that appears.

Once everything is downloaded, click Install, then restart your browser.

Setting up visual bookmarks

After installing the selected extension in the browser, you need to configure it in Mozilla Firefox.

First, let's see where they are. Click on the button with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select “Add-ons”. Next, go to the “Extensions” tab. Here you will see a list of all extensions that are installed in the browser. At the previous point, in addition to what we needed, two more components were installed; if they are not needed, remove them by clicking on the corresponding button.

Let's move on to the settings. Let's look at this using the example of visual bookmarks from Yandex. Open a new tab in Mozilla by clicking on the plus sign in the top line.

The Yandex search bar will be displayed at the top, and below it there will be a panel with miniature images of the selected sites. By clicking on any of them, you will immediately go to the desired site. Below you will see buttons with which you can go to downloads, favorite sites, history, and view recently closed tabs.

In order to add the desired page to the panel in Mozilla, click on the “Add bookmark” button.

Probably each of us is familiar with such a service as Yandex Bookmarks. With help of this supplement you can quickly create any directory from your favorite sites and go to them without entering the address into the browser. Moreover, you can use the Yandex Visual Tabs service not only on a computer, but also on a laptop or even a smartphone. What is special about this add-on, how to use it and how to install it? You will learn all this in our article today.

What are “Yandex Visual Tabs” for?

Purely for ease of use. This small but very useful addition makes your browser more functional and easy to use. Agree, it is much better to open and click on the icon with your favorite site than to enter its full name into the address bar or constantly search through a search engine. You can go to any bookmark you like in one click. Also, one of the main advantages due to which Internet users install the Yandex Visual Tabs add-on on their browser is the ability to save up to 24 bookmarks. So you can go to any of these 24 sites in one click, without opening a search engine or typing anything into


The main competitor of the Yandex Visual Tabs service is the Speed ​​Dial add-on. In fact, these two extensions are practically no different from each other, the only thing is that in Yandex, when you open a new tab, your search is displayed (at the very top above the bookmarks). That is, if necessary, you do not need to go to Yandex, since it is already present in the new tab. The function is very convenient and does not interfere with working with bookmarks at all. This is probably why the “Yandex Visual Tabs” extension is more popular in RuNet than “Speed ​​Dial”.

How to install this add-on?

It is worth noting that visual tabs are available on several browsers at once:

  • "Google Chrome";
  • "Firefox";
  • "Yandex browser".

In the case of the latter, this function is already present, but on the other two such an addition would not hurt.

How to install visual bookmarks in Google Chrome? First, click on the “hash”, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser. After that, go to “Tools” - “Extensions”. Next in the window you will see all those extensions that have already been installed in Google Chrome. We do not touch them, but go to the very bottom of the page. Here you will see a "More extensions" button. After clicking it, you will be taken to the Google Chrome online store. Now in the search engine, which is located in the upper left corner, you should enter a query. Then you will be taken to a page where this extension is described in detail. Find the “Install” button, click “Add” and wait for the application to download to your computer. The download process can be seen below in the left corner. As a rule, download time is no more than 10 seconds (even with the most slow internet no more than a minute), since the extension “weighs” about one megabyte. After downloading, you need to install the add-on. There is nothing complicated here, and the installation itself does not take very long. That's it, all you have to do is restart your browser and open a new tab to make sure it works.

How to install an extension in Firefox?

Installing this add-on in this browser is similar to the previous case. In Firefox, you need to go to extensions and type the request “Visual bookmarks”. Once a suitable application is found, download it and install it. Do not forget to restart the browser, as often in such cases the tabs may not appear immediately, you need to close and open the program again.

An easier way to install Yandex tabs

There is another method for downloading the add-on, which can be suitable for both Mozilla and Google Chrome. After entering the request “Download visual bookmarks from Yandex” into the search bar, go to the official website of the plugin. Here the site will automatically detect your browser and download the appropriate version of the extension for you.

How to use it? How to make tabs in Yandex?

Using this extension is very simple. If you want to add any site you like to a tab, you need to point at any of the 24 tabs (by the way, at any time you can move it to the place of another or replace it) and point at the icon. You will then see three gray icons for editing. When you hover over them, hints appear. We need to select the "Settings" button. It is located on the left and looks like a gear. We right-click on it, and a window appears in front of us with the address bar and the name of the site (if it is saved there). Enter the address of the site you like and click “OK”. The application itself determines the name, so you don’t have to fill in this line. The same thing happens with the icon. Sometimes it is not displayed immediately, so here you also need to restart the browser (although the bookmarks themselves can be used immediately after the settings, without rebooting).

How to make Yandex a new tab?

Similar to the above steps, open the settings and enter “Yandex official website” in the address bar. Click "Ok" and check the functionality of the bookmark. Typically, this application already includes such a tab as “VKontakte” and “Yandex News”. But that is not all. You can go to its official website by clicking the “Yandex” button at the top of the search bar. Everything is very simple and convenient.

We’ve already figured out how to make new Yandex tabs, now let’s talk about how to delete a particular bookmark. This is done even faster than adding. When you hover your mouse over the icon with the site you want to delete, select the gray cross and click the mouse button. After this, the bookmark itself will be removed from the panel. You can install a new one in its place or move an icon to another location. You can move bookmarks in any direction; just hold down the image with the tab and drag it to the desired location in the window.

Additional application settings

It is worth noting that the “Settings” button is highlighted not only when you hover over the icon. them in total number two. One of them is located in the lower right corner of the page. After clicking it, you can select the background for the bookmarks (by the way, there are very interesting images there) and select the number of tabs. In earlier versions you could select up to 48, now only 24. However, this number is quite enough to save all your favorite sites on one page.

How to remove tabs in Yandex?

If you no longer want to use the visual bookmarking service, you can remove this application from your browser. But it’s best not to uninstall, but to disable the extension, so that you don’t have to re-install it on your computer or laptop later. It is worth noting that general rule There is no way to disable tabs on all browsers, so everyone has different options for deleting bookmarks.

If you use the Google Chrome application, go to the main menu under the “hash” next to the address bar. Next, find “Settings” and right-click. On the left you will see a menu in which there is an "Extensions" item. Enter it. Here, as during installation, you will see a list of add-ons you have installed. Find “Visual Bookmarks” in the list. A basket icon will be visible next to them. After clicking on it, all bookmarks you previously set will be automatically deleted.

And now about how to disable the tab option in Mozilla. To do this, you need to open a browser window, find the “Tools” section at the top, select “Add-ons”. After this, a panel will appear in front of you that concerns visual bookmarks (usually it is located in the settings for Yandex Bar). Opposite this item you need to uncheck the box or click the “Disable” button (depending on the browser version).

Next to this value there is a “Delete” button. You should not click it, since when you uninstall visual bookmarks, you will need to download them again. And since this extension weighs very little and does not take up much memory on your hard drive, all you need to do is disable this quite useful and convenient add-on from the Yandex developers and continue surfing the Internet. You can still turn it back on and use it at any time.


So, we have found out all the features and nuances of installing an extension called “Visual Bookmarks from Yandex” for the most popular Internet browsers.