Gorodki is a Russian folk sports game. Game Towns

The essence games - throw bats (sticks) to knock out of the “city” (hence the name)
alternately a certain number of figures made up of 5 towns -
cylindrical posts made of birch, linden, beech. The main task is
spend as few throws as possible to knock out 15 pieces. Whoever used fewer attempts at the end of three rounds won. Brief description town games.

Game of towns. City figures.

Game of towns.

The game of towns consists of knocking out figures built from five towns, from a limited area called "city" bits from a certain distance.

City figures.

To play towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct placement in a game of 15 pieces is shown below:

In a game of 10 pieces, the pieces are placed and knocked out in the following sequence:

  1. "Gun"
  2. "Fork"
  3. "Well"
  4. "Arrow"
  5. "Artillery"
  6. "Sickle"
  7. "Machine Gun Nest"
  8. "Airplane"
  9. "Shooting Range"
  10. "Letter"

All figures except figure "Letter" , placed in the middle of the front line, without going beyond it. The towns are installed tightly one to another without gaps.

Corner towns figures "Letter"
bet on outside line"city", without going beyond its borders, so that in
Isosceles triangles were formed at the corners. Town denoting
mark, set in the center of the diagonal coming from the rear right corner
"city" to the front left (for players right hand) or in the center
diagonal running from the rear left to the front right corner of the “city”
(for left-handed players)..

Figure "Elephant" for left-handed players it is installed in the left half "cities" in a mirror image.

  1. Playground. Equipment. Inventory.

Gorodoshnaya site and its equipment

The urban site is located on a flat horizontal area measuring (22-30) x (12-15) meters.

Equipment for the town site:

  • metal or polymer sheets on which lines are painted "towns" And "suburbs". The optimal sheet thickness is 10-12 mm;
  • baffle wall and fencing;
  • lighting fixtures for playing in the evening;
  • fixed strips 50 -60 mm high on the front lines of the cones and half-cons;
  • canopies to shelter players and the secretary from precipitation.

It is desirable to equip a common canopy "cities" , "suburbs" and a baffle wall.

Konov and half-konov must be sufficiently hard, excluding
shoe slipping. Asphalt is the most preferred.

"City" - an area shaped like a square with a side of 2 m.

"Suburb" - the area located between the end line and the penalty line, limited on the sides by extensions of the diagonals "cities". By
the center of the “suburb” at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line is inflicted
two marks 20 cm long for installing penalty camps on them.

The line and the area in front of it are called the penalty zone. Her
covered with sand or covered with chalk (from an aqueous suspension).

on which two “cities” with “suburbs” are marked must have the size
not less than 8.0x3.5 m and located strictly horizontally (town,
quietly placed anywhere in the “city” or “suburb” should not
roll spontaneously in any direction, provided there is no
any influences on it (wind, site shaking).

The kon and half kon lines must be strictly opposite the side lines
“city”, taking into account that the width of the boundary lines of “city” and
lateral lines of the “suburb” are included in the dimensions of the “city”, “suburb”, and
the width of the boundary lines of the cone and half-cone does not fit into the dimensions of these zones

Marking lines 2 cm wide are painted with paint that contrasts with the coating.


made of wood in the shape of a cylinder 200 +/- 1 mm long and
with a diameter of 48-50 mm. The ends of the town should have a chamfer of 2-3 mm and be
even. The town can be painted.


is a round rod no more than a meter long,
arbitrary weight and diameter. The bit is assembled from inserts, bushings,
end cup and handle.

It is most advisable to produce
inserts made of wood-laminated plastic or dogwood. Handles - from
textolite rods or dogwood, bushings made of solid drawn steel
pipes. The inserts must be tightly connected to the bushings and secured
by punching or other method of fastening. The distance between the bushings is not
must be less than the diameter of the insert. The length of the sleeve should not be less
two insert diameters. Distance from the edge of the bushing to the attachment point
10-15 mm (excluding handle attachment). Components must not
have mutual movements. Bits are allowed for mass competitions
from hardwood of any design that ensures safety.

  1. Types of competitions and methods of conducting them.

Types of competitions

Competitions are divided into:

  • personal;
  • team;
  • personal-team.

The type of competition in each specific case is determined by the Competition Regulations.

  1. In personal competitions, participants perform individually.
  2. In team competitions, participants perform in teams. The composition of the team and the order of the games are determined by the regulations.
  3. IN
    in personal-team competitions, participants can compete in both individual and
    team championships. The winner of the competition is determined by the amount
    points scored by team members in the individual championship, or by total
    points scored in both individual and team championships.

Methods of holding competitions.

Individual and team competitions can be held:

  • from a certain number of batches;
  • to knock out a set number of pieces;
  • in a circular manner;
  • according to the elimination method;
  • using a mixed method.

The number of pieces and games knocked out is determined by the position.

Competition participants

Age of participants

Depending on age, competition participants are divided into groups:

  • children - 12 years and younger;
  • teenagers - 13-14 years old;
  • boys - 15-18 years old;
  • juniors - 19-25 years old;
  • adults - 26-59 years old;
  • veterans - 60 years and older.

Children and teenagers play from a distance of 6.5 m - con and half-con.

juniors and adults play from a distance of 6.5 m - half-con and 13 m - con.
Veterans' playing distance is determined by position.

to participate
in competitions at city level and above, each player must have
certificate of admission to competitions, signed by a doctor and certified by him
personal seal or seal of a medical institution. Necessity
provision of a certificate is determined by the Regulations.

competitions from junior age groups may be admitted to
competitions in senior groups with the permission of the chief judge at
compliance of their technical training with the level of competition.

Dress code

Participants must wear sportswear appropriate for the weather and conditions of the competition.

teams must wear uniform sports uniforms with appropriate
emblem. Each team player must have on his back serial number,
under which it is recorded in the protocol. The number must be distinguishable from any
distances within the site.

The team captain must have a bandage on his sleeve that differs in color from his uniform or a “captain” sign.

Trainer (representative)

  1. Organizations participating in competitions appoint a team coach (representative).
  2. Trainer
    is the team leader. He is responsible for compliance
    sports regime, discipline, strict compliance by athletes with the Rules in
    Competition regulations.
  3. The coach participates in the draw and is present at meetings of the panel of judges if they are held jointly with representatives.
  4. The coach is prohibited from interfering with the actions of the referees on the court.
  5. During the game, the coach has the right to be with the team.
  1. Rules and procedure for the game.

Formation and warm-up

At the beginning of the warm-up, the judge and participants line up outside the territory
sites, after which they go out to the sites in an organized manner and stand on
the back line of the “cities” facing the audience. Place between teams

  1. The referee-informant (judge) represents the participants in the game and the referees. Participants greet each other.
  2. In
    during warm-up, the referee-informant provides information about the teams
    (athletes), their tournament position. Achievements in past
    competitions and records.
  3. Before the start of the game (at the end of the warm-up), coaches or team captains must fill out the protocol and sign it.
  4. When entering formation, during warm-up and during the game, participants must fight in one hand.
  5. Player
    team that does not perform during one game. Has the right to
    warm-up on a free area. However, it should not interfere with the

Game procedure

  1. The game starts with the team (participants) of the right “city”, then the opponents
    perform throws one by one, using two bits in each output.
  2. The composition of the team and the number of participants playing in one round are determined
    position. The order in which players enter is determined by the captain or coach.
    teams. In one run, each player can exit once.
  3. All the pieces begin to be knocked off the horse. If at least one town is knocked out, then
    the rest are knocked out from the half-con. The “Letter” piece is only knocked out from the horse.
  4. After the end of the game, the teams (participants) line up along
    side lines of the "cities" facing each other and after the announcement
    results, at the judge’s signal, they change “cities”.
  5. If, before the start of the game, the team has two people less than necessary in
    one run according to the Regulations, the team is not allowed to play.
  6. Players are required to go to the con or half-con and return through the side lines.
  7. A late player may enter the game by notifying the referee if his name is included in the
    protocol. The player whose name is written in the protocol has no right
    leave the court without the permission of the referee.
  8. Participants of both teams must be on the side of their “towns” while throwing.
  9. A player is prohibited from making two throws with the same bat in one run.
  10. In team games, in the decisive game after one of the teams is eliminated
    The “Artillery” figures of the team exchange “small towns”. Moreover, before the transition
    both teams must make the same number of shots. If before
    By changing “cities” in the decisive game, the players have one bat left, then
    after the transition, he throws with one bat, After the team transition
    place in their “cities” the next figures or towns that are not knocked out in front
    change “cities” (in the same position) and continue the game. If the player
    the team of the left “city” knocked out (finished off) the “Artillery” piece with the first bat,
    then after the transition he makes a second throw, then continues the game
    the next player of the same team.
  11. Team playing shorthanded
    composition, performs two fewer throws in each run. Unfulfilled
    throws are considered "lost".
  12. In the first round of personal
    competitions, the chief secretary distributes the players among the sites according to
    results of the draw. In the second round, a sequential
    change of sites. On each site, players are strictly divided into pairs
    based on the results shown for two rounds, with sites for each
    pairs are determined by drawing lots. In the second and third rounds the players
    Those who show the best results perform last.
  13. If one
    of the participants in personal competitions finished his game earlier, then he
    waits for the opponent to finish his. At the same time, he is allowed to perform
    warm-up throws in order of turn. If the lagging opponent is
    completion is theoretically required at least five bits, then the players
    change “cities” and the remaining opponent completes the game, after which
    starts a new one.
  14. If the towns move for any reason
    reason before the bat touches them (or flies past them), then they
    set to its original position, the bat is returned and the throw is performed
  15. If the towns move as a result of the shaking
    the platform (or from the wind) after the throw, when the bat did not touch the towns,
    then they are restored to their previous position, but the bat is not returned.
  16. If
    After the impact, the town rolled in one direction, and then changed
    direction of movement to the opposite, then the referee rolls it back to that
    the place from which he rolled back.
  17. If after the blow
    the town split into two parts or lost its cylindrical shape (more
    than half the length) and most of it remained in the city or
    suburb, bit returns, figure or town position
    are being restored.
  18. If the team playing in the left “city” practically does not have enough bats to finish the game, then the game in this game stops.
  19. If
    a player playing with his left hand missed the “sickle” or “letter” piece
    and at the same time did not touch a single town, then for the player following him,
    throwing with his right hand, these figures are rearranged. And vice versa.
  20. The competition (game) may be temporarily interrupted (cancelled):
  • due to unsatisfactory site preparation;
  • due to adverse weather conditions;
  • For
    providing medical care injured (sick) participants
    competitions. If the break in the game was no more than 15 minutes, then the game
    resumes immediately, without warming up, and if more than 15 minutes, then the game
    players are given a five-minute warm-up, after which the game
    resumes from the interrupted position of the party. If the break lasted more than
    two hours, then the interrupted game begins again, and the counting of games
    played before the break is saved. If the game is postponed to another day,
    then the results of the games played are canceled.
  1. IN
    competitions for children and teenagers, towns rolled out to the penalty line
    at a distance of less than 40 cm, placed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line
    in the center of the "suburb". In children's competitions there are also towns
    installed vertically.
  2. For violation of the Rules the participant
    receives a warning from the referee. In case of repeated violation, he
    (team) is penalized by deprivation of a throw (throw not made
    considered "lost").
  3. For unsportsmanlike behavior, the participant is removed by the referee until the end of the game, and by the main referee until the end of the competition.
  4. By
    At the end of the match, the referee lines up the players without bats along the back lines
    "cities" facing the audience. After the results are announced, the players and the referee
    shake hands and leave the site.

6.3.Knocked out and unknocked out town

  1. Town
    is considered knocked out if it completely goes beyond the boundaries of the “city” or
    "suburbs" in any direction except the penalty zone.
  2. Towns (towns) that have rolled out of the boundaries of the “city” and “suburb” and rolled back are considered knocked out.
  3. Position
    town, staying near the border of “city” and “suburb” with
    outside, the judge determines visually, looking vertically from above.
    If a gap is visible between the line and the town, then the town is considered
    knocked out. In doubtful cases, near the town on the outer edge of the line
    put another town vertically and, if the towns do not touch, -
    the town is considered to be knocked out.
  4. The position of the town that touched the “city” or “suburb” line during rotation is determined after it has come to a complete stop.
  5. Town,
    rolled into the “suburbs” at a distance of less than 20 cm from the penalty line
    or rolled out behind it, is set at a distance of 20 cm from the penalty area
    line parallel to it against the center of the “city”, if at least
    just one town. If there are several such towns, then they are established
    butt to each other. The town(s) that touched the surface above the penalty area
    zone, stands on the penalty mark. If none of the pieces is knocked out
    town, then all towns that have rolled into the “suburbs” at a distance of less than 40
    cm from the penalty line, installed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line
    lines. If any town located in the “suburbs interferes”
    installation of another town on the penalty mark, it moves minimally in
    direction of the front line without changing orientation.
  6. Towns,
    those who drove into the “suburbs” but did not reach the penalty mark remain
    in a busy position. In all cases where there is a real
    the possibility of a “penalty” throw or displacement of towns for another reason,
    The judge must mark their position with chalk or pencil.
  7. Town,
    rolled up to the penalty line at a distance of less than 40 cm when being kicked out
    “Letter” pieces are placed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line
    parallel to it opposite the place previously occupied by this town,
    regardless of the number of knocked out towns.
  8. If knocked out
    the town, having returned to the limits of the “city” or “suburb”, interfered with the movement
    other towns, then the position of the towns before the throw is restored when
    the bat is returned to the player.
  9. If two cities collide in a "city" or "suburb" and then diverge, their final position is recorded.
  10. Before the result of the throw is announced, it is prohibited:
  • clean up or stop towns located near a “city” or “suburb”;
  • sweep "city" or "suburb"
  • become
    on the “city” and “suburb” covering sheets. If these violations affect
    on the result of the throw, the team (participant) that committed the violation,
    is punishable by the fact that the town(s) rolled out as a result
    violations are installed at the edge of the line at the point of its exit.
  1. The position of a town rolling over another town is determined after it stops.
  2. If
    the knocked out town returning to the city touched the already stopped
    town and at the same time changed its position, then the latter returns to
    previous position. In this case, the bat is not returned to the player, but
    Returning to the city, the knocked-out town is being cleaned up.

« Lost throw

The roll is considered “lost”, and the location of the towns is restored if:

  • the throw is completed before the referee's whistle;
  • the bat touches the penalty area or the surface above it;
  • player in one run team game made the throw a third time or more.

A throw is also considered if the player, during the period from the beginning of the swing to
landing the bat stepped on the boundary line (bar) or beyond it and
touched a surface outside the cone zone with any part of the body (half cone 0. In this
In this case, the position of the towns before the impact may not be restored. Solution
should not be beneficial to the participant (team) who violated the Rules.

Winning the game and the final result of the game.

  1. Party
    is considered won by the team that knocked out with fewer
    bit all the pieces of a given party. With an equal number of bits spent on
    knocking out all the pieces, the game is considered a draw. When during the game
    a figure is missing, then:
  • if the missing figure is detected before
    setting up the “letter” figure, then the missing figure immediately becomes
    after the liberation of the “city” from the towns;
  • if a piece is missing
    detected while knocking out the “Letter” figure, it becomes missing
    figure; throws made on the “Letter” figure are considered
    “lost” and the “Letter” figure is knocked out again;
  • if there is a pass
    pieces in personal competitions are discovered after the end of the game, then to
    four bits are added to the game result for each missing piece;
  • if there is a violation of the order of exit of players or a missing piece
    discovered after the end of the game, then in a game played in violation and
    in all unplayed games, the team that committed the violation,
    a defeat is counted, and the result of the game is determined taking into account the games,
    played without violations;
  • if there is a violation of the exit order
    players or missing piece detected before the referee announces the result
    game, then in a game played with a violation, the team that committed
    violation, a loss is counted and the game continues.

The game is won by one of the teams if:

  • in a game of three games the score is: 2:0, 2:1, 2.5:0.5;
  • in a game of five games the score is 3:0, 3:1, 3:2, 3.5:1.5, 3.5:0.5; With the score 1.5:1.5 and 2.5:2.5, respectively, the result of the game is a draw.
  1. Determination of the result of the competition.
  1. IN
    competitions to knock out a set number of place pieces
    participants are determined by the smallest number of bits. With equal
    number of bits for several participants, the winner is determined by
    the least number of bits spent on knocking out pieces:
  • third round;
  • second round;
  • last game of the third round;
  • “Machine Gun Nest”, “Sentries”, “Shooting Range”, “Letter” in all games of the competition.

competitions held in a round-robin manner, places of teams
are determined by the number of points scored. Number of points
calculated based on the results of the game, is determined by the Regulations. If there is equality
The sum of points for several teams determines the winner:

  • by the sum of points scored in the games between them;
  • by the difference between won and lost games in all games of the competition;
  • based on the average technical result in won and drawn games in all games of the competition.

In competitions held on a knockout system, in the event of a tie, the winner is determined by:

  • according to the best batch;
  • by the smallest amount of bits spent in won games;
  • according to the smallest amount of bits spent in all games to knock out the figures “Machine Gun Nest”, “Sentries”, “Shooting Range”, “Letter”.
  1. Simplified rules.

competitions in physical education groups, youth and children’s camps,
recreational areas can be carried out according to simplified rules. At the same time
It is recommended to maintain the site dimensions. The team composition may be

Competition rules

Game of towns

The game of towns involves knocking out figures made up of five towns from a limited area called a “city” using bats from a certain distance.

City figures

1 . To play towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct placement in a game of 15 pieces is shown in the figure:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10 11 12

13 14 15

Drawing. City figures:

1. Cannon, 2. Fork, 3. Star,

4. Boom, 5. Well, 6. Crankshaft,

7. Artillery, 8. Racket, 9. Machine gun nest,

10. Cancer, 11. Sentinels, 12. Sickle,

13. Shooting gallery, 14. Airplane, 15. Letter

2 . IN sets of 10 pieces for younger boys, the pieces are placed and knocked out in the following sequence:

1.Cannon, 2.Fork, 3.Well, 4.Arrow, 5.Artillery, 6.Sickle, 7.Machine gun nest, 8.Plane

9.Shooting Range, 10.Letter

3 . All figures, except for the “Letter”, are placed in the middle of the front line, without going beyond the “city”, in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations for placing figures” (Appendix No. 2).

4 . The corner towns of the “Letter” figure are placed along the outer line of the “city”, without going beyond its boundaries, so that isosceles triangles are formed in the corners. The town denoting the brand is installed in the center of the diagonal running from the back right corner of the “city” to the front left (for right-handed players) or in the center of the diagonal running from the back left to the front right corner of the “city” (for left-handed players).

5 . The “Sickle” figure for those playing with the left hand is installed in the left half of the “city” in a mirror image.

6 . The sequence and number of knocked out figures may be changed depending on the competition system. All changes must be reflected in the Regulations.

The game of towns involves knocking out figures made up of five towns from a limited area called a “city” using bats from a certain distance.

To play towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct placement in a game of 15 pieces is shown in the figure:

1. Cannon 2. Fork 3. Star
4. Arrow 5. Well 6. Crankshaft
7. Artillery 8. Racket 9. Machine gun nest
10. Cancer 11. Sentinels 12. Sickle
13. Shooting gallery 14. Airplane 15. Letter

The winner is the player or team that spent the least number of bits on knocking out pieces. The pieces begin to knock out from the kon (far line). If you knock out at least one town, the remaining ones are knocked out from the semi-con (near line); The “closed letter” figure is knocked out only from the stake, and first - the town in the center, indicating the “mark”. Each game can consist of 6, 10 or 15 pieces. All figures except the 15th are built on the front line of the city. A town is considered knocked out when it has completely reached the back or side lines of the city. If a town flies forward to the penalty line or beyond it in the direction of the half-cone, then it is placed in the suburbs, opposite the city center: 20 cm from the penalty line if at least one town is knocked out of the figure or 40 cm if it is not knocked out of the figure not a single town. A town that goes beyond the line and rolls back into a city or suburb is considered knocked out.

The urban site is located on a flat horizontal area measuring 30(22) x 15(12) meters.

The area bounded by two side lines and the front bar, from within which throws are made on the pieces, is called the con. The distance from the stake bar to the end line is 13 m or 6.5 m.
The area bounded by the side lines, the front bar and the kon bar at the back, from within which throws are made after knocking out at least one city (except for the “Letter” piece), is called a half-kon. The distance from the front bar of the pole to the front line is 6.5 m.
The surface of the cones and half-cones must be sufficiently hard to prevent shoes from slipping. The most preferred surface is asphalt.

“City” is a zone shaped like a square with a side of 2 m, within which figures are installed.
“Suburb” is an area located between the end line and the penalty line, limited on the sides by extensions of the “city” diagonals. In the center of the “suburb” at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, two marks 20 cm long are made to install penalty camps on them.

The penalty line and the area in front of it are called the penalty zone. It is covered with sand or covered with an aqueous suspension of chalk.

The sheets on which two “cities” with “suburbs” are marked must have a size of at least 8.0 x 3.5 m and be positioned strictly horizontally (a town quietly placed anywhere in a “city” or “suburb” should not spontaneously roll in any direction, provided there are no influences on it - wind, vibration of the site.

The side lines of the cone and half-cone must be strictly opposite the side lines of the “city”, taking into account that the width of the boundary lines of the “city” and the side lines of the “suburb” are included in the dimensions of the “city”, “suburb”, and the width of the boundary lines of the cone and half-cone are included in The dimensions of these zones are not included.

Marking lines 2 cm wide are painted with paint that contrasts with the coating.

First briefly:

  1. Playground: The playing area consists of a square (1x1m), “con” lines and two “half-cones”, 10m and 5m away from the square, respectively.
  2. Inventory: Each team has 2 bits and 5 ryuhs (towns), from which they build figures in a square.
  3. Team: Team composition: 3 people (boys). Each team member has his own serial number from 1 to 3, according to these numbers the participants throw two bats each.
  4. Rules of the game: The judge places the pieces in the center of the square. At the referee’s whistle, the team begins to knock out the ryukhi from the square from the “con” line; when one ryukha leaves the square, the players move to the “half-con” line, and knock out the remaining ryukhi from this line; when another ryukhi flies out, the players move to another “half-con” line. . The players begin to knock out a new piece again from the “con” line. Ryukha touching the lines (side and back) is placed on the “butt”. The referee takes into account the bats thrown by the team. Each team's time is not limited, but for deliberate delay of time, a team may be punished with penalty points (1 penalty point - 1 beat). The organizing committee reserves the right to replace some figures with others, having warned the team representatives.
  5. Determination of winners: When determining the winners, the following are taken into account:
    • total quantity bits spent on knocking out pieces;
    • the number of bits spent on knocking out one piece (if the total number of bits is the same for two or more teams, the team with the least number of bits spent on pieces gets the advantage).

This ancient Russian game attracts with its daring, the severity of the fight, and the need to show eye and strength. To play towns, you need bits and the towns themselves.

Bits are best made from hard wood. The length of the bits is 75-80 cm, the diameter is 4-5 cm. The towns are made from round birch bars with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a length of 15 cm + 3 cm.

The size of the playground can be very diverse: it can decrease or increase depending on the age of the players.

You can play one-on-one or team-on-team. From five towns, or ryukh, 15 figures are built (see picture): cannon, star, well, artillery, sentries, machine gun nest, shooting range, fork, crankshaft, arrow, cancer, racket, airplane, letter, sickle.

For the guys younger age 5-6 figures are played, for average - up to 10, and for older and trained children - the entire set, i.e. 15 figures.

The team gets the right or left city by lot. The right city strikes first. Each player has two bats. Objective: knock out as many pieces as possible from your city with as few blows as possible. First, all players of one team shoot, then the other.

Everyone makes 2 hits. In the figure, the city figures are numbered - this is, in principle, the order in which they are constructed for knocking out. All figures (except for the “letter”) are placed on the front line of the city.

In the towns, every new piece is knocked off the horse. For example, the first player's first shot is wide. The second blow is a miss again. The second player was luckier: with the first blow, he knocks out one bunch of “cannons” from the city. Now he is already hitting from half-con - 2 more ryukhi are leaving the city. The third player (from half-con!) finishes off the “cannon” with one blow.

A new piece is installed - a “star”, and they begin to knock it out again from the knight.

The most difficult figure is the “letter”. She is the only one who can be eliminated from the race; moreover, she must first eliminate the “central town”. Such a blow is called “unsealing the letter.”

But if, at the same time as the central ryukha, at least one more ryukha is knocked out, then the “letter” will have to be “printed out” again.

When playing towns, a ryuha is considered knocked out if it completely goes beyond the side or back of the city. If it remains on the line or has sunk into the suburbs, then it is necessary to continue to knock it out.

A blow to a gorodoshnik is not counted if, while throwing the bat, he crossed the line of the kon or half-kon.

In the towns, the score is kept by points. The team that spends the least number of bits on all 15 (or 10) pieces earns a point. There may be several periods in the game (and to avoid disputes, it is better to agree on their number in advance).

If you are playing together, it is better to stock up on a dozen bits and throw all ten first to one, then to the other (so as not to run back and forth). In some cases, teams make do with one city - after all, they throw bats in turns. But it is still better for each team to have its own con, half-con, city and exchange them after each period.

They play gorodki in both summer and winter.

A flat place is chosen for the game. The area where the “cities” are drawn must be lined with boards or cemented. Otherwise, it will quickly fail. A mound is made at the back of the site to prevent the bats from flying out too far. Towns are played one-on-one or in teams of 2 to 5 people. Before the start, the first figure is installed in the towns, and by lot one of the teams starts the game. After each player of the first team takes turns hitting 2 bats to knock out the pieces, the other team enters the game. And so on until one of the two teams knocks out the set number of pieces:

  1. Gun.
  2. Star.
  3. Well.
  4. Artillery.
  5. Machine gun nest.
  6. Sentinels.
  7. Fork.
  8. Arrow.
  9. Crankshaft.
  10. Rocket.
  11. Sickle.
  12. Airplane.
  13. Closed letter.

Not all figures are used in games: for example, for 9-10 years old - 6 figures - 1, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15; for 11-12 years old - 10 figures - figures 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are not placed. Any figure begins to be knocked out from the stake. If at least one town is knocked out, then the next bits are thrown from the “half-con”. The last figure, the “closed letter”, is knocked out only from the “con”. Moreover, first the “mark” is knocked out - the town lying in the center. If another town is knocked out along with this one, the blow is not counted, and the towns are put in place. The town is considered knocked out when it completely crosses one of the “city” lines. And the town that flew forward is brought back into the “city” and placed on the front line of the “city”, with the exception of the town that flew to the “suburb”. He leaves the site. The championship of a squad or camp can be held either in a round-robin and Olympic system, or in a mixed system.

The team that wins the game gets 2 points, and the losing team gets 0. In case of a draw, each team is given 1 point.

Personal competitions can also be held based on the number of bits spent. Then a participant who has spent no more than 70 bits for 20 pieces or 145 bits for 40 pieces from a distance of 10 m out of 10 pieces in the game receives the right to be assigned the II youth category.

Site preparation

  1. Select a flat horizontal earthen area measuring 30x15 m.
  2. Stretch a rope along the edge of the wide side.
  3. Having measured 6-7 m from the rope, draw four squares - cities - with a side length of 1.5-2 m. You can draw trapezoids - suburbs - to each of the cities from below horizontally, but you can do without them.
  4. Using the same rope, pull it again parallel to the bottom line of the city or suburb, retreating 3-4 m from the edge - depending on the age of the players; boldly draw half-cone lines of 1.5–2 m exactly opposite the city.
  5. For the third time, pull the rope at the level of the half-cone line. Measure 2-4 m from it and mark the second starting line - the horse line - also 1.5-2 m long.
  6. Remove the rope.

So, the site for playing amateur towns for four teams (5-6 participants each) is ready. With good skill, this takes 20–30 minutes. It will not be difficult to update the site along the old marking lines; this can be done during breaks in the game.

Equipment for the game

For each team, 2–4 bats, 70–80 cm long, are made from strong birch cuttings for shovels, which can be bought at a hardware store (see Fig. 1).

Ryukhi measuring 15–20 cm (5 pcs.), from which the figures are built, are also cut out from cuttings. The vests of each individual team must be painted in their own color, for example yellow, red, white, blue. For each team, you need to provide 2-3 spare pieces, since in the process of knocking out pieces they can get lost in the grass.

In order for the game to proceed dynamically, without failures, you need to make a large layout from whatman paper with images and names of the town figures (see Fig. 2) and glue it to a rigid tripod made of plywood and boards. After all, at the first stage of the game, and in the future, you will have to look at it very often to remember the pieces.

Teaching Methodology

To quickly teach children the game, they are lined up so that they see the whole process in the lateral plane, without getting injured from a bounced bat or rumbling, i.e. students need to be moved 6–7 m away from the site.

Before formation, a special warm-up is carried out (12–15 min.): running, outdoor gear, outdoor play, performing various movements simulating the game of gorodki: stance, swing, throw.

Then 3-4 adults or previously prepared children begin an educational (explanatory) game (6-8 minutes), focusing the children’s attention on the following:

  • There are 15 figures in the game: “cannon”, “star”, “well”, “artillery”, “machine gun nest”, “sentinels”, “shooting gallery”, “fork”, “arrow”, “crankshaft”, “racket” , “cancer”, “sickle”, “plane”, “letter”;
  • The distance from the throw line to the pieces is recommended to vary depending on the age of the students - less than 5 m from the half-kon line and less than 10 m from the kon line. If most guys can't hit the target, then the line should be moved closer;
  • until the previous figure is completely knocked out of the city, the next one is not established;
  • knocking out pieces is carried out starting from the far line of the kon and continues on the half-kon line immediately after the first ryukha knocked out of the city, in turn with 2-3 bits in a row, to make it interesting;
  • the player who knocked out runs himself and brings the used bats to the starting line, and then goes beyond the line safe for swinging and throwing - 2-3 m behind the line, where all the team players are;
  • as soon as the last town breaks out of the city plane, the whole team shouts loudly: “Yes!”, “Hurray!”, “Ready!”, “Second!”, “Fifth!” – etc. They should be given the opportunity to freely express their emotions, thereby informing the other three teams that they have earned another point;
  • the organizer records the next point in the table for the team’s score and announces the total score of each team, thereby maintaining the constant interest of the children;
  • the game is becoming more and more dynamic, and all participants are included in it.

The game will be most effective and interesting if:

  • The composition of the teams will be mixed - boys and girls - and equal in strength. To do this, team captains are chosen, and they, in turn, recruit their own players. Therefore, no matter the outcome of the game, there will be no offended people;
  • the distance from the kon and half-kon to the city should be reduced depending on the age of the players: a situation of success is necessary - children must hit or touch the ruffles at least 1 time out of 2-3 bits used in a row;
  • Teams with only one playing field will have new places each time;
  • turn on soft music - it will add positive emotions;
  • set the game time - from 5 minutes. up to 1 hour - depending on the goals and objectives of each meeting: completion of the lesson, pause for rest, change of activities or a separate competition;
  • counting of knocked out pieces will be carried out not by the number of bits spent, but by the speed of knocking out, which will help to revive the game;
  • for students primary school four sets of amateur equipment made from rake cuttings will be provided in advance;
  • depending on the temperature and time of year, a location for the site will be selected in advance: on asphalt, mowed lawn, earthen surface, on ice, in a gym;
  • Discuss the rules of the game in advance before each game.

The figure shows town figures (1 - Cannon, 2 - Star, 3 - Well, 4 - Artillery, 5 - Machine Gun Nest, 6 - Sentinels, 7 - Shooting Range, 8 - Fork, 9 - Arrow, 10 - Elbow, 11 - Racket , 12 - Cancer, 13 - Sickle, 14 - Airplane, 15 - Letter)

The traditional Slavic game "Gorodki" is unfairly forgotten in lately. But this is a wonderful alternative to petanque or bowling. Moreover, it does not require complex equipment, a special room or shoes. You can make all the equipment for the towns yourself, for example, from unnecessary wooden shovel cuttings.

To play you will need:

1) Towns, or villages, - 5 wooden cylindrical blocks 20 cm long. Diameter - from 4.5 cm. On a flat area - the “city” - they are made into shapes that need to be knocked out from a certain distance with a bat. According to generally accepted rules, there are 15 official figures, which are knocked out in a certain sequence.

Here are some of them:

2) Bat up to 1 meter in length and weighing from 1.5 to 2.5 kg.

3) City - a flat flat area measuring 2x2 m.

The rules of the game in yard "towns" are very flexible. Players can set themselves how many pieces they will knock out and from what distance, as well as the number of attempts and the number of points for knocked out pieces. The throwing swing is best done from the side, moving the hand with the bat strongly behind the back.

The goal remains the same: knock out as many pieces as possible outside the city on the first try and earn as many points as possible. Towns that have scattered beyond the city limits are considered knocked out.


  • Shovel cuttings (4.5 cm in diameter) - 2


  • sandpaper (no. 120, 180 and 320)
  • jigsaw
  • mini plane

Step 1

Make “towns” from one wooden shovel handle. Saw it with a jigsaw into 5 pieces of 20 cm each. Then sand the sections with sandpaper.

Step 2

To make a bat, measure 90 cm from the side where the handle is pointed into a cone. Saw off the excess part with a jigsaw and sand the entire surface of the bat using sandpaper. If the handle does not have a pointed end, reduce the bit to fit the handle using a mini plane.