80 grams of salt in tablespoons. Every housewife needs to know this: how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon

In order to find out how many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon, you don’t have to go into the cupboard behind a kitchen scale or memorize the information. Sugar, as well as other bulk products, weigh approximately the same.

Spoon sizes and capacity

  • tablespoon - we mean standard, 7 cm - length and 4 cm - width - holds 20 g (without top) or 25 g (with top) granulated sugar;
  • a smaller spoon, 5 cm in length and 4 cm in width, holds 10 and 15 g of this sweet product without a slide and with a slide, respectively.

It turns out that not all devices are the same? Just for fun, you can measure your appliances in case you make a mistake when using granulated sugar.

Determine the number of spoons by weight of the product

Many housewives use a measuring spoon. It is more accurate than the usual one, since you can swipe your finger and pour out a perfectly even amount of product without a slide.

But what to do if you need to find out: 50, 100, 150, 200 grams of sugar is how many tablespoons? 100 grams of sugar are contained in half a faceted glass, but if you don’t have that, you can get by with a spoon. You will need them:

  • 2.5 incomplete or 2 filled is 50 g;
  • 5 incomplete or 4 filled equals 100 g;
  • 7.5 incomplete, 6 filled - 150 g;
  • 10 incomplete or 7.5 filled equals 200 g.

Please note that 7.5 partial and full spoons differ by 50g and may result in an error in accuracy. For 100 and 200 g it is more convenient to measure sugar with a spoon without a mound, and for 50 and 150 - with a mound.

How many grams of sugar, salt and other products are in a tablespoon

Bulk products do not differ much in weight, they are all approximately the same. The lightest product is wheat flour, which weighs only 10 g, and the heaviest is table salt, which weighs 25 g.

It is worth noting that the value is usually given in full tablespoons, that is, with the top. The list below shows the maximum values.

For dry food:

  • sugar (sand) - 25 g;
  • powder (sugar) - 25 g;
  • table salt - 30 g;
  • white rice - 25 g;
  • wheat flakes - 9 g;
  • oatmeal - 14 g;
  • white flour - 10 g;
  • barley - 20 g;
  • millet - 25 g;
  • pearl barley – 25 g;
  • semolina - 25 g;
  • buckwheat - 25 g;
  • dark raisins - 25 g;
  • rolled oats - 12 g.

For liquid foods:

  • table vinegar 15% - 15 g;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • village sour cream - 25 g;
  • cow's milk - 20 g;
  • condensed milk - 30 g;
  • bee honey - 35 g;
  • melted butter - 17 g;
  • melted butter - 20 g;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 17 g;
  • ordinary water - 18 g;
  • berry or fruit jam - 50 g.

It is worth noting that not all liquid and viscous products can be served with a full tablespoon, for example, butter or condensed milk. In this case, by default it is considered that the device is not completely filled.

In the table below you can see how many grams of sugar and other products are in tablespoons of different sizes:

Typically, sugar in a recipe is indicated in grams. It’s more convenient, of course, to use a kitchen scale, but if you don’t have one, a glass or teaspoon can be a good substitute.

There are several options for measurement:

  1. To weigh a product with a glass, you need to decide what kind of glass it is. If faceted with a rim, then it will contain 250 g, but if without a rim, then only 200;
  2. A tablespoon holds 25 g. A dessert spoon is 10 less than a tablespoon, 15 g. The most inconvenient thing to measure, of course, is a tea spoon - it contains only 7 g.

So, correctly pouring the number of grams of dry food into a glass or spoon is not as difficult as it seemed. All these dishes contain a fairly convenient weight for counting. Perhaps someday you will be able to eyeball the right amount of granulated sugar when preparing a dish.

The most common seasoning in cooking is salt. It is impossible to prepare both main dishes and desserts without this ingredient. Very often, even in sweet pastries is added Not a large number of salt. When following a recipe for preparing any food, you need to follow all precautions. What to do if you don’t have a kitchen scale? What to do in such a situation? To do this, you need to know how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon.

How many grams of product are in a tablespoon?

In the absence of kitchen scales, improvised means such as spoons will help you measure the required mass. Bulk seasonings (salt, sugar) are usually measured in teaspoons and tablespoons. It is worth noting that the standard for measuring is to take a heaped tablespoon. Very rarely, salt is measured only along the edges of the container. If you need to take a level tablespoon of salt, this must be indicated in the recipe.

So, 1 tablespoon without bulk contains 25 grams rock salt. If you put Extra salt in the same bowl, its amount will be slightly less - 22 grams. If you measure a tablespoon of salt (rock) with a mountain, its amount will be 30 grams. Also, it is worth knowing the following measures of salt values:

  • 1 teaspoon (without a slide) - 8 grams of rock salt;
  • 1 teaspoon - 7 grams of Extra salt;
  • 1 teaspoon (heaped) - 12 grams of rock salt;
  • 1 teaspoon - 10 grams of Extra salt;
  • 1 glass faceted - 240 grams of salt;
  • 1 glass with thin walls - 300 grams of salt.

How many tablespoons are in 100, 200, 300 grams of seasoning?

To prepare some dishes (marinades, preserves) a considerable amount of salt is required. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how many tablespoons fit in different quantities salt. So, 50 grams of salt will fit 1 tablespoon (with a mound), and the same spoon, only without a slide. This information is suitable for those who do not have a kitchen scale or measuring cup at hand. But any housewife can find a tablespoon.

Converting products to grams

Start typing the product name. For example, water or flour.

= gram

It is worth remembering these values:

  • 60 grams of salt - 2 full tablespoons (large);
  • 80 g - 2 full tablespoons and 1 tablespoon, filled only to the brim;
  • 100 g - 3 full tablespoons and 1 full teaspoon;
  • 120 g - 4 full large spoons;
  • 150 g - 5 full tablespoons;
  • 170 g - 5 full tablespoons and 1 tablespoon filled only to the brim (no mound);
  • 180 g - 5 full tablespoons;
  • 200 g - 6 large spoons with a slide (full) and 1 large spoon without a slide;
  • 300 g - 10 tablespoons in bulk;
  • 400 g - 13 large spoons and 1 teaspoon with a mountain.

Not all housewives know some tricks for using this seasoning. So, if you need to save time and boil water faster, add salt to it at the very beginning, while the liquid is still cold. Seasoning speeds up the heating process. Also, by adding salt when boiling eggs, you can achieve strength. eggshells. So, during the boiling process they will not crack or leak.

Salt behaves peculiarly with potatoes. If you are making mashed potatoes, add salt at the very beginning when boiling potatoes. So, this seasoning leads to rapid boiling of potatoes. In cases where you need to get whole pieces of vegetables, season the potatoes at the end of cooking. The same applies to fried potatoes - they are salted at the end, already in their finished form.

Salt perfectly absorbs all foreign odors. Therefore, in order to rid the refrigerator of foreign odors, you need to put a mixture of salt and soda on the shelf. Every woman is familiar with the situation when, after preparing dinner, her hands still smell like garlic or onions for a long time. You can get rid of this problem by rubbing your hands with a mixture of vinegar and salt.

Just a pinch of seasoning can remove fresh stains, even from wine. These are so unusual and very useful tricks using white seasoning. But, it is important to remember that excessive salt consumption can trigger the development of certain diseases. Average daily norm salt for an adult should not exceed 5 grams.

We measured the weight of the "kitchen rock salt» GOST R 51574-2000 first grade. It is made from salt deposits ancient sea“created over millions of years by nature itself.”

Simply put, we took regular cheap coarse salt, which is implied by default in various culinary and other recipes.

Cheap salt often cakes, forming strong lumps that greatly affect weight. Experimentally, we found out that when dosing salt using a glass or spoon, be sure to crush lumps with a diameter of more than 5 mm, otherwise the actual weight will be greater than that indicated on the website.

How much does a spoon or glass of salt weigh?

Tea room with slide

Tea spoon salt " with a mound» weighs 12 gram.

To get that much salt into a teaspoon, you need to scoop it up greedily and then shake off the excess that threatens to fall off.

Usually, after scooping, salt has the shape of a very steep and crumbling rock, which greatly changes its height and therefore its mass from scoop to scoop. It is this “changing” rockiness that should be shaken off or cut off, leaving a gentle and neat hill, as in the photo.

Tablespoon salt with a mound» weighs 21-22 grams.

To get enough salt into a tablespoon, you need to scoop it up and then shake off the excess until you can comfortably carry the spoon from room to room without spilling a crumb.

All cooking recipes always indicate how much salt should be added so that the dish is not overly salty or, conversely, under-salted. It’s not always convenient to weigh salt on a kitchen scale, especially when you cook quickly and don’t really want to bother with weighing. In such situations, an ordinary one will come to your aid, which will very actively serve as a measuring tool. At the same time, she will measure out salt and other bulk products to you with a certain accuracy.

The right spoon

100 grams of salt - how many tablespoons is it? This is what many housewives ask, because it is much more convenient to measure salt in the kitchen with a spoon than on a scale. Don't forget that there are the same spoons different sizes, although they are all approximately similar in volume. So, to answer the question: “100 grams of salt - how many tablespoons?” - Let's first decide on the unit of measurement.

We take a standard tablespoon with a working surface length of 7 cm and a width of 4. This spoon holds exactly 25 grams of salt without a slide. So, if we need 100 grams of salt, how many tablespoons will we need? That's right, four.

If you decide to take a heaping spoon, then the weight of the contents will increase slightly. The spoon will already fit 30 grams. Thus, 100 grams of salt in heaped spoons is three whole and a third of another tablespoon.

What about in glasses?

Sometimes you need to use a large amount of salt, for example, to prepare a marinade, for large seams of vegetables for the winter, for preparing a large volume of dishes, for pickling cabbage, and so on. It will be difficult to measure salt with tablespoons all the time.

Then the most ordinary glass will come to the rescue. How much is 100 grams of salt in a glass? But now there is a great variety of these dishes, all glasses are different in both height and volume. Therefore, we take as a sample an ordinary faceted glass, which is sold today in any glassware store.

If you fill the salt to the very top, then exactly 320 grams of salt will fit into such a dish. If you fill the glass to the top, the weight will be slightly less - 290 grams.

Thus, if you need to determine how much 100 grams of salt is in glasses, then it is enough to fill one third and you will get the desired result.

By the way, one contains a little more than 10 heaped tablespoons of salt, it’s easy to remember: 1 glass - 10 spoons.

Tea assistants

We have already determined: to collect 100 grams of salt, how many tablespoons we need. What if you need less? Or, suppose you don’t have a tablespoon at hand, but only tea and dessert spoons. Curious to know how much salt can fit in there?

We are happy to reveal this secret to you - exactly 7 grams without a slide and 10 grams with a slide. It’s easy to remember these indicators: three times more salt is placed in a heaped tablespoon than in a teaspoon. That's all the simple math.

The indicators are as follows: without a slide 14 grams, with a slide - 20.

How many other products?

Surely inquisitive housewives will also be interested in the question, how to count other bulk products with spoons - cereals, flour? Let's satisfy this curiosity.

A tablespoon of water contains 18 grams, flour - 10 (heaped - 15), sugar - 20 and 25 g, respectively. Dried herbs are placed in one tablespoon in the amount of 5/10 grams, and finely chopped greens - 10/15 grams.

A tablespoon will fit 17 grams of vegetable oil (you won’t be able to scoop it up in a heap, no matter how you look at it), and 20 grams of milk.

Here the indicators are given taking into account the fact that all bulk materials - salt, sugar, cereals, flour - are in a dry state. If salt or sugar has become wet and has absorbed moisture, then its weight will be somewhat greater. Do not forget about these nuances, and also remember that due to the peculiarities of the sizes of spoons and glasses, the weight of bulk products may vary by plus or minus 1-2 grams.

Enjoy your time in the kitchen!

How many grams are in a tablespoon and how many ml are in a teaspoon are frequently asked questions when preparing dishes at home; we suggest using a convenient table of weights and measures.

Everyone knows that the number of grams of flour, salt and sugar in 1 tablespoon is different. At home, without a kitchen scale, it is customary to measure the weight of a product in ml using tablespoons, teaspoons and glasses to determine how many grams flour, sugar, salt and liquid products weigh.

However, for this you need to know how many grams are contained in a tablespoon, a teaspoon, how many heaped or unheaped spoons fit in a glass in ml.

Authors of culinary recipes in most cases indicate in recipes the amount of food in ml or grams. Therefore, in order not to over-salt or over-sweet the dish, it is more convenient and faster to convert grams into spoons or ml into glasses.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. There is no point in memorizing a long list of tables of weights and measures; you need the table to be in your kitchen, not far from your desktop.

Using the table, it is easy to convert the capacity of a spoon and glass into grams, measure the weight of the product without weighing flour, sugar or salt on a scale.

When weighing bulk products and liquids, be sure to pay attention to the volume of the glasses, as they differ in the number of grams.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar?

The generally accepted values ​​for the content of food in a tablespoon or teaspoon are a low-heaped spoon. In rare cases, a spoon without a slide is used as a measure of weight. However, in this case, the author of the recipe must make the necessary clarification in the ingredients.

The first value in the table indicates the capacity of a tablespoon according to generally accepted standards - with a small heap, a tablespoon means a standard size.

The second indicator in the table is the weight of a tablespoon without a slide.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of salt

How many grams in a glass of flour

As a rule, in culinary recipes Two types of glasses are used: faceted and thin-walled. Therefore, due to the difference in volumes, the capacity of each glass is different. A thin-walled glass holds about 50 grams of food more than a faceted glass. The contents of glasses are measured similarly to spoons, that is, with a small heap. The first value indicated in the table is the capacity of a thin-walled glass, the second indicator is the capacity of a faceted glass.

How many grams are in the product

  • 1 small egg – 50-55 g.
  • 1 yolk – 15 g.
  • 1 protein – 35 g.
  • 1 medium-sized egg – 55-65 g.
  • 1 large egg – 65-70 g.
  • 1 potato -150-200 g.
  • 1 onion -150 g.
  • 1 clove of garlic – 5 g.

It is worth noting that the measurements given are relative. In different cutlery sets, the volume of the glass and the length of the tablespoon and teaspoon may differ.

If you need a more accurate weight of food, we recommend using measuring cups or electronic kitchen scales.

In addition to the table, we also suggest watching a video on the topic.

How to measure flour, sugar, salt without scales

We hope the tables will be so useful that you will no longer have questions about how many grams are in a spoon of a particular product.