Megan Fox's eldest son in a dress. Official interview: why does Megan Fox's son wear dresses? Photo of Megan Fox for Playboy magazine

A dress like Princess Elsa from Frozen, Rapunzel or Snow White, a bright fluffy tutu, just like a ballerina’s, pink leggings, sundresses and handbags - these are the things that make up the wardrobe of Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green’s eldest son, 4 years old. Noah. For a year and a half, the boy goes out for walks almost exclusively in clothes more suitable for a romantically inclined girl. The star couple was criticized more than once in this regard, but chose not to pay attention. In a new interview with Hollywood Pipeline, Brian shared his thoughts on the matter for the first time.

I've heard from some people that they can't accept Noah's style. What can I answer them? I don’t care. He is 4 years old and if he wants to wear something, he puts it on. It seems to me that at the age of 4-5 years old you only need one thing - to have fun. By appearing in dresses, he does not harm anyone. If he wants to look like that, great! That's good for him,” Brian replied.

No, no, the actors don’t have a daughter yet. This is the son - Noah GreenMegan Fox with sons

Megan Fox also expressed her position last year in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel.

I grew up in the Pentecostal Church of Ophiuchus... Women can only wear pants, no dresses, jewelry or makeup. Quite an aggressive environment. But I left there. And now I do not impose any prohibitions on children. My sons can wear dresses. Noah loves them very much. We have no rules - in my house everyone can be what they want to be!

On the eve of Megan Fox once again gave rise to conversation by being captured by the paparazzi with her family. The actress with her husband Brian Austin Green and their sons was photographed on a walk in Los Angeles. Eldest son star couple, Noah, again found himself dressed in a girl’s dress, this time the boy was wearing the outfit of Princess Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen”. Megan Fox does not accept criticism in this regard.

“I grew up in a strict religious family, where there were restrictions, and now I myself don’t want to stop my children from expressing themselves. There are no rules in our house, and if Noah wants it that way, we will support him,” she said. Green completely agrees with his wife.

“If a child wants to wear a dress, for God’s sake, I don’t care what choice he makes - in favor of a dress, swimming goggles or even slippers. It’s his personal business, I don’t decide what he wears,” the actor said, adding that Noah is now at the age that is ideal for “fun.” “If Noah wants to do it, then let him do it. This is his life and his clothes, not mine,” said Brian Austin Green.

Megan Fox showed off her three children in funny costumes for Halloween

The star of the "Transformers" film has always been a fan of Potter, so on All Saints' Day she reincarnated as a classmate of Harry Potter.

Megan Fox was wearing a Gryffindor house robe and holding a wand in her hand. The celebrity children chose more extravagant and scarier costumes for themselves. For example, 6-year-old Noah Shannon was in the form of a cheerleader girl who became a zombie. His middle brother Bodhi Ransom chose an outfit from the popular TV series PJ Masks, and 2-year-old Johnny River was dressed up in a fairy-tale unicorn costume.

Cassius Lidge, his husband’s 16-year-old son from his first marriage, also celebrated Halloween with Megan Fox and her three children.

Megan Fox's lawyer does not confirm the purchase of the "hell" house in Malibu

In 2016, Megan Fox purchased a house in Malibu. Which required significant repairs, but the realtor kept silent about it. In court, the star demanded compensation in the amount of five million dollars.

Megan Fox was horrified by the house she purchased; it turned out that it was strikingly different from the brochures that the real estate sellers provided her. Now the celebrity is trying not only to get his money back through the court, but is also suing his lawyer, who allowed such an acquisition.

Why famous stars and, concurrently, mothers began to dress their sons in tutus, pink blouses with sequins and grow hair for the boys long hair? Strange appearances of the sons of Megan Fox, Charlize Theron, Adele, Gwen Stefani, as well as the desire to change the sex of the 11-year-old daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. What is this? Harmful upbringing or the right to choose? Read more in the article!

The other day, the paparazzi caught the son and star mother Charlize Theron leisurely walking. It would seem that this is a common leisure activity for all families, but if it weren’t for appearance adopted son of the actress. Jackson Theron strolled through Beverly Hills wearing a pink sequined T-shirt, floral leggings and double braids.

More than once, Charlize led her son by the hand, dressed in girl's clothes. Jackson's wardrobe includes pink tutus and regular sundresses.

Charlize herself does not consider this strange; she is sure that her son can decide for himself who he should be.

By the way, not only Charlize holds such opinions. For example, the famous British performer Adele honestly admitted that she was ready to support any choice of her son:

“I can’t wait to find out who he is.” best friends, who his girlfriend or boyfriend is, what movies he likes... No matter what my child wants to become or what to do, I will always support him, no matter what.”

Adele also gives her son the right to dress in one of the disney princesses. Megan Fox and Gwen Stefani keep up with new trends in parenting. Their eldest sons were photographed wearing festive outfits for girls.

We also remind you that not only star sons want to transform into images of the opposite sex, but girls are not averse to becoming boys. Thus, the 11-year-old daughter of the separated Jolie-Pitt couple at the age of 9 admitted to her parents that she wanted to change her gender. So far, the star couple has not given permission for the operation, but they have allowed their daughter to cut her hair and change her wardrobe to a man’s one.

IN lately Hollywood beauty Megan Fox is constantly criticized by the public. The fact is that the actress allows her son, five-year-old Noah, to wear dresses, and indeed, those clothes that are intended for girls. At first, Megan was silent, but the other day she rushed to clarify the situation.

Young mother Megan Fox has recently been criticized by the public. The fact is that with enviable frequency she dresses up her eldest son, five-year-old Noah, in girlish outfits: be it dresses, pink T-shirts, leggings.

Megan did not ignore this kind of nagging and hastened to clarify the situation. According to the actress, she does not want to interfere with the choice of her eldest son. He can wear whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

And Fox, in turn, will always support his heir in his choice, whatever it may be. Note that Megan is not the only celebrity whose son was spotted in girlish dresses. Another Hollywood actress, Charlize Theron, was once criticized on this occasion.

The eldest son of the star couple, Noah, was again dressed in a girl’s dress, this time the boy was wearing the outfit of Princess Elsa from the cartoon “Frozen”.

“I grew up in a strict religious family, where there were restrictions, and now I myself don’t want to stop my children from expressing themselves. There are no rules in our house, and if Noah wants it that way, we will support him,” she said. Green completely agrees with his wife.

“If a child wants to wear a dress, for God’s sake, I don’t care what choice he makes - in favor of a dress, swimming goggles or even slippers. It’s his personal business, I don’t decide what he wears,” the actor said, adding that Noah is now at the age that is ideal for “fun.” “If Noah wants to do it, then let him do it. This is his life and his clothes, not mine,” said Brian Austin Green.

Let us remind you that today Megan Fox - mother of many children. She is raising three sons, reports the Rosregistr website. The eldest Noah Shannon is five years old, the middle Bodhi Ranson is three years old, and the youngest Journey River is just a little more than a year. IN given time Megan is legally married to actor Brian Austin Green. Before the birth of their third son, the couple almost divorced; Fox had already submitted the relevant documents to the registration authorities. Then the matter was hushed up and the actress told the public that she was pregnant again.

Megan Denise Fox (born May 16, 1986, Oak Ridge, Tennessee) is an American actress and model. She is known as the performer of the role of Michaela Banes in the films “Transformers” and “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, as well as for the role of April O’Neil in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2”.

The star of the film "Transformers" shocked the public. She dressed her eldest son in a princess dress!

The public is perplexed: Halloween is still far away, but Fox's 4-year-old son Noah Shannon Green is walking the streets in a dress...

The actress with her husband Brian Austin Green and baby Noah were photographed by paparazzi on one of the streets of Los Angeles. The couple walked around the city in ordinary unremarkable clothes, but their little son walked next to his mother in blue fluffy dress princesses with a tutu skirt!

Yes, yes, your eyes don’t deceive you, it’s her son next to Megan.

Fans of the star are shocked. It would be nice if the baby dressed up for Halloween. But just like that... Why, why?

There are already a great many versions of the strange behavior of the actress’s family. One of them is unstable hormonal background. Megan is expecting a baby. Maybe some kind of chemistry happened in her body and she forgot that she had a son and not a daughter?

The second option, which fans of the star are inclined towards, is the desire of the boy himself. What if the same thing happens to Noah as to Angelina Jolie's daughter Shiloh? She flatly refuses to wear dresses and dresses like a boy because she feels like one. Megan dreamed of a daughter, and she had sons twice. Maybe Noah heard his mom's prayers?

And the third option, which we are inclined to: perhaps in kindergarten The baby had a festive matinee, he played in some play and it was for the sake of the role that he turned into a girl. When art requires sacrifices, you can make them.