Guardian angel tarot reading tip of the day. Positions in the Guardian Angel layout

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

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Many people want to know their future or ask questions regarding certain facts that took place However, they are stopped by the fact that fortune telling is considered sinful, since the Church prohibits any contacts with the other world, considering them connections with Satan, this applies to those methods that involve performing sacrifices or calling the spirits of the dead.

However, there is fortune telling Guardian Angel, which refers to white magic, and by definition cannot be connected in any way with serving evil forces.

So, if there is a desire to lift the veil of the future and receive benefits from this knowledge, using it wisely, and at the same time not taking a sin to the soul, you will definitely need to listen to the voice of an angel for the near future - by the way, it gives valuable advice, by listening to which you can radically change your life.

Technique for fortune telling Guardian Angel online - benefits and recommendations

Were originally invented special cards, which helped the fortuneteller receive advice from the angel (and only the person himself could guess, since the guardian angel would not communicate with strangers). In order to correctly interpret the magical message received from your invisible protector, it was necessary to have certain paranormal abilities that only select people could boast of.

However, now everything has become much simpler - thanks to the development of information technology, online fortune telling has appeared, which has many advantages compared to regular fortune telling, among which the most significant are the following:

  • Anyone can use the proposed method of fortune telling (mystical guardian) - all you have to do is ask the question you are interested in and click on the data calculation button. After some time, you will receive a ready-made result, which will only have to be correctly projected onto your question, your life situation and circumstances that take place.
  • Virtual fortune telling with a Guardian Angel is the best way to get a prediction and recommendation for performing certain actions for today, to the situation, for a day. The recommendation received from the angel will not concern your life at all (this is not a fortune telling that will indicate what profession you should choose or how long you have left to live in this world). Everything is much simpler - this technique allows you to ask and receive a relatively accurate answer to the fortuneteller’s question regarding the near future. And only him, and not relatives, friends and acquaintances, as well as all the other people close to you - they have their own Guardian Angels, let them do online fortune telling themselves. Moreover, it is in fact available to everyone.
  • Guess on Guardian Angel online - free, and there is no need to seek advice from " knowledgeable people", which will require a substantial sum for interpreting your guardian's advice monetary reward. Anyone can tell fortunes, and fortune telling can be done on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon, zodiac sign or any other moments. Your guardian angel is always with you, no matter what you have done, what life circumstances you have found yourself in, and how you plan to get out of this situation.
  • Online fortune telling gives very accurate clues that do not require additional interpretation. In fact, you already receive ready recommendation to perform certain actions that will need to be taken to obtain the desired result. Fortune telling about a guardian angel is the best way to help spread the word to a loved one, but only from the perspective of how it will be possible to track the role of this person in your life (the question needs to be formulated exclusively - ask how I will need to behave in order to build a relationship with this person maximally harmonious
    relationships). Don't forget that magic Guardian Angel focused only on you, and not on third parties. You will not be able to tell fortunes with your guardian angel for the future of your chosen one (more precisely, for those events that will concern him exclusively and not your relationship) due to the latter’s individuality. At the same time, no one is trying to challenge the relevance of the predictions received - angelic appeals will be the real advice of the day.

It remains only to find out how the conversation with the guardian angel is carried out through online resources.
Tips from Guardian Angel have one more feature: your patron will never recommend choosing a model of behavior that is in one way or another associated with risks specific to you. First of all, he will think about your safety, and not about achieving results. You definitely need to make allowances for this, and if you are in life risky person which forces Guardian Angel work at 100%, then it’s better not to ask him for advice, but to look for some other fortune-telling for yourself. After all, all the same, you will not take advantage of the advice of an invisible protégé, but will act in your own way.

Known back in pre-revolutionary Russia. This is one of those ways to find out fate that is not frowned upon Orthodox Church, and even deeply religious people often turned to him. Fortune telling helps to find out the future in different situations and get specific advice from good forces. There are several ways to use simple ritual lift the veil of the future and receive advice from your guardian angel for every day.

How they used to tell fortunes in the old days

This is the only fortune telling that can be used on any day of the week. See him off better during the day on Sunday if you need to find out the answer to an important question.

To make a fortune telling, you need to take 30 pieces of paper of the same size, preferably opaque, and the same number of paper clips. Advice from good forces is written on them, even just the words “yes” and “no” if you are planning some business or decision. Then they are folded into a tube, tied with ribbons of the same color and placed in a jar or vase. You can perform the ceremony on the new moon in the evening.

Before starting fortune telling, if you want to receive advice from your guardian angel for the current day, you need to tune in to a positive mood, good thoughts and good beginnings. A believer can attend a Sunday service in a church, pray and tune in to the positive. It is even recommended to place a candle in front of the icon and ask for help in resolving an important issue. Or read one of the prayers to your guardian angel so that he opens your eyes and helps you correctly understand the meaning of the hint that you receive in fortune telling. Prayer to the defender can be different. Sometimes it is enough to read it in your own words:

"Guardian Angel (your church name at baptism), protect, advise, protect the child of God, give wise advice and answer, amen!”

Then at random you take out a piece of paper with the answer. The words in it can relate directly to your question, or allegorically reveal the meaning or action that needs to be done. Advice from a guardian angel for every day can be a hint that will allow you to get answers to questions and indicate how to plan your day. Here are some answers you can write down on paper to get good advice:

  • "The day will be calm."
  • "You will receive good news."
  • “Take into account the advice of a powerful person - it will help you finally resolve an important issue.”
  • "Take your time."
  • “Do not make rash decisions and actions.”
  • “Everything will work out if you work hard.”
  • “Today there is a possibility of receiving false news.”
  • “Don’t show what’s in your heart to avoid getting into trouble.”
  • “Wait for guests and good news.”
  • “The news received today may be unfortunate.”

If the answer is “yes” or “no” and you did not ask specific issue, you need to pull out another piece of paper. But remember that a negative or positive answer may concern what concerns your heart most.

Second way of fortune telling

You can get advice of the day from your angel using a tarot deck or ordinary playing cards, preferably new and not played. To do this, place the deck on a light scarf or satin bag and take out one card at random. She will tell you exactly what will happen in the near future.

If you use tarot cards, then look at the names of the arcana and symbolism. In a regular deck, the meaning is interpreted by suits and figures.

If a king or jack comes up, you will receive an answer from the man. Perhaps this will be advice, a suggestion or a conversation. A lady appears - a woman will help you solve an important issue. Sometimes the figures mean guests or a telephone conversation that may be useful.

Black suits promise bad news, quarrels, conversations. Sometimes their appearance means loss, the need to show perseverance and prudence. Light suits, especially the red one, suggest that today you will need to show kindness, tenderness and tune in to love.

Guardian angel advice for every day will help you focus on activities or take important decision. But sometimes the best clue is reason and intuition. Therefore, you should carefully consider the result of fortune telling and it will definitely not let you down.

Now that we know that they are messengers of the light essence of Kryon and even part of it, we can better understand why this is so. After all, Kryon can tell not only the story of your life or give angel advice yours, this entity is able to show other worlds and other realities. She is inextricably linked with the Creator, and through the Guardian Angels with us. What does this mean? The fact that we are close to the creator. Sometimes it’s amazing how many wise, bright friends we have next to us, who know a lot about which we still have no idea.

This gives comfort, but at the same time calls for responsibility. Guardian Angels also remind us of this in our dialogues.

- Does the Guardian Angel influence life events?

Of course angels give you advice.

- But do you exert influence in any way other than by instilling thoughts? Do you have direct influence on events that might happen?

Yes, but we never act outside the laws of nature.

You mistakenly think that the action of spirits should be manifested only through unusual influences. You would really like us to come with miracles, armed with a magic wand. But there is nothing like it. Good but insufficiently prepared spirits can afford this. What a developed spirit does seems absolutely natural from the outside. For example, I make a romantic meeting between two people - if everything is done beautifully and accurately, then it will seem to both of you as if you met by chance! I inspired someone with the idea of ​​walking down a certain street, attracted his attention to some circumstance, at least to your outfit. And in the end it turns out that the person seems to act on his own impulse. By doing so, I will only increase your free will.

- If spirits influence physical events, can they, on their own initiative, cause an event to occur? For example, a car accident: are perfumes causing the brakes to malfunction or other such things?

It is absolutely true that spirits can act on matter. But even evil spirits have this ability only for the sake of fulfilling the laws of nature. No one is capable of violating them by causing an unexpected event to happen that is contrary to the will of God. In the example you're thinking of now, the brakes failed because the pads were worn out. Alas, the fate of that person is to die in this way. The spirits inspired him with the idea of ​​​​a trip, but death has the most natural appearance, and there is no need to perform any miracle for this.

- But how can a Guardian Angel push someone to an early death? How to deal with the grief of relatives?

Or rather, that Guardian Angel cannot do anything about it if death is ordained by God and if a person is not developed enough to focus on advice from angels and spirits. For developed person there is an opportunity to delay the transition to the natural limit of life, for God allowed us to save anyone who wants to improve themselves on earth. But in any case, the Angel will try to make the transition to astral world fast and painless. In any case, the Angel and the Helper will help the deceased at the beginning of the posthumous journey. And of course, we grieve no less than you, although for us the grief is caused not by the fact of death, which does not exist, but by sympathy for the grief of those who remained alive. We wipe away the tears of widows and children - and this is one of the most worthy tasks of any spirit.

- Spirits who direct the events of life towards good, can they encounter opposition from evil spirits?

What God desires must be. If there is a delay or hindrance, it is by His will. In nature, chance has equal rights with law, but chance is possible only as a delay or hindrance, and even then within the limits permitted by God.

- Could not all these minor difficulties and discord in our foresight be caused by frivolous and mocking spirits? Are they not the creators of what is commonly called “little nasty things”?

They love these squabbles, especially if you lose your patience. But they leave this matter when they see that they are not achieving anything. However, it would be unfair and inaccurate to blame all your mistakes on evil spirits. If you don't want listen his Guardian Angel, then what does perfume have to do with it?

- Do evil spirits carry out their deeds out of personal hostility towards a person, or do they simply attack the first person they meet for no particular reason?

Both. Sometimes these are enemies that you make for yourself in this or past life, and they are chasing you. But sometimes this happens without any reason.

- Does the ill will of those who harmed us on earth fade away along with physical life?

Often after death, the soul recognizes its injustice and the evil it has caused. But in some cases, enmity persists, and then the soul of the deceased continues to haunt you, if only God allows it to do so.

- Can this be stopped and how?

Yes, you can pray for your enemies, and if you repay good for evil, they will eventually begin to understand that they were wrong. In general, if you put yourself above their machinations, they leave you alone as soon as they see that they cannot break through the connection with the Guardian Angel.

- Does the Guardian Angel have the power to ward off misfortune and attract prosperity?

Not entirely, for there are misfortunes placed on people by God to atone for past lives. But you can always ease your torment by giving you patience and the will to win. Know also that it is up to you to stop all these troubles. God gave you a mind to use, and if you are able to ask for advice from your Guardian Angel and hear the answer, . But we help those who know how to help themselves:

“Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.”

Know also that what seems evil to you is not always evil. Often good comes out that far exceeds temporary evil, and this is what you don’t understand, because you think only in today’s day.

- Can spirits help in obtaining material benefits?

Yes, but within the limits allowed by God.

- Do good or evil spirits grant such requests?

Both. It depends only on your intentions; material wealth has absolutely nothing to do with it. Ask your Guardian Angel for advice, and you will be confident in the purity of what you receive. I am not bound by matter, but, of course, I will not give anything that will ultimately turn out to harm you.

- When a happy event happens, should we thank our Guardian Angel?

Thank God, nothing happens without His will. Why do we need gratitude, we are only messengers of God.

- What happens if you don't thank God?

What happens to the ungrateful.

But there are people who do not pray or thank, but succeed in everything.

Yes, but you need to see further. Sometimes you have to pay very dearly for fleeting happiness. But don't think that we're talking about About external gratitude, only the feeling with which you receive it matters, and not some words.

What he thinks about death plays a big role in the fate of every person. How to relate to this global phenomenon? Kryon suggests replacing the word “death” with the word “transition.” Such a replacement, of course, will not cancel the very phenomenon that we will someday need to leave our physical body, however, she gives it a different meaning.

Nowadays they talk and write a lot about Ascension in the body after the Quantum transition. Guardian angels do not cancel this possibility, but they say that the physical shell is still not eternal, and a person needs to move further from incarnation to incarnation in order to develop and become an increasingly higher being.

Kryon also talks about this, defining different possibilities, which its Messengers convey to us.

based on materials from the book: Ageeva Olga - “Kryon - dialogue with Angels.”

» Tarot fortune telling “Guardian Angel”

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Guardian Angel” allows you to find out if you have a Guardian Angel, find out if he is protecting you, and perhaps even clarify a certain situation with the help of cards that your protector wants to convey to you. After the alignment will be given full transcript, take the information not literally, but intuitively, since perhaps the answer will be depicted on the map itself.

Positions in the Guardian Angel layout:

1. Strength. The strength and strength of the Angel, as well as the identification of the possibility that he is not alone.
2. Blessing. How ready is he to help you?
3. Genus. The appearance of this Angel in your life is visible, i.e. This is a hereditary guardian, passed down through the family line, or assigned.
4. Shield. The degree of human protection is determined.
5. Significator of the querent

Click on the deck of cards 5 times.

Fortune telling for four kings allows you to check the feelings and attitudes of 4 men towards you at once. To start fortune telling, you need to enter the names of four different men and think of a question, for example, “how does he treat me?” and the cards will show you the attitude of these people towards you.

This layout is universal for any situation. Concentrate and ask a question, then choose a significant card (the person you are guessing for) using the correspondence table. Then carry out the “Celtic Cross” layout and read the transcript of fortune telling.