Game stupid bots in Russian play online. Chatbots for English practice

One of the most important conditions for mastering English is the practice of its use. Even if you are learning English, written and oral communication is still the most important part of learning. There are several ways to organize such a language experience.

This article is devoted to one of these secrets, which, indeed, not everyone still knows about, how you can practice written English with robots completely free of charge. The article also provides a list of similar smart programs with links. In fact, in some countries, such as Japan, people pay money to learn English with robots and chatbots.

I encourage my students to use language whenever possible. Those students who live, work or travel abroad show faster progress as they use English in everyday life. And those guys who have a significant other, but they are separated language barrier, they generally master a foreign language at turbo speeds.

Those students who do not have such an opportunity, with my help, find foreigners for communication and language practice. But there are several hidden pitfalls here. Firstly, not everyone wants to search and is simply lazy; secondly, registering on websites and searching for partners often takes a lot of time; thirdly, the English of new friends sometimes leaves much to be desired. In fact, this is the best option, even despite some of the indicated pitfalls. However, sometimes you want something faster. When I wrote and they answered you right away.

The search for a solution to this issue led me to the topic of chatbots for learning English. In simple words, you can correspond, and in some cases even communicate by voice, with smart robots that respond quite “on topic”. Many of these robots have passed the Turing test and in some cases you would hardly guess that this is a robot and not a person.

Benefits of practicing English with bots:

  • they always answer whenever you write to them
  • their English is always literate and they know

List of chatbots for language practice:

  1. Mike is a good conversationalist
  2. Elbot is a good conversationalist
  3. Cleverbot (really not stupid) + there is the possibility of voice communication)
  4. Zabaware (a pretty smart bot that also pronounces phrases)
  5. John Lennon (yes, that same one. Click on the left menu “Chat with...”)
  6. Acobot is an excellent Android application that is aimed specifically at learning English. It is possible for example