Riddle about a hare middle group. Forest handsome long-eared hare

Nature, which seems so close and understandable to us, is actually very mysterious. Evidence of this is the riddles about it, which allow you not only to remember its rules and laws, but also to learn a lot of new things. We have prepared and posted on this page best riddles for children about fish, about a bear, about a hare, about a hedgehog.
Riddles about the world around us are intended not only for adults, but for children and teenagers. Fascinating riddles will help teachers diversify thematic lessons about nature and interest schoolchildren.

Today, when children most often encounter animals, birds and fish only on TV and in pictures, the problem of instilling in the younger generation a love for the world around them becomes very urgent. And riddles are very helpful in introducing children to living nature. Special Children are interested in riddles about fish. Familiar only with aquarium fish, girls and boys very often know about pikes and crayfish only by hearsay.

Children's riddles about fish:

Glass house on the window
With clear water
With rocks and sand at the bottom
And with a golden fish.

Glistening in a clean river
The back is silver.

It wags its tail and has teeth, but does not bark.

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.

There's a big fight in the river:
Two people quarreled...

It crawls backwards, backwards,
Everything under water is grabbed with a claw.

With a tail, not a beast,
with feathers, not a bird.

Funny, playful riddles introduce children to amazing inhabitants underwater world. Riddles about fish, memorized with pleasure by kids, not only create inner world children's dreams, but also help in training memory, developing imagination, associative thinking and thinking in categories.

In all riddles there is a bear is certainly considered the largest and strongest forest inhabitant. Not only does he love to taste juicy fruits, but he is also famous for his weakness for sweets, such as extracted honey. The taste of fragrant honey allows him to forget about the threat of being bitten by angry bees protecting their hive from the invasion of uninvited guests. He needs to constantly eat in order to hibernate in winter, which lasts until the arrival of spring.

The best bear riddles for young children:

This funny animal is made of plush:
There are paws, there are ears.
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den!

In the summer he walks through the forest,
In winter it rests in a den.

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,

What's his name? -...

Who sleeps all the time in winter?
Does he stir up the hives in the summer?

Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it?

The beast waddles
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes,
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

Sleeps in winter
In the summer - he stirs up the hives.
Answer: Bear

In all riddles, fairy tales, fables and hare stories called the most cowardly of all forest inhabitants. However, the hare is not as timid as is commonly thought. His cowardice is no greater than that of any other animal of similar size. He has to run away from his large enemies only because of his defenselessness, since he cannot boast of either powerful paws or huge teeth.

Riddles about a hare for young children:

Run up the mountain
off the mountain head over heels.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

What kind of forest animal is this?
stood up like a post under a pine tree?
Who stands among the grass
Are your ears bigger than your head?

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

Long ears
Fast paws.
Gray, but not a mouse
Who is this? ...

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.
Gray belly, long ear.

Riddles about hedgehogs they say that thanks to its needles and ability to curl up into a ball, this little animal is not afraid of almost anyone. The only danger for him is the fox, the most cunning of all forest animals. Having driven the hedgehog into a puddle he doesn’t like, she forces him to turn around and show his defenselessness. Cunning and cunning help her achieve what others cannot.

Riddles about a hedgehog
Not a tailor, but all my life
Walks around with needles.

Under the pines, under the fir trees
There is a bag of needles.

Will curl up into a ball,
It's impossible to take.

The needles lay, lay,
Yes, they ran under the table.

We need sewing needles...
Who needs needles to live?

He himself is round, not a ball,
The mouth is not visible, but the biter
You can't take it with your bare hand,
And this is called... (hedgehog)

Nose like a pig's
Yes, the bristles are sharp.

Lying under the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay, she lay,
Yes, she ran.

Lots of needles, but no threads.

Between the pines, between the fir trees
A thousand needles are wandering.
But don't make a stitch
All needles without an eye!

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest,
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread.

Like a Christmas tree -
All covered in needles.

Riddles about a hedgehog for children.

Children's riddles about a hare:

for preschoolers 4-5 years old

What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass,
Are your ears bigger than your head?


Jumps across the field, hides his ears,
It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.


The beast is eared, gray in summer,
And in winter it is snowy white.
I wasn't scared of him
I rode it for a whole hour.


V. Struchkov

Forest Handsome
Eared (Hare.)

Running champion
On white snow.


Gray Column stood in the forest.
Afraid of wolves and foxes.
He plays hide and seek with them -
Running without looking back


Hat jumps through the forest
Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility.


J. Zudrags

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
Runs from them, escaping,
WITH long ears… (hare).

N. Letoshko

Long ears, called a scythe,
He is very afraid of being caught by a fox,
Jumps, zigzags, but this is not a dance,
This is how he escapes from predators... . ( Hare)

A. Bovina

He was Russian, but it snowed
The fluffy fur turned white,
And he is invisible in winter
A wolf with a red fox!


A. Izmailov

Short tail, sideways eye,
Long-eared and barefoot
Jumped over a bush to escape
From the red fox...( hare).

V. Donskaya

Who disappeared there while running?
Leaving a footprint in the snow?
Sable? No! Chanterelle? No!
Their long-eared neighbor.
I crushed the snow with my paws,
Flew like a breeze
And melted into the darkness
With a snowflake on its tail.


A. Teslenko

He likes to confuse his tracks
What will save you from trouble,
And often changes fur coats,
But the coward is just creepy.
He sits under a bush,
And he’s shaking all over with fear.
And his name is Kosoy,
Long-eared and barefoot.


I. Mikhailovna

There is a bush in the forest.
There's a crunch under the bush,
Bare heels,
The eyes are slanted.


S. Azar

Who is oblique and very dexterous,
Love sweet carrots?
Even though two teeth are visible in the mouth,
He gnaws at her not badly.

Long-eared, long-legged
He hurries along the forest road.
Who is white in winter,
Jumping around like crazy?

O. Oglanova

Afraid of wolf and fox
And the hunter in the forest
From the prickly hedgehog,
Also hiding trembling
After all, the most terrible coward
This little one ( Bunny).

L. Korotaeva

I can be gray, I can be white.
With long ears, not big, not bold.
You see how I cleverly weave through jumps,
Maybe the red-haired cheat won't catch up?


G. Dergachev

Sometimes it is gray and sometimes it is white;
Leaves traces, skillfully meanders.
He is afraid of the fox, and he is also afraid of the wolf.
Only cabbage is afraid of him.


E. Malenkina

They say I'm a coward
In fairy tales he is supposedly boastful.
It's not like that, my friends,
I'm just being careful!(Hare)

V. Kuzminov

In a warm fur coat
Who will rush to the garden in winter,
To get a little bit from the apple tree
Gnaw a piece of bark for lunch?


Who in winter for three days in a row
The outfit was chewed from the trunks
Early in the morning at dawn
By the aspen trees on the mountain?


What kind of animals are blizzards?
Have you put on new fur coats?
Warm fur in the winter cold
So similar to the first snow!
Don't walk around in such beauty
Neither the wolf nor the fox!


V. Gula

Long ears, slanted eyes.
Very cowardly both in life and in fairy tales.
He is hiding from the fox and the wolf.
Favorite foods: cabbage, carrots.


V. Tunnikov

He's afraid of the wolf, he's afraid of the fox -
He is very scared in the dense forest.
He loves to carry carrots in the garden beds,
He is always ready to run, jump, gallop

L. Selezneva

A ball of fluff,
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots.


F. Polak

He is long-eared, short-tailed,
The animal is fluffy and small in stature.
And he loves, oblique and nimble,
Beets, carrots and cabbage.
Any girl and boy
They will answer: he is called...(Bunny)

O. Ashto

The coward has ears as big as his elbows,
To hear even a whisper.
And because he didn't dare,
In summer - grey, in winter - white.
It's fluffy, with a tail the size of a finger.
Who is this coward?... ( hare)

Answer: hare

“a white collar jumps straight across the field” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

Rodent with long ears


Southern Hemisphere Constellation

A small animal from the order of rodents

. "... quickly, but there is no dispute"", word

Rodent, a mammal with long ears

. (colloquial) free rider

. "Rabbit" without a ticket

. The "stupid" free rider

. “Run up the mountain, head over heels down the mountain” (riddle)

. (according to Pavsky hare) m. generic name of an animal from the category of rodents, Lepus; bonfire quickly, smol. eagle hurry up, orenb. Tatar Kuyan, Sib. Uskan, Psk. kriven, humorous oblique, short, lop-eared; novg. biley (belyay, hare). hunters' spring litter, spring droppings; mentor, early, winter; deciduous, autumn: summer grass, herbalist, summer. The hare is a brown hare, a steppe dweller, and a tver. Psk. the moth, larger and stronger than the hare, lives in the steppes and remains gray in winter; h. white hare novg. white, lives in the forests and turns white all over in winter, cuff, a mixture of both; h. mature, old; arrived, young, young. tolay, tulai, mountain steppe, on Ust-Urta in Altai; h. burrow, rabbit, panty, we don’t have a wild one. Ground hare, jerboa, Dipus, a genus of large mouse, with long hind legs, living in burrows: large, the size of a rabbit (Tavrich and Orenbian jerboa; small, the size of a rat (in southern Siberia), tabargan, babuk. sea ​​hare, genus of seal, seal in the White Sea, Phoca barbata, albigena, sea squirrel, luftak, yagola? Sea hare or hare, the generic name of stinking and poisonous sea slugs. The name of the hare is Perm. orenb. a cloud of white steam coming out of a residential or warm building in winter. You can't catch a hare without a dog. They laid down the horse and left the hare. The horse is not dear, but the hare is dear. The price for a hare is two money, but to run is a hundred rubles. While the hare is killed, the ox will be eaten! The ruble is running, they are catching up with a hundred, but how

. (ushkan) animal from the order of rodents

Runs from the hill with his ears flattened

Free rider


White, but not a White Guard

Fearless mower

Long-eared stowaway

Long-eared coward

If without a ticket, then he is no longer a passenger

Animal with long ears

White in winter, gray in summer

Each of the fearless mowers in Semyon Gorbunkov’s song

Each of the fearless mowers in Semyon Semenovich’s song from the comedy film “The Diamond Arm” by Leonid Gaidai

Who do the inspectors catch on the tram?

Slant free rider

Oblique forest friend

Free Rider Rabbit

Any of those who are caught in transport by the inspector

Conductor's Hunting Object

The object of the inspectors' hunt in the tram

One of those who is caught in transport by the inspector

One of those whom Kolobok left

Twisting Coward

Fluffy animal

Fur animal

Brown or hare

Brown hare

Completely numb passenger

Cowardly Jumper


Eared cartoon character Kotenochkina

Long-eared hare

Film by Tigran Keosayan "... over the abyss"

This animal, which has no hooves at all, is prohibited by the Talmud from being eaten as “having cloven hooves, but not chewing the cud.”

A small, shy animal with long hind legs, long ears and a short tail; fur, skin of such an animal.

stowaway, stowaway

The prey of hunters in the painting by V. Perov

An animal of the rodent order, with long ears and strong legs

Eastern horoscope sign

The oblique demon galloped into the forest (riddle)

Gray in summer, white in winter (mystery)

Feral rabbit

Synonym for hare

Southern Hemisphere Constellation

Prey of hunters in the painting by Vasily Perov

Each of the fearless mowers in Semyon Semenovich’s song from the comedy film “The Diamond Arm” by Leonid Gaidai

The most preferred prey for lynx

Film by Tigran Keosayan “... over the abyss”

A character from A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Voevoda”

This animal, which has no hooves at all, is prohibited by the Talmud from being eaten as “having cloven hooves, but not chewing the cud.”

What artificial bait do greyhound racing participants run after?

He is afraid of the hunter or controller

. “running up the mountain, somersaulting down the mountain” (riddle)

. “quick jump, warm fluff, red eye” (riddle)

. “runs from the hill with his ears flattened” (riddle)

. “Guess what kind of hat it is: a whole armful of fur. the cap runs in the forest, gnaws the bark of the trunks" (riddle)

. “cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, felt boots” (riddle)

Saved by Mazay

Quick coward

Chocolate beast by Pierre Narcisse

. “Well, ..., wait!”

Each of those, if you chase them, you risk not catching anything

Each of those saved by Mazay

Object of the tram conductor's hunt

Big Eared Coward

Beast inflated by Kolobok

Stepashka is like a beast

Furry rodent

Rodent on public transport

Chocolate bastard

Who do the inspectors catch on the tram?

. "rabbit" without a ticket

. "stupid" free rider

What animal did Kolobok leave from?

What animal did Kolobok come from?

The inspector catches him in the transport

What animal is teased with a sideways eye?

      A ball of fur was meandering in the forest,
      What made the animals laugh.
      And you take it and guess
      Who made everyone laugh? Certainly, … .

      Forests hide many troubles.
      There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!
      Our animal lives in anxiety,
      Trouble takes you away...
      Come on, quickly guess
      What is the animal's name? ...

      Rushes without looking back
      Only the heels sparkle.
      He rushes with all his might,
      The tail is shorter than the ear.
      Guess quickly
      Who is this? ...

      That animal is from a fox
      Runs away.
      Well, guess what!
      This is white...

      Jump and jump,
      Long ears
      White side.

      Bistry paws, short tail,
      Long nose, black nose,
      Take the edge of the bread by hand
      Gray and fluffy...

      Small, white,
      Jump-jump through the forest!
      One snowball at a time!

      Near the forest, on the edge
      We saw a little animal:
      Bounces like a ball.
      Who is this? Right, … .

      Cross-eyed, small,
      An old man in a gray fur coat

    Bunny Autumn Cold

      And I, guys, am gray in the summer.
      But in winter, I am white as snow.
      Everyone says I'm a coward.
      And I'm only small...


      Runs fast and jumps deftly,
      He really loves to eat carrots.
      Now in white, now in gray
      And a short tail.
      Who is this? Poor, timid...


      Clothes in two colors -
      For winter and summer.
      Ears pressed -
      He ran into the forest.
      Such a coward
      This …


      Runs deftly
      Loves carrots.

      In winter - white,
      In summer - gray.

      White in winter, gray in summer.
      He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone.

      A ball of fluff,
      Long ear
      Jumps deftly
      Loves carrots.

      Cross-eyed, small,
      In a white fur coat and felt boots.

      My ears on top of my head:
      Long, big,
      So that the fox can hear
      I'm not even quiet.

      Run up the mountain, somersault down the mountain.

      Not a lamb or a cat, wears a fur coat all year round.
      A gray fur coat is for summer, a different color for winter.

      Jumps across the field and hides its ears.
      It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.

      It's dangerous to play hide and seek with him.
      The poor thing rushes without looking back.
      The trail got confused and lay down:
      I was able to deceive the fox

      The gray animal jumps and jumps over the bumps!
      Small tail and fast legs -
      He's so cowardly that it's a bit of a pity!

      Grey, soft and fluffy
      He always lives in the forest.
      It’s like the whole leaf is shaking,
      Seeing a wolf or a fox.

      Like a whirlwind, it flies to escape
      From the enemy, timid...

      The scythe has no den,
      He doesn't need a hole.
      Legs save you from enemies,
      And from hunger - bark.

      The tail is shorter than the ear,
      Quick habits.
      I'm running as fast as I can
      From the wolf without looking back.

      Straight across the field
      The white collar jumps.

      What kind of forest animal is this:
      Stood up like a post under a pine tree
      And stands among the grass -
      Are your ears bigger than your head?

      Gray fur coat - for summer,
      For winter - a different color.

      I've been wearing a vest all my life,
      But without shoes and shirt.

      Racing, racing across the savannah
      To the watering hole early in the morning
      Striped horses -
      Who is faster, without looking back.

      Put on the horses
      Marine vests.

      Without hearing the ocean waves,
      Not knowing the expanse of the sea,
      In the distant African steppe
      The sea vest is frolicking.

      What kind of horses -
      Are they all wearing vests?

      All the horses are wearing sailor shirts.

      They walk in a small pen
      Horses in striped T-shirts.

      She wasn’t sick, she wasn’t sick, but she put on a shroud.

    Land With Snow

      They put on white hats at home,
      It's cold for them - it's come...

      I will paint the branches with white paint,
      I will throw silver on your roof.
      Warm winds will come in spring
      And they will drive me out of the yard.

      I have a lot to do - I'm a white blanket
      I cover the whole earth, I remove the rivers from ice,
      I whitewash fields, houses, and my name is...

And I, guys, am gray in the summer.
But in winter, I am white as snow.
Everyone says I'm a coward.
And I'm just a little...

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

My ears on top of my head:
Long, big,
So that the fox can hear
I'm not even quiet.

Run up the mountain, somersault down the mountain.

In winter - white,
In summer - gray.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

Runs deftly
Loves carrots.

It's dangerous to play hide and seek with him.
The poor thing rushes without looking back.
The trail got confused and lay down:
I was able to deceive the fox

That animal is from a fox
Runs away.
Well, guess what!
This is white...

The tail is shorter than the ear,
Quick habits.
I'm running as fast as I can
From the wolf without looking back.

Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

White in winter, gray in summer.
He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone.

What kind of forest animal is this:
Stood up like a post under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Are your ears bigger than your head?

Rushes without looking back
Only the heels sparkle.
He rushes with all his might,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess quickly
Who is this? ...

Like a whirlwind, it flies to escape
From the enemy, timid...

Small, white,
Jump-jump through the forest!
One snowball at a time!

The gray animal jumps and jumps over the bumps!
Small tail and fast legs -
He's so cowardly that it's a bit of a pity!

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.

Not a lamb or a cat, wears a fur coat all year round.
A gray fur coat is for summer, a different color for winter.

Cross-eyed, small,
An old man in a gray fur coat
Bunny Autumn Cold

Jumps across the field and hides its ears.
It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.

Grey, soft and fluffy
He always lives in the forest.
It’s like the whole leaf is shaking,
Seeing a wolf or a fox.

Runs fast and jumps deftly,
He really loves to eat carrots.
Now in white, now in gray
And a short tail.
Who is this? Poor, timid...

Forests hide many troubles.
There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety,
Trouble takes you away...
Come on, quickly guess
What is the animal's name? ...

Jump and jump,
Long ears
White side.

Near the forest, on the edge
We saw a little animal:
Bounces like a ball.
Who is this? Right, ... .

Bistry paws, short tail,
Long nose, black nose,
Take the edge of the bread by hand
Gray and fluffy...

Clothes in two colors -
For winter and summer.
Ears pressed -
He ran into the forest.
Such a coward

A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots.

A ball of fur was meandering in the forest,
What made the animals laugh.
And you take it and guess
Who made everyone laugh? Certainly, ... .