The most beautiful wise statuses. The wisest statuses - smart sayings with meaning

The best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke? Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why bother your loved ones with your problems? But is this right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times if not our dearest people. They will support you in word and deed, your loved ones will be by your side, and everything that has been bothering you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses are also a kind of advice about the most important things in every person’s life. Go to and choose the most interesting statements of great people. The wisdom of humanity is collected in great books such as the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude towards every living creature - all this worried people both in ancient times and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary those great sayings that even today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous personalities!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern megacities, it is difficult to discern when day turns to night, as the light of thousands of street lamps and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you just want to watch starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or simply count the stars. But we are always in a hurry, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the tallest building in the city. And in the summer, falling in the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who care!

Most statuses on social networks are either cool and humorous, or dedicated to the topic of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a decent status without jokes. Interesting sayings and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical discussions about the future of modern civilization. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person cannot be satisfied with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of “loving pranksters” and find worthy “food for thought”, then collected here wise statuses will help you with this. Truly significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away without leaving a trace. Wise sayings great people make us think, stick into our consciousness and can help solve a particular problem. We have collected a wide variety of statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.

A smart man does not say half of what he knows, a stupid man does not know half of what he says.

The highest science is to be wise, the highest wisdom is to be kind.

At first they don’t notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you... And then you win!

You can hide from people, but where can you hide from yourself?

If you want to be rich, do not think about increasing your property, but only reduce your greed.

A wise thought has no expiration date.

If God closes one door, it means there is another one for you, a better one, but this one was not the right one.

Being a happy person is the main wisdom!

The weak can never forgive. The ability to forgive is distinguishing feature strong.

When you are dear to a person, he will definitely answer you even to a message to which there is essentially nothing to say.

A good wife will make a man out of a beast, but a bad one can very well turn a man into a beast.

Never overestimate your role in the lives of other people. Do not humiliate yourself in front of a person. If someone burns out at you, unscrew the light bulbs too. Save electricity.

Never destroy TODAY with yesterday's worries and tomorrow's doubts.

The most expensive thing in the world is stupidity: it is for this that you have to pay the most.

To see a rainbow, you have to survive the rain...

Sometimes you need to destroy something to make room for something new.

Our life has meaning only as much as we sincerely want to live.

He who flies does not stumble.

Only when a person controls his emotions and instincts can he be called a human.

Wherever you want to go, start from where you are.

You can hit me with the truth, but never pity me with a lie.

You don't have to have wings to fly. You need to have people in your life who won’t let you fall.

Life is so short that not everyone has time to become human...

It’s stupid to make plans for your whole life without even being a master of tomorrow.

No one is your friend, no one is your enemy, but everyone is your teacher.

To predict a person's future, it is enough to look at what he spends his money and time on.

The man next to you should be such that you want to listen and obey him, and not teach him what to do and how to do it...

Those who loved us taught us little. Basically, we were taught by those who didn't like us.

Everyone has different views on what is good and what is evil. We choose this for ourselves.

If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you along the most difficult path, because there are no easy paths to happiness.

Before pouring out your soul, make sure that the “vessel” is not leaking.

There is no one more dangerous than the fool who pretends to be smart.

A person is free exactly as much as he is poor.

Good parenting is not about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but about not noticing if someone else does it.

80-90% of what you fear will never actually happen.

Flour, yeast, water - this is not yet bread, until a person has found himself, he is still only a semblance of a person.

And dozens of those who wanted your body are not worth the little finger of the one who loved your soul.

How more people has within himself, the less he expects from others.

The more holes they make for us, the more opportunities we have to stumble!

Hearts are like flowers - they cannot be opened by force, they must open on their own.

What matters is not what they say about you, and not what they think. The purity of your soul is important.

Friendship is a good thing. But God forbid, if it is friendship on the one hand, love on the other.

Charm and disappointment - everything has its time and its role.

Do you want to understand people? Understand yourself.

Take care of people, after meeting whom something bright and joyful settles in your soul.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

What you hide, you lose; what you give away, it will come back again!

Every accident has its own purpose, every case has its own meaning.

If gem falls into the dirt, it remains a jewel. If dust rises to the sky, it remains dust.

Don't go with the flow. And don't swim against the current. Go about your business!!!

Those in whom you trust can destroy, and those in whom you neglect can save.



Wisdom has always been a core part successful life. Wise people are always resourceful, they say little and do everything as expected. How often have you encountered life path wise people? If yes, then you are very happy man, because the experience we gain in the process of communicating with such people is priceless! Many are trying to learn wisdom, gain experience, read a lot of books, manuals, guides on how to live correctly, what to do and where to go. Some sign up for trainings to upgrade their mind and consciousness. However, wisdom is more than just knowledge. We acquire knowledge in the process of life, until the very end. But this does not mean that we have a sufficient supply of experience and wisdom. After all, all this is acquired through contact with reality. We gain experience only when we try everything for ourselves. And even more so, we learn only when we realize our mistakes. This is how the balance between logic and consciousness is established. Without awareness and understanding of the World, knowledge is empty and useless, and, at times, can even harm a person. The wise statuses have collected the most interesting expressions that can push you towards self-development and further action. We wish you pleasant reading.

Only good, wise. Evil does not happen to the wise; evil is stupid from the very beginning, in its essence.

The more holes they make for us, the more opportunities we have to stumble!

Starting life from scratch means opening a new door, but the pity is that old life gives us few new doors!

The sage was asked: Which woman can you trust: a blonde, a redhead or a brunette? The sage replied: A woman can be trusted if she is gray-haired, but a man cannot be trusted, even if he is bald!

We do not see everything as it is - we see everything as we are.

“The weak can never forgive. The ability to forgive is a hallmark of the strong."

Only a sick person would show cruelty towards a helpless creature...

What matters is not what they say about you, and not what they think. The purity of your soul is important.

It is very difficult to deal with people who do not even have enough intelligence to not show how much they have!!!

You can drive doctrines into your head, learn them by heart, but until your heart accepts them, they will not bear worthy fruit.

A wise thought has no expiration date.

So that the boat of love does not crack somewhere, Ask the Lord for wisdom, people, Then a man who really loves will not make a woman shed tears...

Our mind is pleasing to God with humility, but with pride it is rejected.

To find New way, we need to get off the old road...

A person gets tired of fighting and pretends that he has grown wiser.

If you want to be rich, do not think about increasing your property, but only reduce your greed.

Flour, yeast, water are not yet bread, until a person has found himself, he is still only a semblance of a person.

Smart people often play the Turkish Gambit, and only sheep are always straightforward!

God has given us a face; we put the expression on it ourselves.

The depths of thought are expressed by wise words...
and only they are able to touch the soul with depth...

“We begin to receive love when we stop demanding it, and begin to deserve it!”

I rejoice when there comes a time in life when it’s hard. Because this is a rise and I am getting stronger.

The past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is given.

Being a happy person is the main wisdom!

Only you have the power to change your life for the better by simply intending to do so.
Eastern wisdom.

Life is so short that not everyone has time to become human...

If God closes one door, it means there is another one for you, a better one, but this one was not the right one.

Charm and disappointment - everything has its time and its role.

There is a happy prophecy of wisdom.
May God grant me to live at least a day the way I want.

Let the one who disdains to raise the fallen one shudder at the thought that someday he too will fall, and no one will stretch out his hand to help him rise.

What you hide, you lose; what you give away, it will come back again!

When the stones in a watch wear out, time turns into the sand of nostalgia...

To achieve the ideal, you need to work long and hard... you need to reach the ideal... along a long and thorny road...

Don't go with the flow. And don't swim against the current. Go about your business!!!

I love myself down to my toes! And there is no reason to blame age! If boys used to turn around, now men are looking after me!!!)

At first they don’t notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you... And then you win!

Erudition is book dust shaken into an empty head...

The slightest hesitation between YES and NO is already an automatic NO.

Wherever you want to go, start from where you are.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out carelessly, it will return three-story high.

A good wife will make a man out of a beast, but a bad one can very well turn a man into a beast.

At the peak of self-control, someone else's anger cannot be resisted.

Good parenting is not about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but about not noticing if someone else does it.

Remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.

There are two cures for every misfortune - time and silence.

I am not a person strong enough to overcome my weaknesses, but wise enough to forgive myself for them.

The highest science is to be wise, the highest wisdom is to be kind.

Wisdom is intelligence combined with kindness.
Mind without kindness is cunning.

Any mistake in the past is forgivable if in the present you do everything not to repeat it.

A sharp tongue is a gift, a long tongue is a punishment.

Often, by staying silent in time, you can look much wiser...

I'm not selfish - I know how to live for myself. I'm not arrogant - I don't think it's necessary to smile at everyone. I'm not jealous - I'm used to being the only one. I'm not offended - I change people's opinions.

I asked the wise man: “What is more important: to love or to be loved?” The sage answered: “What is more important for a bird, the left wing or the right?”

Very wise statuses

The category “wise statuses” will help you find the answer to many questions, and it may happen that after reading your wise status, someone will see a hidden meaning in it and it will be the light at the end of the tunnel. Fill your page with beautiful content and meaning, and even if you are very young, know that wisdom, like love, is submissive to all ages. This category represents the best smart sayings, aphorisms and quotes!

The modern rhythm of life and its crazy pace, as well as the endless whirlpool of everyday problems, do not leave us time to be left alone with ourselves, to reflect on eternal philosophical topics: what is the meaning of our existence, what is fate, what is truth and what we can we achieve in this world? All these questions remain “for later”, and with the beginning of a new day we are again in a hurry to get everything done... This category of wise statuses will give you the opportunity to stop this rapid course of action for a while and think about yourself! Give answers to many questions and make your page in social network The category will also help to make it more life-affirming!

Our life is not only joy and happiness; behind the ease and simplicity there are many problems and unpleasant moments hidden; it is precisely such situations that must be approached judiciously and wisely. In order to make the resolution of troubles that arise easier, there is the experience of generations! Smart man relies on it, and the stupid, avoiding it, repeats the mistakes! If you belong to the first one, then quickly go on a journey through the page of wisdom, and, having found your status, among many competent statements, set it on your page, because by sharing our own knowledge with friends, we put a piece of ourselves into them and thereby make the world wiser and more beautiful!

One of the eternal questions of life is the question of human friendship, relationships between people connected with each other by spiritual kinship. Statuses on this topic can be found in the category: . Choose the statements you like and put them as a status on any social network page.

We have collected for you the wisest thoughts of Great people that will help you understand current problems being. And selected aphorisms and phrases will be a good help in resolving many life issues. They say that wisdom means mastering the art of thinking perfectly, and if you are interested in these categories, it means that very soon your status will change to a smart, life-affirming quote that will certainly interest, and maybe make all visitors think about the important questions of existence Your page.

is a real treasury of rare, original and very interesting statuses. Best thoughts, reasoning and quotes from great people you will find only on our portal.

Everything that surrounds us once seemed like a magical dream... 15

We must make all the mistakes in order to understand why we should not have made them. 11

We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks. Free yourself - breathe life and realize what you can do. 11

All people come into our lives for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others bring experience and tempered character. 11

It doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters. 14

People used to dream of reaching for the stars, but now they wait until Friday evening. 16

A wonderful life begins with wonderful thoughts. -1

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money, but it is better to cry in a jeep than on a bus. 6

Yesterday it was early, tomorrow it will be late, but today there is no time. 8

If you are wrong and silent, you are wise, if you are right and silent, then you are married. 8

Before you put down roots, see how high you can grow here. 10

The more sun there is in the soul, the brighter life around! 12

The secret of success is to communicate with those who are better, to fight with those who are stronger, to love those who are not allowed to, not to die where others die, and to laugh at life when it laughs at you. 7

Three things never come back - time, word and opportunity. 10

Every night ends with dawn. 18

You are able to see beauty only because you carry beauty within you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection. 13

Sometimes inexplicable miracles happen - but only to those who believe that miracles do happen. 8

Happy is not the one who chose the “right” path, but the one who loves his road: every rise, every descent, every stone, pothole, pothole. This is the love of life and makes a person happy. 10

The most precious thing in the world is stupidity. You have to pay the most for it. 11

Only in calm water are things reflected undistorted. Also, only a calm consciousness adequately perceives the world. 9

The main rule of life is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances. 8

He was always lucky, he even died of happiness. 12

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will happen a third time. 11

Self-deception usually leads to self-destruction. 9

With age comes not only wisdom and self-confidence... But also greyhound cockroaches in your head that don’t care about your wisdom and self-confidence... 13

You won't spit after someone who goes against the wind. 12

If you look at it, it’s fascinating! If you walk, do it in such a way that you turn around! If you love, then for real. 11

Life is about feeling like you're living. 9

To understand the full depth of white, sometimes you need to look at black. 11

The actions of the Creator are worthy of surprise!
Our hearts are filled with bitterness -
We leave this world without knowing
Neither the beginning, nor its meaning, nor the end (Khayam) 11

Mistakes only become wiser over the years. And we do them with a smarter face. 11

With age, a person’s energy, according to Einstein’s law, turns into his mass. 9

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. Accept it. 15