Fennec desert fox. Fennec fox, dwarf fox

When talking about a species of animal such as the eared fox, it is important to understand that this breed has some individuality. A pleasant animal, affectionately called fennec, has a rather specific disposition and can even be unsafe if disturbed in natural environment habitat. Unfortunately, valuable fur The animal led to the fact that the fennec was massively exterminated by poachers, this significantly reduced the number of the species. However, today the long-eared fox, which is protected by law, is doing great.

Fox appearance

In the photo, the fennec is the most amazing and smallest animal belonging to the canine family. This is the size of the animal no bigger than a domestic cat. This cute animal got its name from the Arabic “fanak”, which means “fox”. At the withers it is no more than 22 cm, body length is up to 40 cm, and the tail length is about 30 cm. The weight of the animal is up to one and a half kilograms. The fox has a small, pointed muzzle with large eyes.

The muzzle is dotted with small, sharp teeth. Of particular note is the disproportionate big ears. This is the first thing that catches your eye, because their length reaches 15 cm! The fennec's ears break records among predators in terms of the ratio of ear length to head size. But without such ears, the Fenech would not be able to survive in the desert. They perform several important functions:

  • detection and determination of the exact location of prey at a considerable distance, including those located at depth (and this taking into account the tiny size of the prey itself);
  • implementation of thermoregulation, which is vital for life in the desert. This is facilitated by the saturation of the ears with blood vessels located at the very surface of the skin, which contributes to the intensive removal of excess heat from the body. ​

Gorgeous appearance and body specificity

The animal's feet, densely covered with fur, help in silently “hiding” prey and protect the skin of the paws from the hot sand. The fennec cat's fur is soft, thick, long, and has a camouflage, “desert” color. The upper part is reddish, the lower part is white. Fluffy long tail with black tail, complements the uniqueness of the portrait of this small animal.

Young fennec cats wear white fur, which darkens with age. The fennec cat, like other canids, lacks sweat glands. Cooling occurs through breathing and huge ears provide significant assistance. Like all foxes, the fennec has a “violet” gland located in the supra-tail region. Its functions have not yet been clarified with sufficient certainty.

Distribution and lifestyle

The total number of these animals is unknown. Average life expectancy in natural conditions - from five to eight years. The main range of the fennec cat population is located in the central Sahara. The distribution area of ​​the fennec tree is quite wide. He meets:

  • in the north of Morocco;
  • in Egypt, in Sinai;
  • on the Arabian Peninsula;
  • in Sudan;
  • in the Republic of Chad;
  • in the south of Niger.

Fenechs “living” in desert areas choose habitats among rare thickets of bushes and grass, because the main sources of food are concentrated in them. Animals dig holes with a widespread network of galleries and holes. This makes you feel comfortable shelter from the heat of the day. Fennecs live in families. The number of “family members”, as a rule, does not exceed ten.

Interestingly, they prefer to hunt individually. If we imagine the small size of the prey, then this behavior is the most rational (there is simply nothing to share). This little fox is capable for a long time do without water. The required amount of liquid is extracted from food. Fenech's kidneys are designed in such a way that the body retains the required amount of water.

Fennec foxes are also indiscriminate in their food, omnivorous, and this is understandable - the desert... This animal obtains its main diet by rummaging in the sand. Production objects are:

As already mentioned, the huge size of the ears contributes to successful hunting. Fenechs have learned to put food aside for a rainy day. Fennecs need camouflage coloring (as can be seen in the photo) to hide prey rather than to hide, because natural enemies The fox doesn't. Fennec is very agile and playful. Acute night vision and an excellent sense of smell help him in hunting.

During the breeding season, which occurs once a year, males fiercely defend the boundaries of their territory. They constantly mark her and lead desperate fights with all the “violators” of boundaries. After 50 days of gestation, the female gives birth to up to 5-6 cubs, which stay with the mother for up to 3 months in a mink carefully prepared for this purpose. At birth, puppies weigh about 50 grams. The young grow quickly. At two weeks they begin to see clearly, and at three they are already interested in the world outside the hole.

When the pets are growing up, it is the male who plays the role of the main and only provider of food. At the age of about 3 months, babies become accustomed to hunting independently. At 9 months they are ready to create their own families. However, there have been cases when matured individuals stayed with their mothers and acted as “nannies.” Fenechs are extremely sociable in relation to their relatives, very “talkative”. The range of voice information transmission is quite wide. This is barking and howling, grumbling and growling, squealing and whining.

Fennec fox in your home

Fennec fox, because of its cute face, unusual appearance and small size (as confirmed by the photo), is the object of close attention of poachers. It is intensively caught both for its unusual fur and for sale, for the purpose of further keeping in captivity. The eared fox has become fashionable and popular. Everyone wants to have her at home larger number pet lovers.

However, keeping this fox at home is not an easy task. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, fennecs used to leading night look life, which, naturally, causes understandable inconvenience to the owners. Secondly, fennecs need training from a specialist, because they have a rather bad character. Thirdly, this animal will need a separate room, with the temperature being maintained in it at a temperature familiar to a small fox.

Failure to comply with the above circumstances can lead to the animal feeling discomfort, catching colds frequently, and if not properly cared for, may die. In addition, the fennec is an animal with an unpleasant, pungent odor. One of negative factors keeping a fennec fox at home is also due to the fact that veterinarians are unfamiliar with this exotic fox and are not always able to provide qualified assistance. We should not forget that Fennec - wild animal, and therefore it is difficult to predict how the little fox will behave with children. Although, oddly enough, there is evidence that the fennec gets along well with domestic cats. They enjoy frolicking together.

Physiologically, the fox is designed in such a way that it can “perform” phenomenal tricks that other animals cannot do. Such dexterity and speed of movement are not just the virtues of an animal, but instincts that preserve life and have been developed over centuries. For fans of this type of fox, you should realize following features animal:

This article, of course, cannot fully and comprehensively describe this wonderful animal of an exotic species, its unusual image life, behavior, but the main characteristics of the fennec fox - a small desert fox with prohibitively large ears - are presented. If you are still planning to purchase this fox for home keeping, then you will at least already know the main difficulties and possible inconveniences associated with the lifestyle of this wonderful animal.

fennec fox becoming increasingly popular as a pet. What kind of animal is the fennec fox and is it possible to keep a fennec fox at home?

Fennec fox - who is it?

The fennec fox is probably the most amazing representative a genus of foxes in the canine family.

The name "Fennec" translates as "fox" (Arabic word fanak). However, the scientific name of this animal is Vulpes zerda, that is, literally, “dry fox.” This gives a clue as to the fennec's habitat. These animals live in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.

Scientists are still arguing about whether the fennec cat can be called a fox. After all, the behavior and structure of the fennec fox differs from other types of foxes. Even the number of chromosomes is different: the fennec fox has 32 pairs of chromosomes, while other fox species have 35 to 39. The fennec fox does not have the musk glands characteristic of a fox. And unlike foxes, which live alone, fennec foxes are social animals. Therefore, a number of scientists have identified the fennec tree as a separate genus "Fennecus".

What does fennec look like?

Fennec fox is a small animal, a fox, smaller in size than a domestic cat. The height at the withers of the fennec is from 18 to 22 cm, the body length is from 30 to 40 cm, the tail reaches a length of 30 cm. The fennec weighs no more than 1.5 kg.

The fennec muzzle is pointed and short. The eyes of this fox are quite large.

Fennec's ears are his distinctive feature. The fennec fox has the largest ears relative to the size of its head among predators - the fennec's ears can reach a length of 15 cm. Such ears are not a luxury; the animal is forced to catch the slightest rustle in order not to miss its prey - small animals and insects. In addition, the fennec's large ears are excellent for thermoregulation and remove excess heat from the little fox's body, which desert climate necessary.

The fennec's feet are covered with fur, and thanks to this, the animal runs across the hot desert sands silently and easily.

Fennec cats have small teeth.

The fennec cat's fur is soft and thick.

The fennec's color allows it to blend in with the sand: the fennec's fur is fawn or reddish on top and white below. The young fennec fox is almost white. The tip of the fluffy tail is black.

Like other wild foxes, the fennec fox does not have sweat glands.

The fennec fox can endure thirst for a long time if it is possible to obtain liquid from food. Fennec buds work in such a way that long time do not allow dehydration.

In nature, the fenech chooses sparse bushes or thickets of grass, where it finds both food and shelter. The fennec lives in a hole, which is equipped with many secret passages.

Fenechs form family groups (up to 10 animals). However, they go out hunting one at a time.

The fennec fox jumps well: up to 120 cm forward and up to 70 cm up.

Can we say that the domestic fennec is an interesting pet?

If you create a fennec good conditions, he can become quite an interesting pet, smart and affectionate. However, keeping a fennec cat at home is quite difficult, since it is still a wild animal and not a pet.

Success in taming a fennec cat depends on the age at which it came to you. It is best to purchase a fennec cat at the age of 6 - 9 months (before puberty).

At first, give your pet maximum attention, communicate with him and feed him by hand. However, avoid sudden movements and loud sounds - the fennec fox is very sensitive and timid.

How does Fenech behave at home?

A tame fennec at home behaves friendly, playful and inquisitive. The fennec fox loves to sleep next to its owner or sit in his arms.

Fenech at home is a very active animal, looking for something almost all the time, running, and will easily jump onto a bedside table, sofa or computer desk. So it’s better not to leave a cup of tea or coffee near your laptop!

Fenech is very talkative: he whines, snorts, barks, grumbles and howls. Moreover, it voices not only during the day, but also at night - you need to know about this before getting such a pet.

The fennec fox won't refuse to play pranks either. For example, if he finds a bag of sugar or cereal, he will be delighted and instantly take the contents to every corner.

Please also note that all electrical wires will have to be hidden - the fenech likes to chew on them.

In the photo: fennec at home

How does the fennec fox get along with other animals and with children?

Some owners say that a fennec cat and a cat can easily become friends and even play together. However, small animals can provoke aggression in the fennec fox. In addition, when living together with other animals, you need to take into account the timidity of the fennec fox. You should not stress your existing animals and your new pet if you are not sure that they will get along.

And no matter how much effort you make to tame a fennec cat, it is still not a dog. So you shouldn’t bring a fennec into a family with small children.

Is it possible to walk with a fennec cat?

If you train your fennec cat to take walks, he will be happy to keep you company. However, do not forget that the fennec fox is a heat-loving and gentle animal, for which hypothermia can be deadly. That's why cold autumn, in winter and in the first half of spring it is better to refrain from walking with a fennec.

It is better to lead a fennec cat not in a collar, but on a harness. A fennec fox can wriggle out of a collar and run away, and in addition, any accidental, even weak, tug on the leash in this case can cause injury to the cervical spine or larynx.

When walking with a fennec cat, you will have to be vigilant - oncoming dogs may show aggression.

It is better to walk with the fennec early in the morning and late in the evening - this way you will be in unison with the natural biorhythm of the fox.

There is an opinion that the fenech is the only representative of the fox genus that can be kept at home. But a breed of domestic foxes has already been bred, which also live in families.

Nevertheless, it is the keeping of fennec at home, although it has not yet become commonplace, that is gaining more and more popularity. However, is it easy to keep a fennec fox at home?

The domestic fennec fox is not as easy an animal to keep as some people think.

First of all, fennec is a nocturnal animal. This means that he is awake while we are sleeping, running around and making noise, causing a lot of anxiety.

Secondly, the fennec is neither a dog nor a cat, it is not easy to train him and it is not always easy to accustom him to a diaper or litter box. At the same time, the fennec fox does not smell like violets.

Thirdly, the fennec will not live in a cramped cage. He needs an enclosure or a separate room (and it must be heated).

The floor in the room where the fennec fox lives should be covered with sand or blankets should be provided for the pet’s use so that the animal can dig holes and bury itself.

You will have to maintain a temperature of +20 degrees or higher. If it gets colder, the fennec will quickly catch a cold. And a fennec cold often ends in death.

In addition, it must be taken into account that only a few veterinarians are willing to advise on the health of exotic animals such as the fennec fox. And it is very likely that if your pet gets sick, you will have no one to turn to for help.

Therefore, before deciding to keep a fennec fox at home, you should once again weigh the pros and cons.

What to feed your fennec cat?

Many potential owners are wondering “what to feed a fennec cat at home.” To find the answer, you need to consider that in natural conditions the fennec fox is almost omnivorous. Fenech feeds on insects, small vertebrates, bird eggs, fruits and roots of plants, and does not disdain carrion.

So at home, the diet of a fennec fox is similar to that of a small dog.

Fenech can be fed:

  • Meat (lamb, rabbit, veal, chicken).
  • Fish (boneless, boiled).
  • Vegetables (boiled).
  • Fruits (raw).

Fennec cat lifespan

The average lifespan of a fennec in nature is about 12 years. At home, the fennec fox usually lives 10 - 13 years, but with good care it can live up to 15 years.

How much does a fennec fox cost?

The fennec fox is a rare animal, so its cost is quite high. In Russia, a home fennec costs 65 - 200 thousand rubles.

And even despite the high cost, it is not easy to buy a fennec both in Belarus and in Russia, so these animals are often brought from America or Western Europe. But if you choose this option, be careful and use the services of a specialist: you need to know the rules for the export and import of such animals, prepare the necessary package of documents and make sure that the fennec fox is healthy.

However, purchasing a fennec fox is only a small part of the cost of owning a fennec fox. It is necessary to create conditions for the pet that are close to natural. Otherwise, your furniture and other property will suffer, and living together with a fennec cat will turn into a living hell for both you and the animal.

  • The most famous fennec fox is the same fox from “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is he who owns the phrases “You are responsible for those you have tamed” and “Only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.”
  • In Algeria, the fennec fox is revered, where the fennec fox is the national animal. Even the football team of this country is called “Fennecs”. In addition, the image of a fennec fox adorns the Algerian ¼ dinar coin.
  • The fennec fox also symbolizes the ecology of Tunisia, and in every city you will find an image of a fennec fox dressed in blue and white.
  • Fennec is the codename and logo of Firefox for mobile.
  • The popularity of the fennec cat as a pet jumped sharply after the appearance of the cartoon Zootopia.
  • Mentions of the fennec are found in the following works:
  • Mine Reid "Young Hunters" (although there is no fennec fox in Kalhari).
  • Henri Troyat "The Crash" and "City of Lions".
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Planet of Men".
  • Felix Krivin "Fennec Fox".
  • Sergey Lukyanenko “Transparent stained glass windows”.
  • Frank Herbert "Dune".

In the photo: fennec

This animal is cute and attractive in appearance, like all foxes. Despite the fact that they are predators, one cannot help but be touched by their fluffiness, cute pointed faces, and gentle habits. The desert fox also has huge ears, giving her image additional charm, which will definitely not leave indifferent those who see her for the first time. Interestingly, the name of this animal “fenech” is translated from Arabic and means “fox”.

These animals live in the deserts of North Africa and they are national symbol Algeria and are depicted on one of the coins of this country. The long-eared desert fox is small in size. At the withers it reaches 18-22 centimeters and weighs only 1.5 kilograms. The ears seem gigantic compared to the head and reach 15 centimeters in length.


The desert fennec fox is perfectly adapted to living in the desert. In order to walk on the sand without fear of getting burned, the feet of her paws are overgrown with fur. There is fur on the back and white on the tummy. This allows you to camouflage yourself among the dull and monotonously colored desert landscape. Ears, like locators, allow you to hear the rustling of even the smallest vertebrate or insect, which it eats. desert fox, although it does not disdain the roots and fruits of plants, eggs, and carrion as food. In addition, these hearing organs help to establish thermoregulation in extremely hot living conditions of the animal.

How does it handle the heat?

No, she doesn’t fan herself with them to escape the heat. Through their thin skin, blood vessels are visible, which are adapted to remove excess heat from the fox’s body. Internal structure The animal is also adapted to such a life. The desert fox is able to eat only dry food and go without water for a long time; for this, its kidneys work in a special way to retain as much moisture as possible inside the body. The fennec fox does not have sweat glands.

Fox song

In the desert you can often hear the sounds these animals make. And they are very diverse. Sometimes there is barking, howling, whining, growling, and sometimes something similar to crying or squealing. Fenechs repeat their “songs” many times. Unlike other representatives of the fox genus, these individuals do not live alone, but in groups, which include married couple and her cubs different ages. They dig holes in the sand with many secret passages. Looking at the charming fluffies, it is difficult to say that they guard their territory very sternly and are ready to defend it in battle. So that no one doubts that this is their area, these animals mark it with feces and urine. The dominant male leaves the most excrement.

More comfortable at night

On the surface, the desert fennec fox stays in the shade of bushes or grass thickets. But they rarely come out of their holes. Mostly hiding from bright sun and walk only at dusk. To catch prey, these babies are capable of excellent high and long jumps. In addition, the desert fox is a very intelligent animal. For example, in order to break an egg with a strong shell that cannot be cracked, the fennec quickly rolls it onto a stone, on which it breaks. Interestingly, these foxes play various games with each other. It is very interesting to watch them, as they often come up with something new.

Fluffy babes

An adult fox is extremely cute, and what can we say about her cubs! These babies, whose cuteness is simply limitless, are born in March-April, after the mating season ends, which begins in January. Pregnancy in fennec cats lasts 50 days. Tiny fox cubs weigh only 50 grams when born. The mother does not leave the hole until they open their eyes; all this time the family is fed by the male, who is temporarily not allowed near the children. When babies are 5 weeks old, they begin to leave the den, and at 3 months they already travel long distances. These nimble animals are almost not afraid of anyone. They are able to evade both caracals and eagle owls who want to catch them. But man turns out to be more cunning than the beast.

Affectionate pets

The desert fennec fox is, of course, very cute as a pet. But often owners forget that this is a creature of wild nature. And although he can be tamed, he needs to create living conditions close to nature, because the Fennec’s instincts do not disappear even when close to a person. The fox needs a hole as a home, and the air temperature in the room should be high, since the fenech is used to living in a hot desert. Those who decide to buy themselves a “living toy” should remember that it is very expensive (the minimum price today is 65,000-70,000 rubles) and requires a lot of care. IN good hands The animal will live, as in nature, about 12 years. These foxes become attached to their owner, affectionate and playful. They should be fed meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. You can also give grain or fish.

Difficulties of maintenance

The owner needs to know that the desert fox sleeps during the day and begins to lead an active lifestyle at night. If you keep it not in an enclosure, but simply in a room, then all the things that are there will be spoiled, since the fennec will gnaw everything, try to dig holes, tear the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs. Trying to chew electrical wires is especially dangerous for a fox. It is imperative to keep your pet warm, since, having caught a cold, the desert fox dies, and it is not possible to cure it.

But is it worth getting a “living toy” for your own entertainment? Maybe it would be better to leave the desert foxes in the distant desert, next to his own family?

February 3rd, 2017

Who are you? A mi-mi miracle of nature!!!

And this is Fenech - the most amazing animal of the fox family. Fenech got its name from the Arabic fanak, which means “fox”. The scientific name of the fennec fox is "Vulpes zerda" (Vulpes means belonging to the genus of foxes, zerda comes from the Greek word xeros, meaning "dry" and indicates the fennec fox's habitat - the deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula).

Desert fennec foxes are considered to have the largest ears in relation to the size of the head among predatory animals. Reaching 15 cm in length, the “locators” of fennecs contribute not so much to sensitive hearing (but that too, of course), but to good thermoregulation, necessary in such a hot and dry climate.

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These miniature animals, smaller in size than domestic cats, are very cute. They often become victims of poachers, who catch chanterelles and sell them as pets.

The fenech's homeland is the deserts of Africa (they are most common in the Sahara), which determines the animal's lifestyle and habits. They can also be found in the north - from Morocco to Sinai and Arabian Peninsula, and in the south - to Niger, Chad and Sudan.

However, not all scientists agree that the fennec cat belongs to the genus of foxes, pointing out differences in the structure and behavior of fennec foxes from other foxes. For example, fennec foxes have only 32 pairs of chromosomes, while other fox species have between 35 and 39. Fennec foxes do not have the musk glands characteristic of foxes. Foxes lead a solitary lifestyle, while fennec foxes are social animals. Based on these differences, some scientists classify the fennec tree into a special genus - “Fennecus”.

Fennec inhabits sandy deserts, where it prefers to stay in thickets of grass and sparse bushes, which provide it with shelter and food. He lives in holes with a large number secret passages that he digs himself. The presence of grasses and other low-growing vegetation is important, as fennecs use it for resting, shelter from enemies and arranging their den. This is practically the only carnivore of the Sahara that lives permanently away from water sources. The emergence of new human settlements in desert habitats, such as in southern Morocco, leads to the extinction of the fennec tree in these areas.

The fennec is smaller in size than a domestic cat. Height at withers is 18-22 cm, body length is 30-40 cm, tail is up to 30 cm, it weighs up to 1.5 kg. The fennec's ears are the largest among predators in relation to the size of the head; they reach 15 cm in length. The fenech needs such large ears not only because he has to learn from the slightest rustle in the sand about the movements of his main prey - insects and small vertebrates.

Fennec ears are an excellent source of thermoregulation: Blood vessels located in the ears and located close to the skin allow fennec cats to remove excess heat from the body, which is vital in the hot desert climate. Another means of adapting the fennec to desert conditions is the feet covered with hair, which allows the fennec to move easily and silently on the hot sand.

The color of the fennec fur is most suitable for camouflage against the background of desert sands: the fur of the fennec is reddish or fawn on top, white below. Young fennecs are almost white. The fennec fox, like other wild foxes, does not have sweat glands. Fenech can go without water for a long time, getting liquid from food. Fennec buds are adapted to limit water loss.

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In deserts, the fennec prefers to stay in thickets of grass and sparse bushes, which provide it with shelter and food. Fenechs live in holes with a large number of secret passages, which they dig themselves. Fenechs usually live family groups, the number of individuals in which reaches ten. Fennecs hunt alone, like other representatives of the fox family. When hunting, fennec cats can jump forward 120 centimeters and up to 70 centimeters in height. Fenechs are practically omnivorous. In addition to insects and small vertebrates, fennec cats feed on carrion, plant roots, fruits and bird eggs.

Famous English writer Mine Reed in the story "Young Hunters" describes how the fennec was able to break ostrich egg: "How will the fennec get to the contents of the eggs when he finds them? Their shell is thick and strong. To break an egg, you need to hit it hard with something hard object; How will the fennec, so weak and small, manage to punch a hole in the egg? This was a mystery to everyone, especially to the naturalist Hans. Hans was well acquainted with fennec cats. He often saw them in captivity. I knew a little about their anatomy. He knew that in their skull there was no groove to which the temporal muscles are attached) and that, consequently, their jaws were weak - much weaker than those of common fox. This means that a fennec cat is unable to crack an ostrich egg. He cannot break an egg with his claws, since, although he lives in a hot zone, the soles of his paws are covered with soft fur, like that of an arctic fox. This one is his amazing feature has not yet been explained in any way by naturalists.

With such a body structure and weakness, Hans argued, it is as difficult for a fennec to get the contents of an ostrich egg as it is to penetrate the middle of a cannonball. Blackie said from hearsay that the fennec feeds on the white and yolk of ostrich eggs, but how he does this, the bushman had never seen and could not explain. However, the young people did not remain unknown for long. A few minutes later the fenech himself revealed his secret to the astonished hunters. (...) He stood with his back to them, and the front part of his body seemed raised, as if his paws were resting on something. This "something" was an ostrich egg. Fenech rolled him in front of him along the sand, pushing him alternately with one paw and then with the other. These are his uniform movements resembled the movements of unfortunate slaves in the fulling mills, with the only difference that the fennec’s labor was not forced. But why did the fennec roll the egg? Did he really think about rolling him to his hole? This would not be an easy job, since his underground dwelling, no doubt, was not at all in the neighborhood. However, rolling the egg into his house was not at all the fennec’s intention. He was going to have lunch right there, or at least nearby.

The spectators soon saw where his table was set. They remembered one curious story about Kaama, which they had once heard and now, looking at the efforts of the Fenech, they immediately guessed why he was doing all this. Three or four yards from the fennec's muzzle lay a small stone, only about twelve inches high, but this was apparently enough for the fennec, because he rolled the egg right on it. A little later the hunters became convinced that their guess was correct. When there were about three feet between the fennec's muzzle and the stone, he suddenly made a quick leap forward, dragging the egg with his paws. The hard shell hit an even harder stone, a distinct “crack!” sound was heard, and, looking more closely, the young people saw that the egg was broken into pieces. The Fenech's breakfast was in front of him, and he immediately began to eat".

Fennecs breed once a year. The mating season takes place in January-February. Pregnancy lasts about 50 days. In March-April, the female gives birth to two to six cubs. Fennec puppies weigh only 50 grams at birth. The mother remains with the cubs in the den until they are two weeks old, when their eyes open. The male brings food, but does not enter the den, because the female is very aggressive at this time and drives him away from the puppies. At the age of 5 weeks, the cubs leave the den for the first time and wander around, but only at the age of 3 months do they begin to travel long distances.

The average lifespan of a fennec cat is 12 years.

The main enemies of fennecs in nature are caracals and desert eagle owls. However, few people have seen how other animals managed to catch fennec foxes. People are much more dangerous for fennecs. Fennec foxes are killed for their fur and are also captured and sold as pets. There is a misconception that the fennec fox is the only tamed representative of the fox order. However, this is not so: there is a breed of domestic foxes bred at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics from silver-black foxes.

Fenechs can go without water for a long time, obtaining liquid from meat, berries and leaves.

The fenech's hole is a system of extensive tunnels and cavities, and is equipped with several emergency entrances, thanks to which the fenech can escape unnoticed when an enemy tries to overtake him in the hole.

Fenech is depicted on the Algerian coin - the dinar.

The fennec fox met by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in the African desert became the prototype of the fox from the fairy tale “The Little Prince”.

The fennec fox is the only fox that can be kept indoors, but taming it requires a lot of effort. In Russia, such chanterelles are rarely found as pets. For a normal existence, this animal needs quite a lot of space - it should be either a very spacious enclosure, or (ideally) a whole room equipped for a fox cub. If you decide to keep a fennec at home, like a cat or a dog, then get ready for the fact that at night the animal’s natural instincts will manifest itself, and it will stubbornly dig holes in walls and sofas, rush around tables, throwing things on the floor, and make an incredible noise. Fenech will happily gnaw on electrical wires, and if he finds a bag with something loose, it will be incredible luck for him; the animal will definitely gnaw through the bag and steal the contents throughout the house.

How difficult it will be to tame an animal depends primarily on the age at which you take it. At first, a new pet needs to be given maximum attention, try hand-feeding, and under no circumstances shout at the animal or make sudden movements, since the fennec is a very timid animal. Be sure to ensure that the animal does not become hypothermic, since colds in Fennec foxes are very difficult to treat and often lead to death, so in winter period A fox can only be kept in a heated room.

The cost of fennec is high. In Russia, the price of a domestic fennec fawn ranges from 25 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. However, even if you have enough money to buy a fennec, you will also have to create living conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible, otherwise the fennec will dig a much-needed hole for itself in your sofa. Pet fennec You need at least a spacious enclosure, ideally a whole room, always with heating.

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family. Habitat in wildlife- deserts of North Africa. The fennec fox has large ears, almost the same as the big-eared fox, weighing about 1.5 kg. How long can a fox live? Currently, in captivity, life expectancy is on average 9-12 years, but they can live up to 15-18 years with proper diet and care. These exotic pets require much more attention and care than ferrets, but less than large foxes.

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family.

How to get a fennec cat? First, you need to check the legal side of the issue, since in some countries it is prohibited to keep foxes at home, and it doesn’t matter who it is: a big-eared fox, an ordinary one, or as small as a fennec fox. You should purchase an animal from a licensed breeder and obtain a passport. Don't forget about the vet. He will give vaccinations, examine and treat your pet.

Foxes are not omnivores. Some people think otherwise, but this is a harmful myth. The raccoon is an omnivore, and the fennec fox is a predator! Moreover, it is one of the rare carnivores of the Sahara. It has a weak dentofacial apparatus, similar to that of the bat-eared fox. This is due to an insectivorous diet. Of course, in the wild where an animal lives, it consumes a certain amount of plants. But for the most part, this is done because plants contain the water they need.

Thus, in homemade diet should include: celery, boiled sweet potatoes, various tubers and plant roots. Food plant origin should not exceed 10% of the total diet.

The basis of the diet for the fennec cat is 90% rabbit and insects and 10% vegetables and other products. You can give other types of meat, sometimes eggs and fish, sometimes berries and fruits. Wild fennecfish, living in the desert, eat insects, lizards and rodents, but "Russian" rodents contain too much retinol. Its increased amount causes damage to the liver and kidneys. The good news is that foxes, unlike cats, can synthesize beta-carotene into retinol, so there is no need to worry about a possible deficiency.

Rabbit is ideal as a staple food compared to other types of meat. There are many cases where sick and old foxes recovered and began to feel better after switching to this diet.

Avoid foods that even your dog would not eat without harm to their health: grapes, raisins, chocolate. This affects the kidneys, and foxes are prone to kidney problems.

Fennec in our house (video)

Conditions for keeping a fennec fox

Fennec foxes should only be kept indoors. In warm climates, they can be placed in enclosures where they cannot escape. Pets must be protected from birds of prey. If a fox is kept outdoors, then its housing should not allow snow and rain, as well as direct sunlight.

Close any openings where the animal could crawl through or fall through. Please note that foxes are very good at digging tunnels. They like to climb high, so multi-level cages are ideal.

You can put a box of sand in which the animal can play and dig holes. Fenech loves to run, so it is important to make the cage spacious and install a large wheel. Desert inhabitants love warmth, but it should not be too hot. Animals raised in captivity often adapt less well to their environment than their wild counterparts. The European climate is humid for them, in contrast to desert conditions, so the humidity makes thermoregulation difficult.

Gallery: fennec fox (25 photos)

Walking with caution

Many people want to take their pets for a walk. They may be scared in another environment, so the animal should only be taken outside with a harness. Get used to walking in a harness gradually, first in a closed yard where there are no strangers. Gradually increase the time until you understand that the animal is not stressed and is accustomed not only to the place where it lives, but also for walks. To prevent escaping from home, you need to make sure your pet is in a safe place when leaving. Insect screens on the windows are not an obstacle for the fox.

An animal may not show interest in it for several months or even years, but at one point it can jump onto the window, tear the mesh and run away. A small fennec fox can jump 120 cm even at risk, this is higher than a bat-eared fox can jump, so dog fences may be low. The levels in a cage or enclosure should not be located far from each other, as there are cases where fox cubs were injured during unsuccessful jumps. In this case, their front legs or spine break.

Fox behavior and socialization

Foxes are often compared to ferrets, but they are much more active. The little fennec fox can hardly be called clean. You need to be prepared that she will not take the litter box seriously and may leave excrement while playing or even while sleeping. If the fennec has sand to play with, then you will have to clean it up there too. Despite this, you should maintain cleanliness in the animal’s enclosure so that there are no skin problems or a dangerous infection develops.

Like other foxes, they can bite a person if he tries to take something away, but they do not do it as strongly. You should not disturb the animal while eating or playing, or frighten it in a cage or enclosure. If you need to take something away, you should offer your pet something that can distract his attention. From all this the conclusion follows: the fennec as a pet is quite capricious.

Fennec foxes should only be kept indoors

If the owner is away for some time during the first year (for example, on vacation), this may result in a loss of contact with the animal. Most love affection, but you need to distinguish between whining and a desire to be petted and a desire to be left alone to eat or sleep. Some of these animals love meeting new people, but most are very shy.