Where does the clouded leopard live? Clouded leopards


There are four subspecies:


The body length of a clouded leopard is 80-100 cm, the tail is 75-92 cm. The weight of males is 16-21 kg, females 11-15 kg. The height at the withers is 50-55 cm. Its size corresponds approximately to the size of a shepherd dog. The pattern on the coat of a clouded leopard is common to that of a marbled cat: large, unequally shaped black spots are scattered on a yellowish background. There are dark brown or black elongated spots on the neck and back. The tail is heavy, furry, colored with non-closing black rings. Each of these spots becomes lighter closer to the middle. The clouded leopard's teeth, in relation to body size, are the largest among all cats and can reach 3.5 cm. The paws are relatively short with wide feet. The eyes are yellow. The clouded leopard has an elongated skull, which distinguishes it from other cats. His fangs are larger than those of other cats in proportion to body size. Sometimes it is classified as a modern “saber-tooth.”


Clouded leopard found in southeast Asia: from southern China to Malacca and from the eastern Himalayas to Vietnam. The subspecies found in Taiwan is extinct. Its biotope is tropical and sub tropical forests, located at altitudes up to 2000 meters.


Clouded leopards live alone and usually move in thickets. The long tail helps them maintain balance in difficult environments. Among cats, clouded leopards are the best at climbing trees. They are also good swimmers. Their prey includes deer, wild boar, monkeys, birds, goats, and reptiles. They wait for their victims on branches and suddenly jump on top of them.

Nothing is known about the reproduction of the clouded leopard in nature, but in conditions of detention, reproduction occurs in March-August. Pregnancy lasts 86-95 days. The offspring is born in a hollow tree; there are 1-5 cubs in a litter, each weighing 150-280 grams. The eyes open after 10-12 days. At birth, kittens are covered with yellowish-gray fur, with adult spots appearing in the first 6 months. Cubs are extremely active for the first five months after birth. At 10 and a half weeks they switch to adult food, and within 5 months they receive mother's milk. At 9 months they are already independent from their mother and begin to lead an independent life.


Because of its precious skin, the clouded leopard has been hunted a lot in the past. Today it is threatened by poaching, but the greatest danger to its conservation is the progressive deforestation tropical forests which are his home. Of the four subspecies, the Taiwanese clouded leopard has already become extinct ( Neofelis nebulosa brachyurus). The entire species is considered endangered.


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    SMOKED LEOPARD- (Felts nebulosa), a mammal of the cat genus. Sometimes D. l. allocated to an independent genus (Neofelis). Dl. body 62-106 cm, tail 60-90 cm. The body is long, flexible, the limbs are relatively short and thick. There are bare calluses on the soles (device... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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The clouded leopard is an ancient, predatory and dexterous animal, one of the ancestors cat family . It is found in the mountain forests of Nepal, Southern Indochina and China, Sumatra, Burma, the islands of Java and Borneo. It spends almost its entire life in trees, which is probably why Malaysians call it the tree tiger. Some peoples of Thailand consider the predator to be their spiritual ancestor.

The animal is separated into a separate genus and has no direct relation to ordinary ones. Due to the presence of some anatomical, morphological and behavioral characteristics, it occupies an intermediate niche between representatives of large and small cats. The landscape where the clouded leopard lives is varied - rain evergreen forests, mangroves, savannas, highlands up to two and a half thousand meters.

Population status

The largest number of animals is observed on the island of Borneo. This is due to the lack there natural enemies animals - leopards and tigers. In other regions, clouded leopards are rare.

The main threat to the beast is the growth of human settlements and the destruction of forests. Poaching causes significant damage to the population. Beautiful, expensive fur is used to make fur coats. Animal meat, bones, and fangs are used in oriental medicine.

Due to the danger of complete extinction, the predator is listed in the Red Book. There are now about 10,000 individuals in the population.


In life and in photos, the clouded leopard has a characteristic appearance. It is difficult to confuse him with any other wild cat, and all this is due to his unique color, long tail, and special head shape. The size of the animal is comparable to that of a large dog.

  • The body reaches a length of 70 - 100 cm. Height at the withers is up to 55 cm.
  • Tail – 80 – 90 cm.
  • The weight of females is 12 - 16 kg, males - 16 - 22 kg.
  • The skull is elongated in the facial region. The jaws are powerful, with long (up to 4 cm) and saber-sharp fangs. The mouth can open much wider than other cats.
  • The eyes are greenish-yellow in color, with oval pupils.
  • The nose is pink.
  • Ears average size, with a rounded edge, set wide, dark in color at the back.
  • The paws are massive and short. The hind limbs are slightly longer than the forelimbs. The feet are wide, with rough, thick skin on the pads. Thanks to this structure of the feet, the animal easily climbs smooth-bore trees and masterfully moves along horizontal branches in any direction, even upside down.
  • The claws are sharp and fully retractable.
  • The wool is thick, medium length and rigidity. The main color of the coat is dark gray or dark yellow. The chest, belly and inner surface of the paws are off-white.
  • The spotted pattern consists of well-defined spots of different sizes irregular shape. Elongated, large spots with dark borders and a light center are located on the sides and on the back. Oblong, black spots stretch along the spine from the neck to the tail. There are small, dark marks on the muzzle in the forehead area. Black stripes go up and down from the inner corner of the eyes, the same stripes extend into different sides from the corners of the mouth. Paws, tail, belly are covered with dark spots different sizes. At the very end, the spots merge and the tail becomes almost black.


The Latin name of the species is Neofelis nebulosa. Until 2008, the Bornean or Kalimantan clouded leopard was considered a subspecies. After a detailed study of the pattern on the fur, the structural features of the jaw, skull and genetic studies this fact not confirmed. The animals were classified as clouded leopards (Latin name Neofelis), but different types. Three subspecies of the predator are reliably known:

  • The subspecies Neofelis nebulosa nebulosa is found in Indochina and China.
  • Representatives Neofelis nebulosa macrosceloides live in Myanmar and Nepal.
  • The subspecies Neofelis nebulosa brachyura previously lived in Taiwan; now there is not a single individual of this species left.

Lifestyle and nutrition

The animal lives in the depths of the forest and leads a solitary existence. Best of all its relatives, it can climb trees, swims well, and can hang from branches upside down, clinging to them with its hind legs.

The area of ​​hunting property depends on the type of terrain and the amount of prey. Males occupy a territory from 30 to 45 km 2, females - from 20 to 25 km 2. The areas of males overlap with the areas of several females. The living space is marked with excrement, scratches on tree trunks and branches, and is jealously guarded from competitors.

Having acute binocular vision, the clouded leopard can hunt at any time of the day, but more often does it at night. In search of a victim, it runs more than one kilometer, jumps from branch to branch, and easily overcomes water obstacles along the way.

It watches the prey from a tree, concentrating as much as possible and pressing its ears to its head. When it comes right moment, pushes off the branch with its hind legs and makes a flying jump, balancing its tail in the air. Sharp, long fangs instantly kill the game, leaving it no chance.

The diet is based on birds, monkeys, deer, wild goats, young ungulates, and porcupines. Sometimes the menu is replenished with fish and reptiles.

Reproduction and care of offspring

IN wildlife all the secrets of the predator’s life are hidden by dense vegetation and little is known about its reproduction. In captivity period mating games lasts from March to August, accompanied by tender courtship. The male’s mood changes dramatically after mating; he becomes aggressive and unpredictable. Known deaths attacks by a male on a female within the same enclosure.

A pregnant female makes a den in a hollow tree. After 90 - 95 days, she gives birth to kittens (from one to five). The babies are covered with fluffy yellow-gray fur without spots, their weight does not exceed 150 - 280 grams. Newborn cubs see nothing and hear poorly; they open their eyes at the end of the second week of life.

For the first five months, kittens receive mother's milk, and from two and a half months they are accustomed to solid food. As children grow older, their activity increases - they play, climb trees, and fight. Young clouded leopards are ready to take care of themselves on their own already in the tenth month of life. Predators reach sexual maturity by two years.

The lifespan of clouded leopards is 17 years in captivity, 11 years in natural conditions.

The animal is found in many zoos around the world. They create conditions close to their natural habitat, animals receive balanced diet and proper care. Despite this, cats breed reluctantly, and each offspring becomes a real event.

The diet of a predator includes meat, bones, fish, vitamins and mineral supplements. Vaccinations are given according to age.

Buy clouded leopard A possible in a specialized nursery. There you can also look at the parents of the kittens and get acquainted with the conditions and rules for keeping the future pet.
The price of a clouded leopard starts at $25 thousand

One of the rarest representatives of the cat family is an animal called the clouded leopard. Let's take a look at the photo of the clouded leopard and admire this truly majestic predator.

The clouded leopard's habitat is tropical dry forests. This species is considered endangered, so predators are protected by law in most of its range. But in Thailand and India, few people follow these laws.

Today there are about 250 clouded leopards in zoos, and there are about 10,000 in the wild.

Appearance of the animal

In length, male clouded leopards reach 80-105 centimeters, and females - 68-95 centimeters. To this figure it is also worth adding the length of the tail - 60-90 centimeters. The height at the withers is about 50-55 centimeters. Clouded leopards weigh 11-23 kilograms.

The animal has short and wide limbs, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. The head shape is elongated. The fangs are large.

Eyes yellow. The skin is dark ocher or dark gray with dark gray or black spots. The spots are large, their shape is not the same.

There are also spots on the head. Black stripes stretch from the corners of the eyes to the mouth. The spots along the spine are elongated. There are also spots on the stomach and legs. The tail is surrounded by black half rings.

Clouded leopards are night hunters.

Habitat of the clouded leopard

The clouded leopard lives in southeastern Asia: India, the foothills of the Himalayas, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand and the evergreen forests of Bangladesh. These predators are also found in the southern regions of China and West Bengal.

Lifestyle and diet of the clouded leopard

Clouded leopards are solitary animals. During the daytime they rest on tree branches and at night they go hunting. The predator sneaks up on the prey and chases it, or attacks it from a tree.

Listen to the voice of a clouded leopard

Quite little is known about the life of these predators, since they are very hidden and difficult to follow in dense vegetation. These representatives of the cat family are excellent at climbing trees and swimming well. The victims of clouded leopards include monkeys, goats, birds, reptiles and rodents.

Reproduction and lifespan

Clouded leopards reach sexual maturity at two years of age. Mating season lasts from December to March, during which time the level of aggression in males increases extremely.

The pregnancy process lasts 3 months. A litter consists of 2-5 babies, but most often there are three of them. The weight of newborns is 160-260 grams. The kids are completely helpless and blind. The color of the kittens is uniform, there are no spots, they begin to appear only at 6 months.

10 days after birth, leopards open their eyes. The female feeds the babies with milk for 3 months. And already 10 months after birth, the young begin an independent life. Females bear offspring annually.

In the wild, the lifespan of clouded leopards is about 11 years; in zoos, members of the family live slightly longer, with a maximum age of 17 years.

What threats to the numbers of these predators currently exist?

The main threat to the population is considered to be the loss of natural natural environment. The blame for this lies with people, since they are actively deforesting. Poaching also causes damage to the population. Clouded leopards are hunted for their magnificent skins, claws and teeth.

The clouded leopard is a predator. These few individuals belong to the cat family mammals. The closest species is the Kalimantan or Bornean clouded leopard. Smoky representatives can be found in southeast Asian forests.

The Asian predator has an unusual color. The main background of the coat can be straw-brown, up to a dark grayish tint. The fur on the face is white, with black markings located on the forehead and cheeks. The belly and short legs are decorated with oval spots of charcoal color.

In babies up to six months old, the spots on the sides are solid, differing in brightness. In older animals, the spots take on the shape of an ellipse with light hair in the center. The back group of spots is slightly different in color intensity from the front; they are darker and more expressive.

Height animal, measured at the withers, ranges from 50-60 cm. General length body (with head, but without tail) is 75-100 cm, the tail has the same length as the whole body - up to 90 cm. Weight adult pets average 20 kg. Females differ slightly in size from males, that is, the severity of sexual dimorphism is not observed.

The external features of clouded leopards are as follows:

Existing subspecies

It is customary to distinguish animals according to existing species:

  • nebulosa spp. is widespread in southern territory China, as well as eastern lands Myanmar;
  • macrosceloides is another subspecies found in Myanmar, also found in Nepal.

Until 1990, there was a Taiwanese subspecies, which at the moment considered extinct.

Habitat and distribution of the subspecies

Clouded leopards live on the southern slopes of the Himalayas in Nepal and Bhutan, as well as in the Indian northeastern regions. Wild cats with smoky colors can also be found in the south: Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia.

Most often, clouded leopards can be seen in tropical forests located at least 3 thousand meters above sea level. These predators are capable of hunting not only on the ground, but also cope well with animals living in trees. Sharp claws and powerful limbs allow them to climb high up tree trunks. By the way, wild cats not only hunt on the tops of trees, but also rest.

Tropical forests are not the only habitat of clouded leopards. They can be found in mangrove swamps and swampy forests. Dry tropical forests and grasslands can also pose the risk of encountering predatory animals. Even coastal areas are not immune to leopard infestations.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Watch mating in natural conditions fails, so all conclusions are drawn from observations of pets living under human supervision. Breeding in captivity often involves danger to the life of the female.

Males behave so aggressively during mating that they bite the female’s neck.

This usually happens if the male and female were kept in different enclosures before the act of acquaintance. When living together, matings are much more effective. This fact suggests that animals are monogamous, but scientists do not confirm such a hypothesis.

The process of copulation in a zoo most often occurs during winter months or the beginning of spring. But this does not mean that animals do not mate during other periods. Matings are possible throughout the year. During flirting, the male bites the female's withers and begins sexual intercourse, while the female makes drawn-out sounds. Copulation occurs many times.

Under natural conditions, animals choose elevated areas for mating, from the slopes of which the moaning, drawn-out sound of a satisfied female echoes. From the moment of conception to delivery, it takes from 85 to 95 days, the timing is arbitrary and can shift both smaller and larger.

The female’s belly is rounded by the third trimester and enlarged nipples. There are from 1 to 5 babies in a litter, but most often 2 cubs are born in captivity. The weight of the baby when born is only 100-140 g, this figure also changes and depends on the number of babies in the litter. Newborn pets are born with eyes closed, only after 10 days they “see the light.”

Babies begin to walk around the 4th week after birth. 1.5 months after birth, little leopards perfectly master heights and climb trees without fear. The ability to hunt in babies awakens quite early. Already at 2-3 months they are capable of killing a bird, chicken or small rodent. Newborn babies are licked and fed by their mother; this is the only nutrition that kittens receive from their mother until they are two months old.

At the age of two months, babies can already switch to meat, refusing mother's milk. The female begins to bring small prey from the hunt, which she feeds to the cubs. Until they reach ten months of age, children live under maternal care. She teaches them the wisdom of hunting and feeds them with her own prey. By the age of one year, animals are able to live separately and find their own food.

Pets reach sexual maturity at 24 months, but the figure can range from 20 to 30 months. In captivity, leopards produce litters no more than once a year. Male leopards are naturally selfish. After copulation, the couple separates, and only the mother is involved in raising the babies and feeding them. Males do not participate in the process of training their offspring.

Basic diet of wild cats

Predators are carnivores and eat various types birds, fish, small animals and rodents. All animals smaller than clouded leopards and living in the same territory as them can end up in their teeth. The exception is other predators that live on the same lands.

The main diet consists of:

  • wild boars;
  • gophers;
  • macaques;
  • loris;
  • pork deer;
  • fish from local waters.

Predators do not disdain domestic animals; they attack pigs, kids, calves, cats, and dogs. Their signature bite is on the back of the neck.


The lifespan of predators is about 11 years. There are many dangers in the wild that can shorten the lifespan of clouded leopards. This and forest fires, and human activity leading to destruction natural environment habitat, as well as more large predators capable of attacking.

In zoos with good care, pets live up to 15-17 years. No specific diseases that shorten the life of clouded leopards have been identified, since no research has been conducted in this area.

Habits of predators

Spotted leopards hunt most often in the dark; their eyesight and dexterity allow them to do this. Special structure limbs and body allow predators to overtake prey right on the treetops. Short legs and long tail help the leopard masterfully perform real acrobatic performances.

These animals are capable of descending from trees upside down, hanging on branches, clinging to their hind limbs. Such physical characteristics make it possible to kill birds gaping on the branches. Trees serve as a place of rest and escape. Found in tropical thickets special kind leeches that can ruin the sleep of wild cats, and tree branches are dry and relatively safe.

On the spreading crown you can escape from larger brothers that pose a threat to life. Leopards and tigers are not averse to chasing smoky animals through the forest, so trees are an excellent refuge for the latter.

Leopards of this species do not live in packs; they can be called solitary animals. To reproduce, the male finds a suitable female, and after her fertilization he disappears from sight. In the wild, you can see a female with cubs, which leave after growing up home territory and get used to the new place.

The territory inhabited by 1 representative of this family is approximately 35 square meters. km. The area that is actively used is from 2 to 5 square meters. km. The habitats of females and males are approximately the same in size. In addition, the ranges of animals of the opposite sex partially overlap.

Threats to life in the wild

The main threat to the predator is humans. People track wild cats using packs of dogs. The skins of killed predators are used for sale, sewing, and as carpets. Wild predatory cats they don’t like to come close to human settlement areas, only natural disasters and lack of food can lead the clouded leopard to human habitation.

Clouded leopards live in the same areas as tigers, the common leopards. This proximity to large predators leads to the fact that medium-sized cats are forced to be nocturnal and wood image life. In the absence of large predators in the territory, the clouded leopard descends to the ground and even into the water to find prey.

The spotted coat coloring is camouflage. Thanks to it, animals disappear into the branches of trees and become almost invisible to larger rivals and prey, which simplifies hunting.

The role of animals in the ecosystem

People underestimate the role of predators in nature. The extermination of leopards, tigers and other predatory animals contributes to the uncontrolled growth of populations of herbivores. The proliferation of herbivores leads to the destruction of vegetation, which can cause people to starve.

Economic benefits and harm

Clouded leopards are a hot commodity on black markets. Due to the high cost of the skins of these animals, they are constantly hunted. In addition, in Asian countries, animal skin gives high status its owner.

Not only the skin is sold; the teeth, bones and claws of the predator are considered valuable. They are used for medicinal purposes, as well as amulets and amulets. In expensive restaurants in Asia you can find clouded leopard dishes on the menu. Exotic lovers purchase clouded leopards for personal use. They are tamed and domesticated.

Predators bring more than just benefits to humanity. Due to the shrinking of their habitat, these animals are forced to live close to humans. There are frequent cases of clouded leopards attacking domestic animals. Pigs, goats, as well as birds and other pets can be affected.

To combat predators, many rural residents use illegal methods. They scatter poison, which leads to the death of animals.

The Bornean or Kalimantan clouded leopard is a species of the cat family. Previously considered a subspecies of the clouded leopard, molecular genetic studies conducted in 2006 showed that this form split from the mainland clouded leopard between 1.4 and 2.9 million years ago. In 2008, studies of DNA, fur patterns, and skull and jaw morphology revealed that both species of clouded leopards are as different from each other as other felines.

Appearance of a Bornean clouded leopard

The body length of the Bornean clouded leopard is from 70 to 105 cm, the tail length is from 60 to 85 cm. This leopard weighs from 10 to 25 kg. Males are usually larger than females. This species has longer fangs and thicker carnassial teeth upper jaw than that of the clouded leopard. The spots on the coat are smaller and darker, and smaller spots can often be seen inside the contours of the spots. The coat is darker and gray, with a dark stripe running down the back.

Distribution and habitat of the Bornean clouded leopard

The Bornean clouded leopard lives on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Previously it was assumed that its range was limited to evergreen relict rain forests located at altitudes up to 2000 m. However, newer studies show that it is adapted to different environments habitats, including savannas and mangroves.

Lifestyle and diet of the Bornean clouded leopard

This species is active mainly at night, but on the island of Borneo, where there are no other large predators, it can be seen during the day. Like most members of the cat family, the leopard appears to lead a solitary lifestyle. Outside the mating season, the only prolonged contact is between the female and her offspring. The animal's long, thick tail, broad feet and short legs suggest it was well adapted to life in the trees, but most evidence from Borneo suggested it was on the ground.

The leopard's prey includes a variety of vertebrates, including sambar, muntjac, deer, orangutans, langurs, bearded pigs, musangs, porcupines, fish and birds.

Reproduction of the Bornean clouded leopard

Data on the reproductive behavior of this species are available only from individuals kept in captivity. The gestation period ranges from 85 to 109 days, with an average of 86 to 93 days. The female gives birth to from one to five cubs, the most common being the birth of two cubs. They begin to eat solid food after 7-10 weeks, but continue to suckle until they are 11-14 weeks old. Puberty occurs at the age of 20-30 months.

Population status and conservation of the Bornean clouded leopard

The Bornean clouded leopard is classified as "vulnerable" by the IUCN. There is no reliable data on its number. A study at Tabin Wildlife Reserve in the Malaysian state of Sabah estimated its population density at nine individuals per 100 km². The species appears to be rarer in Sumatra than in Borneo. Trends in the destruction of its living space, degradation and conversion of forests into rubber or oil palm plantations, for lately in Borneo and Sumatra have intensified and may lead to negative consequences for the survival of this species of big cats.