A dog lover named “Inshak”? Dogs, searches and “raiding”. Secrets of the Russian Canine Federation Dog shadow business

Published 04/25/17 16:49

Searches were also carried out in the Russian Canine Federation.

In the village of Rasskazovka on Rublevskoye Highway, searches were carried out in the cottage of actor Alexander Inshakov. The events were carried out by FSB officers with the support of SOBR. According to Life, these actions law enforcement agencies associated with fraud in the Russian Canine Federation.

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Previously, a case was opened regarding the misappropriation of membership fees, in which the head of the federation, Inshakov, was a witness.

It is known that documents related to the activities of the organization were confiscated from the house.

Searches were also carried out in the Russian Canine Federation itself. President of the RKF actor intkbbach and producer Alexander Inshakov connects what happened with recent history with a raider takeover and an attempt to destroy the federation.

“This story lasts more than a year and a half. At one time, there was an attempt to raid the RKF federation, but nothing happened. Today at 7 in the morning people came to me for no apparent reason. I tell them: “You’ve already been to me and you know that I have nothing to look for, I don’t deal with finances. I'm the president." Now I'm going to Investigative Committee"," RIA Novosti quotes Inshakov.

According to him, a conference of the RKF was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but due to the searches it did not take place.

“Our member of the presidium had a knock on the door of the hotel, he opened the door, they hit him, handcuffed him, and tried to take him somewhere. Well, how can that be? It’s time to end this disgrace. The person who is instigating all this, with manic persistence, wants to destroy the federation,” - the actor added.

Alexander Inshakov, a famous stuntman, actor and producer of the cult film “Brigade,” was questioned by investigators in a fraud case in the Russian Canine Federation (RKF). While he is passing as a witness. Searches took place both in the federation itself and at the actor’s home, although his representatives deny this.

According to investigators, several million rubles were stolen through the RKF, led by Inshakov, by unidentified persons. Money was collected at various dog shows in the form of membership fees, but was not processed through the accounting department.

Alexander Inshakov himself was confused in the comments. He talked about an attempted raider takeover of the RKF, thwarted by a search of the conference, some old criminal case in one of the clubs, documents about which he knew nothing. And then he turned off his phone completely and became unavailable for comments. His representatives believe that they are trying to discredit the actor.

Alexander Inshakov is remembered in films for his positive, courageous images. And because he produced the famous “Brigade”. And he also played in it. IN real life Inshakov is the chairman of not only the RKF, but also a number of other non-profit organizations, numbers that cannot be counted. He is a dog breeder, a stuntman, a karateka, and, in general, anyone. And the reader, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.

At the same time, allegedly having no income from his chairmanship in various organizations and associations, Inshakov lives on Rublyovka, dines in expensive restaurants and drives a Bentley.

And this is because Alexander Inshakov is very far from the noble image he creates in the movies. And it was not in vain that the security forces came to him. Perhaps soon society will finally find out who is hiding under the mask of a movie hero.

Canine shadow business?

Alexander Inshakov loves dogs very much. So much so that he even headed the RKF and has been leading it for more than 15 years. A person who loves animals always attracts sympathy ordinary people who simply adore their pets. Inshakov uses this sympathy very skillfully. And he actually privatized the entire dog breeding industry in the country wholesale.

RKF is a very strange organization. Legally, it is non-commercial. In fact, it is a powerful financial structure through which money is collected from dog breeders, which then disappears in an unknown direction. Naturally, the RKF has not heard of what taxes are.

The RKF is a member of the International Cynological Federation, which can only include one organization per country. Thanks to this, RKF has a monopoly on processing documents for dogs. That is, documents issued in Russia only by the RKF are recognized throughout the world. Any export of a dog to an exhibition and sale of puppies requires paperwork to be completed with the federation.

All RKF services are paid. For example, if some canine organization wants to hold a certificate exhibition, go to the RKF for certificates. And pay 2.5 thousand rubles for the diploma. Even according to minimal estimates, RKF's income is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles, on which no one pays taxes.

The scheme for evading them operates quite legally. And he faces at least six years in prison for this. However, no one touches Alexander Inshakov. It seems that he has the status of “untouchable”.

In addition to openly commercial activities in the RKF, where Alexander Inshakov reports to himself, he has another passion. This is dog fighting! Inshakov needed the RKF for recognition by the State Sports Committee of Russia. This would allow the country's main dog lover to legalize dog fighting without rules, which the “noble” crusader has apparently been dreaming of for a long time.

Sports cover?

Apart from dogs, Alexander Inshakov loves sports. And he is the chairman of several public sports organizations. From the National Karate Federation of Russia to the Children's and Youth Tennis Foundation. Although Inshakov doesn’t seem to have anything to do with children’s tennis. But as a lover of martial arts, he is indeed widely known.

At one time, Sergei Shoigu, then the Minister of Emergency Situations, left the National Karate Federation, who doubted the legal activities of the organization after becoming interested in it tax office. That is, in sports, Inshakov is running some kind of schemes.

For example, the story when the children's club “Master” was “captured” became widely known. 200 teenagers built a stunt mini-town in a vacant lot and landscaped the territory. The club was supposed to house several sections for the interests of teenagers. When everything was put in order, the officials appeared. And the Master school was closed! After that, they posted armed guards at the doors and began bringing in exercise equipment.

In order to take the club away from the children, you need to subtly understand the tangle of corrupt officials. And Inshakov, apparently, knows how to do this. The association of stuntmen he led built several mansions in a specially protected area.

And the children were driven away precisely because their club was in a “protected zone.” But the place was immediately taken by those whom officials would not touch for a certain bribe. Just as they don’t touch mansions surrounded by a wrought-iron fence.

Both in dog breeding and in sports, Inshakov pursues his personal interests. And, most likely, he provides security for the people he needs. Under the guise of various sports organizations that he heads. Therefore, instead of being held accountable for his actions by law, he sells his face on various television programs and travels all over the country, participating in various events.

Gangster past?

If you delve into the past of Alexander Inshakov, you can find a lot of interesting things. It turns out that since the 90s he has been banned from entering the United States as a dangerous person for America. The intelligence services associated his name with the famous crime boss"Japanese."

Allegedly, in certain circles, a certain stuntman bore the nickname “Inshak” and led a criminal gang, which was responsible for several murders. And that this gang received $100 thousand a month for them from “Jap”.

The recent scandal of extortion of $2 million is also known. Security guards of the famous businessman Umar Dzhabrailov were detained while trying to “extort” money from lawyer Samir Kapuro. Allegedly by order of Senator Ralif Safin. And Alexander Inshakov brought the senator together with the guards. Who later became a witness in this case.

The history of the conflict is as follows. Safin decided that Kapuro owed him $2 million, received from Safin for a piece of real estate that the senator never received. Alexander Inshakov acted as a mediator and promised to connect Safin with those who would solve his problem. They turned out to be Dzhabrailov’s guards.

Extortion clean water?! However, both Safin and Inshakov managed to get away with it. They explained their behavior

Two employees were detained, the famous stuntman himself temporarily retired

The Russian Canine Federation, on the eve of preparations for a grandiose event - the World Dog Show (this year the exhibition should be held in Russia) found itself under the close attention of guardians of the law. Two employees of a public canine organization, which is considered one of the largest in Russia and Europe, were detained on suspicion of fraud related to accepting money from dog owners. And the President of the RKF himself, famous actor and stuntman Alexander Inshakov wrote a statement of temporary suspension from office during the internal investigation.

As MK learned, employees of the Main investigation department The capital police, together with colleagues from the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, stopped the activities of the executive director of the RKF Proskuryakova and the chief accountant Kuznetsova, who carried out targeted non-profit activities through a specially established organization of dog breeders within the structure of a public canine organization. According to investigators, information about those admitted cash in the form of targeted contributions, they did not enter into the primary accounting documentation, but appropriated

By this fact The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow has opened a criminal case. The women were charged with fraud committed organized group. The Tver court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of two months.

“Why all these “mask shows” and wiretapping? This is an attempt to disrupt the World Championship, where about 30 thousand participants are already registered,” he said in an interview with MK ex-president RKF Alexander Inshakov.

When asked about the amount of money embezzled by fraud, Inshakov replied that the total amount was about 255 thousand rubles. And this money is calculated as a loss caused to RKF over several years. “Tiny sums and such noise,” Inshakov was surprised.

The actor explained to the MK correspondent that the cashier usually received money from the dog owner for issuing canine documents (diplomas, certificates, pedigrees), but only issued a receipt for half the amount received. And then he appropriated the money for himself.