card index on speech development on the topic. Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes in verse for children

Nursery rhymes- these are short poems intended for babies, accompanied by simple hand movements and facial expressions. With the help of nursery rhymes, a child learns about the world through play, from the first days of his life. Repeated sound combinations contribute to the establishment of speech development.

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
A cat married a cat,
For the little cat,
For Ivan Petrovich.
He has a mustache, stripes,
Well, not a cat -
It's just a treasure!

Baba sowed peas
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
The ceiling collapsed
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Baba walked, walked, walked,
I found the pie.
She sat down, ate, and went again.
Baba stood on her toes,
And then on the heel,
I began to dance Russian,
And then squat down.

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
Here are our legs!
And this is Nastya’s nose
It's all overgrown with goats.
And these are the eyes, ears,
Cheeks are thick pillows,
What is this? Tummy!
But this is Nastya’s mouth!
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your side
Let's tickle your side.

My mouth knows how to eat,
Breathe your nose and listen to your ears,
Little eyes blink, blink,
Handles - grab and grab everything.

(Running the child’s finger over the named parts of the body):
Nose, nose, forehead,
Cheeks, chin.
Ears, eyes,
Nikitushka's fairy tales (tickle at this moment).

Cucumber, cucumber!
Don't go to that end -
There's a mouse living there
He'll bite your tail off!

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel,
I sat down and drove off - oh, good!
Looked back -
Some knitting needles are lying.

Baba Yaga
bone leg,
I lit the stove,
I cooked porridge.
Fell from the stove
She broke her leg.
I went to the market
She crushed the samovar.
I went outside
Crushed the chicken
I went to the garden
Made all the people laugh.

Spider, spider,
Grab Lena by the side.
Frog, frog,
Grab Lena by the ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Lena by the knees.
Doggie, doggie,
Grab Lena by the nose.
Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
Grab Lena by the stomach.
Wasp, wasp,
Grab Lena by the hair.

Our hostess
She was smart
Everyone has a job in the hut
For the holiday I gave:
The dog washes the cup with its tongue,
The mouse collects crumbs under the window,
The cat scratches the table with its paw,
The chicken sweeps the doormats with a broom.

I have a pig
Cheer up your horse.
I'll sit down and go -
I'll come by lunchtime.

I'll go out onto the street
I'll harness the chicken.
There is a cockerel on the fastener,
But-o-o, let's go, buddy!

Here they are in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running,
They'll pinch your heels.
Hide quickly, don’t yawn,
Cover with a blanket!

Oh, don’t worry about grieving -
There is nowhere to put the cat.
Brought it to the yard
Planted on the fence -
The cat has already run
Scared all the guys
All the lambs and calves,
And little guys!

Wind, breeze,
Pull up the sail!
Drive the ship
To the Volga River!

Rain, rain,
Wet paths.
We can't go for a walk -
We'll get our feet wet.

Walls (we touch one of the baby’s cheeks with our finger)
Walls (we touch the baby’s second cheek with our finger)
Ceiling (touched forehead)
Windows (pointed to the eyes)
Doors (point to mouth)
And the Pee-eep Call! (press on the spout)
The owner of the house?
Is the accordion ready?
Can I play?

And tickle the little one!!!

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites.

Ay-tata, tata, tata,
Please sieve -
Sow flour,
Start some pies.
And for our sweetheart
Let's start pancakes,
Let's bake a blink
Feed my son!

Only the mice will scratch,
Gray Vaska is right there.
Hush, mice, go away,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up the whole round dance.
Vaska the cat woke up -
The whole round dance broke up!

Our ducks in the morning:
- Quack-quack-quack!
- Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond:
- Ha-ga-ga!
- Ha-ha-ha
And the turkey in the middle of the yard:
- Ball-ball-ball!
- Ball-ball-ball!
Our buns above:
- Grru-grru-u-grru-u!
Our chickens through the window:
- Ko-ko-ko!
- Ko-ko-ko!
What about Petya the Cockerel?
Early in the morning
He will sing to us "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm up our little paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump!

The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away!

Fingers will rise,
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Nenila Pig
She praised her son:
- He's so cute
That's so pretty
Walks sideways
Ears upright
Crochet ponytail,
Pig nose!

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest!
This finger is for showing it off!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This ring finger is the most spoiled!
And although the little finger is small, it is dexterous and daring!

Our Zhenya by gender
The first time I stomped.
Got down on my knees
I crawled to the wall,
Raised both hands
She swayed and went.
Stomp, stomp your feet,
New boots!
Top-top to the corner,
She stood and went.
Far away in another corner
Ball and teddy bear on the floor.
Zhenya wants to take them,
He stomps his feet.
She ran, swayed,
Slap - and immediately stretched out.
Zhenechka did not cry,
Little by little she stood up
And all the way to the corner
It went all over the room.
She grabbed the bear by the leg,
She rolled the ball with her foot,
And then I went again
Walking around the room -
To the sofa, to the window,
I walked under the table a little
It's a little dark under the table -
The tablecloth is long all around.
And on the chair is Murka,
Gray skin.
Raising my palm,
Zhenya strokes the cat.
He tells her: - Goodbye.
He tells her: - Bye-bye.
Murka squints his eyes slightly -
He knows whose hand it is.
Standing by the chair
Zhenya rest???b
And then I went again
Walk around the room.
She made it to the closet
And groaning, she sat down on the floor.
We need to rest again -
There's a long way ahead...

Vanya, Vanya-simplicity
I bought a horse without a tail.
Sat backwards
And I went to the garden.

Vanya rides on a stick,
And Dunya is in the cart
He cracks nuts.

The bear rides on a stick.
Squirrel in a cart
He cracks nuts.

Only the mice will scratch,
Gray Vaska is right there.
Hush, mice, go away,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up the whole round dance.
Vaska the cat woke up -
The whole round dance broke up!

Oh, you oblique hare - like that!
Don't follow me - like that!
You'll end up in the garden - just like that!
You'll gnaw off all the cabbage - like this,
How can I catch you - like this,
I'll grab you by the ears - like this,
And I’ll unscrew the tail - just like that!

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank the little head is carried.
He waves his white wing,
He shakes water onto the flowers.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy!

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

(We bend our fingers one by one)
This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom,
This finger has taken its place
This finger will fit tightly,
This finger has eaten a lot
That's why I got fat.

Bunny, come into the garden,
Little gray one, enter the garden.
Bunny, bunny, come into the garden,
Gray, gray, enter the garden!

Bunny, pick the color,
Gray, pick the color.
Bunny, bunny, pick the color,
Gray, gray, rip off the color!

Bunny, make your wreath,
Gray, make your wreath.
Bunny, bunny, your wreath,
Gray, gray, make your wreath.

Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance.
Bunny, bunny, dance,
Gray, gray, dance.

They clapped their hands
Clap your hands (clap your hands)
Let's rest a little (hands on knees).

The cat is walking along the bench
Leads the cat by the paws
Tops on the bench
Hands on hand.

Forty, forty!
Where were you?
- Far!
I lit the stove,
Cooked porridge
Jumped onto the threshold -
Called guests.

Evil mosquitoes!
They twisted and turned
Yes, they grabbed your ear!

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm up our little paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump!

The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away!

Forty, forty,
I jumped on the threshold,
Waiting for guests:
Won't the guests arrive?
Won't they eat the porridge?
Agashka has arrived,
I ate all the porridge.
I gave it to this one on a plate,
This is on a spoon,
This one is on the whorl,
This is the whole pot,
To the little boy
Didn't get it.
Finger boy
Pushes, grinds.
Walks on water
Creates a kvashnya:
Water in the swamp
The flour is not ground.
Sauerkraut on linden,
Whorl on a pine tree.
I took the box
I walked through the water.
I stepped here - softly,
It's hot here
There's a stump and a block here,
There is a white birch here,
And here the springs are boiling and boiling.

(We depict a “goat” with our fingers)
The horned goat is coming
There's a butted goat coming,
Legs top top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Doesn't drink milk -
Gored, gored, gored.
(we show how a goat butts)

I'll give you a beater,
Twenty-five beaters
Vanya will sleep soundly.

The mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
Vaska the cat will wake up,
It will break up the whole round dance.

The cat went to market,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Borenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I’ll demolish Borenka too.

The cat went to the stove
I found a pot of porridge.
There are rolls on the stove,
Like fire, hot.
Gingerbread cookies are baking
The cat's paws are not allowed.

Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
Geese - on the harp,
Ducks - to the pipes,
Sheep - to the Donets,
Cockroaches - drums.

On the street
Two chickens
They are fighting with a rooster.
Two beautiful girls
They look and laugh:
- Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!
How we feel sorry for the rooster!

Oh you little owl,
You're a big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Here's an owl
You're a big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Here's an owl-owl -
Big head
Sitting on a tree
He turns his head.
Looks in all directions
And he says to everyone:
- No one hits the owl
And he doesn’t pull your ears.

Like our goat
What a smart guy he was:
I walked on water myself,
I cooked the porridge myself,
He fed grandpa and grandma.

Saddled a rooster.

The child grows up, and jokes and fables appear in his life. Fables have existed among people for a long time, but folk art preserves the best, gradually weeding out everything unnecessary. The difference between fables and nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes is that they are not associated with any movements, but they contain some kind of fairy-tale or fantastic plot. These are pictures from the life of animals or short fairy tales that expand a child’s knowledge of the world around him. Fable songs and shapeshifters, which help the child understand the real and the fantastic, strengthen the child in the correct perception and sense of the world. Children early age(up to 3 years) perceive paradoxes as reality. Fables are intended for children who already have enough life experience to feel the paradoxical nature of the situation being described. Reading such poems contributes to the development of freedom of thinking, imagination and, importantly, a sense of humor. It is important that the baby hears surprise in the adult’s voice and understands that something incredible is happening.. Investing in the familiar new meaning, turning everything upside down, the child learns to better operate with concepts, develops freedom of thinking, imagination and, most importantly, learns to understand humor.
For an adult this is nonsense, but for a child - funny stories about something that doesn't happen. When a child discovers the laws of the world around him, new concepts, he begins to play with these concepts, because through play he learns about the world.

and there is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

she's the hostess
She was smart
Everyone has a job in the hut
For the holiday I gave:
The dog washes the cup with his tongue,
The mouse collects crumbs under the window,
The cat scratches the table with its paw,
The chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom.

ho-ho, I’m sitting on a rowan tree,
Grazing the animal
And that little animal went out of the gate.
-Where is the gate?
- It was washed away with water.
-Where is the water?
- The bulls drank.
-Where are the bulls?
- They went into the reeds.
-Where is the reed?
- The girls broke it.
-Where are the girls?
- They left for their husbands.
-Where are the husbands?
- They went to Kazan.
- Where is Kazan?
- Kazan burned out.

x, there was a problem:
The water caught fire.
Passed by
Retired soldier.
Retired soldier Taras
Saved the river from a fire,
The fire was put out
He deserved his fame:
"Taras is gray
I put out the water with my beard!”

avushka was flying,
She dropped feathers.
-Who wants feathers?
- Dear Vovushka.
- What does he need feathers for?
- Fluff the hat.
- What's the cap for?
- Give it to grandfather.
Let's give Vova some porridge
In a red bowl
A crust of bread,
A tub of honey,
Donuts, flatbreads,
Pork feet.

the ship is running on the blue sea,
Gray wolf stands on the nose
And the bear fastens the sails.
Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,
The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:
How to steal a bunny
It's like breaking a rope.

bought the ram of the bagels
At the market early in the morning
I bought a lamb bagel:
For lambs, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE dryers,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR crumpets,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbreads
And I bought ONE roll -
I didn’t forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

I ate a mosquito under a bush,
On a spruce tree on a stump,
He dangled his feet on the sand,
He put his nose under the leaf -

a squirrel walks on a cart,
She sells nuts:
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.
Who needs a scarf?
Who cares,
Who cares?

all the birds were flying:
Tap-dancing sisters,
Cuckoo friend;
He narrowed his eyes;
Crow Bride
She sat down.
Only there is no groom.
Should I call the rooster?

the old hare is mowing hay,
And the fox is raking.
The fly carries hay to the cart,
And the mosquito throws.
They took us to the hayloft -
A fly screamed from the cart:
“I won’t go to the attic,
I'll fall from there
I'll break a leg,
I’ll be lame.”

knock-knock, look at the gate:
That's right, someone is coming to visit:
The whole family is coming
A pig is walking ahead.
The goose tuned the harp,
And a rooster with a trumpet.
The cat and the dog were surprised -
They even made peace.

The turnip and poppy seeds danced,
And parsley with parsnips,
Corn with garlic
Our Tanya with a Cossack.
But I didn’t want carrots
Dance, dance,
Because I couldn't
Dance, dance.

shadow, shadow,
There is a fence above the city.
The animals sat under the fence.
We boasted all day:
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
The bunny boasted:
- Go and catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
- Our fur coats are good!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Imoshka in a basket
I drove along the path.
The dog on the strip hums,
The bear on the chain breaks,
Agathon is putting on his shoes on the stove.

rah-tah, tararakh,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

uru, turu, shepherd,
Viburnum footrest.
Where did you fly this summer?
Where did you spend the winter?
- At the Tsar's in Moscow,
In the golden lip.
- What is the king doing? -
- Turu writes a note,
He breathes on the girl.
- Girl, girl,
Go get some water.
- I'm afraid of the wolf.
- Wolves at work,
Owl in the swamp.
- Sovanka, Sovanka,
Shaggy legs,
We ran along the path.
Popov's guys
The peas were threshed
The chains were broken,
They left the barn,
Water the chicken.
Like a feather from a chicken
It rolled
A village near Ivanovo.

oo-tu, tu-tu, tu-tu, tu,
A raven sits on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet.
Chiseled pipe, gilded.
Kuzma weaves bast shoes,
They play balalaika.
Balalaika is good,
I baked some rolls.
The rolls are hot
Notes from the window.
A boy came -
Burnt my finger
The old man came -
Burnt my tongue.
Mids, mids, mits,
Go get Mikitka.
Mikitka doesn't like
He won’t buy boots -
Will buy slippers,
They are not big.
Pop from Kadenka,
He'll gouge out his eyes.
Lamb from under the stove
With big eyes
With cool horns.
The woman sat on the ram,
She galloped through the mountains.
- Don’t jump, woman,
Give me back my rolls.

Our harrier,
From a dear friend,
Forty tubs
Salty frogs,
Forty barns
Dry cockroaches,
Piglets –
Only the legs are hanging.

you are Babushka Yaga,
Broken leg.
Who, who interrupted?
- A drunken man.
- What to heal with?
- Soak the hemp.
The hemp is crackling,
The sparrow squeaks.
Little Tatars
They took everything on a stick,
They hit the board
Let's go to Moscow,
We bought a comb
They scratched Matryonka,
Matryona's braid
Tied to the nose.

Well, Vasenka, my friend,
Don't run into the meadow
On the steep bank.
The mouse will eat you
Or a swallow
Or a gray top
Because of a bush
Or a white dog
From under the bridge.

la hut on the bridge
And she waved her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.
There is noise in the river, there is ringing in the river!
Those who don't believe, get out!

there are sheep along the road,
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One, two, three, four, five,
They began to wipe their feet,
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

Russians folk tales, nursery rhymes in verses for children

Fables are nonsense, they are poems or stories that talk about something that cannot actually happen. Thanks to them, the child develops a sense of humor, he begins to better understand reality, logic, imagination, and thinking develop. let's start collecting in this threadRussian folk tales - in rhymes, this is something like nursery rhymes for children. Children love them very much and listen to them with pleasure.

Where has this been seen?
And in which village was it heard,
So that the hen gives birth to a bull,
The little piglet laid an egg
Yes, I took it to the shelf.
And the shelf broke off,
And the egg broke.
The sheep clucked
The filly cackled:
- Oh, where-where-where!
This has never happened to us before,
So that the armless man robs our cage,
The bare-bellied one put it in his bosom,
And the blind man was spying,
And the deaf man was eavesdropping,
And the legless Vogon ran,
The tongueless “guard” screamed!

A village was driving
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
He grabbed the baton
The ax chopped
And for our cat
Ran through the fence.
The rooftops got scared
We sat on the raven,
The horse is racing
A man with a whip.

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

The fox ran through the forest,
The fox lost its tail.
Vanya went into the forest
Found a fox tail.
Lisa came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked me to give her tail.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is coming
On a bulan cart,
On a squeaky horse.
He has boots with a pocket,
And a vest with a heel.
Belted himself with a club,
He leaned on his sash.

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

The ship is running across the blue sea.
The gray wolf is standing on the nose,
And the bear fastens the sails.
Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,
The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:
How to steal a bunny
It's like breaking the rope.

This, brothers, is not a miracle?
A baton was running with a boy in his hands,
And behind him is a sheepskin coat with a woman on his shoulders.
The whip grabbed the dog to soar the man,
And the man climbed under the gate out of fear.
The village shouted: “The lake is burning!”
Hay and firewood rush to put out the fire.

Sheep were walking along the road
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One, two, three, four, five,
They began to wipe their feet,
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

Thunder rolled across the mountains -
A mosquito fell from the oak tree,
Crashed on a rhizome
Old mosquito-mosquito.
Instantly the flies flocked -
Two rumble-burners,
They raised the poor brother,
They began to buzz and kill themselves:
- Old mosquito-mosquito,
It hurts so much, my friend!
Our poor little boy,
How sorry we are for you, mosquito!

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts:
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.
Who needs a scarf?
Who cares,
Who cares?

A mosquito sat under a bush,
On a spruce tree on a stump,
He dangled his feet on the sand,
He put his nose under the leaf -

Raven in red boots
In gilded earrings,
Black raven on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet
Turned pipe,
Gold plated,
Okay pipe
The song is complex.

Our hostess
She was smart
Everyone has a job in the hut
For the holiday I gave:
The dog washes the cup with his tongue,
The mouse collects crumbs under the window,
The cat scratches the table with its paw,
The chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom.

I bought a horse without a tail.
I went to get married
Tied the trough.
The trough breaks,
The wife smiles.

All the birds flocked:
Tap-dancing sisters,
Cuckoo friend;
He narrowed his eyes;
Crow Bride
She sat down.
Only there is no groom.
Should I call the rooster?

The fox ran through the forest,
The fox lost its tail.
Vanya went into the forest
Found a fox tail.
Lisa came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked me to give her tail.

The hut walked along the bridge
And she waved her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.
There is noise in the river, there is ringing in the river!
Those who don't believe, get out!

Listen guys
My fairy tale is not rich
From the humpbacked horse
And the dancing bear:
Just like a motley pig
She made a nest on an oak tree.
She made a nest and brought out the children.
Sixty piglets
They sit on the knots.
The piglets are squealing
They want to fly.
Let's fly, fly.
It’s like a bear flying through the sky.
The bear is flying
Head turns.
And he’s carrying a cow,
Black-and-white, white-tailed.
And the cow is mooing
Yes, he's twirling his tail!
Know the bear shouts:
- Let's go right
Let's go left
And now let's get straight to it!

Oh, there's a problem:
The water caught fire.
Passed by
Retired soldier.
Retired soldier Taras
Saved the river from a fire,
The fire was put out
He deserved his fame:
"Taras is gray
I put out the water with my beard!”

The turnip danced with the poppy,
And parsley with parsnips,
Corn with garlic
Our Tanya with a Cossack.
But I didn’t want carrots
Dance, dance,
Because I couldn't
Dance, dance.

The pig made a nest on the spruce tree,
She made a nest, brought out the babies,
Little children, little pigs.
The little pigs are hanging on the branches,
They hang on the branches, they want to fly.

Where have you seen this?
Where have you heard this?
So that the hen brings a bull,
The little piglet laid an egg,
To across the sky
The bear was flying
He waved his black tail.

Two cheerful little ones,
sitting deftly on the stove,
They picked watermelons from the apple tree,
They pulled carrots in the sea.
Crayfish are ripe on the branches,
Seven herrings and ruffs.
All the neighborhood dogs
Eat rutabaga to your heart's content

The rain is warming,
The sun is pouring.
The miller is grinding
Water in the well.

Laundress on the stove
Washing the trough.
Grandma in the river
I fried the sieve.

There are two magpies under the barn
Fried jam
The chickens ate the rooster
They say dogs.

At the station in the new hall,
The cat is lying without a head.
While they were looking for the head
The legs got up and walked.

A cow is swimming along the river,
Overtook the ship.
A crow stands on its horns
And rows with a straw.

Grandfather is curly without hair,
Thin as a barrel.
He has no children -
Only son and daughter.

A hare sits on a birch tree,
Reads a book aloud.
A bear flew to him,
He listens and sighs.

Nonsense, nonsense
These are just lies:
Hay being cut on the stove
Rocker crayfish.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
The uncle was riding on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And behind him at full speed
Jumping steps
The wolf tried to swim across
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up to the sky,
There's an earthquake
And out of the clouds at him
Jam was dripping.

Listen guys
I’ll sing you a fable:
Instead of a pretzel - bagels
The man swallowed the arc.

There is a cart on the mountain,
Tears are dripping from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain,
Puts on boots.

From behind the clouds, from the fog
A man rides a ram.
And behind him on mosquitoes
Children are jumping in felt boots,
And the wife is on a flea
Jumps along the path.

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree -
New shirt
There's a boot on my head,
There is a cap on his leg.

Rides a fox
Chicken on horseback,
A head of cabbage runs
With a somersault hare.
Pike catches in the sea
fisherman's net,
A cow is swimming
In a jar of milk.
grain of wheat
The sparrow is pecking
And the worm to the crow

Carries it in a box.
A brick floats down the river
Wooden like glass.
Well, let it float
We don't need plasticine.
This is a fairy tale about a hedgehog
He flies to his nest
And a fly is also an airplane,
Only very small.

I bought a lamb bagel
At the market early in the morning
I bought a lamb bagel:
For lambs, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE dryers,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR crumpets,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbreads
And I bought ONE roll -
I didn’t forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

What is a tall tale?
This means: Wolf and Lioness
Bring your guys
By car to kindergarten.
And then they rushed off to the mountains
To work in Children's City,
Where in the "Salon of Kindness"
They give flowers to the Squirrels.

Listen guys,
I will sing awkwardly,
A bull is flying on an airplane,
The rooster plows the pig.
A hog is flying on the fence,
Measures leaves by arshin,
Collects on a needle,
To avoid wrinkles.
A cow lies on a ditch
Girdled with sauerkraut,
The dough is kneaded and beaten,
Seasoned with quinoa.

The horse ate grass, ate,
And she's tired of weed.
A horse came to the store
And I bought a chocolate bar.

A hare sits on a birch tree,
Smokes a dried boot.
The telephone pole got married
He took the cart from the bull.
The bull got angry at this
And he killed the samovar.

- They say: are you alive and well?
- No, I'm in the hospital.
- They say: are you fed up?
- No, I’m very hungry
I could even swallow a cow!

Murzik sculpted from snow
Two-wheeled cart.
The dogs harnessed themselves to it,
We took the cat to the races.

The cook is riding on a plate,
Two pots ahead
And the pelvis is behind.
The cook shouts to him:
“Where is my pelvis?”
The cast iron heard
They buzzed like bugs.
The spoons heard
They jumped up and down like fleas.
The poker went to dance,
And the grip is to sing along with her.

Once upon a time there lived grandfather Egor
On the edge of the forest,
He had a fly agaric growing
Right on top of my head.
Elk came out from behind a bush,
I ate a beautiful mushroom
And Yegor whispered:
“We need to clean our ears.”

The goat has a beard
Two frogs live
A bear sits on his back
Holds his ears.

The wolf worked as a shepherd
At the "Preschool Farm".
Rode with a fiery whip
Harmful on a cow.
Herding fidgety kids
On the candy field.
I told them a secret
How to study at school.
And the boys are tomboys
Cucumbers were picked in the field,
Treated the shepherd
And they laughed: “Ha ha ha!”

A hare sits on the fence
In aluminum pants.
And who cares, - Maybe the hare is an astronaut.

Listen guys
I will sing awkwardly,
The pig is laid on the oak tree,
A bear is steaming in a sauna.