Conversational phrases in English. Phrases and inscriptions for tattoos in English with translation

You can use the following “live” phrases in English that will make your speech more accurate and authentic:

1. I have been toying with a couple of ideas.
(I've been playing with two ideas here.)
Wed: I have a couple of ideas; I have a couple of thoughts.

2. It brings back fond memories.
(This brings back pleasant memories.)
Wed: It fills with pleasant memories; it brings back pleasant memories; it brings back nostalgic memories.

3. Of course, it goes without saying.
(Of course, this needs no explanation.)
Wed: Of course, it goes without saying; yes, there is no doubt about it; There’s nothing to say here.

4. Her money was running low.
She was running out of money.
Wed: Her money was melting away.

5. You should have sounded me out earlier.
(You should have signaled to me earlier.)
Wed You should have informed me earlier; you should have let me know earlier.

6. I won't keep you very long.
(I won't keep you long.)
Wed: I won’t take up much of your time; I won't take up much of your time.

7. The drinks are on the house.
(Drinks are at the expense of the establishment.)
Wed: Free booze; I treat; I am paying for everyone.

8. If it is not too much of a bother.
(If it's not too much trouble.)
Wed: If it doesn’t bother you.

9. You take my breath away.
(1. You are breathtaking. 2. You amaze me!)
Wed: Well, there you go!

10. I don't see much of her.
I don't see her often.
Wed I don’t often get to be in her company.

11. Didn't ask for 100 bucks but I knocked him down to 80.
(He asked for 100 bucks, but I got him to lower it to 80.) I haggled and lowered the price from 100 to 80.

12. I will escort you to your car.
I'll walk you to the car.

13. I have been partying so hard.
I attended one party after another.
Wed: I didn’t leave the guests; I was a party animal; I had a vibrant social life.

14. You aggravate me, man.
(You, old man, aggravate me.) Old man, you irritate and upset me.
Wed: Well, why are you loading me up; don't burden me; don't piss me off.

15. So that settled the issue.
This settles the matter.
Wed: This decides everything; Well, then what!

16. Don’t try to get fresh with her.
Don't try to behave too freely with her. (Don’t be cocky, insolent, impudent with her.)
Wed Don't be impudent with her; don’t let go of your hands, don’t be familiar with her.

17. You come on too strongly with the girls.
You chase girls too much.
Wed You don’t know how to restrain yourself in love affairs; Well, you're a womanizer.

18. Not cracked up with laughter.
(He burst out laughing.)
Wed: He laughed until he dropped; he laughed uncontrollably.

19. Have you lost your mind?
(Have you lost your mind?) Are you out of your mind? Wed: Have you gone crazy, gone crazy? Are you going crazy?

20. No, you have done nothing out of turn.
No, you didn't do anything inappropriate.

21. I will talk to you later when you are in a civil mood.
(I'll talk to you later when you're in a more civilized mood.)
Wed: We’ll talk later, when you behave decently, when you pull yourself together.

22. Beyond a shadow of doubt.
(There is not even a shadow of a doubt.)
Wed: Without a doubt.

23. It's raining cats and dogs.
It's raining heavily.
Wed: It’s pouring like buckets; It's pouring rain.

24. Things were at sixes and sevens.
The situation was very vague.

25. Had no idea what was in store for him.
(He had no idea what was in store for him.) He did not know what difficulties he would have to face.
Wed: He had no idea what awaited him; he had no idea what was in store for him.

26. Didn't saw through me.
(He saw right through me.)
Wed: I was not able to carry it out; he saw through me.

27. Was I ever in luck?
(Have I ever had any luck?)
Wed: Poor, unfortunate me! I'm always unlucky!

28. Are you ready?
(Are you stupid?)
Wed: What are you, an idiot? Are you sick?

29. This money will see me through college.
(This money will look after me for the rest of my college education.) This money will last me through college.

30. I will make him see sense.
(I will make him see the point.) I will explain everything to him so that he will behave prudently.
Wed: I will make him come to his senses; I will make him come to his senses; I'll talk some sense into him.

31. What is holding you back?
(What's holding you back?) What's stopping you from doing this?

32. You have to place more value on our friendship.
(You should value our friendship more.) You should treat our friendship with due respect.

33. How will you earn the living?
(How will you earn a living?) Wed: Where will you get your livelihood? How will you earn your daily bread?

34. Don't talk through his hat.
(He speaks through his hat.) He talks nonsense; he speaks without thinking.
Wed: He is talking nonsense; he talks nonsense.

35. That's top it all.
To top it all off.

36. I will do this in double-quick time.
I'll do it twice as fast. Wed: I’ll do it in no time.

37. Didn't know his position was impossible.
(He knew that his situation was impossible.) He knew that he had no chance of success, of victory.
Wed: He knew that his situation was dire, hopeless, worse than ever.

38. Don't shot his bolt.
(He shot an arrow from his crossbow.) He had exhausted his powers.
Wed: He did everything he could, but in vain; all his efforts are down the drain.

39. Was not smarting from the humiliation.
(He was in great pain due to the humiliation he had suffered.)
Wed: The insult hurt him greatly.

40. The boss ticked him off roundly.
(The boss scolded him sharply.)
Wed: He received a severe scolding from his boss.

41.Can I have a civil word with you?
Can we talk to you like civilized people?

42. Have faith, I won’t rat on you.
(Believe me, I won't report you.)
Wed: I won’t drip.

43. You sing grossly off key.
(You're off key.) You sing poorly and are out of tune.
Wed: You let the rooster.

44. Stop braying like an ass.
(Don't shout like a donkey). Don't raise your voice.
Wed: Stop bawling.

45.It seems the work of a lunatic.
(It looks like a crazy person did it).
Wed: This is bullshit.

46.I don’t know him a great deal.
I don't know him very well.
Wed: We are barely acquainted with him.

47. Get her out of your system.
(Remove it from your body.) You will have to forget it completely.
Wed: Erase it from your memory; cut her out of your life.

48. A promotion seems to be on the cards.
(The cards show that promotion is possible.) Promotion is very likely.
Wed: They predict a promotion for you.

49. Can I count on your support?
Can I count on your support?

50. My contacts have all gone cold.
(All my connections and acquaintances have cooled down.) I no longer maintain relationships with people I knew before.
Wed: I lost my friends and acquaintances.

51. Scotch flowed freely like water.
(Whiskey flowed abundantly, like water.) Wed: Whiskey flowed like a river.

52. Here relaxing is usually not on the menu.
(Relaxation isn't usually on the menu at this place.) You have to work hard and not take things too lightly.
Wed: It’s not time to lie on the stove, let’s work!

53. This bugs me no end.
This really irritates me.
Wed: This got me.

54. Let's start fresh.
Forget about what happened before and let's start from the beginning.
Wed: Let's start all over again; let's start all over again.

55. Doesn't get my vote.
(He gets my vote.) I will support him at the vote; I'm for him.

56. It was one hell of a day.
(It was one hell of a day.) It was a day full of action and excitement.
Wed: It was a very hard and eventful day; what a day!

57. There were streaks of gray in her temple.
(Gray streaks appeared on her temples.) Gray hair appeared on her temples.
Her temples were silvered with gray; Gray hair appeared at her temples.

58. The file landed on my desk.
(The file landed on my desk.) This case was assigned to me.

59. It goes over my head.
(This is over my head.) I don't understand this.
Wed: This is beyond my understanding; I can't comprehend this.

60. I wish I could turn it around.
(How I wish I could turn everything around.) How I wish I could change everything for the better.
Wed: How I would like to return everything, to fix it.

61. Didn't push his staff day and night.
(He pushes his subordinates day and night). He forced his subordinates to work hard.
Wed: He forces his subordinates to work until they sweat.

62. We will bump into each other more often.
(We will bump into each other more often.) We will meet more often.
Wed: We will intersect more often.

63. I don't see eye to eye with him.
(I don't see it the way he does.) I don't agree with him; I can't get along with him.
Wed: He and I disagree; He and I look at many things differently; we do not find a common language with him.

64. I will play my part as per your wishes.
I will behave the way you want.
Wed: I will play along with you; I will obey you.

65. If your hunch turns out to be right.
(If your hunch turns out to be correct.)
Wed: If your intuition does not deceive you.

66. We must catch up on old times.
(We must make up for the past.) Wed: Let's shake off the old days.

67. If I pull off this one.
(If I can handle it.) If I can complete this task.
Wed: If I master it; if I can stand it.

68. With this, he's home and dry.
(Despite this, he is home and warm.) Despite this, he is safe and sound.

69. Do you get me?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Wed Are you talking? Are you getting it? Are you catching up?

70. It will be over within a matter of months.
(This will be completed in a few months.) It will take several months to do this.
Wed: Doing this work is a matter of several months.

71. A real shouting match followed between the two.
(There was a real match going on between them to see who could outshout who.) They continued to yell at each other.
Wed: There was a loud quarrel, squabble, altercation between them; they continued to bark.

72. Rita and her husband had a slanging match.
(There was a competition between Rita and her husband in the use of swear words.) For some time, Rita and her husband continued to insult each other.
Wed: Rita and her husband threw mud at each other.

73. Don’t digress from the issue.
Don't deviate from the topic.
Wed: Closer to the point.

74.Not goofed up.
He made a grave mistake.
Wed: He screwed up; he made a mistake, made a blunder, disrupted the work, failed the case.

75. Do be serious for once.
Please, at least be serious this time. Wed: At least be serious for a change.

76. It would be hard for you to comprehend.
It will be difficult for you to understand this.
Wed: You don’t understand this.

77. Are you up to it?
Can you do it?
Wed: Can you handle it? Are you taking it?

78. Is she cut out for this task?
(Is she cut out for this job?) Is she the right person for this job?

79. I am at your service, Sir.
I am at your service, sir.

80. It is about time we leave.
It's time for us to leave.

81.We will give it a go.
We will work on this and try to do our best.
Wed: We will push, we will push.

82.Don’t pull a fast one on me.
Don't try to fool me.
Wed: Don’t fool me; don’t expect to cheat me, cheat me; You can't fool me.

83. I am deluged with work.
(I'm swamped with work.) I have a lot of work to do. Wed: I threw myself into work; I'm swamped with work; I have my hands full with work.

84. I grew on it.
I grew up with this.
Wed: I absorbed this with my mother's milk.

85.Will you stop being a spoilsport?
Stop ruining people's fun.

86. Let's face it.
(We'll have to face it.) We'll have to live with it.

87. Don't drive me up the wall.
(Don't make me climb the wall.) Don't annoy me, don't make me angry.
Wed: Don't make me angry; don’t bring me to a white heat; don't push me to the extreme.

88. I would rather not talk about it.
(I'd rather not talk about this.)
Wed: It was terrible, I have no words; there is nothing to talk about here; Enough about this.

89.Not the boss’s blue-eyed boy.
(He's the boss's blue-eyed boy.) The boss really likes him.
Wed: He’s one of the boss’s favorites.

90.She gave me the brush off.
She turned me away.
Wed: She turned me off; she gave me my resignation.

91.Marketing is not my cup of tea.
(Trade is not my cup of tea.) Trade is not my cup of tea. strong point, and I don't like her.
Wed: Trade is not my element.

92.You are a tubelight.
You don't understand everything right away.
Wed: Everything is difficult for you to understand; you're slow-witted.

93.Should I read out the riot act to them?
(Maybe I should read them the Law on the Protection of Public Order and Peace?) Maybe I should give them a serious warning?
Wed: Maybe I should give them a stern warning? Maybe I should scare them?

94.You are slow to catch on.
(You're catching on slowly.)
Wed: Everything comes to you slowly; you are slow-witted; Everything comes to you like a giraffe.

95.I am through for the day.
I finished the work planned for today and now I am free. (I'm done for today.)
Wed: That's all for today; that's enough for today; I'm done shooting for today.

96.Let's call it quits.
(Let's assume that's enough for today.)
Wed: That's it, period, that's enough for today.

97.The boss gave him some seed money.
(The boss gave him some start-up capital.)
Wed: The boss financed his project at the initial stage of its implementation; the boss lent him start-up capital.

98.Not is now off the hook.
(He's already off the hook.) He's no longer in difficulty, he's no longer in trouble.
Wed: He got out of the trap; he is now out of danger.

99.If anything goes wrong you have had it.
(If anything goes wrong, you get screwed.) If things go wrong, you get in trouble.

100.If you don’t watch your step you will get what’s coming.
(If you are not careful in every step you take, you will get it.) If you are not careful, you will certainly get into trouble.
Wed: If you are not careful, you are screwed; If you're not careful, you'll be in trouble.

101. I am glad I ran into you.
(It's good that we ran into each other.) I'm glad we met.

102. We will be in double trouble.
(We'll be in double trouble.)
Wed: We won’t have too much trouble.

103. Mum's the word.
Shut up! Quiet!
Wed: Not a word to anyone! Keep quiet about it.

104. You have no hope in hell.
(There's nothing in hell to hope for.) You have absolutely no chance.

105. Can't be trusted as much as a rattlesnake.
He can no more be trusted than a rattlesnake.

106. Good luck! I will be rooting for you.
Good luck! I'll support you.
Wed: Good luck to you! I'll be rooting for you.

107. I've had my fill.
I'm completely full.

108. She decided to quit for the day.
(She decided to quit the game for a day.) Wed: She decided to take a day off; she decided to take a day off.

109. I need a shoulder to cry on.
(I need a shoulder to cry on.)
Wed: I need someone to whom I can cry into my vest.

110. Your guess is as good as mine.
(Your guess (assumption, hypothesis) is no better than mine.)
Wed: I know (I know) no more than you.

111. You could not have come a day too soon.
You came just in time, and if you had come a day later, you would have lost a lot.

112. The day began on the wrong foot.
(The day started off on the wrong foot.) The day started off badly.
Wed: It wasn’t a good day.

113. Don't be so snooty.
Don't be so arrogant.

114. Time is fast running out.
(Time is running out quickly.) There is very little time left.
Wed: Time is quickly running out.

115. I decided to snoop around a bit.
(I decided to sniff around a little, to look out.) I decided to find out what was what.

116. Don’t lose your nerve at any cost.
(Don't lose your composure, no matter what happens).
Wed: Don't drift!

117.The two boxers squared up against each other.
Two boxers prepared for a fight.

118. She will keep the press off your back for some time.
(She'll have your back from the press for a while.) She'll be able to save you from the press for a while.
Wed She will be able to protect you from journalists for a while.

119. I don't swing much clout here.
(I can’t swing and hit much here.) I don’t have much influence here.
Wed: Little depends on me here.

120. Don't be such a sucker.
Don't be such a fool.

121.I will make coffee in a jiffy.
(I'll make coffee in a second.)
Wed: I'll make coffee in a moment.

122. Can I take you on your word?
(Can I have your word?) Can I rely on you for this?
Wed: I'll take you at your word.

123. Won't pull the plug on you.
(He'll plug you.) He'll let you down.

124. My mom spoiled me rotten.
(My mother completely spoiled me.) My mother indulged me in everything and spoiled me.

125.Cut the crap out and come to the point.
(Stop this nonsense and get to the point.) Stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point.

126.We went our own ways in the business.
(In business, each of us went our own way.) In business, our paths diverged.

127. You have Yankee written all over you.
(You have “Yankee” written all over you.) Anyone will recognize you as an American.
Wed: It’s written all over your face that you’re a Yankee.

128. A top minister on the take! What a shame!
The minister takes bribes! What a shame! (What a disgrace!)

129.What brings you here?
What wind brought you here?

130.The day was at its fag end.
It was the very end of the day.

131. I have made a new life here.
I started a new life here.

132. Not snatched a few hours of sleep.
He snatched a few hours of sleep.

133.Not dropped off in sheer exhaustion.
Completely exhausted, he fell asleep.

134.Didn't grow in confidence with every word he spoke.
With every word his self-confidence increased.

135.Don't beat about the bush.
(Don't wander through the thickets.) Don't waste time. Get to the point.
Wed: Don’t beat around the bush; don't talk in circles.

136.Didn't sleep like a baby.
He slept like a child.

137.You will get bored stiff.
(You will become numb with boredom.) You will be extremely bored.
Wed: You will die of boredom.

138. Thanks, but no thanks!
(Thanks, no.) Thanks, but I'm not interested; I don't need it.

139. Your contribution has been zilch.
(Your contribution is zero.)
Wed: You didn’t lift a finger.

140. Didn't give her short font.
(He gave her a quick verdict.) He did not like her.

141. His heart tripped.
(His heart sank.) He felt a slight shock.
Wed: His heart skipped a beat.

142. She has a short fuse.
(Her plugs burn out quickly.) She is very hot-tempered.
Wed: It starts with half a turn.

143. Keep things to yourself.
(Keep it to yourself.)
Wed: Don't talk about it; keep quiet about it.

144. Would you like a peg or two?
(Would you like to have a glass or two of gin and soda?)
Wed: Let's have a little drink! Would you like to have a drink?

145. Wasn't all ears.
(He became all ears.) He listened very carefully.

146. The house looked a little run down.
The house looked somewhat unkempt.

147. Didn't give it straight from the hip.
(He shot straight from the hip.) He laid out the facts as they are.
Wed: He spoke directly.

148. I curbed my tongue.
(I curbed my tongue.) I managed to remain calm and silent.
Wed: I restrained myself and bit my tongue.

149.Don't dos on her.
He dotes on her.

150. Take your pick and have anything you fancy.
Choose and take whatever you like.

151. Count me out.
(Don't count me out.) Don't include me in this.
Wed: I am not participating; I - pass.

152.The cheek of you!
What impudence of you!
Wed: How dare you!

153.I can't thank you enough.
(I can't thank you enough.)
Wed: I am immensely grateful; I owe you a lot.

154. I drank myself silly at the party.
(I got drunk like a fool at a party.)
Wed: At a party I got drunk until I lost my pulse; At a party I got drunk and did something stupid.

155. May I have a word with you?
Can I talk to you?
Wed: Can I exchange a few words with you; can I say a word to you?

156. Wasn't harried round the clock.
They bothered him all day and bothered him.
Wed: They pestered and pulled him all day long, around the clock.

157. Let's make up for lost time.
We must make up for lost time.

158. I have been working flat out since last night.
(I've been so exhausted over the last day that I'm like a flat tire.) I've been working a lot since last night.
Wed: I gave my best for this day, be healthy.

159. This calls for some celebration.
This is the case when you need to arrange a celebration.
Wed: This should be noted.

160.Does not have crossed all norms of propriety.
(He violated all norms of behavior and morality.)
Wed: He went beyond all bounds of decency.

161.As soon as he was out of earshot.
As soon as he was out of earshot.

162.I got caught in my own agenda.
I can't distract myself from my own problems at work.

163. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
(There is light at the end of the tunnel.) There is hope that everything will turn out okay in the end.

164.Don't hit a raw nerve.
(Don't touch a sensitive nerve.) Don't provoke me by touching a sensitive spot.
Wed Don't step on my pet peeve; Don't rub salt in the wound.

165. Don't care two hoots for her.
(He doesn't value her at all.) He doesn't care about her at all.
Wed: He doesn’t care about her.

166.Let's quit when the going is still good.
Let's leave the game while things are still going well for us.
Wed: You have to be able to leave on time.

167.It really took a load off.
(This really took the weight off me.)
Wed: I have a load off my shoulders.

168.That question really took me hard.
I took this question very seriously.

169.You must do whatever it takes.
You must do whatever it takes.

170.Let your creative juices flow.
(Let your creative powers work.) Allow yourself to think creatively.
Wed: Give space to your creative imagination..

171.Don't go off track.
(Don't step off the treadmill.) Don't get distracted.

172.If I pull this one off I will be a millionaire.
If I can handle this, I'll be a millionaire.

173.Every drop in the ocean counts.
(In the ocean, every drop matters.) Every effort, even the smallest, is useful.

174.How are things?
How are you?

175.They failed to see the writing on the wall.
(They didn't see the writing on the wall.) They didn't realize they couldn't get away with it anymore.
Wed: They did not understand the obvious warnings.

176.Doesn't have loads of patience.
He is a very patient person. (He has a lot of patience.)

177.Don't pull your punches.
(Don't strike just for the sake of appearance.) Don't slog and get the job done.
Wed: Don’t be a hack, work with full dedication.

178.I am one with you on this.
(I'm with you on this matter.) I completely agree with you on this issue.
Wed: I'm on your side.

179.Don't spring a surprise.
Don't do anything unexpected.
Wed: Don’t present any surprises.

180.Didn't catch me stifling a yawn.
(He caught me stifling a yawn.) He noticed how I was trying to control the yawning.

181. His venture failed to take off.
(His enterprise did not even take off.) Wed: His endeavor failed before it even began; his business was burned to the ground.

182.Not incommunicado.
(He is cut off from the outside world; he is in solitary confinement.) He does not communicate with anyone.
Wed: He closed in on himself (context).

183.I want to catch up on the latest.
(I want to catch up on what's happened lately.) Summarize what's happened lately.
Wed: Bring me up to speed.

184.Don't give me all that jazz.
Don't tell me all this nonsense.
Wed: Don't fool me.

185.Let's go back to the drawing board.
(Let's go back to the drawing board.^Let's analyze the situation from the beginning.
Wed: Let's go back to the basics; let's find out what the reason is.

186.Not an armchair traveler.
(He travels without getting up from his chair.) He loves to read travel descriptions.

187.Didn't go around the bend.
(He came around the corner.) He lost his mental balance.
Wed: He reached the point; he has reached his limit.

188.It was a backbreaking.
(This is backbreaking work.) It was very hard work.
Wed This is exhausting, back-breaking work; it's hellish work.

189.Keep this project on the back burner.
(Keep this project on the far burner.) Don't start this project now, but wait a while. Wed: Freeze your project for a while.

190.It is a different ball game altogether.
(It's a whole different ball game.) It's a whole different ballgame.
Wed: This is a completely different calico.

191.I won't take this baloney.
(I will not agree with this nonsense.) I will not tolerate this nonsense.
Wed: Stop this chatter.

192. I developed a beer belly.
I've grown a beer belly.

193. Not has got a bee in his bonnet.
(He has a bee in his cap.) He is obsessed with something.

194.Will not bend over backwards to please you.
(He will bend over his back just to please you.) He will do anything to please you.
Wed: He will break into pieces to please you.

195.Will not be a bench warmer.
(He will warm the bench.) He is a reserve player and will not play.

196.We have no benchmarks.
(We do not have leveling marks; we do not have baseline data for comparative assessment.) We do not have reference points.
Wed: We have nothing to start from.

197.Not a big fish.
(He's a big fish.) He's a very important person.
Wed: He's a big shot.

198.Not a bad apple in the basket.
(He's a rotten apple in the basket.)
Wed: He is the black sheep of the herd.

199.When the chips are down.
When progress towards a goal does not go smoothly.

200.She is quite chirpy.
She is in a lively mood.

201.Didn't keep talking nineteen to the dozen.
He still talked a lot.
Wed: He chattered incessantly; You give him his word - he gives you ten.

202.Was not completely cleaned out at the casino.
He was completely ripped off at the casino.

203.I had a close shave.
(I was shaved very short.) I barely escaped danger.
Wed: I was on the verge of death.

204.They took him to the cleaners.
(They took him to the dry cleaner.) He was deceived and robbed.
Wed: He was cleaned out.

205.Come hell or high water, I will do it.
(I will do it even in hell or flood.) I will do it no matter what obstacles come my way.
Wed: I will do it at all costs; nosebleeds, but I'll do it; I will do this, nothing will stop me.

206.The project came to a screeching halt.
(The project came to a grinding halt.) Work on the project suddenly stopped.
Wed: The project has stalled.

207.We completed the project under the wire.
(We finished the project right at the finish line.) The project was finished at the last minute.
Wed: We finished the job at the last minute.

208.It is a cooked-up story.
(This is a concocted story.) This is a false version.
Wed: All this is gossip, in vain; These are false accusations.

209.Did not begin to fire questions at her.
(He started firing questions at her.)
Wed: He bombarded her with questions; he bombarded her with questions.

210.Will not crack under pressure.
It will crack under pressure.
Wed: If you press him, he will tell you everything.

211.There has been a mix-up.
An unintentional error occurred. (There is some confusion here.)

212.It's not a cushy job.
It's hard work. (This is not an easy and well-paid job for you.)
Wed This is not a cushy place, not a sinecure; This work cannot be called dusty.

213.I suggest you cut a deal with him.
I advise you to find mutual understanding with him. (I advise you to negotiate with him.)
Wed: I advise you to find a common language with him, to come to a common denominator.

214. There is no cut-and-dried solution.
There is no ready-made solution here.

215.It is a dandy joint.
This is a chic establishment.

216.Will not be as dead as dodo.
(He will be dead as a dodo.) He will die.

217. This is a dead giveaway.
This is a terrible betrayal.

218. Don’t worry, he has got deep pockets and will see the project through.
(Don't worry, he has deep pockets and will see the project through to completion.) He has a lot of money and will be able to complete the project.
Wed: Don’t be afraid, he’s a money bag and will carry out the project.

219. These are available dime a dozen.
(This can be purchased for ten cents a dozen.) This can be purchased very inexpensively.
Wed: It costs three kopecks per kilometer.

220.For donkey's years I have been doing donkey's work.
For a very long time many years I did hard work.
Wed: I've been playing for ages.

221. We will go Dutch.
Everyone pays for themselves.

222. Didn't drop her like a hot potato.
(He threw it like a hot potato.) He threw it right away.

223. If she is not good, ease her out.
(If she is not good, gradually remove her from work.)

224. Delighted to make your acquaintance.
Happy to meet you.

225.We share a good report.
We understand each other perfectly and maintain good relations.

226. Not driving in the fast lane.
(He's driving in the fast lane.) He's leading a risky life.

227. Not an egghead.
(Literally: He has an egg-shaped head.) He is a very educated person, an intellectual.
Wed: He is a highbrow scientist.

228. It is enough to choke a horse.
(This is enough to choke a horse.) This is a very large amount.

229. In the end things will even out.
(Eventually everything will level out and balance.)
Wed: In the end everything will settle down.

230. Your eyes will pop out.
(Your eyes will pop out of your head.)
Wed: Your eyes will pop out of your head.

231. Not living on the edge.
(He lives on the very edge.) He leads a very dangerous, risky life.
Wed: He walks on a wire; he walks on the razor's edge.

232. It was just a fender-bender car accident.
(This is a minor collision.) It was a minor car accident.
Wed: The cars just “kissed” a little.

233. Fill me in with the details.
(Fill me with details.) Tell me everything in detail.

234. Not flexed his muscles and that was that.
(He flexed his muscles, and that was enough.) He demonstrated his power, and then everything worked.

235. We should be on the same wavelength.
(We should be on the same wavelength.) We should have the same worldview.
Wed: We must understand each other perfectly.

236. Didn't keep gawking at her.
(He continued to stare at her.)
Wed: He stared at her like a ram at a new gate.

237.Have you got his nod?
(Did you get his nod?) Did you get his approval (agreement)?
Wed: Did he give the go-ahead?

238. All his plans went up in smoke.
(All his plans went up with the smoke.) All his plans failed.
Wed: All his plans vanished like smoke.

239. She was caught in the act.
She was caught committing this act.
Wed: She was caught red-handed; she was caught by the hand.

240. They were caught in a compromising position.
They were caught in a compromising position.

241. Doesn't think he is a big shot.
(He thinks he is a good shot.) He considers himself an important person.

242. Didn't have an egg on his face.
(He was hit in the face with an egg.) He was in an awkward position.
Wed: He sat in a puddle; he got himself into trouble.

243. Doesn't have hot pants.
He is full of passionate desire; he feels lust.

244. I ran hell for leather.
I ran very fast.
Wed: I rushed as fast as I could, with all my might.

245. Now there will be hell to play for him.
The consequences for him will be catastrophic.

246. You must face the music.
(You'll have to endure all this music.) You'll have to face the consequences.
Wed: You will have to clear up the mess; you'll have to pay for it.

247. Doesn't hit the bottle.
He started drinking heavily.
Wed: He is addicted to the bottle.

248. Doesn't seem to have hit the jackpot.
(Looks like he hit the jackpot.) Looks like he got a large amount money.
Wed: He seems to have hit the jackpot, broken the bank.

249. It is all hogwash.
(It's all slop.) It's all nonsense.
Wed: This is bullshit.

250. His work is just ho-hum.
(His work is just "um.") His work is very mediocre, very low quality.
Wed: His work is very dull, so-so.

251. It is all hoopla and nothing else.
All this is vanity, and nothing more.

252. His book sold only because of all the hype created before the launch.
(His book was sold out only due to the hype created before its publication.)
Wed: The book was sold out only due to good promotion.

253. I just horsed around a bit.
(I frolicked a little, like a young stallion.) I just made a little noise, played the fool.

254. Relax, don't get hyper.
(Calm down, don't overreact.) Don't worry so much.
Wed: Calm down, don’t get angry.

255. I kid you not, this is the truth.
I'm not kidding, believe me, it's true.

256. I will be damned if I go back to her.
(I'll be damned if I go back to her.)

257. The project is in cold storage.
(The project is in cold storage.) No work is being done on this project.
Wed: The project is frozen.

258. The venture has been shelved for the time being.
(On at the moment the initiative was put on the shelf.) B given time work on the project has been stopped.
Wed: The project has been shelved.

259. As things now stand.
The situation now is this...
Wed: Things are as follows...

260.We must act in concert.
We must act in harmony.

261.Not in the doghouse.
(He is in the dog kennel.) He has completely lost the favor of (his superiors).
Wed: He fell out of favor; he found himself in disgrace.

262.Not in the driver's seat.
He is in complete control of the situation. (He is sitting behind the wheel.)

263. It takes two to tango.
(It takes two to tango.) You were equally involved.
Wed: Both of you are good!

264. She thinks she is the Queen of Sheba.
(She fancies herself the Queen of Sheba.) She overestimates herself.
Wed: She has delusions of grandeur.

265.Don't live me.
Don't make fun of me.

266. She acted a bit jumpy.
She was a little nervous.
Wed: She twitched a little.

267. She is just another pretty face.
(She's just another pretty face.) Other than her pretty looks, she has no redeeming qualities or skills.

268. Not trying to keep up with the Joneses.
(He's trying to keep up with the Joneses.) He lives beyond his means just to be as good as his neighbors.
Wed: He goes out of his way to be no worse than others.

269. Will not soon kick the bucket. He will die soon.
Wed: Soon he will play in the box; stretches out his legs; will give oak; will bend.

270. Do you think this is kid stuff?
(Do you think these are children's toys?) Do you think it's very simple and anyone can do it?
Wed: In your opinion, this is a trivial matter?

271. It was kinky stuff.
It was very strange and unnatural.

272. The government reacted in a knee-jerk manner.
(The government reacted on a knee-jerk level.) The government reacted hastily without thinking things through carefully.
Wed: The government's reaction was hasty.

273. Doesn't run a very lean organization.
(He runs a very lean organization.) He runs an organization with a small number of employees.
Wed: He runs a modest organization.

274. His company is obese.
(His company is obese.) His company has too many employees.
Wed: His company is overstaffed.

275. I will give him no margin for error.
(I won’t give him any room for error.) I won’t let him make any mistakes.
Wed: He can get away with no oversight, no mistake.

276. She is such a lovely-dovey person.
(She's just a sweetheart.) She's a very nice and attractive person.
Wed: She is such an angel.

277. Not made a pass at her.
He tried to look after her.
Wed: He hit her with wedges.

278.Not made overtures to her.
He flirted with her.

279.Don't speak with innuendoes.
(Don't speak in indirect hints.) Don't speak in riddles, get to the point.
Wed: Speak directly, talk about the matter.

280. I hold all the aces.
(I have all the aces.) I have the advantage.
Wed: I have all the trump cards.

281. She will make mincemeat of him.
She uses him to her advantage. (She will make mince out of it.)

282. You must do things snappy.
You must do everything quickly.
Wed: Quickly! Alive! Move over!

283. It will make my day.
This will make my day; thanks to this I will be in a good mood all day.

284. You have been taken for a ride.
(They took you for a ride.) You were deceived.
Wed: You were deceived, fooled; you got a ride.

285. Will he be able to make the grade?
(Will he be able to take the climb?) Will he be able to meet these criteria?
Wed: Will he succeed in this? Will he achieve his goal? Will he rise to the occasion?

286. She is already making waves in music circles.
(She's already making waves in music circles.) She's already being noticed in music circles.
Wed: She has already made an impression in musical circles.

287. Not a maven.
He's an expert.

288. Not an all-rounder.
(He is a decathlete.) He can multi-task.
Wed: He is a versatile person; he is a multi-talented person.

289. Didn't give us merry hell.
(He provided us with a merry hell.) He made our lives very difficult.
Wed: He gave us a fun life.

290. It's easy on the pocket.
(It won't hurt your pocket much.) It's inexpensive.
Wed: It won't hurt your pocket too much.

291. I bought it for a song.
(I bought this for the song.) I bought this for a very low price.
Wed: I bought this for pennies; I bought it for next to nothing; They gave it to me for my beautiful eyes.

292. You have missed the boat, sorry.
You're too late and you won't have a chance. (Sorry, but you were late for the ship.)
Wed: You missed your chance; alas, your train has already left.

293. Not a pseudo-intellectual.
(He is a pseudo-intellectual.) He pretends to be an intellectual.
Wed: He claims to be intelligent.

294. She started calling me names.
She started calling me names.

295. The name of the game.
(That's the name of the game.) The crux of the matter is this.

296. It is a nine day’s wonder.
(This will surprise for nine days.) This is something that will not last long.
Wed: This is a short-term sensation.

297. It is a 9 to 5 job.
(It's a nine-to-five job.) It's just routine work with no fun; This is an office job.
Wed: This is clerical work; this is work from now until now.

298. Not is sold on her.
(She bought it.) She completely bewitched him. Wed: She completely fooled him; she bought it wholeheartedly.

299. They fought no-holds barred.
(There was no ban on clinching in their wrestling.) They fought without any rules and used a variety of techniques.
Wed: It was a fight without rules; prohibited techniques were used; low blows were used.

300. I don't give a damn.
I don't care, I don't care.

301. I have no clue.
(I don't have any clue.) I don't understand anything about it.

302. All the fingers point towards his involvement in the crime.
(Bee fingers indicate his participation in the crime.) Everything indicates that he is involved in the crime.
Wed: All the facts are against him.

303. Don't yaps a little too much.
He talks too much.
Wed He blabbers.

304. Wasn't out of his depth.
(This was beyond the depth of his understanding.) He could not cope with the situation because he did not have enough knowledge.
Wed: It was too tough for him.

305. Not is out of sync with his boss.
(His actions and those of his boss are not in sync.) He does not get along well with his boss.

306. She is in the zone.
She's within reach.
Wed She is in the access zone.

307. Keep me in the loop.
(Keep me in the loop.) Keep me informed as events develop.
Wed: Keep me posted.

308. Not out on a limb.
He got into trouble.

309. Not over a barrel.
(He is lying on a barrel.) He is in a very difficult situation.
Wed: He is completely helpless.

310. Not over the hill now.
(He's already over the hill.) He's not the same as before.
Wed: Everything is already behind him; he had already left the stage; his song is finished.

311. Being a blabbermouth will get you nowhere.
Talking won't lead to anything good.

312. I will eat crow if you can do this.
(I'll eat crow if you do this.) I'll admit defeat if you do this.
Wed: I'll eat my hat if you do this.

313. Wasn't pissed out at the party.
He was very drunk at the party. Wed: At the party he was dead drunk.

314. Didn't give her a light peck.
(He pecked her slightly.) He kissed her briefly on the cheek.

315. She is a peppy girl.
She is a very lively, cheerful and energetic girl.
Wed: She is a spicy girl; it has a twist.

316. I will give a piece of my mind to her.
(I’ll tell her my opinion.) Wed: I’ll tell her everything I think about her; I'll tell her a couple of sweet things.

317. Didn't do a bit of pillow talk with her.
He spoke to her in an intimate setting.

318. I was pissed off at her presence.
Her presence angered me. Wed: Her presence infuriated me.

319. Don't keep things close to his chest.
(He keeps everything close to his chest.) He keeps his plans secret and doesn't let anyone in on them.
Wed: He is a very secretive, reserved person; he's on his own mind.

320. I don't like to play second fiddle.
(I don't like to play second fiddle.) I myself like to be in control of the situation; I don't like anyone giving me instructions.
Wed: I don’t like to be on the sidelines; I don't like to take a secondary position.

321. Not poker-faced.
(He has the face of a poker player.) You can't tell anything from his face.
Wed: He has an impassive, impenetrable, stony face.

322. Not a wooden actor.
(He's a wooden actor.) He can't act and lacks expression.

323. Not randy as hell.
He's lustful as hell.

324. Don't behaved out of line.
He behaved badly.
Wed: He went beyond the bounds of decency; he behaved out of the ordinary.

325. She called it quits.
She said it was time to finish work.
Wed: That’s enough for today, it’s time to call it a day, it’s time to call it a day.

326. Don't have pipe dreams.
(Don't give in to visions like an opium smoker.) Don't make grandiose plans that you can't carry out.
Wed: Don’t chase unrealistic dreams; Don't build castles in the air.

327. All hell broke loose when we lost the match.
When we lost the match, people reacted very strongly to it. (All hell broke loose when we lost the match).
Wed: When we lost the match, serious riots began.

328. The door is always open for you.
(The door is always open for you. You can always turn to me.

329. I am not at your back and call.
(I don't stand behind you and don't wait for instructions.) Don't take it for granted that I will do everything as you want.
Wed: I am not your servant; I won't be at your beck and call.

330. At least I have a roof over my head.
At least I have a roof over my head.
Wed: Thank God, I have a place to lay my head.

331. Doesn't have many laurels.
(He won many laurels.) He received a lot of recognition and did a lot.
Wed: He received many prizes; he was crowned with laurels; he gained fame.

332. Has not made his mark and won the boss over.
(He distinguished himself and won the favor of the boss.) He made a great impression on the boss with his work.

333. Will not be where the action is.
He is always in the thick of things.

334. I thought you were a man of action.
I thought you were a man of action.

335. Not a bit hard-nosed.
1. He is adamant, categorical, stubborn. 2. He is practical, he is a pragmatist.

336. Not just like a mule.
(He is just like a mule.) He is very stubborn by nature.
Wed: He is a stubborn ass.

337. Doesn't have to become a junkie.
He became addicted to drugs.
Wed: He got hooked on drugs, on a needle.

338. Presently he is top of the line.
(He is currently first in line.) He is currently the best at this.

339. Will not spill his guts with her.
(He won’t spill what’s inside him in front of her.) He won’t tell her his secrets.

340. There is no nuts about her.
He's crazy about her.

341. I think he is having a fling with her.
I think he's having an affair with her. Wed: They are having an affair; they have a connection.

342.They are seeing each other.
(They are dating.) They are having an affair.

343.Don't get onto the bandwagon.
(Don't climb onto a car platform at a demonstration.) Don't do something just because others are doing it.
Wed: You shouldn’t follow the principle “where everyone goes, you go too.”

344. Not a big boozer.
He drinks heavily.
Wed: He is a bitter drunkard.

345. Not quick on the uptake.
He understands everything quickly.
Wed: He catches everything on the fly.

346. She is a man-eater.
(She's a man eater.) She likes to have affairs with men.

347. It was mind-blowing action.
This is an amazing, mind-blowing act.

348. Didn't get badly roughed up.
He was severely beaten.
Wed: He was beaten half to death.

349. This is just what the doctor ordered.
This is just what the doctor ordered.

350. You have got a habit of locking horns with me.
(You have a habit of locking horns with me.) You have a habit of arguing with me.

351. I got mugged.
I was robbed.

352. Won't get stamped when he sees it.
(He will be dumbfounded when he sees this.)
Wed: He will be taken aback when he sees this.

353. No sweat, this job will fall into my lap.
No problem, I can easily get this job. (No need to stress, this work will fall into my lap.)
Wed: No need to lift a finger, this work is in my pocket.

354. It’s straight from the horse’s mouth.
(This is news straight from the horse's mouth.) This news came directly from a person in authority.
Wed: This is news from a reliable source.

- How quickly you got to us! It seems you live a little far from here?
- Itook a taxi .

Correct combination of words.

– I’m so glad to see you! What an unexpected meeting!
– I didn’t expect it myself. Justtook the plane and flew to you.

Wrong combination of words.

Well, we Russians don’t say that. Got on the plane, bought a plane ticket, but not took the plane. Of course, we will understand the meaning of the expression, but the unnatural combination will “hurt the ear.”

IN English the same principle: some words go together, others don’t.

quick food – fast food

a fast shower – a quick shower

Hence our advice: study not only individual words, but also popular common expressions in the English language.

Even when you learn a single word, immediately look for the context in which it can and should be used (you will find it in dictionaries,). We will dedicate this topic to the best way to learn new words. And today we are talking about phrases.

List of common expressions in English with translation

Yes, we have prepared a small list of ≈ 140 expressions. These same stable phrases are duplicated in our set of words - .

And yes, just in case: set expressions– these are combinations of 2 or more words that are often used together with each other and sound natural to a native speaker. It can be a noun + adjective, noun + verb, verb + adverb, etc.

Translation of set expressions from English into Russian

1. Set expressions with the verb to do in English

To do someone a favor (Do someone a favor)

To do the cooking

To do the housework (Do housework)

To do the shopping

To do the washing up (Wash the dishes)

To do your best (Try)

To do your hair

2. Set expressions with the verb to have in English

To have a good time (To have a good time, often used as a wish)

To have a bath (Take a bath)

To have a drink

To have a haircut

To have a holiday (Have a vacation / vacation)

To have a problem (Have a problem, face a problem)

To have a relationship / to be in relationship (Be in a relationship)

To have lunch (Dine, have lunch)

To have sympathy

3. Set expressions with the verb to break

To break the law (Break the law)

Break a leg (Informal: I wish you good luck! No fluff, no feather!)

To break a promise

To break a record

To break someone's heart (Break someone's heart)

To break the ice (Idiom: break the ice, take the first step, soften the situation, make a start)

To break the news to someone (Tell someone important news)

To break the rules

4. Set expressions with the verb to take

To take a break (Take a break)

To take a chance (Take a chance, take a chance)

To take a look (Take a look)

To take a rest (Relax)

To take a seat (Sit down)

To take a taxi (Take a taxi)

To take an exam (Take the exam)

To take notes

To take someone's place (Take someone's place)

5. Set expressions with the verb to make

To make a difference (Make a difference, matter, significantly change things)

To make a mess (Make a mess)

To make a mistake (Make a mistake)

To make a noise

To make an effort

To make money (Earn money)

To make progress

To make room (Provide a place for someone)

To make trouble

6. Collocations with the verb to catch

To catch the bus (Catch the bus)

To catch a ball (Catch the ball)

To catch a cold (Catch a cold)

To catch a thief (Catch a thief)

To catch fire

To catch sight of (See, notice)

To catch someone’s attention (Catch someone’s attention)

To catch someone's eye (Get someone's attention)

To catch the flu (Get the flu)

7. Set expressions with the verb to pay

To pay respect

To pay a fine

To pay attention

To pay by credit card

To pay cash

To pay interest

To pay someone a visit (Visit someone)

To pay the bill

To pay the price

8. Stable expressions with the verb to keep

To keep the change (Keep the change for yourself, as an appeal: no change needed)

To keep a promise (Keep a promise)

To keep an appointment (Come to the appointed place)

To keep calm

To keep in touch

To keep quiet

To keep someone’s place (Take, hold someone’s place)

9. Collocations with the verb to save

Dictionary of English Expressions

Phew, that's quite an impressive list, isn't it? to learn these expressions through interactive training.

But that's not all. Let's move on to the promised dictionaries. Oxford Collocations Dictionary– an amazing dictionary of fixed expressions in the English language. It works like this: you open the word you are currently learning and look at lists of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, collective words, etc.) that go with it.

There is another source where you can find the context of the word - this English-English online dictionaries: Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries. You type a word into the search bar and find a bunch of examples of use next to its meaning. It is immediately clear which independent and auxiliary parts of speech are used together with it.

  1. Learn not only individual words, but also common phrases that native speakers use. Learn and perceive them together as a whole.
  2. To search for them, use a special dictionary with set expressions or look at the context in which the word is used in English-English dictionaries. You need to do this with every new word you learn!
  3. When you read texts / watch films / listen to songs in English, also write down the combinations of words that you hear there.
  4. You can learn fixed expressions in English in different ways: by topic (food, time, business, etc.) or by keyword(as in our article). If it is more convenient for your memory to remember by topic, take our examples and divide them into thematic groups.
  5. If you are writing a text or composing a story in English on some topic, then look for English-language articles on this topic. Look at what expressions are used there (most often, they will be the same). If you find it, feel free to use it: this is exactly how native speakers talk about this topic.

: we have a huge amount of authentic materials in English, from which you can take set expressions, and then run them in training. 🙂

Nowadays, a person cannot live without English, because it is everywhere: music, cinema, the Internet, video games, even inscriptions on T-shirts. If you are looking for an interesting quote or just a beautiful phrase, then this article is just for you. From it you will learn famous movie quotes, useful colloquial expressions and just beautiful phrases in English (with translation).

About love

This feeling inspires artists, musicians, poets, writers, directors and other representatives of the creative world. How many wonderful works are dedicated to love! For centuries, people have tried to find the most accurate formulations that would reflect the essence of this spiritualizing feeling. There are poetic, philosophical and even humorous phrases. A lot has been written and said about love in English, let’s try to collect the most interesting examples.

Love is blind. - Love is blind.

It is difficult to argue with this statement, but there is another that can better clarify the idea expressed.

Love isn’t blind, it just sees what matters. - Love is not blind, it only sees what is really important.

The next aphorism continues the same theme. It is originally in French, but is presented here in English. These beautiful and precise words belong to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. - Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the main thing with your eyes.

Another beautiful saying characterizes not only the feeling itself, but also loving people.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. - To fall in love does not mean to find, but to learn to accept the imperfect.

And finally, let’s give a humorous one. However, it contains a rather serious meaning.

Love me, love my dog ​​(literal translation: if you love me, love my dog ​​too). - If you love me, then you will love everything that is connected with me.

Movie buffs

People who love watching films will certainly be interested in quotes from popular American films of different times. There are interesting and even very beautiful phrases there. In English with translation you can find a list of the hundred most famous movie quotes. It was compiled by leading American critics 10 years ago. The first place in it is occupied by the words spoken in the scene of the breakup of the main characters of the film “Gone with the Wind”: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. “Honestly, my dear, I don’t care.”

The list also includes many other recognizable quotes from classic films. Some of these films are quite old, filmed in the mid-twentieth century. Phrases from them are now usually used in a humorous capacity.

No less popular are quotes from other famous American films made relatively recently, from the 80s to the 2000s. Those of them that were especially loved by the audience became sources of wonderful quotes.

To better understand humor in a foreign language, it is good to know at least some famous quotes from film classics, since they are familiar to the English-speaking population of the world in the same way that residents of the CIS are familiar with phrases from Soviet films.

For tattoos

What phrases can you use? For example, summarizing life experience. This tattoo is suitable for a person who has recently experienced a difficult situation, but managed to learn a lesson from his troubles.

You can also get tattoos of words that will inspire you. By applying such a pattern to your skin, you will, as it were, “recharge” with the energy that words that are important to you carry.

When choosing a tattoo with an inscription, it is important to find one that you want to wear on your skin always. The good thing about the English language is that you can choose a saying that will contain a minimum of letters and words, but a maximum of meaning. For a text tattoo, this is the perfect formula.

On a T-shirt

The inscriptions on clothes look very interesting. You can pick up something suitable in the store, but if you want real originality, then it is better to choose a personal motto for yourself, and then order such an inscription on a T-shirt. Beautiful phrases in English are well suited for this purpose. Choose any one or come up with your own, and sample options are presented below.

  • Music is my language (Music is my language).
  • I always get what I want (I always get what I want).
  • Forever young (Forever young).
  • Follow your heart (Follow your heart).
  • Now or never (Now or never).
  • Don’t judge me by my clothes (Don’t judge me by my clothes, don’t meet me by my clothes).
  • I love chocolate (I love chocolate). Instead of chocolate there can be any other words: music - music, tea - tea, etc.

To status

For social networks, you can also use beautiful phrases in English. You don’t have to place them together with the translation: those who know the language will understand this way, and those who don’t know can ask you. This question may well begin acquaintance and communication. Which English phrases are good for status on a social network? First of all, those that will reflect the current attitude of the owner or hostess of the page. In the list below you will find phrases with both life-affirming meaning and those suitable for a bad mood.


If you are learning English, you have the opportunity to practice your skills through communication in special chats, forums, and also on social networks. To make the conversation flow easier and more naturally, it is useful to remember at least a few. You can always have a list on hand and read it periodically.

Useful conversational phrases in English can vary - from the simplest, accepted in informal and friendly communication, to ornate polite formulas that are good to use in a conversation with a stranger or unfamiliar person.

Below are examples of some colloquial clichés. The first group consists of those that allow you to thank your interlocutor or respond to gratitude.

Another group is phrases that allow you to calm and support a person during a conversation.

The following selection of expressions can be used to express polite refusal or agreement with the proposal (invitation) of a communication partner.

And the last small list of phrases allows you to ask your interlocutor questions to clarify a particular situation, find out the latest news, etc.

This article presented well-known, useful and simply beautiful phrases in English with translation. They will help you better understand humor, express your thoughts and enjoy communication in a foreign language.

Hello my dear readers!

This morning, sitting with a cup of coffee on the balcony and reading latest news on BBC World News, I once again asked myself the question: why do most of us study a foreign language for so long, but are never able to bring it to perfection? Why, since childhood, we spend our days learning new rules, writing out new words, and news in English, but when faced with real spoken language, we fall into a stupor. Why is it that at such moments it seems to us that our vocabulary is as thick as a toothpick?

And so, asking myself more and more questions, I found the answer in another question: how do you even learn new vocabulary in English? According to statistics, two thirds of language learners simply learn individual words from the dictionary. And you among them? I invite you today to try with me to start doing everything in a completely different direction. Namely: learn colloquial phrases in English with translation.


Everything you need for everyday conversation

Yes, no matter how much I would like to fit everything I want into this short article, but, alas, I will have to choose only the best. And only then, my dears, you will have to go on your own journey through useful expressions of English speech (of course, on this journey I will be happy to become your traveling companion).

I provide you with the following interesting expressions for your study: various topics:

Sorry for being late . - Sorry for being late.
Sorry for interrupting you… - Sorry for interfering...
It turned out to be... - It turned out...
I meant well . - I wanted the best.
It didn't work out . - It didn't work.
He's backed out. - He backed up.
Let us clean everything up. - Let's find out everything.
It is none of your business. - It's none of your business.
Make up your mind. - Make up your mind.
What is the use? - What's the point?
Don't take rush steps. - Don't take hasty steps.
I see. - I understood).
There is no use ... - It's useless...
Sooner or later . - Sooner or later.
Time is up. - Time's up.
Play for time . - To stall for time.
In no time. - Instantly.
From time to time. - From time to time.
From now on. - From now on.
Take your time. - Take your time.

Many of these phrases sound a little familiar, which means you should only use them with people you know well. But most are general ones that are suitable for completely different situations.

By the way, about situations... Soon I will start publishing “situational” materials that you can immediately apply in your practice. Be sure to click on the “subscribe” button under this article or in the sidebar on the right if you don’t want to miss the most interesting things;).

Travel phrases

We all undoubtedly love to travel. Modern reality insists: on any trip, be it a one-day visit to grandma in another country or a full-fledged trip to the other side of the world, you cannot get by with a primitive set of phrases, such as: "Thank you", “Where is the museum?”, And “how much does it cost?”. At a minimum, in addition to greeting phrases, you will have to learn the most popular expressions for tourists: about checking into a hotel, about food, about shopping and, of course, about local attractions.

Below are some of them:

I need your help. - I need your help.
I'm hungry\thirsty. - I'm hungry/thirsty.
I am feeling sick. - I don't feel well.
I have a headache\stomachache. - I have a headache/stomach pain.

Useful phrases when checking into a hotel:

I need a double\single room. - I need a double/single room.
I have a room reserved. -I have a room reserved.
What time is breakfast served? - What time is breakfast served?

The most useful expressions when walking around the city:

Tell me, please, where is the underground station\supermarket\currency exchange office? - Tell me, please, where is the bus stop/supermarket/currency exchange?
What bus should I take to get to...? - Which bus can I take to...
I want to buy a monthly metro pass\bus pass. - I would like to buy a metro/bus pass for a month.
I want to pay by a credit card\in cash. - I want to pay by credit card/cash?
May I have the bill, please? - Can I have the bill?

If the topic of tourism is not indifferent to you, please visit, where you will find comprehensive knowledge for traveling abroad.

Business phrases

Like any ambitious person, you will certainly pay attention to foreign suppliers or foreign buyers (with whom it is possible) when running your business. And in order not to look ridiculous, even if there is a professional translator at the negotiations, knowledge of the basic expressions of business topics is simply vital. By the way, you will find even more business expressions and words.

So, some useful phrases for business:

Give me, please, your name and number... - Please give me your name and phone number...
Thank you for enquiring\interest in… - Thank you for your interest...
Answering your question… -Answering your question about...
I look forward to... - I'm looking forward to...
Our company deals with producing… - Our company is engaged in production...
Our company confirms\approves ... - Our company confirms ...
According to the agreement… - According to the agreement...
We would be glad to cooperate\collaborate with you… - We will be glad to cooperate with you...
We are interested in your business offer ... - We are interested in your commercial proposal ...
I would like to pay your attention to ... - I would like to draw your attention to the fact that ...

You can find many more thematic words, phrases and expressions in different business industries in!

Want some more goodies? So to sum it all up, I leave you with a few notes:

  • Always learn ready-made expressions, not individual words. If you just learn words, you won't have the slightest idea how to use them.
  • Learn basic phrases like the Lord's Prayer and use them whenever possible.
  • Break down the vocabulary to study into different topics so that you have a complete and clear picture in your head.
  • Learn them in the most appropriate form for you: make mind maps and tables, watch films and listen to audio, in online programs and in the form of games. Anything that will help you learn new vocabulary faster and better will be welcome.
  • Always learn new words and expressions along with pronunciation. And it is advisable (but not necessary) to listen to direct recordings of the carrier.

As I already said at the very beginning, my dears, I cannot fit into this article all the wealth of English speech that has accumulated over the centuries. But I tried to squeeze out the best especially for you. I sincerely hope that these expressions will only be a starting point on your language learning journey.

Thus, as much as you want, the best basis is to memorize basic expressions, not words! And on my blog I am ready to help you at any time and give you the most necessary and timely information.

Read my new articles, subscribe to the newsletter of the most delicious materials and always be up to date.

And for today I say “goodbye” to you;)