American ferret 5. F

and. American, Virginia ferret, an animal that produces very valuable fur. Ilk fur, a fur coat made from ilk skins

The first letter is "i"

Second letter "l"

The third letter "b"

The last letter of the letter is "a"

Answer to the question "American, Virginia polecat, an animal that produces very valuable fur. Ilk fur, a fur coat made from ilka skins", 5 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word ilka

Fisherman of the mustelid family

American ferret or this ferret's fur

Genus marten

The largest of the martens

Animal of the mustelid family

Sister marten

Predatory animal of the mustelid family with valuable fur dark brown

Definition of the word ilka in dictionaries

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Ilka is a river in the Zaigraevsky and Kizhinginsky regions of Buryatia, the right tributary of the Bryanka. Length - 118 km, drainage basin area - 2490 km².

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
pecan, fishing marten (Martes pennanti), a mammal of the mustelidae family of the order Carnivora. The largest representative of the marten genus; body length 50≈65 cm, tail ≈ 35≈40 cm. Dark coloring. I. is widespread in North America.

Examples of the use of the word ilka in literature.

And with the money that the gold-toothed seducer offered, it was possible to buy a lot more, and even a bicycle, so that during the holidays Ilek go for a swim.

I remember one of these days we went to the river Ilek, then still full-flowing, not polluted by factory discharges.

The river of his childhood died - Ilek, with numerous beautiful beaches, the tulip fields behind its high steep slopes disappeared, dragonflies, butterflies, and grasshoppers disappeared completely from the meadows, dried up and turned into lake swamps with crucian carp and lilies, with duck hunting in the fall.

The close smell of water hit the half-open window and reminded Ilek- the river of his childhood.

During my childhood Ilek He was not only a breadwinner and water-drinker, but also the beauty of the region, dozens of generations grew up on its banks, thousands and thousands dream of him.

Ferret (ferret) - carnivorous mammal, belongs to the mustelidae family, the genus of ferrets and weasels ( Mustela), subgenus Putorius.


Like any pet, a ferret must be vaccinated against canine distemper, rabies and leptospirosis. Ferrets are most susceptible to allergies to vaccinations, so before vaccination it is necessary to ensure that the animal is given an antihistamine, and after vaccination, wait half an hour to make sure there is no allergic reaction.


If the animal is bred as pet Without subsequent breeding, the male ferret must be castrated and the female ferret sterilized; this will significantly reduce the specific odor that appears in animals during puberty.

Even castrated animals have a specific musky smell of fur, so once a week the animal must be bathed using special degreasing shampoos and pastes.

The ferret needs not only freedom, but also a small personal territory where the animal will rest, because ferrets sleep a lot, like cats. Therefore, the cage for a ferret should be equipped with a house or a hammock, and it is up to the owner to decide whether to keep it open or closed. Ferrets are more intelligent than even dogs, they are easy to train and can learn to close the cage on their own.

Personality of a domestic ferret

The domestic ferret is an extremely curious animal; day after day, he will methodically explore all the secret places of the apartment, not missing the opportunity to get into the narrowest corner. After playing in the trash can, he may fall asleep there. Animals love to chew and swallow small inedible objects, which can lead to complete or partial obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, and the instinct of burrowing animals can manifest itself in regularly digging up flower pots.

A domestic ferret can easily learn to use a litter tray, but can also find another place to go to the toilet, in which case an additional tray is placed there.

Domestic ferrets live for about 5-7 years.

What to feed your ferret at home?

The ferret is a carnivore, and the basis of its diet should be protein food: minced meat or dry food for ferrets.

Farshekasha can consist of chicken, turkey, quail, chicken and turkey hearts, liver, stomachs, brains, as well as rolled oats, chopped barley and other ingredients. There are different recipes. Dog food is absolutely not suitable for domestic ferrets, but super premium kitten food can sometimes be given. There are special ferret foods on the market that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, so it is better to choose them.

In addition to protein foods, peeled vegetables and fruits can be added to your ferret's diet in small portions (bananas, pears, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, etc.). Once a week you can give raw chicken or quail egg, chicken or turkey liver, raw turkey, chicken or rabbit. Please note that the ferret's diet should contain meat from those birds and animals that he is able to catch himself. wildlife.

It is important to control your pet, who may make a stash of perishable food items - this can lead to poisoning in the ferret.

Ferrets drink a lot, so your pet's cage should always have a drinking bowl with clean water.

  • Leonardo da Vinci depicted a ferret, not an ermine, in his painting “Lady with an Ermine”. In the 16th century, tame furos were kept at home along with cats - they successfully guarded grain reserves from mice and rats.
  • Some ferrets can sleep for days on end, and their sleep is so deep that it is impossible to wake the animals. This greatly frightens alarmed owners, although it is considered completely normal.
  • A ferret wagging its tail makes it clear that it is satisfied and happy, while a hissing ferret with a fluffy tail warns that you should not touch it: it is angry and may bite.
  • The rare ability of smart animals to get into the narrowest spaces was used when laying cables in Boeing aircraft and when installing communications for the Large Hadron Collider.

Order - Carnivores / Suborder - Canidae / Family - Mustelidae / Subfamily - Mustelidae

History of the study

American ferret, or black-footed ferret(lat. Mustela nigripes) - a small North American predator, close relative Russian steppe ferret and other representatives of the mustelid family. By 1937, the black-footed ferret was completely exterminated in Canada, and since 1967 it has been included in the Red Book. North America like an endangered species. In the mid-1980s, the last known wild population of ferrets was captured and transported to a research facility to artificial breeding. Now the release of the black-footed ferret into its former habitat in the United States is being called a "surprising comeback."


The habitat of the American ferret is the eastern and southern regions of the Rocky Mountains, the territory of the Great Plains from Alberta and Saskatchewan to Texas and Arizona (USA).


The black-footed ferret is approximately 45 cm in length, with a bushy 15 cm tail, and weighs more than 1 kg. Like most members of this family, Mustela nigripes have a squat, elongated body with very short legs. Their fur, white at the base, becomes darker at the ends of the hairline and gives the overall yellowish-brown color of the animal. The legs and end of the tail are black, and the black-footed ferret also has the “black face” mask characteristic of many ferrets. This color scheme helps ferrets be invisible in their habitat.


The American black-footed ferret's habitat is prairie (low to mid-height grass cover). It rises through treeless spaces high into the mountains (up to 3000 m above sea level).

Leads night look life. Hearing, vision and sense of smell are well developed. The species is extremely dependent on prairie dogs. He spends almost all of his time (up to 99%) in their burrows. In the area of ​​these colonies, he rests and sleeps, immediately obtains food for himself, avoids predators, bad weather and feeds the offspring.

Males are more active than females. IN winter period The activity of black-footed ferrets decreases, as does the area of ​​the surveyed territory. On cold and snowy days it remains in the hole, feeding on its reserves.
On the ground it moves in leaps or slow gallops (up to 8-11 km/h). In one night it can cover up to 10 km. Males travel a greater distance (almost twice) than females.

Except for the breeding season, it leads a solitary lifestyle. To communicate with relatives, it uses scent marks. The boundaries of its territory are marked with secretions from the anal glands. In favorable years, the population density is one ferret per 50 hectares of prairie dog colonies. The territory of adult ferrets is (in diameter) 1-2 km.


The male does not participate in raising the offspring. The breeding season is March-April. Puberty occurs in the first year of life. Reproductive age up to 3-4 years. Pregnancy lasts 41-45 days. Young males disperse from their native nest over considerable distances (10-15 km), while females remain close to their mother.

The female gives birth to 3-4 puppies (on average). As the cubs grow older, the female leaves them alone in the nest during the day while she hunts. Young people begin to hunt on their own in September-October.


Black-footed ferrets can be found on prairie dog colonies, which make up the bulk of their diet (up to 90%). Whenever possible, it eats ground squirrels, American rabbit rabbits and birds. In a year, one individual eats more than 100 prairie dogs, and one ferret family needs more than 250 dogs.


Federal and state agencies in the United States, in cooperation with private landowners, are committed to conserving the black-footed ferret in the wild through the release of captive-bred ferrets in zoos and animal science centers. natural environment a habitat. The release locations were Montana, South Dakota, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Chiufua Mexico.

In 1981, a small population of 130 animals was discovered near Meeteetse, Wyoming. Immediately after the opening of this ferret settlement, more than half of the ferrets died due to disease. It was decided to save the fate of black-footed ferrets to capture 18 individuals of different sexes and place them on the territory of the scientific and zoological center.

According to information about the status of the black-footed ferret in 2007, its number exceeds 600 units in the United States. Although it is still considered an endangered species according to the old assessment of 1996, since at that time ferrets lived only in captivity by a group of specialists.

The plan to restore the ferret to its native habitat aims to establish 10 or more separate, self-sustaining wild populations as its ultimate goal. Biologists hope to have 1,500 free-ranging black-footed ferrets by 2010, with at least 30 breeding adults in each population.