Abstract and presentation on biology "Species. Species criteria"

  • What is the basic systematic unit in biology?
  • What types of plants and animals do you know?
  • Why are double names used in naming species?

"Brown Bear"

Compare two genera of the same species. Show similarities and differences.

White bear

Brown bear

In the given list, count the number

individuals, species, genera.

  • Common hedgehog
  • Common fox
  • White-breasted bear
  • Djungarian hamster
  • White hare
  • Brown bear
  • Hedgehog
  • Siberian hamster
  • Brown hare
  • Common fox

“A species is a set of populations of individuals capable of interbreeding to form fertile offspring, inhabiting a certain area, possessing a number of common morphophysiological characteristics... and practically distant from other similar groups of individuals complete absence hybrid forms." “Area is the area of ​​distribution of a given species in nature.”

“A population is a collection of individuals of the same species that have a common gene pool and occupy a certain territory-area.” “Gene pool is the totality of genes that are present in individuals of a given population.”

The term “species” was first introduced into biology by the English botanist John Ray.

John Ray (1628 – 1705)

Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)

The elementary unit was considered to be “species”. I introduced a binary name: genus, species.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)

He put forward a theory about the variability of species.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Species exist, are relatively constant and are the result of historical development.

characteristics by which individuals are united into one species

signs by which individuals can be distinguished different types.



Signs of the species





As you work, fill out the Type Criteria table






  • There are sibling species (for example, sibling species malaria mosquito, 2 twin species of black rats).

  • There is a phenomenon of mimicry - imitation edible type poisonous).


features of life processes.

The possibility of obtaining fertile offspring through crossing.

The main thing is the ability to reproduce.

  • There are related species that have similar life processes:

Dog x wolf

Canary x finch

occupy a certain area.

Range of the Siberian frog

Range of the grass frog

  • Individuals of different species can live in the same habitat.
  • Individuals of the same species can occupy different habitats (for example, island populations).
  • There are cosmopolitan species that live everywhere (for example, the red cockroach, the house fly)
  • The ranges of some species are changing rapidly (for example, the range of the brown hare is expanding).
  • There are bi-areal species (for example, migratory birds).

  • Different species can be adapted to the same conditions.
  • Individuals of the same species can live in slightly different conditions (for example: deep-sea and coastal populations of river perch,

dandelion can grow both in forests and meadows).

a certain set of chromosomes.

The main thing is not the number, but the structure and shape of the chromosomes.

For example, humans and poplars have the same number of chromosomes – 46.

It is not universal because:

For example: in individuals of one of the weevil species, the set of chromosomes may differ by 2-3 times.

  • In nature, there are species that interbreed successfully.

For example:

  • some species of tits, canaries, finches; some types of poplars, willows.
  • some species of tits, canaries, finches;
  • some types of poplars, willows.

  • What was the topic of the lesson?
  • What goals did you have for the lesson? Which
  • Did you rely on the knowledge you previously acquired on this subject in the lesson?
  • Which new material, did you see the conclusions in class?
  • What feelings and thoughts did this lesson evoke in you?
  • How did your classmates work in class?
  • How did you work in class?
  • Are you satisfied with the lesson?

Individually: think “Is it true that the raven is the crow’s husband?”

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View. Type criteria.

The term “species” was first introduced into biology by the English botanist John Ray. John Ray (1628 – 1705)

K. Liney Recognized real existence species in nature. He considered species to be constant and unchanging.

J.B. Lamarck believed that the term “species” was invented by man for the convenience of classification. He denied the real existence of species in nature and imagined nature as a collection of constantly changing series of individuals. He considered only individuals to be real.

C. Darwin Species really exist in nature. Species arise, disappear, develop, change, and give rise to other species.

Species criteria are characteristics by which individuals are combined into one species; characteristics by which individuals of different species can be distinguished. OR

Morphological criterion - features of the external structure.

Morphological criterion is not the main and only one, since: There are twin species (for example, twin species of the malaria mosquito, 2 twin species of black rats).

Morphological criterion is not the main and only one, since: There is a phenomenon of mimicry - the imitation of an edible species by a poisonous one). wasp wasp

Morphological criterion is not the main and only one, since: Individuals of the same species may differ from each other in color and other characteristics (when living in different conditions(for example, two populations of snails - forest and meadow, two populations of river perch - deep-sea and coastal; albino individuals may appear).

Industrial melanism of the birch moth

Differences in the color of the common grass snake

Differences in the color of the lake frog

Albinism in a hedgehog


Physiological criterion - features of life processes. The main thing is the ability to reproduce.

Physiological criterion - It is not the main and only one, since: There are related species that have similar life processes.

Geographic criterion - the area of ​​distribution (area) of the species. Range of the Siberian frog Range of the grass frog

Geographical criterion is not the main and only one, since: Individuals of different species can live in the same area. Individuals of the same species can occupy different habitats (for example, island populations). There are cosmopolitan species that live everywhere (for example, the red cockroach, the house fly). The ranges of some species are rapidly changing (for example, the range of the brown hare is expanding). There are bi-areal species (for example, migratory birds).

An ecological criterion is the adaptability of individuals of a species to certain living conditions.

Ecological criterion is not the main and only one, since: Different species can be adapted to the same conditions. Individuals of the same species can live in slightly different conditions (for example: deep-sea and coastal populations of river perch, dandelion can grow in both forests and meadows).

The genetic criterion is a certain set of chromosomes. The main thing is not the number, but the structure and shape of the chromosomes. For example, humans and poplars have the same number of chromosomes – 46.

Genetic criterion - Due to differences in the chromosome set between individuals of different species, there is reproductive isolation: different terms reproduction; the genital apparatus is structured differently; sperm cannot penetrate the egg; If fertilization occurs, the embryo dies or the young organism is born non-viable. if the hybrid is viable, then it is infertile, for example: hinny, mule, honorik (ferret and mink) honorik

The genetic criterion is not universal, since: Individuals of the same species may have a different number of chromosomes. For example: in individuals of one of the weevil species, the set of chromosomes may differ by 2-3 times. In nature, there are species that successfully interbreed. For example: some species of tits, canaries, finches; some types of poplars, willows.

Conclusion: in order to determine whether an individual belongs to a particular species, one criterion is not enough; it is necessary to take into account the totality of all criteria.

A species is a collection of individuals that have similar morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics, interbreed freely and produce fertile offspring, similar to their parents, adapted to certain living conditions and occupying a certain area in nature.

What species criterion does the following description meet: the great tit lives in the crowns of trees, feeding on large insects and their larvae? 1) geographical 2) environmental 3) morphological 4) genetic

What species criterion does the area of ​​distribution belong to? reindeer? 1) geographical 2) ecological 3) morphological 4) genetic Totality external signs individuals are classified as species criteria

View. Species structure. K. Linnaeus believed that the number of species is constant,
types are unchanged and initially expedient.
Individuals within a species are characterized by high
degree of variability of various characteristics.
The highest degree of variability is in
domestic animals and cultivated plants.
C. Linnaeus

View. View structure.
C. Darwin
proved that
breeds and varieties
plants has
small number
ancestral species.
Charles Darwin

View. View structure.
Carried away by the idea of ​​gradation, of gradual
and a general change in species and transformation
them into other species J.B. Lamarck at one time
even denied the reality of existence
species in nature.
J.B. Lamarck
But species exist in
time, they
can be stored in
same conditions
long time and
either disappear or
form new species.

View. View structure.
Species - a collection of individuals,
having hereditary
similarity of morphological,
physiological and biochemical
features, free
interbreeding and giving
fertile offspring
adapted to certain
living conditions and occupation in
nature a certain area -
Species is the main category of biological classification.
The characteristics by which species differ from each other are called
species criteria.

Population structure of the species.
The species occupies in nature
a certain area exists
in the form of separate
territorial groups
individuals who in one way or another
least isolated from each other.
A set of individuals, for a long time
living in a certain
parts of the range, relatively
apart from others
aggregates are called
Group of populations that differ
from other populations is called

Population structure of the species.
Crossing of individuals
related to various
populations is difficult because
populations by any
separated from each other by barriers
Within the population occurs
mutation process, and
result of sexual reproduction
spread occurs
emerging mutations in the population.
Mutations come under control
natural selection and the gene pool
population consisting of
genotypes of individual individuals,
gradually changes.

Population structure of the species.
Relative isolation of one
population from another gives
opportunity to save
altered gene pool, if
the differences become sharp, then
a subspecies is formed, and if
reproductive problems arise
insulation is a new look.
Thus, by unit
evolution is the population.
According to Lamarck?
According to Darwin?
Material for evolution
Evolutionary phenomenon –….
(change in gene pool)

Morphological criterion
implies external resemblance
individuals belonging to the same
But there are species, morphologically
almost indistinguishable, so
so-called sibling species
that don't interbreed
genetically isolated.
For example, two types of black rats:
in one species in the karyotype 38
chromosomes, the other has 42.

Species criteria: morphological
But sometimes individuals of the same species are very
very different (dog breeds,
breeds of pigeons).
Therefore, to determine
species affiliation of one
morphological criterion
not enough.

Species criteria: genetic
The main one is genetic
criterion: for each type
characterized by its chromosomal
set, karyotype. Species usually
differ in number and structure
It is this criterion that ensures
genetic isolation
non-breeding between individuals
different types. Even if they appear
interspecific hybrids, they are more often
total infertility, disturbed
process of sexual formation
But sometimes this criterion fails,
since fertile offspring can
appear when individuals are crossed,
belonging to different species.

Type criteria: physiological
Individuals of the same species are similar in all physiological processes -
nutrition, respiration, excretion, reproduction, which underlies
physiological criterion.
Differences in the physiology of reproduction are especially important: in the timing
reproduction, physiology of reproduction.
For example, pregnancy in primates lasts 9 months, groups
blood A and B were found in all great apes, group 0 –
only in chimpanzees.

Type criteria: biochemical
The biochemical criterion is based on a comparison of organic
macromolecules various types, primarily comparing DNA and
proteins. Based on the similarity in the structure of DNA and proteins, it is possible with sufficient
probability to show how close relatives
are one type or another.
For example, chimpanzee hemoglobin in sequence
amino acids does not differ from human hemoglobin, and in gorilla -
two differences in amino acid sequence.

Type criteria: environmental
The environmental criterion is
environmental conditions in which
lives this type. Fox
adapted to one
environmental conditions, the arctic fox - to
to others.

Type criteria: environmental
Different types of buttercups grow in different ecological environments.

Type criteria: geographical
Geographical criterion is
the territory in which the given one lives
species – area.
Some endemic species have a range
small, there are species - cosmopolitans,
widespread everywhere. But
areas of distribution of various
species often overlap, so this
the criterion cannot be decisive.

1. What is the difference in the understanding of the term “Species” by C. Linnaeus and
J.B. Lamarck?
2. What is the difference between the concepts “Species” and “Population”?
3. What are “Species Criteria”?
4. What is meant by morphological criterion? Bring
an example when morphological criteria are different among species.
5. What is meant by physiological criterion? Bring
an example where physiological criteria differ between species.
6. What is meant by genetic criterion? What are species
doubles? Why is this criterion considered the main criterion?
7. What is meant by biochemical criterion? Bring
an example when biochemical criteria differ among species.
8. What is meant by environmental criterion? Bring
example when environmental criteria are different among species.
9. What is meant by geographical criterion? Bring
an example when the geographical criteria of species are different.

The term “species” was first introduced into biology by the English botanist John Ray.

John Ray (1628 – 1705)

  • Recognized the real existence of species in nature.
  • He considered species to be constant and unchanging.

J.B. Lamarck

  • I believed that the term “species” was invented by man for the convenience of classification.
  • He denied the real existence of species in nature and imagined nature as a collection of constantly changing series of individuals.
  • He considered only individuals to be real.

C. Darwin

  • Species actually exist in nature.
  • Species arise, disappear, develop, change, and give rise to other species.

Type criteria –

characteristics by which individuals are united into one species

characteristics by which individuals of different species can be distinguished.

Morphological criterion -

features of the external structure.

Morphological criterion

  • There are twin species (for example, twin species of the malaria mosquito, 2 twin species of black rats).

Morphological criterion

It is not the main and only one, because:

  • There is a phenomenon of mimicry - the imitation of an edible species by a poisonous one).


Morphological criterion

It is not the main and only one, because:

  • Individuals of the same species may differ from each other in color and other characteristics (when living in different conditions (for example, two populations of snails - forest and meadow, two populations of river perch - deep-sea and coastal; albino individuals may appear).

Physiological criterion -

features of life processes.

The main thing is the ability

to reproduction.

Physiological criterion -

It is not the main and only one, because:

  • There are related species that have

similar processes

life activity.

Geographical criterion -

area of ​​distribution (area) of the species.

Range of the Siberian frog

Range of the grass frog

Geographical criterion

It is not the main and only one, because:

  • Individuals of different species can live in the same habitat.
  • Individuals of the same species can occupy different habitats (for example, island populations).
  • There are cosmopolitan species that live everywhere (for example, the red cockroach, the house fly)
  • The ranges of some species are changing rapidly (for example, the range of the brown hare is expanding).
  • There are bi-areal species (for example, migratory birds).

Ecological criterion -

the adaptability of individuals of a species to certain living conditions.

Ecological criterion

It is not the main and only one, because:

  • Different species can be adapted to the same conditions.
  • Individuals of the same species can live in slightly different conditions

(for example: deep-sea and coastal populations of river perch, dandelion can grow in both forests and meadows).

Genetic criterion -

a certain set of chromosomes.

The main thing is not the number, but the structure and shape of the chromosomes.

For example, humans and poplars have the same number of chromosomes – 46.

Genetic criterion -

Due to differences in the chromosome set between individuals of different species, there is reproductive isolation:

  • different periods of reproduction;
  • the genital apparatus is structured differently;
  • sperm cannot penetrate the egg;
  • If fertilization occurs, the embryo dies or the young organism is born non-viable.
  • if the hybrid is viable, then it is infertile, for example: hinny, mule, honorik (ferret and mink)


Genetic criterion

It is not universal because:

  • Individuals of the same species can have different numbers of chromosomes.

For example: in individuals of one of the weevil species, the set of chromosomes may differ by 2-3 times.

  • In nature, there are species that interbreed successfully.

For example:

  • some species of tits, canaries, finches; some types of poplars, willows.
  • some species of tits, canaries, finches;
  • some types of poplars, willows.


In order to determine whether an individual belongs to a particular species, one criterion is not enough; it is necessary to take into account the totality of all criteria.

a set of individuals that have similar morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics, interbreed freely and produce fertile offspring, similar to their parents, adapted to certain living conditions and occupying a certain area in nature.

What type criterion does the following description meet:

does the great tit live in the crowns of trees, feeding on large insects and their larvae?

1) geographical

2) environmental

3) morphological

4) genetic

The set of external characteristics of individuals is referred to as the species criterion

What species criterion does the area of ​​distribution of reindeer belong to?

1) geographical

2) environmental

3) morphological