Chivalry medieval warfare how to open weapons. Unlocking Equipment

For many, the Middle Ages are romantic battles of knights clad in armor for the sake of the heart of a sweet lady, but in fact, these nonsense in the style of Walter Scott have no resemblance to reality. The medieval world was a dirty, stinking place with unusual cruelty by modern standards, which was the norm back then. Developers from Torn Banner Studios invite us to try to fight in this hardcore world in an equally hardcore game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Previously, these guys distinguished themselves by creating a mod Age of Chivarly to the game Half-Life 2, the idea turned out to be in demand and three years ago it was finalized into a stand-alone game on the then new Unreal Engine 3. Somehow, at the time of the game’s release, I didn’t have a chance to test it, but recently I had the opportunity to play it for free in Sitma, which I got busy.

"Chivalry: Medieval Wars", and this is how the name of the game is translated from the non-our name, became a sip for me fresh air after all those multiplayer shooting games I play. The game is simple to the point of disgrace and does not have a single player, so they didn’t bother us with backstory or any ridiculous plot. This is an exclusively multiplayer hack. There are two factions - the “Order” and the “Knights of Agatha”, they are at enmity and fight to the death. I like such honest presentations of problems in games - don’t worry about it, just play for fun. And I got a lot of it, despite the rather average graphics and character physics, which I have complaints about, but the game is just superb.

You can play with both real opponents and bots. The latter are unpredictable in their behavior - either they get stuck and they stand and shake in some corner, or they fight like berserkers who have eaten too many fly agaric mushrooms. It’s worth starting your acquaintance with the game by playing with bots, so you will master the mechanics of battle and the tasks of numerous modes, of which there are plenty in the game: team missions, capture the flag, duel, every man for himself, team survival, king of the hill, team deathmatch and others . The game supports third-party mods from the community.

Each faction offers us 4 classes of fighters:

  • Shooter This is the easiest class in the game. He has no armor, but has the advantage of using ranged weapons: bows, crossbows, javelins and slings. You need to skillfully camp and keep your distance, otherwise any other class will easily fuck your fighter.
  • Light Infantry this is the fastest class. Thanks to light armor, the fighter has an advantage in speed. The weapon is also light, but can be used throwing knives, axes and an incendiary bomb. This is my favorite class.
  • Heavy Infantry equipped with stronger armor, accordingly maneuverability has suffered, but it does more damage.
  • Knight wears the strongest armor and is strong in battle, but has the slowest movement speed.

There are plenty of weapons in the game - over 40 units. It kills not like a child. This is what’s good about the game: heads and arms and legs are cut in one or two pieces. The game is very hardcore, a lot of blood, battle cries and death cries. For Honor and Glory is the toughest hack I've ever played in a multiplayer game. Each weapon is unique in damage, weak weapons It's just not here. Either with a club, with a halberd or with a sword, you can defeat the enemy in such a way that it doesn’t seem like much. To get a new weapon you need to get more frags and improve your rank.

“Friendly fire” is not prohibited in the game - there will always be some idiot who will chop off the heads of teammates, but you can vote to exclude such idiots right in the game.

Of the modes, I liked “every man for himself”, “team missions” and “king of the hill” the most. All the modes are very exciting and you won’t be bored - you finish some knight, and your head or arm is blown off - and that’s it, you can’t live with such wounds in the game.

There are a lot of servers, you can act as a server yourself to play with friends. There were also a lot of people, which shows that the game is still alive three years later. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare deserves to be bought.

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Achievements on Steam

A warrior is made, not born - Play the tutorial to get this achievement.
Agatha Knights supporter - Play for 20 hours as the Knights of the Agatha Kingdom.
All Bastard weapons Unlocked - Unlock all swords by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Bows Unlocked - Unlock all bows by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Crossbows Unlocked - Unlock all crossbows by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Daggers Unlocked - Unlock all daggers by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Javelins Unlocked - Unlock all javelins by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Light weapon Unlocked - Unlock all light weapons by gaining the required amount of experience.
All One handed Axes Unlocked - Unlock all one-handed axes by gaining the required amount of experience.
All One handed blunt weapons Unlocked - Unlock all one-handed blunt weapons by gaining the required amount of experience.
All One handed sharp Unlocked - Unlock all sharp one-handed weapons by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Polearms Unlocked - Unlock all polearms by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Spears Unlocked - Unlock all spears by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Two handed Ax Unlocked - Unlock all two-handed axes by gaining the required amount of experience.
All Two handed weapon Unlocked - Unlock all two-handed swords, having gained the required amount of experience.
Archer Veterans Helmet - Become a veteran archer.
Bastard weapon Unlocked - Unlock one sword by gaining the required amount of experience.
Bow Unlocked - Unlock one bow by gaining the required amount of experience.
Bringer of Death - Push a cart full of corpses in the Dark Forest.
Cowboy - Pet the cow.
Crossbow Unlocked - Unlock one crossbow by gaining the required amount of experience.
Cupid - Shoot 40 hearts with arrows.
Dagger Unlocked - Unlock one dagger by gaining the required amount of experience.
Down She Goes - Sink a ship in Hillside.
Fire Nemesis - Extinguish the signal fire in Hillside.
Fire Starter - Kill 20 people with a pot of butter.
Fists of Fury - Kill 100 people with your fists.
Five Star Arching - Get 10 headshots with a bow in one game.
Heads Together - Blow off two heads in one fell swoop.
Home is where the castle is - Respawn 20 times inside Stoneshill Castle as Kingdom Knight Agatha.
I am a wall - Successfully block 1000 times.
It gets easier - Play the tutorial to get this achievement.
It was him or me - Play the tutorial to get this achievement.
Javelin Unlocked - Unlock one throwing spear by gaining the required amount of experience.
Just a flesh wound! - Lose your head 100 times.
King of Kings - Survive 10 minutes as the King in Stoneshill.
Knight Veterans Helmet - Become a veteran knight.
Let it rain - Fire 10,000 arrows from a shortbow.
Light weapon Unlocked - Unlock one light weapon by gaining the required amount of experience.
Man at Arms Veterans Helmet - Become a Man at Arms veteran.
Mason Order supporter - Play 20 hours as the Mason Order.
One handed Ax Unlocked - Unlock one one-handed ax by gaining the required amount of experience.
One handed blunt weapon Unlocked - Unlock one blunt one-handed weapon by gaining the required amount of experience.
One handed sharp Unlocked - Unlock one sharp one-handed weapon by gaining the required amount of experience.
Polearm Unlocked - Unlock one pole weapon by gaining the required amount of experience.
Reach level 10 - Score the required number of points to reach level 10.
Reach level 20 - Score the required number of points to reach level 20.
Reach level 5 - Score the required number of points to reach level 5.
Rotisserie Chef - Decapitate a burning enemy.
Sands of Time - Play Chivalry for over 80 hours.
Sightseeing - Play for 60 minutes on the maps Stoneshill, Hillside, Dark Forest and Battlegrounds.
Spear Unlocked - Unlock one spear by gaining the required amount of experience.
Swordsmith - Unlock all swords.
Two handed Ax Unlocked - Unlock one two-handed ax by gaining the required amount of experience.
Two handed weapon Unlocked - Open one two-handed weapon, having gained the required amount of experience.
Vanguard Veterans Helmet - Become a vanguard veteran.
Vultures Chef - Kill 100 Men at Arms.

" Chapter: Gameplay

Basics of combat


There are 3 types of strike + ALT strike:

  1. Side impact
  2. Top-down strike (for an archer with a shield and spear - shield strike)
  3. Thrust

Alt-punch - strike from the other side. Instead of right-to-left - left-to-right. It helps a lot when going into the side of an enemy with a shield.

The blow consists of 3 phases:

  1. Swing - the blow can be canceled (feint), a blow to you cancels your attack.
  2. A blow is a blow itself that causes damage.
  3. Rollback - Your weapon returns to its starting point

Each blow has its own damage, its own range and its own speed, which depend on the weapon in your hands.

There are feints, when you cancel your attack and start a new one, with this you can force your opponent to block, and when it falls, to strike. Usually called by pressing the block button or the Q button. Works only in the 1st phase of the strike.
Feints spend stamina points.

Strikes can be combined in combinations (not all of them), not even possible, but necessary.
Combination attacks occur without a 3rd phase. Those. Swing - Strike - Swing - Strike.
Combos spend stamina points.

Blocks and parries

In addition to attacking, you can parry/block an attack. Block/parry is called with the right mouse button:
The block works with a shield, called by holding RMB. Blocking is more reliable than parrying, it lasts as long as the mouse button is held down, and also protects against thrown weapons. Each shield has a certain size, so their blocking area is different. The buckler will not protect against shots to the legs like a height shield.

» More about blocks and parries:

The shield also blocks throwing weapon, while on the character's back, but not from melee melee weapons.
Parry works with any melee weapon and is called by pressing RMB. The smaller your weapon and the larger the enemy's weapon, the fewer blows you can block. Blocking lasts for a couple of seconds, you must know exactly when the enemy's weapon will hit you. Beware of feints, delays (more on this later), weapons with a long swing phase, because... You can press RMB earlier than necessary and miss the blow.
Try to turn towards the enemy's weapon while blocking/parrying, otherwise you may get hit in the side unprotected by the shield/weapon.
After parrying, you can carry out a counterattack, when the enemy's weapon is parried, make a piercing blow. Here you need a good ping.
Each blocked/parried blow takes away stamina. If blocking reduces your stamina to 0, you will be stunned for a couple of seconds, enough to deal 2 hits with a one-handed weapon.

Power moves
They are divided into 2 types, called up by pressing the F button. If you hold it, the blow will be stronger, but it will take longer to prepare.
A power blow can stun the enemy if he is blocking at this moment and knock him back, or simply knock him back if the character did nothing.
The kick and shield smash are power moves, expect them, if you are with a shield, try to catch them "on the chest" and not on the shield.

Advanced Combat

Impact delay (Delay, Delay)

Methods of causing damage by delaying or, conversely, accelerating the strike using the correct camera rotation.
Delay can be done with all types of beats.
It’s done like this: when we start a strike, we gradually turn the camera towards the start of the strike, while the weapon will be in one place in space.
With a piercing blow, we hit past the enemy, and when his parry subsides, we bring the weapon towards him to cause damage.
This is done in order to bypass the enemy's parry.

Finishing the blow

On the contrary, finishing is done to strike BEFORE the enemy blocks/parries.
The camera is directed in the opposite direction from the start of the strike, and, often, the damage is inflicted before the enemy blocks.

Vertical finishing (lookdown overhead, lookdown overhead)

A quick downward strike as the character looks down at his feet. Sometimes they also squat (crouch).
The downward strike comes from behind the back, and the lookdown allows you to strike much faster. It is difficult to see, so it often goes unnoticed.
Often used in 3rd person view, because... It's easy to lose your goal.

In a jump (Jump, jump)

Even a simple jump can make the enemy miss a hit. Some players place a block at the moment when the enemy “jumps” on them. It is enough to simply start a strike a second before falling to the ground, the enemy’s block drops and he misses the strike. It is difficult to see the beginning of a blow, especially a stabbing one.

Jumping power move.
Jumping kick/shield kick. It is especially effective against an enemy with a shield, because opponents block with a shield and do not expect to get kicked into the shield.

Jump overhead.
This is done in the same way as the overhead lookdown, only during a jump. At the same time, the weapon deals damage from above, and it is difficult to block; you need to look not just at the enemy, but even higher.

Jump as a dodge.
Some players use jumping to evade enemy attacks. You can dodge a side blow and sometimes a piercing one.
Vanguard's dash usually goes to the lower part of the body (unless Vanguard has raised his "sight" above his head), and it is possible to jump over his blow.

Bottom-up kick

Difficult both to parry and to apply.
The blow is made as follows:
With our back to the enemy, we look up and strike from top to bottom (overhead). This way the blow will start at the opponent's feet and the blow will be delivered to the body.
The difficulty of the strike is not to miss the enemy.
To block this blow you need to look almost at your feet (lookdown)

Second strike method

This method of causing damage is to strike the first blow into the void, and hit the enemy with the second and subsequent blows.
Seeing that we missed, the enemy will rush to us to strike. He doesn't expect the combo and misses the next hits.
The main thing here is to study the damage range of both your weapon and the enemy’s weapon. So as not to get caught in his parry on the first blow and not miss his response.

Squats (Crouching)

It is a way to evade a blow. Typically used against piercing and side attacks.
The enemy begins to strike, we crouch down and look down (lookdown), while the enemy's weapon passes over our head.
When moving quickly around an enemy, crawling allows you to hide from the enemy's sight (if the game is not in 3rd person) and deal damage while you are out of sight.
Should be used with caution as... You can easily miss a blow to the head if you don't look down and lose a significant part of your health points.

  • Saves. Trainers. Cheat mods. Forums.
  • Chivalry: Medieval Warfare forum. answer. Locked weapon. RedGreg Status: offline Expert rating: 9.

  • Steam Community:: Guide:: Quickly unlock weapons without cheats.

    • This item is incompatible with Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.

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  • How to unlock all weapons in Chivalry Medieval Warfare - YouTube

    • Chivalry Medieval Warfare Helmets Historical Evaluation - Agatha Knights - Duration: 13:25. Metatron 37,260 views.
    • how to change weapons and customize in Chivalry - Duration: 4:30. Jan Geimer 2,172 views.

  • Game "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare" description of fashion cheats -

    • The game "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare" is a multiplayer game with swords, hammers, halberds, bows and crossbows.
    • But it’s unlikely that anyone will look at these colored runners for a long time: once you get to Chivalry, you just want to pick up your favorite weapon and swing...
  • Chivalry: Medieval Warfare » All about Mount and Blade. Mods, cracks, walkthroughs, guides, news, discussion.

    • Chivalry Medieval Warfare This is another brilliant one network game which shocked the world with its graphics.
    • Each of these classes will have a choice of weapons, including swords, battle axes, crossbows, bows, shields and much more.

  • Browse and play mods created for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare at Mod DB.

    • CHIVALRY: Medieval Warfare is a first-person medieval online combat game that seeks to deliver the intensity of epic Hollywood medieval block busters to the hands of a gamer.
  • Codes for the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

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    • All One handed blunt weapons Unlocked - Unlock all one-handed blunt weapons by gaining the required amount of experience.