The coolest videos about football. Football joke super goals football jokes

The Azerbaijan national team striker breaks through the right flank, makes a cross... and starts selling tangerines

And I started watching football with my husband! I have already learned four commands - “Spartak”, “Dynamo”, “turn up the volume” and “bring the beer”.

In women's football they don't take corners, because whoever's on the corner won't get married.

Spartak is so harsh that he even buys his defeats!

It’s funny for football players, they hug almost every day: D

Football is when 22 millionaires entertain 2 billionaires.

Djorkaeff. This French dirigent has broken up!

Well, if it hurts Kovtun, then it really hurts!

Nikiforov's header saved a point for his team.

During the match, Ronaldo spoke about himself again.

Gritting his teeth, he agrees with the referee's decision. The creaking can be heard even by you and me.

The penalty box at AK Bars... there are no empty seats on the bench where you are sitting...

Ivica Kralj caught the ball as if it were hot.

Kepke is very reminiscent of Yashin... But unlike Kepke, Yashin usually played in a cap.

The best defense is... defense (V. Periturin during the match Russia - France).

This is a miracle in our favor...

A doctor provides assistance to an injured football player

Massaro drove the ball into the corner flag.

And yet, the marathon is a unique sport - after all, no one forces them, but they run!

In a stadium where the stands are much larger...

The side referee raised (!) his whistle - out of play!

Only 15 minutes played, and already the second head is being repaired.

Let's look at the standings, now they will show it... they won't show it, let's look at Burruchaga. But - they showed the table, Burruchaga can go...

In anticipation of the start of the English Championship, English clubs are surfing the fields of other countries.

It's like a panic attack.

It not only tickles, but also literally tugs at the nerves of its rivals.

Now I will name the result of the match Panathinaikos - Arsenal. Those who will watch this match in the evening, please turn off the sound. (names the result) Well, now: you can turn on the sound.

Football players show this gesture in two cases: when they score a goal and when they are dissatisfied with the referee’s decision.

A powerful athlete... I don’t specify the parameters

A judge should not allow himself to be stroked - this is not a man's business.

Roberto Baggio has a nice T-shirt, but for some reason we haven’t been shown the front of it yet.

KS went to attack, but not far

Let us not put ours to shame today. The President of Zimbabwe himself is on the podium!!!

Look at the grace this defender has. This is fraught with injury...

Zarva makes an unaddressed pass. The ball hits our striker's feet

Somehow the Albanian unsuccessfully tried to hit the ball and caught our football player’s leg with his head.

The player found a flaw between his opponent’s legs and deftly took advantage of it. This is what the Spartak school means.

I cannot convey the meaning of army chants live, in general, everything was cultural, worthy...

Such a squat, square football player.

The weather at the stadium is getting worse. This is probably why the ball took so long to hit the ground.

Here Tsymbalar passes to Tikhonov! Here Tikhonov is approaching the penalty line! Well! Well! Hit it! Hmmm. Of course, Tikhonov was in a hurry with his blow.

So, we listened to the composition of Khimik, and the Leningraders... the Leningraders had Panin with the puck.

Or maybe he’ll hit... Hit, Artem, hit! ..And don’t laugh that the shot was towards the corner flag...

Imagine yourself in his place, and not with beer in the refrigerator...

Titov hit the post. But that was after the whistle. Besides, it wasn’t Titov
For black and white TVs I will say: Dynamo players can be distinguished by their white socks and one white sleeve. So big, healthy, and lasts so long.

The spectators do not approve of such a game - you know, give them goals...

Oleg Luzhny did not deserve to hit him beyond the boundaries of the field.

Funny video - football jokes 2009 (10:03 minutes)

This video is for fans of sports, or rather football. Mistakes by goalkeepers and players. Funny situations on the field and not only on it. A game is a game and you can't do without mistakes.

When they score a goal on our favorite team, we rejoice; when the ball flies into our goal, we are upset. There are moments in football when all fans laugh and smile - such moments are mistakes of players or goalkeepers.

“Fans of all teams unite” – I have already shown the basis of unification!!!

Funny video - football jokes 2009 watch online:

Funny video - football jokes 2009:

I make a rational proposal. In order to increase the occupancy of the stands, football managers need to start practicing with the players not only feints and combinations of the game, but also planned, spectacular blunders and mistakes.

Who said that football is not theater? Real theatrical battles take place on the football field. The player who scores the ball into the opponent's goal will definitely show you the prepared crown. Some will twist it, some will pull a T-shirt over their head, showing tattoos or advertising hidden under the T-shirt.

F1 - calls up Windows Help or the help window of the active program. IN Microsoft Word The key combination Shift+F1 shows text formatting; F2- renames the selected object on the desktop or in the Explorer window; F3- opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The Shift+F3 key combination is often used to search backwards; F4- opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in the My Computer window or in Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− is used to close part of a document or program (for example, tabs) ; F5 - refreshes the active window of the open web page, desktop, explorer, etc. Microsoft PowerPoint F5 starts the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift+F5− starts from the current slide; F6 - switch between screen elements in a window or on the desktop. In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part of the window and the address bar; F7- checks spelling (in Word, Excel); F8 - when loading the operating system, selects the boot mode. In the Word editor, enables advanced text selection. Selecting a fragment from the initial to the final cursor position occurs without holding down the Shift key. Pressing F8 again highlights the word closest to the cursor. The third is a sentence containing it. The fourth is a paragraph. Fifth - document. You can remove the last selection by pressing the key combination Shift+F8. You can disable the mode using the Esc key; F9-- in some programs updates the selected fields; F10- activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift+F10 activates context menu; F11 - moves the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer; F12 - goes to selecting file saving options (File -> Save As). On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic operations and special characters. The effect of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed. The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, since they are designed to change the actions of other keys. Shift (read “Shift”) is an uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used in conjunction with other keys, such as the alphanumeric block keys for typing capital letters and uppercase characters. Additionally, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Ctrl (read “control”) - used in combination with other keys, for example: Ctrl+A- in Windows, selects all text in the window; Ctrl+B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “bold-normal”; Ctrl+C- in programs with WinAPI copies text to the buffer, and in console programs it ends the command; Ctrl+F- in many programs opens a search dialog; Ctrl+I- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “italic-normal”; Ctrl+N- in programs with a multi-window interface opens a new empty window; Ctrl+O- in many programs opens a dialog for opening an existing file; Ctrl+P - in many programs, sends text to print or opens a print dialog; Ctrl+Q - in some programs exit it; Ctrl+R- in browsers refreshes the contents of the window; Ctrl+S - in many programs saves the current file or opens a save dialog; Ctrl+T- in browsers opens a new tab; Ctrl+U- in the MS Word editor toggles text underlining; Ctrl+V- in programs with WinAPI pastes the contents of the clipboard; Ctrl+W- in some programs closes the current window; Ctrl+Z- in many programs undoes the last action; Ctrl+F5- in browsers updates the content; Ctrl+Home - in programs with a text field, moves to the beginning of the document being edited; Ctrl+End - in programs with a text field, moves to the end of the document being edited; Ctrl+- in Total Commander navigates to the root directory of the disk. Alt (read “Alt”) - used in conjunction with other keys, modifying their action. For example: Alt+F4- in all programs closes them; Alt+F7- in some programs opens a search dialog; Alt+F10 - in some file managers brings up the directory tree; Alt+Tab- in Windows navigates to the next running window; Alt+letter - in some programs calls menu commands or opens menu columns. Additionally, the keyboard shortcuts Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts. Capslock (read “Capslock”) - switch to uppercase mode (fixed switching). Pressing the key again cancels this mode. Used when typing text in CAPITAL letters. The Esc control key (read “Escape”), used to cancel the current operation or last change, minimize an application, go to the previous menu or screen, or remove a selection, is located in the left corner of the keyboard next to the function key block. In the operating system Windows combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc brings up the Task Manager. Tab (read “Tab”) - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indentations, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, Start button, Quick Launch, taskbar, and system tray. The AppsKey action is equivalent to right-clicking the mouse and brings up a context menu for the selected object. Line feed key Enter (Enter) - used to enter a line feed when typing text, selecting a menu item, issuing a command or confirming an action, and so on. Backspace (read “Backspace”) - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous screen of the program or web page in the browser. Delete (read “Divide”) - deletes the selected object, selected text fragment or character to the right of the input cursor. The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between insertion modes (the text appears to be expanded) and replacement modes (new characters replace existing text) when editing text. The Ctrl+Insert key combination replaces the “copy” command, and Shift+Insert replaces the “paste” command. In the Total Commander and FAR Manager file managers, the key is used to select a file or folder. PrtScn (print screen) (read “Print screen”) - takes a screenshot and places it on the clipboard. In combination with the Alt key, a snapshot of the currently active window is copied to the buffer. The ScrLk (Scroll Lock) service key (read “Scroll Lock”) blocks scrolling and when activated with the cursor keys, the contents of the entire screen are shifted, which is very convenient when editing large tables, for example, in Excel. Pause/Break (read “Pause” or “Break”) - pauses the computer. In modern operating systems, this key is only relevant when the computer boots. The up, down, right and left arrows refer to the cursor keys and allow you to navigate through menu items and move the input cursor in the corresponding direction by one position. When combined with the Ctrl key, the arrows move a greater distance. For example, in the Microsoft Word editor, Ctrl+← moves the cursor one word to the left. Using the Shift key selects a block of text. The Home and End keys move the cursor to the beginning and end of the current line of a document or list of files. What hotkeys are useful to know? The Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination is indispensable when the computer freezes; it calls up the “Task Manager”, with which you can end a process, cancel a task, or shut down the computer. Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times. The combination Alt + Space (spacebar) opens the window system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse. Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift – switch keyboard layout. Using Win + D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the Win + M keys minimize all windows except dialog windows. Win + E opens the My Computer folder. Win + F – opens a window to search for a file or folder.

Welcome to our editors' favorite category: football. Here our dear football fans will find a huge number of videos about football and everything connected with it. Videos of football in all its forms, favorite moments of matches, desperate dribbling and breathtaking goals that are stunning in their beauty. Football is a sport that is loved and worshiped by millions. Championships and various tournaments attract hundreds of millions of fans around the world. Without exaggeration, we can say that football is the most popular sport on Earth. Without a doubt, every fan has his own teams and his own players, whose games are most interesting and enjoyable to watch. But a true fan continues to love his team not only in moments of triumph, but also in difficult times. Football is a game that unites the world, making you watch every move of the players with bated breath, feel proud, or, on the contrary, cry out loud because of a missed goal. Almost every boy loves to watch funny football videos; almost all men, regardless of age, love to play football. We offer you various football funny videos. Of course, Russian fans are more interested in Russian football and Russian championship games, but our archive contains videos from all over the world.

Our video archive contains a wide variety of football videos. Watch the top scorers break into the penalty area and score their most beautiful goals. Cristiano Ronaldo's goals, for example, make you forget about everything in the world, incredible dribbling, acceleration, kick, goal!!! This is the passage, the stadium is roaring and chanting for the football player, applause and applause continue to sound for a very long time! Ronaldinho, Zidane, Beckham, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Messi - their golden goals will be remembered by the world for a long time and will be forever stored in the archives of football, because not all football players have such a technical dribble and a well-placed shot, this is a talent and gift that has been developed over a long period of time hard training. No matter what team a fan is rooting for, he always roots for beautiful game and respects the players who go out of their way to demonstrate it. Videos of individual players' incredible technique also attract attention; videos of Ronaldinho training, for example, are still incredibly popular. What strikes he makes, what shots he executes, the ball flies along a completely unpredictable trajectory and falls into the net. Twist kicks, dribble free kicks, shots into the top nine (banks, as they are also called) - it’s simply magnificent and makes you forget about everything and look at this spectacle. There are also videos of the final endings of memorable matches, penalties in the World Cup finals, or funny goals from individual matches, such as Russia - Holland in the semi-finals of the European Football Championship. It is worth mentioning separately about football commentators, in principle, if a commentator conducts a calm review of the game, it is not so memorable, but there are some impulsive commentators who comment rather biasedly and clearly root for one of the teams. You can also find funny football comments using the search.

We are ready to show you a free video best goals. Goals from a cross, goals from a free kick, goals through yourself and from play, long-range goals, goals scored with head and heel. Incredible dribbles and beautiful passes, technique, barbell, all this can be found on our website in the funny football category. But in addition to beautiful moments and goals scored, in our understanding, videos with unscored goals are also funny. Watch as the lithe goalkeeper makes an incredible save, pulling the ball out of the corner, the shot looked like it was going to be missed, but the goalkeeper managed to save it. What incredible football fails were captured by the mast surveillance camera. Players fall and do not score, seemingly one hundred percent chances. There is a video in which a player fails to score from half a meter into an empty goal, the ball, like in a matrix, flies vertically upward, or flies parallel to the goal and goes around the bar - this is a real football fail. Often, football players pretend to fall into violation of the rules of an opponent in order to gain the right to a free kick, or simply to remove an unnecessary opposing player from the game. We also have such videos of football simulations. This is a whole performance of an individual player who writhes in pain, and no one even touched him. In turn, the video of the malingerers would never have appeared if there had not been foul play. Video football of the most severe violations, tackles, elbows, hands, and even head strikes. You can download videos of the most severe violations for which red cards were received here! Free online football is waiting for you. Look funny video about football You can visit our portal all the time, enjoy the excellent video! If you want to download the video you like, you can always do it, and if you want to send the link to your friends via social network, just click the add button!