Description of nature. Phenological observations Description of nature using vivid images

Morning sun

The night hid behind a magical cloud, and a rosy morning descended onto the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already lighting up on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people.

But why isn’t it there yet? Maybe he's still sleeping sweetly? Or maybe it was in a quarrel with the earth and doesn’t want to shine anymore? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic and beautiful.

The beam quickly illuminated the water, the forest, the surrounding fields, and people's houses. Sparkled green

Carpet the earth in its radiance. When a ray of sun touched my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and joyfully greeted the new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the most wonderful time of the year.

In spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. They come back to us in the spring migratory birds: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests and prepare housing for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. See how everything around is updated and decorated

After winter sleep. The streams sing merrily, and feathered musicians glorify the arrival of spring with all their voices. The air is filled with the fragrant smell of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. This is exactly why I love her.


I really love meeting the first flashes of awakening of a new day. Long before the east the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays and extinguishes the dawns.

I love to meet the sun, the play and the thrill of the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around is filled with the sun. And it’s like you’re seeing a green leaf for the first time, a tree that grows right up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown that wakes up to a new day.

And now the dawn changes into a new day, is filled with the worries of people’s lives, and I hear a gentle: “ Good morning, son!”

Golden autumn

It's over warm summer. Autumn has come. She quietly crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, and forests. At the end of August, the trees began to take cover yellow leaves, and now it already sparkled in the sun like gold. The trees stood covered in crimson, yellow leaves that were slowly falling to the ground. The ground was covered with colorful leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love listening to the rustling of fallen leaves, looking at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. The short Indian summer flashed by, the cold began to blow, and the feathered musicians fell silent. Now it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Essay-description behind the painting by Ekaterina Belokur “Flowers behind the fence”

In the painting by Ekaterina Belokur there are wonderful flowers against the backdrop of a clear, fine sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, the closer one, is in the shadow, the second is more expressive, lighter, overshadowed sun rays. There are a few colors: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors were used.

I think the craftswoman is very fond of nature, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallows reach for the sun. A climbing birch tree trudged along a birch branch. Snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and nasturtiums with cherry veins on the petals captivate the eye.

The painting captivates with its harmony of colors and shapes, captivates with its beauty and craftsmanship.

Morning picture summer nature looks quite mesmerizing and attractive to the human eye. Rising Sun illuminates everything around with its gentle and warm rays.

Grass, bushes - all this is covered with transparent dew. Sometimes a light and transparent veil of fog hangs over everything. The fresh pre-dawn coolness is combined with rare gusts of the morning breeze. The sky does not yet shine with its usual blue, but is temporarily covered with small white clouds, which will disperse immediately after the sun rises. There is still no choir of bird voices ringing with all the melodies, but only occasionally the cooing of early pigeons can be heard. There is silence everywhere, there are practically no sounds.

But suddenly the very first rays of the sun appear from behind the horizon, and a few minutes later the sun regally emerges into the sky and nature seems to come to life: birdsong and gusts of wind are immediately heard, the clouds disperse and a bright blue sky opens. The picture of morning nature is pleasant to any person and attracts his gaze with its splendor.

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If I were suddenly asked how to correctly describe nature in fics, especially fantasy ones, I would shrug my shoulders in bewilderment. But to the question of how you describe her, mother, I would answer - just like I’ll write below. Therefore, I do not take upon myself the importance of considering all possible options, I’ll only mention those that I use. We must immediately take into account that among us there are few Prishvins and Paustovskys, not to mention the Turgenevs with their hunting notes, and yet nature has no bad weather, but without nature the fic clearly loses something. Let's think about why: 1) Yes, because we are all children of nature and live in it, even if there is not a tree visible outside the window. After all, nature is everything: sky, sun and water, and our heroes always come into contact with them, their relatives. 2) Because describing nature is beautiful if you choose the right epithets and generally know how to correctly look at the world around us. 3) Because with words we are trying to create a picture in the reader’s mind’s eye, and in this picture, like in a photograph, there is always a background - and in most cases - this is nature. 4) Because in fics we try to reveal the feelings of the characters, and comparisons with nature help us better convey experiences. Just remember from literature lessons poor Prince Bolkonsky with his oak tree! 5) And so on and so forth... Each of us can write a certain number of points that are particularly significant for him personally. And this is good. This means that a description of nature is really necessary. Now I will move on to my understanding of the necessity of nature, namely where and when I include my descriptions. In order not to go too far from the application, I will immediately describe the need for descriptions of nature in fantasy. In this genre, we introduce the reader to a fictional world and, like a child, explain to him our fantasy by means of comparison with the reality around us. Like, our sky is blue, but theirs is purple-pink, as if at sunset. The picture clicked in my brain - the passage was a success. Or we describe a world that is very similar to the one in which we live, then with descriptions of nature we confirm this fact. In general, nature in fantasy is necessary to immerse the reader in a new, unknown world. So, from here we immediately deduce a point of a descriptive nature: 1) The description of nature creates a picture before the eyes, so it is important here not to spread your thoughts over the tree, but to immediately find the oak tree that is in the foreground in the picture. Sometimes it is enough to describe the color of the sky, the number of trees in the background and the condition of the grass in the area. this moment. Non-Prishvinsky reader from more detailed description gets tired. But a sophisticated reader can be killed right here by the richness of the language, which opens in the descriptive part of nature - the cobweb trembled like a thin shawl on the shoulders of a girl... Or better, like Yesenin - as if I rode on a pink horse in the echoing early spring... Where did the pink horse come from, you ask ? Yes, many critics at first thought that it was just for rhythm and rhyme, that is, a beautiful word, but it turned out that White horse at dawn it was truly pink, but only the observant eye of the poet caught it and put it into words. Therefore for good descriptions You need not only a rich language, but also observation skills - you can wander the streets and take pictures, or you can simply save your favorite nature photographs found on the Internet to an album, and then, like in school, write an essay from the picture. So, it’s time to put an end to it, because we can talk about pictures forever. 2) The second point is very close to me - I am trying to enhance the drama of the narrative with nature, that is, comparisons of two types are being used: - nature suffers or rejoices along with the hero. Like, according to Rosenbaum, “nature became sad with the rains.” Here we describe the gloomy sky and gloomy face, rain running down the cheeks mixed with tears, and now the reader cries with the hero, because nature itself sympathizes with him. - nature doesn’t care, that is, the hero is crying, and the sunbeams are laughing in the yard. This is very appropriate when the heroes are not understood by the world - neither people nor nature care about them. And yet sometimes contrast also shows the depth of experience. Like, he should be jumping with sparrows through spring puddles right now, but he doesn’t even have the strength to lift his leg to step over this very puddle. 3) The point is reflective. The hero sits and looks at nature, like that same Prince Andrei. So I, too, have become crusty and tired of life - beautiful on top and rotten on the inside. Excellent - here is the scene of action and the state of the hero. Well, something like this. Perhaps not exactly what the author wanted, but I tried to write a drabbles. If someone likes it, I will be happy to develop each point. While this is the case, brainstorm on the topic of the application. Thanks everyone for reading! And good weather in your fics!

sun day

The night disappeared behind a charming cloud, and a rosy morning descended onto the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already flashing on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people. But why isn’t it there yet? Maybe he's still sleeping sweetly? Or maybe they quarreled with the earth and no longer wants to shine? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic and beautiful.

The beam quickly illuminated the water, the forest, the surrounding fields, and people's houses. The earth sparkled like a green carpet in its radiance. When a ray of sunshine reached my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and joyfully greeted the new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the time of year.

In spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. In spring, migratory birds return to us: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests and prepare housing for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. Seeing how everything around is renewed and decorated after winter sleep. The streams sing merrily, feathered musicians glorifying the arrival of spring with all their voices. The air is filled with the fragrant smell of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. This is exactly why I love her.


I really love meeting the first flashes of awakening of a new day. Long before sunrise the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays and extinguishes the stars.

I love to meet the sun, the game and the trembling of the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson-red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around is filled with the sun. And as if for the first time you see a green leaf, a tree that grows up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown, awakening to a new day.

And now the dawn gives way to a new day, is filled with the worries of people’s lives, and I hear a gentle: “ Good morning, son!"

Golden autumn

The warm summer has come and gone. Autumn has come. Unnoticed, she crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, and forests. Back at the end of August, the trees began to be covered with yellow leaves, and now it was already sparkling in the sun like gold. The trees stood in a crimson, yellow letter that slowly came to the floor. The ground was covered with colorful leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love listening to the rustling of fallen leaves, looking at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. The short Indian summer flashed by, the cold began to bite, and the feathered musicians fell silent. Now it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Description essay based on the painting by Belokur “Flowers behind the fence”

In Belokur’s painting there are beautiful flowers against the backdrop of a clear, fine sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, the closest one, is in the shadow, the second is more expressive, lighter, illuminated by the sun's rays. There are a few colors: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors are accepted.

I think the craftswoman is very fond of nature, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallows reach for the sun. A climbing birch tree trudged along a birch branch. Snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and nasturtiums with cherry veins on the petals captivate the eye.

The painting captivates with its harmony of colors and shapes, delights with its beauty and craftsmanship.