Terem teremok it is not low. Teremok

Fairy tale "Teremok" in verse for primary schoolchildren

Mitrakhovich Angela Lvovna, teacher primary classes State Educational Institution "Parichskaya" high school» Svetlogorsk district, Gomel region, Belarus.
Description. This fairy tale is very easy to read, so I recommend it for independent reading to primary school students and preschoolers (age 5-10 years). In addition, I recommend the fairy tale to educators, primary school teachers, and parents who are involved in the development of their children’s speech. It can also be used in extracurricular activities as a staging.
Target: the formation of interest and need for reading in general and poetic tales in particular.
- develop children's creative thinking;
- develop interest in versification, in the rhyme of words;
- cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude towards verbal art, the ability to hear, see and experience various emotional states.

Put your ears on top of your head
Listen carefully.
I'll tell you a fairy tale
Very entertaining.

There is a tower in a field.
He is neither short nor tall.
The sun is shining above him.
Terem invites you to visit.

(Who built the tower
Of course, we have no idea.
But if there is a house in the field -
There should also be residents in it.)

Somehow early in the morning,
Having abandoned the old hole,
The mouse ran across the field,
I saw that teremok.

With thoughts of housewarming,
Anticipating fun here,
The mouse knocked on the door
And she became quiet and silent.

Silence was the answer.
So there's no one here.
A mouse ran into the house
I put things in order,
I started living here without getting bored,
Gnaw grain over a cup of tea.

Following the mouse in the field
The frog saw the house.
The frog knocked on the door:
“Hey, what kind of animal lives here?”

The mouse instantly responded,
She called herself Norushka,
And, having learned that the guest is a frog,
She invited a frog into the house.
The frog jumped into the house -

The two of them began to live together.

So day after day goes by.
The new guest is already under the window.
This is a good gray bunny
Nicknamed the jumper.
The bunny is looking for shelter.
Maybe they are waiting for him here?

Timidly the bunny knocked
And he asked his question:
“Who lives in the mansion?
Who will take the bunny into the house?

The mouse looked at the frog -
She shook her head:
“Jump, bunny, come to us quickly!
After all, the three of us are more fun!”

A little time has passed
The fox was walking that way.
I couldn't pass by
Teremka, which is on the way.

She fluffed up her red tail,
Ears instantly perked up,
She raised her muzzle,
She turned her black nose.
I sensed that the house was not empty.
Asked to stay:
“Let the cute little fox in!”
I will become a sister for you!”

Friends liked the speech:
“Come, little fox, to us!”
There are already four of us living together,
Filling the house with laughter.

Then the top found out about the house,
Gray scratched his side
And I decided: “Stop wandering,
We need to go to that mansion.”

The wolf wiped his paws on the grass,
Sat down on a bench near the house
And let's call the animals,
To show yourself to them.

What can we do? And a top
He lay down on his side by the stove.

Friends live in the mansion,
As if good family.
Everyone respects each other
Wishing everyone a good night,
In the morning they get up joyfully,
The songs are sung cheerfully.

But one summer day
A bear was walking in a dense forest.
I walked without a goal, at random,
He walked wherever his eyes looked.

The bear went straight
Look at that tower.
Rubbing my paws right away,
Anticipating housewarming.

CHARACTERS Evil grandfather. Hedgehog. Good grandfather. Wolf. Frog. Fox. Mouse. Bear. Rooster. EVIL GRANDFATHER. Why are you here, pea pod? GOOD GRANDFATHER. Why are you here, fir cone? WICKED. How - why? I want to show the children a scary fairy tale. KIND. Don't you feel sorry for the children? After all, they are small - they will be scared and cry! WICKED. Let them cry, what do I care! KIND. What fairy tale will you show them? 3LOY. About the Serpent Gorynych and about Baba Yaga. KIND. Look how evil you are! I won't let you scare the children. I will show the children a funny fairy tale - let them laugh. WICKED. What kind of fairy tale will you show them? KIND. About the pouring apple and the magic mirror. WICKED. About the apple? About the mirror? So I’ll let you!.. So I’ll take a stick and drive you out of here! KIND. Why are you so angry? Didn't get enough sleep, or what? You won't kick me out of here anywhere. WICKED. No, I'll kick you out! KIND. And I'll come back. WICKED. I'll lock all the doors. KIND. And I’ll crawl through the window. WICKED. I'll close all the windows. KIND. And I'll knock on the window. One of the children will open it for me. WICKED. Then I will kick out all the children too! KIND. Who will you show your fairy tales to then? WICKED. I'll show it to myself! GOOD (laughing). Eh, how stupid you are! You know, brother, let's better put up. I'll help you. WICKED. How can you help me? KIND. Let's show a fairy tale together. WICKED. What fairy tale? KIND. But let's figure it out. WICKED. OK. Do you want to talk about a goat? How the wolves ate him. KIND. No, I feel sorry for the goat. Let's talk about the tower. WICKED. What kind of tower is this about? KIND. And in which animals live. WICKED. Animals? Fine! I will let such animals into your little house that you will not be happy: a fox, a wolf and a bear! Yeah! What? Scary? KIND. Not the least bit scary. My animals won’t even let you in the door. WICKED. What kind of animals do you have? KIND. First of all, the frog! WICKED. Frog? Ha ha ha! KIND. Secondly, the mouse! WICKED. 0-ho-ho-ho! KIND. Thirdly, a hedgehog! WICKED. Oh, I can't! Hedgehog!.. Ha-ha-ha-ha! KIND. Laugh, laugh before it's too late. After the fairy tale you will cry. WICKED. Why is this? KIND. But you'll see. Call your animals! WICKED. And call yours! KIND. And mine are already here. Well, listen up, children. There is a tower in a field - not high, not low, but just the right one. A frog jumped out of the swamp, saw a teremok, came up and knocked on the door... --- Good grandfather There is a teremok in an open field, Teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. A frog walked from the swamp and saw that the gate was locked. Hey, little lock, fall off, fall off! Teremochek, open, open! Frog Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? (Enters the little house.) Kwa-kwa!.. Silence... I’m alone in the little house. Although it’s not very damp all around, A nice apartment! Kwa-kwa! Kwa-kwa-kwa! There is a stove and firewood, and a cauldron and a frying pan. What a find, what a find! Before dinner, I'll kill the worm. Good grandfather As soon as the frog turned on the light, the little mouse knocked. Mouse What kind of teremok is this, Teremok? He is not low, not high, not high. Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Frog I, frog-croak. Who are you? Mouse And I am a little mouse. Let me into the house, we will live together with you. We’ll get some ripe grains, and we’ll bake pancakes with you. Frog So be it, perhaps go home. It's more fun to live together! Good grandfather A mouse and a frog settled in, with a pop-eyed friend. They heat the oven, pound the grain, and bake pancakes in the oven. Suddenly the loud-voiced Cockerel knocks at dawn - Petya. Rooster What kind of tower is this? He is neither short nor tall. Hey, open the cockerel! Co-co-co, crow! Who-who-who lives in the little house? Who-who-who lives in a low place? Frog I, frog-croak. Mouse I, little mouse. Who are you? Rooster And I am a rooster, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard. Let me live here, I will serve you honestly. I'll sleep in the yard. I will sing at dawn. Kukare-ku! Frog and Mouse So be it, perhaps, go home. It's more fun to live with three people! Good grandfather Here they live - the frog, the Cockerel and the little mouse. You can't spill them with water. Suddenly a gray hedgehog knocks. Hedgehog Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in low places? Frog I, frog-croak. Mouse I, little mouse. Rooster I am a rooster - a golden comb. Who are you? Hedgehog I am a gray hedgehog, No head, no legs, My back is hunched over, There is a harrow on my back. Let me live here, I will guard the tower. Better than us forest hedgehogs, There are no watchmen in the world! Frog So be it, perhaps go home. The four of us will live together! Good grandfather Here they live - a frog, a hedgehog, a rooster and a little mouse. The little mouse crushes oatmeal, and the frog bakes pies. And the rooster is on the windowsill. He plays the harmonica. The gray hedgehog is curled up into a ball, He is not sleeping - he is guarding the little house. Evil grandfather Only suddenly a homeless wolf dragged himself out of the dark thicket. He knocked on the gate and sang in a hoarse voice. Wolf What kind of little house is this? Smoke is coming from the chimney. Apparently, lunch is being cooked. Are there animals here or not?.. Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in low places? Frog I, frog-croak. Mouse I, little mouse. Rooster I am a rooster - a golden comb. Hedgehog I, gray hedgehog - No head, no legs. Who are you? Wolf And I am a wolf, Clicking my teeth! Mouse What can you do? Wolf Catch Mice! Crush the Frogs! Smother the hedgehogs! Gut the roosters!.. Mouse Go away, toothy beast, Don't break into our door! The mansion is tightly locked with a bolt and a padlock. An evil grandfather is prowling a wolf in a dense forest, looking for a godmother-fox. And the fox comes towards me - Red tail, eyes like candles. Wolf Lisaveta, hello! Fox How are you, toothy? Wolf Things are going well, the head is still intact. And I, Lisaveta, want to ask you for advice. Do you see a tower in the field? Fox Teremok? Wolf He is not low, not high. Fox Not tall? Wolf Mouse-norushka There the grain is crushing, And the frog is baking pies. And the rooster is on the windowsill. He plays the harmonica. How good a rooster is - I wish I could just pluck the fluff! Fox Oh, my gray one, my tailed one, How I want a cockerel! Wolf Yes, I’m hungry too, - Only the gates are locked... Maybe someday, together, we’ll open the gates! Fox Oh, I'm weak from hunger! The third day, how empty my belly is. If only Mishenka the Bear met us, He would help us unlock the gate. We'll go look for him in the forests! Wolf Oh, fathers, he himself is coming here! Evil grandfather At this time, Mishka actually came out from behind the spruce tree. He shakes his head and talks to himself. Bear I'm looking for a log in the forest, I want to taste honey or ripe oats. Where can I find him, fox? Fox Do you see, Misha, the little mansion? Bear Teremok? Fox He is neither short nor tall. Bear Not tall? Fox Mouse-norushka There the grain is crushing. The wolf and the frog are baking pies. The Fox bakes cabbage pies, browned and delicious. Wolf and rooster with a prickly hedgehog Cut the lard with a sharp knife. Fox Would you like to visit the Rooster, taste the Rooster's giblets? Rooster Bear is good food. Where is the gate? Submit them here! Fox No, Mishenka, let's go and let's unlock it on the spot! Evil grandfather Here they go to the neighbors - a wolf with a bear friend. The fox walks ahead, leading the guests to the mansion. Bear Hey, owners, please open the door, otherwise we will smash the gates for you! Mouse Who came to us for the night? Mikhail the Bear! Which mouse? Bear Ivanovich. In your opinion - Bear. Try to unlock it! I don't want to wait long. I'll break down your gates! Mouse Hush, Mishenka! Don't knock on the gate! Frog Our dough will tip over in the oven! Rooster Don't poke your nose into the little mansion - crowing! Or I'll catch you with my spurs! Hedgehog If you are engaged in robbery, you will meet the watchman - the hedgehog! Bear The owners don't want to let me in. They don't want to buy me lunch! Fox Come on, Mishenka, turn your back. Come on, Mishenka, attack the wolf! If the three of us rush together, we will open the plank gates! Evil grandfather And their work began: They piled on the gate... Good grandfather Yes, they cannot unlock it. The bear snaps. He hits the wolf like a piledriver, And the fox is busy on the edge. She, the cheat, has the easiest time of all - She takes care of her red fur. Fox Go! Bear Back! Fox is going well! Bear Do you hear, little fox, how the planks are cracking? Wolf Those are not planks, But the bones are Crunchy - The unscrupulous bear crushed me! Without lunch I will have to die. I still can’t catch my breath. I can barely make it to bed! Bear I won’t understand, fox, I can’t understand: Why did the wolf go berserk? Why did he run away? Fox You pressed him lightly - That's why you ran away! I barely dragged my legs... But what's the use of a wolf? And without the wolf we will open the gates, We will taste cockerels together. Bear I really want to eat, little fox! I'll try to crawl into the gateway. Good grandfather The clubfoot contrived to put his paw into the gateway. Yes, apparently, it’s out of place - She doesn’t go back. The breath stole from my chest. He screamed at the top of his lungs. Bear Oh, fox, help! I can't stretch my legs! Help me for the sake of friendship, pull me from behind! Good grandfather The fox did not answer and went to his forests. And the rooster crows from the fence. Rooster Hey, stop the evil thief! Give me a poker, frog - I'll burn his heel! Good grandfather The bear trembled in fright and yelled at the whole area. Bear Oh, I'm afraid of the poker! Oh, little fox, help! Rooster Crow! Everyone to the yard! A thief breaks into the gateway. Hey, mistress frog, where is your big mug? Bring water quickly, pour it on Clubfoot! Mouse Water it, guys! Frog From the jug, from the tub! Hedgehog From the bucket, pour it over him, Do not feel sorry for the evil thief! Bear Help! Guard! He choked and drowned!.. Good grandfather The beluga bear roared, He rushed about in fright, He rushed with all his might - He almost knocked down the gate. At once he freed his leg and - go to your den! Howls on the go. Bear I won't come to you anymore! Good grandfather And the rooster crows from the fence. Rooster We drove away the evil thief! Crow! Ko-ko-ko! He ran far away, took off at full speed, and ran away without looking back. Ko-ko-ko! Crow! Will not return to the tower! Evil grandfather Our rooster went wild and fluffed up the satin fluff. And while he is cocking, a fox is crawling out of the bushes... Fox (quietly) Okay, Petya, wait, Something will happen ahead! Let the wolf's sides be crushed, And the bear is caught in a crack, - I will avenge my own people, I will drag away the rooster! Evil grandfather The fox crawled up stealthily and sang sweetly, sweetly. Fox Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? The Fighting Cockerel lives there. He sings and shakes his head. His head is brighter than fire... Rooster Who-who-who is singing about me? Fox Oh, Petya, you dashing cockerel, You have a golden comb. Everyone is the envy of your beard. Fly here, my handsome man! Rooster No, I’d rather sit here and look down on you. Fox (quietly) Oh, Petya, the daring Rooster! Who in the world can compare with you? You have two wide Wings. You look a little like an eagle!.. Rooster I can’t hear what you’re singing about. Repeat: Who do I look like? Fox You are sitting far from me. Come - I'll whisper in your ear! Evil grandfather Then the rooster could not resist, sang in a ringing voice and flew down to the red-haired cheat. He came closer to her, And the fox, don’t be bad, Grab the rooster by the throat! The cockerel screams and fights, and the fox laughs at him. Fox Now I’ll say out loud what the rooster looks like. You look like yourself, rooster! I'll eat your giblets soon! Hee hee hee! Ho-ho-ho! Ha ha ha! You look like yourself, rooster! Evil grandfather Here is a fox running at full speed, And a rooster is beating in her teeth. A stupid rooster breaks out - feathers and fluff fly away. Rooster Dear brother hedgehog, Come out with a poker, With a poker, with a shovel - Beat the damned fox! The good grandfather heard the prickly hedgehog and shouted: “Robbery! Robbery!” He ran through the gate and reached the turn. Sees: red fox Runs into the woods with a rooster. A gray hedgehog rolled along the grass of the forest paths, through the pre-dawn dew, right under the feet of the fox. He doesn't give her the way, He pricks the fox's legs with a brush. Hedgehog I am a prickly gray hedgehog, You will not leave me, I will rip your furs. Give me the rooster! Good grandfather The hedgehog has pricking needles, The needles prick painfully. The fox is just spinning, like the spokes of a wheel. Fox Oh, you hedgehog, gray hedgehog, Don't scratch the fox's legs, Have pity on my furs! I'll let the rooster go! Good grandfather, she threw the rooster and quickly dived into the bushes, slipped between the stumps, and the prickly hedgehog followed her. A gray mouse and a frog are racing behind each other... Mouse Catch up! Hold it! Catch! Frog Tear off the redhead's tail! Good grandfather The chase rushes through the forest. A fox is running ahead. She lingered by the bush - And was left without a tail. And then she ran at full speed without looking back. The redhead disappeared into the forest - We just saw a fox! The gray hedgehog laughed. Hedgehog I will take out a sharp knife, cut the tail in half and distribute it to the housewives: Half a tail for you, frog, Half a tail for you, little one. Frog Thank you, gray hedgehog. Mouse You won't find better fur! I will put the tail on my neck, It will make me warmer in winter. In the fierce cold, in the frost I will wrap my nose! Good grandfather Here a hedgehog with a mouse and a frog are walking after each other. They carry the fox's tail with them, they talk vying with each other. Mouse We drove the fox away deftly. The cheat won't come back! But is the cockerel, our golden comb, alive? Frog He lies there and does not move. We chased the fox and left him alone on the road. He can barely breathe, poor thing, beats with his wings and groans heavily. Hedgehog Don't worry about him: We'll find him now. I see a cock's comb on a hillock under an aspen tree! Mouse Why don't you get up, Petya? Frog Why don't you sing songs? Rooster I have no time for songs, sisters... I was in the teeth of a fox, I can’t even get up! Hedgehog Let me help you. I will take you by the wing, poor, lame bird... Well, get up! Maybe you'll get there. Rooster You are very prickly, hedgehog! Even though my legs can’t support me, I’ll get there without help. Good grandfather The rooster rises and speaks to himself out loud. Rooster Crow, crow! Why did I become a cripple? Because I’m simple-minded... It’s all my fault! Hedgehog Don't worry, my dear Petya, You will live in the world again, You will greet the red sun with songs again! --- Good grandfather There is a teremok in an open field, Teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Frog I, frog-croak! Mouse I, little mouse! Rooster I, cockerel - Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard! Hedgehog I, a prickly gray hedgehog. I look like all hedgehogs - I have a hunched back and a harrow on my back! All together (singing) Today is a joyful holiday for us, In the yard we dance to the harmonica. We drove the bear into the forests, and the fox ran away without a tail. A fox ran away without a tail, These are the miracles we have! Frog Come on, Petya, go dance, - Your boots are good! Mouse Hey, frog, dance with the rooster, ride the hedgehog! Hedgehog No, you shouldn't ride me - I have a harrow on my back. Everyone Today is a joyful holiday for us, In the yard we dance to the harmonica!.. (They dance.) Hedgehog That's it, brothers, enough dancing. Tomorrow morning we'll dance again. Rooster We will dance again in the yard. I'll wake you all up at dawn! Mouse I will grind your grains into flour. Frog I will bake some pies for you. Good grandfather In the meantime, lock the mansion. The tower will sleep until morning. It's time to get ready for retirement. Only the hedgehog won’t fall asleep until the morning. He will rattle with a mallet, So that the wolf and the bear can hear, So that from this knock the fox will go away into the forests!.. The gates to the mansion are locked. Only two grandfathers remain before them - Good and Evil. GOOD GRANDFATHER. That's the whole fairy tale. Well, fir cone, are you still laughing? EVIL GRANDFATHER. No, I'm crying! (Roars.) GOOD. I told you that you would cry! And so it happened. Okay, don't worry! Do you want me to cheer you up? WICKED. Cheer up! (Cries.) GOOD. First of all, stop crying! WICKED. No, you made me laugh first! (Cries.) GOOD. Okay, listen. WICKED. I'm listening. KIND. Become kinder - you will be more fun. That's it! WICKED. Are you laughing at me, pea pod? KIND. Laughing, fir cone! And all the children laugh at you! WICKED. OK. Let them laugh for now!.. Come, children, Come, children, to us another, and a third, and a fourth time! There are many, many fairy tales in this world... I will choose a terrible, terrible one for you! KIND. No, not like that! Come, children, Come, children, to us another, and a third, and a fourth time! There are many, many fairy tales in this world. I will choose the most fun one for you!


There is a tower in the field,
he is not low, not high.
It is not narrow, not wide,
A very nice little house.
A mouse ran through the forest,
The mouse hummed a song.

I'm a little mouse
I'm just a baby.
Pee-pee-pee yes-yes-yes
I always sing songs.
Pee-pee-pee yes-yes-yes
I always sing songs.

The mouse hummed a song and saw a little house.

That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

Nobody answers. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it. A frog ran past, The frog hummed a song.

I'm a frog
Green belly.
Kva-kva-kva, troll-la-la,
Everyone in the world likes me.
Kva-kva-kva, tru-la-la,
Everyone in the world likes me.
That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

I'm a little mouse, and who are you?

I'm a frog. Let me live with you.

Come in.

And the two of them began to live together. A bunny ran past, the bunny hummed a song.

And I'm a bunny - a jumping bunny.
The ears are long, the legs are fast.
And I was jumping through the forest,
galloped into the clearing.
And I was jumping through the forest,
galloped into the clearing.
That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

I'm a little mouse
- I'm a frog, and who are you?

And I'm a jumping bunny.
Let me live with you!

Well, come in!

The three of them began to live together. A little fox ran past, she hummed a song.

I'm a little fox
I am the beauty of the entire forest.
There is no one in the forest dearer than me,
And smarter and more cunning.
Oh, oh, that's how I am
Red-haired sister.
Who in the forest doesn't know
Foxy little sister?
That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

I'm a little mouse
- I'm a frog,
-I'm a bouncing bunny, and who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister. Will you let me live with you?
- Well, come in!
The four of them began to live together. A wolf ran past, the wolf hummed a song. And I am a wolf wolf wolf.
I click my teeth.
Very strong, they say
I can protect animals.
Ehe-he, yes-yes-yes,
Run away in all directions!
Ehe-he, yes-yes-yes,
Run away in all directions!
That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?

-I'm a little mouse,
- I'm a frog,
-I'm a jumping bunny.
- .
- And I’m a wolf, click my teeth. Will you let me live with you?
-Well, come in. The five of them began to live together. A bear walked by. The bear loves to sing loudly.
And I'm a teddy bear
I love to sing songs.
Wiser and stronger than everyone else,
I am the chief among the animals.
Ooooh yes aaaay
Sing along to the bear.
Ooooh yes aaaay
Sing along to the bear.
That's how the tower is.
He is neither short nor tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Who lives in a low place?
-I'm a little mouse,
- I'm a frog,
-I'm a jumping bunny.
- I'm a fox-sister, and who are you?.
And I'm a wolf, teeth click.
All: -
Who are you?
-And I'm a bear. Will you let me live with you?

There is not enough space in our house
It will be very crowded for all of us.

That's grief - trouble
Where should Bear go to live?
Let me in, I’ll help you,
I promise that I can.

What should we do, friends?
Oh, even I don't know.
I wish there was bigger house,
Everyone would fit in it.
I know how to arrange everything:
We just need to finish the house!
And then it won’t be crowded,
There will be a place for all animals.
I'm so glad that there are six of us
we will build a new house.

That's just the way it is.
They took on the job boldly.
Once! This is a new house
there is a lot - a lot of space in it.
There is a tower in a field.
He is both wide and tall!
Many friends live there,
It will be more fun together!

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There is a teremok-teremok in the field,

Like a mouse running across a field, field,
She stopped at the door and squeaked:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
Who lives in the mansion?

There is no one in the mansion - no one answers the mouse. A mouse climbed into the little house; began to live and live - to sing songs:
- Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Just like a frog running across a field,
She stopped at the door and shouted:

Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
Who lives in the mansion?
- I'm a little mouse! Who are you?
- I'm a frog frog!
- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live and live with the mouse and sing songs:
- Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Like a bunny running across a field, field,
He stopped at the door and shouted:

Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
Who lives in the mansion?
- I'm a little mouse!
- I'm a frog frog! Who are you?
- And I’m a hare - a dodger on the mountain!
- Come live with us!
- Okay, I'll come.

The hare jumped into the tower. They began to live and live together and sing songs:
- Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!
- Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

In a clearing among the grass
We see the little house.
Teremok, like a teremok!
He is neither short nor tall!
Painted shutters,
And the rooms are empty.
His door is not locked
There are no owners in the mansion.
Listen, friends,
Someone is rushing here to join us.
A mouse ran past
I saw Teremochek,
She ran up, knocked,
Yes, she called out to the owners:

“Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?

No answer. Silence.

“I’ll look in the windows.
The little house is empty!
From now on he will be mine!

The mouse ran into the mansion
And she began to manage there.
There is a tower - a tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
Someone is jumping towards us, in a hurry,
Kva-kva-kva says to everyone.
Who is this?

The frog has a green belly!

I saw a tower
Jumped as fast as she could:

“Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

“I’m a little mouse, and who are you?”

“I am a frog - a frog,
Let him live with you."

“Well, come in, it’s more fun together.”
You can’t live in the forest without friends!”

There is a tower - a tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
We hear the jump and jump again.
Who is so used to jumping?

This is a gray bunny
Bunny - jumping!

He saw the tower
Immediately there was a knock on the door:

“Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

“I am a little mouse.”

“I am a frog, a frog, and who are you?”

“I am a gray bunny, a bouncing bunny.
You will let me live,
I want to be friends with you."

"Come and see us soon,
We are always glad to have friends!”

There is a tower - a tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
Someone is rushing towards us again,
Runs through the clearing.
Careful and easy
The steps of this beast.
Red fur, fluffy tail,
This beast is not easy at all.
Who is this?

Fox, sister to all animals.

I saw Teremochek,
She knocked delicately:

“Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

“I am a little mouse.”

"I am a frog - a frog."

“I’m a bouncing bunny, and who are you?”

“And I, friends, am a fox -
Sister to all animals.
You will let me live,
I want to be friends with you."

"Come and see us soon,
We are always glad to have friends!”

There is a tower - a tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
Someone is rushing to us again,
He runs through the clearing,
Doesn't run, but prowls,
Looks like he's looking for something
Gray and shaggy.
Who is this guys?

The gray wolf clicks his teeth.

He saw the tower
He ran up and knocked:

“Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

“I am a little mouse.”

"I am a frog - a frog."

“I’m a bouncing bunny.”

“I am a fox-sister. Who are you?

“And I’m a wolf—clicking my teeth.
You will let me live,
I want to be friends with you."

"Come and see us soon,
We are always glad to have friends!”

There is a tower - a tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
Someone is rushing here again,
He walks, doesn't run,
Clubfoot and big.
Can you guess who he is?

This is a target - a bear,
Maybe roar loudest.

He saw the teremok
And he walked slowly,
He knocked on the door with his paw,
In a loud voice he said:

“Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?

“I am a little mouse.”

"I am a frog - a frog."

“I’m a bouncing bunny.

“I am a fox-sister.”

“I’m a wolf—click my teeth. And who are you?”

“And I’m a target - a bear,
I can roar the loudest.
I can't joke
I want to live in a mansion.”

“You won’t fit here.”

The fox spoke quietly.

Animals in chorus:
“You won’t fit into the tower!”

“I can climb on it!”

And the bear climbed onto the roof
Yes, it was too heavy.
Our tower began to crackle,
He staggered and fell.
Our animals have fled,
It's a pity we were left without a house.