How to make an inscription on metal with your own hands? Electrochemical engraving. Do-it-yourself metal engraving at home - instructions and video

Lettering on metal is a great way to make a unique gift or mark a valuable item. There are not many ways to make a clear and indelible inscription or design. One of them is electrochemical engraving...

There are several ways to apply inscriptions or drawings to metal:

  • paint applied by hand or stencil. The easiest way available to everyone. The main disadvantage is that even after complete drying, the paint can be easily removed with a solvent or mechanically. Therefore, only a temporary inscription can be applied with paint.
  • mechanical engraving. Engraving requires an engraver and a suitable cutter. The main disadvantage is that working as an engraver requires sufficient skill and a steady hand. It is difficult for a beginner to draw a clear, even line even according to the markings. You can take it to an engraver’s workshop, it’s not very expensive. But they are unlikely to bother with anything more complicated than standard inscriptions, and it’s much more pleasant to do it yourself
  • laser engraving . Allows you to apply any drawings and inscriptions with the smallest details and halftones. Requires expensive equipment, only available in the workshop
  • electrochemical engraving. The method is relatively simple and fast. When working from a template, you don’t even need artistic skills

Electrochemical engraving - what will you need?

Electrochemical engraving of metal using a stencil is done using laser-iron technology, which is well known to radio amateurs. You can also make a stencil by hand if your artistic skills allow it.

To engrave metal you will need simple and affordable materials and equipment:

    • DC source 5-15 volts, capable of providing a current of at least 0.5 amperes (electronic equipment power supply, charger from cell phone, battery from a car or power tool)
    • wires (it’s convenient if they come with clamps)
    • packing or stationery tape
    • thin glossy paper or backing from self-adhesive film
    • plasticine of any color
    • cotton pads or cotton gauze swabs
    • saline solution (2 teaspoons of table salt per glass of water)
    • clear nail polish

Electrochemical engraving - process description

As an example, consider applying a personal mark to a knife blade. In principle, inscriptions and drawings can be applied to any more or less smooth, preferably polished, metal objects. It’s okay if the surface is slightly convex or concave. Objects with an embossed or otherwise textured surface are completely unsuitable for electrochemical stencil engraving.

The inscription or drawing that needs to be applied to the metal is prepared in any graphics or text editor that allows you to print the result. Please note that the final result needs mirror convert to get the correct image later.

The image is printed on laser printer. An inkjet printer is completely unsuitable for the laser-iron method.

Thin glossy paper (paper from various cosmetics catalogs works well) can simply be inserted into the printer; the typographic designs and text on the sheet do not matter. You can also immediately print on the glossy side of the backing from the self-adhesive film. In the printer settings, you need to cancel the toner saving mode (if it is enabled) and set the maximum brightness (“blackness”) of the image.

Unfortunately, I was only able to get a small piece of the film backing that the printer couldn't grab. Therefore, I had to attach this piece to a regular sheet of office paper with scraps of the same film.

My printer successfully chewed this sandwich and even printed everything successfully, but I don’t recommend repeating the experiment. It felt like a little more and the film would have melted and remained inside the printer.

After printing, the inscription is carefully cut out. In this case, under no circumstances you can't touch the drawing fingers, it is better to wear cotton gloves.

The metal surface of the object (knife) is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and degreased with alcohol or acetone. After this, the work area is also can't touch with fingers.

The stencil is applied to the desired location. If there is any doubt that you can keep it from moving on a hot knife, prepare tweezers or something similar.

Now the stencil along with the knife is well heated with an iron. The temperature and heating time strongly depend on the properties of the specific toner and the object on which the inscription is applied, so you will have to select it experimentally. You can start with maximum temperature and 1-2 minutes.

If the surface is not completely flat, then after heating with an iron, you can walk with a cotton pad or a cotton-gauze swab, pressing the stencil onto the metal surface over the entire area. During the whole process cannot be moved stencil on a knife!

After cooling, the paper can be removed. The backing from the self-adhesive film comes off without any problems, but you just need to soak the glossy paper for a few minutes in warm water.

Now you need to evaluate the quality of the resulting drawing. If some places did not transfer to metal, then the heating temperature or pressure was insufficient. Too high a temperature will cause the fine lines of toner to blur and become less clear. In case of major defects, the pattern is washed off with acetone and the operation is repeated.

Small flaws can be corrected - the missing parts can be filled in with nail polish, and blurred lines can be corrected with a scalpel or razor. It is also advisable to cover large areas of the design covered with toner with nail polish - pores in the toner that are invisible to the eye can ruin the entire effect. There is no need to rush here; the finished engraving cannot be corrected.

If you have artistic abilities, you can do without toner altogether. To do this, the entire surface of the metal is coated with varnish and an inscription or design is applied, removing the varnish in the right places with a suitable tool.

If everything is in order, then you can start etching. To do this, you should arrange a small side of plasticine around the drawing. To be safe, I covered the adjacent areas of the knife blade with tape so as not to accidentally damage it.

A saline solution is poured into the resulting pool. The positive terminal of the current source is connected to the knife, and the negative terminal is simply lowered into the solution so as not to touch the surface of the knife.

Carefully! If the wire touches a metal surface, a short circuit will occur! If the current source is powerful (battery), strong sparking, splashing of the solution, heating and ignition of the wires are possible.

To prevent a short circuit, it is better to wrap the negative wire with cotton wool, thoroughly soaking it in a saline solution.

The engraving time depends on the power of the current source. If the solution turns black and foams, then everything is in order. After 20-30 seconds, you need to drain the solution and evaluate the result. If necessary, a fresh saline solution is poured into the bath and the process continues. Etching for too long will cause the drawing to lose clarity, and closely spaced lines may merge.

If the result is satisfactory, then the tape and plasticine are removed, and the toner is removed with acetone. The result of the work is visible in the photograph. It all took about an hour.

When applying the stencil, I cheated a little and did not varnish the design, for which I paid - in some places the solution penetrated under the toner and etched areas that should not have been etched.

Working as an engraver is a fascinating procedure with which you can create various patterns and inscriptions on the surface of the workpiece, grind and polish small parts, and also solve a whole list of other tasks. In order for the results of working as an engraver, which can be a standard drill, to be of high quality, it is necessary not only to understand why it is needed, but also to know all the nuances of using such equipment.

The engraver allows you to work not only with wood, but also with other materials

Equipment selection

When choosing an engraver or drill, you must decide for what work such a device will be used, as well as what materials will be processed with its help. Knowing this, choose an engraving machine for working on metal and other materials or a drill for wood carving (even taking into account the huge variety of similar devices presented on modern market) you can do it without any problems.

Most significant characteristics The engravers you should focus on are:

  • the power of the drive electric motor, which determines the ability of the equipment to operate under significant mechanical loads for a long time and process various materials;
  • the number of revolutions developed by the working body in which the engraving tool is fixed.

Nowadays, there is plenty to choose from; each manufacturer produces several models of engravers that differ in both price and functionality.

Very often, those who are going to purchase an engraver for their professional activities or for work at home have to make a choice between the two characteristics mentioned above. No matter how much you want, it is effective to combine high power and turnover is not capable of any modern engraving device from among the serial models. That is why specialists who often have to use an engraver immediately purchase both powerful and resourceful models. The best choice in such cases would be:

  • powerful engraver, the working tip of which has a reinforced design;
  • compact and lightweight micromotor capable of operating at high speeds.

For heavy work, a tool with an additional handle will be convenient, and fine engraving is best done with a compact device

For not too complex work With an engraver, you can make such a device yourself at home, giving it exactly the functionality and characteristics that are needed. There is a wide variety of designs of homemade engravers and videos about their manufacture, so choosing an acceptable option is not difficult. For example, you can make an engraver that will be driven by an electric motor from old household appliances. However, to make it convenient to work with, a homemade engraving machine must be equipped with a flexible drive and a special attachment in which the tool used will be fixed.

Using a homemade engraver at home, you can not only apply inscriptions and patterns to the product, but also perform various types of processing of parts made of metal, plastic and bone. Wood carving with a handmade engraver is also possible. Depending on the working tool installed in the attachment of such a device, it can be used as a mini-drill, a small router, a compact grinder and polisher.

To choose a serial model of an engraver that will effectively cope with all assigned tasks, you should focus not only on the rating of such equipment among specialists, but also on its characteristics and functionality.

Serial models of engravers

Serial models of engravers, which are equally successfully used both at home and in the professional sphere, can be divided into the following categories.

Technical drills

These are powerful sleeveless devices with which you can successfully perform various technological operations, namely: drilling, grinding, milling, etc. Such units, operating at low speeds, are equipped with a convenient foot pedal and can be used in conjunction with both collet and quick-release chucks.

The power of technical drills allows them to be used for various operations with the help of additional attachments and accessories

Micromotors without flexible drive (sleeves)

The compact drive motor that is equipped with this type of engraver is mounted at the rear of the working attachment. Such small and high-speed engravers, not intended for heavy loads, are used primarily for the most delicate work. At the same time, the micromotor with which these engravers are equipped cannot be repaired; it can only be replaced with a new one. That is why it is advisable to use these devices for not too complex work, without subjecting it to significant loads.

Engravers or drills with flexible shaft

These drills are very convenient to use for engraving and fine carving. However, it should be borne in mind that the flexible shaft with which they are equipped reduces their power by almost half.

How to work as an engraver

To make the work performed by the engraver more comfortable and efficient, certain rules should be followed.

Preparation of the workplace

The working surface on which engraving is carried out with a drill must be well lit, so it must be equipped with a powerful lamp that allows you to easily examine in great detail all the elements being processed. If a paper template is used for engraving, you will need masking tape, with which the template is fixed to the surface to be processed. Sometimes a sketch of a drawing or inscription that needs to be engraved is applied to the product being processed with a regular felt-tip pen or pencil. The surface must be degreased with alcohol.

Tool preparation

To perform engraving, various tools are used that are installed in the engraver. Everyone does them certain functions. Thus, a tool with a cone-shaped working part is needed to apply the outline of a design, and a cylindrical bur is needed to create small strokes. Before starting work, all tools should be laid out on the workbench in the exact order in which they will be used.

Carrying out engraving

The hand holding the engraver's working attachment should slide freely over the surface being processed; for this, it is recommended to wear a fabric glove. Such a glove will also allow you not to leave hand marks on the grease-free surface of the workpiece. If you do not yet have experience in engraving, it is better to carry out the work at minimum speed. This will allow you to cut an even pattern consisting of strokes of the same depth, without damaging the workpiece.

All engraving methods assume that the outline of the design is first made, and only then its details are “drawn” with the appropriate tool. The made drawing should be processed with a felt roller, which will give it a more neat appearance and remove all burrs left by the tool from the treated surface.

If the design of the engraver or drill you are using does not provide a forced ventilation system, then after 10–15 minutes of operation you should turn off the equipment and allow it to cool naturally.

Thousands of years ago, humanity mastered the method of drawing on metal. The method was based on removing the top layer of the surface of a substance using improvised methods. With the appearance of metal in human everyday life, the need arose to master a new craft - engraving.

The latest equipment and process allow you to create beautiful, unique things. The machine method involves working in automatic mode, which significantly saves time. For homey look works, it is enough to master the methods of artistic work. The transfer of the design can be done with a laser or a special machine.

Main types of metal engraving

The craft called engraving appeared many centuries ago. Items and decorations, custom engravings are passed down through generations. Engraving on metal allows you to give the product an individual look and uniqueness. In practice, there are several types of engraving.

Hand engraving appeared very first and is in demand when performing jewelry decoration to this day. It is almost impossible to machine parts with an uneven surface. Inscriptions on rings and other jewelry are mostly done by hand. The tool for the work is a gravel, a small chisel with a pointed end. Hand engraving makes it look nice and adds value. Cons this method It is worth noting the high price, the work requires the necessary professional skills and craftsmanship.

With the mechanical method, a special machine is used, a special milling tool is used, which removes part of the top layer from the surface of the product. Simple work, as well as its low cost, made this method almost the most common. The surface of the product must be as smooth as possible and correspond to the dimensions of the equipment frame. High-strength materials are processed with diamond-coated tools.

Laser engraving on metal is a newer way to process products. The speed of work and the availability of technology have made the method the most used type. The product takes on the required design or inscription by burning it with laser engraving .

This type has several disadvantages, one of them is that the inscription or design is quickly erased from the product. Laser engraving on jewelry looks aesthetically pleasing; the quality of the work depends on the tool and the skill of the craftsman.

General technology

Carrying out engraving processes involves many types of techniques. The main methods are manual and mechanical, the latter is divided into the categories of defensive and line.

  1. A three-dimensional design can be obtained by using defense engraving; deeper processing involves three-dimensional engraving.
  2. When performing surface actions, the line technique is used. The process is carried out in several steps, the lines of the processing contour are drawn, and part of the metal is removed from the surface using dashed movements.

Carrying out incisive engraving yourself is done with a graver. A special tool can be purchased at art stores. Accessories for the manual process are divided into types:

  • Messer - a graver is necessary for making fine lines.
  • Engraving providing parallel lines done by rep-stikhel.

Tools for metal engraving cannot be used without high-quality sharpening of the gravel. For high-quality work, you need to sharpen the tool with a fine-grained whetstone, and then wipe it with a leather cloth.

When working with small objects, you will need a special pillow. You can make this tool with your own hands; material of the same size is connected with a thread along the edges. It is necessary to leave an intermediate space for filling with bulk material or sand. The workpiece is turned inside out, sand is poured into the hole formed, after which the rest of the pillow is sewn up with a stitch.

Using the tool will require careful handling and preliminary skills. You need to use the tool like a regular pen when writing, holding the tool to the side with the thumb of your working hand.

Metal engraving is done by yourself; in cases where the direction of the design or inscription changes, the best option is to turn the pillow in the desired directions.

It is possible to apply a design to metal using laser engraving. Unique product Can be used as a gift or signature accessories. Changes in design and inscriptions on metal products are available using technology such as laser engraving.

The drawing is applied in color using a glass-graph, made in the form of a pencil or ink. After engraving, the surface is treated with colorless varnish to preserve the result as long as possible. A clear pattern can be obtained using oil-based paints; before application, the surface is scratched and treated with paint.

Blackening can be achieved without the use of special equipment. Mixed substances of potassium carbonate and sulfur are used, the proportions are one to two. It is necessary to place the mixture of materials on low heat in a convenient container, the process must be closely monitored and the composition must be mixed. After the composition has blackened, the fire is turned off and the mixture is ground in a mortar. The blackening process occurs in several steps:

  • The composition is mixed with water in a ratio of one to 9.
  • An object prepared for performing actions is lowered into a special container.
  • The part is heated until blackening occurs; the material must acquire the required shade.

Before applying the inscription, it is necessary to make a background; such cases do not require varnish treatment. Metal engraving can be done in different shades, just mix special substances. A solution of zinc chloride and copper sulfate will give the part a dark brown tint; mixing is done 1 to 1 with water. A grayish tint can be obtained from a mixture of 2 g. potash and sulfur, ordinary table salt to a liter of water. A solution of potassium sulphide in the ratio of grams to 250 grams. water will give the product a red tint.

After finishing the activity, the used varnish is removed. There is a technique of blackening, the process is not similar to blackening when engraving on metal. The process can only be carried out by mechanical means, execution is impossible from improvised objects.

Engraving methods at home

The metal engraving process is performed in several well-known ways. All possible options differ in the necessary tools and skills.

Laser engraving carried out on metal will require necessary equipment. With small volumes of activity, the cost of purchasing equipment can be considered unacceptable. Laser engraving allows you to display the smallest details during work, the design looks clear, without blots. This type is suitable for entrepreneurs whose craft is their main source of income.

Manual execution will require only a few tools and the presence of chemical compounds. High quality drawing can only be obtained if you have certain skills in this field. The tool for work must be perfectly sharpened and varied in order to perform the activity at a professional level.

Using a special device for applying drawings and inscriptions

Receiving a quality product at the end of the process is the main priority of any master. To do the work yourself, at home, the best option is to purchase a tool called an engraver. The presence of many accessories and devices expand the range of applications and make work convenient. Mechanical engraving is performed using technology.

  1. Before engraving, you need to prepare a pattern or drawing. You can mark the product with a thin marker or a sharpened pencil, or you can use carbon paper.
  2. The tool must be used in sufficient light, and work must be done in one direction to avoid chipping and burrs.
  3. At the end of the work with the metal, the area of ​​the work is covered with colorless varnish. To consolidate the result, it is possible to use wax, applied in a thin layer to the product.

The use of a hand engraver or machine drill must be done only with a special tool. The choice of attachments is so large that there is a possibility of mixing up the tool, which will ultimately lead to damage to the product.

Drawing a drawing using a handy set of materials

Various types of engraving at home can be performed using electrochemical action. To use, you will need a set of tools that everyone has at hand.

  1. The capacity corresponds to the full size of the product. The part must fit completely, the neck must be as wide as possible for convenient work. For small items, a cut glass is suitable; a glass jar remains the best option.
  2. Wires for connection with clamps. It is possible to use a household clothespin with foil clips, but it is better to use special “crocodiles”.
  3. Voltage source. Charging from a mobile phone with an output of more than 1 ampere is sufficient. Can be used charger for car batteries or household appliances with power up to 12 volts.
  4. Salt is used in the required concentration, approximately 2 teaspoons per 250 ml of water.
  5. Nail polish. In hardware stores there is a substitute - tsapon - varnish. The composition is identical and can also be easily wiped off with acetone or alcohol.

The process occurs by applying a design to the metal with a toothpick or needle. Afterwards a layer of varnish is applied to the surface. The positive wire of the power source is applied to the product, the negative wire is dropped into a glass of water with a metal object. The depth of metal etching depends on the process time. At the end of the etching process, the varnish layer is removed with acetone.

Engraving on a metal object with a drill

The tool works by removing a layer of metal from the surface of a product.

The price of a drill machine is steep, so for use several times, the purchase is not advisable.

To use this method you will need a set of different attachments. Making engraving with a machine will not take a lot of time in preparation and process. Before starting to work with metal, you should test the machine with ordinary metal, get used to the work, and fully study the design.

Metal engraving using various equipment

Humanity mastered the craft of metalworking more than five thousand years ago. Technologies that are improving every day make it possible to carry out work using various equipment.

Laser engraving is used in conjunction with a paste solution. The solution is applied to the material before the process, to the treated area. A laser burns out a design or inscription by changing the temperature and chemical process. The solution helps dissolve excess material. Laser engraving is used in various directions, but the price is very high due to the use of expensive equipment.

Diamond engraving is performed with a milling cutter with a special coating and design. The design involves tetrahedral recesses that shimmer when viewing the product from different angles.

Working with volumetric parts is possible on a milling machine. The equipment can be made at home, and can also be purchased in specialized stores. Material processing milling machine Used in mass production, suitable for souvenirs, key rings and other metal materials.

Engraving in production

The process is no different from working at home. Before proceeding, the object is polished and then degreased. Before preparing for the process, the product is tinted sulfur solution, which is distributed evenly over the part.

The drawing is traced using a metal needle on glued tracing paper. The drawing and shadows are done as realistically as possible to obtain a high-quality result.

After work, the drawing is covered with a protective layer of colorless varnish or wax. Then the product is wiped dry and polished to obtain shine.

Tools and materials

If you need high-quality engraving, you should contact the staff of a special workshop. High-quality equipment for metal engraving allows you to perform more accurate and beautiful work.

The level of training and experience of the master play an important role in the process and the final result.

Working with metal requires the following materials:

  • Product or piece of metal.
  • Surface protection varnish.
  • Production tracing paper.
  • An engraver is a tool with a metal bur.

How to choose equipment

Each type of equipment will make the process faster and better. Modern technologies allow you to write various patterns and highly complex inscriptions on metal.

For example, the use of special paste on CNC machines allows you to create patterns with different contrasts on metal. High-quality engraving tools will help you implement drawings and other ideas on metal.

To perform quality work, it is worth purchasing a professional hand engraving kit. A hand tool will allow you to get better at it and learn all the intricacies of the work. After receiving necessary practice and skills, it is possible to move on to more complex methods using specialized equipment.

Metal cutting is done only with high-quality tools. Equipment and accessories must be purchased from special stores with quality guarantee. Making a tool at home will require choosing reliable materials. The graver and engravers must be perfectly sharpened to achieve the desired end result. A dull tool can damage the product and injure the craftsman; when working with cutting surfaces, you should follow safety precautions.

In order to engrave metal with your own hands, there are enough methods and technologies. A large number of metals that are engraved make it possible to bring the most creative ideas to life.

Steel engraving technology

There are several types of steel processing, including mechanical and manual processing. Application technology is divided into defensive and line technology. The main tool for metal stamping is a gravel. It can be purchased at a hardware store or made at home.

In any case, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the cutting element and sharpening it. Engraving technology occurs by removing the top layer of metal away from you.

Features of engraving on wedding rings

Since ancient times, a distinctive feature wedding rings is engraving. The approach to the inscription or drawing occurs individually, according to the customer’s preferences. The most common methods are the recessed or grooved method. The most common work is done by hand on jewelry. Jewelers offer many options for writing text, as well as display methods. The complexity of the work is assessed individually with each customer.

Laser engraving is also a common method. Burnt out by the beam top layer metal, sealed with varnish. It is important to remember that sizing is already finished product practically impossible, it is necessary to determine in advance the size and type of product

Applying a pattern to various objects by removing a substance from its surface has been known to mankind for many millennia.

With the advent of new materials, the need arose to develop working methods that allow engraving on objects that are much harder than wood and stone. New technologies make it possible to fully automate the engraving process when applying a design to a metal surface, but for a home craftsman, the most suitable option is to master the manual method of applying a design.

Do-it-yourself metal engraving is possible at home, if you have the tools and a suitable room to perform this type of work.

For manual engraving at home, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Stichel.
  • Metal blank.
  • A vice or similar device for holding a workpiece stationary.

The blank for applying the pattern can be used from any metal, but for beginning craftsmen it is better to use aluminum or copper.

The graver is a rod up to 120 mm long. One end of this tool is cut at an angle and sharpened, the other is installed in a handle made of wood or plastic.

The graver can be of different shapes and also differ in the width of the working surface. In the absence of this instrument you can make it yourself if you have suitable materials for this purpose.

Making your own gravel

To make a gravel, it is necessary to use tool steel. The metal used in springs and ball bearings is excellent for this purpose. To make a cutting surface, you can use old files and needle files, as well as various cutters that need to be cut into thin strips.

The ideal material for making an engraving pen is P18 steel. From old circular saw wheels you can make large number blanks for the production of gravers at home. Next, the working part of the workpiece is sharpened at an angle that will make it possible to make a notch of a certain width on the metal surface.

The handle of the gravel is made of hardwood, and should be of such a width that the master can comfortably hold the tool in his hand. The recommended length of this part of the gravel is usually 50 mm.

A mushroom-shaped handle is the most suitable for making this tool, but you can experiment and make several different options, and in the process choose the most suitable option.

Preparation of the workpiece

First of all, you should select a blank on which the drawing will be displayed. The selected product must be free of rust and chips. To prepare the surface you will need:

  • Sandpaper P400.
  • GOI paste No. 1 or No. 2

First, the workpiece is polished using sandpaper. Then final polishing is carried out using GOI paste.

To avoid damage to the surface, when polishing with GOI paste, it is recommended to use this product only No. 1 or No. 2.

You should also do the following before finishing polishing with this product:

  1. Prepare a flannel cloth and moisten it with white spirit
  2. Pour GOI paste onto a dampened cloth.
  3. Wipe the unwanted area of ​​metal with a cloth to remove large pieces that could scratch the surface.

After such preparation, the workpiece is polished using uniform circular movements. After completing the polishing activities, the metal object must be rinsed in kerosene and dried at room temperature.

The process of engraving on metal

If you are engraving a metal surface for the first time, then before you start applying the main design, it is recommended to practice on an unnecessary piece of metal.

The ideal option for such training is to use a copper plate. A piece of copper should be securely fixed to a wooden board using self-tapping screws with wide heads. When the workpiece is secured, the board is laid on the table, additional lighting is turned on if necessary, the cutting tool is clamped in the right hand, and an even notch is made on the metal surface.

To prevent your hand from slipping when making a straight line, place the thumbs of your left and right fingers on the surface of the metal plate. right hand must be connected and touch the plate where the design is made. Index finger the right hand, at this time, rests on the cutter of the tool, and completely controls the process of drawing lines. It is recommended to first make several straight parallel stripes on the workpiece. When the smooth areas look good, you can move on to making semicircular lines.

When your hand is already a little full, you can begin to engrave the design on the workpiece. To carry out this work, the metal object must also be securely fixed. For this purpose, a device similar to the self-tapping locking mechanism described above should be made.

To engrave simple figures, initials and other simple images, you can begin immediately after securing the metal object. If you need to make a complex drawing, it is recommended to first transfer the image to the workpiece.

Transferring a complex image to metal

The original method of transferring an image to a metal base is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Varnish is applied to the surface of the metal being processed.
  2. Using a soft graphite pencil, an image is drawn on a polyester film that will be engraved on the workpiece.
  3. The drawing is covered with tape, pressed over the entire area to the film and carefully removed from it. In this case, the image drawn earlier will remain on the sticky surface of the tape.
  4. When the varnish dries, the tape is attached to the metal surface, smoothed with a roller or other soft object, and then removed.

After correct execution After completing the described actions, a drawing will remain on the product, which can be used for engraving.

Other engraving methods

In addition to the manual engraving method at home, the following methods can be used to change the relief of a metal surface:

  1. Chemical engraving is a method that can be easily done at home, even with regular table salt and a phone charger.
  2. Using a drill is a great method for home use. The principle of metal removal by this method is similar to manual engraving, but instead of a burr, a drill or similar device with a rotating thin blade is used.
  3. - is the most advanced way of applying a pattern to a metal surface, but equipment for this type of work will be too expensive. The use of this engraving method is justified only when the hobby of drawing designs on metal becomes a profession and brings in a permanent income.


How to make engraving on metal and which method to master to perform this type of work, everyone must decide for themselves. To begin with, it is recommended to purchase a professional tool for self made. After working with hand tools for some time, you can move on to mastering the equipment, which will significantly speed up the engraving process.