Fairy tale of the fox and the brown bear. “The Fox and the Bear” - a fairy tale and its features

Fox and bear

Once upon a time there lived a bear and a fox. The bear had a tub of honey stored in the attic of his hut.
Lisa found out about it. How can she get to the honey? The fox ran to the bear and sat under the window:
- Godfather, you don’t know my bitterness!
- What is your bitterness, godfather?
“My hut is thin, the corners have caved in, I didn’t even light the stove.” Let me spend the night with you.
- Go, godfather, spend the night.
So they went to sleep on the stove. The fox lies and wags its tail. How can she get to the honey? The bear fell asleep, and the fox tapped his tail. The bear asks:
- Kuma, who's knocking there?
- And they came for me, my neighbor’s son was born.
- So go, godfather.
The fox has left. And she climbed into the attic and started a bowl of honey. She ate, came back and lay down again.
“Kuma, and godmother,” asks the bear, “what was her name?”
- Fix it.
- This is a good name.
The next night they went to bed, the fox tapped his tail.
- Godfather, godfather, my name is again.
- So go, godfather.
The fox climbed into the attic and ate half of the honey. She returned again and lay down.
- Kuma, and godmother, what was your name?
- Half.
- This is a good name.
On the third night the fox tap-tap with its tail.
- They're calling me again.
“Kuma, godmother,” says the honey, “don’t walk long, otherwise I want to bake pancakes.” - Well, I’ll turn around soon. And she herself went into the attic and finished the tub of honey, scraping it all out. She turned back, and the bear had already stood up.
Godmother, and godmother, what's up?
- Little by little. - This name is even better. Well, now let's bake pancakes. The bear baked pancakes, and the fox asked:
- Where is your honey, godfather?
- And in the attic. The bear climbed into the attic, but there was no honey in the tub - empty. - Who ate it? - asks. - It’s you, godfather, there’s no one else!
- No, godfather, I have never seen honey. Yes, you ate it yourself, and you’re talking about me!
The bear thought and thought...
“Well,” he says, “let’s torture who ate it.” Let's lie belly up in the sun. Whoever's honey is melted means he ate it.

They lay down in the sun. The bear fell asleep. But the fox can't sleep. Lo and behold, honey appeared on her stomach. She'd rather smear it on the bear's stomach.
- Godfather, godfather! What is this! That's who ate the honey! The bear - there is nothing to do - obeyed.

Russian folk tale retelling: Tolstoy A.

The Fox and the Bear is an instructive Russian folk tale about sly fox, who cleverly tricked the bear around her finger, and even made him feel guilty. The fairy tale The Fox and the Bear can be read online or downloaded in PDF and DOC format.
Summary of the fairy tale about the Fox and the bear begins with the fox moving to live with the bear, citing old age and loneliness. The hospitable bear agreed, fed and watered the fox to his fill, there was plenty of everything. But this was not enough for the fox’s nature, and she began to examine and sniff what he had where. The fox found a tub of honey in the hallway and lost sleep, thinking about how to enjoy it. One night the fox started tapping its tail and saying: Mishenka, someone is probably knocking on our door, they must have come for me for the medicine. Well, go ahead, I won’t even lock the door behind you. The fox, of course, didn’t go anywhere, climbed onto the shelf and started eating the honey, barely eating the entire top. She came and, as if nothing had happened, said to the bear: The neighbors called, their child fell ill. The fox walked like this two more times until he had eaten all the honey. And when the bear discovered that there was no honey, the fox pretended to know nothing, and even got offended by the bear, promising to find the thief. She came up with one trick: lie down in the sun and whoever melted the honey ate it. The bear agreed, lay down in the sun and fell asleep, and meanwhile the fox took out the remaining honey and smeared it on the bear’s belly. The bear woke up already guilty without guilt, you see, says the fox, the sun has drained the honey from you, don’t blame yourself on others! she waved her tail, and that was all anyone could see.
The meaning and moral of the fairy tale The Fox and the Bear is that before you let someone into your house, you need to think carefully, make inquiries about the person, and get at least some information about him. A random guest can take advantage of the owner’s trust and cordiality, damage his property, or even take possession of the home (very important in our time).
The heroes of the fairy tale are the fox and the bear, clear example many human vices. The fox is the personification of cunning, deceit, deceit, ingratitude, theft, theft, arrogance and the desire to make money at someone else's expense. Even when she is caught red-handed, she manages to get out of it and blame it on the owner himself. The bear personifies a person who is overly trusting, naive, stupid, and weak-willed. Despite all his menacingness and strength, the fox easily manages to fool him without using any special forces.
Read the fairy tale The Fox and the Bear Suitable for children of any age, it is light, funny with an interesting plot and ending. The fairy tale teaches children to be careful when choosing friends and not to act as the fox treated the bear. After all, if they did good to you, you should repay with gratitude. While reading a fairy tale, you can discuss with your child the heroes of the fairy tale and their actions, discuss who, in their opinion, is a positive hero and who is a negative one? And why?
The fairy tale The Fox and the Bear is a clear example of such folk proverbs How: The fox will guide seven wolves, the fox will cover everything with its tail, the fox won’t let itself be caught twice, the fox lives more satisfying than the wolf, the fox even has ears on the top of its head in dreams, where the fox passes, the chickens won’t lay eggs. Proverbs suitable for the situation of a bear: Trust, but verify, Good is not sought from goodness, Trusting a herd to a wolf will be of no use, Trusting is good, trusting too much is dangerous, Do not rely on the ice and do not trust the enemy, Guilty without guilt, Sometimes the guilty are right , Get out of your sore head and onto a healthy one.

About the fairy tale

Fairy tale "The Bear and the Fox"

Russian folk tale is a source of wisdom that has accumulated over centuries. This wisdom is embedded in the text of the fairy tale in an unobtrusive, light form, so that its hidden meaning and basic moral are clear small child. A parent, reading a fairy tale to his child, teaches him the basic norms of life and gives him an idea of ​​what is “good” and what is “bad.” Despite the fact that quite a lot of books for children are now being written and published, it is the Russian folk tale that parents continue to choose as their child’s first introduction to a book.

Among the wide variety of Russian folk tales, the most common are tales about animals. In these fairy tales, animals act as symbols of human characters, and their actions express any human vices or virtues. The fairy tale “The Bear and the Fox” is no exception (check out full text you can by scrolling down the page).

Characters and summary of the book

The main characters, the fox and the bear, have the usual “roles” in the fairy tale: the fox is a cunning trickster, the bear is a gullible and unintelligent hulk. The fairy tale begins with a traditional folklore beginning - “once upon a time...”, which sets the mood for the entire fairy tale, allows the reader to choose the right intonation, and helps the listener to concentrate on perceiving the instructive story. The main content of the text is simple: the fox, having learned that the bear kept a supply of honey in the attic, asked to visit him. The hospitable bear, without suspecting a trick, allowed the cheat into his home. The fox gradually, over three nights, under the pretext of going on a visit, ate all the honey. After the loss was discovered, the bear offered the fox a way to find out the culprit - lie in the sun and wait for the honey to melt out of him. By deception (she coated the bear with honey while he was sleeping), the fox made the simple-minded bear believe that he himself had eaten it. As a result, the fox’s vile act went unpunished. The bear's hospitality and kindness were punished, but the fox's trickery and cunning were not revealed.

The main idea of ​​the tale and moral

The main thing this fairy tale teaches is that kindness should also be reasonable, a vile person remains a scoundrel to the end, no matter how much good is done to him, he still cannot improve. Therefore, before you commit any action, even a good one, you need to be aware of the consequences it will lead to. After all, the fact that the fox remained unpunished only convinced her that she was right and did not teach her anything. Consequently, the bear, with his generosity and kindness, only reinforced the negative aspects in her.

The tale does not have a clearly formulated unambiguous instructive ending. The reader is given the opportunity to decide for himself who is right and who is wrong. It is possible to feel sorry for the bear for his innocence or, on the contrary, to condemn his stupidity and short-sightedness. The right to choose in this case remains with the child, which is an excellent educational tactic. Reading, as well as discussing this far from unambiguous fairy tale, will allow the child to understand that life is not always fair, sometimes evil goes unpunished.

Read the Russian folk tale “The Bear and the Fox” on our website online, free of charge and without registration.

Once upon a time there lived a bear and a fox.

The bear had a tub of honey stored in the attic of the hut.

The fox found out about this and began to think about how she could get to the honey.

The fox ran to the bear and sat under the window:

Godfather, you don’t know my bitterness!

What, godfather, is your bitterness?

My hut is thin, the corners are caved in, I didn’t even light the stove. Let me spend the night with you.

Go and spend the night, godfather.

So they went to sleep on the stove. The fox lies and wags its tail. How can she get to honey?

The bear fell asleep, and the fox tapped his tail.

The bear asks:

Kuma, who's knocking there?

And they came for me, they called me back.

So go, godfather.

The fox has left. And she climbed into the attic and began to eat honey from the tub. She ate, came back and lay down again.

Kuma, and godmother,” asks the bear, “what was your name?”

Fix it.

This is a good name.

The next night they went to bed, the fox tapped his tail:

Godfather, godfather, they’re calling me again.

So go, godfather.

The fox climbed into the attic and ate half of the honey. She returned again and lay down.


This is a good name.

On the third night the fox tap-tap with his tail:

They call me back again.

Godfather, godmother,” says the bear, “don’t walk long, otherwise I want to bake pancakes.”

Well, I'll be back soon.

And she herself went into the attic and finished the honey in the tub, scraping it all out. She turned back, and the bear had already stood up.

Kuma, and godmother, what did they call you?


This name is even better. Well, now let's bake pancakes.

The bear baked pancakes, and the fox asked:

Where is your honey, godfather?

And in the attic.

The bear climbed into the attic, but there was no honey in the tub - it was empty.

Who ate it? - asks. - It’s you, godfather, there’s no one else!

No, godfather, I have never seen honey. Yes, you ate it yourself, and you’re talking about me!

The bear thought and thought...

Well,” he says, “let’s torture who ate it.” Let's lie belly up in the sun. Whoever's honey is melted means he ate it.

They lay down in the sun. The bear fell asleep. But the fox can't sleep. Lo and behold, honey appeared on her stomach. She quickly began to smear it on the bear's stomach.

Godfather, godfather! What is this? That's who ate the honey!

The bear - there is nothing to do - obeyed...

M. Suponin


(How the Fox deceived the Bear)

Play-game for children in 2 acts




(Bear's house and Fox's house. The houses are “open” - we see them
interior decoration. The Bear's room is empty, and the Fox is at home,
lies on the bed.)

FOX. Should I get up or maybe get some more sleep? (singing)

Walk around the forests

Deciduous, coniferous,

The fox is more cunning than all animals,

How nimble!

(gets up, looks out the window) And there comes the Bear. Stomping... Chevoy is carrying something.

(Bear comes out with a bucket. Sits on the bench.)

BEAR. Here you go. I think I've done half the work. (bends his fingers) I chopped some wood.

FOX. He chopped the wood.

BEAR. He applied water.

FOX. He applied water. Clubfoot.

BEAR. He heated the stove.

FOX. He heated the stove. Thick-fisted.

BEAR. Kneaded the dough.

FOX. Knead the sludge. Grey-legged.

BEAR. Now this is it. I’ll put it in the shade for now, cover it with a cloth (covers the bucket).

FOX. What does he have there? Aren't they berries?

BEAR. How to arrange...

FOX. So what is it? I can’t see it (leaves the house, goes to the fence).

FOX. (rises above the fence) The whole view is blocked, thick-fisted guy.

BEAR. We need to think about it.

FOX. (climbs higher) There is no panorama.

BEAR. Or maybe eat it like that?

FOX. Ooh, the bear is immense! (falls to the ground with a crash.)

BEAR. (surprised) Look, the Fox fell.

BEAR. Hello, godfather.

FOX. I was walking past, let me, I think, pop in to see my neighbor.

BEAR. If you had walked through the gate, then you wouldn’t have killed yourself.

FOX. I was in a hurry, I really missed you.

BEAR. Please, Lisa Patrikeevna, come in and sit down.

FOX. And you are all in toil, all in trouble.

BEAR. Why, godfather, it’s necessary.

FOX. How economical you are with us. Tea and chopped wood?

BEAR. Pinned.

FOX. And did you apply water?

BEAR. I did.

FOX. (reaches for the Bear - look at the bucket) And the stove... (almost falls) Oh!

And kneaded the oven and heated the dough?

BEAR. How, how? Did you knead the oven? Did you bake the dough? Ha ha ha! Well said, Lisa

Patrikeevna! Funny joke!

FOX. Okay, okay. Enough is enough. And with that... (nods towards the bucket) he turned around.

BEAR. The oven, he says, is kneaded! I melted the dough! That's funny humor!

FOX. (dissatisfied) Well, it will be, Mikhail Potapovich. Here, I say, and this -

(nods at the bucket) I made it.

BEAR. (wipes away tears) I made it, godfather, I made it. It's also necessary.

FOX. What do you need?

BEAR. I think so myself.

FOX. And you… make some jam.

BEAR. Wa-arenye? (grabs his stomach) Oh, I can’t! Oops, I was joking again!

Ha ha ha!

FOX. Why are you laughing?

BEAR. Yes, of course! (takes a fish out of a bucket) Va-arenye!

FOX. You're kind of frivolous, godfather.

BEAR. After all, you, godfather, are the first... You are funny!

FOX. "Veseluha"! I didn’t say jam, but jerky. Deaf grouse.

BEAR. How, how?

FOX. Jerky. You don’t boil or fry this fish, but wither it.

BEAR. Wither?

FOX. Certainly. Hang it up and go, and it will dry itself.

BEAR. And that's right. I will do so. Let it come to readiness on its own.

FOX. Well, I went, sat for a while, had some tea.

BEAR. Thank you, godfather, for giving me the idea. Take some fish.

FOX. Thank you, godfather, no need.

BEAR. Help yourself, Lisa Patrikeevna, I have a lot of it, take as much as you want.

FOX. I won’t take it, godfather, don’t beg.

BEAR. What's so? Good fish, fresh.

FOX. I don't eat it. Not the right diet for me.

BEAR. Why?

FOX. Because my taste is gourmet, to put it scientifically.

BEAR. Stupid?

FOX. Gourmet. This means he is picky.

BEAR. What a scientist you are, godfather. You know all sorts of words.

FOX. This comes from my mentality.

BEAR. It's necessary. Otherwise...

FOX. And don’t beg me, I can’t even think about her. Well, I'm off (leaves).

BEAR. Thank you, godfather, for the advice. (hangs the fish) The godfather is a smart one.

It's a shame he doesn't eat fish.

What does it mean – the taste is picky. No match for me... Well, I hung it up. Now it's time to go to the forest

(takes the basket and leaves).

(The fox looks out the window.)

FOX. Gone, thick-fisted? (approaches the fence) Look, I'm hung up. (climbs over)

Good fish, fresh!

(takes off the fish) Now it’s wilting - in my stomach.

(Returns home and starts eating fish.)

That's it, stupid Bear, you caught it, and I'll feast on it, (sings)

Their-their-their-them, I don’t get up before dawn!

I don’t get up before dawn, but I eat my fill!

(Bear returns.)

BEAR. Well, I got it... And where is my fish? Where did she go?

I hung it here. No... Here's one for you. What a pity.

(to the audience) Guys, haven’t you seen it?

(Children answer.)

Fox? Can't be.

(Children confirm.)

Yes, she doesn't eat fish. He can't even think about her. It's probably someone else.

(Children say FOX.)

Why should she drag fish when I gave it to her myself? You must have made a mistake.

(The children say no.)
Are you sure you saw it?
(Children say they saw it.)

Well, I’ll go and ask myself (goes to the Fox’s house) Cough, cough... How inconvenient...

(he hesitates, knocks quietly) Lisa Patrikeevna!

(Lisa does not answer.)

(knocks louder) Kuma Fox!

FOX. (angrily) Well, what is it! Who's there?

BEAR. It's me…

FOX. Who am I? The head is not its own...

BEAR. Michal Potapych, your neighbor...

FOX. What do you want?

BEAR. Come out for a minute.

FOX. No peace, no rest (it turns out). What do you need?

BEAR. So, this is... how to say...

FOX. Tell me, why are you trampling around, I don’t have time to sharpen my lasses here with you.

BEAR. So... You didn’t see who my fish was, that... where did it go?

FOX. Who got dressed?

BEAR. Didn't get dressed. Where did it go? Fish?

FOX. What kind of fish is this?

BEAR. The one I hung up should be dried. You yourself still thought it up.

BEAR. You.

FOX. I don't remember such a circumstance. I can't know.

BEAR. (guilty) Maybe I saw...

FOX. I have nothing to do but look after your fish. Didn't get hired.

BEAR. That's bad luck... Where is my fish...

FOX. The dogs ate it! (slams the door).

BEAR. Dogs... There have never been any dogs here. What a parable...

(sits on a bench, gets up, sits down again. He goes to the Fox House, stands

Under the door, coming back. The children say - Fox, Fox took it! - and he

He spreads his arms, scratches the back of his head... Lisa, meanwhile, plays the balalaika.)

FOX. Bloomed in the meadow

Honey flowers.

Whom do you want to deceive?

I'm the poor fox!

BEAR. Okay... why... let it be... What fell from the cart... (goes into the house)

Let's eat some raspberries instead.

FOX. What-what-what? What did he say? Raspberries?

(The bear sits down at the table. The fox approaches his window.)

BEAR. Ripe, fragrant.

FOX. 0x, now he will eat everything, the insatiable womb eats everything. It is forbidden

Let this happen! (knocking) Knock-knock-knock!

BEAR. Who's there?

FOX. (sweetly) It’s me, godfather, your neighbor.

BEAR. (surprised) Are you godfather?

FOX. Me, godfather, me. They don't talk across the threshold.

BEAR. Come in...What do you want?

FOX. I came to see you.

BEAR. Yes, we've seen each other.

FOX. And every minute I worry about you, I think: everything is in the works Mikhail

Potapovich, everyone is in trouble, he works hard all day, his back is oppressed, maybe with something

Help him, maybe give him some advice (looks at the basket).

BEAR. Of course, thank you. (silent.)

FOX. (completely indifferent) Have you picked raspberries?

BEAR. I collected several... Gifts of nature, so to speak... Help yourself (pushes the basket towards the Fox)

FOX. No, no, I don’t want to (pushes aside).

BEAR. Once you’ve arrived, don’t be shy, take a bite (pushes).

FOX. I can’t have raspberries (pushes aside).

BEAR. Why?

FOX. This berry gives me a rare disease.

BEAR. From raspberries?

FOX. From raspberries.

BEAR. Which one is this?

FOX. There is itching and bumps all over the body.

BEAR. Come on.

FOX. According to a scientist, intolerance is unbearable.

BEAR. Tricky illness! Or maybe at least one? One doesn't count.

FOX. What are you, what are you, no, no! Now I’ll be covered with lichen.

BEAR. Well, I’ll eat it (puts a berry in his mouth).

FOX. (follows him with his eyes) Aren't you afraid?

BEAR. What?

FOX. To fall ill with an illness.

BEAR. No, godfather, I’ll move it, maybe (eats a berry).

FOX. Oh-oh, the disease is dangerous, incurable!

BEAR. Why does this happen?

FOX. From raspberries! It’s standing in front of you, how many times can I tell you!

BEAR. It should be (eats another).

FOX. And whoever the sick person sat next to was contagious, in scientific terms: fits torn,

(moves closer to the Bear) or, worse than that– breathed on him (breathes on the Bear),

That’s a good thing, scientifically speaking – there will be a flying arrival.

BEAR. Who will arrive, who will fly?

FOX. (angrily) Karachun will arrive! You are incomprehensible, Mikhail Potapovich,

Education is not enough for you.

BEAR. Don't worry, godfather. Diseases do not bother me, neither simple nor flying.

I am very strong.

FOX. Those weren't the ones who were twisted.

BEAR. Perhaps, nothing (scoops up a handful of berries).

FOX. (nervously) But you’ll eat it all!

BEAR. I know, I'll eat it.

FOX. (screams) Oh! Something jumped out at you!

BEAR. What?

FOX. Pimples!

BEAR. Where is this? Not to be seen.

FOX. Yes, there... Behind the ears.

BEAR. Behind the ears? (pulls back his ear) I don’t seem to feel it.

FOX. She, the disease, is insensitive at first. It would be better if you, Mikhail Potapovich,

I haven't eaten these raspberries!

BEAR. Such nonsense, godfather, little pimples. They are small.

FOX. No, no, godfather, I can’t allow you, then I’ll be executed myself,

And you won’t be turned back. Place the basket on the shelf.

BEAR. Yes, I'm just getting the hang of it.

FOX. Put it on, put it on, nothing. If you remain alive by tomorrow, then you’ll finish.

BEAR. Well at least...

FOX. Put it on the shelf, whoever they tell you!

BEAR. Well, okay, okay, don’t be angry, godfather (sets), he’s already set.

FOX. Don't be angry! When did you gobble up so much! Well, goodbye, Mikhail Potapovich

(wipes away a tear), I don’t know, we’ll see each other...

BEAR. Don't worry, godfather, nothing will happen to me.

FOX. Look, don’t touch the gifts of nature! (leaves).

BEAR. I won’t touch you, (feels his ears) The godfather will say - pimples... Something from the pimples

Can I die?

(looks at the raspberry, sighs)

I’ll go get some firewood (leaves).

FOX. (from the window) Has the fat man left? Left. How stupid. Quite simple.

(He makes his way to the Bear, takes off the basket, runs back. Eats raspberries. Sings.)


Oh, sweet raspberries!

Oh, sweet raspberries,

I'll be smooth all around!

(Bear returns.)

BEAR. Where are the raspberries? She was standing here.

(The children tell the Bear where the raspberries went.)

Did Lisa take it? Can't be. She can't have raspberries. Did you eat it? What are you talking about? She got it from raspberries

The pimples are unbearable. Maybe not her?

(The children say she is.)

FOX. (from the window into the hall) Come on, everyone left the hall! Hooligans!

BEAR. (To the Fox) They are spectators! Tickets bought!

FOX. I don't know anything! (to the hall) Quickly leave the premises!

BEAR. No, godfather, answer, did you take raspberries?

FOX. (scandalous) What kind of raspberry? (blocks the basket).

BEAR. The one in the basket is from the shelf. Gifts of nature.

FOX. I don’t know any nature, I don’t know.

BEAR. Ay-ay-ay. The guys saw everything, (to the hall) Did you guys see?

(Children say they saw it.)

Yeah? Admit it, then I’ll forgive you.

FOX. You never know what the little children will say. I won't admit it.

BEAR. It’s not good, godfather, to take someone else’s property.

FOX. Maybe they were imagining it. Scientifically, glucination appeared.

BEAR. Cranquination? Why are you blocking?

FOX. I block whatever is needed.

BEAR. Move away.

FOX. Here's more.

BEAR. Don't argue, (pushes Lisa aside) What is this? Also – cranquination? What is this?

FOX. Basket.

BEAR. That's exactly what the basket is. Gotcha now?

FOX. Didn't catch anything. This is my basket.

BEAR. Yours?

FOX. My.

BEAR. Oh, you evasive one!

FOX. Still calling names. Everyone will come - my basket, they say, and that’s it!

You can't get enough baskets.

BEAR. So, is it your basket?

FOX. My.

BEAR. Then you should know what letter is written on it.

FOX. Where?

BEAR. On the basket, on the bottom.

(The Fox wants to grab the basket, but the Bear gets ahead of her.)

Well, speak (shows the children the letter).

FOX. (into the hall, in a whisper) Guys, what letter is there? I don't hear.

(Children say - we won’t tell.)

Won't you tell me? Yes, you probably don’t even know beeches.

(Children say - we know!)

Do you know? So tell me, what kind of letter is there?

(Children do not fall for tricks.)

Well, don't! I'll figure it out myself. Nasty! (to the side) Once a basket for raspberries

Intended, that means the letter “Me” is on it. (To the Bear) The letter "Me"!

BEAR. There is no such letter.

FOX. Wait, wait. This is written on my other basket. I have a lot

Baskets, (to the side) Maybe strawberries? (To the Bear) The letter “Zy”!

BEAR. There is no such letter.

FOX. Yes, maybe you're lying. Show me (climbs to the basket).

BEAR. How quick.

FOX. I see you're lying.

BEAR. Ask the guys. (to the audience) Guys, is there such a letter?


FOX. Wait, I'm confused. I don’t have enough baskets. (to the side)

Is it blueberries? (To the Bear) The letter "Chi"!

BEAR. (to the audience) Is there such a letter?


FOX. 0th, I wanted to say... (to the side) What is he wearing in it, Bear

Such! What other letters are there in the world? (To the Bear) The letter "A"! Watermelon.


FOX. Letter "B"! Drum.


FOX. Letter "B"! Car.


BEAR. (To Fox) Are you going to go through the entire ABC book, or what?

FOX. I have the right. It happens - I wrote it myself, and forgot about it. The letter "G"!


FOX. "D"! "E"! "Yo"!

BEAR. Kalemene. The letter “I” is there, stupid. That is, berries. For berries

It's a basket. Haha.

FOX. I said berries, I said! So unfair! And she said blueberries,

And strawberries - aren't these berries to you? Let's guess first!

BEAR. Don't dodge, liar, you've been caught. I'll punish you. Where's the belt?

FOX. No, no need! I admit it myself!

BEAR. Yeah! So she ate it.

FOX. (sobs) Ate it! Ate it! But I wanted to save you! Save us from trouble!

From inevitable death! I thought, let me die myself, rather than Mikhail Potapovich!

And for this I am deceived! So do good things yourself

You will find yourself guilty! Poor, unhappy me! Anyone can offend me!

BEAR. Your tears are fake.

FOX. How ungrateful! Get out of here if you treated me like that!

(pushes Bear)

BEAR. I’ll go, but only for you, Lisa, there won’t be any descent next time.

If you get caught, you'll have to blame yourself (leaves).

FOX. Oh, I got scared! Oh, I was afraid! The ankles were shaking!

Go, go, thick-fisted one. Uncouth bear!

I'll deceive you as much as you want

I Bear this!

I’ll do a clever job,

Quietly, unnoticed!


(At Lisa's house.)

FOX. (singing) Eh, I’m starting to dance!

Eh, I'll stomp my foot!

I cheated once

I'll deceive you again!

(screams out the window) He's making false accusations! No shame, no conscience!

I've never seen these before!





Pathetic, insignificant person!

(The bear silently stirs the dough.)

Why are you silent? Apparently you have no excuse!

(The bear stands with his back to us, baking pancakes. Hissing can be heard.)

What, did you swallow your tongue? (listens) Is there nothing to object to? Ass?

(The Bear bakes and does not contact the Fox.)

Hey you, Mikhail-cow-milking! Shaggy head! You idiot! What are you doing there?

(The bear does not answer.)

What was he up to? I should know (sneaks to the Bear's house,

Looks out the window).

BEAR. What are you doing here? Why are you spying?

FOX. (reproachfully) Here, I offended you again. “Peeping and peeking”! Is it possible to do this

Should I speak, Mikhail Potapovich?

BEAR. What are you doing?

FOX. I came to see you, even though I have an unbearable illness.

BEAR. Well, shameless! Like water off a duck's back! I know how you feel about it!

FOX. How?

BEAR. Yes, I know.

FOX. Well, how?

BEAR. I don’t want to talk to you (turns away).

FOX. This is how they pay for good. This is how compensation comes out. I'm going to him

With all my soul, like a neighbor, I will always ask: how are you doing, how is the firewood there,

I’ll ask about water, this and that, I’ll joke for humor...

(The bear does not answer.)

Did you heat the stove or knead it?

(The bear is silent.)

A? Ha ha ha! Hee hee hee!

BEAR. Right now I’ll hit you on the back with a rolling pin, it’ll be unbearably funny for you.

Your humor is famous - I would steal something.

FOX. What a rude guy. What did I steal from you?

BEAR. Fish, berries.

FOX. The dogs ate the fish, but I couldn’t help but say something about raspberries!

(wipes away a tear) I almost died for him... What a heartless guy.

Is it possible to go into the house?

BEAR. You'll get by. Do you think I don’t know why I came? Just like that!

FOX. It’s not easy - it can help somewhere, it can contribute in some way.

Are you baking pancakes?

(The bear is silent.)

(enters the house) Let me help.

BEAR. Will you develop pancake-tolerable disease?

FOX. What can I do, Mikhail Potapovich, I’ll be patient somehow. And you take a walk

Pokedova, get some air, I’ll finish it myself.

BEAR. I'll finish it for you! Let's go, godfather, get out!

FOX. How ungrateful!

BEAR. Go, go home. And then it’s already going down.

FOX. (crouches) Who?

BEAR. Flying karachun.

FOX. Ugh! (comes out) Wait, thick-sided.

BEAR. Ready. Who with what, but I respect pancakes with sour cream. I have it in store

Sour cream is in the cellar. I’ll bring it now (he’s about to go, stops).

Guys, while I'm walking, can you keep an eye on the pancakes?

(Children agree.)

Thank you. If anything happens, call me (leaves).

FOX. (at home) Eh, damn, eh, another one,

My law is this:

Damn, I'm going to crash -

I will achieve my goal!

(out the window) Has the fat man left? Left. Right now we're going to audit these pancakes

(leaves the house).

(Children shout - “Bear! Bear!”)

(to the hall) Shh! Quiet! Why are you so upset? Shut up now! Shut up! What kind of children

Ill-mannered! I give you a bad grade for behavior!

(A BEAR appears. The fox quickly moves away.)

BEAR. What's happened?

(Children talk.)

(To the Fox) What, Fox, did you want to visit me? Ah, didn't it work out? Malicious.

FOX. (from the window) What is this being done? What should I do now - leave the house?

It is forbidden? Am I under arrest? A? A-ah-ah-ah?!!!

BEAR. Don't make noise, you might go deaf. (to the hall) Okay, guys, if the Fox is near his

At home - let it be. And if he comes to me, then call me (leaves).

FOX. Should I go out and stand on the porch? Stretch your legs. Take a walk around the area...

(It turns out. “Walks” back and forth, getting closer each time

Approaching the Bear's house. Now she is very close.

Children call Bear.)

BEAR (runs in) What is it?

(Children talk.)

FOX. This is not true! I walked around the area. I admired nature.

BEAR. Admire it at your home.

FOX. I breathed air. Maybe I can’t even breathe? Suffocate now?

What a Derzhimorda! Murderer!

BEAR. Breathe in your yard.

FOX. Common air! Violation of rights!

BEAR. Shut up, redhead, you can't reach the cellar

(to the audience) Guys, don't take your eyes off her. I’ll be quick, I’ll be right back (leaves).

FOX. (to children) You don’t have to look. I won't go to this Bear. Get lost

The pancakes are in jeopardy. Why haven’t I seen any pancakes? Well them... Oh! What is this? Look,

Look what! (points to the end of the hall) Over there, back there!

(The children look around - and that’s what the Fox needs! She rushes into the house,

He grabs a plate of pancakes and runs away! Children are screaming

Name is Bear. Out of breath, with sour cream, the Bear runs.)

BEAR. Oh, wretched one! She snuck away! Well, now she will! I'll get it right now!

(This is how it goes with sour cream to Lisa.)

(And Lisa, meanwhile, is rushing around her house.)

FOX. 0x, what should I do? I won’t have time to eat! Real evidence!

I'll hide them! (hides the pancakes on the shelf, under the pillow, in other places).

BEAR. (enters, sternly) Fox!

(The fox doesn’t seem to hear, he strums his balalaika.)

Redhead! They're telling you!

FOX. Oh, Mikhail Potapovich! Dear godfather. Come in, sit down. Let's have some tea now,

Let's sit and poop.

BEAR. I'll poop for you. Give me the pancakes!

FOX. What kind of pancakes? I don’t know anything, I don’t know anything. Some kind of pancakes.

(The children tell everything.)

BEAR. Ah, the villainess! Spit it out!

FOX. I don't have any pancakes. What kind of pancakes?

CHILDREN. She hid them on the shelf!

BEAR. Well, let's see.

FOX. Who authorized the inspection? There’s no point in rummaging through other people’s shelves!

BEAR. Move away. (pushes Lisa aside and takes out a pancake) What is this? A?

FOX. I have no idea

BEAR. Damn it, redhead!

FOX. This is the first time I have seen such a product.

(The children say - and put it under the pillow!)

BEAR. Let's look under the pillow.

FOX. Why is this being done? Who allowed you to climb under other people's pillows?

BEAR. Move away, you cunning one! (takes out a pancake) What is this?

FOX. How should I know? You never know what will be under the pillow. Maybe someone planted it.

BEAR. Who?

FOX. You never know. (to the children) That's probably what they planted.

BEAR. Who, children?!

FOX. Of course they are the audience. There is no one else.

BEAR. Why are you lying!

FOX. How do they know where everything is?

BEAR. We saw it.

FOX. That's why they saw that they planted it. (to the audience) Admit it! I'll clean you up

I'll get the water out!

BEAR. Here you are, hatcher, better tell me what you have in your bosom?

FOX. What you need is there. How immoral.

BEAR. Show me.

FOX. Show him! I thought you, Michal Potapych, were a decent animal!

BEAR. Get it, otherwise I’ll take it away myself.

FOX. Don't you dare, I'm inviolable.

BEAR. Like someone else’s pancakes, she touches them. Take it out, otherwise I’ll shake it out.

FOX. Unbridled bear! Guard!

(The Bear shakes the Fox - pancakes fall out of her.)

BEAR. What is this? Would you say they planted it too?

FOX. They planted it.

BEAR. In your bosom?

FOX. Certainly. (points to the audience) They're the ones who tossed it. (in tears)

And I have to answer!

BEAR. I have no strength! I can't listen to such lies! Incredible!!!

I was completely angry! I'll punish you! Where's the belt?

FOX. (sobs) Oh, Mikhail Potapovich! 0th, kids! Forgive me, stupid!

I won't do it anymore! I won't allow myself!

BEAR. Hmm, hmm...

FOX. I'm sorry! I repented!

BEAR. (to the audience) Maybe we'll forgive you, guys?

(The children do not agree.)

FOX. Just don't punish! Kids! Guys! Never do this again

I won't! I promise!

BEAR. Let's do this, guys: put her in the corner. Let it be in the corner

He will stand and think about how to behave. Fine?

(Children agree.)

(To the Fox) Stand in the corner, redhead, and think about the fact that you can’t steal and deceive.

FOX. I will, I will. Since she’s guilty, she has to become (becomes).

BEAR. And when to go out, the guys and I will tell you. Wait for now.

(Lisa comes out from the street) What are you thinking about, Fox?

FOX. I think: it’s bad to be bad, it’s good to be good.

BEAR. Hm... the idea is correct. Wait a little longer. (enters his room) Where am I going?

What about sour cream? Haven't you guys seen it? Did I go with her to Lisa? Well, yes,

And he put it on the table. I forgot in the chaos. (returns to Fox) Are you standing there, punished?

FOX. I'm standing, father.

BEAR. Well, wait, wait for now... (looks around) Where is the sour cream? You, Lisa,

Don't know?

FOX. I didn’t see it with my eyes.

(The bear is looking. His gaze stops at the Fox, who,

Standing in the corner, slurping).

BEAR. What are you slurping there?

FOX. I slurp whatever I need.

BEAR. Turn to me

FOX. I'll just stand there.

BEAR. Turn around, redhead.

FOX. (scandalous) What is it! Am I standing in the corner, or not? Turn around like this

Turn around, I found myself some fun!

BEAR. Turn around!

(Turns Lisa around - she has a pot in her hands, and her whole face is covered in sour cream)

Co-devious! I ate sour cream! And she asked for forgiveness! And we believed you! Well, watch out!

FOX. (runs away) Oh, fathers! Oh, mothers!

BEAR. Stop, you won't leave! (catches Fox) That's it, now I'll whip you! Lie down on the bed


FOX. She ran away! To his bed! Some kind of fool.

BEAR. Lie down, whoever they tell you!

FOX. You have no right to flog me.

BEAR. I will flog you without rights.

FOX. It is forbidden. First prove it, then flog it. Scientifically – the concept of innocence

It's called. Where is the evidence?

BEAR. Look, your whole face is covered in evidence. Lie down, you'll get sick!

FOX. I won't lie down!

BEAR. Get down, you tricky one! (lays Lisa down)

FOX. Oh, save me! Oh, what are they doing!

BEAR. (to the audience) How many hot ones should I give her, guys?

(Children name the number.)

Well, a thousand, guess that will be a lot...

FOX. Oh, fathers!

BEAR. But it doesn’t seem like enough.

FOX. Oh, I feel bad.

BEAR. What a good thing.

FOX. I have an inflammation of the disease!

BEAR. Inflammation of cunning.

FOX. Oh, I'm dying! My last hour has struck. Goodbye, Mikhail Potapovich.

Goodbye, kids. I don’t blame you for tormenting me.

My death is approaching. Oh…


BEAR. Hey Lisa! What are you saying, mother? (puts Lisa on her feet - she falls)

Hey, Lisa Patrikeevna! (raises again - falls again) Look, she just died...

Completely dead. (to the children) What should we do? Should I call an ambulance?

(Suddenly the Fox sneezes - the Bear turns around - she lies motionless.

The bear walks around her and takes a closer look.)

(in a whisper to the audience) Now let's check how she died. When I wave my hand to you - loudly

Bark like a dog! (over Fox) It’s a pity that the godfather died. She was a good woman!

I didn’t believe her, but she was telling the truth. Do you remember about dogs?

There the dogs are running. Yes, that's a lot. Yes, everyone is here!

(waves his hand.)

CHILDREN. Woof-woof-woof! Woof-woof-woof!

(The fox jumps up.)

FOX. Oh, fathers! Oh, they'll eat now! Oh, they'll grab it! Guard! (runs away.)

BEAR. Run away, redhead! Let him run. If he returns, he will receive it in full. And you guys

Thanks for your help, good helpers. Next time come to me for pancakes -

I'll give you a great treat! Will you come?

(The children say – we’ll come!)

Well, good. Bye for now! (bows)


Suponin Mikhail Alexandrovich

Composer Boris Savelyev Editing Isabella Gerasimova Cameraman Boris Kotov Screenwriter Vladimir Danilov Designer

  • The cartoon is based on a Russian folk tale.


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Autumn has come in the forest. Thrifty bear getting ready for hibernation, fills the house with provisions: collects berries, honey, carries firewood. He never sits idle for a day! It’s not like a fox, who won’t lift a finger, hoping to come to everything ready. Smelling the smell of honey stored by the clubfoot in a large barrel in the attic, the cheat decided to enjoy it without Potapych’s knowledge. Wanting to lure the owner out of the house, the redhead shouted: “Bear, the forests are burning!” - pointing to the bright red leaves falling from the trees. The bear laughed. The trick failed, but there is still a fallback option - ask to stay.

“Oh, how trashy and homeless I am. If only I could live like you for a day,” the fox wailed, looking slyly at Potapych. The bear took pity on the godfather, letting her into his house. However, the redhead cannot sleep at night. Every now and then she hits the stove with her fluffy tail, saying: “Mishenka, is someone knocking? Apparently the doctors came for me. The child is sick - they call for help.” And, running out into the street, the fox quickly climbed the stairs to the attic, eating an inch of honey from the barrel. In the morning, the clubfoot met the godmother resting on the lawn and asked what the child’s name was. To which she replied: “The top!”

The next night, the red-haired prankster again went to “heal sick children.” This time the patient was called Seredochka, because the fox had already reached the middle of the barrel of honey. And the trusting bear just shrugged his shoulders: “Look, what a wonderful name...”. On the third night, the cheat ate what was left, so she gave the supposedly ill child the name Remnant. However, the redhead was so tired after eating that she fell asleep right next to the empty barrel, snoring throughout the entire area. The bear heard that someone was sleeping in his attic and caught his godfather red-handed. Waking up, the fox ran headlong from surprise.