A neighbor is collecting money for the trip. I ask for advice on how to deal with extortion of money by neighbors

That is, I understand correctly - a problem was voiced related to the poor quality of laying some pipe, which led to the collapse of the exit from the local area. A certain initiative group undertook to solve this issue and, apparently, even contacted the customer for the pipe-laying work, to which they received the answer that there was no money and you had finally forgotten about the Olympics and the miracles of emergency construction at an accelerated pace in 13-14. As a result, the initiative group decided to do good themselves, at the expense of suffering citizens - owners of cars diving into a hole, which includes the author of the topic. Please note - do not deepen the hole so that no one gets in or out at all, but do a good deed, including for the author of the topic - seal it and make travel accessible.
The author does not essentially claim that there is a group of pests that will either make holes, ruin the coating, or smear something bad on the car. No. The group is engaged in improvement and correction of someone’s mistakes, which led to certain inconveniences, let’s call it that. Naturally, she does this for money and periodically.
Well, you just can’t do it without money.
Tell me, are you now advising the author to complain to the local police officer, the police, etc. to extort money from her, pursuing what goal? Make it so that the author of the topic doesn’t pay anyone anything, everything is somehow done at someone else’s expense, but not hers, but at the same time she uses it on an equal basis with those suckers who don’t yet know such advice and, by inertia, are fools pay for work construction organizations, they buy some locks there, which, by the way, are very convenient (but give me the key for free, you have to, I live here, you don’t have the right), and generally monitor the condition of this park, albeit small? Moreover, apparently they don’t have a job, there’s nothing else to do except look for contractors, buy something there, in general, let them provide it as they want, but the author of the topic, in your opinion, is wasting their precious time on such nonsense I definitely shouldn’t, much less pay someone for something like a fool. So?
No, I understand the righteous anger associated with the lack of a normal primary and an out-of-the-blue amount, but I just don’t understand - in the opinion of the author of the topic, people should do this themselves for free? Well, like, you need it first of all and most of all. Got it? So do it.
Some words - “extortion”, “extortion”. Let's also steal funds through deception, arbitrariness.
If I were the initiative group, I would make the hole even bigger so that no one would drive anything other than a UAZ Patriot and see how other Nissan Note users made suggestions to fix the problem. We would look for performers for this time and pay for everything at our own expense.))

The most common class of suburban real estate is houses and garden plots. The main problems new dacha owners face are broken roads and non-paying neighbors. We figured out how to deal with these scourges.

Right now – at the end of spring or beginning of summer – gardeners’ meetings are being held in the dacha areas of our homeland. Having become a member of a gardening non-profit partnership (SNT) and received a gardener's book, yesterday's buyer will most likely decide to stop by such a meeting.

Here, a new member of the partnership will meet his neighbors and learn about problems that have been brewing for a long time, but are not being resolved. And the chairman in once again will talk about his intentions to sue defaulters and road services. Let's try to figure out whether such cases are really worth bringing to court.

What to do with a non-paying neighbor?

Here is a standard situation. In almost any area - both in the old, Soviet, and in the so-called cottage villages With legal status SNT or dacha non-profit partnership (DNP) have undeveloped or abandoned areas. These may be plots received by inheritance or acquired by chance in order to put money to use - it doesn’t matter. It would seem, what do you care about this? But the owners of such plots do not pay share and target contributions, do not participate in the general costs associated with the construction and repair of roads, communications, and the organization of security.

Naturally, active members of the partnership attack the chairman, demanding to collect the debt and take away the debtor's land through the court. The meeting decides to find a lawyer and pay the costs from the SNT budget.

“Theoretically, the step is correct. In real practice, everything is different,” comments lawyer Alexander Zhumatiy, consultant to the Real Estate Commission of the Consumer Society of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. – That is, it will not be possible to take away a privatized plot in any case. If we are talking about debts, then everything is complicated by the fact that you will have to file a lawsuit at the defendant’s place of residence, and you still need to find him.” However, according to the expert, even if the debt collection case goes to court and a decision is made in favor of the plaintiff (that is, SNT), collecting the debt will not be easy. Most likely, the case will stall at the stage of enforcement proceedings.

What should we do anyway? “If an abandoned site is privatized, the land has any tangible market value does not have it, and the whereabouts of the owner are unknown, take it for granted,” says Alexander Zhumatiy. “It makes sense to take any action only if it is a site that borders yours.”

What options are possible? Find the owner and try to negotiate with him about the sale of the property. If he is ready to give up the plot, but you are not ready to purchase it, take the initiative to sell it into your own hands. This is the case when you can find your own neighbor.

If the budget is a black box

The second topic that gardeners discuss at meetings is suspicion of misuse by the chairman of the funds entrusted to him. Moreover, the discussion is usually expressed in the form “the money was collected, the roads were broken, and the chairman bought a new SUV.”

“If suspicions of misuse are justified, an audit commission should be created in SNT. If the matter takes a more serious turn, re-elections of the board and chairman are initiated,” says Alexander Zhumatiy.

In real dacha life, this rarely comes to this for the prosaic reason that decisions of this kind should be made by the general meeting of SNT members. But in almost any large (and even small) community, a quorum that provides such an assembly with legitimacy is an unattainable phenomenon.

What to do if you think that the board is managing the entrusted funds irrationally? Just bargain and negotiate. For example, that you and your neighbors, instead of paying a contribution to the common fund this year, will repair the common roads in your neighborhood on your own.

Quarries, roads, dump trucks

Another standard case. A sand quarry has appeared near the massif, or logging is underway. And now the only road to your dacha is being destroyed by dump trucks and timber trucks. How to deal with this almost natural disaster?

First of all, find out on what basis the work is being carried out. Registers of licenses for subsoil development are available in open access– on the official websites of supervisory structures. If quarrying or logging is illegal, the issue is resolved with the involvement of the environmental prosecutor's office.

But what if the road is destroyed by the developers of a legal quarry? Find out whose balance sheet it is on - the balance holder is responsible for the condition of the roads (this can be government agencies, municipalities, etc.) legal entities). What next, sue him? According to our expert, this is the right way, but ineffective. For example, for the reason that while the trial is ongoing, the balance holder may change, and everything will have to start over. In addition, the defendant has ample opportunities for non-compliance or formal execution of the court decision.

What to do? First of all, consistently address the letter to local and then regional executive authorities. But in order to prevent officials from limiting themselves to unsubscribes (and this happens quite often in our area), it also makes sense to organize a publication in local media with an open letter, but always with a consistent presentation of the essence of the problem. Practice shows that in some cases even publications in regional newspapers, as well as attracting public organizations they move things forward.

Common cause

Let's summarize. Lawyers who are ready to make use of the meager budgets of gardeners, bring cases to the courts and receive fees are always and everywhere. But the effectiveness of the judicial method of solving problems in the above scenarios is a big question.

The most effective managers, when it is necessary to correspond with officials, most often it turns out to be legally savvy retired social activists (from among gardeners) who know how to negotiate and make their actions public. But there should not be extremes here. Remember that by organizing unauthorized rallies with road blocking, you are going over to the side of evil: that is, from the camp of property owners defending their legitimate interests to the camp of lawbreakers.

IN lately in the nearby suburbs, gardens have to coexist with new residential complexes. In the vicinity of St. Petersburg, areas of new buildings are growing - Kudrovo, Murino, Novoye Devyatkino, Yanino. But the relationship between owners of dachas and apartments is a topic for separate publications.

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Neighbors have arbitrarily seized public land, how can we achieve a legal solution to the problem?

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800 price

the issue is resolved

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Our neighbors forbid us to use the road

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Capturing the roadway

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Neighbors in the village have registered ownership of the road. What rights (as a neighbor) have been violated and how can I prove it?

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800 price

the issue is resolved

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