Wealth Zone according to Feng Shui: abundance in the house with your own hands. We meet money - we activate the wealth zone according to the rules of Feng Shui The money side according to Feng Shui

If you dream of living in luxury, being able to buy good, high-quality things for yourself, and delighting your children and loved ones with gifts, then take a close look at this sector in your home. The southeastern zone of Money according to Feng Shui, if properly designed and activated, can increase your income several times.

Southeast Money Zone

Who doesn’t dream of going on vacation to distant countries, or buying a child’s dream toy, or sending him to study at university? All good things require money. The southeastern zone of Money according to Feng Shui requires special attention, but in return it will enrich you well.

What is he responsible for?

The money sector represents our wallet and is directly connected to it. If you are not happy with your salary, want to receive monthly bonuses and allowances, surprises in the form of gifts, take a closer look at your home. Increasing your income is quite simple if you know a few secrets.

Where located

According to Feng Shui, the money zone in the apartment is located in the Southeast. To determine it, it is recommended to use a hiking compass or an application on your phone. You can highlight the money sector both in the general plan of a house or apartment, and in a separate room.

Money comes into my hands like a beloved cat!

According to Feng Shui, the Money Zone in the house is filled with elements that activate and strengthen it. Try to follow simple rules, and then the rain of money will envelop you in its warmth.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Tree .

Living plants best attract the energy of money. Especially those whose leaves look like small coins. In the wealth sector, according to Feng Shui, you can place a small aquarium with 9 fish (8 red and one black).

A picture or image of water will do. The best talisman would be several Chinese coins, which are tied together with a red or gold thread.

You need to be more careful with fire in the eastern zone of wealth. Don't put a lot of candles and lamps. 1-2 items are enough. Any ceramics and clay bowls and vases should be discarded, because the element of Earth in this sector conflicts with the Wood sector.

Shapes and colors

How to activate the Money zone

The southeastern zone of Money according to Feng Shui requires proper activation. Let's look at a few simple rules that will help increase your financial situation and take it to the next level.


Carefully monitor the cleanliness in the southeastern zone of wealth according to Feng Shui. Remember, if there is any congestion, dirt, or trash there, then the energy of money will not circulate correctly. She will be stopped by a pile of garbage and broken things.

It is advisable to grow a money tree yourself. When planting or replanting, place a gold coin at the bottom of the pot.

Activation of the Money zone

The Feng Shui money zone can be located in any room. Try to fill the wealth sector with several items from this list. They will speed up the process of bringing finance into your life.

live plants red rug 9 oranges in a beautiful vase
rattan furniture money Laughing God Hottei
money tree Chinese coins red napkins or cotton towels
violet jewelry box forest images
paintings with flowering plants and water three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth God Fu-Hsing

If you have empty piggy banks in your house, fill them with a few coins.

Money Zone in different places of the apartment

What to do if the Wealth Zone is located in unfavorable places in an apartment or house? Don't be upset, any sector can be activated if you know some little secrets.

If the Feng Shui Money zone is in the toilet, you need to maintain the restroom in full frequency. Ideally, the closet should have red or green tiles.

Attracting wealth is a pretty hot topic these days. Some use their own methods of attracting money, others resort to long-known ones, and still others are looking for new ones.

For example, to improve your well-being, you need to know where the money zone is according to Feng Shui, how to find its location and what its activation is.


The money zone in the apartment should be located in the southeast. It is this zone that is considered successful in Feng Shui, especially for attracting financial well-being. This zone is symbolized by the earth and the tree growing on it, that is, everything located here develops and multiplies. The most reliable and accurate way to determine this zone is with a compass. Then there will be complete confidence that the direction of the world has been chosen correctly, and you can safely develop the wealth sector, using all the necessary attributes for this.

The southeast can appear in any room: in the living room, in the kitchen, or maybe the desired area is in the bedroom or hallway. But any space in the house, following certain rules, must be arranged in such a way as to attract the maximum necessary energy and neutralize that which interferes with the activation of cash flows.

Therefore, the items and color combination will be chosen depending on where that desired space is located to attract wealth.

Preliminary stage

Before you start changing something and bringing newness into the space, you need to get rid of the old and negative. This is the only way to increase the flow of positive energy. And the first step in this matter will be getting rid of trash. Surely there are cabinets, shelves, chests in the house where things are stored that have not been used for many years - you can safely throw them away.

The second step will be global cleaning: you need to look into literally every corner, try to make everything sparkle clean. Ventilation also gives rise to an influx of positive energy. You literally need to open every window, every door to let fresh air into the house. And this is a very important stage, since simply arranging a corner in your apartment with the necessary attributes is not enough.

The third step should also not be overlooked. When the apartment is cleared of clutter, cleaned and full of fresh air, it is time for its spiritual cleansing. And you can do this with the help of an ordinary candle, going around every room, every corner. You can also add aromatic oils to this, each of which also has its own purpose. It is believed that monetary energy belongs to patchouli oil.

When all these manipulations are completed, you can proceed directly to arranging the space.

Elimination of negative factors

Feng Shui says that every thing in the house should be in its place. And there are things that must be removed from the wealth zone, otherwise no activation of cash flows will help.

  • Family heirlooms that have been passed down from generation to generation cannot be stored in this area. Each item was owned by different people, and it is not known for certain what kind of energy they had, and what these things now emit.
  • We must not allow a trash bin to appear in this sector. No financial success will come in this case. A trash bin is an accumulation of negativity that eats everything.
  • Broken things have the same negative energy, they cannot be stored anywhere at all, there are two options - throw it away or put the thing in order.
  • Compositions of dried flowers, wilted plants and cacti are also not helpful in attracting wealth.
  • A refrigerator that freezes and therefore stops the process of receiving money and blocks channels is inappropriate in this area.
  • A fireplace is also not suitable for financial well-being; its place is in the love or career zone.

If these items cannot be eliminated and moved to other places, measures must be taken to block their energy. Any eastern talisman symbolizing the element of water can help with this.

A decorative fountain, a seascape, or a fish in an aquarium are suitable for such purposes.

Activation of the money zone

To activate the wealth zone, you need to arrange it correctly, and that means - take into account the colors that are present in the interior, the arrangement of furniture, and design elements.

  • First of all, great attention is paid to light. It’s great if the sun’s rays shine through the window during the day and the room is never twilight. But in any case, you need to take care of lighting. There should be a bright chandelier, and besides it, lamps, and the more, the better. No burnt out light bulbs in electric lamps. As soon as a light bulb burns out, you need to change it immediately.

  • The mirror in this room should not be located opposite the door. Otherwise, all the energy will go away instead of being attracted into the house.

  • When placing a toilet or bathroom in the wealth sector, you need to try to neutralize the energy that contributes to the flow of money. To do this, you can place wind chimes or bells above the door, hang a picture of a blooming garden, and attach red ribbons to the pipes. Red rugs would be appropriate. And in addition, the toilet lid and the drainage point in the bathroom should always be covered with lids.

  • The living room is the most suitable place to place this area. Colors that are desirable in the interior are gold, blue, green.

  • Wood and water are relevant for the wealth zone. Therefore, wooden things will be very appropriate in this area, and fountains or aquariums will be suitable as water. Eastern sages recommend keeping goldfish in an aquarium, it’s good if there are exactly eight of them. It is very important that the aquarium is always well-groomed, the water is clean, and the fish are alive and active.

  • On the table in this area you can store a box with your jewelry or a piggy bank with money.

  • It is advisable to place photographs and drawings here that would serve as a reflection of the dream. If you have plans to move, then the picture may show a city that is drawn in your imagination. If you want to have a yacht, pictures with yachts at sea will be just right. If you have a dream to arrange a beautiful garden, you can post pictures or drawings that you would like to achieve. And this way you can visualize any of your dreams.

  • Blue or purple curtains, tablecloth, blanket or bedspread will enhance the necessary energy to attract material well-being.

  • A tree with gold coins of any size is the very attribute that should be in this corner. There may also be a figurine of a laughing Buddha, a frog with a coin in its mouth, all kinds of coins, and wind chimes. It is believed that if you attach nine banknotes to the wind chime, money will always be found in this house.

  • Among living plants, the money tree will be very useful and any plants that develop well have beautiful leaves. Among small flowers, violets will be very useful. They bloom almost all year round and are easy to care for. All plants must be healthy and well-groomed. If the flowers fade or the leaves turn yellow, you need to immediately remove them from this room.

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak that a donkey loaded with gold cannot climb.”

Fernando de Rojas

Any home is a living, breathing organism, says Feng Shui. He may or may not be in harmony with his owners. Our housing has sections of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of one or another area of ​​the owner’s life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.


We are looking for the money sector

According to Feng Shui, the wealth zone in an apartment is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is not difficult. You can use a compass or Ba Gua grid. Or make it even simpler: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a wealth zone there. Walk through this part of the apartment. Does extra furniture bother you? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference with the circulation of Qi energy.

Putting the money sector in order

According to Feng Shui, the money zone in an apartment requires cleanliness. Free this space from excess junk and unnecessary things. Moreover, there should be no debris, dust or dirt there. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place the following things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Each thing has its own energy field. Old objects that have been touched by many different hands can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house, remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The trash can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, into which positive, dynamic energy is sucked. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can negate all efforts to improve your life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of “dead”, destructive energy are dried flowers, wilted, diseased plants and cacti.

    Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in the workroom (they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).

  • Fridge. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, modern experts argue that the monetary sector should be free from such units. If this cannot be done, secure the refrigerator. Just make sure it is clean and free of ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace that is directly related to fire, then the cash flow may simply burn out. Fire has an extremely negative effect on this area. There is no need to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Place a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with the water element. https://youtu.be/64-w1rhSM-o

    Awakening the monetary sector from hibernation

    This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will follow the bright path to success and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

    What to do if the wealth sector is a bathroom?

    Of course, moving the bathtub and toilet is problematic. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

    Make sure that mirrors do not reflect the front door and do not “cut off” the tops of the people living in this house.

    It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Place red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

    If the wealth zone includes a bedroom, we do nothing. After all, Yin energy circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is mixed with it, they will interfere with each other and the occupant of this room may become stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You already automatically become the ruler of the money zone.

    The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.


    How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

    Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

    Interior color scheme

    Ideal colors for attracting money are green, purple, dark blue, gold, violet and black. Unlimited scope for creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast room with various decorative items of these colors. The right color scheme will encourage the activation of the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


    Of course, we won’t plant a forest there. But using some objects symbolic of wood is welcome. Indoor plants in pots will have the greatest effect. A well-groomed, blooming “Crassula” (“money tree”) will bring maximum benefit in the wealth sector. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, they can be replaced with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


    Do you love aquarium fish? An aquarium with goldfish is the most ideal option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium on time, and renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

    By the way, if your fish suddenly die, don’t panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you ward off troubles. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one for protection.

    Don't want to bother with fish? It doesn’t matter, a vessel with water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water the silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can purchase a home fountain. Well, or just hang paintings or photographs depicting the water element in the wealth sector. But not a standing pond (the water should move slowly). Overkill in the form of a tsunami or a violent storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Hotei, money toad, turtles, tree made of coins, talisman - fish.

Additionally, you can equip this area with various cute and very effective little things:

  • image of the hieroglyph “money” for obtaining finance from various sources;
  • feng shui money frog
  • Chinese coins so that your mind is tuned in to making a profit;
  • “wind chime” to attract money;
  • cash souvenirs made of expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need to not only activate the wealth sector, but also make it clear that we ourselves are ready with all our being to receive and accept cash flow. Give such a message to the cosmos and turn into a wealthy person. Blessings to you!

Most people dream of wealth and financial independence. The Taoist practice of Feng Shui suggests attracting material well-being into your life with the help of a wealth zone. The main thing is to activate it correctly and direct the flow of Qi energy into the house.

Feng Shui was invented by the sages of Asia with the aim of improving the quality of human life. According to this practice, the space around should be organized in accordance with natural laws. Each house is divided into zones responsible for a specific area. For example, the love sector is located in the southwest, and the glory sector is in the north.

The money plot in Feng Shui is responsible for a person’s material well-being. It is located in the southeastern part of the house and has a powerful effect that affects the well-being of the people living in the apartment. The wealth zone has the following properties:

  • strengthens existing business;
  • creates favorable conditions for the implementation of projects;
  • builds relationships with people;
  • improves financial situation.

Feng Shui zones

To attract abundance into your home, you need to find a zone of wealth according to Feng Shui and try to increase its strength. Before doing this, you should familiarize yourself with the elements of the sector that affect its operation:

  • main - tree;
  • generating - water;
  • weakening - fire;
  • destructive - metal.

To attract wealth, you need to use not only the ancient teachings of China, but also the power of thinking.

How to find the wealth zone in your home?

  1. You can use a compass.
  2. It is acceptable to use a bagua grid in which the cardinal directions are calculated in reverse.
  3. If you stand with your back to the entrance to the house and look inside the room, the far left wall will be your reference point. Behind it is the required area.
  4. If a person can only influence one room in the house, for example, because he lives with his parents, the location of the zone should be determined in that room.

It’s not enough to just find the wealth sector in the house, you need to make sure that the energy moves calmly around the apartment and nothing interferes with it.

Activating the wealth zone

To activate the zone, carry out the following manipulations:

  • throw away all unnecessary things;
  • restore order by arranging objects in their places;
  • broken things are repaired;
  • carry out general cleaning;
  • ventilate the room to prevent energy stagnation.

This frees up space for energy. If you feel bad about throwing away some things, you can give them away.

Knowing how to activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui, you can achieve material wealth and never need anything. At the same time, it is important to have a great desire to get rich, otherwise nothing will work out.

money tree

What should not be in this zone?

  1. A cactus is not suitable as a green plant. Its spines interfere with the flow of Qi and deactivate the wealth zone.
  2. If there is a mirror hanging in the money sector, it should not reflect the front door.
  3. You should not place a fireplace or anything related to fire in this place.
  4. You cannot hang pictures of autumn or desert areas. They symbolize decay.
  5. No matter how beautiful antiques look, they should not be in the abundance sector. He has accumulated old energy, which prevents new flows from moving.
  6. It is unacceptable to place a trash can or other waste in the money sector.
  7. You cannot keep an empty piggy bank in the wealth sector.
  8. Metal objects are not suitable for the money zone. It is better to remove frames and pictures with metal frames.

The wealth zone favors active, energetic and purposeful people. Therefore, you cannot be lazy, otherwise the Qi energy will lose its strength.

How to strengthen the effect of the wealth zone?

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to activate the wealth zone with water. An aquarium with fish or a small fountain is suitable for this. Moreover, the water must constantly circulate and be changed more often.

It is also important to monitor the condition of the fish in the aquarium. It's better if there are eight of them. If for any reason one dies, they replace it with a new one and bury the old one outside their home. It is believed that in this way the fish took on all the negative energy.

The money area needs to be well lit. You can put a piggy bank or a jewelry box in the corner. Drawings or photographs of what they have long dreamed of are placed in this zone. You can decorate the money corner with a purple tablecloth or curtains.

A green plant perfectly activates the wealth zone. A money tree works well. You need to carefully care for it, not forgetting to water it. The universal colors of this sector are purple, green and lilac.

You can use special Feng Shui talismans, including:

  • god Hotei;
  • turtle;
  • elephant.

Feng Shui Wealth Talismans

These figures have very strong energy that will help you achieve your goals. To do this, they should be located in the money sector.

If there is a toilet or bathroom in the southeast of the home, the area is protected in the following ways:

  1. On the outside of the door you should hang a picture of a flowering tree.
  2. You can tie red ribbons on water pipes.
  3. The toilet lid must be closed at all times to prevent the flow of energy from escaping with water.
  4. The bathroom and toilet must be kept clean. It should always smell good in there.
  5. It would be suitable to lay a red rug on the floor.

When the wealth sector and the bedroom coincide, you need to remember that this room is a place for sleep and peace. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it. Therefore, you should not put a fountain here, just hang a picture with a landscape.

If there is a refrigerator in the wealth sector, you need to keep it clean, fill it with good products and throw out spoiled ones in a timely manner. You can put a few Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on top.

How and where do you keep money at home according to Feng Shui?

There are several rules that allow you to save and increase your finances:

  1. Don't put it off for a rainy day. If you do this, then it will definitely come.
  2. A wooden box, upholstered with red fabric on the inside, is suitable for storing savings at home. Moreover, large bills need to be placed on top of it.
  3. The place where money is stored should be hidden from other people. It should not be placed near a door or window.
  4. The wallet should not be very small so that money is freer. It is better if it is made of fabric, suede or leather. A wallet with holes should be thrown away immediately.

Some funds should always be kept in your wallet. Its color is chosen based on the owner's date of birth.

In order to do so, Feng Shui advises to part with them easily and give part of your earnings to charity.

If you have problems with funds, you should clear away the rubble of things at home and at work. You need to dust the cabinets and remove cobwebs from the shelves, then positive changes will begin to occur in your life. These simple recommendations will help improve the space, attract finance and harmonize the energy flow.

First of all, it is necessary to free the wealth sector from rubble, old, unnecessary and broken things. They impede the flow of energy and block the path of material values ​​on the way to you.

It is better to decorate the south-eastern section of the house in green and blue tones. Plants with round leaves, such as a money tree, can be placed here.

If there is a bathroom or toilet in the southeast, there is no need to activate the elements of water or place money symbols there. It is better to strengthen the wealth sectors in all other rooms of the apartment.

All items associated with money will also be favorable. For example, an orange is considered a symbol of gold and wealth. A painting of an orange tree or a still life with these fruits can be hung on the southeast wall.

To activate the element of water, you can place an aquarium in this sector, but the water in it must always be clean, otherwise stagnation of energy will form, creating an obstacle to cash flows.

A water mill, a small waterfall or fountain, as well as paintings depicting a clean, full-flowing river would be a good idea. Moreover, the water should move towards you. But you shouldn’t post photos of large waterfalls here, because... A large flow can change your life for the worse.

In the southeastern sector you can place various talismans that attract wealth. According to Feng Shui, these are Hotei figures, Chinese coins, a three-legged toad, etc. The toad must have its back to the door, because it is believed that it goes inside and brings a coin.

In the zone of wealth, figures or images of a ship moving in your direction are favorable.

There is no need to place fire symbols in the southeast, they weaken the element of wood. If for some reason it is impossible to remove the fire, add earth elements, for example, a brown ceramic vase or a globe. They will reduce the impact of fire.

Whatever things you have in the southeastern sector, you need to keep them clean and dust them regularly so that energy flows smoothly throughout the room.