Maya Bagdasaryan Instagram. Intimate photos of racer Mara Bagdasaryan

Racer Mara Baghdasaryan actively maintains her pages on social networks. The girl posts photos on Instagram and VKontakte. She also posts videos of cars every hour.

Representative of the golden youth and street racer Mara Bagdasaryan became scandalously famous throughout Russia when, together with her friends Ruslan Shamsuarov, Abduvahob Majidov and Viktor Uskov, she raced a Mercedes Gelandewagen around Moscow. The company went to races with the police, and posted a video of the entire event on the Internet. The girl is 23 years old.

Despite frequent posts on social networks. Not much can be learned about the girl’s life. It is known that she was born in Nizhny Tagil, and studied at one of the universities in the capital. She owns several expensive cars and leads a beautiful life. Nothing is known about Mary's relatives. There are rumors that her father's name is Elmar Baghdasaryan.

The girl talks a lot about her everyday life on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram. The racer regularly posts new photos. However, after the race incident, she changed her Instagram page.

Mara Baghdasaryan on Instagram

At first the girl had a page with the nickname maraa049. But the last photo there was posted 17 weeks ago. During this time, a large number of angry comments gathered under it. Netizens scolded the girl and expressed their dissatisfaction in every possible way. Apparently, Mara decided to go to another page so as not to read negative messages. Her new page with a similar nickname is 049mara. There the girl posts a lot of new photos. In addition to her dope selfies, she chronicles her investigation. In particular, she took selfies at the prosecutor's office, as well as at the police station. And eight hours ago she posted a photo with a man she calls David. Mara noted that she and the guy have been friends for eight years and now he is her lawyer.

Mara Baghdasaryan VKontakte

The girl is a frequent guest on the most popular social network in Russia. Her girlfriend often posts selfies and photos of her cars. Often her photographs are taken while driving a car. On October 20, Mara posted a photo of a Mercedes Gelandewagen, captioning it simply: “For the winter.” The racer often shoots her images in the same corridor next to the elevators. Judging by the photographs, Mara and her friends often spend time smoking a hookah. The girl is not shy about posting very candid photos. She has more than four thousand subscribers, so her posts receive about a thousand likes. She closed the opportunity to comment. Most likely due to the stream of negative comments after the race on Gelentvagins. Most likely, she takes these pictures in the place where she lives. On the page, the girl sometimes writes about her fake pages.

Has Mara Baghdasaryan come to her senses?

The day before, the girl published an interesting photo. In it, a girl holds a road sign with the inscription “Come on, don’t drive.” It turned out that Mara met with the head of the traffic police Kovalenko and the commander of the special battalion Vasyuta. At the same time, a former traffic violator unexpectedly wrote with warmth about the traffic police officers. She said that her opinion about the traffic police in general had changed. And in the end, she completely finished off her subscribers, promising to drive according to the rules. According to the girl, it’s more interesting this way.

It seems that we have begun to forget the story of Mara Baghdasaryan! And the girl is still fighting the Moscow courts with the help of her tireless lawyer David Kemularia. While Mara is once again serving a sentence in a special detention center for absenteeism from correctional work, Kemularia writes complaints to Putin, besieges the Ministry of Internal Affairs department and gives interviews about the fact that the case against his ward is fabricated.

Here it would be appropriate to recall the story of Mary from the very beginning. From the terrible accident on Kutuzovsky to the last six-day arrest - I talked about everything very briefly under the cut.

It all started in 2015 with a car accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. On the night of October 3, a BMW X5 car without license plates lost control and flew into the oncoming lane at high speed. There he collided with a Range Rover SUV, which in turn crashed into another car and caught fire. One of the passengers in the Range Rover died in hospital from his injuries.

There were 4 people in the BMW: Anzor Merzhoev, Mark Galperin, Islam Tatarashvili and Mara Bagdasaryan. Halperin died on the spot, Tatarashvili died a week later in intensive care. Mara was also taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Merzhoev, who was driving the car, was later sentenced to 3 years in a general regime colony.

The next big story is the Gelendvagen race on May 22, 2016. The car was driving around the city without license plates, and when traffic police officers tried to stop it, the driver did not comply. Because of this, a chase ensued that lasted several hours. In the Gelendvagen at that time were the son of the vice-president of Lukoil, Ruslan Shamsuarov (the owner of the car), Mara Bagdasaryan and several other people. During the chase, they broadcast on Periscope, in which they insulted the police.

In the end, the Gelendvagen was stopped and the driver was issued two reports: for refusing to stop and for driving without license plates. This greatly outraged the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin. He demanded that criminal cases be opened and an end to the lawlessness of the “golden youth.” As a result, the driver Abduvahob Majidov and the passengers of the Gelendvagen received from 10 to 15 days of administrative arrest. Ruslan Shamsuarov was sentenced to 300 hours of compulsory labor.

Mara Baghdasaryan was detained again on November 6, 2016. The police wanted to issue her a fine for illegal parking, but after checking the car through the database, they discovered that she already had 16 unpaid fines for traffic violations. Therefore, she was taken to the station.

The next day, Mara was taken to court, and there it turned out that the police had accumulated 72 administrative protocols against her. The consideration of all these materials took a month and a half. At this time, lawyer Bagdasaryan was coming up with new excuses for his client. He said that Mara had health problems after the accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, that she did not live at her registration address and therefore did not know about the unpaid fines, that at the time of the recorded traffic violations she was not even driving, etc. etc.

After 12 court hearings, Mara Baghdasaryan was summarily sentenced to 24 days of administrative arrest, 595 hours of compulsory work as a janitor and a fine of 183 thousand rubles.

A new arrest was assigned to Mara on January 12, 2017. This time, Mara served 15 days in a special detention center because she did not show up for mandatory work for two days in a row. Before this, she provided the bailiff with a certificate stating that she could not work as a janitor for health reasons. But by the time Mara stopped attending work, the authenticity of the certificate had not yet been verified. The lawyer appealed the arrest, but the court left the punishment unchanged.

The medical certificate that Baghdasaryan provided to the bailiff in order not to work as a janitor turned out to be fake. On this occasion, another trial was held on March 10, as a result of which Mara was sentenced to a year of correctional labor with earnings withheld in the amount of 15%. The girl admitted her guilt and completely repented in the hope that the case would be fined. But the court was adamant.

During January, February and March, Baghdasaryan evaded execution of administrative punishment many, many times. The next round of court hearings lasted for two months; as a result of all the proceedings, on March 14, Mara was sentenced to a fine of 202 thousand rubles.

After the accident on Kutuzovsky Mar, she was banned from driving a car, but she repeatedly violated this ban. In the end, the prosecutor's office demanded that the girl's driver's license be revoked. The court hearing on this matter was held on March 21. The court found that after the accident, doctors diagnosed Bagdasaryan with epilepsy. This was confirmed by the testimony of a traffic police officer who once stopped Mara on the road and witnessed her epileptic seizure. Baghdasaryan’s father denied his daughter’s diagnosis in court. Mara herself did not come to the meeting. As a result, the court sentenced Mara to lifelong driving license deprivation. She will be able to get her ID back only if the doctors allow it.

On June 26, Mara was again detained for absenteeism from mandatory work. Because of this, her lawyer sent Putin a complaint about the actions of the bailiffs. According to him, the bailiffs threatened them and said that Baghdasaryan would be arrested in any case. Despite this, on June 28 the court sentenced Mara to administrative arrest for a period of 6 days.

Mara Baghdasaryan is a 22-year-old Moscow street racing fan who, due to this hobby, has more than once ended up in the police custody. The incident that received the greatest resonance was when on May 23, 2016, Bagdasaryan and his friends, among whom was the son of a top manager of Lukoil, tried to hide in an SUV from traffic police officers. They flagrantly violated traffic rules about 20 times and broadcast the race live on the Internet, generously using obscene language towards their pursuers. The young people were detained, ordered to pay a fine, and at the same time the violators were given 10 to 15 days of arrest as punishment.

Whose Baghdasaryan's daughter is it?

Bagdasaryan was born on November 3, 1993 in Nizhny Tagil. According to media reports, the girl’s parents are divorced. Father - Elmar Elmirovich Bagdasaryan— is listed as the owner of Nuchar LLC and is engaged in the wholesale trade of meat.

How good is Baghdasaryan at driving?

Bagdasaryan has the driving skills of a professional racer; from the age of 13 she was involved in karting, and then tried herself on the track. But the girl’s problem is that, once behind the wheel, she begins to ignore the rules of the road. In 2015 alone, she received about 150 fines for speeding in an amount exceeding 1 million rubles.

Did Baghdasaryan have any accidents?

Yes, they were. According to the girl, she was involved in four accidents, but was never the culprit. The worst accident she managed to survive occurred in October 2015 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. As a result of the accident, two people were killed, including a policeman, and six were injured. Mara was in the back seat of a BMW X5, the driver of which drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a Range Rover. At the same time, this SUV hit a Porsche Cayenne following at a short distance from behind, after which both foreign cars flew off to the side of the road. After the collision, the Range Rover caught fire and was completely burned out within minutes. Baghdasaryan was taken to the hospital with numerous fractures. She lay in a coma for about a month.

Mara Bagdasaryan is a well-known odious person in the Moscow social scene and the main character of popular talk shows. The daughter of a rich father, she drives through the Moscow streets in expensive cars, neglecting both traffic rules and basic safety. Let's take a closer look at her biography and personal life.

Biography of Mara Baghdasaryan: whose daughter is she?

Mara Bagdasaryan is a Russian citizen, Armenian by nationality. Today the girl is 23 years old. Who are her parents? Almost nothing is known about the mother. Father is a big businessman.

Parents of Mara Baghdasaryan

The girl’s father and mother moved to Russia from Azerbaijan due to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. When the girl was a teenager, her parents began to live separately. There are various rumors about what is really happening in the girl’s family. There is information that the mother was forced to leave Moscow due to her brother’s serious illness. Elmar Baghdasaryan himself states that they have a friendly family.

Father of Mara Baghdasaryan, photo

The Meat King's Daughter

For some time, Mara Baghdasaryan, the scandalous street racer, declared that she was the daughter of a prosecutor. Information about this was found on the girl’s social network page. However, journalists found out that Mary’s father, Elmar Baghdasaryan, is the owner of the Nuchar company, which is engaged in the production, processing and wholesale trade of meat products. The daughter of the meat king has already collected more than a hundred fines from the traffic police, most of which were paid by her father. Expensive cars were gifts from my father. According to observers, Elmar Baghdasaryan is already tired of his daughter’s antics.

Mary's dad

Elmar Baghdasaryan will be able to influence the court decision

Elmar became a candidate for the jury. This fact gave impetus to speculation and criticism directed towards the Baghdasaryan family. According to observers, a series of arrests and trials against Mara Baghdasaryan could have formed a biased negative attitude of her father towards law enforcement officers.

Street racer Mara Bagdasaryan: photos and videos of racing

Driving luxury cars, primarily Mercedes, Mara Mersovodova, aka Bagdasaryan, limits herself to almost nothing. Driving in the opposite direction, sudden changes in lanes on the road and speed...240-250 km/h. Playing checkers in a heavy Gelendvagen is as easy as shelling pears for Mara. Even though it poses a threat to others. The girl has been karting since childhood. Maybe this is where my passion for racing comes from.

Accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Gelendvagen racing in Moscow, video

On October 3, 2015, a BMW X5, driving at high speed, skidded and hit two passing cars. One of them caught fire. As a result of the accident, 3 people died.

It turned out that Mara Baghdasaryan was in the passenger seat in the car that caused the accident. As a result of the accident, the girl was severely injured and was in a coma for 3 weeks. Subsequently, the street racer will take the wheel and begin to quickly cut through the Moscow streets on her own. In another high-profile car business, Mara also turned out to be a prominent figure. We are talking about the pursuit of the car of the son of the vice-president of the oil company Lukoil, Ruslan Shamsuarov. Then there were not only young men in the Mercedes Gelendvagen, but also Mara. The chase and insults of the police were broadcast online. Mara was arrested for 10 days. But this incident did not teach the girl anything. Hundreds of fines followed again.

Accident on Kutuzovsky with Mara Bagdasaryan, video

Gelendvagen racing in Moscow, video

Races and deprivation of rights of Mary Baghdasaryan

A video posted on Instagram, where Mara rushes at high speed along the median, caused a wide public outcry. This is not the only video. In another video, a racer rides in passing traffic, but, twice the speed limit, makes dangerous lane changes.

Mara's defense in the courts presented a number of medical certificates designed to relieve the girl of responsibility for these violations. Law enforcement agencies used the information provided to deprive Bagdasaryan of the right to drive motor vehicles for life on the basis of medical contraindications. When filming in public, the street racer hides her face under the camera's guns. Family friend David Kemularia organized the girl’s legal defense.

Racer fights for driver's license

Mara underwent examinations at numerous medical institutions in Moscow, as a result of which it was stated that the racer had no contraindications for driving vehicles. But Bagdasaryan still hasn’t received her license. The girl even tried to write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, but it’s useless. However, the absence of a license does not mean the absence of a car and the desire to drive. Mara continues to drive without a license. She was recently detained again. Moreover, the girl moved from scandals on the roads to scandals on the Internet.

The real page of Mara Baghdasaryan in contact and Instagram

On the Internet, Bagdasaryan introduces himself as Mara Alekperova, Mara Rakhmanova, Mara Mersovodova and other names. Mara regularly fills out her pages on social networks, primarily Vkontakte and Instagram.

Real page on Instagram of Mara Baghdasaryan

Instagram of Mary Baghdasaryan

Naked street racer Mara

Scandalous photographs of a young street racer have appeared on the Internet. One of them depicts a girl’s completely naked lower body. In another photo, Mara barely covers her chest. And there are countless photographs of Mara Baghdasaryan in swimsuits. Scandal only adds to the girl's popularity. (However, it should be noted that many photos of naked girls posing as Mara have appeared on the Internet).

Photo of Mara Bagdasaryan before and after plastic surgery

Comparing photographs of Mara Baghdasaryan, attentive Internet users noticed how the girl’s appearance had changed.

What did Mara do with her appearance?

For example, abdominoplasty (removal of fat deposits and excess skin) was performed for a flatter stomach and narrower waist; The wings of the nose have been corrected – the nostrils have narrowed significantly; Botox injections were performed in various parts of the body; breast enlargement; rhinoplasty. These are only those operations that are most obvious. Using the abundance of photographs on the Internet, you can compare photos before and after plastic surgery.

Photo of Mara Bagdasaryan before plastic surgery

Photo of Mary Baghdasaryan after plastic surgery

The biography of the most famous Russian street racer Mara Bagdasaryan is replete with a large number of scandals and offenses related to rapid movement by car in the Russian capital. Devil on the road, Mara 049 - these are the few nicknames that are firmly attached to her.

Childhood and youth

Mara was born in 1993, her parents are divorced. Each time she indicates the city of birth is different: either Nizhny Tagil or Grozny. One thing is known - the street racer now lives in Moscow. Whose daughter she is became known a long time ago: her father came out of the shadows after Mary’s arrest. This is Elmar Elmirovich Bagdasaryan, owner of the largest meat processing company Nuchar LLC.

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The entrepreneur started from scratch, as he himself grew up in an intelligent family of teachers, and his grandfather worked as a judge. According to her father, in the late 80s, the girl’s parents moved to Moscow from Azerbaijan. They are Armenians by nationality, so the move turned out to be a necessity.

Street racing

Mara Baghdasaryan has been interested in karting since she was 13 years old. She carried this passion into life: at night she organizes dangerous rallies along the half-empty roads of Moscow. According to the girl, her friends call her Squid - the Thunderstorm of the area.

Mary uses sports cars from Nissan, Mercedes, BMW, AMG and 2 superbikes. It is possible that the girl’s uncle is Artur Bagdasaryan, one of the co-founders of the Rosneft subsidiary. In addition, the famous heiress was repeatedly seen in the company of the son of Lukoil vice-president Ruslan Shamsuarov as his girlfriend.

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Mara Baghdasaryan before plastic surgery

The racer's lifestyle is monotonous: she sleeps during the day and goes out on the roads at night to catch a drive. Friends noticed that Mara only comes to life when she gets behind the wheel. The rest of the time she remains in a somnambulistic and apathetic state. Doctors began to suspect that the street racer was suffering from a mental disorder, which was thus reflected in her behavior.

Mara is a drifting enthusiast and participant in races on the streets of Moscow. The girl's instinct of self-preservation fails, because she is capable of reaching speeds of up to 240 km/h, moving along the median. The racer was repeatedly involved in accidents of varying severity.

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Dangerous behavior on the road has long been dubbed street racing. This hobby has an increasing number of fans among golden youth every year. And this is not without reason, because you have to pay dearly for such pleasure. The consequences of the accidents that Mara has been in are unpleasant and tragic.

The worst accident involving Mary was an accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt at the beginning of 2015. As a result of a collision of three foreign cars, BMW owner Mark Halperin died on the spot, and later two more participants died in intensive care: the Range Rover driver and another BMW passenger. After Mara Baghdasaryan was discharged from the hospital, she was first detained.

Mara herself was taken to the hospital, where she underwent a 20-hour operation and a 3-week coma. Friends even thought that the girl had died. But after some time, thanks to the efforts of resuscitators and surgeons, she woke up. A long period of rehabilitation followed.

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A series of arrests occurred due to a scandalous incident in May 2016, when a group of young people in a Gelendvagen raced a police car through the streets of Moscow. A group of young people broadcast this incident on the Internet in real time, accompanied by obscene language in all comments.

That evening Avduvakhob Manzhirov, Ruslan Shamsuarov, Viktor Uzkov and Mara Bagdasaryan violated 20 traffic rules. The participants in hooliganism were detained, their licenses were taken away and they were placed in a pre-trial detention center for 15 days, although under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation they faced the initiation of a criminal case with a sentence in a correctional colony of up to 5 years.

However, the children of top managers of oil companies escaped with fines. Mara herself was sentenced to forced labor. Due to poor health, Baghdasaryan was given the opportunity to work the required hours in the office. The girl spent several months in the Tver library, where she studied documents. The establishment's employees treated the new employee warmly and even invited her to stay.

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Mara Baghdasaryan after plastic surgery

Judging by the news at the beginning of 2017, the girl was again arrested, the reason for which was the regular disregard for paying fines. The daughter, who was in isolation, was visited several times by her parents, who were now calm about her.

In the pre-trial detention center, the girl regained normal sleep and began to eat better. Thanks to her passion, Mara Baghdasaryan took a place on the list of the 100 most mentioned women in Russia.

In March 2017, a retrial took place in the case of Mara Baghdasaryan, at which a sentence was passed to deprive the street racer of his rights for life. Appearing in April 2018 behind the wheel without the appropriate documents, Mara reported from the page