What does a dream about a fire mean? Why do you dream about a fire in a dream? You often dream about a fire.

Dreams are an important component of every person’s life, as their interpretation warns of impending troubles or long-awaited surprises. A frequent “guest” in the dream world is “Fire”. Usually, after waking up, a person is overcome by panic and anxiety. But is a fire in a dream as scary as it is made out to be?

What to expect?

A fire in a dream symbolizes, on the one hand, success and prosperity, and on the other, sorrows and sorrows. You need to remember the dream in detail and carefully read the information presented in world-famous dream books in order to be prepared for any life changes.

Miller's Dream Book

The meaning of “fire”: the dream book promises renewal, cleansing, change. I dreamed of a fire - a good sign. See a burning house– get ready for renovation or relocation. Put out the fire- to hectic changes at work. And if you dream of victims injured in a fire, Pay attention to the health of your household, as the vision means that one of your relatives may soon become seriously ill. Seeing you wandering through the ashes means melancholy, sadness, nostalgia.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a fire: Freud’s interpretation represents a vision with sexual relationships. If you saw yourself extinguishing bright flames- this means that problems with the health of the genital organs may arise in the near future. A man who sees himself in the center of a fire not confident in his eroticism and believes that he cannot satisfy the needs of his partner. The building, in the hot embrace of flame, promises excitement, sexual attraction, voluptuousness and bright, pure love. If you dreama fire that quickly went out- means that your relationship has lost its ardor. You dream of terrible flames, but you just watch, without doing anything, means that you are haunted by violent sexual fantasies that will never come true.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation: “fire” is a symbol of carnal weaknesses, addictions, obsessions and thirst for change. I dream of scenes in which you are the initiator of arson- means that soon life will change dramatically. Put out the bright flame– you are an indecisive person, floating along the calm current of Fate; perhaps you are not happy with many things in life, but fear does not allow you to change anything. A sudden fire that came out of nowhere means that in the near future life will be darkened by betrayal. Beautiful but destructive lightning that caused a fire promises an important meeting, which will cause long-awaited changes.

Dream Interpretation Lofa

Lof's interpretation: large-scale fire means fearlessness and self-control. In reality you will have to face an unforeseen situation in which you will show your character strengths. Seeing yourself as a victim of a fire without feeling pain- a sign of renewal, forgiveness and purification. What has bothered you for so long and couldn’t let go will become a thing of the past and will make life much easier.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Many people are concerned with the question of why they dream of a fire. Tsvetkov’s interpretation brings devastation, misfortune, and grief. Received a terrible burn, means bad news, gossip that will undermine your reputation. Thick smoke and bright flames portend major troubles in all areas of activity. Burnt out entrance doors mean that the owner of the home is in mortal danger.

Dream Interpretation Meneggeti

Dream about fire– to losses, financial instability, losses. Watch your health, as the interpretation portends a serious illness. Why do you dream about a fire in a building? but to the fact that you will be brazenly slandered. If you were chased by burning houses all night or a city engulfed in flames - to a natural disaster. Dream Interpretation: the fire truck you saw as if in reality, means that an accident may occur in the near future. Hear the sirens wail- means that bad company has a detrimental effect on you and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dream about fire- to fun, joy and happiness. The mesmerizing bright fire means that you will soon receive wonderful news. Stormy dancing around the flame- to the fulfillment of cherished desires. If you keep your eyes on the fire– long-awaited changes are just around the corner.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Many dreams in which the harsh fire element reigns are based on personal experiences and anxieties. Why do you dream of a fire? Millions wonder. Longo claims that when decoding dreams you need to focus on sensations, the size of the disaster, the object of fire, actions. For each person, the vision carries its own hidden meaning. If you saw smoke, fire, vanity- this means that you need to pay attention to your behavior, since your loved ones are offended by your selfishness, cowardice, immaturity, and emotional outbursts.

The magic of dreams bewitches and transports you to a magical world of dreams, in which it is warm and rosy or cold and gloomy. But dreams from which you wake up in a cold sweat do not always promise trouble, and colorful dreams do not always promise happiness.

The question of why you dream of a fire cannot be answered unequivocally, since each person is individual. But in any case, after such dreams, you should pay attention to your behavior, environment and the signs that fate sends, so that suffering and devastation do not burst into life.

Replenish your arsenal with common sense, caution, desires, and no omens will be scary!

Since its inception, mankind has been afraid of fire and its consequences in the form of a fire. Even in fairy tales about dragons this fear is noticeable: these lizards spew out hellish fire and scare the people. In order to find out why you dream of a fire, you need to look into the dream book.

It often becomes unpleasant when you have such terrible dreams. Sometimes we ourselves interpret them incorrectly. A fire in the interpretation of a dream book can mean completely different things. If you see a fire in a dream, you should not be afraid. Sometimes the meaning of a dream interpretation can be pleasantly surprising.

There is no smoke without fire

Fire is a natural element that man has been able to tame, but not completely. It is impossible to take your eyes off the dancing flames in the fire. Fire fascinates, excites and frightens. How strong is its destructive power! Metal and stone meekly surrender before his strength and power.

Miller's dream book, like other dream books, interprets the meaning of fire as emotions that burn from the inside. This dream book will help you understand why you dream of a fire.

If you dreamed of fire, you should look inside yourself. Perhaps you are filled with strong emotions? Are you angry or jealous? Maybe you have unrequited feelings for someone? These emotions haunt me, but I can’t put out this fire at the moment.

To understand what it means to have a dream in which fire disturbed all your senses and made you worry, you need to remember the details of the dream. Then it will be possible to most accurately understand why the fire is dreaming.


A fire in a dream can occur anywhere, which is very important for the interpretation of the dream. Remember the details: how many people and animals there were, how brightly the fire burned, did you notice smoke, maybe someone screamed, or did you hear a characteristic crackling sound. In order to determine what a fire means in a dream, you need to remember all the details.

Open the dream book, a fire can have completely different meanings. You can see a fire in a dream in different situations. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • You had a terrible dream, a fire engulfed the apartment or building in which you are located;
  • Your house is on fire, but you are watching from the outside;
  • Watch your neighbors house burn;
  • Watch the forest burn;
  • The fire burns you or you burn yourself;
  • You are the cause of disaster;
  • Watch the work of special services as they try to extinguish a building engulfed in fire.

Even such nuances can significantly change the meaning of your dream. Let's look at each possible case separately.

Tili bom, tili bom, Cat's house caught fire

Seeing a burning house in reality is not a very pleasant sight. But our subconscious can also cause such unpleasant dreams.

1. If you dream of a fire that engulfed an entire building, but it is not your house or your neighbors’ house. you are watching fire, and you don’t see any casualties, it’s easy to extinguish.

According to Miller’s dream book, such a dream means great luck, great happiness, both for all relatives and in personal relationships. There will be a white streak in business. You will begin to enjoy life.

2. If no one tries to extinguish the fire seen in a dream, and even there are victims, then such a dream should be taken as a warning. You are faced with a task that you intuitively doubt, but still have high hopes for.

The result will not please you; most likely, you will be left with nothing. Friends, colleagues or partners will not help, or they have other things to do. You should take your time and become more vigilant.

3. If you dream that your house is on fire, this means that the dream promises possible negativity. Soon there will be a period of lack of money, poverty, and possible losses. But it won’t last long, you need to wait it out courageously, because a white streak of prosperity will definitely come to replace it.

4. If you find yourself in someone else’s house, which is on fire, and you are trying to put out the fire, then such a dream means that you are worried. This means that there is an event in your memory that you need to forget or try to let go of.

For the most complete understanding and presentation of the picture of what you saw, look into the dream book; fire has many meanings and interpretations.

Why do fire services dream?

1. You had a dream where a group of firefighters extinguished a burning building. It doesn’t matter whose building it is, a stranger’s or your home. In a dream, they hint to you to think about your behavior or pay attention to mistakes.

2. If in a dream a fire is extinguished by a special car or strangers, this means that you pay little attention to your family and friends. Look around, maybe your parents need help or you pay little attention to your partner?

3. Calling the fire department and waiting for them means that you have the necessary information about your competitor or enemy, and this information is your trump card. And when to play it is up to you to decide.

Waiting for help in the form of firefighters indicates that you are postponing this decision. But the fire can get very hot, or everything can burn down to embers before it can wait for help. Therefore, you need to act immediately, make the right decision and act.

4. If you work as a firefighter in a dream, dressed in special clothing, saving lives, you may dream of a big fire, then such a dream says that your lover is faithful to you, there is no need to doubt it.

Own home burns down

A fire inside your apartment or home that you are trying to put out yourself is a very good sign. So why do you dream about a fire in an apartment? There are several factors to consider:

  • The instigator of a fire in an apartment is you. You have to deal with difficult matters that arose through your fault or will arise in the near future.
  • If this is not the first time you have had such a dream. You probably doubt the correctness of any decisions, maybe you should change something in your life?
  • To experience faith in victory over the flame in a dream, to see that it is decreasing, means that you will win in real life. Easily cope with all the turmoil in your life.

Why do you dream of a forest disaster?

Different dream books interpret the dream of a fire in the forest in different ways. According to one version, such a dream does not bode well, but in another, a fire is a lucky dream. When trying to interpret such a vision, you need to pay attention to various personal qualities and emotional state, your health and communication with friends and loved ones.

It’s scary to see how such a disaster destroys green trees. But Miller’s dream book interprets that in a dream, seeing a fire in the forest, trees engulfed in fire, means good health, a new stage of life is ahead, you have a lot of strength.

Become an eyewitness to a forest fire that destroyed everything around. Such a dream foreshadows the implementation of all your plans, which will bring great joy or profit; at this stage of your life it will be just in time.

Also, a big fire in the forest speaks of love that has recently arisen between two people. And trying to put out such a fire will be interpreted as a desire to avoid these feelings. Perhaps love arose only on one side.

Other meanings

  • Getting burned in a dream means a new romance, or falling in love.
  • And if you are burning, you will plunge headlong into new feelings.
  • If you start an arson, or try to burn something, then this means your desire to get rid of something unnecessary to you. This can apply to things and old feelings and emotions.
  • If you dream of a city on fire, then this is a sign of an upcoming crisis.
  • A dream about a fire in winter promises long frosty days; if it is in the summer, then it will be hot.

Extinguishing methods

1. Put out a fire with a bucket of water - you can help reconcile friends and be a “dove of peace.”

2. If you are trying to put out a fire in the forest, it means you have enough strength not only for yourself, but you can also help someone who is in an unpleasant situation or sick.

3. If you use water to extinguish a fire, this means that you are struggling with all the difficulties that have befallen you.

4. Seeing a fire hose in action, a lot of smoke - an improvement in personal relationships is expected.

Smoke in a dream

  • If you dreamed of a fire, but there was no fire visible, only smoke. Such a dream foreshadows imminent favorable changes in life. You will find peace and harmony.
  • If smoke billows out and the fire flares up, Miller recommends paying attention to finances. Think about where to hide them, losses are possible.
  • Dreaming of smoke in the forest means finding a new family. Marriage or marriage with official registration.

The fire itself is not visible, but you can see the smoke, which rises high into the sky in an even column. Calm weather means joy in reality, praise, possibly an award or victory in a competition.

Seeing a fire in a dream is scary, especially if you are trying to escape the flames or see your property burning, or the flames approaching someone close to you. However, a fire is not always interpreted as a bad omen. The meaning of such a dream in different dream books differs especially strongly. To get a general picture for ourselves, we will turn to the most famous dream books and try to bring all the data known to us to a common denominator.

Fire in Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a fire, but, nevertheless, the disaster does not entail deaths or injuries, then in the near future your life will change dramatically. Changes will be favorable and will make you happy.

Fire in Freud's dream book

According to Freud, a fire in a dream symbolizes intimacy. Accordingly, if you are trying to put out a fire, overcome the flames, frigidity is developing in you, or you should be examined for diseases of the reproductive organs.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by fire, or are in a room engulfed in flames, then in reality you feel fear (subconscious or conscious) of physical intimacy with a person you like. It is best to consult a sexologist and identify the cause of fear - such problems can significantly worsen your relationship with your partner.

If you look at a burning house or at a fire in the forest, in an open area, then in reality you are inclined to self-satisfaction or want to try some things from the realm of your own fantasies. However, in reality you don’t have the courage to offer this to your partner.

Fire in Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you pay attention not only to the fire, but also to the thick gray smoke that pours out of a burning house or other object, in reality one of your friends wants to discredit you in front of those around you, start a rumor.

If in a dream you see how a raging flame, which previously burned only the house, spreads to trees, grass, and neighboring houses, then in reality an abnormal heat may occur, as a result of which peat fires will begin and the crop will perish.

Fire in Hasse's dream book

A new dream book has a new meaning, completely different from the previous ones. According to this interpreter, a fire in a dream symbolizes help and support even in the most dangerous matters. Someone will stand up for you and practically save the situation.

The brighter the fire you see in a dream, the better your life will be in the near future. Fire in this dream book is a symbol of favorable events, fun and a pleasant pastime.

There is no smoke without fire - smoke symbolizes good news. The thicker and richer it is, the larger its cloud, the more good news you will receive in the near future.

Fire in the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

According to these interpreters, fire is associated with disappointments and failures. If you see flames and thick clouds of smoke in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to realize what you have wanted for so long, which will make you fall into depression and introspection.

In addition, such a dream says a lot about your state of mind. It’s not easy for you at the moment: there are many more negative events happening in life that cause you to react defensively than joyful moments. You are exhausted and irritated. You are about to be unable to contain your anger and will get into trouble due to excessive demonstration of emotions. Stop and allow yourself to rest, change your social circle. This cannot go on any longer.

When interpreting a dream this way, it is important to pay attention to where exactly the fire occurred. If, for example, you see your own apartment on fire, then it is everyday problems and problems with your family that stress you the most. If a fire occurs in an office or workplace, then you are exhausted by work.

If you see a fire, but do not feel fear in a dream and understand that it will not cause any casualties, then in reality you will receive a powerful incentive to continue to act. You will find a source of energy, restore physical and moral strength and be able to move mountains.

Fire in Ivanov's dream book

According to Ivanov, the fire symbolizes the sacred fire, the process of purifying your soul, confessing everything that makes you repent. Perhaps you are reaching a qualitatively new level of perception and cleansing yourself of everything that connected you with your old life, confessing in a unique way.

Fire in Azar's dream book

According to this interpreter, a fire in a dream foreshadows a disease, an infection that you may catch in the near future - as a rule, we are talking about the flu, sore throat, and bronchitis.

If you see yourself extinguishing the flame, while you achieve the desired result, then in reality everything in your life will turn out well. You may get many new reasons to feel happy.

Fire in the Modern Dream Book

If you see your apartment or house burning, then such a dream is a good sign: you can finally move forward on the path to achieving your goal. What already seemed impossible will finally take the path of development - perhaps even pay off in the end.

If you started a fire yourself - it doesn’t matter whether you started a fire and couldn’t put it out, or you set something on fire on purpose - then in reality you are wasting your time and effort. Analyze the situation and understand that it will be much better if you spend your resources more efficiently, give up unnecessary things and start behaving prudently.

Fire in the dream book of Catherine the Great

If you see a fire in a dream, then in reality you should not think that what you have planned will be easily accomplished. Most likely, circumstances will develop in such a way that the plans will go to waste.

If you are trying with all your might to extinguish the flame, then in reality you will be able to correct the situation and follow the path to success, even if not immediately.

If in a dream you saw a fire and anxiously monitor whether everyone managed to escape, then in reality you will be rewarded for your kindness and willingness to help, without even expecting it.

If in a dream you understand that a fire is happening in your apartment or house, then in reality everything will be peaceful and calm for you: you can not doubt the devotion of your family and friends, and if you have children, then you will not have to worrying about their behavior once again - on the contrary, there will be many reasons for pride.

If the place of the fire is your office or other workplace, then in reality success awaits you in this field. You can rest assured that you have chosen the right job.

If in a dream you look at the ruins and debris of houses, charred furniture, then a black streak awaits you in life. It takes patience to overcome all adversity, but you can do it with the right amount of perseverance.

If in a dream you hear a fire siren or see firefighters and their car, then in reality you have many reasons for concern that will make your nerves tense.

If a young girl has such a dream, then she should not hastily agree to get married or get a job - perhaps she will greatly regret such a choice later.

Fire in Grishina's Noble Dream Book

If you dream about how you started a fire, but your clothes caught fire, then in reality you will “burn” in what you yourself got yourself into. Try to be less arrogant and look at things and your abilities objectively.

If you dream that your house is on fire, then you should expect scandals in the family, misunderstandings and mutual insults.

If this is not your house, but someone else’s, and you are just looking at the fire, then you will be very lucky in life: happiness is already on the threshold, all you have to do is let it into the house.

However, if you are not the only one who watches the flames in a burning house in a dream, then you should be wary of dirty rumors that can discredit you and ruin your reputation.

If you only see smoke billowing from the fire scene, but cannot see the flames themselves, then financial troubles, unexpected expenses and loss of livelihood await you.

If you dream that you are helping someone put out a fire, then in reality you will have to spend a long time in the cold.

If in a dream you saw ashes left in place of a burning house, then you have a black streak ahead, during which you should be careful.

Fire in Roberti's Italian psychoanalytic dream book

If you see a fire in a dream, then subconsciously you are very afraid of something. You want to run away from a situation that is emotionally traumatizing you, hide and never think about it again. Naturally, this does not work out in practice, and you need to either openly admit that you do not want to participate in this, or face your fear head on and overcome it. Such a dream could also mean that you are afraid of yourself. You are insecure about your emotional stability and fear losing control of your words and actions, becoming angry or frustrated. It is best for you to contact a psychologist for help.

Fire in Mindell's dream book

A fire in a dream is akin to insight, according to this interpreter. If you arranged it yourself, it means that you will soon experience success in business - you will finally understand how to act in order to achieve success.

Fire in the dream book of the witch Medea

The fire in your dream may represent what warms your soul, namely, the support and willingness to help you coming from dear people. Such a dream means that you are protected and in a difficult life situation they will stand up for you.

However, such a dream may also mean that you will soon meet a person to whom you will feel a very strong physical attachment - you will be controlled by a heavy and all-encompassing passion. Whether to indulge her or not - see for yourself.
If you see a fire service employee in a dream, then in reality you will acquire a reliable and loyal friend, ready to accept you as the person you are and help if required.

If in a dream you try to extinguish the flame and you succeed, then in reality your life will return to normal, you will stop worrying and feel happy.

Fire in the Magic Dream Book

If you see a fire in a dream, then in reality your life will change a lot in the near future. Some unusual event will force you to stop living in the rhythm in which you did it before - perhaps you change your job or find the love of your life.

If in a dream you see a fire somewhere in the distance, then beware of catching a cold in reality: both viral diseases and diseases of the throat and lungs are possible.

If you see trees burning in the forest, then such a dream symbolizes the successful implementation in reality of a long-planned project: perhaps the business in which you have invested so much will bring results that exceed your expectations.

If you witnessed a fire in which there were no casualties, injuries or deaths, then in reality you will be able to conquer new heights and try yourself in a new role, and enjoy the changes.

Fire in the Mayan dream book

If in a dream you are trying to extinguish a flame, it means that the gods expect great achievements from you. You are under special protection; the higher powers themselves help you in your activities.

If you had a nightmare in which you are burned in a fire, you feel pain from the fire, then this is a very alarming omen. Be careful and attentive: do not get involved in adventures, do not violate traffic rules, spend more time at home - you are in great danger.

Fire in the dream horoscope book

If you see a flame in a dream, then in reality you will be deeply hurt by the indifferent behavior of a person who is very dear to you. You will understand that your feelings are not reciprocal, you will feel sad and sad because of this.

If in a dream you are trying to put out a fire, then in reality your relatives or friends who have quarreled among themselves will finally find a way for reconciliation, which will make you incredibly happy.

Fire in the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If in a dream your bed is engulfed in flames, then in reality be mentally prepared for the betrayal of your loved one.

Fire in the Yellow Emperor's dream book

A fire in a dream is a bad sign. This is not a light, not a fire that can be controlled, not a torch that lights your way. This is an uncontrollable element that can destroy you and everything that is dear to you. Accordingly, such a dream can hardly be interpreted as something good.

Such a dream is also connected on a psychological level with your emotionality. With how much you are susceptible to spontaneous manifestations and how poorly your emotions can be controlled in difficult life situations. You burn out emotionally and destroy yourself from the inside. You need to find a way out of negativity before it leads you to sin.

In addition, such a dream may imply that you not only cannot control your emotions, and with them, everything that happens around you, but also that you are not even trying to work on yourself. It's like you're burning yourself and you like it, which, of course, won't lead to anything good.

Fire in Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book

A fire in a dream can imply a whole range of emotions - it all depends on its intensity. If the flame is calm enough, then it is warm and warming from the inside, if it is strong, then it is passion, animal and strong. If the flame is terrible, crazy and uncontrollable, it rages and destroys everything in its path, then this is a state of passion in which you are capable of doing terrible things.
The dream is twofold, it can either mean that someone will kindle passion and feelings in you, or that you can burn to the ground in them.

If you see a fire in a forest or field, then this is an uncontrollable and very strong outburst of emotions that can get you into trouble. You will be so consumed by anger or pain that you will frighten those around you and push those close to you away.

If in a dream you see, like the image in the fairy tale “Pinocchio,” a fireplace painted on the wall instead of a real one, then such a dream means that you have your head in the clouds and dream too much. Perhaps you attribute to real events something that is not in them at all.

If you dream of a fiery apocalypse, you see our entire world perishing in fire, then in reality your worldview will change dramatically. You will never be able to perceive things the same way again.

Fire in the French dream book

It is important what exactly is on fire in your dream. If neutral territory or someone else’s house or property burns down in a fire, then such a dream can be interpreted as a happy sign, promising you many good moments.

If the fire consumes your things, your house or apartment burns down, then expect trouble: huge financial losses, unhappiness in love and other bad consequences are possible.

Fire in Nostradamus's dream book

If you see a fire in a dream, then such a dream may represent your physiological desires, the passion that overwhelms you, perhaps an insight that will descend on you in the near future.

If you dream that people want to set fire to a government building, and you yourself take part in this, then in reality you want change too much, are afraid of your future, and foresee problems.

If you pull a person out of the fire, then the issue that has been bothering you for a long time will finally be resolved. It is unlikely that you will like the way things will turn out, but at least you will no longer have to be nervous and worry in anticipation of something bad.

If you see a fire in your bedroom, on your bed, then your loved one will soon cheat on you. The fact of betrayal will hurt your pride, even if you agreed to be in an open relationship.

If you see in a dream how, during a thunderstorm, lightning strikes any place that ignites after the strike, then soon you will meet the most important person who will change your whole life. It will be bright and unusual, as will the events during which it will burst into your life.

Fire in Longo's dream book

A fire in a dream is a bad sign. If you see it, then in reality negative events await you, such as scandals, breakups, financial losses and a difficult emotional state.

If you are trying to escape from a flame, and the sight of a fire frightens you, then in reality you are a person with a subtle mental organization. You are easily offended and pushed away, forcing you to do some soul-searching.

If in a dream you see people trying to put out the flame, then in reality your loved ones and relatives are suffering because of your emotionality and unstable state. They are already tired of your anger, of the insults and scandals that you constantly create. Try to be more patient and calmer, at least for those who really love and appreciate you, despite all the shortcomings.

If you dream that a fire resulted in human casualties, many victims and wounded, then in reality you should not get involved in dubious adventures, even if you are confident of success. It's not at all what it seems.


A fire in a dream is a contradictory sign. First of all, when interpreting such a dream, you should pay attention to the location of the fire.
If this is your home, then most likely such a dream symbolizes losses, failures and quarrels in the family. If the house is someone else’s, then everything will be fine, you will be able to advance in business and be successful.

If in a dream you are running away from a fire, then such a dream indicates that you are very afraid of something in life, are not ready to take responsibility, and are afraid of yourself.

In addition, a fire in a dream is a reflection of your emotionality. If it is strong and all-consuming, then you do not know how to control yourself, and as a result, you cannot control anything around you. With your behavior, you alienate your loved ones, make them worry, and hurt them. It will be much better if you seek help from a specialist or start working on yourself.

Fire is also a symbol of diseases - primarily viral and diseases of the throat and lungs.

If you see that no one died or was injured in the fire, then such a dream is a good sign. You will be able to exist in peace and harmony, success in business awaits you. But if you see that people are dying in the fire, then there is a series of difficult events ahead, hard work and emotional tension.

If you see a nightmare in which you yourself burn in flames, then such a dream can foreshadow very troubling times, including injury, serious illness, and death.

A raging fire in a dream is far from the most pleasant dream for a person. It’s difficult to remain calm when everything around you is on fire; you want to wake up quickly and forget about this obsession.

The problem is that after such dreams, a vague anxiety remains in the soul. I would like to understand what the scarlet flames mean, and what we should prepare for in the near future.

Very often such dreams indicate that that there are serious emotions raging inside a person that are trying to break out. A more detailed interpretation will be given by the dream book.

I dreamed of a fire, what does it mean?

  • If you dream fire in a dream for a girl- soon happy changes in fate await her (but only on the condition that the fire did not take a single human life).
  • If flame have to stew yourself, which means that new prospects will soon appear at work. Perhaps a promotion and salary increase will follow.
  • For woman such dream Can mean joy and explosion of emotions, for men- quick cash profit.
  • If the whole city is on fire, a war or an epidemic of a dangerous disease may begin.
  • For pregnant such a dream may mean that she is not internally ready for the upcoming motherhood and childbirth. However, this does not mean that she will not cope with the upcoming test - on the contrary, everything will be fine with both her and the child. Such a significant change in life will end well for her.

If you dream of a fire in a house or apartment

  • Fire in an apartment or house may foreshadow an upcoming journey or unexpected good news.
  • See fire of your house- this means you should beware of strangers and not make dubious acquaintances in the near future.
  • When in a dream you see outlines someone else's house engulfed in fire and smoke - big changes await you in the future. You may receive expensive gifts, or there will be an increase in your overall wealth.
  • Raging Fire Element at your closest neighbors th can mean gossip behind your back and gossip, which will quickly stop and will not cause any tangible troubles.

Why do you dream about fire and fire?

There can be many interpretations of such a dream. Miller's Dream Book portends happy changes in the future - but only on the condition that there were no human casualties in the dream.

Besides, fire often testifies about cleansing and getting rid of unnecessary, old things. Probably, a new stage in life awaits you - another job, moving to a new place, marriage, renovation, and so on.

If you have to do it yourself in a dream fight fire, obstacles and difficulties await you.

Why do you dream of a house fire?

If you dream of your house on fire- a happy event awaits you in the near future.

If at the same time you got burned tongues of flame - you will become a participant in a love story that will happen unexpectedly and spontaneously.

Most dream interpreters, including Vanga, agree that a fire in your own house in a dream is a good omen. It means that you are surrounded by loyal friends and kind people whom you can safely trust in any difficult situation.

Why do you dream of a fire in someone else’s house?

If you dream someone else's house fire with fire and smoke, this may mean receiving news soon.

If there is smoke wherein light– the news will be good, black smoke means unpleasant news.

Dark billowing smoke can symbolize the collapse of hopes and the collapse of endeavors.

If you see in a dream how someone else's house is on fire, but at the same time completely don't see any smoke and you don’t feel an unpleasant odor - it means that all your plans will be successfully implemented, good luck also awaits you in love affairs.

Putting out a fire in a dream what does it mean

  • Putting out the fire may indicate that you will be able to successfully complete a recently started project.
  • If at the same time you pulling things out of a burning building/house, which means happy changes and pleasant surprises await you.
  • If you are on your own caused a fire, as a result of which people died- soon you will lose loved ones and make enemies. To prevent this from happening, be careful in your statements and actions.
  • Pregnant girl on fire dreams about realizing a cherished dream. If she tries leave the burning house– someone is trying to destroy her happy marriage.

If you dream of a fire truck

You should prepare for an emergency, worries, troubles, worries. If you dream that the car is in a hurry to answer the call with the siren on, an extreme situation will arise, from which you will have to spend a lot of effort to get out. Fortunately, the outcome will be good.

There are also such interpretations of dreams in which a fire truck dreams:

  • the car is in the garage - trouble will come after a long lull;
  • a siren is heard - you have contacted the wrong company;
  • the car is in a hurry to respond to a call - prepare for an accident;
  • a fire truck has an accident - difficulties will arise in business;
  • the car puts out the fire - difficulties at work await.

What does a forest fire mean in dreams?

  • In a dream, this is a good sign, provided that everything goes well no casualties.
  • Quickly extinguished forest fire means a speedy recovery (if someone close to you is sick), the completion of a difficult task, a way out of a difficult situation.
  • If around you trees are burning and you are in the very epicenter of the fire element - which means you regret the past and what can no longer be returned. It is likely that a powerful patron will take you under his protection.
  • If you have to rescue animals from fire– Trouble may come to your neighbors.

If you dream of a fire without fire

Are you dreaming smoke without fire- most likely, you will be lucky soon, but this event will be accompanied by emotions and mental tossing.

Smoke from other people's windows portends life trials and support from loved ones.

Wander in a dream over fresh ashes? The person who will leave you an inheritance will probably die soon.

Great fear which you experience during a fire may indicate unfulfilled desires.

Fire is one of the worst disasters that can befall people. After all, fire can carry away not only valuable things, but also deprive a person of home, health and even life. What if we saw such an emergency in a dream? We suggest asking the question what it means to several of the most popular and accurate dream books of our day.

Miller's Dream Book: I dreamed of a fire

According to information from this source, if you dreamed of a big fire without loss of life, then in the near future you will experience significant changes in your life for the better.

Ancient French dream book: why do you dream of a fire?

According to the compilers of this collection of dream interpretations, flames engulfing a house promise great grief and misfortune, which the dreamer must face while maintaining dignity and courage. If the fire did not hit the walls of your house, then a happy completion of the work you started awaits you, and your labors will be duly rewarded.

Russian collection of interpretations: a dream - a fire in the house

Such a vision is considered by this source as a good sign, foretelling that you will find new, faithful friends, whose help and support you can count on at any time and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician: why do you dream of a fire?

Tongues of flame destroying property promise the dreamer a streak of bad luck, which will be accompanied by major quarrels, losses and failure in business. If you observe, it is likely that you will greatly injure your loved ones with your unrestrained behavior. Try to change your attitude towards your loved ones and not needlessly spoil your relationship with them. A dream in which there are human sacrifices warns of the danger of participating in some kind of enterprise, which can result in numerous problems and troubles.

A collection of tips received in a dream: why do you dream of a fire?

A large fire, accompanied by a column of black acrid smoke and human casualties, symbolizes the probable collapse of plans and hopes.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why you dream of a fire

According to the compilers of this source, a dream in which you see a large fire engulfed in fire promises you the protection of influential people and quick success. If a large sum of money that belongs to you burns in a fire, then in reality you risk becoming a victim of deception on the part of a person whom you completely trust. A dream in which your own home was damaged by fire warns of some dangerous and risky business. Participation in it can result in complete financial ruin. If you dreamed of a huge flame that they are trying to knock out, then soon an unexpected joyful event will happen in your family. A dream where you watch a large forest fire promises success in all your business endeavors. If you heroically save a person from a fire, then in real life you should not doubt the fidelity of your spouse or lover.