"Woman. Take it and use it" Vis Vitalis

Vis Vitalis

Woman: take it and use it!

No matter how badly men think about women, women think even worse about themselves.

N.S. Chamfort

Reading this agreement automatically means full agreement with all its clauses.

Reading this book also means that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Any part of this book is an integral part of it, and reading any part of the book also constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of this agreement.

By accepting this agreement, you take into account that all the information presented in this book is the fruit of the author’s life experience and logical thinking, it is provided for informational purposes only and is not imposed on anyone.

All author's comments and advice are for advisory purposes only, and by taking them into action, you do so at your own peril and risk, obliging not to make any claims against the author or publisher regarding any results obtained.

Thus, by accepting this agreement, you confirm that neither the author nor the publisher are in any way responsible for any consequences of actions taken by the reader after reading the text of this book.

Please send comments, additions, considerations, as well as information about posting critical articles, reviews or any materials related to this book by email

Chuck Palahniuk "Choke"

A proper introduction to a book such as this should be a greyhound.

This is to attract a potential reader.

But at the same time, not so greyhound that it would be scared off.

In short, as for the first, rest assured, but I can’t promise the second. Because I don't need a shy reader. This book is not for suckers, but for those who understand that a man is cool, but who need help to finally believe in themselves, feel that they are right as a man, and who simply need friendly support along this path.

That's what I'm here for.

But... you can only help those who want it themselves. So, in accordance with the requirements of humanity, I immediately advise all especially vulnerable, mentally unstable and poetically inclined characters to proceed to the garden, because there is a serious conversation on adult topics ahead. Moreover, the conversation is straightforward and without equivocation, if you know what I mean. This book is called: “Woman: Take and Use,” and its content corresponds to the title one hundred percent, so if the title bothers you, it’s better to take care of your nervous system and don’t go further.

This is especially true for women. Dear ladies, despite all the warnings, you will still make up half of my readers. And this only makes me happy. After all, the best of you will be able to use the information received to benefit themselves and their chosen one, but I don’t care about the worst: they are destined to be left behind even before the relationship ship leaves the harbor. In any case, do not say that you were not warned, and do not write letters full of reproach and ugly words to my postal address: anyway, neither one nor the other will touch me.

– this text was written by a man and for men;

– unconditional male righteousness is promoted here;

– the world here is viewed from the standpoint of the most extreme chauvinism, and

– I don’t care how you feel about this view of things.

We are men. And that's cool. Being a man is the coolest thing you can imagine. Man created everything. The man is responsible for everything. And therefore a man has the right to everything.

If you don't agree with this, it's your loss, not mine.

And if you agree, take whatever you want.

And use it.

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, May 2008


I love the one who loves me.


I really hope that you, my attentive reader, have already worked through my previous book, “THE WOMAN: WHERE IS HER BUTTON?”

If not, then here is a summary of the previous episodes: a woman in herself is a simple and uncomplicated being. There are a lot of defects among them, but there are also quite suitable specimens. It is quite possible and quite simple to calculate women's behavior and thinking. And if you need more complete information, read the first book.

In general, let's not drag you know who for you know what. Let's approach the matter purely and specifically. But the specifics are this: if you want to get pleasure from a woman, not problems, then you need to learn the first and most important rule:

You don't need all the girls in the world. You should only deal with women who are worthy of it.

And in order to choose from a host of applicants one who will not constantly drink your brain, use the method of elimination and first of all learn to avoid women suffering from the female mental illness of the century - syndrome "BitchStupidBitch" (SDS). And since I will often use this term in the future, it is worth explaining it in more detail now:

1. “BITCH” (C)

What is it characterized by:

– disdainful and malicious attitude towards men;

– female inferiority complex and the search for those to blame for it;

– blaming men for all the sins of the world and holding them responsible for their own problems in the first place;

– overdeveloped vindictiveness, harmfulness and rancor.

2. “FOOL” (D)

What is it characterized by:

– revaluation of oneself and one’s role in the life of society and in the life of a man;

– low level of critical perception of the world;

– increased suggestibility against the background of general inhibition;

– tendency to use stereotypes, reluctance to think independently;

– lack of worldly intelligence, often with a high educational level.

3. “BITCH” (C2).

What is it characterized by:

– super consumer complex: I want everything, now and for free;

– egoist complex: everyone owes me, but I owe no one;

– queen complex: love me simply for what I am, but I deign to command and rule;

– Caesar complex: only I have the right to decide and judge, other individuals have no rights, and in general: there are no other individuals except mine;

– the guillotine complex: I am infallible, I am stable, I am unconditionally right, those who disagree are destroyed.

Not a pretty picture, right? You probably already recognized a couple of your friends in this description? So that. There’s no escape – the described syndrome “SDS” is very, very widespread today. But don’t despair: the trick here is that the ladies who suffer from it simply don’t interest us!

And since professional management of the mechanism called “Woman” begins even before getting to know it, then, for starters, we will learn to cut off the unnecessary already at this stage.

We will cut it off. With a scalpel. The doctor said: “To the morgue,” which means to the morgue.

And if the hospital topic suddenly surfaced, then it’s worth remembering the most famous philosophical scalpel.


Cut, brothers, cut...

Mark Twain

The concept of "Occam's Scalpel", also known as "Occam's Blade" or "Occam's Razor". As a sociopath, I prefer the latter definition. We will use it.

The postulate of Occam's Razor states: “There is no need to multiply entities beyond what is necessary.” Simply put: when considering any problem, you must first “cut off” everything that is clearly unnecessary, impossible or far-fetched, in order to more thoroughly work out what remains.

In our case, we apply the philosophical razor to women: they fully deserve it. And the question of this chapter will be to understand which women are worthy of your favorable attention and which are not. And then learn to calculate and cut off the unnecessary in order to better deal with those who deserve you.

I’m not going to talk about choosing a girl model that suits you personally: there’s no point in discussing her external characteristics. There is no friend for the taste and color and all that. And in a good way, at the first stage of dating you should be interested in only one thing: what is this particular girl like, what is on her mind, is it possible to communicate with her and will this communication be pleasant and promising for you in every sense.

Therefore, we assume that you need a girl:

1. Which will not really get on your nerves during the relationship.

2. Who will not lead you by the nose and will be as sincere as possible with you.

3. With whom you can get sex fairly quickly. And, if possible, awesome.

(estimates: 1 , average: 3,00 out of 5)

Title: Woman. Take it and use it

About the book “Woman. Take it and use it" Vis Vitalis

Vis Vitalis is the pseudonym of a Russian musician, writer, journalist and director. He is the author of several books on popular psychology. One of them has the provocative title “Woman: take it and use it.” It begins with a preface in which the author warns that he will express himself quite rudely. So those who are offended by the title of the book can finish reading without starting it.

Indeed, Vis Vitalis does not mince words when describing relationships between men and women. Although somewhat stereotypical, he is trying to help men find a worthy half and avoid many problems. According to the author, she should pester her with meaningless conversations and use a man for the purpose of self-affirmation or personal enrichment. The author names signs by which the reader should recognize women with whom it is better not to get involved, and signs by which one can find a worthy object for communication.

“Woman: Take and Use” is a book by a pick-up artist. The first chapter is devoted to ways to meet a woman. The author advises not to be afraid, to be natural, to get rid of complexes and simply communicate, looking for someone with whom you will be simply comfortable. Indecision, lethargy and fear are the main enemies of any young man who wants to make a new acquaintance with a lady. What follows are attempts to answer the question of what women want. And although the author tried to make a global analysis of the issue, he came up with a simplified and average answer. The positive thing is that it is specifically designed for a readership. So, perhaps, Vis Vitalis will still give someone some good advice. The book ends with a whole series of tips on how to break up with a girl: from the softest to the most exotic.

“Woman: Take and Use” is a book that positions itself as a counterweight to “women’s” books like “How to Raise a Bitch Out of a Woman.” What they have in common is the uncomplicated nature of the narrative, the averaging of life situations and human types. Both view the opposite sex as an object and are written quite cynically.

Cynicism is a distinctive feature of the book, which Vis Vitalis warns about in the preface. It even includes a chapter “for romantic cynics,” a section in which the author admits to being one of those himself. The feminine essence is not limited to negative types. To meet a real woman, you need to be a real man.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Woman. Take it and use it" by Vis Vitalis in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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In the music segment of show business, there is such a thing as “second album syndrome.” This is when a new group “shoots” its record to platinum status, collects all possible awards, earns good money, has all the available fans and rests on its laurels for some time. However, time passes, and the star status begins to need reinforcement. This is where the aforementioned syndrome arises: what if it doesn’t work out like the first time, but what if it turns out worse, and the project is buried with all its, so fragile, glory?

I experienced something like this syndrome when I started working on this book. After all, I have already done everything that I could explain on the topic of relations between M and F, without leaving anything in reserve, in my first two books (“Woman: Where is Her Button” and “Woman: Take and Use”). The books turned out strong and rightfully became bestsellers, but why write further?

However, upon reflection, I realized that there are still places in this topic where no human has gone before. There is still something to tell the boys. The third book may become such that it will not need to be compared with the first two according to the “better or worse” criterion. This one may be completely different from the first ones, but no less brazen, catchy and, most importantly, necessary.

How I did it is up to you to judge...

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, October 2008

A man is a hunter who easily falls into all the traps of a woman.

Since I am a renowned humanist, I must warn the reader that reading this book may be dangerous. Sensitive and not very stable natures may develop paranoia after reading my text. In fact, I would generally allow this book, like firearms, to be issued only after presenting a certificate from a doctor confirming complete mental health and the absence of various addictions.

Nietzsche characterized a woman as a “little dressed-up lie,” and this is true. A woman is made up of manipulations. Some of them are carried out consciously, most of them are not. But, one way or another, a woman constantly tries to manipulate a man. This is embedded in her genes as the result of a long evolutionary process.

After reading this book, having learned to see these manipulations, you will be amazed at how many there are and how widely they are used by women. You may even end up being scared or hating women for their (let's face it, sometimes pretty vile) behavior.

But don't. Let's say a firm “no” to paranoia. It is still impossible to correct a woman. Yes, this is not necessary... Therefore, just enrich yourself with knowledge, don’t let yourself be fooled, don’t get angry and get only pleasure from communicating with women!

Manipulation: theory

Welcome to the show

We women love sincere men who say about us what we think about ourselves.

Dorothy Parker

Women, like dead people, love it when people only say “good or nothing” about them. My previous books became heavy cobblestones thrown into this swamp of female pathos and narcissism. Of course, after this broad gesture I was subjected to the most, so to speak, captious criticism. The girls did not like it when they called by their names what they were used to hiding. I was accused of misogyny and chauvinism, assumptions were made about my mental health and (for some reason) sexual orientation, I was insulted, provoked and even pitied.

Thank you, dear ladies, all this did me good. The bulk of your letters confirmed my conclusions, which only added to my confidence. Not to mention the fact that I finally understood: gender fascism had indeed won unconditionally. The bulk of modern women really consider themselves a superior race, considering a man to be the simplest single-celled, untermensch and hybrid of a vibrator and an ATM. That such thinking is now extremely widespread is a sad and indisputable fact, as is the fact that women adhere to the currently fashionable policy of double standards and allow themselves to say and do things that even in our thoughts they would not allow you and me, brother.

Most men do not see such an attitude towards themselves. Go to any bookstore and see which books are now more in demand by women in the field of relationship psychology. You won’t see manuals there on topics such as “How to become a good wife”, “Relationships without conflicts”, “Loving and understanding a man”. Well, in short, some positive developments. But there is an abundance of such opuses as “50 ways to manipulate a man”, “Secrets of training men” (on the cover there is a kneeling man and a woman with a whip), “How to make a man do whatever you want”, “Drive a man like a machine” ", "Man: selection and exploitation", etc. This is not to mention the multi-volume "Bitch Library", where the word "bitch" is written with a capital letter.

All these books (the names have been slightly changed so as not to promote this waste paper) are more or less similar in style and set of techniques.

All of them are based on the idea of ​​the unconditional superiority of women and a disdainful attitude towards men (for example, in one opus they call us nothing more than a “two-legged beast”, “trained pet” or simply “pet”).

All of them are designed to teach the reader, to one degree or another, dirty techniques of manipulation in order to turn her into a puppeteer, and you, my friend, into an obedient doll.

Many women (to be fair, I’ll clarify that not all of them) perceive this information with interest and use it to their advantage. They take this for granted and are confident that men, in full accordance with the policy of double standards, should not be given any opportunity to resist this onslaught.

…many men believe that “being upskirted” is the ultimate in humiliation of male dignity. Alas, you are mistaken, our precious ones! If you were allowed under a skirt, you were unexpectedly lucky. This is the highest male happiness! And we are certainly pleased that some of you have already begun to understand this.

Zh. Golubitskaya, “A man as an object”

Like this. Some of us have even begun to understand this. Let us honor their memory with a minute of silence: although they still remained in the world of men, they have already left the world of men.

So, it is clear that a modern woman has long considered a man as an object for control, manipulation and training. The modern man, as usual, shows an inexplicable good-naturedness and does not pay much attention to it, becoming more and more vulnerable under the onslaught of theoretically savvy bitches. It would seem that here they are, maps of enemy headquarters - freely available in any bookstore! Read these women's guides, draw conclusions and don't let yourself be fooled, because you are a man, you simply must be smart and independent! But... in bookstores, boys usually don’t go beyond the science fiction and computer literature sections, so they don’t even suspect the scale of the subversive work that is openly being carried out against them.

But - calmly.

After all, I am on your side.

Knowledge can only be opposed to knowledge.

The woman who wants to be your puppeteer deserves to be turned into a doll herself.

Well, future Master of puppets, are you ready?..

Then welcome to the show!

What is this book about?

Every woman should remember that a man is looking for a partner in his life, not her mistress.

Vis Vitalis

Woman: take it and use it!

No matter how badly men think about women, women think even worse about themselves.

N.S. Chamfort

Reading this agreement automatically means full agreement with all its clauses.

Reading this book also means that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Any part of this book is an integral part of it, and reading any part of the book also constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of this agreement.

By accepting this agreement, you take into account that all the information presented in this book is the fruit of the author’s life experience and logical thinking, it is provided for informational purposes only and is not imposed on anyone.

All author's comments and advice are for advisory purposes only, and by taking them into action, you do so at your own peril and risk, obliging not to make any claims against the author or publisher regarding any results obtained.

Thus, by accepting this agreement, you confirm that neither the author nor the publisher are in any way responsible for any consequences of actions taken by the reader after reading the text of this book.

Please send comments, additions, considerations, as well as information about posting critical articles, reviews or any materials related to this book by email [email protected].

Chuck Palahniuk "Choke"

A proper introduction to a book such as this should be a greyhound.

This is to attract a potential reader.

But at the same time, not so greyhound that it would be scared off.

In short, as for the first, rest assured, but I can’t promise the second. Because I don't need a shy reader. This book is not for suckers, but for those who understand that a man is cool, but who need help to finally believe in themselves, feel that they are right as a man, and who simply need friendly support along this path.

That's what I'm here for.

But... you can only help those who want it themselves. So, in accordance with the requirements of humanity, I immediately advise all especially vulnerable, mentally unstable and poetically inclined characters to proceed to the garden, because there is a serious conversation on adult topics ahead. Moreover, the conversation is straightforward and without equivocation, if you know what I mean. This book is called: “Woman: Take and Use,” and its content corresponds to the title one hundred percent, so if the title bothers you, it’s better to take care of your nervous system and don’t go further.

This is especially true for women. Dear ladies, despite all the warnings, you will still make up half of my readers. And this only makes me happy. After all, the best of you will be able to use the information received to benefit themselves and their chosen one, but I don’t care about the worst: they are destined to be left behind even before the relationship ship leaves the harbor. In any case, do not say that you were not warned, and do not write letters full of reproach and ugly words to my postal address: anyway, neither one nor the other will touch me.

– this text was written by a man and for men;

– unconditional male righteousness is promoted here;

– the world here is viewed from the standpoint of the most extreme chauvinism, and

– I don’t care how you feel about this view of things.

We are men. And that's cool. Being a man is the coolest thing you can imagine. Man created everything. The man is responsible for everything. And therefore a man has the right to everything.

If you don't agree with this, it's your loss, not mine.

And if you agree, take whatever you want.

And use it.

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, May 2008


I love the one who loves me.


I really hope that you, my attentive reader, have already worked through my previous book, “THE WOMAN: WHERE IS HER BUTTON?”

If not, then here is a summary of the previous episodes: a woman in herself is a simple and uncomplicated being. There are a lot of defects among them, but there are also quite suitable specimens. It is quite possible and quite simple to calculate women's behavior and thinking. And if you need more complete information, read the first book.

In general, let's not drag you know who for you know what. Let's approach the matter purely and specifically. But the specifics are this: if you want to get pleasure from a woman, not problems, then you need to learn the first and most important rule:

You don't need all the girls in the world. You should only deal with women who are worthy of it.

And in order to choose from a host of applicants one who will not constantly drink your brain, use the method of elimination and first of all learn to avoid women suffering from the female mental illness of the century - syndrome "BitchStupidBitch" (SDS). And since I will often use this term in the future, it is worth explaining it in more detail now:

1. “BITCH” (C)

What is it characterized by:

– disdainful and malicious attitude towards men;

– female inferiority complex and the search for those to blame for it;

– blaming men for all the sins of the world and holding them responsible for their own problems in the first place;

– overdeveloped vindictiveness, harmfulness and rancor.

2. “FOOL” (D)

What is it characterized by:

– revaluation of oneself and one’s role in the life of society and in the life of a man;

– low level of critical perception of the world;

– increased suggestibility against the background of general inhibition;

– tendency to use stereotypes, reluctance to think independently;

– lack of worldly intelligence, often with a high educational level.

3. “BITCH” (C2).

What is it characterized by:

– super consumer complex: I want everything, now and for free;

– egoist complex: everyone owes me, but I owe no one;

– queen complex: love me simply for what I am, but I deign to command and rule;

– Caesar complex: only I have the right to decide and judge, other individuals have no rights, and in general: there are no other individuals except mine;

– the guillotine complex: I am infallible, I am stable, I am unconditionally right, those who disagree are destroyed.

Not a pretty picture, right? You probably already recognized a couple of your friends in this description? So that. There’s no escape – the described syndrome “SDS” is very, very widespread today. But don’t despair: the trick here is that the ladies who suffer from it simply don’t interest us!

And since professional management of the mechanism called “Woman” begins even before getting to know it, then, for starters, we will learn to cut off the unnecessary already at this stage.

We will cut it off. With a scalpel. The doctor said: “To the morgue,” which means to the morgue.

And if the hospital topic suddenly surfaced, then it’s worth remembering the most famous philosophical scalpel.


Cut, brothers, cut...

Mark Twain

The concept of "Occam's Scalpel", also known as "Occam's Blade" or "Occam's Razor". As a sociopath, I prefer the latter definition. We will use it.

The postulate of Occam's Razor states: “There is no need to multiply entities beyond what is necessary.” Simply put: when considering any problem, you must first “cut off” everything that is clearly unnecessary, impossible or far-fetched, in order to more thoroughly work out what remains.

This book by musician and director Vis Vitalis, author of the bestseller “Woman. Where’s Her Button” is the second volume of the trilogy and it’s even more cynical and outspoken than the first. This work is devoted to practical issues of communicating with a woman - from choice and dating to fine-tuning “for yourself.” Although the author's position may seem too cynical and harsh, this text can be used as an instruction, guide or technical reference for communicating with the opposite sex.

The work belongs to the Psychology genre. It was published in 2008 by Eksmo Publishing House. On our website you can download the book "Woman. Take and Use" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.95 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.