We cook apple compote in different ways. How and how much to cook fresh apple compote

How to cook apple compote for the winter

For compote, it is not as important to choose whole apples without flaws as, say, for pickled or soaked ones, because here they can be trimmed. But in compote, the ripeness of the fruit is important, it should be the same. That is, if you place unripe fruits together with overripe ones in a jar, it will not turn out very well. Overripe apples, after standing in boiling water, begin to crack and lose all their beauty, and unripe apples in compote will be hard and sour.

You need to choose fruits of the same variety and the same size; if the apples are large, then they are usually cut into 8 parts; small ones, such as paradise apples or ranetki, can be boiled whole, but then the fruits must be selected carefully, without spoiling them. You can make fruit mixes; sour apples give a wonderful taste with a sweet pear or any berries.

Apple compotes can be cooked in various ways. Some people boil the syrup separately and pour it over the apples, others put the sugar directly into the jars, depending on who you like. You can make concentrated, richer compotes, then you need to dilute them with water to taste. There are recipes with and without sterilization. But in order for the compote to last for a long time, it is necessary to sterilize the jars well, keep them over steam, pour boiling water over them; lately I have been sterilizing them in the microwave.

Apple compote, winter recipe

Fresh apple compote

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

Sweet and sour apples

Sugar 300 grams

Water 1.5 liters.

Preparation: Select good, whole, medium-sized apples without bruises, wash them and put them in a jar, sterilized in advance. Place the full jar, more tightly. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pan and pour sugar into it. Cook the syrup and quickly pour in the apples, immediately roll up and wrap the jars with a blanket until they cool completely.

Compote of whole apples with mint

Mint 2 leaves

Sugar 250 grams

Citric acid several crystals

Water about 1.5 liters.

Preparation: Fill a sterile jar to the top with apples and place mint leaves on top. Pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and a thick towel so that the apples warm up well. Leave them for 20 minutes.

Drain the water into the pan and add a little more, as the apples absorb it, add sugar and cook the syrup. Before pouring the prepared syrup over the apples, you need to pour citric acid into the jar. Pour the syrup “over the top” so that there is no air left in the jar. Immediately roll up and leave to cool under a warm fur coat.

Compote of apples and lemon

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

Freshly picked apples

Sugar 200 grams

Water 1.5 liters

Lemon 3 slices.

Preparation: Cut the apples into slices, maybe into 6 or 8 parts, cut the lemon into slices. Cook the syrup and add apples and lemon. Cook the apples for 3 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Next, put the apples in a sterilized jar and fill the edges with syrup. We roll up the jars and place them upside down under a warm towel for a couple of days.

Apple and blueberry compote



For 3 liters of water 200 grams of sugar.

Preparation: Sterilize the jars, wash the apples and berries thoroughly. Apples can be cut into several parts, if desired.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, boil the syrup. When it boils, add the apples, cover and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Place the apples in jars, filling them 1/3 full, immediately add a handful of berries and pour in syrup. Immediately roll up and leave to cool under cover for a day.

Compote of apples and pears


Per liter of water 200-300 grams of sugar

Apples 1kg

Pears 300 gr

Preparation: Fruits are washed well with water, if large, then cut into pieces. It is advisable to cut the pears only in half, because thin slices will quickly fall apart in the compote. Place the prepared fruits in jars and pour boiling water over them. Immediately cover the jars with sterile lids and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water and cook the syrup. Pour hot syrup over the fruit and seal the jars. Place upside down in a warm place for a day.

Compote of apples and cherries for the winter with sterilization


200 grams of sugar per three-liter jar.

Preparation: Wash the apples and cherries, remove the stems and put them in jars to the top, add sugar and pour boiling water. Cover with lids and place in a saucepan with already boiled water. It takes 40 minutes to sterilize. Then roll up the jars and let cool completely.

Compote of apples and cherries without sterilization


Apples 1 kg

Cherry 300 grams

Water 3 liters

Sugar 4 tablespoons.

Cooking; Place a pan of water on the fire and while it is boiling, cut the apples into slices. Place them in boiling water. Immediately add the cherries, you can remove the pits or leave them, at your discretion. You need to cook the compote over low heat for about 15 minutes, at the end add sugar and stir. Pour the finished compote into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

No matter how wide the variety of apple juices and nectars is presented in stores, it is better than homemade apple compote for the winter– can’t be found! at home guarantees the absence of flavors, dyes and preservatives in drinks, and promises only the complete benefits and natural taste of the products.

In the recipes offered to your attention below, fairly concentrated syrups (20-40%) are used for winter preparation of apple compotes, so immediately before drinking it is advisable to dilute the drinks with boiled cold water to your own taste. And apples from compotes are an excellent filling for baking, and generally incredibly delicious!

Before you start canning apple compote according to specific recipes, you need to remember some rules that must be followed when clogging compotes. Then all your drinks – and not only those made from apples – will turn out excellent.

1) On “Apple compote for the winter” recipes Apples of sweet and sour varieties with dense pulp, slightly unripe, but plump, are more suitable. Hard, unripe and unflavoured fruits result in corresponding drinks. And overripe fruits can simply boil during heat treatment and lose their shape.

2) For compote, large apples are selected, without spoilage or visible damage; sorted by variety so that each variety is in a separate jar.

3) Before processing, apples are thoroughly washed, peeled and cored at individual discretion, and the pulp is cut into small slices. When peeling and cutting apples, it is very convenient to use a special cutter, which can divide the fruit into 8 parts at a time and simultaneously remove the rough core.

4) The delicate peel of apples does not need to be peeled. Apples that are too small for compote are used whole.

5) Sliced ​​apples are placed in cold, acidified or salted water. The fruits are kept in water for about half an hour. With longer aging, beneficial substances and vitamins pass from the fruits into the water.

6) Before putting apples in jars, the fruits must be blanched (but not necessarily) for 5-7 minutes and then dipped in cold water. After blanching, the apples in the jars will no longer darken or “shrink” in volume. There is no need to pour out the water after blanching; it will be used to prepare the syrup.

7) Jars for preserving apple compote are washed well, calcined in a steam bath or scalded with boiling water and dried. They can be sterilized in the oven or in boiling water.

8) Jars filled with apples (up to the shoulders) are filled with hot syrup. Then the containers are covered with lids and placed for pasteurization for 15 minutes (for half-liter jars) or 20-25 minutes (for 2-3 liter jars). By the way, you can do without sterilization; but in this case, the apples are poured with hot syrup, kept in it for 3-5 minutes, after which the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and the jars are filled with it again. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 more times and roll up the jars with sterilized lids.

1. Many housewives know how to cook apple compote, and therefore there are countless recipes for preparing this drink. This drink is prepared from fresh and dry fruits. For the purpose of long-term storage, it is canned and drunk immediately. An ordinary compote is brewed in such a way that it can be drunk immediately by the whole family. It is prepared from both fresh apples and dried fruits. If the compote is made from fresh fruits, then they are cut into four parts, the core of the fruit and its peel are removed.

2. We washed the apples and cut them. What to do next? Place them in a pan filled with cold water. Also, don’t forget to add some water. Cook a similar mixture over low or medium heat for 20-25 minutes. As a rule, one and a half liters of water per 900 grams of apples, sugar is added to taste. Experienced housewives advise adding part of the sugar before throwing the apples into the pan, and the other part after, so that the compote does not turn out too cloying. The pan is removed from the heat only after the sugar has completely dissolved. Next, the resulting mixture is filtered for 30 minutes, and that’s it, this healthy and tasty drink is ready.

3. Kompotik is prepared differently for the winter. There are two main ways to prepare a vitamin drink. The first is that the apples are placed three-quarters full in a pre-prepared glass jar, and then they are filled with cold syrup. The syrup is prepared from the following calculation: 250 grams of sugar per 1 liter of ordinary water. After 10 hours, the syrup is added to the jars and pasteurized, then rolled up. The second method is to place the apples in pre-processed jars. They should take up about a quarter of the dish and are filled with boiling syrup. A similar liquid is prepared in the same way as in the first case. Once the syrup is poured into the jars, they can be rolled up. Ask the housewives, and they will tell you that it is better to place the seams with the lid down.

4. Little secrets of housewives.
a.) In order for your compote to turn out delicious and always have a fresh taste, you need to take into account several secrets. To prepare the drink, you need to choose only selected and whole fruits. In this case, the drink will have the correct taste;
b.) Sour apples are best suited for compotes;
c.) To preserve the freshness and appearance of the chopped apples, you need to place them in a saucepan with cold, lightly salted water;
d.) If you cook compote from sour apples, then after 20 minutes of cooking them over medium heat, the drink is considered prepared;
d.) You should not cook apples on fire for too long, because they can lose their healing properties and valuable substances.

5. Many housewives resort to various kinds of tricks. They add all sorts of ingredients to their compotes. At the same time, apple compotes acquire a pleasant taste. It is enough to put a slice of lemon or orange into the “common cauldron”. Along with apples, cinnamon, cloves, frozen rowan, and even zucchini are also combined. Also, apple drink acquires an interesting taste when sea buckthorn, pear, grape and many other fruits are added to it. Cook compotes more often, because in the summer our body needs them so much!

No matter how many products modern manufacturers produce, be it juices or nectars, there is nothing better than apple compote prepared independently for the winter. It is completely free of all unwanted additives. And the taste of the homemade drink is much brighter. Apples from it can be simply eaten or added to baked goods.

No matter how many products modern manufacturers produce, be it juices or nectars, there is nothing better than apple compote prepared independently for the winter

A rich, concentrated drink can be made from apples and sweet syrup. The preparation will be stored simply impeccably and will delight you with its delicious taste on winter evenings. Even on a holiday, a jar of compote will be appropriate. The preparation technology is completely simple, thanks to which you can roll up the required number of jars in a short period of time.


  • 0.9 kg apples;
  • 0.25 kg sugar;
  • 0.9 liters of water.


  1. Place pre-washed apples in jars.
  2. Prepare syrup in a saucepan by adding sugar to water and boiling the liquid.
  3. Pour the hot liquid into jars filled with apples and leave for 7 hours.
  4. Pour the remaining syrup into the container, cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  5. Then roll up all the cans and wrap them upside down.

Important! You need to choose slightly unripe, dense, but already aromatic fruits. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

How to cook apple compote (video)

Apple compote: a recipe for every day

You can brew a refreshing and aromatic drink from apples alone, but a compote that, in addition to these fruits, also includes strawberries will look much more festive and presentable. You can cook it every day, but it will be especially in demand in the summer. After all, it is not only tasty, but also has a tonic effect and easily quenches thirst.

Apples are a storehouse of pectin and fiber, well-absorbed iron and the presence of vitamin C. An apple snack is both tasty and healthy, and apple compote not only quenches thirst, but also saturates the body with vitamins. However, in order to preserve them in maximum quantity, it is necessary to cook the compote correctly. It can be made from fresh apples, from dry ones, or rolled up for the winter. Each occasion has its own recipe.

Choose only beautiful and fresh apples for compote, preferably sour varieties, maybe slightly unripe ones. To prevent the slices from turning black while the water is boiling, you can dip them in slightly salted water or with the addition of citric acid. After this, they need to be rinsed well before cooking. The more sour the apples, the less cooking time they require so as not to fall apart.

  1. From fresh apples. Select whole and beautiful fruits (about 10 pieces), wash well, cut into 8 pieces, remove the core and stalks. Throw the apples into boiling water (3 liters) and add sugar to taste (about 150 g), wait until the compote boils again and the sugar dissolves (1 - 2 minutes). Turn it off, close the lid and let stand for about an hour to brew. Some people prefer to add sugar right away and cook the syrup, and only then add the apple slices.
    For an additional and richer taste, you can add any fruits and berries, and even zucchini. Sweet apple compote can be slightly acidified by adding zest or citric acid. In winter, some gourmets add a couple of spoons of alcohol to it before serving hot compote: cognac, liqueur, rum, wine. This mixture warms a frozen body better.
  2. From dried apples. First you need to select beautiful and neat dried fruits, rinse them well with warm water. To preserve maximum nutrients, dried apples need to be poured with boiling water and left to steep for a couple of hours. But the dried fruits come out hard, and the compote is unsaturated. Therefore, for 400 g of apples take 1 tbsp. sugar, add all this to 2 liters of boiling water and cook for about half an hour until the fruits float to the surface.
    To add flavor, you can add another 1 g of citric acid. It is very good to add other dried fruits to this compote: pears, cherries, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, rose hips. You can add cinnamon (half a stick), cloves (1 star), dried mint leaf, a dozen linden flowers, a couple of slices of lemon or orange to taste.
    Some housewives add sugar to the compote after they take the apples out of it, so that they do not absorb excess sugar. However, if you plan not only to drink compote, but also to eat dried fruits from it, you don’t have to do this.
  3. For seaming. Choose beautiful apples and wash them well. If the fruits are small and neat, then you can roll them whole, this is especially suitable for sour apples that are not susceptible to worms. You just need to trim the tails. The remaining apples are either cut in half, the stems and core are removed, or cut into 8 or more pieces.
    Sterilize the jars, prepare the syrup: 200 g of sugar per liter of water. Place apples in the bottom of the jar up to a third or half of its height. Then there are two ways: either pour cold syrup over them and roll them up, or hot, roll them up, turn them upside down and place them on a flat surface.
    To add flavor to apple compote, some housewives add other fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, rhubarb, lemon and orange zest, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. And to give a different color - chokeberry, black currant or blueberry.
Remember that the less you cook the compote, the more nutrients are retained in it, and freshly brewed compote is healthier than rolled compote. Try to reduce the amount of sugar added to it, ideally, cook and drink compote without it at all, then the vitamins are better absorbed and the body only benefits due to the lack of sweetness. Apple compote is recommended for anemia, arthritis, liver and intestinal diseases.