Remove belly fat and pump up your abs. How to properly pump up your abs at home to get rid of your belly and sides? Video exercises for girls


Everyone wants to have clearly visible abdominal muscles free from excess fat deposits. The trouble is that the confusion surrounding the answer to the question of how to get toned abs leaves many people struggling to find effective methods to achieve this goal. You see, you can work your abs until you're blue in the face, doing leg lifts or torso curls, but without getting rid of excess fat around your waist, you will never see the beautifully formed muscles of your abdomen. In order to pump up your abdominal muscles, you need to get rid of the layer of fat that hides them, that is, lose weight.

There is no simple solution for getting rid of the “belly”, and there are no magic pills, but by adhering to the following tips, you will soon acquire a slender waist, beautiful relief and clearly visible pumped up abs. Now you have two tasks: pump up your abs and lose weight at your waist. The transformation process consists of several simple steps that, taken together, can perform a miracle.

Do some cardio exercises

Perform 30 minutes of cardio exercise at least three times a week. During each workout you will burn about 200 calories. Moreover, by doing cardio exercises in the morning on an empty stomach, you can burn three times more excess body fat. Since you haven't eaten at night, your body's sugar levels are low, making the early morning hours the optimal time to lose weight and get rid of excess belly fat. When you perform cardio exercise in this manner, your body uses your fat stores as fuel.

Eat small meals six times a day

By eating small meals, your stomach can shrink in size and you will feel full even when you eat less than usual. This will help prevent your belly from looking bloated. Eating small meals every three hours will provide a constant flow of energy and prevent acute attacks of hunger.

Reduce your calorie intake

If you burn more calories than you consume, your excess body fat will decrease. The best way to reduce the number of calories you consume is to reduce your fat intake in your diet. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, which is twice the amount of calories contained in one gram of protein or carbohydrates. Try to eat low-fat or low-fat foods. However, you should not completely exclude fat from your diet; this applies to products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids that are simply necessary for the body (nuts, vegetable oils, fish and other seafood).

Increase your protein intake

Protein is less likely to contribute to your body's fat stores than carbohydrates or fats. The more protein you have in your diet, the more effectively you burn fat and the slimmer you look. Consume 2g of protein per kg of your body weight daily to fuel your muscles and keep your metabolic rate high.

Reduce your carbohydrate intake

Maintaining a proper diet is one of the conditions for beautiful abs

Carbohydrates in the diet are essential for energy, but consuming more than necessary will lead to increased body fat. When your body's carbohydrate reserves are replenished, the excess sugar turns into fat. If you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body will be forced to burn stored fat for energy. To achieve this effect, you need carbohydrates to make up less than 50% of your total daily calorie intake. When choosing foods containing carbohydrates, take those with a low glycemic index (cereals, durum pasta, vegetables, etc.).

Drink water, not sodas

To be healthy, the body must be well supplied with water. But if you satisfy your thirst with carbonated drinks, milk, fruit juice or alcohol, then you are consuming extra calories. It's easy to forget that a 250g can of the drink contains between 100 and 200 calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to drink plain water. Drink at least 3.5 liters of water per day.

Train your abdominal muscles

Potentially, every person has abs. The problem is that the abdominal muscles are hidden under a layer of fat deposits. It is important to perform special exercises to pump up your abs. However, it doesn't matter how much exercise you do if your abdominal muscles are hidden by a layer of fat. No one will see your pumped up abs underneath. In fact, your body fat percentage should be less than 10% before you can notice any visible benefits from doing abdominal exercises. But even if you cannot see individual muscles, muscle tone and elasticity of the abdominal muscles will not allow your “abdomen” to protrude forward. Choose a series of exercises that will pump all parts of the abs. Raising the torso from a lying position on an inclined bench with your head down or flexing and extending the upper torso on a block or strength training machine is aimed at working out the upper part of the abs, pulling the hips to the chest pumps up the lower part of the abs, and lifting the torso with turns to the right and left from the position lying on an inclined bench with your head down ensures the development of the oblique abdominal muscles. Perform three sets of each exercise two or three times weekly.

The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn daily.

For every pound of muscle you gain, you will burn an additional 30 calories per day at rest. As you know, more calories burned equals more body fat loss.

Fat burners

Try using fat burners - special sports supplements that speed up metabolic processes in the body. This can speed up the process of getting rid of fat deposits. Be sure to read the product label information carefully. If you have any contraindications to its use, consult your doctor before using fat burning supplements. Buy fat burners only in specialized sports nutrition stores.

Be persistent and purposeful

No one is able to pump up their abs in a couple of days. If you take all these steps consistently, you can lose up to a pound of body fat every week and notice clear progress within a month. You must be patient and disciplined. Take your time, stick to the plan, and soon you will have the desired six-pack on your stomach.

The most important thing for a slim waist is cardio, but diet is equally important. If you look at all 10 steps again, you will see that five of them involve making changes to your diet. Therefore, in addition to burning calories, you should look at how you consume them.

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The question is one of the most pressing among those who think about their physical fitness. This problem area worries both men and women, and it is not always associated with excess weight.

The article discusses the basic rules of how to remove belly fat and what methods are considered the most effective in the fight against belly fat. It is also offered a ready-made set of exercises for the abdomen, which will help remove fat and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How to remove belly fat: basic rules

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with various tips on how to quickly lose belly fat, getting rid of any problem areas on the body essentially comes down to two basic requirements:

  1. Reducing total body fat percentage
  2. Strengthening the relevant muscles

To reduce your overall body fat percentage, you need to eat in a calorie deficit (consume fewer calories than your body can burn) so that the process of fat tissue breakdown begins. You can create a calorie deficit with proper nutrition, increased exercise, high daily activity, or all three at the same time. Without reducing body fat, you will not get rid of belly fat.

The second factor that will help you lose belly fat is performing exercises to strengthen the muscle corset or in other words core muscles (abdominal and back muscles). Core exercises won't help you burn fat, but they will help tone your muscles, improve your posture, and tone your abs, which will ultimately transform your belly. But this only works in combination with an overall decrease in body fat percentage.

How to force your body to burn belly fat?

You can't force your body to burn belly fat. It is a mistake to think that by pumping up your abs, you remove your belly.. No! With the help of abdominal exercises, you strengthen the abdominal muscles, and the fat layer decreases throughout the body with a calorie deficit: on the face, on the arms, on the stomach, on the legs. No matter what exercise you do (or don't do), your entire body loses weight. (if there is a calorie deficit!), and with training you only work out the muscles. It is impossible to force the body to get rid of fat in the abdominal area; local fat burning does not exist.

At the same time, you can intensively train your muscle corset, and your arms and legs will lose weight faster. You will try to remove the belly, and the volume will go away from all parts of the body except the abdomen itself. This is normal and natural! Usually the problem area is the last to lose weight. How quickly you can lose belly fat largely depends on your body type, physiology and lifestyle. Some men and women, even with a low percentage of body fat, still have some fat in the lower abdomen.

What to do if you can’t get rid of your belly?

What to do if you have lost weight, your body has changed, but your belly still doesn’t go away? Or what to do if you are already in great shape, but still have a small tummy? There are often cases when it is not possible to lose belly fat even with a low percentage of body fat. My arms, hips, and buttocks are in perfect condition, but my small belly doesn’t want to go away. In this case, you can continue to lose weight and eventually achieve a flat stomach, but it is not certain that this will improve your overall body quality. Along with fat, you will also lose muscle mass throughout your body, which will ultimately lead to excessive thinness and not a beautiful figure.

Always look at your overall body composition when making adjustments to your diet and training. Usually the problem area (and everyone has their own) very difficult to achieve perfection. It takes time. Yes, regular exercise and proper nutrition will improve your body, but better is not always ideal. You shouldn’t get hung up on a small belly and overly torture yourself with diets if you’re already in good shape. Continue to train and eat with, and continue to work on improving your figure. Gradually, step by step, you will get into great shape.

First round: cardio exercises

: 20-25 times

: 20-25 times (each side)

You can repeat this circuit with cardio exercises twice.

Second Circle: Core Strengthening Exercises

: 20-25 times

: 30-60 seconds

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 15-20 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

Third circle: cardio exercises

1. Half squat raise: 30-35 times

: 8-15 times

Not only women, but also men dream of having a flat stomach. To get results you need to know a few basic rules for pumping the press. Let's talk in more detail about the pumping technique.

Some girls, studying at home for a long time, do not understand why the result is invisible. There can be many reasons. First, pay attention to your diet and remove simple carbohydrates from it, increase the volume of clean water consumption to two liters.

Now let's talk about the most common mistakes.

  1. Do the exercises correctly;
  2. Don’t forget about breathing, oxygen entering the body helps burn fat;
  3. If you are a beginner, start your workout by lifting your legs and torso. If you are already physically active, then various crunches and pull-ups will be most effective for you.
  4. When performing exercises while lying down, use only a flat surface; a bed is not suitable for these purposes.
  5. Ventilate the room before classes.
  6. Don't forget about the preliminary warm-up.
  7. Do the whole complex smoothly, tensing your muscles.
  8. Increase the load gradually.
  9. Exercise regularly.

How much to pump your abs to get rid of your belly

To see a positive result from the work done, you need to pump up the press on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning, 35 minutes before a meal.

If you train during the day, then wait about 3 hours after eating and start exercising; after training, do not eat for another 1.5 hours.

Increase the load gradually, starting with three sets of 15 to 20 times each exercise. Train at least once every 2 days.

If you want to diversify your activities, choose the right music and change the exercises.

A few days of hard training and you will notice the first results, which will undoubtedly please you.

How to pump up your abs to get rid of your belly video

How to pump up your abs to get rid of a girl's belly

  • maintaining proper nutrition;
  • regular cleansing of the body;
  • regular exercise.

When working on the abs, it is advisable for men to use weights. The “Scissors” exercise trains the lower abs well. The type of training is almost the same as for women, the only thing you can do is increase the number of repetitions and approaches. When working out in gyms, you can use various strength devices for the press. This will significantly speed up the process.

How to pump up your abs at home to get rid of your belly fat

By practicing at home, you can achieve good results. Here are a few exercises that will help you lose belly fat.

Beautiful, toned and sculpted abs are the dream of many, both men and women. Obtaining it, of course, is not so easy - you will have to try, you will have to exercise regularly and limit yourself in food, but if you really want to get the coveted “abs”, you will have to go to the end. It is also very important to know how to pump up the press correctly, since the results will also largely depend on this. Let's look at what you need to know if you decide to work on your abdominal muscles.

To understand how to properly pump up abs for beginners, you need to know about the existence of three body types:

  • Ectomorph- naturally thin people who have minimal subcutaneous fat.
  • Mesomorph- people who have a good, harmonious physique and are physically strong enough
  • Endomorph- people who tend to be overweight and have a large amount of subcutaneous fat.

The first two types will take less time than the third to build beautiful abs. In principle, this is possible for a person with any body type, the only question is how much time it will take and what efforts will have to be made.

Regular complex exercises and proper balanced nutrition in combination will help to properly remove the belly fat and pump up the abs. Please note that first the volume goes away, the muscles become toned, and only then the cubes begin to appear. They are the result of long-term training.

There are many ways to properly start pumping up your abs. However, before choosing a specific program, you need to determine your goal. Girls most often just want a flat and toned stomach, but men also dream of sculpted, brutal abs. In both cases, the importance of diet is great, only in the first option it will be more aimed at burning fat and ensuring a calorie deficit, and in the second, at maximizing the supply of protein to the muscles so that they can build normally.

Among other things, in how to pump up the press correctly and effectively, almost the main role is played by motivation factor. Many people who encounter difficulties at the initial stage and do not see immediate results immediately give up and stop exercising. But this is not true. Yes, nothing happens right away, and you will have to work hard to notice changes for the better, but the result will be worth it. It is very important to motivate yourself and not give up.

When and how often is it better to pump your abs?

Experts advise training in the morning, before you had breakfast. Before this, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water. Water is generally extremely important for those who play sports; train yourself to drink at least one and a half liters of clean liquid per day.

However, not everyone manages to study in the morning. If it is more convenient for you to pump up your abs in the evening, do it 1-1.5 hours after eating a couple of hours before bed.

How often to properly pump your abdominal muscles is another pressing question. The abdominal muscles recover quite quickly, but there is simply no point - they should get at least 24 hours a day to rest. It is optimal to pump your abs 3-4 times a week. Rest days can be devoted to cardio exercises or working out other muscle groups.

The optimal duration of training is about an hour. A smaller one may not allow the muscles to be fully worked out, and a large one will lead to their exhaustion, due to which they will not be able to grow as actively as you want. If you are a beginner, you don’t need to overload yourself right away - start with small loads and increase them gradually.

How to breathe correctly when pumping your abs?

In the question of how to properly pump up the press, it is very important. A mistake many novice athletes make is holding their breath almost to complete the entire approach. This is fundamentally wrong, because the muscles, without receiving enough oxygen, suffer, which negatively affects the effectiveness of your workouts.

Correct breathing technique maintains the normal functioning of the muscles, it helps us get tired less, and accordingly, the effectiveness of the workout increases. Also, correct breathing prevents hellish muscle pain, leaving only a pleasant, characteristic burning sensation. Breathing technique is always identical regardless of the exercise being performed: inhalation is done when you relax, that is, returning to the starting position, and exhalation is done while performing the exercise directly, when the muscles are as tense as possible. For example, during normal lifting, you exhale as you lift your body and inhale as you lower it back.

Warm-up and cool-down

In the question of how to properly pump up the abs for girls and men, the importance of warming up is great. You need to devote 10-15 minutes to it before resorting to the main exercise. Some experts consider the warm-up to be more important than the workout itself. It allows you to prepare the muscles for stress, fills them with blood, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of exercise.

A good option for warming up - jump rope, running or jogging in place, squats, bends. It is recommended to start the warm-up with the upper body and finish with the legs. Pay enough attention to the ligaments and joints - you can stretch them a little. It is also recommended to stretch for a few minutes after physical activity - this is called a cool-down. Cooling down will help relieve excessive muscle tension and restore breathing.

To pump up your abs correctly, you must maintain smoothness and the same pace. Try not to make sudden jerks, twitch, and concentrate as much as possible on the muscle you are working. It is important that the exercises are performed technically correctly. Otherwise, you may not only not get results, but also injure your joints or ligaments. If you no longer have the strength to perform an exercise, rest a little or move on to the next one. The body must be given time to recover.

When training your abs at home, it is recommended to start with basic exercises for the upper and lower muscles, and also work the external and internal oblique muscles. It is recommended to distribute the exercises that you will perform over several days and create a program so that you can always get your bearings. Also don't forget about other exercises. If you are interested in how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of your belly, be sure to include it in the program cardio training which will help you burn fat faster.

  • First of all, it is important to remember about health. You should not exercise if you feel back pain, simply feel unwell, suffer from an exacerbation of diseases of the internal organs, or have recently undergone surgery or surgery.
  • Your good mood is important. If you work out indoors, it is advisable to ensure a sufficient flow of fresh air there - then you will breathe easily, and the cells of the body will be actively saturated with oxygen.
  • Prepare in advance water. During physical activity, you will feel thirsty. In addition, in order for cells to separate fats faster, they need a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • Do not exercise on a full stomach - let at least an hour pass after eating, preferably two.
  • At home, it is important to choose what to do correct surface. A soft sofa will not work - the surface must be hard. You can simply do the exercises on the floor with a small rug.
  • Avoid jerking and sudden movements. Otherwise, you can damage your back and shoulders, reducing the effectiveness of your training.
  • The load should be smooth and uniform, but at the same time active and intense.
  • While pumping your abs, keep your lower back on the floor. You need to lower yourself smoothly, laying your torso on the floor vertebra by vertebra.
  • Even if the workout is very short, do not forget about the cool-down and warm-up.
  • In order to properly pump up the abs - for a girl or a guy, it doesn’t matter, you need to feel how the abdominal muscles contract during each workout. This is just a sign that you are doing everything right.
  • Try not to allow large intervals. For the loads to be effective, do not stop, but periodically change one exercise to another.
  • Keys to success - regularity and constancy. Pump up your abs regularly, according to the scheme, gradually increasing the load.
  • Don't limit yourself to exercises in a lying position. The press also swings under a number of other loads, for example, when running. In addition, cardio exercises help burn fat.
  • When pumping your abs, it is recommended to pull in your stomach. It's not easy, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of your training.

If, while pumping up your abs, you feel pain in your back, stop the workout and consult a specialist.

Some people like it better, while others prefer to go to the gym. This is a good option because it has everything you need for an effective workout - cardio, strength, and equipment to increase the load. In addition, there you can consult with instructors who can show you how to pump up your abs correctly.

A good tool for the press is an inclined article, which works all the abdominal muscles and speeds up the fat burning process. You can do the same exercises with it as without it, but there is a separate technique that you need to familiarize yourself with first. The upper abs can be effectively worked on the horizontal bar - this is a more male version, which requires strength, endurance and certain preparation.

The lower abs can be worked out using fitball. It is also convenient to use a simulator such as a roller - it is ideal for home use.

In principle, there is nothing complicated about pumping the press correctly. Even if you don’t succeed at something right away, it’s a matter of time and constant practice. It is important to be motivated and listen to your body. Also, finding out how to properly pump up the press, photos on this topic will help everyone who is interested. In addition, you can find hundreds of videos online that clearly demonstrate the correct process of pumping the abdominal muscles.

One good day you look at your reflection and realize that your body is far from ideal. The mood immediately deteriorates, a series of prohibitions and plans for weight loss are built in my head. Don't lose this passion! What to do, how to get rid of the belly and pump up the abs, muscles, burn the hated fat? Stock up on patience, endurance, strength, they will come in handy.

Is it possible to lose belly fat by pumping up your abs?

When performing various crunches and nothing more, don’t dream of a flat tummy. Such exercises are designed to develop muscles. By pumping your abs regularly, you will tighten the problem area and burn some fat. The relief will not be visible; it will remain hidden under the “lifebuoy”. How to quickly pump up your abs and lose belly fat? To get a toned figure, you need to act comprehensively: adhere to proper nutrition, give the body strength and cardio exercise, and lose weight from the entire body, and not just one part of it.

How to pump up your abs correctly to get rid of your belly fat

Women and men should forget about spending time on the couch if they are overweight or obese. How to lose weight and pump up your abs? It is most effective to adhere to this scheme: morning exercises every day + good physical activity twice or thrice a week. Belly fat will be burned effectively if you devote 30% of your workout to abdominal training (mainly the lower abdomen, oblique muscles), and 70% to cardio (running, step, jump rope, bicycle). When you get rid of excess weight, pump up your body with strength training on your arms, abs, legs, and buttocks.

Abdominal exercises at home

Before class, prepare a mat and wear comfortable shoes. Start your workout with a warm-up - 5-10 minutes of vigorous twisting, swinging and stretching of different parts of the body will increase blood circulation and prepare the muscles for work. After warming up, you can begin the path to a beautiful, slender body. How to lose belly fat and tone up your abs at home? Take note of the following selections.

For upper press

Gymnastics should be performed an hour after a meal. Women who are menstruating should not do abdominal exercises; it is better to choose another, lighter physical activity. To see quick results and get a toned body, implement the following program:

  • Lifting the body. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and spread your feet. Place your hands behind your head, fingers interlocked, elbows parallel to the floor. Using the strength of the abdominal muscles, as you exhale, lift your body up, while inhaling, lower yourself. The lower back should not come off the mat. Organize 3-4 cycles 10-15 times.
  • Hip lift. Ref. n. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs closed and straightened. As you exhale, lift your legs up so that your buttocks also lift. You can bend your knees to make the exercise easier. As you exhale, take ref. n. The last approach is a series of short jerks with the pelvis up with the legs raised.
  • "Book". Ref. p. - as for the previous exercise. Exhaling, lift your legs and then your body up. You need to stay in the “folded” form for a few seconds, then go back to the original position. p.

For lower abs

How to pump up your belly if it hangs unattractively over your jeans? The problem occurs due to flabby lower abdominal muscles. Strength sports and fitness will help. Excess fat will be removed if you exclude fast carbohydrates, and the following exercises will give relief to your stomach:

  • Holding the V pose. Ref. n. – lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your legs and torso at the same time to create a 45° angle. Do not bend your knees, keep your arms tense and extended, with your toes turned towards you. Hold this position for 0.5-2 minutes, repeat the task several times.
  • Leg raises with a gymnastic ball. Ref. p. - as in the above exercise. Squeeze the ball with your ankles. Raise your legs up to a 90° angle. Hold for a couple of seconds at the peak point. Slowly lower your legs down, but do not let the ball touch the floor. Repeat the exercise. Over time, holding the ball at the top can increase to 1 minute.
  • Plank on a fitball. Looking at the photo, you will immediately understand the technique of the exercise. You need to put your legs on the fitball and straighten them completely. Place your forearms on the floor, tighten your abdominal and core muscles. The whole body is elongated in one line. Hold this pose for more than 45 seconds.

For the obliques

The following exercises in combination with a diet will help remove the sides and shape the waistline. How to pump up your abdominal and oblique muscles? Catch the top 3 exercises:

  • Lateral bends. Ref. p. – standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind your head. Tilt your body to the right until you feel a stretch on the opposite side. Return to ref. p. Organize 8-12 repetitions with 3 approaches on each side. Using dumbbells will speed up the results.
  • Side plank. Lean on your palm and the outside of your foot. The whole body is elongated and tense. The supporting palm is under the shoulder, the waist and hips do not sag or rise high. Hold the position for 20 s - 2 min.
  • Side crunches. Ref. n. - lying on your side, body elongated, lower arm lies straight in front of you, upper arm behind your head. Raise your head and shoulders up. You will end up working with a small amplitude; linger at the peak point.

Video: how to properly remove belly fat