How many days to drink sage for ovulation. Sage - an effective aid in the treatment of infertility

Sage is considered a unique multifunctional plant. In addition to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it promotes pregnancy. The plant contains natural phytohormones, which are very similar in characteristics to female steroid sex hormones - estrogens. They are of great importance in the formation of the egg and the ability to implant. Let's take a closer look at how to take sage for conception.

Ancient people did not have such a wide choice of treatment as modern people, so they turned to the gifts of nature for help. Healers still recommend tea or decoction with sage to infertile women. In modern gynecology, the seeds of this unique plant are also actively used. Before starting treatment, consult your doctor. Do not forget that traditional medicine is not always safe.
The herb can be consumed in the form of:

  • tea or decoction of leaves and seeds;
  • essential oil;
  • in spray form.

Uniqueness of sage:

  • Helps the body naturally balance hormonal levels.
  • It has antispasmodic and sedative properties.
  • Reduces menstrual cramps.
  • Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Increases libido.
  • Effective for relieving depression and anxiety.

How to drink sage to get pregnant

To prepare a decoction, you can use the seeds or leaves of the plant. They are not expensive, you can buy them without a prescription at almost any pharmacy.
How to drink sage for conception? The course of treatment must be started immediately after the end of menstruation and taken before ovulation. Douching with a decoction before sexual intercourse is useful.

  1. Prepare the container. Pour two teaspoons of seeds into it and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. The mixture should be wrapped and left until completely cooled. There is no need to filter; the broth must be stored in the refrigerator. Take it twice a day, a tablespoon. Ideal intake: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening after meals, before bed. Don't miss your appointment. If there is no long-awaited result, then the course should last a maximum of three months. Then, in any case, you need to take a break (about two months).
  2. The mixture can be brewed similarly to the previous method, but drink it hot instead of tea, adding a few slices of lemon or honey.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed leaves (1 tablespoon). Leave in a bowl with the lid closed for 20-30 minutes. Divide the broth into three parts, drink portions throughout the day. Use the course for about a month, then take a break for several weeks and, if no side effects occur, continue.

Sage oil when planning a desired pregnancy

Aromatherapy increases the ability of men and women to conceive. Essential oils are highly concentrated, so they are usually diluted with milk or another oil. For these purposes, you can use olive, coconut or grape seed, jojoba or almond oil.
Directions for use:

  • Massage. For the procedure, a few drops of diluted essential oil are enough. Gently rub and massage the genital area for about 5-10 minutes. Massage should be done daily, preferably with a partner.
  • A relaxing and soothing bath with sage essential oils. Take a shower and cleanse your body. Fill the bath with comfortable warm water, add a few drops of oil. You can turn on calm, relaxing music.

Side effects

You should not use sage too often. After prolonged uncontrolled use, the result may, on the contrary, be negative. According to research, the grass provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the genitals. In this case, immediately stop using the tincture and consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.
Some women are diagnosed with physiological changes. For example, the menstruation schedule shifts and, accordingly, ovulation. Many people notice an increase in the duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
Sage tea, like other herbal teas or supplements, may cause certain side effects if you have an allergic reaction. These include dry mouth, lip inflammation and vaginal irritation. Overdose may cause serious health problems: severe abdominal pain, dizziness, or vomiting. In rare cases, high doses of the herb may cause seizures or liver damage. Seek immediate medical attention if you have any health problems.


Not everyone is recommended to take sage decoction or tea for infertility. Use is prohibited:

  • presence of hypertension;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • during the menstrual cycle;
  • with uterine bleeding.

Sage helps with hormonal infertility. If there is an excess of estrogen or progesterone, taking the herb, on the contrary, increases the risk of developing endometriosis, thereby preventing implantation and disrupting the menstrual cycle. Therefore, before taking the decoction, you need to find out your hormonal indicators. If estrogens have increased in quantity, but conception does not occur, it is necessary to look for another reason. Lack of ovulation is not the only factor in female infertility.
You can use sage for natural conception, but if discomfort occurs, it is recommended that you stop taking it for the benefit of your health.

Video: Sage for conception

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Nowadays, women are increasingly unable to become pregnant for a long time. This is due to stress, poor environment, and reduced immunity. And modern medicine is not always ready to help a woman 100%. But many people want to have heirs. What should I do?

Try folk remedies. There are several herbs that stimulate the female reproductive system: sage, linden, boron uterus. Today we will talk about how to take sage for conception.

Useful properties

The benefits of the plant for the reproductive system were known back in Ancient Egypt. During periods of war, when the population was rapidly declining, the priests distributed dry sage to women. Representatives of the fair sex were recommended to drink a decoction of the herb to avoid problems with conception.

The word "sage" means "sun" in ancient Greek. Hippocrates and Dioscorides used it for treatment. In later times it was known as a healing Greek tea.

Modern medicine knows that sage is useful for women and men, but it is women who resort to its help to a greater extent. Pediatricians recommend it for stomatitis, liver and gastrointestinal problems.

The beneficial properties are due to its composition:

  • vitamin P;
  • essential oils;
  • terpenes;
  • flavonoids;
  • resins and tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides.

The herb has the following properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • astringent.

The herb is active against Staphylococcus aureus and against gram-positive bacteria.

This explains the positive effect on the female reproductive system. Gynecological inflammation is often caused by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of long-term use, their number decreases, and the woman’s condition improves.

However, this is not the only secret of medicinal herbs. Sage is used to stimulate ovulation. It turns out that it contains phytohormones similar to female estrogen, which is responsible for the release of the egg from the follicle. Additionally, it increases the cervical reflex for conception.

How to take?

The range of medicinal herbs is very wide. You can make a tincture from the seeds or drink the fresh juice of the leaves and stems. But an easier way is to use an infusion. To do this, add a glass of water to a tablespoon of herbs or seeds.

Cool the infusion, but do not strain. As a treatment, you should drink a glass of sage decoction every day for three months half an hour before meals. Three such treatment courses are recommended per year.

The effects of the herb can be felt within a month of use. The infusion reduces the symptoms of menopause, rejuvenates, and reduces pain during menstruation.

Count this period from the beginning of monthly bleeding, and after that stop taking the infusion. This scheme is especially beneficial for pregnancy.

Despite the positive properties, you need to be careful with the plant, as it has contraindications:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis.

It is strictly prohibited to take it during ovulation and pregnancy. The plant lowers progesterone levels and increases estradiol levels. This condition does not contribute to conception and will be dangerous for the fetus, since progesterone is responsible for attaching the fetus to the walls of the uterus.

It is dangerous to take the infusion while breastfeeding. It is not recommended for young ladies with low progesterone levels.

The benefits are also revealed when it interacts with other herbs.

Infusions and decoctions with other herbs

With a hog queen

Another herb is known as a healer of female diseases - boron uterus. It is used for the following diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • bleeding;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • adhesions;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • salpingitis;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Do not take boron uterus during lactation, pregnancy, or menstrual bleeding.

Sage and hog's uterus for conception: how to take to get pregnant? They drink these herbs in courses: sage before ovulation, boron uterus - after. The regimen is as follows:

  • Sage: 1 teaspoon pour half a glass of boiling water. When it has brewed, strain and add another half glass of boiling water. Divide the entire infusion into three parts and drink a third of a glass before meals.
  • Borovaya uterus: pour 2 teaspoons (or 2 bags) with a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Take a third of a glass before meals in the second half of the cycle.

Borovaya uterus can be brewed in a water bath. To do this, pour boiling water over the grass and boil it in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then the herb must be infused for the same amount of time.

With linden

Few people know about its effectiveness for ovulation. It is mainly taken as a diuretic and diaphoretic. However, it contains phytohormones that complement the action of sage.

Sage and linden for conception: how to take? For this purpose, an infusion is prepared: pour one teaspoon of linden and sage into a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day on the 5th day of the cycle.

What are they saying?

The effect of herbs can be judged in different ways. The forum will best tell you how effective such treatment is.

In the hope of having a long-awaited child, women use all means: from courses of hormonal therapy to taking dietary supplements. Currently, herbal medicine has become increasingly popular. For example, sage is often used for conception.

We will tell you in this article what you need to know about taking sage and whether it can cause harm. But first, it’s worth finding out what effects this plant has on the body.

It has many useful properties:

  1. Antiseptic effect. The components contained in sage help destroy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. When applied externally, active plant substances have a calming effect on the mucous membrane. Due to this, inflammatory swelling is reduced and healing is accelerated.
  3. Effect on hormonal activity. Sage is believed to contain phytoestrogens. These are substances of plant origin, the mechanism of action is similar to female sex hormones.

The list is arranged in descending order of the strength of the effect.

How to normalize hormonal levels with sage

Phytoestrogens help increase the thickness of the endometrium by stimulating the growth of small blood vessels and glandular tissue.

Formation of follicles of sufficient size

Their formation directly depends on the level of estrogen. This group of hormones stimulates their growth, as well as the formation and rupture of the dominant follicle. It is from this that the egg emerges, ready for fertilization.

Insufficient levels of hormones lead to the fact that the dominant follicle does not go through the necessary stages of maturation, remaining closed. Accordingly, the egg cannot leave the ovary, and ovulation does not occur.

Phytoestrogens act on the receptors of the woman’s reproductive system, stimulating the growth of follicles. Before drinking sage to become pregnant, you need to check the estrogen levels in your blood. Elevated levels of estradiol can lead to premature maturation of the follicle and the release of an inferior egg.

Formation of a regular menstrual cycle

Ovulation occurring on time and the endometrium prepared for “planting” the egg are mandatory conditions for a woman’s reproductive health. Estrogens are responsible for the correct sequence and duration of these processes, collectively forming a normal one. Sage has a similar effect, playing the role of an additional stimulating component.

Treatment of inflammation

Inflammatory processes affecting the reproductive system are another obstacle to the occurrence and normal course of pregnancy. Sage is an excellent antiseptic with a calming effect. It helps in complex therapy for inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina.

How to drink sage to get pregnant

It is important to know the rules for preparing and taking this product.

Preparation of solution and decoction

Sage is used in the form of dried leaves for conception in folk medicine. Decoction proportions: add 1 glass (200 ml) of hot water to 1 teaspoon of crushed preparation. The resulting mixture is boiled for 1 minute. You should wait until the broth cools completely and then strain it through cheesecloth.

The infusion is prepared in the same proportions, but the leaves just need to be poured with boiling water, left for 2 hours and strained.

Reception scheme

Drink 1/3 cup of decoction 3 times a day, focusing on the menstrual cycle. The start of use should coincide with the last day of menstruation. The use of sage continues until ovulation occurs.

For example: the duration of the cycle is 28 days, menstruation ends on the 4th day. It turns out that a woman will drink sage decoction from 4 to 12-14 days.

If ovulation occurs, the drug is stopped. Continued use of sage helps to increase the tone of the uterus and, accordingly, make it more difficult for the egg to attach to the endometrium.

You shouldn’t start drinking the decoction too early either: sage has a hemostatic effect during menstruation. Under such conditions, the process of rejection of the old endometrium is disrupted. Particles of the glandular vascular lining remaining in the uterine cavity provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

How to drink sage to get pregnant if you failed to conceive a child after taking the course? Reception continues according to the specified scheme for another 2 cycles. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months. The minimum break is 1 month. Ignoring the decoction consumption pattern is dangerous to health.

Outdoor reception

The infusion is prepared according to the above scheme. For vaginitis in the recovery phase, douching is used up to 2 times a day. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor first.


You should refrain from using sage if:

  • have an allergy to this plant;
  • recently had a childbirth or;
  • increased estrogen levels (risk of premature maturation of follicles);
  • the patient has amenorrhea;
  • the first days of menstruation have arrived;
  • there is acute inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • diagnosed;
  • a gynecological examination is due (risk of unreliability of the examination results obtained).

Sage for men

The male body also contains a small amount of estrogens. Maintaining the ratio of male and female sex hormones is very important, as this affects the reproductive ability of the body. Sage does not fundamentally affect male hormonal levels. There is no scientific evidence that this plant in any way improves or worsens the quality of sperm produced.

Sage increases sexual activity, acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It can be used in the form of essential oil. Clary sage is suitable for this purpose.

How effective is sage for pregnancy?

The question of the true properties of this plant as a source of phytoestrogens has divided doctors into two opposing camps. However, they all agree on the following: sage is not a panacea for infertility, and the point of taking it is complex therapy.

It has been scientifically proven that phytoestrogens affect exactly the same receptors as the body's hormones. But their effect is extremely weak compared to true estrogens. If we compare the force of influence on the body of these two types of substances, the proportion will be approximately 100 to 0.001-0.2. That is why monotherapy with sage is unlikely to bring the desired effect.

- a problem with many causes. Drinking sage without prior detailed examination is a mistake. The advisability of prescribing this plant directly depends on the pathology that led to the inability to get pregnant.

The best solution is to consult a doctor in time. Only after a preliminary gynecological examination, ultrasound and a series of tests can you get an idea of ​​the cause of infertility. You should not waste time on self-medication.

Useful video about the healing properties of sage

Reading time: 9 minutes.

When planning a pregnancy, especially a late and long-awaited one, you should not ignore herbal medicine. Herbal treatment is not a panacea, however, for diseases of the female reproductive system, they complement and enhance the effect of medications. Sage ranks first among traditional medicines that promote conception and improve fertility.

Medicinal properties

Sage has long been used in medicine, both traditional and folk, since the herb has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. With the help of decoctions and tinctures of sage, stomatitis and throat diseases are successfully treated; in complex therapy, they are used for bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as for chronic cystitis in women.

Sage tea strengthens the immune system, soothes, improves sleep, relieves heartburn and increased gas formation, improves a woman's appearance - gives radiance to the skin and hair.

In the gynecological field, sage is used:

  • in the treatment of infertility;
  • during preparation for pregnancy.

Sage contains phytoestrogens, which are somewhat similar to female sex hormones. Once in the body, phytohormones compensate for the lack of estrogen, with the lack of which a woman not only looks bad (pale, with dull hair and skin), but also has problems in the sexual sphere - vaginal dryness, lack of attraction to a partner, painful menstruation.

Important! Decoctions and infusions of sage compensate for their own lack of estrogen and promote the onset of ovulation, thereby greatly increasing the chance of conceiving a child.

Treatment of inflammation

Douching with a decoction of medicinal herbs in combination with taking tea orally helps fight chronic diseases - inflammation of the bladder, appendages and genital mucosa. This is possible due to the antimicrobial properties of the herb.

Sage alkalizes the overly acidic environment in the vagina, helping to eliminate thrush. In some cases, only getting rid of the candida fungus and reducing the background inflammatory process in the body allows you to conceive a long-awaited baby. But sage can do more - for example, restore a broken, irregular menstrual cycle.

Regular periods

If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, it is difficult to get pregnant - ovulation occurs rarely, and full-fledged eggs stop maturing in the ovaries. Taking sage decoction allows you to carry out an analogue of hormonal therapy with virtually no side effects. Alternating between sage tea and red brush tea helps restore the menstrual cycle. Typically, herbs are taken according to this regimen for two to three months, after which ovulation occurs.

Infusions relieve tension, relax muscles, promote good sleep and a great mood. All these factors help the body restore its own hormonal levels - menstruation becomes regular, painless and less abundant than before.


In some women, the cause of infertility is that during ovulation, the endometrial layer in the uterus does not thicken and remains too thin.

Reference! Due to this pathology, the egg cannot implant and an early miscarriage occurs.

During treatment with herbal remedies, the endometrial layer increases in volume, and the blood supply to the uterus increases before the menstrual cycle. All this allows the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, that is, the possibility of successful conception increases several times.

The quality of the endometrium also improves - it grows homogeneous and dense.


Phytoestrogens are not plant hormones, and they cannot be classified as estrogens in the literal sense. However, when entering the female body, special substances from plants cause an effect that appears when taking hormonal drugs - estrogen and progesterone.

Under the influence of phytohormone, the uterus receives a large amount of oxygen and nutrients, and the body also produces cervical mucus in the required quantity - a special environment in which sperm feel great, actively moving towards a mature egg.

Without enough mucus, sperm cannot move and die before reaching the egg. The estrogen in sage stimulates the production of cervical mucus and improves its quality.


Sage leaves are effective in promoting ovulation and therefore conception. For normal egg maturation, a gradual accumulation of estrogen is necessary. If it is actively produced in the body or comes from outside on the 14th day of the cycle, ovulation occurs. Under the influence of accumulated estrogen, the mature follicle bursts, the egg is released into the fallopian tube and the second phase of the cycle begins - the corpus luteum phase.

Important! After ovulation, the level of estrogen in the blood should drop sharply, this will allow the pregnancy to continue. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, sage tea is drunk strictly according to the scheme. If you exceed the duration of use by several days, the resulting pregnancy may not survive.

If there is not enough estrogen produced by the ovaries, then ovulation simply will not occur. In some cases, due to hormonal imbalances, a woman may not have menstruation for several months in a row. Taking phytohormones solves this problem in most cases.

How to take?

You need to immediately clarify which sage you need to drink. You should use loose sage or pharmaceutical sage in bags. It is better not to buy herbal teas, where sage is just one of the components; they do not have such healing powers.

In order for the level of estrogen to grow in the correct ratio, it is necessary to take the decoction according to the scheme associated with the menstrual cycle:

  1. On the fifth day of the cycle, estrogen levels should begin to rise, and it is on this day that you need to start taking a decoction or infusion.
  2. You need to drink the herbal medicine, regardless of whether it is in bags or in bulk, for about 10 days, while measuring your basal temperature daily.
  3. On the 11th day, as soon as ovulation has occurred, you stop taking sage, since in order for the conception cycle to continue, the estrogen level must drop sharply.

Reference! Sage is taken in the form of decoctions or infusions, there is no big difference in the effect, it all depends on personal preferences.

To get pregnant, you need to take a decoction or infusion three times a day. When used twice, the chance of conception drops several times.


A package of ready-made pharmaceutical sage or a tablespoon of ground herb is poured into a glass of slightly cooled boiling water, covered with a lid and then kept in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. Then the herb is mixed, lightly pressed with a spoon and left for 1-2 hours.

Filter the broth through two layers of gauze or a sieve, and squeeze out a bag of sage if it was used for preparation. After cooling, the decoction can be taken.

Drink the medicine according to the above scheme, dividing the glass of the medicine into three parts. In the morning, pour a third of the liquid with warm water, bringing the volume to a full glass, add a spoonful of honey and drink on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before breakfast.

To restore ovulation, the daily and evening dose should be taken one hour before meals.


The finished bag of sage is poured with a glass of boiling water and closed with a lid. You can take the infusion after two hours, during which time all the beneficial substances will be transferred into the water. It is necessary to squeeze out the package there; most of the phytohormones are retained in it.

It is taken in the same way as a decoction - three times a day, an hour before meals. Chamomile, pine needles and honey will increase the effect of sage. They are added during the preparation of the infusion.

Important! During ovulation, do not consume sage, as there is a high risk of pregnancy, and this herb is unsafe for the unborn baby.


Douching with sage infusion will enhance the effect of the active substances - preparing the uterus for conception, increasing the production of cervical mucus and clearing the mucous membrane of bacteria and fungus.

To prepare the infusion for douching you will need:

  • two packages of ready-made pharmaceutical medicine;
  • dry chamomile packet;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Sage and chamomile are poured with boiling water, the container must be covered with a lid, then wrapped in a towel and left for two to three hours.

After this, you can douche; the solution should be warm, but not hot. The ideal temperature is 36-38 degrees.

For maximum effect, use the infusion three times a day. But with morning and evening irrigation of the mucous membrane, the effect will also be.

Douching is carried out according to the same scheme as taking the medicine orally - on the fifth day of the cycle, continuing for 10-11 days. On day 12, stop using the decoction.

Interaction with other herbs

You can enhance the effect of treatment by adding linden, infusion of hop cones, nettle decoction or honey to sage tea.

Important! You cannot take the herbal medicine for more than three months in a row; you need to give the body the opportunity to restore its own estrogen production. If conception does not occur, you should consult a doctor, and carry out the next cycle of treatment no earlier than two months later.

Borovaya uterus. Treatment with sage is often combined with hogweed. Dosage regimen: from the beginning of the cycle - with the onset of menstruation - start drinking sage decoction. In the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, they drink boron uterus along with progestogenic herbs. This remedy helps prepare the body for pregnancy.

Linden. To initiate ovulation, take sage and linden. Pour one tablespoon of sage mixed with linden into 250 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid. The infusion will be ready in 3-4 hours.

Knotweed. Knotweed is used as an additional agent that enhances the effect of sage; it is also called bird knotweed. The most common method of administration: 2 tablespoons of sage and 1 teaspoon of knotweed are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Afterwards, keep the broth in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take a decoction of knotweed and sage in a cooled form, 100-150 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day.


Sage should not be taken in large quantities or thoughtlessly; it can not only heal, but also harm. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult a gynecologist, do an ultrasound and take hormone tests.

  • epilepsy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • cyst;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • allergic reactions.

Important! The infusion and decoction should not be given to children under 14 years of age; the drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy - an estrogen surge can stimulate a miscarriage. It is also not advisable to take sage while breastfeeding your baby.

As a rule, tumors begin to grow sharply when there is a surge in estrogen in the blood, especially when taking medications and herbal remedies.

Therefore, treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the growth of the cyst can lead to its rupture and risk to the woman’s life.

What do you need to remember?

In girls with estrogen deficiency, sage can help with conceiving a child if taken responsibly.

  • be sure to undergo examination by a gynecologist to make sure that there are no hormone-dependent tumors: fibroids, polyps, cysts;
  • take strictly according to the scheme - 10 days in a row, starting from the 5th day of the cycle;
  • interacts best with red brush and hog queen.


  1. Kovaleva N. G. Treatment with plants. – M.: Medicine, 1973
  2. Medicinal raw materials of plant and animal origin. Pharmacognosy: textbook / Ed. G. P. Yakovleva. – St. Petersburg: Spetslit, 2006
  3. Medicines in Russia: Directory. – M.: AstraPharmaService, 2011
  4. Sokolov S. Ya., Zamotaev I. P. Handbook of medicinal plants (herbal medicine). – M.: Medicine, 1984
  5. Sokolov S. Ya. Herbal medicine and phytopharmacology: A guide for doctors. – M.: Medical Information Agency, 2000
  6. Turova A. D., Sapozhnikov E. N. Medicinal plants of the Russian Federation and their application. – 3rd ed. – M.: Medicine, 1983
  7. Sklyarevsky L. Ya. Healing properties of food plants. – M.: Rosselkhozizdat, 1972
  8. Maznev N.I. The newest encyclopedia of medicinal plants. – M.: “Publishing House XXI Century”, Publishing House “RIPOL Classic”, 2008.

The name of sage, according to one version, comes from the Latin word salvere - heals; according to another, it is based on ancient Greek words meaning sun and health. To get rid of various ailments, this plant was widely used in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, and in the Middle Ages it was considered a panacea. Sage was also valued in China, exchanging it for the best varieties of tea.

He was prescribed properties to prolong life, strengthen the body and cure paralysis. Hippocrates advised women to take sage decoctions and baths with it for women's diseases, including infertility. Who else does he owe his popularity to? Surprisingly, but to the alchemists who, with its help, tried to obtain the philosopher's stone.

Properties of sage

Thanks to its unpretentiousness, sage has settled almost everywhere. If desired, it is not at all difficult to grow it in your own garden and even in a flower pot. Externally, it is a perennial shrub up to half a meter high. The rigid, straight stems are covered with dark green, pubescent leaves that resemble velvet. During the flowering period, sage is decorated with small bright lilac flowers, collected in inflorescences similar to candles.

How is it useful?

Modern science, of course, refutes the magical properties of sage, but its ability to help with many diseases has only been confirmed. First of all, the unique antiseptic properties that have made the plant a popular remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially those accompanied by cough.

And also, the ability to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, balance emotions, eliminate depression and help with infertility. Sage is endowed with all these abilities:

  • Flavonoids, which are especially beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, as they have a coronary-dilating and venotonic effect.

  • Tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to bind and neutralize toxins in the body.
  • Formic and acetic acid also have a bactericidal effect.
  • Triterpenes and diterpenes are components of essential oil, which actually give it its characteristic aroma and also impart antioxidant properties.
  • Rosmarinic acid, which has a pronounced antiviral and antioxidant effect.
  • Salvin is a substance that is a herbal antibiotic, recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine and can cope even with Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Cineole and linalool are compounds responsible for the antibacterial properties of the plant.
  • Coumarin, found mainly in sage roots, is used in medicine as a means of reducing blood viscosity and helping with oncology.
  • B vitamins are substances without which your nervous system will be unable to cope with high loads and stress.

However, sage is used for conception not so much because of such a unique complex of healing components, but because of the phytoestrogens it contains. This term refers to substances that are similar in structure to female sex hormones and have similar properties. Among popular plants, linden has the same properties.

Why is it dangerous?

However, the same substances that make sage healing can, under certain conditions, do more harm than good. Who should not use this plant:

  • For those who suffer from high levels of estrogen in the blood.
  • Has hormone-dependent diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic disease and endometriosis.
  • With low progesterone levels.
  • If you are prone to high blood pressure.
  • If there is a risk of uterine bleeding.

If pregnancy occurs, then taking sage-based products should be stopped immediately. The phytohormones it contains can stimulate the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke a miscarriage. In addition, you should not take sage during lactation, unless, of course, you want to stop it.

Before you start treatment with sage, you should consult your doctor, especially if you are taking other medications, and get tested for hormone levels in your blood.

Features of application

If you plan to use sage for conception, then you should drink it either in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, from the beginning of menstruation until the approximate day of ovulation, or directly on the days when the egg is released. The substances contained in it affect the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for the maturation of the dominant follicle in the ovaries.

It is from this that a new egg will emerge in the middle of the cycle. In addition, sage helps improve the properties of cervical fluid, thereby helping sperm reach it faster. The course of treatment, if necessary, continues for two full cycles. They can be repeated no more than three times a year.

Preparing the infusion

To get pregnant, you need to use sage in the form of a decoction, since the tincture is prepared with alcohol, which should not be taken when planning conception. It is better to use the whole plant, that is, both leaves and flowers, although just leaves will do. You need to buy them only in specialized stores or green pharmacies. You can collect sage yourself, provided that you know the clean places where it grows and can distinguish it from other plants.

The decoction is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon or 1–2 plant stems per glass of hot water. Be sure to use water heated to 70C, and not boiling water, which can destroy beneficial substances. You need to brew the herb in a sealed container for about 10–15 minutes. Take a third of a glass during the day, before meals. Every day you need to prepare a new decoction.

To enhance the effect of stimulating hormone production, linden is often added to the decoction.

In this case, they are mixed in equal proportions, and then one tablespoon of the mixture is poured with hot water. Linden also contains substances - phytohormones and enhances the effect of sage.

Application diagram

How to drink sage, in what phase of the cycle and according to what scheme will primarily depend on the reasons why the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. Sage for conception in case of unclear reasons, to stimulate follicle maturation, it is better to drink in the first half of the cycle. For example, if a woman’s month is 28 days long, the decoction should be treated from days 1 to 14 of the cycle. However, if you know that pregnancy does not occur due to disturbances in the ovulation process caused by low estrogen levels, then the dosage regimen will be slightly different.

To do this, first, using the method of measuring basal temperature, it is necessary to accurately determine the day on which the egg reaches the desired size and prepares to leave the follicle. On this day, the basal temperature, as a rule, increases to 37–37.5C. For example, with a 28-day cycle, sage for ovulation is used from the 3-4th day of menstruation until the 11th-12th day of the cycle.

When taking sage when planning a pregnancy, be sure to monitor its onset in order to stop treatment as soon as the test shows two lines.

Benefits for men

A decoction of sage will also be useful for men. If in the female body its components are needed to stimulate the production of female hormones, then in men they increase testosterone levels. In turn, this hormone accelerates and improves spermatogenesis - the process of formation of sperm in the body of men.

The regimen for taking sage decoction for men is almost the same: one-third of a glass, for 10 days with a break of 14 days between courses.

If during treatment with sage you experience nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and increased blood pressure, then you should stop taking it. Begin treatment with caution if you have allergies, kidney disease or thyroid disease.