Sberbank insurance of house and outbuildings of the property. Real estate insurance in Sberbank

Sberbank has property insurance, deposits and credit programs for every taste. This company has developed many financial products to satisfy all the needs of the population in the field of banking services. However, the bank’s reputation as expensive, slow and problematic, which has developed over the past decades, gives rise to doubts - is it worth getting involved? Having chosen property from Sberbank, can you count on receiving money when an insured event occurs? Or is the company's reliability as an insurance company not up to par? This can be assessed by studying the reviews of those who have used the company’s services. It would not be superfluous to analyze the list of companies involved in property insurance (Sberbank).

For all occasions

The company has developed many programs, so you can insure anything and against a wide variety of dangers. By law, in a number of situations, an individual is required to take out property insurance, and the organization offers banking products for all these cases. For example, there is an insurance program for housing purchased on credit, purchased with a mortgage. However, this does not exhaust the variety of possibilities. As those who have already encountered an insured event say, it is even easier to receive payments from Sberbank than from many companies that deal only with insurance.

Special conditions

Some bank clients can count on special treatment and individual rates. This is provided for those who decide to purchase a premium package. The bank offers two options:

  • "Status";
  • "Prestige".

By taking advantage of this banking offer, the client not only gets access to Sberbank, but can also take advantage of special rates for obtaining travel insurance. This is especially true for frequent travelers abroad. If you believe the advertising brochures (and some reviews), property insurance at Sberbank allows you to leave any problems in the past and guarantee yourself comfort even when circumstances are stacked against a person.


Be sure to study the companies providing property insurance services at Sberbank (a list of them can be found on the organization’s website). Selecting an insurer is not an easy task and requires a responsible approach. It is important that the company has a good reputation, which would indicate its reliability. If suddenly an insured event does occur, it is important that the company immediately pays everything that is due in such a situation.

You need to understand that there are insurers who are not very careful about their obligations. But those who choose companies accredited by Sberbank are insured against such troubles, since this bank very carefully checks all partners.

Property: already purchased, but there is a loan

Special bank programs offer insurance not for the property itself, but for the credit program under which it was purchased. However, reviews about this program are mixed. Not everyone understands the essence of the proposal, so many are unhappy. People are convinced that the bank is simply trying to lure out more money.

Mortgage insurance from Sberbank for real estate is one of the options for such a loan program. Obtaining a policy allows you to protect yourself from unpleasant situations. There are quite a few different programs, so you can choose exactly what suits a particular client best. If a person doubts which aspects are important to him, the company’s consultants come to the rescue.

The deposit is insured

When receiving a mortgage, any person is obliged to immediately insure the property for which the bank lends him money. This is where properties accredited by Sberbank come to the rescue - this is the program that is needed in this case). A house or apartment purchased under a mortgage program is insured against possible risks of damage and loss.

If an insured event does occur, the bank that issued the loan will receive the money under this program. For the client, the program is beneficial in the following way: the person is exempt from paying the loan if the housing “disappears.” Property insurance for a mortgage from Sberbank seems to be a fairly profitable program, but many prefer to work with accredited insurers. But be careful and compare price quotes so you don't end up with a company charging a commission.

Apartment under protection

Property insurance for a mortgage from Sberbank is not the only program that allows you to protect the property of an ordinary person. You can take out insurance for your own home even when it is not an obligation under a debt to the bank. This will protect him from troubles, and in the event of an insured event, it will become a safety net, a source of financial support with which he can overcome difficult circumstances.

But if the house has not yet been built and a mortgage is taken out for the apartment in it, then taking out insurance is not required by law. But as soon as the building is put into operation and the buyer of the living space receives a certificate, it will be necessary to immediately obtain an insurance policy. Be careful: according to the terms of the contract, deliberate delay in purchasing a policy is punishable by fines. The bank charges up to 0.5% of the debt amount for each day without an insurance program. By the way, this point is often the source of negative reviews about both the insurance and mortgage programs of Sberbank. Not everyone carefully reads the terms of the contract and then is surprised that they have to pay significant amounts.

Purchasing an insurance policy

Property insurance from Sberbank involves purchasing an insurance policy. This can be done either at the office of an accredited insurer or directly at a bank branch. In addition to the insurance program for your own assets, you can use a bank card, health. The bank offers more favorable rates for regular customers and those who are insured under increased coverage programs. It's more expensive, but safer.

The policy is calculated individually in each individual case, taking into account the client’s requirements. If you are categorically not satisfied with the result, you must inform the agent. In most cases, specialists can offer something cheaper. Remember that the price of property insurance from Sberbank is influenced by the following factors:

  • duration of the program in days;
  • property price;
  • client age;
  • client's health status.

Money is protected

It is no secret that money is also a person’s property while he has it. But in recent years there have been a lot of thieves and scammers. If cash theft has been known for a long time, many people still do not know about the possibility of theft from a bank card. To protect yourself from such a disaster, you can join an insurance program. In addition, the package will help if the card is lost.

With Sberbank, property insurance in the form of a bank card is cheap, but it will save you from money being withdrawn by third parties. The program will protect if the client becomes a victim of a fraudster or thief. If your card is lost, missing, or mechanically damaged, you can count on prompt assistance from the bank with recovery. In addition, the program allows you to insure yourself against the loss of money withdrawn from the card, if this trouble occurs no later than 2 hours from the moment the amount was cashed out. The program applies to all countries of the world, and a report of an insured event can be submitted by calling the bank’s hotline.

Property insurance: it's important

An insurance program is an interaction between an insurance company and an individual. It is regulated not only by the agreement concluded between the parties, but also by the current legislation of our country. Insurance products are required by law to meet certain conditions. In order to meet legal requirements, Sberbank’s property insurance implies protection against:

  • loss of property;
  • damage;
  • partial or complete destruction;
  • production losses.

The program includes civil liability for obligations provided for by the laws of the country.

How does this work?

If you visit the Sberbank website, you will notice that insurance offers are described in general terms, without specifics. The reason is that detailed clarity is introduced already at the stage of drawing up the contract and paying for it. The insurer and the client agree on what insurance risks the arrangement covers.

In some cases, under the contract, upon the occurrence of an insured event, the bank pays the full cost of the insured object; under other conditions, the compensation is only partial. Some programs provide reimbursement of the amounts necessary to restore the functionality of the item. If the agreement includes income, then if the client does not receive it (or receives only a part), the bank reimburses these amounts.

Insurance compensation

This term describes the amount that is sent to the client upon the occurrence of an insured event. It must be said that in most cases this is the source of dissatisfaction among individuals, which is where negative reviews about the program come from. People expect fairly large compensation, which in practice turns out to be much less than they would like. Often the reason is that many of our fellow citizens do not read the concluded agreement very carefully.

If the agreement is carefully studied, and the amounts specified in it do not coincide with what the bank sends to the client, you can file a lawsuit to establish fairness. The practice of recent years shows that winning a dispute with an insurer these days is much more realistic than even 5-10 years ago.

The price of compensation is not always stated directly in the contract. If it is not there, then the insurance company assesses the damage to the insured property and compensates for losses. The justification for making a payment is confirmation that the items are indeed damaged or missing.

Sums insured: basis for dachshund

The client learns how large the insurance amount is even before signing an agreement with Sberbank. It depends on what the client’s material assets are under the program of protection from unfavorable situations. You can receive money if the loss occurs for a reason specified in the contract in the “insured events” category.

You cannot set a limit on the amount insured that is greater than the value of the item. If the insured amount and the assessment coincide, they speak of full insurance, that is, in the event of an unpleasant situation, it will be possible to fully compensate for the loss. If the price is less than the cost, only partial compensation is possible. They analyze the maximum possible amount under the insurance contract, taking this into account, they make the payment. At the same time, they estimate how expensive it will be to purchase a new item of the same type or create a similar product; how much the item actually cost, at what price a similar one is sold on the market.

Insurance reimbursement

This term characterizes the amounts that can be received from the insurer in the event of damage. Also, compensation is paid, there is damage associated with the liability of the client of the insurance company to third parties. The amount is not always the same as stated in the contract; it is often less. The company analyzes the circumstances of the insured event and decides how much to pay.

Admittedly, clients usually expect full reimbursement from an insurance program, and a reduction in benefits comes as an extremely unpleasant surprise. To protect yourself from such surprises, you need to carefully study the terms of the contract being concluded. If there are any doubtful points, you need to clarify them with a specialist working on the official paper. If the insurance company does not fulfill the terms of the contract, you can go to court to restore justice. Please note: every insurance company has its own adjuster. His task is to approve the grounds for paying money to the client. Of course, a representative works primarily in favor of his company, and only then in the interests of the client. But those customers who are firmly confident in their position can insist on their opinion. The adjuster's task is to achieve an agreed position. In some cases, the insurance company may give in to avoid trial. If you believe reviews of Sberbank’s insurance programs, achieving satisfaction of all requirements is often not easy, but still possible.

Insurance is a financial instrument widely used to protect financial interests. You can insure your country house either with an insurance company or with a banking institution. Let's look at which banks insure private homes in 2017.

Insuring private homes is a very important step to protect the financial interests of its owner. The goal is to compensate the owners for damage incurred in unforeseen circumstances (fire, robbery, flooding, etc.). Compensation is made according to the terms of the insurance contract.

Some Russian banks independently provide home insurance. It's easy to explain.

When applying for loans, insurance is required on the item of purchase or the collateral, and in some cases, both. Therefore, banks decided to remove this responsibility from insurance companies and perform these functions independently. This will allow you to avoid various types of fraud and violations, both on the part of clients and on the part of insurance companies.

Which banks insure private houses?

Let's take a closer look at which banks offer insurance protection programs for private homes and conditions.


Offers to sign up for the “Home Protection” insurance program for a private home or apartment:

  • visiting the branch;
  • online by filling out the appropriate form on the bank’s website.

Insurance coverage includes:

  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • bay;
  • mechanical impact;
  • explosion;
  • civil liability;
  • crash of aircraft;

Insurance coverage depends on the chosen option:

Insurance protection (thousand rubles)

Finishing (thousand rubles)

Movable property (thousand rubles)

Civil liability (thousand rubles)

Total cost of the policy (RUB)

The contract comes into force on the 15th day after payment. The validity period of the agreement is 1 year from the date of entry into force.

To conclude a contract, the client selects a suitable insurance protection option without inspecting the property. To receive a discount, discount coupons are offered under the “Thank You Bonuses” program.

When an insured event occurs, it is easy to receive payment. So, if the payment amount is up to 100 thousand rubles, it is made without certificates.


Offers two insurance programs for private homes:

Rosgosstrakh-dom "Active"

Rosgostrakh-house "Prestige"

Suitable for insurance

houses of the lower and middle segment

private houses with individual architectural solutions and interior design

Location of the insurance object

in gardening partnerships, township settlements, cottage settlements, villages, hamlets

in guarded cottage villages

Allows you to insure

most types of buildings, incl. cottage and outbuildings

No required objects

Advantages of the type of insurance:

  • concluded without a statement;
  • the insurance premium is paid at a time or in installments;
  • the cost of insurance is determined accurately and quickly

Flexible insurance conditions for exclusive buildings.


  • outbuildings;
  • interior and exterior decoration of premises;
  • movable property;
  • especially valuable items;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • household appliances;
  • engineering and equipment
  • any buildings;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • household appliances,
  • external objects (equipment);
  • expensive items and property (antiques, collections, etc.)

Insurance coverage includes

Wide range of risks, incl. fire, theft, civil liability during the operation of buildings (including causing harm to life, health and property of third parties)

To conclude a contract you will need

passport, address of the insured object, required amount for the insurance premium

To conclude an agreement, you need to visit a bank branch.

DeltaCredit, Rusfinance Bank, Rosbank together with SOCIETE GENERAL Insurance

SOCIETE GENERALE Insurance and Russian banks: DeltaCredit, Rusfinance Bank, Rosbank are part of the Societe Generale financial group. Therefore, they are aimed at establishing long-term business relationships with clients.

The client is offered a comprehensive mortgage lending agreement.

Insurance coverage includes:

  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • bay;
  • design defects;
  • explosion;
  • civil liability;
  • crash of aircraft (spacecraft);
  • falling of solids;
  • collision with a vehicle
  • illegal actions of third parties.

If we talk about the cost of the policy, it is worth noting that these banks set tariffs individually for each contract. To do this, documents on the property that is pledged are analyzed, as well as data on the borrower and co-borrower. The annual cost of property insurance is 0.12% of the insured amount.

Communication regarding the conclusion of an insurance policy takes place through the mortgage manager. He will also send the insurance company the documents necessary to issue a policy. Conclusion of the contract, payment occurs at the time of conclusion of the mortgage agreement.


Rosselkhozbank and RSHB-Insurance are part of the group of companies JSC Rosselkhozbank. It is not surprising that for loans issued by a bank, insurance policies are issued by an insurance company of the same financial group.

Clients are offered mortgage and regular property insurance (country buildings with and without finishing, apartments).

Insurance coverage in the RSHB-Insurance policy includes:

  • fire;
  • explosion;
  • natural disasters;
  • mechanical damage;
  • water damage;
  • illegal actions of third parties:
    • hooliganism, vandalism, intentional or careless destruction or damage to insured property;
    • theft in the form of theft, robbery, robbery.

The cost of the policy is calculated according to basic rates.

This is not a complete list of banks that independently or with their partners enter into insurance contracts. Therefore, insuring your own home is very simple. Some banks allow you to apply online, while others require you to visit a branch in person. Whichever option is chosen, purchasing a policy is quick and easy.

Apartment insurance by Sberbank is one of the services provided by this organization. However, there are certain conditions that are stipulated in the contract. What does insurance cover and what pitfalls should we expect in the process?

Sberbank is one of the largest banking structures in the country, which offers a variety of services. One of them is real estate insurance. Several options for this product are offered, which allows you to choose the most optimal type of contract in each case.

Insurance conditions

Sberbank offers a comprehensive insurance service for the integrity of a client’s home or apartment. This takes into account not only the risks and troubles associated with the operation of residential real estate, but also the responsibility to the owner’s neighbors.

The objects of the agreement are:

  • Movable property of the house;
  • Engineering equipment and finishing;
  • Civil liability.

Insurance takes into account the following risk cases: flood, fire, explosion, illegal actions of a third party, mechanical impact, lightning strike, civil liability, natural disasters and the fall of aircraft and their individual parts.

In the video - Sberbank apartment insurance:

Many people wonder whether such a package of services is necessary. Sberbank reports that those who want to protect their property and themselves from various surprises, and also value the safety and tranquility of their family and friends, always decide to protect their home. This is why a policy is issued.

According to the tariffs, there are several types of conditions for concluding a contract with different costs. Therefore, you can choose different insurance options, but you must carefully study the papers before signing so that all the necessary items are included.

The validity period of the contract is 1 month from the date of its conclusion. The date is written in the document. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of extending this service.

Protecting your home from the most common risks - theft, fire, flooding - will help eliminate the consequences of an incident. It is also worth considering that during the operation of your home, you may also bear risks, for example, flooding your neighbors.

For this purpose, civil liability is also insured. Sberbank offers the following types of agreements:

  • "No worries";
  • "Home protection";
  • Insurance of residential real estate purchased with a mortgage;
  • “Quick policy” worth 999 rubles.

“Home Protection” makes it possible to protect yourself and your home from the most common risks. Moreover, if the amount does not exceed 100,000 rubles, then the insurance is paid without certificates. In general, the program was presented in three variations, which depend on the amount stipulated in the contract. The more expensive the policy, the greater the compensation resulting from the occurrence of an insured event.

The “No Worries” package provides all the insurance cases listed above - from engineering equipment to personal liability. This type of service is the most optimal investment. It also provides for medical expenses and will guarantee the safety of bank cards, personal documents, funds in accounts, gadgets and expenses. That is, this policy is considered the most profitable for the bank client.

Registration can be done either online through the official website of the structure, or by personally visiting a bank branch. The following documents are provided: passport, application and papers on the property you are going to insure. Only copies remain in the bank.

Although we are talking in this article about Sberbank, most of what is written, except for the list of accredited insurance companies, is relevant for any Russian bank.

Insurance purchased in (apartment, house, room, etc.), unlike personal insurance, is mandatory. This is directly stated in Article 31 of Federal Law No. 102 “On mortgage (pledge of property)”:

1. Insurance of property pledged under a mortgage agreement is carried out in accordance with the terms of this agreement. An insurance contract for property pledged under a mortgage agreement must be concluded in favor of the mortgagee (beneficiary), unless otherwise specified in the mortgage agreement or in the agreement giving rise to a mortgage by force of law, or in the mortgage.

2. In the absence of other conditions in the mortgage agreement on insurance of the mortgaged property, the mortgagor is obliged to insure at his own expense this property in full value against the risks of loss and damage, and if the full value of the property exceeds the amount of the obligation secured by the mortgage - for an amount not less than the amount of this obligation .

Actually, from this law it follows:

  • Housing purchased with a mortgage and pledged to the bank must be insured.
  • Compulsory insurance applies only to the risks of loss and damage to collateral (fire, natural disaster, damage to load-bearing structures, etc.)
  • The beneficiary under such an insurance agreement must be a bank. It is the bank that will receive the insurance payment if an insured event occurs. The amount of the borrower's debt will be reduced by the amount of the payment.
  • The amount for which the object must be insured (the insured amount) must be no less than the principal amount of the loan.

    For example, an apartment costs 3 million rubles, the down payment will be 1.4 million rubles, and the loan amount, accordingly, will be 1.6 million rubles. This is the amount (no less) that needs to be insured for the apartment in the first year of the mortgage. This amount will then decrease as the mortgage is paid off.

  • You need to insure your property for the entire duration of the mortgage, as long as you pay it off and as long as the property is pledged to the bank. At the same time, the standard contract period for insurance companies is 1 year. Therefore, every year you need to conclude a new insurance contract.

    The insured amount, as mentioned above, will decrease. Therefore, before renewing the insurance contract or concluding a new one, check with the bank about the exact amount of the principal debt on the mortgage.

The cost of insurance, or premium, is measured as a percentage of the sum insured, which, remember, is usually equal to the amount owed on the mortgage. The size of the insurance premium is also affected by the property itself.

For new brick houses it will be less, and for old Stalin buildings with wooden floors, naturally, more.

Ingosstrakh traditionally has some of the most attractive rates for mortgage property insurance. You can calculate the amount of insurance directly on the website.

If we take average figures, the insurance premium for this type of insurance is 0.3% -0.6% of the amount insured. Translated into rubles, it will be from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. for every 1 million rubles. loan debt.

List of accredited insurance companies in Sberbank

Each bank has its own requirements for insurance companies, in which borrowers need to insure collateral real estate. Therefore, before purchasing a policy, be sure to check the list of insurance companies.

Below are the names of insurance companies accredited to insure collateral property with Sberbank. Not to be confused with!

Current as of February 2018:

  • "Liberty Insurance"
  • "Chulpan"
  • "Transnational insurance company"
  • "SF "Adonis"
  • "Insurance company "SDS"
  • "Insurance company "DIANA"
  • "Insurance Company "Helios"
  • "Insurance group "Spassky Gate"
  • "Sterkh"
  • "SOGAZ"
  • "SO "Surgutneftegaz"
  • "Sberbank insurance"
  • "RSHB-Insurance"
  • "Rosgosstrakh"
  • "RESO-Garantiya"
  • "BET"
  • "Independent Insurance Group"
  • "National Insurance Company TATARSTAN"
  • "Ingosstrakh"
  • "Zetta Insurance"
  • "Renaissance Insurance Group"
  • "VSK"
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie"
  • "AIG"
  • "Absolute Insurance"

As you can see, the list is quite impressive - 26 companies, so you can easily select an insurance company on conditions that suit you.

Leave questions and feedback in the comments.

Sberbank offers property insurance services. Often, such a product is used when concluding mortgage agreements or car loans when collateral is deposited. A subsidiary company, Sberbank Insurance, is engaged in professional activities.


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The company offers the following insurance programs:

Apartment or house insurance online

A “Home Protection” policy is provided to compensate for risks associated with illegal or careless actions of neighbors that caused damage to property. Property inspection is not carried out after the fact.

The package includes insurance protection services for interior decoration, movable property and civil liability for up to 1 year. Compensation amount from 450,000 to 2 million rubles, 4 program options are presented

Online mortgage insurance Protection against common risks of the collateral object. Covering the cost of structural elements of the premises, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, ceilings, entrance doors and windows; for residential buildings - roof and foundation. Also valid for up to 1 year with the right to extend
Insurance of bank cards online

Protection from intruders of funds at a material source. Savings when registering on the website are 15%. You can pay with Sberbank bonuses THANK YOU. When purchasing a policy, funds on all Sberbank cards linked to one account at a credit institution are subject to insurance. Three reimbursement options: for 30,000, 120,000 and 250,000 rubles.

The cost, respectively, is 700, 1,710 and 3,510 rubles. For comparison, when purchasing a policy at a Sberbank branch for the maximum amount of compensation, its purchase will cost 3,900 rubles. Protection covers the following risks: theft of a card as a result of theft or robbery, theft after withdrawal from an ATM, mechanical damage, receipt of a PIN code as a result of a physical threat

Equipment protection Compensation for losses due to flooding, theft and mechanical damage, lightning strikes, illegal actions of third parties, etc.
Smartphone protection Reimbursement service for mobile phones in case of theft, damage and comprehensive protection

All policies can be issued both on the website of the Sberbank Insurance organization and at a bank branch. It is possible to pay with bonuses when using Sberbank cards using the SPASIBO system. The discount when registering online will be 10% of the cost of the set of insurance services.

Insurance compensation in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles. carried out without certificates.

The Sberbank Insurance website also lists programs that apply to the following types of property:

  • personal belongings. In case of floods, natural disasters, explosions, robbery, robberies, fire.
  • unauthorized withdrawal of funds from the policyholder's bank card.

It is possible to purchase an insurance policy directly from a subsidiary for a period of up to 36 months (3 years).

Requirements for objects

The conditions for including certain types of property in insurance are specified in the rules for the provision of Sberbank insurance services, which are issued to each policyholder as an appendix to the policy.

The following are accepted as such:

  • property interests of the insured in relation to certain types of objects of the material world;
  • in relation to apartments and residential buildings - decoration, equipment, furnishings, and other movable property inside the premises.

The cost of items left within the apartment is not refundable:

  • jewelry;
  • collections;
  • objects of art and culture;
  • antiques;
  • property in emergency housing;
  • real estate outside the Russian Federation.

It is possible to include in the policy conditions for insurance protection of objects:

  • ID cards;
  • telephone;
  • laptops and netbooks;
  • driver's license;
  • tablets.

Important: please note that the validity period of the policy is indicated on the Sberbank Insurance website - the document comes into force after 15 days from the date of payment. This information contradicts the information on the official website of Sberbank, which states that the policy applies to insured events that occurred after 00:00 on the day following the issuance of the policy.

How to obtain real estate insurance at Sberbank

The Mortgage Law does not oblige citizens to insure the collateral. However, on the basis of Article 31 of this regulatory act, the issuance of a policy for the risks of damage or loss of property is carried out on the basis of a concluded loan agreement.

Under agreements with Sberbank, compensation for these risks is mandatory. Not only real estate as a development object is subject to insurance, but also its individual structural elements.

The following risks are covered:

  • from a fire or explosion of domestic gas installed in the apartment;
  • in case of unlawful actions of third parties, including owners of neighboring residential and commercial premises;
  • upon detection of defects in housing that were made during the construction of structural elements of the building during development;
  • in case of falling aircraft debris, damage by cargo transport;
  • when struck by lightning;
  • in case of natural disasters.

When drawing up an insurance agreement with a subsidiary of Sberbank, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the policy comes into force from 00:00 on the day following the execution of the contract, so if the insured event occurred on the day the agreement was concluded, it is not subject to compensation;
  • when passport data is changed, a notification must be sent to the insurance company by email with a screenshot of the new ID attached;
  • after the termination of the mortgage or loan agreement, the insurance continues to be valid, refund of funds is not possible even if the loan debt is paid off early;
  • When carrying out redevelopment, preliminary coordination with the insurance company is required; otherwise, monetary compensation in the event of an unforeseen event will not be provided.

Important: the debtor has the right to insure the main risks in relation to property in any company accredited by Sberbank, it will not necessarily be Sberbank insurance. The list is constantly changing and is published on the official website of the credit institution. It is possible to change companies every year; there is no prohibition on this.

When purchasing insurance online, it is enough to:

  • go to the official website of Sberbank or the Sberbank-insurance company;
  • select the amount for compensation - insurance protection;
  • indicate passport details, full name;
  • receive the policy by email;
  • payment by bank card occurs automatically when adding a request.

Required documents

The list of papers for issuing an insurance policy at Sberbank changes regularly and is published on the official website of the credit institution. Not all names of documents are indicated on the official resource; in the course of establishing a citizen’s solvency, the bank may request other information; this right remains with it.

To issue a policy at Sberbank when concluding a mortgage loan agreement, it is enough to provide only the borrower’s passport.

When filling out the application online you must provide:

  • ID card - series and number are entered when filling out the application;
  • loan or mortgage agreement - with number and date of conclusion.

All information must be entered without errors, otherwise this will lead to refusal to accept the policy and to the accrual of penalties and fines.

When an insured event occurs, you must fill out an application in the form for a specific program - for Protection of your home, mortgage or funds on a bank card. The forms can be found on the official website of Sberbank-Insurance.

You must send documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event with a statement by registered mail to the address: Moscow, Pavlovskaya St., 7 or by email to the official mail of the insurance company. The same should be done to receive compensation if the costs of restoring the property were incurred at the expense of the policyholder's own funds.

Payment if the situation is recognized as insurance is made within 15 days to the bank details specified when filling out the application form.

When insuring property in a company other than a subsidiary of Sberbank, documents are checked for compliance every 30 days. If the documentation does not comply, interest will be charged as a penalty as for the lack of an insurance policy.


When receiving a mortgage, an employee of the credit institution Sberbank is provided with a passport to issue a policy. Its price will be about 0.25% of the value of the purchased property, determined on the basis of an independent assessment. Based on this, the principal amount of the loan is determined. The property insurance rate may increase depending on the number of risks covered.

The policy validity period is assumed to be 12 months with the right to automatic renewal - prolongation. Funds are usually debited from a card that is opened in Sberbank via automatic payment with notification of the payer.