How to choose lighting for suspended ceilings. Practical lamps for suspended ceilings: how to choose

Stretch ceilings are installed in residential, office and commercial premises. With their help, you can create a unique and practical interior for reasonable money. The only problem that may arise is the organization of lighting.

We will tell you how to choose the right light bulbs for suspended ceilings. The article we have presented describes the types of devices used to equip ceiling structures, and discusses popular layouts of their locations. Requirements and rules for assembling ceiling lighting systems are given.

The main reasons why tension structures are installed are aesthetic appearance and practicality. They are made of PVC or fabric panels attached to profiles.

The choice of lighting fixtures largely depends on the material of this type of ceiling. Polyvinyl chloride film and some types of fabrics do not tolerate increased temperatures. They may become deformed. Therefore, you have to pay attention not only to the technical parameters, but also to other features of the lamps.

So, when heated above 50 degrees, the material of the panels can change color, dry out and crack. The ceiling will become yellowish and ugly. Operation and maintenance will become very difficult. In just a few months, new repairs will be necessary. These are good reasons to take the time to select the right lamps for suspended ceilings.

The lighting effects depend on the type and location of the bulbs. They can emphasize the advantages of the ceiling, zone the space favorably, improve the interior, or, conversely, hopelessly ruin the impression of the room.

The service life of PVC ceilings depends on the choice of lamps. Incandescent lamps heat surfaces too much and are therefore not suitable for tensile structures

When purchasing, focus on power and heating temperature. Incandescent lamps are not suitable, so usually 35-40 W or low voltage options.

In some cases - energy-saving fluorescent lamps up to 50 W. There are also certain requirements regarding the safe location of lighting fixtures.

Basic selection rules

Everything matters - type, shape, power, placement of lamps on the ceiling.

The main rules to follow when choosing:

  1. Type and power of lamps. The best option is 35-50 W lamps.
  2. Distance to ceiling. The critical minimum is 15-20 cm. If you place the lamps closer to the surface of the material, this will lead to its deformation. For the distance should be even greater - from 40 cm.
  3. Shape of lamps. The beloved “plates” will have to be abandoned. The rules for their installation provide for a tight fit to the ceiling surface. In the case of tensile structures, this is unacceptable, because For cooling you need full air circulation.
  4. Design. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the premises. It is important that the devices are installed in accordance with all the rules and provide adequate lighting.

The variety of lamps is enormous, so it makes sense to navigate the main classifications and find the option that is best suited for each specific case.

If you design the lighting correctly, you can achieve stunning color and light effects. They will enliven the interior, help highlight accent areas, and create the right mood.

When purchasing, you should take into account the purpose and operating features of the premises, pay attention to the rules for installing electrical appliances, characteristic of energy-saving light bulbs.

Complex installation leads to increased lighting costs, often unjustified. The problem can be solved by choosing a different type of lamp.

Pros and cons of different types of light bulbs

Typically, one of three types of lamps are used for suspended ceilings:

Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages, and limitations in operation. To make an informed choice, it is better to find out their features in advance.

Option #1 - LED lamps

These are semiconductor devices. They give white or slightly yellowish light and do not overheat the air or surrounding objects. One of the most important advantages is inertia-free. This means that the brightness of the lighting is adjusted immediately: there is no need to wait until the device “burns up” at full power. It is not affected by power surges in the network.

Moreover, there are models on sale whose brightness can be adjusted at the user’s request -. This option allows you to develop and use several original lighting options in one design.

All LED devices are classified as... they consume 5-8 times less electricity than incandescent lamps. This is an obvious plus, but the price is still more than high.

LED devices are safe for the environment. There are no harmful substances in their bulbs, unlike fluorescent lamps containing mercury

Noting the high cost of diode light bulbs, you should decide on the type of lamp itself at the lighting planning stage. If this is a model into which a matrix/board with LEDs is integrated, then if it fails, repair or replacement of the element may be necessary.

Not every ordinary user will bother buying a new board and replacing it themselves. And calling an electrician for this will be expensive - it’s easier to buy a new lighting fixture.

A more interesting alternative is to purchase a lamp in which you can change the light bulb. There are various models on sale that accept lamps with a GU5.3 base. You will be introduced to the rules for choosing lamps for ceiling structures, which we strongly recommend reading.

If such an LED light bulb fails, then you can simply remove the old one and install a new one, which costs about 60 rubles. And you don't have to buy the entire lamp. Due to the high cost of lamps from well-known brands, many potential buyers have a desire to save money by choosing cheaper products from nameless Chinese companies.

This benefit is highly questionable due to a number of features:

  • price - a good diode light bulb cannot be cheap, and inexpensive ones most often do not have a manufacturer’s warranty;
  • the service life does not always correspond to the declared one - only branded lamps are able to work out the operating hours declared by the manufacturer;
  • decrease in brightness - LED crystals gradually lose their brightness, and then go out completely.

Also, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the color spectrum emitted by the selected LED lamp. In this matter, you should be careful and decide in advance whether such light is pleasant to the eyes.

When designing lighting, you should carefully consider the color, location, and direction of the lamps. Mistakes can lead to discomfort in the future

When developing a ceiling design, be sure to carefully select the correct color of lighting, calculate the required power and cost of the devices. This is the only way to make the interior truly cozy and pleasant. If necessary, consult professional designers and electricians.

Option #2 - halogen lamps

The principle of operation is similar to the operation of conventional incandescent lamps, only a special grade of tungsten is used to make the wire filament. The only significant difference is in the filling of the flask, which contains oxygen, inert gas, and halogen-containing additives.

When heated, tungsten evaporates from the thin wire and then returns to it again. Thanks to this, a darkening coating does not appear on the flasks. The filament itself regenerates, which has a positive effect on the life of the lamp.

Tungsten wire heats up to high temperatures, but this is compensated by the use of special quartz glass, which retains heat and increases the efficiency of the device.

Lamps with halogens are distinguished by high quality color rendering, brightness, and light direction. Another plus is the small size. This allows you to design aesthetic spot lighting.

Halogen lamps provide light that is comfortable for the eyes. In many respects, including the composition of the spectrum, it is close to natural. Therefore, it is pleasant to be in a room with such lighting

When it comes to energy saving, halogen lamps are inferior to LED and fluorescent lamps. The service life also leaves much to be desired. This should be taken into account when purchasing.

Option #3 - fluorescent lamps

They are deservedly called energy-saving. Whatever lamp is installed, with such devices it will automatically become economical. This is due to the design features, thanks to which you can get an excellent ratio of luminous flux and power.

Economical energy consumption, good operational and technical characteristics - these are the advantages of fluorescent lamps. They do not flicker, if we are talking about compact models with an integrated electronic ballast, they work for a long time and smoothly. You can choose a suitable color shade.

Another plus is the absence of overheating of the surrounding air and objects located near the lighting fixtures. Maximum temperature – 60 degrees.

Fluorescent lamps are used in a wide variety of interiors. With their help you can organize basic lighting and create original colored lighting

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Potential health hazard. It is harmful for people with certain diseases to be in rooms with fluorescent lighting. If you have serious diagnoses, you should consult your doctor.
  2. High price. Compared to incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps are 10 times more expensive.
  3. Sensitivity to on-off switching. The more often appliances are lit and extinguished, the less they last.
  4. Harm to the environment. Lamps contain unsafe mercury vapor, so the devices require separate disposal. If a flask breaks, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room, collect the remaining glass and treat the room.

Before purchasing fluorescent lamps, be sure to make sure that your city has collection points for used products. They should not be thrown into a regular trash container.

Compared to tiny LED lamps, fluorescent lamps are large. Due to their relatively large size they are not suitable for some types of luminaires

If several fluorescent lamps are broken at the same time, you will have to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations for preventive treatment of the room. This is worth considering, especially if there are small children, active jumping animals, etc. in the house.

Rules for connecting lamps

The type of luminaires in which the lamps are planned to be installed is of fundamental importance. There are different types of fastening structures.

Hanging. In everyday life they are called chandeliers. A win-win option for almost any interior.

You can mount lamps of all types, because... the distance to the ceiling is sufficient to avoid strong heating of materials. Installation is simple. Prices may vary depending on the model, manufacturer, design.

Invoices. For such structures, it is necessary to install a base with electrical wiring before installing the stretch ceiling. Then they put special rings in which the lamps are secured. LED lamps are best suited for them - with a minimum heating temperature. The advantages include the low cost of structures.

Built-in. The difference from overhead lamps is only in the installation method and the presence of a decorative panel, thanks to which the design of the device is almost indistinguishable from the surface of a stretch ceiling.

The advantage is the low cost of construction. Ideal for office spaces and minimalist interiors. Depending on the number of light sources, spot and cascade lamps are distinguished. In devices of the first type, only one lamp is installed, and in the second type - several.

Point structures have to be installed in rows due to the modest lighting area. Cascading ones have extensive design potential. Thanks to them you can create beautiful effects.

There are static and rotating lamps. The names reflect the design features: the first ones are stationary, and the second ones allow you to adjust the direction of radiation.

When installing devices, take into account the purpose of the lighting. If it is general, then the optimal radiation angle should be 60–90 degrees. If local (zoned) - from 40 degrees

The type of material from which the ceiling panel itself is made also matters. If it is fabric, then the choice of lamps is almost unlimited, but it is better to install LED devices on PVC film.

Requirements for placing lamps on the ceiling

When designing lighting, several simple rules are followed:

  1. The first row of lamps is planned so that it is at least 20 cm from the wall.
  2. If there is only one pendant lamp, it is installed in the center of the ceiling.
  3. Seams are the weak points of PVC structures. There should be no light sources at a distance of less than 15-20 cm from them.
  4. When calculating lamps, you can focus on average indicators: 1 device per 1.5-2 sq. m. area. If it is necessary to provide powerful lighting, then proceed from the first number. If special brightness is not needed, use the second one.
  5. With a symmetrical arrangement of lamps, the distances between them and the distances from the wall are taken into account.

Windows are sources of natural sunlight. When calculating the layout of light bulbs, they must be taken into account, but there are no special requirements here. The main thing is to maintain a distance from the walls.

Light source layouts

There are several design ideas that allow you to place appliances in the most advantageous way. Before you independently invent new ways of arranging lamps, you should familiarize yourself with the existing ones.

The most popular layouts of light bulbs on a suspended ceiling include the following:

  1. Oval. Lighting fixtures are placed in the form of an oval inscribed in the rectangle of the ceiling. The center is either decorated with a chandelier or left slightly darkened.
  2. Circle. The lamps look like a big circle on the ceiling. The advantage of this scheme is uniform illumination of the entire area.
  3. Rectangle. The devices are installed around the perimeter, which creates an optical effect of expanding the space.
  4. Arc. An excellent option for highlighting an accent area of ​​a room.
  5. Wave. The arrangement of lamps in the form of a wave is well suited for rooms of non-standard configuration. This scheme allows you to visually adjust the shape of the room.

In rooms with niches, ledges or original furniture, random patterns can look good. Often the lamps look chaotically located, but create the necessary effects.

If you decide to design the ceiling this way, you need to carefully calculate the required number of light sources. The choice of scheme may depend on the purpose of the room and the personal preferences of the owner.

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There are no ideal lamp layouts that would suit everyone equally. The lighting design of each room must be approached individually.

Video #3. Detailed description of lamp layouts:

Video #4. Options for selecting lamps for suspended ceilings:

Successful lighting effects can transform even the most banal interior, while incorrectly selected ones will negate all design efforts.

Stretch ceilings are a good solution if you take the time to search for suitable lamps and calculate the optimal layout for their placement. If you can’t do it yourself, don’t hesitate to consult an electrician.

Please write comments in the block form below, post photos and ask questions about the topic of the article. Tell us about how you selected light bulbs for your own suspended ceiling. Share useful information and arguments that were decisive for making your purchase.

Stretch ceilings look luxurious, all that remains is to select lighting sources and determine which chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings? The peculiarities of this ceiling decoration lie in the materials from which it is made - they can be damaged and deformed if the configuration of the lighting fixture is chosen incorrectly.

The right chandelier will not only preserve the finish, but will also add to the splendor of the design.

Features of suspended ceilings

The selection of specialized chandeliers for suspended ceilings is small. But knowing the nuances, it is quite possible to choose a suitable model from the usual range. There are recommendations for the fastening mechanism and structure of the chandelier body. The fact is that the structure of its body must have good thermal insulation to prevent overheating of the ceiling covering. In addition, the material of suspended ceilings requires a certain structure and location of the lampshades.

Characteristics of the right chandelier

Expensive ceiling coverings are located close to light sources - lamps. It is a PVC film that should not be heated to more than 60 degrees. A slight excess of temperature norms and the film may begin to undergo unsightly deformations, or even burn out. Based on this, it is obvious that not every chandelier can be used to illuminate a room with suspended ceilings.

Please note the required characteristics:

  1. The lamp must be designed so that the flow of light is not directed towards the ceiling. Otherwise, expensive material may begin to burn out;
  2. recommended configuration of lampshades – closed models or directing light to the sides and downwards;
  3. choose chandeliers that will provide a significant distance from the ceiling to the lighting elements to prevent heating of the coating material;
  4. a suspended ceiling in an ordinary small room “eats” centimeters in height, so massive and overly complex chandeliers will make the room visually lower. This advice does not apply to room heights below 3 m.

When estimating the length of the suspension, keep in mind that the lamp is attached to the rough ceiling surface, so a certain length of the suspension is hidden under the tension covering.

Mount selection

It is important to consider the type of fastening of the chandelier to the ceiling, since this is the most critical moment.

Suitable and unsuitable chandelier mounting:

  • “Yes” - Suspended, which are mounted on a special hook.
  • “No” - Overheads, placed using an overhead panel, which in turn is attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

For suspended ceilings, a suspended option is suitable, since the overlay panel cannot be placed on a stretched film. As already noted, it is also important to choose the size of the suspension, making allowances for the distance between the rough and suspended ceiling.

You can make sure that the hook for fastening is placed below the level of the stretch ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the fastening in advance before stretching the ceiling.

Which lamp to choose?

With the current variety of light sources, it is sometimes difficult to understand the choice of lamps. Which lamps to choose - heating, halogen or LED, and what nuances will have to be taken into account?

You may have decided to choose a lampshade that has upward-facing horns. This is undesirable, then you must clearly check the distance from the lamps to the ceiling, and it can be different for each type of lamp.

  • Incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are the most inexpensive, however, they heat the air, wasting precious electricity, and this causes the surface of the ceiling to heat up. For this reason, such lamps are the worst choice to use together with such a finish. The distance from the PVC film and a regular incandescent lamp with the horns facing upward should be at least 40 cm, in other cases - 25 cm. The lamp power should not be more than 60 W . If the distance is smaller, then the chandelier should have reflectors that will prevent the ceiling from fading.
  • Energy saving. Energy-saving lamps are perfect because they practically do not heat up and can be used at a short distance from suspended ceilings. Apart from the power converter, the lamp has no elements that can heat up. However, keep in mind that there is mercury vapor inside the lamp, so if you break it, you need to take immediate action.
  • LEDs. LED lamps are simply created for suspended ceilings - they have high efficiency and low heating. Such lamps last a long time, but their main advantage is a directed light flux without reflectors, emitting a stream of light into only one hemisphere. LED low-voltage lamps are considered the most practical, but they require the installation of a power supply. Its placement should not be in an empty area above a suspended ceiling, since there is no ventilation there and overheating may occur.
  • Halogen lamps. Halogen lamps with a power of 35-40 W, directed upward, must be removed from the surface of the coating by at least 30 cm, 20 W - by 20 cm, and for 10 W, respectively, 10 cm.

Design secrets

You should not choose overly chic chandelier options only if you are sure that suspended ceilings will not fade into the background. For example, huge cascading crystal chandeliers can both neutralize the beauty of the coating and emphasize it.

A few design secrets:

  • the canvas of stretch ceilings in light colors should be enhanced with a chandelier in a contrasting color;
  • black stretch ceilings will create excellent harmony with a white or metal chandelier;
  • A glossy ceiling surface can be combined with a fancy-shaped chandelier if you want to create a unique reflection effect.

Plafonds-plates, pendants or chandeliers with horns

All these lamps are very popular and have their own characteristics. Variants with multiple horns are perhaps the most common. The main thing is that they are not directed straight up, especially if you are going to use incandescent or halogen lamps. Please also take into account the fact that the light directed at the ceiling will create circles on the ceiling - you may not like this effect. But if the horns are directed downwards and to the sides, you don’t have to worry about circles on the ceiling or damage to the film.

Dish chandeliers may seem very impressive in design, but without a reflector above each bulb, this type of chandelier cannot be used for a suspended ceiling. But such elements are not so often found on sale.

If you choose those models where the lampshade covers the lamps from below, choose long pendants, then the surface of the ceiling film will be safely away from the light. Such a lamp can be safely placed on a suspended ceiling.

In addition to technical parameters, the chandelier should complement the beauty of the stretch ceiling without creating a stylistic imbalance. As a rule, the coating film is glossy and perfectly reflects light. For this reason, you need to take into account that the light of the chandelier does not create unwanted glare, especially in the bedroom, where the lighting is designed to bring coziness.

How to choose a suitable chandelier:

  • If the ceiling is glossy, then it will be beautiful if the chandelier softly diffuses the light across the canvas.
  • For the living room, you can choose a lamp with many low-power lamps, which, when reflected, will create the effect of depth and double the number of light sources.
  • Stretch ceilings themselves have a luxurious appearance and reflective gloss of the film, so you should not choose lampshades with prisms and reflectors.
  • To illuminate a small room of about 10-12 m2, a chandelier with 3-4 shades is enough, and for rooms from 12 m2 - with 6 shades.
  • For spacious rooms, chandeliers are combined with spotlights and other light sources to provide spectacular illumination.

Considering the mirror ability of the ceiling, you need to know in advance about the possibility of reflecting the ugly “filling” of lampshades and other elements in it.

It would be great if the store provides you with a special catalog of chandeliers for suspended ceilings, where you can see its appearance in the finished interior.

Experts have their own secrets in choosing chandeliers for suspended ceilings, accumulated with experience. Without taking their advice into account, you can choose expensive lamps with many options and details that are not useful and can ruin an expensive surface. Using the advice in this article, you can avoid unpleasant mistakes associated with damage to the beautiful glossy surface of the ceiling and choose the ideal light source.

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In this article we will cover:

  • how to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings to organize good lighting and create a stylish interior?
  • Does the type of canvas affect the choice of lighting fixtures?
  • Which lamps are suitable for suspended ceilings and which are not?
  • Which lamps should you prefer?
  • and we will also try to give detailed answers to these and other questions.

Features of choice

First of all, it should be noted that it is recommended to install spotlights as the main light sources in small rooms. Such lamps will provide the required level of lighting in small kitchens, bedrooms, children's rooms, corridors, and bathrooms.

In spacious rooms it is advisable to install spotlights in combination with a chandelier.

This option opens up a wide field for experimentation. The chandelier can be hung in the center of the ceiling, and spotlights can be placed around the perimeter of the room. If your interior design involves the creation of several zones in one room, then in this case the chandelier is mounted in one zone, and spotlights in another.

Please note: suspended ceilings allow you to create multi-level structures, the originality of which is perfectly emphasized by spotlights.

Today there are a huge number of spotlights on sale in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

To choose the right option, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. 1. With constant heating to 55-60 degrees and above, the stretch ceiling fabric begins to deform. The permissible power of lighting lamps is 35-40 W for film ceilings and 60 W for fabric ceilings.
  2. 2. When choosing a spotlight, pay attention to the presence of a wide side on the structure. With its help, a ring is masked, which is mounted on the edge of the hole in the canvas to prevent tears and wrinkles.
  3. 3. The number of landing points on a suspended ceiling depends on the area of ​​the room, the reflectivity of the canvas, the dimensions of the lamps and the type of lamps that are used in them. To level lighting was sufficient, we recommend placing lamps at the rate of 1 point per 1.5-2 sq.m.
  4. 4. If you want to adjust the direction of the light flux, give preference to models with movable elements. Their location may be arbitrary or correspond to a pre-designed scheme.
  5. 5. To prevent light from entering the interceiling space, illuminating the canvas from the inside, choose lamps that have a mirror coating or a black bulb.

On the Internet you can find advice on using foil or foil foam insulation as thermal and light insulation.

We advise you not to take risks and replace the lamps in the lamps, if they reflect into the interceiling space or heat up, with better ones. Homemade insulation can lead to various unpleasant situations, including irreversible damage to your property.

Important: follow electrical safety rules when installing spotlights on suspended ceilings and operating them! Entrust the installation of lighting devices to specialists.

As for the influence of the type of canvas on the choice of spotlights, everything is simple here.

Glossy film It is characterized by high reflectivity, taking into account which additional effects can be created. If you choose a lamp model with a shade in the form of a polyhedron, then the light from the lamp will be refracted in the edges of the shade and reflected on the surface of the film in the form of many rays.

Ceilings with a matte surface go well with spotlights in which the flow of light is directed downwards.

In addition, the choice of lighting devices is also influenced by such factors as the amount of space between the suspended ceiling and the main one, your requirements for lighting power and its type (main, additional or decorative), energy costs and the need for installing a transformer (as well as its options). installations - in the inter-ceiling space or outside the suspended ceiling).

Types of spotlights for suspended ceilings

According to the installation method, spotlights that are suitable for suspended ceilings are of two types - mortise and overhead.

Installation of mortise-type lamps performed in a specially prepared slot in the stretch ceiling fabric. To prevent the edges of the hole from diverging, enlarging it, a special fixing ring made of plastic is put on the slot.

For installation, luminaires with low weight and small dimensions are used. The model is selected in accordance with the owner’s wishes regarding the level of the lamp location - above the canvas, below it or at the same level with the suspended ceiling.

Features of installing lamps above the canvas level

Models of this type are mounted in such a way as to create the impression that they are “recessed” into the ceiling. This setup has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include an original visual effect: the ceiling seems to glow on its own. This option looks good in multi-level ceilings.

Among the disadvantages are the loss of light, partially going into the space between the canvas and the main ceiling, as well as strict requirements for the choice of lamps. Air access to a lamp installed above the level is difficult. To prevent overheating of the case and melting of the film, it is necessary to use energy-saving or LED lamps.

Features of installing lamps below the level of the canvas

Lamps installed below the level of the canvas protrude significantly beyond its outer edge.

The length of the protruding part depends on the design of the model, optimally in the range of 5-8 cm.

This installation option provides a high level of illumination, since the light from the lamps is diffused without loss.

If you plan to install lamps below ceiling level, choose models designed for a voltage of 220 V. Otherwise, you you will have to install a transformer in the interceiling space, which will be quite difficult to get to later. If the transformer fails, you can replace it only by dismantling the suspended ceiling at the location of the device.

Installation of lamps flush with the canvas

Lamps mounted flush with the canvas protrude only slightly beyond its edge - by 1.5-2 cm, maximum - by 3 cm. They provide good diffused light and serve as an original decorative element. The principle of choosing a model for installation of this type is the same as in the option with installing lamps below the level of the canvas: permissible voltage - 220 V, lamp power - 35-40 W.

Surface-mounted lamps

Such lamps are structurally similar to pendant lamps. Before installing them, prepare a hole in the suspended ceiling, which will be hidden by the body of the device. A bookmark is mounted on the main ceiling, to which the lamp will then be attached.

The range of overhead spotlights is quite diverse: manufacturers offer models with an elongated body, with rotating elements, and there are also models on sale consisting of several lamps in one body.

These lighting fixtures provide a powerful, directional stream of light. If necessary, the direction of the light beam can be adjusted by changing the position of the lamp, which is mounted in the housing on a rotating bracket.

Due to the rather large dimensions of the body, any lamps can be used in lamps of this type. The distance from the light source to the canvas is quite enough to prevent heating of the film and its deformation, even if a regular incandescent lamp is installed in the lamp.

Types of lamps for spotlights

A variety of options for spotlights allows you to choose the right model to suit your taste and budget. The cost of a lighting device and the features of its operation are influenced by the type of light source used. It can be an LED or halogen lamp, as well as a regular incandescent lamp.

LED lamps

The service life of lamps of this type is about 5 years with continuous use.

They consume less electricity than other lamps, producing an eye-catching, flicker-free panoramic light.

Modern models of spotlights with LED lamps are equipped with a built-in current stabilizer, so during their installation there is no need to additionally connect a transformer.

Halogen lamps

The design of halogen lamps includes a special reflector that reduces light loss by preventing the light flux from going up. The service life of halogen lamps is approximately 4,000 hours.

Incandescent lamps

The main advantage of these lamps is their low cost.

At the same time, incandescent lamps are not very popular as light sources for spotlights, since have a short service life (up to a thousand hours) and get very hot.

The optimal power of such a lamp is 35-40 W, which reduces the range of its application. Such a weak light will be appropriate in small rooms - restrooms, corridors, storage rooms, bathrooms. These lamps are not capable of serving as the main source of light; it is advisable to use them only for organizing additional lighting.

A thoughtful selection of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings and their proper placement will provide you with not only good lighting, but will also allow you to create a stylish interior.

Simple and laconic, spotlights look great in rooms decorated as classics, in interiors in modern, art deco, high-tech and minimalist styles. With their help, you can visually enlarge the room and turn even the most ordinary room into a cozy corner filled with soft light.

Only you can decide which spotlights are best to choose for a suspended ceiling, and we hope that our tips will definitely be useful to you!

Modern design solutions for decorating an apartment or office require the use of the latest technical means. Therefore, having equipped the room with a suspended ceiling, you should take care of the corresponding lamp. How to choose the right lighting devices for a stretch ceiling? Let's figure this out.

Which lamps are suitable for suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a panel fixed to a profile (baguette). It can be made of fabric or PVC film. The material has relatively low heat resistance. Thus, during operation, lamps with powerful lamps (primarily incandescent lamps) strongly heat the surrounding surface. When exposed to high temperatures (over 50 degrees), the fabric may turn yellow, lose elasticity, and crack. This means that its service life will be significantly reduced. To avoid this, you should choose and install the lamp correctly - that’s all.

Most often, luminaires with halogen or LED lighting sources are chosen for suspended ceilings, less often - with energy-saving fluorescent ones.

As we have already noted, the material of the tension fabric imposes certain restrictions on the power of light sources. Thus, the power of halogen lamps should not exceed 35–40 W, fluorescent lamps - 50 W. You should also take into account the design features of lighting fixtures and the shape of the lampshades. The lamps must be located at least 15–20 cm from the surface of the canvas.

The installation of “dish” type lamps in the case of suspended ceilings is strictly prohibited. Due to the tight fit of light sources to the surface and poor air circulation, the canvas can be damaged by exposure to high temperatures!

If you still decide to opt for lamps with traditional incandescent lamps, then the distance from them to the ceiling surface should be at least 40 cm.

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings

There are quite a large number of classifications of lamps: by type of fastening, by design, by design, by lighting source... Let's talk about this in more detail.

According to the type of fastening for suspended ceilings, the most commonly used lamps are:

  • Hanging (chandeliers)
    These lamps received this name based on the installation principle - they are suspended on a hook built into the base ceiling. At the same time, the lamp itself has a special fastener, usually in the form of a triangle. This is one of the simplest mounting options. In this case, it is important that the master, before stretching the canvas, makes a hole in it in the right place. Then all that remains is to strengthen it with a special ring and stretch the suspension through it.
    As for the price category, among the variety of pendant lamps there are both budget and luxury models - from thousands to hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  • Invoices
    To install surface-mounted lamps, you need to prepare a mounting base with power supply in advance. After the suspended ceiling is installed, overhead rings are glued on and holes are made at the location of the lamps, that is, overhead lamps are installed directly on the canvas, literally superimposed on it. Due to the nature of such designs, the power of the lamps used should be taken into account. LED lamps would be an ideal option - with such lighting, the shelf canvas heats up slightly.
    Surface-mounted lamps, as a rule, are cheaper than pendant lamps.
  • Built-in
    Such lamps are attached according to the same principle as overhead ones. At the same time, they have a spring-type fastening, which is inserted into a hole in the suspended ceiling, where the spring straightens, which allows the lamp to be tightly pressed to the ceiling lining. On the outside, the canvas is decorated with a decorative overlay. Visually, it seems that the lamp merges with the ceiling. Such designs attract less attention; their main purpose is to illuminate the room. Therefore, they are often used in offices.
    As a rule, these are inexpensive lamps.

Based on the number of light sources, lamps are distinguished:

  • Spot
    The peculiarity of spotlights is that they are small in size and designed for one lamp, so for complete lighting you need several of these lamps. They look good in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway. The lighting area of ​​such devices is usually no more than 30 degrees, so they should be installed in rows.
    Prices for spotlights are quite low, the average cost of one is 500–1500 rubles.

For general lighting fixtures, the radiation angle should be at least 60–90 degrees. For local lighting, lamps with an angle of at least 40 degrees are used.

  • Cascade
    These are built-in structures, which are a platform on which several lighting elements are fixed - screw-in lampshades or pendant lamps. Cascading designs create an atmosphere of refined elegance in the room and help to delimit zones in the room. In recent years, there has been a trend in the design community to place cascading lamps above the dining table.
    Designers offer many original models. However, such products are not cheap.

In accordance with the ability to regulate the luminous flux, luminaires are distinguished:

  • Static and rotary
    The first ones do not have moving elements and provide “stationary” lighting. The latter have a movable external part. This makes it possible to adjust the direction of the light beam, which would be appropriate, for example, when receiving guests - to illuminate the faces of those present at a large table.

Depending on the light source used, products can be classified into:

  • LED lamps for suspended ceilings
    Such lighting devices operate using a semiconductor - LED. In it, unlike a conventional incandescent or fluorescent lamp, electric current is transformed directly into light radiation. LED lamps produce warm yellowish or cool white light, hardly heat up, they are durable, have a long service life, and are also energy saving. They have, perhaps, only two drawbacks - the high price and the impossibility of replacing lamps (usually they are built into the lamp): if they burn out, the entire lighting device will have to be changed.
  • Halogen lamps
    Lamps with halogen lamps have very high-quality color rendering, high brightness and clear directionality of radiation. Compared to LED lamps, they do not have high energy saving rates. But if we compare them with incandescent lamps, then halogen lamps have a higher luminous efficiency and last twice as long.
    Usually small lamps are inserted into a halogen ceiling lamp, sometimes they are not even visible.
  • Energy-saving fluorescent lamps
    Any lamp, including one located on a suspended ceiling, becomes energy-saving when energy-saving fluorescent lamps are inserted into it. Their peculiarity is that they have a very high luminous efficiency - the ratio between luminous flux and power consumption. This allows you to save energy. However, such lamps are large in size and cannot be placed in every lamp.

If you don’t want the light to hurt your eyes when looking at the lamp, choose models with the dark light reflector function. The outgoing light beam in them is soft.

Prices for lamps for suspended ceilings

The price of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings depends on many factors. These are: the country of origin, the materials from which the lamp is made, its design.

Thus, prices for pendant lamps for suspended ceilings range on average from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles. For example, the Bokal pendant lamp from the manufacturer Citilux (Denmark) - one glass shade, with a maximum power of 100 W, costs 2,290 rubles. The elongated vertical shape allows it not to come into contact with the stretch ceiling. This model is perfect for lighting the kitchen.

Overhead lamps cost an average of 800-5000 rubles. Available offer: LED lamp from the manufacturer Horoz (Turkey) “Overlay circle” with an aluminum body and a power of 18 W for 1047 rubles.

Spotlights can be selected in the range of 100-1500 rubles. For example, the Novotech Window 369110 spotlight from Novotech (Hungary) made of aluminum and frosted glass with a power of 50 W costs 350 rubles.

A special feature of cascading lamps is the intricacy of their design. On average they cost 20,000 and above. Thus, the cascade chandelier Cascade T522-PT40x100-G (Maytoni), made in Germany, which is a luxurious inflorescence made of crystal beads, costs 62,330 rubles. This lamp is designed for 12 lamps and has a lighting area of ​​48 square meters. m.

Thus, prices for ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings vary significantly, but the range of these products is very wide, so you can choose a lighting fixture for every taste and budget without any problems.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings

When choosing a lamp, you should first take into account the interior of the room for which you are purchasing it. Discreet modern, designer chic or classic luxury - it all depends on how you see your entire room.

Do not forget about the maximum power of the lamps, but we talked about this earlier.

For fabric fabric, the choice of lamps is wider, since it tolerates high temperatures well. Halogen, energy-saving, and LED lighting fixtures are suitable. For PVC, LED lamps would be an ideal option.

You can install either one lamp or a number of spotlights on a suspended ceiling, or you can use both types. Note that modern room design involves several light sources, so the lighting system should be carefully considered. Be sure to take into account the geometry and design of the lamps: round or square, plain or patterned, etc.

As we have seen, installing the lighting you need will not be a problem. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances of the room, the technical characteristics of the lamp and the features of the stretch ceiling. If you approach all this thoughtfully, the result will exceed all expectations.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings? What criteria and characteristics of the unit should you pay special attention to when purchasing? Varieties of lighting elements suitable for installation in film or fabric ceilings. Advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Recommendations for use.

Before choosing lamps for suspended ceilings, you need to understand their classification and features.

Types of lighting sources

Several types of lighting elements are suitable for installation in suspended ceiling structures:

  • Point light sources with external and internal bulb placement. They have compact dimensions and are mounted in the ceiling using a thermal ring that protects the tension product from melting and darkening.
  • Overhead lighting elements provide good bright light. The mounting features of the overhead device do not allow the use of a thermal ring. Therefore, due to the proximity of the device to the tension surface, it is necessary to use additional means of protecting the film or fabric from the heated unit. Such elements can be decorative details of the device itself.
  • Thin elements with a low base. These units can be mounted in tension coverings located close to the base surface, in pieces of furniture, etc.
  • Hanging fixtures - chandeliers can also be used in this type of ceiling covering. They are attached to anchor hooks, tires or beams. When choosing a chandelier, you need to be very careful about the selection of the lamp and the direction of the light beam from it. You should not take lamps with a power of more than 40 W, and the luminous flux should be directed either downwards or to the sides, but not at the surface of the tension product.
  • In addition to the main lighting fixtures, lighting can be used on a suspended ceiling. Most often, LED strips are used for this. The backlight can serve as both a secondary source of lighting and the role of the main light, so before deciding which lighting to choose for a stretch ceiling, decide on its purpose.

Selection of lamps for suspended ceilings

When purchasing a unit for installation in tension material, you should be guided by the following selection criteria:

  1. Give preference to lighting fixtures with LEDs. They practically do not heat up during use and are very durable.
  2. Halogen units require additional insulation from the tensioning product. For this purpose, special heat-resistant gaskets are used. They prevent the body of the device from heating up and thereby protect the tension material from melting and darkening.
  3. Buy devices with sides. The presence of this part will allow you to use a thermal ring when installing it in tension material. A protective thermal ring will protect film or fabric material from excessive heat and damage.
  4. Energy-saving lamps in chandeliers will allow you to significantly save on lighting. In addition, they are very compact and can be used even in ceilings installed at a short distance from the base surface.
  5. When deciding which lamp to choose for a stretch ceiling, you can also pay attention to devices with incandescent lamps. In this case, the lamp power should not exceed 40 W. Otherwise, you risk damaging the tension product.

Advantages and disadvantages of halogen lighting sources

These units provide good, bright, uniform illumination. They improve the visual perception of the ceiling structure. In a small room, the light from a halogen lighting fixture visually expands the room, and the glossy finish acquires additional shine. Rotating devices with halogen lamps allow you to set the desired direction of the light flux.

Before choosing lamps for a suspended ceiling with halogen elements, you should find out about all the advantages and disadvantages of these units. Their advantages include:

  • Reasonable cost
  • Quick and easy replacement of the unit
  • Bright light
  • Improving the visual perception of the room

Among the disadvantages are:

  • To install a device with a halogen lamp, you will need 6 to 8 cm of free space behind the suspended ceiling
  • The choice of lamp colors is limited. On sale you can find elements that emit a soft yellowish light

Spot ceiling lights for suspended ceilings: how to choose?

Such a device can be overhead or built-in. The advantages of these units include:

  • Easy to mount
  • Does not reduce the service life of the ceiling
  • Can be installed in areas with high humidity levels
  • Cost-effectiveness of the device (low energy consumption)
  • Compact dimensions make it possible to use the device even in a small room
  • Rotating units allow you to control the light beam
  • A wide selection of shapes and designs of such lamps allows you to choose a unit to suit your interior style

The disadvantages include the higher cost compared to other lamps, but it quickly pays for itself due to the efficiency of the device.

How to choose the right LED lamps for suspended ceilings?

LED lighting devices are the most popular. Their practicality and durability are unrivaled. The advantages of these units include:

  • Visual expansion of space and increase in room height
  • Constant uniform light
  • The technical characteristics of LEDs are much higher than those of incandescent lamps and halogen lamps
  • Durability
  • High energy savings
  • The dimensions of the device allow it to be easily mounted in a suspended ceiling


Although the features of the tension material somewhat limit us in the choice of lamps, there are still many units that can be used with a stretch ceiling. The main thing is that their power does not damage the tension surface (special gaskets and thermal rings can be used to protect it); it is also important that the dimensions of the device correspond to the free space for installation.

You can not only buy any lamp from us, but also order a call back, we will tell you how to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings.