Dracaena: can it be kept at home, what signs about the plant exist. Is it possible to keep Dracaena at home: signs and superstitions, beneficial properties of the Dracaena plant for the home, what does it mean?

Here you will find answers to the most popular questions about dracaena. Questions about care and placement, signs and superstitions associated with dracaena.

Questions about keeping dracaena at home

Popular questions about keeping dracaena at home, signs associated with it and the toxicity of the plant.

Is it possible to keep dracaena at home, is it poisonous or not?

- an absolutely harmless plant. It does not contain any poisons or harmful substances dangerous to humans. This safe plant cannot harm children or pets, even if they chew it.

A cat eats dracaena, is it harmful or not?

Some pets, especially cats, love to chew dracaena. This plant does not contain substances harmful to the health of pets. However, you should not allow your cat to eat the plant.

The plant will not bring any benefit to the cat.. And he can simply choke on hard leaves. It’s better to buy sprouted oats for your cat at a pet store, which are specially grown for these animals.

Dracaena: signs and superstitions

Dracaena is called the tree of happiness. It is generally accepted that this plant becomes a talisman for its owner, and sometimes for his entire family. It not only protects people from diseases, but also attracts prosperity, luck and success to the home. Therefore, this plant is highly valued and is considered a good gift.

Dracaena sandera is also considered a talisman and is called the bamboo of happiness. But one stalk of such bamboo will not protect the house from evil. There must be at least three of them for the long-awaited happiness and peace to come. But you shouldn’t plant 4 trunks. According to Chinese signs, the number 4 is unlucky. It is better to have 5, 7 or 9 stems, then love, wealth and prosperity will be ensured.

Is it possible to give dracaena as a gift?

Dracaena can and even should be given as a gift. According to Chinese traditions, newlyweds are always given 3 stalks of lucky bamboo for their wedding so that their marriage will be strong. And in our country, dracaena is known as a plant that attracts wealth and good luck. Therefore, it is a wonderful gift.

Dracaena according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, dracaena is a very useful plant in the house. It definitely brings happiness, luck and wealth to the owner. Dracaena Sandera or the bamboo of happiness is especially valued. She will bring her owner love, good mood and longevity.

In China, it is customary to place lucky bamboo in floor vases near the entrance to the house.. The plant is believed to ward off evil spirits. And the number of stems also matters. Three stems will give happiness, five - wealth, seven - health. If you put 21 stems in a vase, prosperity will come to your house.

Questions about care and care problems

Popular questions about caring for dracaena, what to do in case of damage and disease, how to fertilize and which pot to choose

How to use cytokinin paste on dracaena?

Cytokinin paste is used to awaken dormant kidneys. On dracaena it can be used to branch it without cutting the top.

The paste is applied to the dormant bud using a toothpick.. Soon after this, a new shoot appears from the bud. It is better to do this in the spring so that the new shoots have enough light and they grow strong.

The top is broken, what should I do?

If the top of a dracaena breaks, this is not a reason to throw away the plant. You need to continue to care for the plant without a top.

After some time, it will sprout 2 or 3 new shoots, which over time will form a lush crown of the plant. And a broken top can result in a new young plant.

How many times can you cut off the top of a dracaena?

If you cut the top of the dracaena once, over time you get a plant with 2-3 shoots that form lush tops. Then, to get a branched plant, you can cut off the tops again. This procedure can be carried out until the plant meets the wishes of its owner.

Why do dracaena leaves droop?

This is how the plant reacts to many mistakes in caring for it. If the dracaena leaves droop, this may be the first sign of beginning root rot. In this case, the dracaena should not be watered for several days, and then watered moderately.

This reaction can also occur to drafts and a sudden drop in temperature. Therefore, you should not keep dracaena near an opening window.

Why does dracaena have a thin trunk?

A thin dracaena trunk means that the plant lacks. Therefore, it stretches out and becomes weak. This can happen not only in summer, but also in winter, if the dracaena is well watered and kept at room temperature.

In winter, even with backlight, the dracaena becomes thinner, therefore it is recommended to keep it at a low temperature, water it sparingly and not allow it to grow.

Why does dracaena wither?

Dracaena leaves may begin to turn yellow and wilt. This can happen for various reasons, but the most common is waterlogging of the soil. Watering the plant abundantly can lead to stagnation of water in the pot, especially if the drainage layer does not allow it to pass through well.

If the leaves wilt, you need to remove the plant from the pot and check the roots, drainage hole and drainage layer. Sometimes it is better to replant a flower in new soil.

There is a white coating on the dracaena, what should I do?

If a white coating appears on the dracaena, this means that a mealybug pest has settled on the plant. On dracaenas it rarely reproduces in large quantities. Sometimes it is possible to wash it off with a soap solution. But if, some time after washing, the white coating appears again, it is necessary to use insecticides.

Dracaena is sprayed 3 times at weekly intervals with Aktelik, Decis or Fitoverm. The top layer of soil when infested with scale insects should be replaced.

Pot for dracaena

When planting dracaena, choose one so that the root system fits well into it. However, a pot that is too spacious is harmful to the plant, since water may stagnate in the soil that is not filled with roots. Its shape should be elongated - the height should be slightly greater than the diameter.

The material from which the pot is made is not particularly important. As practice shows, dracaena grows well in ceramic and plastic containers; it’s just that in plastic pots the plant cannot be watered so often. When planting, a drainage layer of shards or expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the dracaena pot.

Any room, not just a house - a place of rest and recuperation, is transformed with the appearance of plants and flowers in it. The green color itself has a beneficial effect on a person: it calms the psyche and nervous system, bringing it into a state of balance and peace, heals other systems of the body, restoring them and improving their functioning. And if the plants are flowering, bright color accents complement the vibrational effect on health and psycho-emotional state. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, creating harmony and comfort, plants have the ability to cleanse the air of toxins and fill it with beneficial phytoncides, known for their antimicrobial effects and also improving health.

According to Feng Shui, the presence of plants also improves the energy component of Qi flows. Being energy activators, they are able to attract positive energy flows to the desired parts of the room, which is very often used in cases where their adjustment is necessary. And a correctly selected plant can change the situation for the better not just in the house, but also in life, because some plants are famous for bringing good luck and prosperity to their owners.

Feng Shui meaning of Dracaena

According to Feng Shui, Dracaena is one of the plants with active yang energy. Therefore, it is believed that it is capable of attracting positive energies into the house and harmonizing energy flows, eliminating imbalances and calming raging currents, clearing the space of heavy, depressing energies and bringing relaxation, peace and tranquility, filling with vitality and energy.

Depending on the type, the plant attracts wealth, prosperity, success and happiness, fills the house with comfort and family warmth, smooths out conflicts and helps to find harmony, softens the heart, opens it to empathy and makes people more attentive to each other. The energies of Dracaena also have a positive effect on the health of people in the same room with her. Its presence promotes faster healing of wounds and healing of skin diseases, easing muscle pain, healing osteochondrosis and strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

Some species of Dracaena are very similar in appearance, having the same longitudinal stems with leaves on the tops. The leaves and stems are quite flexible, which allows you to bend them and create various interesting compositions that decorate the interior with their unusual appearance. In this regard, some properties of these plants overlap. In particular, Dracaena is also considered a symbol of unbending will, prosperity and growth in various areas of life.

Just like bamboo, Dracaena symbolizes longevity and endurance, helping to steadfastly overcome life situations, calming and relieving stress in time, and filling with positive energy to find solutions and compromises. Thanks to these qualities, Dracaena can often be found in office spaces and crowded places - its energies contribute to maintaining calm and achieving mutual understanding.

Where to place Dracaena according to Feng Shui

Considering that Dracaena has quite strong energy, which attracts well-being, wealth, as well as happiness and harmony in the family, the most suitable sectors for its placement for enhancing the energies of abundance are considered to be the South - the glory sector, the East - the family sector and the South-East - the zone wealth. The energies of the plant and these zones will mutually multiply each other and stimulate favorable changes in the surrounding energy and life. However, it is not necessary to become attached to these zones; you can place the beautiful Dracaena anywhere in your home or office; it will help improve the energy background anywhere.

Often it is also placed opposite the entrance to a house or room to soften incoming energies and neutralize unfavorable flows. Don't worry about Dracaena not getting enough sunlight - she doesn't like direct sunlight and thrives in darkened and dimly lit places. Ideally, it should be located 1-2 meters from the window. But despite the fact that Dracaena is quite unpretentious in care, it should be often sprayed to wipe off dust from the leaves so that they breathe well and prevent the soil from drying out, providing it with regular moderate watering.

The tropical plant dracaena in its natural growing conditions is a large multi-meter tree. At home, this flower grows much smaller, but retains its species qualities and characteristics. Dracaenas are popular for their exotic appearance, beautiful colorful foliage and ease of care. Because of this, they are often used to decorate apartments, houses and offices.

Dracaenas are trees or succulent shrubs that belong to the genus of the Asparagus family. According to various sources, there are from 40 to 150 species in nature. Most of them grow in Africa.

This evergreen tree has a tree-like, straight and even trunk, which thickens with age due to the activity of stem meristems. As an indoor plant, dracaena is grown for its beautiful leaves. In some plant species they are narrow, in others they are quite wide. But all the leaves have their original colors. In young trees they point upward. With age, the leaves first deviate to the sides and then bend down. They are located in bunches on the upper rosettes of the trunk. The lower leaves fall off as the tree grows, leaving scars on the trunk.

Dracaena - meaning

In Central and South America, this plant is called " tree of happiness" The name appeared thanks to an Aztec legend, according to which a man who fell in love with the daughter of the high priest of war was given the task of growing a tree from an ordinary stick in five days. Only in this case did the girl’s father agree to give his daughter in marriage to him. For all five days, the warrior watered the stick stuck by the priest, and, fortunately, leaves appeared on it. As a result, dracaena grew, and the warrior and the priest’s daughter got married. Since then, many believe that if on a full moon at midnight you cut part of the trunk from a dracaena and plant it, then it will will bring happiness in love.

Other signs and beliefs are also associated with dracaenas:

It is believed that these beautiful decorative foliage plants help improve life, increase energy, help maintain optimism, warm and friendly relationships in the home.

According to Feng Shui, dracaenas They react sensitively to negative thoughts and begin to wither in an unfavorable psychological environment. Therefore, if you keep a plant in the conditions necessary for it and properly care for it, but it still fades, then you should think about the psychological situation in your home

Single people who want to start a family are recommended to purchase this indoor plant and grow it in their home.

Dracaenas have some beneficial properties– have a good effect on people prone to depression, help cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize benzene, formaldehyde and other chemicals.

A tropical plant has feminine energy and may not take root well in the house and refuse to grow with male gardeners who have a tough character. .

Pictured is Dracaena Compacta

Dracaena - types

All types of plants are divided into two groups:

  1. Trees with strong trunks and comprehensive hard leaves.
  2. Shrubs with slender flexible stems and belt-shaped leaves.

Only six species of these beauties are the most popular for growing at home.

In the photo, dracaena bordered (Marginata)

Dracaena bordered - photo

The most famous indoor variety of this exotic tree, which in nature grows up to 6 meters. Flower growers call the bordered type - Dracaena Marginata.

In indoor conditions, a slender tree is different:

  • bare trunk, which gradually lengthens;
  • narrow, pointed, hard leaves located at the tops of the shoots;
  • contrasting border on leaves;
  • leaves up to 70 cm long.

“Marginata” has several varieties that differ in foliage color:

  1. Variety Colorama combines several shades of white, pink and green.
  2. Bicolor- a variety with light foliage and a pink border. The main color is white and green.
  3. Tricolor distinguished by foliage in which the red tint predominates. There is also gold and white.

Under natural conditions, Dracaena Marginata blooms and produces fruits. In a potted plant, you don’t have to wait for inflorescences to form.

In the photo is Dracaena Derema

Dracaena derema - photo

A tall, slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 meters at home. Different:

  • powerful trunk;
  • densely decorated with foliage located along the trunk;
  • variegated leaf blades up to one and a half meters long;
  • leathery, smooth, linearly expanded leaves.

The following varieties are distinguished, differing in the color of the leaf plates:

  1. Shriveriana variety with leaves along the edge of which runs a wide white-yellow border.
  2. Bausei distinguished by a wide white stripe in the middle.
  3. Warneckii has grey-green leaf blades and narrow white stripes along the edge.
  4. Janet Craig Compacta- This is a miniature type of tree. It has a straight dwarf trunk and elastic leaves.

Dracaena Derema is very unpretentious in maintenance and care. To destroy this type of plant, you need to try very hard.

Pictured is fragrant dracaena

Dracaena fragrant - photo

The plant is popular due to its wide leaves and the pleasant smell that the inflorescences emit when opening on an adult tree. Different:

  • the width of the leaf plate is 10 cm;
  • thick, unstable trunk;
  • impressive in size.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Lindenii stands out with creamy white stripes along the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lemon Lime It has a thin trunk and grows quickly. Requires support.
  3. Compacta- a compact palm-shaped tree. The leaf blades are dark green in color.
  4. Victoriae It is distinguished by beautiful leaves of light yellow color, in the middle of which there is a green stripe.
  5. Massangeana is the most popular variety among fragrant dracaenas. The decorative foliage plant reaches one and a half meters in length. It has large arched leaves, which are located in a bunch at the top of the stem. The leaf blade is light green in color and has a yellow stripe in the middle. To give the dracaena an attractive appearance, several branches are formed on its trunk.

Unfortunately, you can only see the spectacular flowering of the plant in its homeland or in nurseries. From the center of its rosette grows a peduncle reaching about a meter in length. It reveals fluffy flowers that resemble pompoms in appearance.

Its visual appeal and ease of care have made this type of plant very popular among gardeners.

Dracaena reflexum (Reflexa) - photo

In the photo is Dracaena Reflexa (bent back)

The name of the flower was formed due to its leaf plates, curved in the shape of an arc. They gather in bunches and grow only at the ends of the shoots. "Reflex" is different:

  • branches extending from the very base of the trunk;
  • lanceolate leaves;
  • green foliage with pronounced veins and a light border;
  • interesting shape of the leaf plate, the length of which reaches 11-16 cm.

The main value of this species is its bright leaves with rich color.

Popular varieties:

  1. « Song of Jamaica" A tree with dark green leaf blades with a white edge.
  2. « Song of India"distinguished by green leaves with cream stripes.

Due to the weak stem and requirement for high air humidity in indoor culture, this type of dracaena is the least common.

In the photo is Dracaena Sandera or bamboo

Dracaena Sandera - photo

A popular plant often sold in flower shops is "luck bamboo". It consists of spirally curved cuttings tied together. Many people think it is bamboo. In fact, the correct name of the plant is Dracaena Sandera or Sanderiana.

We discovered this beauty in the humid tropics of Africa. In the second century BC, it began to be widely grown in China. "Lucky Bamboo" is considered a talisman that brings prosperity to the home.

The appearance of Sandera is an erect stem on which there are leathery leaves 3 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. At home, “lucky bamboo” can grow up to one and a half meters. May have species with variegated leaves. In nature it blooms with white and pink flowers.

The plant is quite unpretentious. Able to grow in water or a special substrate in the form of helium balloons. Prefers good lighting and ventilated areas.

Pictured is Dracaena Surculosa (Godsefa)

Dracaena Godsefa or Surculosa - photo

An ornamental foliage plant of a species uncharacteristic for dracaenas. It is a bush up to 60 cm high, on which pointed oval leaves are located. Each leaf blade is covered with cream specks and spots. Its color depends on the variety:

  1. Panctulata has a dark background on which a small dot pattern is located.
  2. Milky Way or "Milky Way" It is distinguished by a bright white stripe around which dots are located.
  3. Juanita also has a white, but more diffuse stripe.
  4. Florida Beauty– the most common “Godsefa”. It has yellow spots of varying sizes. As the tree ages, the spots lighten.

When young, the plant blooms with yellowish-green fragrant flowers. After them red berries appear.

Godsefa does not require special care or growing conditions, so it is quite easy to grow indoors.

From the entire range of these indoor decorative foliage plants, you can choose the most suitable one for the interior of your apartment, home or office. It can be a fairly large tree or a compact bush with green or variegated leaves. Among other things, indoor Dracaena flower is a powerful green “filter”. For example, dracaena fringe absorbs and neutralizes trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene through its leaves and roots.

Which is often called palm tree. It is found in many homes, but it is not spared from superstition. Therefore, the main question about how safe the plant called dracaena is, whether it can be kept at home and the consequences of not following a number of growing recommendations remains open.

Dracaena at home: signs and superstitions

When starting a houseplant, people are increasingly looking for information about how safe it is in terms of its energy and magical properties. Dracaena has also acquired a number of superstitions and signs that do not always please the owners of this plant. To believe in them or not is an individual matter. But everyone needs to know about them.

There are many different beliefs and signs associated with the dracaena plant.

The main signs and beliefs include the following:

There are also sadder signs associated with dracaena:

  1. If the plant dies for no apparent reason, expect the death of one of the spouses.
  2. If you see “bloody tears” on the dracaena during its drying period, then we can say with confidence that one of the spouses will die from violence.

However, the pleasant beliefs are much larger than the bad ones. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this, and know that the plant itself cannot harm a person in any way.

Benefits of dracaena for the home

In addition to how this plant affects the family, many are also interested in the question of what its benefits are for the room. Dracaena is an excellent “producer” of oxygen and destroyer of carbon dioxide. In view of this, the plant is an ideal option for growing not only at home, but in public places and offices.

Indoor dracaena saturates the air in the room with oxygen.

In addition, this flower also copes with harmful magnetic radiation that is present in our lives thanks to household appliances and computers.

Dracaena and the teachings of Feng Shui

As for Chinese teachings, according to Feng Shui, dracaena is recommended to be placed in different zones, depending on your own needs:

  1. If you place dracaena in the southern, eastern or southeastern sector of the apartment, you can enhance your material well-being.
  2. Placing the plant on the northern part of the home helps get rid of bad energy.
  3. Western stay promises the owner the acquisition of love.

The most optimal option for placing dracaena, according to followers of Feng Shui, is the living room. Family and guests most often gather in this room, which means that there is also the largest accumulation of negative energy.

Dracaena is a fairly popular plant because it can decorate any interior and does not require special growing conditions. Having such a flower in their home, many do not even think about what energy and power it can have.

Effect of Dracaena marginata on humans

This plant is especially popular in China and there it is called “bamboo of happiness.” It is recommended to have it in your home to give happiness to its inhabitants. Energy helps improve your financial condition and attract positive energy. The magical properties of Dracaena marginalata include strengthening friendships and love relationships, and it also gives people longevity. The plant has a calm character. Lush leaves on a bare stem are a symbol of organization and order. Dracaena helps clear the energy of thoughts, words and feelings. The properties of Dracaena marginata are due to the combination of the energy of the Sun and Mercury. It is recommended to have it in your home for people who can be called “silent”. The plant has a positive effect on human health. It helps wounds heal quickly and cope with various skin diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system and teeth.