What to expect from the fiery year. What awaits us in the year of the Rooster? So finances will sing to us

Apparently, in the next few months we will find many surprises and bright events that will leave a mark in the memory of representatives of all signs for a long time. We found out what to prepare for and what to focus on when starting the year.

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Will the Rooster favor his relative? Yes and no. Of course, in his own year, every Rooster will feel on the rise, however, on the other hand, let us remember that two Roosters cannot get along together. Fate will be favorable to them if they become the authors of their own projects, where they can show their inherent individuality.

So if you have long wanted to go free and be your own boss, now is the best time. However, this does not address issues related to emotions and relationships. Here, if possible, we recommend sticking to a conservative line of behavior and remembering that the best is the enemy of the good. If you want change irresistibly, then we advise you to plan travel.

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

The Rooster is definitely impressed by the Pig's honesty, which, however, at times threatens to develop into real naivety, and therefore the Rooster will do everything to protect the Pig from failures and clashes with dishonest people. However, even if Pig’s intuition fails and such a meeting occurs, he will quickly recover from failures and again achieve prosperity and abundance.

The Rooster opens up wonderful prospects for those Pigs who want to change their place of residence or try themselves in a new field. In love, Pig will face some trials, but he will come out of them with honor - and largely thanks to his unbending integrity. So don’t change your nature, believe in your goals and ideals, and luck will be on your side!

1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The Ox has excellent business acumen and always sees things through to completion thanks to his perseverance. The friendly Rooster, being the one who first announces the onset of dawn, will become an excellent partner for the thorough and honest Ox, who, for all his merits, sometimes lacks just a certain amount of adventurism and speed.

The Rooster will also be happy to help the Ox find a match in love or strengthen the relationships that already exist. In general, the year promises to be full of adventures, bright events and interesting meetings, unless the Ox refuses to make new acquaintances because of his conservatism.

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The Dog is a faithful and devoted friend, which certainly appeals to the straightforward Rooster, who never keeps a stone in his bosom. This year, the Dog should be vigilant in matters of finance. Lack of inclination to save can play an unpleasant joke when money is needed urgently and for urgent needs. Therefore, make savings now that will allow you to feel free and confident.

Also this year, the Rooster advises you to rest more - you are always on alert, rarely allow yourself to relax, and your nervous system does not like it. As far as career advancement is concerned, you will definitely be lucky, so channel all your energy in this direction. In love, the atmosphere is quite calm; this part is a quiet haven where you can take a break from your hectic everyday life.

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The Rat, being a thrifty and hard-working creature, will easily get along with the hardworking Rooster - they will come to an agreement on all issues that relate to the financial side of life. The Rat, which, according to legend, once brought rice to people, will be able to significantly replenish its reserves of material savings, and the far-sighted Rooster, from the height of his position, will tell it new opportunities for earning money.

However, in the cooperation of the Rooster and the Rat there are also sharp corners - both are very emotional, so it is important for the Rat to monitor her emotions and not fall into excessive criticism, to which she is a big hunter. By the way, it is useful for Rats to sometimes leave their cozy little world and travel more - and here the help of the Rooster will come in handy.

1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The Tiger is an open-minded person, loves adventure no less than the Rooster, but is distinguished by much greater recklessness. This is manifested in the way the Tiger spends money and in the way it gets involved in conflicts - and in the year of the Red Rooster, the craving for such things can exceed reasonable limits. So, first of all, we advise the Tigers to curb their emotionality and not cut from the shoulder, so as not to apologize later, which the “king of the hill” really does not like.

Fortunately, the Rooster will patronize the Tiger, although he does not really agree with the latter’s broad gestures regarding what he has earned. But generosity has already repeatedly ensured the Tiger’s victories on the love front – it will be the same this year if he wants to charm someone.

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The charming Rabbit, a favorite of the public and a socialite, will feel quite good in the company of the bright Rooster. However, over time, it may turn out that for the intelligent Rabbit, who values ​​comfort and safety like no one else, such a neighborhood is somewhat restless. The year promises to be eventful and emotional, which at times will seem tiring to the timid Rabbit.

We advise you to build your interaction with the owner of the year in such a way that from time to time the Rabbit can allow himself to retire and recuperate in a familiar environment. But the active Rooster will provide wonderful opportunities for career growth - so the bravest Rabbits are likely to achieve success in this field.

1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

The wise and balanced Snake looks somewhat condescendingly at everyone, including the bright Rooster. Therefore, each of these two will be able to calmly go about their business, maintaining neutrality - both are smart enough to benefit from even a not-so-successful partnership.

However, we advise the Snake to adopt some of the qualities of the Rooster, because wisdom is, of course, good, but you should not give up the joys of life in the form of fun and adventure. The year of the snake promises successful travels and a lot of exotic things, and money for trips will appear as if by itself. The Snake should not expect career achievements this year, but there is every chance of learning something new that will open up prospects in the future.

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Goat has a gentle character and feels very uncomfortable in conflicts and during showdowns, so she will have to make some efforts to come to terms with the quarrelsome nature of the owner of the year. The Goat knows how to appreciate beauty, has good taste - and the generous Rooster will provide her with many opportunities to express herself.

All projects related to art, as well as those where she can help others and enjoy communication, will be successful for the Goat. As for the issue of finances, there will be some changes here - from periods of calm to fantastic opportunities to quickly earn a tidy sum. So we recommend the Goat to seize the right moment.

1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

The bright and extraordinary Dragon will feel in his element while visiting the Red Rooster. These two are proud, self-confident and vain, so they get along well on literally all issues. The Dragon, who is used to thinking big and strategically, will be able to learn to pay more attention to details, which is excellent for the Rooster, who is attentive to detail and a good tactician.

Dragons will be especially lucky in love matters - for those who are in a relationship, the transition to a deeper level will be natural and happy, and for those who are still looking for their soulmate, this is a suitable period for dating. The year will also be good for making large purchases, such as a car or an apartment.

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The tireless Horse loves to travel - and the Rooster will be happy to provide her with such an opportunity. Make a list of places that you have been wanting to visit for a long time - and you will be surprised, because by the end of the year all the points will be completed! Of course, you will also need to make efforts to achieve your goals, but less than usual.

Interesting opportunities will also open up in areas where you will be required to show intelligence - so it is quite advisable to take advanced training courses, start learning a foreign language or master a new skill. Also, luck will smile on those who want career advancement, so feel free to set ambitious goals for yourself.

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The friendly and inventive Monkey knows how to find a common language with everyone, and the Red Rooster is no exception. Both of them are distinguished by their independent nature - so the Rooster will be happy to support the Monkey with regard to new endeavors, where the Monkey will express itself fully and appear in all the splendor of its many talents.

The Monkey's confident manners will provide her with a pass to the highest spheres, where the cream of society revolves, and will help her find her high place there. Social and career growth are only a small part of the list of pleasant events that await the Monkey. The luckiest ones will meet new love this year and be able to dive headfirst into the pool of feelings.

The year will be dedicated to the Fire Rooster, who has a violent temper and can bring a lot of different surprises for each of the Signs. For those who strive for a career, the Rooster will significantly help; there will be more than enough tempting offers, but they will need to choose very carefully. The Rooster loves to be in the very center of attention, so this year everyone will be expected to experiment in terms of image and change in appearance. We need to improvise, experiment, and places, in particular, both for relaxation and for work. Work in the intellectual sphere will be especially welcome; for many, fame, money and success in their career will come this year.

The Rooster also greatly promotes and patronizes artistic pursuits for all Signs. The financial situation promises to be stable. The year is simply overflowing with energy, both creative and simply dynamic, associated with actions and decision-making. Despite the great “drive”, you need to act consistently, slowly, and without going beyond reasonable limits, maintaining the stability of your internal environment, because the Rooster, with all its fervor, is a very integral creature.


For Aries, the year can be marked by giving up many bad habits, and after the past Year of the Monkey, Aries can already cope with almost any unpredictable situations. Aries is a good fit for this year in terms of temperament, so he will feel at ease all the time and act perfectly all year. There will be many both large and small events, luck will almost always accompany you and manifest itself very actively, you need to adapt to this.

But the emotional state will be dangerous, because it will constantly make you dizzy and confused. You can't give in to euphoria. You just need to maintain a slightly more adequate state and you shouldn’t allow yourself to take the position of a prophet, although the whole year will provoke you to do this - it will end badly, and very quickly. If you maintain inner caution, everything will be fine.


The element of Fire of the year nourishes the Earth of Taurus, giving it strength, so throughout the year Taurus will simply be bursting with an abundance of vitality and creative energy, so you need to be prepared for unexpected behavior. Many Taurus will start doing weird things, doing things that they never expected from themselves - and at the same time, with success. But the year will be difficult in that it will require a lot of work and stress, especially nervous. For many representatives of this Sign, this may mean difficult relationships with family or a break in the team, a change of job or even vocation. Many battles await Taurus, in which they will need to demonstrate in practice the famous iconic traits: perseverance, unbreakability and unshakable self-confidence. What will be unexpected and unusual for Taurus is the need to be under the spotlight and conduct their life struggle right in the center of the stage.


Unlike other Signs, Geminis should be on their guard this year, because not themselves, but those around them will begin to behave completely unexpectedly. Surprises will mostly not be very pleasant and attractive - they will provoke and push them to hard work and unexpected behavior, which will baffle Gemini. The pace of the year, with its many varied events, is good for Gemini, but there will be too much unnecessary energy in all this, which will irritate them. The year will most likely turn out to be financial, but it will bring a lot of worries and unexpected actions, unexpected and very energy-intensive decisions. In general, we can say that with a good result, Gemini will feel somewhat tired by the end of the year and will be glad that the year is over.

The year will be moderately stressful; you will have to go through a number of rather difficult periods, during which you will have to mobilize almost all your strength. But the reward will be more than worthy. The year is intended for great achievements: you can deal with everything that has been put off for many years before. The first half of the year will be more difficult - you cannot allow everyone around you to sit on your neck and take advantage of the strengths and talents of Cancer. You should think about yourself, go on vacation and consciously set aside time for your favorite activities and hobbies in different areas. Cancer will have to show a lot of their secret, previously hidden emotions, and they need to prepare for this so as not to encounter situations such as tragedy. In fact, the result of the year depends more on the right attitude to what is happening and sustainability in your goals. If Cancer manages to constantly keep at least the appearance of a distant lighthouse in this stormy sea, then it will swim out exactly where it needs to go.

From the very beginning of the year, it makes sense to take a closer look at your health and appearance. This year Leos will also have to deal with education, and all changes will be for the better for them, perhaps with minimal exceptions. The job offers higher paying and much more responsible work, because Leos have outgrown their current ceiling. Everything is going especially well in my personal life. You need to experiment with your appearance, change your image, change your lifestyle in general. But you will have to make good efforts, which Leos don’t like, and spend money on themselves, which will not stop any of them. Plans for the year will be carried out as planned. For Leo, it is important to set the right trend for systematic work from the very beginning of the year. No matter how unexpected and unpredictable it may be, it must be carried out carefully and systematically, overcoming chaos, regardless of the specific project.


The year encourages you to actively fight the rolling negative emotions, of which there will be plenty. The character of the year and the Sign here categorically do not coincide; the arrogant and decisive, unpredictable Rooster will completely drive the scrupulous, pedantic and subtle Virgo and drive her to despair with his antics. But this is a good year for any big undertakings and major projects; if you decide to take risks in the spring, then in the fall there will be excellent results. You should set your priorities in advance, but listen to your intuition when solving tactical problems. The whole year will encourage you to develop your creative abilities and remember your early attempts to draw or write poetry and play music. If you start doing this in the first half of the year, then in the second half you will be able to reap the “fruits of glory.”


From a Libra's point of view, the year may seem tough. From the very beginning of the year, disappointments may begin, based on the possibility of missing a very important moment that has been awaited for a long time. Therefore, in the first half of the year, self-flagellation and irritability may be pursued, and unconstructive ones. It is important not to destroy relationships with friends, pull yourself together and move on. It is necessary to cope with the emerging problems as quickly as possible and in the second half of the year to seize a good chance that will bring benefits in a project that seems unimportant at first glance. Spring can bring a life-changing personality either in your personal or business life. Activation of intuition throughout the year, but you will have to learn to use it in order for it to have any benefit. Towards the end of the year, some important and dangerous risk is possible - friends will warn against it, you need to listen to their advice in time. Throughout the year there are health hazards or the possibility of injury, so you should monitor your physical fitness.


This year is best for Sagittarius to sort out relationships with family and strengthen the family. There will even be too many interesting and useful meetings throughout the year. Each new acquaintance will replenish your experience and give you new strength and opportunities. There will also be many opportunities for travel, which Sagittarius loves so much, and everything will accompany and help on the road and in the process of preparing for it. You need to be prepared for the fact that a long series of successes will almost certainly result in failure in one of the areas - it is unrealistic to escape from all troubles. You just need to calmly accept what is happening, not do stupid things and wait a little. Throughout the year, the Sign has the opportunity to learn that cunning that he sometimes lacks.


Scorpios will have a hard time because this year they will have to give up their principles and will have to accept help from others. Relatives or colleagues who are ready to enter the situation should not be pushed away when they are sincere. But at the same time, caution is the sign of the whole year. Already at the start of spring, someone in the form of a benevolent friend will enter life, only to drag you into a real whirlpool of intrigue and machinations. Communication will have to be carefully filtered, which will make it possible to reduce the expected risks to the very minimum. You will have to take care of a good reputation, and in the summer there will be a whole campaign of gossip, and you will need to take measures to suppress the negativity in advance, otherwise they will significantly harm both your career and relationships. Friends will need Scorpio's attention in September, and their needs cannot be ignored.


At the very beginning of the year, the Rooster will carefully sort out all his friends and relatives, among whom many will be convicted of open self-interest and envy. But Capricorns, who get to the heart of things, will be able to highlight what is most important. Enemies will be distant in the spring, a surge of powerful and creative energy will be noted, new goals will be set and new peaks will be revealed. In the summer, you should devote more time to your family, but also not to forget your friends - parties, trips out of town, bars and restaurants are welcome this year. It is worth getting closer to colleagues at work - this is a sign of mutually beneficial cooperation. If you work well in the first half of the year, then autumn will bring excellent rest, and things will move on, as if on their own. You should not release information about the case even during rest, because it will be needed for further work.


At the beginning of the year, relationships “from a past life” will be restored, and there will be chances to correct many things that were previously done incorrectly. The end of winter is already a good time for developing professionalism, especially when it comes to trading. It is important not to try to expand skills, but to make them deeper. In the spring there will be updates at work, and changes will also occur in your personal life. There is a good chance to meet the right person, romantic acquaintances will come. In order for everything to work out correctly, you should be in society more, attend exhibitions and parties. Only after you manage to achieve what you want on the love front, you can switch to development at work. Although the workload may increase throughout the year, the benefits will be significant. In spring, relationships with work colleagues may deteriorate. In the summer you need to spend time with your family, they will help you evaluate yourself more adequately (much higher) and lift your spirits.


The year promises significant changes for Pisces, bringing many new ideas and opportunities, as well as very pleasant acquaintances and significant surprises. Pisces will get a real chance to rise to a new level, both in spiritual development and in self-realization. All year your head will be filled with fascinating thoughts and there will be many interesting things to do. In the summer, business ventures should be treated very carefully and not take risks for nothing. Solutions to problems can be found in a dream, and in any situation it makes sense to rely on your intuition. There will be some new opportunities in the fall to change employment, although there will be many doubts. Therefore, you should not rush to decide anything, because the end of the year will be devoted to summing up the results of a long process. An exciting summer vacation awaits Pisces. In May, you can begin to generate ideas and rethink experiences before leaping forward, and this process is partly associated with summer vacation. It is advisable to pay more attention to new achievements, spend less time comprehending losses, and do not fall into the blues. There will be some mistakes throughout the year, but the most common ones.

Soon the Fire Monkey will transfer its rights to control the Fire Rooster, and given that next year we will have to live under a fire sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life.

So what will the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster be like, what can the signs of the eastern calendar expect from it, what will it be like, will it bring good news, what to prepare for - that’s what we’ll tell you about in this article.

Prepare yourself in a serious and responsible manner in advance, do not take rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts, because the Rooster is a known provocateur and bully, and there will be plenty of situations in which you can get yourself into trouble.

Therefore, be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, and do not make hasty decisions!

In the coming 2017, the Fire Rooster is expected to experience dramatic changes in social life throughout our planet.

The struggle for leadership will continue; conflicts that started earlier are unlikely to end - the Rooster will not allow it. Let's hope that you and I will be able to avoid trouble, cope with ourselves and our problems, and not make unnecessary mistakes.

What will the Year of the Rooster 2017 be like?

The symbol of 2017 will be the Rooster, the ruling element of the year is fire, so the Rooster will be Fiery. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones - gold, orange, yellow.

As noted in the East, the Rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year you should try not to fall out of rhythm, keep your finger on the pulse, keep up with everything, and then luck will definitely be on your side.

For many zodiac signs, 2017 can be a fateful year of the fiery Rooster. This may concern the business sphere, money or love - anyone, each of us will feel the influence of the difficult character of the patron of 2017.

If we talk about what the year of the Fire Rooster will be like in 2017, then we can say for sure that this period will be as bright as a rooster’s tail, stormy and unpredictable as the character of the symbol of the year.

One event will rapidly change another, so it is important to keep up with what is happening in order to make the right decision in time.

Changes will occur both in the social life of people and in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, but given the position of the planets, there is no reason for serious concern yet.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who try to prove themselves, show off their talents, and an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance presents itself, and it will certainly present itself, then you should not miss it under any circumstances.

The Rooster does not tolerate inaction, values ​​neatness and order in everything, many will have to put their thoughts in order, draw up an action plan and systematically move towards their goal without unnecessary fuss.

If to implement it you have to reconsider your principles, attitude to life, worldview, then it’s better to work on it.

The Rooster is a careerist, and the Fire Rooster is a leader, organizer, responsible manager and the brain center of many operations. If there is such a person in your environment, then the New Year 2017 will favor his career growth, and you should listen to his opinion - he can help you too.

If you yourself feel confident and firm in solving business issues, have experience, and know how best to do this or that job - this year is completely yours. You can achieve a lot if you devote yourself to your work.

The stars advise in the year of the Fire Rooster to learn to be responsible by taking on certain obligations, and do not neglect them.

Characteristics of the Year of the Rooster

What will 2017 be like for the Year of the Fire Rooster?


The financial characteristics of 2017 will be as follows - in terms of money, the first half of the year will be especially tense. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world.

The Fire Rooster is very passionate about money - for him it is an excellent indicator of success.

If you want to become more financially independent, then do not set yourself this exact goal.

You should not wish for money itself, but for success in your affairs, then all other components will simply follow.


In terms of health, 2017 will be very dangerous for those who have completely neglected themselves and are not taking care of their body.

You should think about the fact that all the diseases suppressed by temporary solutions will sooner or later take their toll, and this can become a real problem.

If you have chronic diseases, then do not hesitate to improve your health, and seek medical help at the first symptoms.

Don't neglect vitamins, healthy foods and outdoor activities. Physical activity is completely mandatory for all zodiac signs.

The Fire Rooster does not like lazy people. Only those who work on themselves, on their career and personal growth, will earn the Rooster’s favor and help in all their endeavors.


The characteristics of the coming year tell us that the best time to change the field of activity will be precisely the year of the Fire Rooster.

Don't be afraid to try yourself in an unknown area, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also to physical ones.

If you have been planning to get in shape for a long time, then this is the right time.

If you have any illness, then the determination and assertiveness of the patron of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will help you cope with it.

Born in the year of the Rooster

The life of people born in the year of the Fire Rooster is always filled with bright colors and all kinds of events. The main task of parents in raising their child, like the Rooster himself, is to cope with emerging problems and life challenges, to correctly calculate their strength in mastering new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women born in the year of the Rooster are quite eloquent and fully possess the gift of persuasion. These people can achieve success in almost any professional field, reaching unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial areas.

Men and women born under this sign of the eastern calendar strive to get the maximum benefit in almost everything, they always try to get the highest paid and most honorable job, they make every effort to do this, often even to the detriment of the people around them and their work colleagues.

The Rooster treats the daily routine, as well as submission, with reluctance and hostility. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live a rich life, full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

The Rooster's childhood and youth, as well as his mature years, are oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and far-fetched problems, but in old age he calms down, it is cloudless and joyful for him.

People born this year are charming and pleasant to talk to, especially women. They are more ready to start a family in adulthood, although most often they tie the knot in early youth.

They are friendly and easy to talk to, but you just shouldn’t trust them. Not everyone succeeds in getting along with the Rooster “under the same roof,” because these people really value and protect their freedom and are unlikely to tolerate being commanded or interfered with in their lives.

What will the year of the Rooster be like for the signs of the Eastern horoscope?

Born in the year of the Rat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes happening around in society will have little impact on this person.

Born in the year of the Ox- forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009...) - This person will regain self-confidence, which means you can take on new things - everything will work out for you. Do not trust the “first people you meet”, evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Born in the year of the Tiger- forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will achieve little, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999...) - These people are not expected to have a very good period in their lives. They will be irritated by the surrounding useless fuss and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

Born in the year of the Dragon- forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000...) - The Dragon is lucky, he will have another opportunity to shine this year, in which the Rooster will help him... But whether he wants to prove himself is a big question question.

Born in the year of the Snake- forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck at you, bombard you with problems, and drive you to despair.

Born in the year of the Horse- forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002...) - Everything is fine with these people, the created margin of safety will allow them to live peacefully for the year. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, he risks being trampled by the Horse.

Born in the year of the Goat/Sheep- forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003...) - The entire coming year will pass on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born in the year of the Monkey- forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, it’s time for everyday life. Although the reign of the Rooster will entertain the Monkey and will not let her get bored.

Born in the year of the Rooster- forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is the center of attention, everything works out for him. However, you should not expect that everything will work out on its own - you will have to work if you hope for success.

Born in the year of the Dog- forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, a year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and the struggle for a better life. Set yourself up for the positive and don’t be distracted by little things from your goal.

Born in the year of the Boar/Pig- forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007...) - Painstaking work will definitely bear fruit. Life will be successful for representatives of the eastern calendar in the person of the Boar/Pig if they do not harm themselves with their rash steps. Don't be distracted by unimportant things, focus on the main thing.

Among many peoples, the rooster is considered a brawler and a bully. But he also has a lot of benefits: he is the “master of the yard”, and most importantly, throughout the world the rooster has been an alarm clock, the herald of a new day, since ancient times. And when there was no clock yet, the night was measured by how many times the roosters crowed.

New Year 2017 is again the year of the fire element. This time the Red Fire Rooster will make its own adjustments to our lives and bring many surprises.

According to the Chinese calendar, the Red Fire Monkey will say goodbye to us on January 28, 2017. We will not immediately notice the change in power, because the color, the element, and the temperament of the owners of 2016 and 2017 are almost the same.

The activity of poultry directly depends on daylight hours. Therefore, the Red Fire Rooster will fully come into its own by the end of March. And then expect surprises. Hardworking people will be lucky in the coming year: the Rooster loves careerists and will present many tempting business offers. But the main thing in the year of the eccentric Rooster is to be philosophical about any changes in life. Therefore, you should not rush to make decisions.

Creative people, as well as those whose work involves intellectual work, will rise on a wave of inspiration and reach incredible heights. Recognition, money, success await you. Astrologers also predict the discovery of new talents, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

In terms of finances, the Rooster will not fork out; you should not expect this. But no one will be particularly in need this year: the crisis has passed, and we will all have enough for bread and butter and caviar and new gadgets. The rooster painstakingly picks the ground in search of a fat worm, so expect many offers of profitable part-time jobs.

The Rooster is a flamboyant bird and loves to be the center of attention. To please him, astrologers recommend changing your image, becoming brighter and gaining self-confidence. In addition, experts advise listening to your intuition more often. And even if the mind repeats “take it”, but the heart resists, then it is better to listen to the feelings.

By the way, about feelings. The cockerel is a good family man, he fiercely protects all his hens and chicks. Therefore, positive changes are expected in family life. And for those who do not yet have a family life, 2017 promises many fruitful acquaintances, one of which will certainly become fateful. And children born this year will be unusually beautiful and will achieve unprecedented success in politics and business life.

How the new patron will influence the fate of all signs of the Zodiac in 2017, the stars told.

Aries / Photo mayax.ru

The rooster is a bird with character. However, Aries is rightfully considered the most characteristic sign of the Zodiac. The Year of the Monkey brought many surprises into the life of Aries. Not all of them were positive, but they definitely taught stubborn sheep to cope with difficult and unpredictable situations and get away with it. You should be more restrained and not disappoint the cocky owner of 2017. For example, cockerel is for a healthy lifestyle, and if you have not yet gotten rid of bad habits, you better think about it right now.

The Rooster will bring good luck in the financial sphere: you will make money from literally everything that comes your way. However, beware of ill-wishers - envious people can destroy everything that you have built with such difficulty and love over many years.

Taurus / Photo mayax.ru

Astrologers say that the luckiest zodiac sign in the coming year will be Taurus. The Monkey was extremely pleased with Taurus in 2016 and recommended that the Rooster help you in every possible way. The Rooster will show concern from the first days of the new year: you will receive many profitable and tempting job offers. The Rooster will teach Taurus how to build relationships with loved ones and will give them many fans. You will bathe in love and attention, every day of the year will be a fairy tale, the main thing is not to become arrogant and not to go to great lengths.

The Rooster welcomes creativity and new ideas. Taurus can safely start their own business: they are the favorites of fate this year and should not be afraid of unpleasant surprises. Any innovations are welcome, so it is important not to be afraid and bring the most fantastic ideas to life. Pay attention to your competitors - among them there will be a couple of guys who have long dreamed of going over to your side.

Gemini / Photo mayax.ru

Frivolous Gemini felt great in the year of the Red Monkey. The Rooster will add self-confidence and strength to complete things that were put on the back burner in 2016. The Fire Rooster will give Gemini the opportunity to have plenty of frolic, you will feel this from the first days of the bright bird’s reign. Bankruptcy does not threaten you; you can safely experiment with work and areas of business.

At the beginning of spring, you will be known as a winner in life, and you will bear this title not only in the service, your skills and abilities will be at their best. Your personal life will be bright, eventful and rich in love encounters and amazing dates. But try to control yourself - don’t be afraid, fans will only benefit from balance in the relationship.

Cancer / Photo mayax.ru

Cancers will be sad to part with the Monkey, but the Rooster will not leave them without his care. At the beginning of the year, the caring bird will even shoulder all the problems of Cancer. So for the time being, you can relax and enjoy stability both at home and at work. But then you will have to forget about the routine. Cancers will play an important and major role and will succeed in any business they choose. All your competitors will run away in panic this year - after all, your abilities will frighten the most excellent specialists. While sitting on a horse, do not forget about those who helped you - they will be useful to you more than once. It is also advisable to be more affectionate with your superiors: of course, you are irreplaceable, but no one has yet canceled subordination.

Personal life promises many sleepless nights for Cancers, which do not always promise the warm embrace of their loved ones. Astrologers predict many adventures for Cancers, friendly gatherings in restaurants and noisy parties. It is useful to arrange romantic trips for two more often - no matter how long you have been together with your partner, you will have great fun on trips.

Leo / Photo mayax.ru

For the second year in a row, Leos will be lucky in all areas of their lives. Be patient and persevering - you will be tested by Fortune. Your mind will be filled with ideas for improving the quality of your work, but you will have to work hard to bring them all to life. Expect a new position with an increased salary - your efforts will not go unnoticed. Lviv will also experience success in politics, the advertising business and, oddly enough, on television.

In Lviv’s personal life, a sea of ​​romance awaits, sweet dates with wine and flowers. In the year of the Fire Rooster, try to forget about your complexes - you are magnificent and charming, and a lot of unforgettable novels await you. But you shouldn’t get carried away with each of your partners: the Rooster will push “that one” right to the doors of the registry office, you won’t be able to help but notice it.

Virgo / Photo mayax.ru

Virgos are waiting for original gifts, which the Rooster has already carefully packed. In February, Virgos are in for surprises in the professional sphere: your boss will finally recognize you as a professional, and you can safely demand a salary increase. Business trips and various transactions will be almost daily, nothing depends on Virgo, just have time to agree and sign profitable contracts. A frivolous attitude towards money will not prevent you from achieving stability in your financial situation; money rain or snowfall will be constant - have time to collect.

You know the value of your charm and do not allow defeats - the Rooster understands this and will help you achieve victory on the love front in your year. You will recognize your chosen one immediately - don’t get lost, and quickly take the initiative into your own hands. Try to be less picky: don’t be capricious and listen to your loved one. Virgos will not be bored in their personal life: a pleasant addition to the family awaits you.

Libra / Photo mayax.ru

At the beginning of 2017, Libra will enjoy life and have fun to the fullest. In the year of the Red Rooster, Libra can succeed in areas where others fail. Your interest in everything unusual will help you achieve financial success - just learn to count money. Although why do you need this, there will still be a lot of money, much more than you expect. Astrologers recommend that Libra take up some new creativity - draw, embroider, weave baskets - everything you do will definitely turn out to be necessary and in demand.

In the year of the Rooster, Libra will be the most charming sign of the zodiac. Use your charm boldly, hundreds of amazing meetings and dates await you. The Rooster is not against your romances and will do everything to make you feel comfortable. Do not rush to accept marriage proposals - some thought will add weight to you in the eyes of your partner. And the partners awaiting you are quite respectable.

Scorpio / Photo mayax.ru

In the year of the Monkey, Scorpios often had to use their sting to deal with their enemies. But the Rooster will save you from ill-wishers, and the sting will soon become completely dusty. And then Scorpio will go to great lengths to look for adventures. This will happen around the middle of the year. Do not doubt your abilities, even if you have to work in a new industry - just study the relevant literature and practice a little: you will pick it up on the fly, so there will be no problems. Astrologers recommend being a little more restrained. In the year of the Fire Rooster, your entrepreneurial abilities will increase several times. Money will be a drain on your pockets, so take care of opening a deposit - even with just one percent you will live happily.

Try to analyze your feelings less; you will like to give yourself to love completely and without reserve. Moreover, fate will bring you together with a person who can win your heart. Try not to harm yourself and do not start unnecessary romances for fun. But remember that rejected fans may be offended, so control yourself and don’t play with other people’s feelings. The meeting with your long-awaited soul mate is just around the corner.

Sagittarius / Photo mayax.ru

In the coming year, Sagittarius will not need arrows and the quiver can be hidden on the mezzanine. But first, don’t forget to say goodbye to the Monkey, give her a merry farewell, because in her year she often helped you. For February, you can plan important meetings and negotiations: you can easily persuade the most distrustful partner, and he will sign any contract that you slip him. The Rooster likes you, and he will not leave you idle.

Check how many real friends you actually have: tell everyone you're broke. Half of your friends will definitely disappear, but don’t worry, because in this case the main thing is not the quantity. In addition, the remaining comrades will help you more than once in a difficult situation, and in the year of the Rooster you can safely take them as your partners for a new enterprise.

Astrologers recommend that Sagittarius finally sort out love affairs and stop breaking the hearts of unlucky fans. Do not make promises to your suitors; it is better to immediately explain that you are not averse to having fun without obligations, or enjoy life with your current chosen one without thinking about the future.

Capricorn / Photo mayax.ru

Capricorns were looking forward to the arrival of 2017. The Red Fire Rooster will get down to business right away: already at the end of January, Capricorns will feel its influence on their lives - unexpected meetings, interesting proposals, and many amazing things will happen. In February 2017, Capricorns will finally be able to say goodbye to their boring work: even with your modesty, it will be difficult to refuse tempting offers that will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia.

In love matters, Capricorns will be better informed than anyone else. You will finally get tired of loneliness, and you will be able to choose a partner from the crowd of fans that have already surrounded you. Stop being self-critical - you are too picky about your shortcomings, mostly far-fetched, and this scares off potential admirers. Smile at your reflection right now - because you are charming, there is no doubt about it. The stars advise Capricorns to try themselves in family life - there is nothing terrible there, so go for it. Moreover, in the year of the Rooster there is a chance to become parents.

Aquarius / Photo mayax.ru

Aquarians have done a good job this past year. You have nothing to worry about: the Rooster is a conservative bird, but if it plans to make any changes, they will all be pleasant. In February 2017, you will have a chance to change your profession - don’t miss it. You will receive interesting and profitable offers, some of them will be from old friends - why not take advantage of the benefits?.. Friends, together with the Rooster, will help you understand the intricacies of the new business.

Personal life will also turn out well: family air signs will bask in the love and adoration of their relatives, and single Aquarius will meet Cupid. There will be a lot of love adventures, just try to come up sometimes and look around. In a series of novels, do not miss a meeting with your only and long-awaited soul mate - the next opportunity to meet may be postponed for another year. You can conquer your partner with your intellect - there are no equals to Aquarius in matters of seduction.

Pisces / Photo mayax.ru

The Pisces received many bonuses from the Monkey, but the Rooster will be no less generous. You can continue to frolic and swim in the ocean of happiness, enjoying life and not thinking about problems. In February 2017, the Rooster will make sure that Pisces receives a good increase in salary. If you are bored of sitting in a stuffy office, then the owner of the year has provided for this: open your own business, do whatever you want, as long as you enjoy the activity, and in the meantime the Rooster will print out a new batch of money for you.

Pisces will fall in love often, but try not to get too carried away - you may simply not notice your long-awaited soul mate. There will be no problems with choosing fans. Light flirting in the year of the Rooster is not for Pisces - you will want a serious relationship, right up to marriage. Your demands in the year of the Rooster will be extremely great, so few people will be able to win your heart. But if you come across the perfect person, in your opinion, don’t delay. Pisces, who will put a stamp in their passport in 2017, will be very happy with their spouse: the union promises to be strong and harmonious.

Valentina Sechina, feng shui specialist: "Wishes will come true twice or twice!"

2017 will be a very powerful year - fiery energies will “awaken” and cleanse a huge number of people.

Spirituality will increase. We will stop chasing material things, having understood and realized that happiness is in the spiritual, says Valentna Sechina. - The materialization of desires in 2017 will happen very quickly. Therefore, when wishing for something, be careful - it may come true immediately!

Clean your home and shower

Do a general cleaning of the house, imagining how you sweep all the bad things out the door. Next, get rid of your emotional “garbage” and tune in to a positive mood. Be sure to forgive everyone who offended you.

Ritual for good luck

Winter has the longest nights, and I really want the sun to come through the window in the morning! To do this, a Feng Shui specialist advises performing the following ritual:

Stick a bright smiling sun on the kitchen window with the words “Clear sun, shine in the house, add more light, lift our spirits, charge us all! May the morning be bright from your smile, kind from your rays, cheerful from your eyes! Drive the long night away! Let this be according to my word!”

Natalya Neobychnaya, psychic, parapsychologist: “Altai scientists will make a discovery”

In general, the year for the Altai Territory will be quite calm and quiet; no global shocks should occur. In winter, most likely, there will be a major utility accident - I see something like an explosion or fire, very serious. In the spring there will be an active large movement of young people. Most likely, this is connected with some major event.

In the summer there will be serious changes in power, personnel changes, and new people will appear in the political arena. I also see something like a shift in the borders of the Altai Territory, as if we are joining or signing some kind of unifying agreement with one of the neighboring regions. Also, 2017 will be marked by discoveries by local scientists. Most likely, this will be related to medicine - they will invent a new treatment method or device. And this will be a real breakthrough.

Maria Chuprunova, numerologist: “The Year of the Rooster is the best time for dramatic changes”

2017 is the year of one (if you add all the numbers to one). This is the number of beginnings. The main slogan of the year is that he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne! The Unit loves active people who are capable of taking risks and striving for leadership.

A busy and fast-paced year awaits us, in which we need to lay the foundation for our further achievements. So don’t sit idly by – take action! It's time, if necessary, to change your job, change your image, learn something new, move to another house, city, start leading a healthy lifestyle, think about what you can change in your relationships with your loved ones. Now you choose your path. Take the direction towards happiness and success! - advises Barnaul numerologist Maria Chuprunova.

Country forecast

In general, new opportunities will appear in the country. Previously closed enterprises will open, and some new directions will appear both in the sphere of production and in the field of science. Scientific and creative workers will make important discoveries that will be put into practice here. All this can lead to a certain economic recovery.

A surge in violence and various showdowns is possible, so a distraction from the aggressive energy of the unit will be useful for the country. Organizing various festivals, holidays, entertainment, fairs is a good opportunity to defuse the situation.

What awaits Altai

A change of power is possible in the Altai Territory. There will be new investors willing to invest money in the regional economy, including foreign ones. If not our native state, then “abroad will definitely help us.” Some serious forum will be held in Altai. This year there will be a good harvest of both grain and horticultural crops.


A flag in the hands of those who want to start a business - if you approach it wisely, everything will work out. Don't be afraid to try something new. However, remember that the unit does not like carelessness, lack of logic, inattention to order, unclear planning.


The unit promotes career growth, so don't miss the opportunity to move to a new office. 2017 will be especially significant for representatives of creative and intellectual professions, as well as for developing their own business.

Conflicts are possible in the workplace. Disputes, anger, which can still benefit the cause.

Personal life

2017 is the year of men. Therefore, women should be gentler with their partners and not actively display masculine qualities themselves. This year's motto: a man is a leader, a woman is a soft and understanding assistant in men's endeavors. Marriages entered into this year will be especially successful. Well, the dangers of 2017 will be manifestations of selfishness, anger and vanity. If your personal life has been calm so far, get ready for a passionate romance

Who will be lucky?

Particularly successful in 2017 will be those who are able to demonstrate leadership qualities and can work ahead of events - it is not for nothing that one is considered in numerology to be the number of centrists. In the new year, you need to approach any task wisely, without relying on the favor of the stars and gifts of fortune.

Vera Topcheeva, astrologer: “Elections to the Barnaul Duma may be a surprise”

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be generally favorable - our country will begin to develop spiritually, economically and materially,” Barnaul astrologer Vera Topcheeva immediately said optimistically.

For the Altai Territory, 2017 will be a year of active development and strengthening of its position. The region will strengthen its authority at the federal level. Business connections will begin to be established more actively and the transport route will expand.

At the end of January, there will be a shortage of finances, since a lot of money was unwisely spent on public holidays and ostentatious charity.

In February there is an opportunity for a new round of development in many areas of life, to strengthen the positions of the city and the region, to receive support from the federal budget, and to make a number of constructive changes. The main thing is to specify real possibilities in order to avoid a discrepancy between expectations and reality (more of everything).

March is favorable for active work, attracting business partners for business development, profitable cooperation, and implementing ideas and new ideas.

April brings tension and conflict situations. Promises and commitments may be in jeopardy.

Summer promises favorable opportunities, decoration and improvement of the city, and the September elections to the Barnaul City Duma can bring pleasant, albeit unexpected, results. It may be possible to achieve significant changes thanks to the correct actions of the ruling echelon and personnel changes in the offices.

Political conflicts are not excluded in October. By the end of the year, situations and sentiments will level out, bringing opportunities for growth, development and stabilization of the financial and economic sphere.