Svetlana Bronnikova's intuitive eating read online. Text of Svetlana Bronnikova’s live broadcast “Oh the horror! I Gained Weight on Intuitive Eating

Sometimes relationships with the body and food become so tense that without a quick solution to them, a happy life seems impossible. This book provides practical tools for identifying the specific cause of food addiction and overcoming it. By completing the tasks on the pages of the book step by step, you can be guaranteed to get rid of your weight and problems. You will gain an understanding of how to: learn to hear the signals of hunger and fullness allow yourself to eat whatever you want allow your body to regulate what, when and how to eat lose weight and not gain any more weight Implement a specific plan proposed for you by a qualified specialist in the field nutrition by Svetlana Bronnikova: stop exhausting yourself mentally and physically, become slim and calm.

From the series: Proper nutrition without rules

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by liters company.

Who am I writing this for?

Modern beauty standards are ruthless: “beautiful” means “thin”.

Trying to meet these standards, millions of men and women chronically torture themselves with diets and work out in the gym. This method of losing weight has a beginning, but no end: to stay in shape, you need to increasingly limit yourself in food and increase physical activity. You can't stop - you'll gain weight. The price of this lifestyle is food “breakdowns,” when a huge amount of “forbidden” foods are eaten overnight, and the “yo-yo effect,” when weight is gained and then lost again. The “accompanying group” includes unstable self-esteem, especially physical self-esteem, depression, and anxiety disorders. Food, instead of one of the pleasures of life, becomes a source of constant and enormous stress.

One should not think that only young girls exhausted by anorexia or those suffering from extreme forms of obesity, “clinical gluttons,” suffer from eating disorders. Slender men and women painfully cannot sleep because they could not restrain themselves and overeat or, on the contrary, they have just gone on another diet and are terribly hungry. They suffer in exactly the same way in store fitting rooms and in front of the mirror, because they “feel fat.”

Modern culture very strictly dictates that people should be thin and at the same time offers a huge amount of cheap, accessible, intrusively advertised and “tasty” food. Slimness, as it is understood in modern culture (i.e., in fact, being underweight), contradicts the physiological foundations of health. A deficiency of body fat and an excess of protein in food (and it is possible to effectively maintain weight below your own physiological norm only with an excess of protein in the diet due to carbohydrates and fats) is associated with premature aging, breast cancer, the development of diabetes, osteoporosis in women, infertility...

For a woman to be capable of reproduction, she must be at least a little “in the body.” Studies of the African Bushmen tribe have shown that women of the tribe become pregnant exclusively during the rainy season and immediately after it, when the tribe easily provides itself with food. During the dry season, women fast, lose weight, and naturally become temporarily infertile. Extremely reasonable, because during this period it would be difficult to feed a born child and feed a nursing mother to the full.

Food is the very first metaphor of love, the very first relationship that a born person builds.

A child, falling to the breast, immediately receives food, warmth, protection, and love. That is why disturbances in the relationship with food always force one to look at other relationships in a person’s life - with a partner, friends, children, parents, but most importantly - at the relationship with oneself. To put it very harshly, we can say: the root of eating disorders is a violation of the relationship with oneself, the inability to love and accept oneself.

For many of us, food becomes a psychotherapist, a comforter, a universal solution to problems. Food becomes punishment and salvation. Gradually, food, just like drugs and alcohol do, takes control over human behavior and subordinates its existence to itself.

To overcome this problem there is no need for violence and eternal self-control: you just need to learn to trust yourself. People who are prone to overeating and excess weight have a special personality profile, similar character traits that force them to “push inside” their own emotions with the help of food. You can and should get rid of this, its name is compulsive overeating, but hatred of your “fat” body and “weak” will, coupled with dietary pressures, is a dead-end path.

The intuitive (non-diet) approach to nutrition has been popular in Europe and the USA for several decades. Modern research shows its exceptional effectiveness in stabilizing weight at the physiological norm and in the ability to maintain weight at this stable level for many years. It is based on the removal of prohibitions and fears in connection with food, the complete rejection of any diets not prescribed by doctors in connection with certain diseases, and allows the body to take its own initiative in choosing food. Our body has its own wisdom, which allows it to accurately choose the food that is most suitable for it at the moment, corresponding to its needs. The body knows very well how much food to eat at a given moment and when to start eating again. Unfortunately, from birth we are taught to ignore these signals, replacing them with external forms of control - calorie tables, food pyramids, ideas about what healthy food and proper nutrition are, which change regularly.

The question that always arises in people who are introduced to this approach is: can I lose weight by giving up diets and switching to intuitive eating? What we can say with certainty is that your body will return to its normal physiological weight and remain at this level. For many people this weight is lower than their current weight, but not always. To predict how events will develop for you personally, try answering the following questions (quoted from Evelyne Tribole, Elyse Reisch. Intuitive eating. 2012, St. Martin Press, New York):

1. Do you often continue to eat after you feel comfortably full?

2. Do you often overeat before starting a new diet (knowing that on a diet you will not be able to afford to eat all this for a long time)?

3. Do you find yourself eating to cope with emotions or to overcome boredom?

4. Are you one of those who consistently dislike physical activity?

5. Do you only exercise when you're on a diet?

6. Do you often skip meals or only eat when you are literally starving and end up overeating?

7. Do you feel guilty if you overeat or eat “junk food”, which ultimately leads to even more overeating (it’s all gone anyway)?

If you answered “yes” to all or some of these questions, your current weight may be higher than your physiological weight, which your body is programmed to maintain on its own from birth, without any additional effort on your part. It is very likely that you are able to return to this weight as a result of switching to intuitive eating. The most important thing to remember is that losing weight SHOULD NOT be an end in itself, because switching to intuitive eating for the sake of losing weight will greatly interfere with the development of your ability to listen to your body's internal signals.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Intuitive eating. How to stop worrying about food and lose weight (Svetlana Bronnikova, 2015) provided by our book partner -

Intuitive eating: how to stop worrying about food and lose weight Author Svetlana Bronnikova, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, is well known on the Internet under the nickname Firefly, and her method is known as the Firefly method. He has many years of experience in helping people lose excess weight. A native Muscovite, she headed a branch of the largest obesity treatment clinic in the Netherlands for several years. I was responsible for the development and implementation of treatment programs, for innovative approaches with proven effectiveness, and at the same time continued to be a psychotherapist dealing with the problems of overweight people. During this time, I have accumulated many observations, comparisons,... discoveries. I have long wanted to make them accessible to everyone who reads Russian, so I wrote this book. Svetlana Bronnikova It is unlikely that there is at least one woman among us who considers her appearance and weight impeccable. But sometimes the relationship with the body and food becomes so tense that without a quick solution...

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Reviews about the book:

Advantages: excellent book Disadvantages: - Comment: the book is written in complex language, but it is very useful. puts your head in order and helps you improve your diet

Shilova Anna 0

Advantages: for general development Disadvantages: price

Utkin Alexander Andreevich 0

Advantages: excellent workmanship, also interesting in content Disadvantages: couldn’t find any Comments: good book, there are non-distracting pictures and many fields for filling them with your data

Sharipova Milyausha Khaidarovna 0

Advantages: Useful book, I don’t regret a minute that I bought it Disadvantages: none

Angelika 0

Advantages: Excellent publication, the book is written in simple and accessible language. A piece of the cover was chewed off by a dog, the book itself arrived in protective film in excellent condition. Comment: Excellent book. The first part is devoted to the theory of eating behavior and debunking myths about practical help from diets. The second is your personal workshop with exercises aimed at working out old patterns of eating emotions. Read for everyone losing weight.

Elena Kachalova 0

Other reviews:

I read the book 10 times, if not more, and every time I have new insights, and how many more lie ahead.

The book is not written for idle reading, it is rather a practical guide for those who are already desperate to lose weight with the help of diets. For me, it became a kind of revelation, even though I had already read the blog “Chronicles of a Diving Firefly” several years ago. Why? Because I wanted to listen and heed. If you are full of skepticism, if you still believe in losing weight through diets, if you have a fear of gaining weight, this book is not for you. It is for those who have already reached the point, the limit, for whom the situation has arisen: “It can’t get any worse, I agree to do anything just to be cured.” Then she will help. And it will help you so much that you will forget the word “diet”, “scales”, and along with them the word “excess weight”. The words will appear: “no restrictions on food”, “no stereotypes”, “harmony with the body”, “ability to hear the body”, “weight comfortable for the body”, “adequate attitude towards oneself”.

Of course, simply reading a book will not achieve real results. Yes, a revolution in the brain may occur, but if you do not consolidate this in practice, little by little the right thoughts will become clogged, and you can again come to diets and constant weight control. The most important thing is not just to read and listen to every word, but also to scrupulously and meticulously perform the exercises. We all have different problems, so some exercises are easy, while others are difficult and painfully long. BUT if you go through this whole school with “good” and “excellent” marks, believe me, you will live a new life, where you can eat everything without restrictions and not worry that after the New Year you will gain 5 kg, and after March 8 - 3. You will forget, what are scales, you will forget what it is to quickly get fat and lose weight. You will have the same weight. Yes, perhaps not like that model with Fashion TV, but it will be your comfortable weight. And believe me, this does not mean that you will be fat, not at all. You'll look fit and healthy, and you'll get a lot more compliments than when you looked like a sickly supermodel.

If we talk about exercises, I personally had a very hard time with the “hamster effect”, when you have to fill the refrigerator with your favorite foods and then eat them over a long period of time. I was very scared. I was terribly afraid of getting better (although, it would seem, I was desperate and was ready for anything, but the underlying fear, cultivated throughout my life, still did not go away), and everything there is conducive to getting better. I have never eaten so much baklava, curd cheese, sandwiches with red caviar and butter in my entire life as I did during this task. Yes, I recovered, but it was then that the desired change in consciousness occurred, the belief that prohibitions are only in our heads. It was then that I realized that this was my path. And he is the only one, because the others lead to a dead end. Why am I writing this? Moreover, you need to overcome the fear of doing exercises that are scary for you and do everything without exception and conscientiously. And only then will there be results. After I finished this exercise, which took a lot of time, everything I had gained went away as if it had never happened, and inside I had the confidence that I CAN.

At the moment, I know the book almost by heart, but I still re-read it when stupid things like “oh, I can’t eat this - I’ll gain weight” or “oh, it’s so delicious, I can’t stop, even though I’m full from the belly” come to mind. Such thoughts come later, yes. Don't think that everything is so easy. Setbacks happen from time to time; it’s not for nothing that we have been accumulating negative experiences of eating behavior throughout our lives. The main thing is not to panic during them and carefully steer back onto the intuitive path. And this path is life-long, no less. But with a compass like this book, it's easy to find the right direction.

Many thanks to Svetlana! I attended her webinar - she is a wonderful, competent woman who knows what she is talking about. Behind it are many years of experience with people with obesity, and constant practical research with completely different people (sick and healthy, thin and fat). She is constantly growing and developing, and isn’t this the key to an excellent expert you can trust?

I will say right away that I am a fan of both intuitive eating and Svetlana Bronnikova, so my enthusiastic look at this book is inevitable. The whole concept can be summed up in one phrase: “Eat if you’re hungry, stop if you’re full.” What could be more natural than processes associated with food? But from my own experience and observations, I can say that the most difficult thing about the concept of intuitive eating is believing in it. Because you have to believe in yourself, give yourself time and be patient. You will have to learn to distinguish between physiological hunger and emotional hunger, when “I want a cake” is just a reaction to sadness and is not about food at all. You have to believe that allowing yourself to hear your body will not end in a lifetime of eating fast food around the clock, even if for some time after the “permission” this may be the case. And the book “Intuitive Eating” is a great help on this path. I know many stories of people whose relationship with food changed for the better after they took off their diet “corset” and allowed themselves to breathe freely.

The concept of “intuitive eating” arose in America in the 1970s as a reaction to the abundance of diets - primarily to their catastrophic ineffectiveness. Because a fact has long been proven, which most have experienced for themselves: 95% of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back within three years, and most often more than what they started with. But despite these statistics, the multi-billion dollar diet industry continues to thrive and, even sadder, is actively supported by many doctors. Although this logically does not fit into your head - you are recommended a medicine that helps only in 5% of cases, the survival rate for lung cancer is even higher. And the question logically arose: maybe there is something wrong with the diet system itself? Perhaps diets have also contributed to the obesity epidemic? And they certainly contribute a lot to the epidemic of eating disorders. But if not diets, then what? And you will find the answer to these questions by becoming familiar with intuitive eating.

“How to deal with this? How to capture more subtle sensations? Listen to your body over the course of a day or two and try to catch when your stomach feels empty or begins to growl - these are more or less accurate signs that you are hungry. At the same time, on an emotional level, and this is important to note, anything can happen to you. We are hungry no matter what happens in our mental life. Any change in the feeling of hunger in response to events in mental life (not only gluttony, but also anorexia, the inability to eat in response to stress) may be signs of a breakdown in this system.”

Svetlana Bronnikova’s book has already become a bestseller in Russia and was the first book in Russian about intuitive eating. The most important thing, in my opinion, that the author succeeded in was the adaptation of the intuitive nutrition system to the Russian mentality. In the post-Soviet space, as always, we are going our own way, and the book perfectly describes how Soviet stereotypes about thinness and fatness are intricately intertwined with glossy Western standards. About how family interaction shapes our eating habits and relationships with our bodies. It also brilliantly debunks dietary myths that arise every day from all possible media. And of course, a lot of attention in the book is paid to the cult of thinness and women’s fears of being fat.

Dietary behavior in the long term leads to weight gain rather than weight loss.

The first part of the book discusses the question “Who is to blame?”, and the second part discusses “What to do?” And the author generously shares tools for setting up intuitive nutrition. I would like to note one interesting effect that sometimes occurs among readers of the book.

“I read everything, understood everything, but intuitive eating doesn’t work for me.”

— What specific task is causing you difficulty?

- None, I understood them all.

— What were the difficulties during execution?

“To be honest, I didn’t do them.”

It’s difficult to say what exactly leads to this effect – a school allergy to the phrase “homework” or their apparent simplicity, but the fact is that intuitive eating, like any new skill, requires training. The first time is very painstaking and not without difficulties, but believe me, it’s worth it. It's like learning to swim or ride a bike: first you teach your body, and then it magically handles it.

“The main, most fundamental rule of intuitive eating: you can always eat, you can eat everywhere. The only thing that determines the need to start eating is the feeling of hunger that we experience.

The time of day, life schedule, “I need to eat because I’ll get hungry later,” “I’ll eat for company,” and other considerations cannot determine the need to eat.

Often completely unrelated sensations are mistaken for hunger - “hunger in the mouth” or “hunger in the head.”

Hunger as a physiological “event” of the body is regulated by the hypothalamus, a tiny part of the brain located deep in the brain, and is localized mainly in the stomach. This means that “hungry in the head”, “bored in the mouth” and “grandmother will be offended if I don’t eat this cutlet” are by no means physiological events and have nothing to do with hunger. Now, while reading these lines, put your hand on the place where you feel hungry. Where did your hand go?

Today, diets, unfortunately, are taken for granted, but the book allows you to take a step aside and think about whether this is so. Once upon a time, people believed that the Earth was flat (What else could it be?), and desperately fought against those who put forward hypotheses that it was round; this seemed incredible nonsense (How is it possible, why then don’t people fall from it? ?). Maybe the day will come when the story that you can eat normally without dieting will become as obvious a fact for people as the fact that you can walk on a round Earth and not fall off it.

“If a person suffering from a broken relationship with food can learn to recognize his own feeling of hunger, nuance it, eat exactly what his hunger requires at the moment, and stop at the moment of satiety, then the result will be physical and mental satisfaction, the end of dieting cycles -gluttony and normalization of relationships with food.”

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Women wonder how you can lose weight without a diet, because the main condition for weight loss is calorie restriction. Now they have invented a new method of intuitively getting rid of extra pounds - nutrition based on the principle: the body knows what to eat. The system is simple and has virtually no restrictions.

What is intuitive eating

It often happens that a person, exhausting himself with physical activity and diets, never achieves the desired slimness. The body protests against this attitude and ultimately forces it to take into account its needs. An alternative way to get rid of excess fat is an intuitive diet, which categorically denies the use of any restrictions. The weight loss system is based on the principles that allow you to consume baked goods, sweets, chocolate and effectively reduce in size.

The technique was originally developed by American professor Stephen Hawkes, who himself lost weight using a variety of diets to no avail. After many years of unsuccessful attempts, he began to listen to his body and, based on the findings, compiled a diet on his own. The intuitive approach was positive. He helped the professor lose 22 kg and maintain the weight for a long time. Stephen Hawkes argues that the problem of excess weight should be approached this way:

  • recognize the signals your own body sends;
  • learn to control your appetite;
  • take breaks while eating;
  • intuitively recognize when hunger occurs and when overeating occurs.

Principles of Intuitive Eating

American Teyma Weiler continued to develop an effective method of losing weight. She opened the Green Mountain establishment, where she offered women to lose weight without food restrictions. The main method was aimed at studying the correct sensation of one’s own body and was built on Hawks’s theses. So, 10 principles of intuitive eating:

  1. Refusal of diets. Any dietary restriction is harmful.
  2. Respect for hunger. You need to give your body the right amount of nutrients.
  3. Challenge power control. You should forget about the rules that teach you when you can or cannot eat.
  4. Truce with food. You need to allow yourself to eat.
  5. Respect for the feeling of fullness. We must learn to recognize when we are full.
  6. Satisfaction factor. You need to understand that food is not a pleasure, but a necessity, so you need to enjoy not the process of eating, but every bite.
  7. Respecting feelings without eating. You need to understand that loneliness, boredom or anxiety are feelings that cannot be calmed by food.
  8. Respect for your own body. You should learn to love yourself, regardless of the numbers on the scale.
  9. Training is like movement. You need to be active not to burn calories, but to get a boost of energy.
  10. Respect for your health. You need to learn to choose foods that take care of both your taste buds and the health of your body as a whole.

The essence of intuitive eating

The modern approach to nutrition returns a person to nature, because it has provided the most universal tool for assessing something - intuition. To understand whether food is needed at the moment, you just need to listen to the body and feel the presence or absence of hunger. Modern man has long forgotten that the most healthy nutrition is intuitive. People start eating with company or when there are a lot of tasty dishes or snacks within walking distance.

The essence of the food system is that there are no rules. You are allowed to eat everything, but only if two requirements are met: you need to feel hungry and intuitively understand that the body really wants to accept the chosen product. At this stage, many adults experience difficulties. However, they are easy to overcome if you watch children - they eat as much as they need. The desire of parents to stuff too much into their child often turns into a major scandal.

Is it possible to lose weight with intuitive eating?

There have been debates among nutritionists for a long time about such a system, but ultimately they came to the conclusion that it is an effective analogue of a healthy diet, calculated from a psychological point of view. How much can you lose with intuitive eating? According to reviews from those losing weight, this system helps you easily lose 5-7 kilograms in a month. I would like to note that the intuitive method of getting rid of extra pounds will not be effective for people suffering from bulimia, since this is a psychological problem that requires the intervention of a qualified psychotherapist.

How to learn intuitive eating

It is difficult for a person who is used to dieting according to a schedule to learn to listen to his body. At first, everyone has difficulty determining their own feelings of hunger and satiety. Over time, the understanding comes that you need to eat only when there is rumbling in the stomach or sucking in the pit of the stomach, and not in company with someone. Intuitive eating for weight loss is vital for the following categories of people:

  • victims of diets whose lives have become a tactic of restriction and relapse;
  • emotional people who eat away their experiences;
  • accustomed to separating foods, counting calories, eating strictly according to a schedule and according to the BJU ratio.

How to switch to intuitive eating

You can learn to intuitively evaluate eating behavior if you stop dividing food into healthy and harmful, bad and good, and also stop meeting accepted weight standards. You should get rid of the fear of becoming ugly or fat. Switching to intuitive eating is about changing your relationship with food, not about losing weight. Even if at the initial stage you gain a couple of extra pounds, this is normal. Especially among those people who previously limited themselves in delicacies. When there is no prohibition, then the craving for them will disappear, because, as you know, only the forbidden fruit is sweet.

How to eat intuitively

The body is genetically programmed to demand from the owner only those products that it currently lacks for normal functioning. When creating an intuitive eating menu, you should pay attention to body signals and avoid compulsive overeating. Refusing dietary thinking, you need to allow your body to eat everything. From his point of view, a serving of boiled broccoli for dinner is no better than a plate of fried potatoes. When eaten according to the body's desire, it will not lead to weight gain, but will only replenish the energy balance.

Intuitive Eating Diary

It's not easy to start eating intuitively. The desired result will not come soon if the mind constantly throws up thoughts about food. A diary will help to facilitate the process, in which you need to methodically record the foods you eat and how you felt about them. A couple of weeks will pass and the notes will help you analyze what time of day your metabolism is active, when food is digested slowly, and what foods provoke you to drink heavily.

The diary should have its own personal hunger scale on the first page, and notes should be made next to each item. For example, opposite the “overeat” level, write down your feelings from this process – painful bloating or something else. A “full” paragraph would indicate fullness, while a “very hungry” paragraph could indicate irritation. During the first days, constantly check the scale and determine the intensity of your hunger. This will help you avoid overeating and distinguish between emotional emptiness and a real desire to eat. You will notice that saturation comes much faster than before.

Intuitive Eating for Children

The child makes choosing foods much easier, because he knows how much he needs to eat, intuitively relying on body signals. Small children, even with a great appetite, at one moment get full and don’t want any more, and they don’t like their parents’ attempts to force-feed them. Baby food, according to intuition, is about minimizing control over the amount of food a child eats. Even a baby is able to ask for food - he cries until he receives food. Let your child, from a young age, retain the ability to hear intuitive sensations and understand the difference between satiety, appetite and hunger.

Video: Intuitive eating by Svetlana Bronnikova