Ginseng or Eleutherococcus? What is more effective? Adaptogens: Can they be mixed? Healing properties of Rhodiola rosea.

Which is better - ginseng or eleutherococcus? This is a question asked by patients taking adaptogens. These two plants have similar properties. They help the body adapt to new conditions, have a tonic effect, and strengthen the immune system. However, there are some nuances to the use of these adaptogens that must be taken into account. What is the difference between herbal remedies based on ginseng and eleutherococcus? We will consider these questions further.

Description of plants

Ginseng is a perennial herb that belongs to the Araliaceae family. Translated from Chinese, the name of the plant means “root of life.” Indeed, only the root part of the herb is used in medicine. This plant is native to the Far East and Southeast Asia. This is a tall grass that can reach up to half a meter in height. Ginseng root is quite thick, with many branches. Its length reaches 15 cm. It has a grayish-yellow color and a pleasant smell.

Eleutherococcus also grows in East Asia and belongs to the Araliaceae family. Only one species of this plant has medicinal properties - Eleutherococcus senticosus. This is a shrub with dark-colored berries. It is its fruits that are used in medicine. Outwardly, they resemble black peppercorns. Tinctures, decoctions, tablets and other herbal remedies are made from these berries.

Another Far Eastern plant worth considering is Chinese lemongrass. This shrub belongs to the Limonaceae family. Its fruits are most often used in medicine. They look like red berries and have adaptogenic properties. A tincture from the seeds of the plant is also used.

Which is better - ginseng, eleutherococcus or lemongrass? The answer to this question will depend on the purposes for which each adaptogen is used. You also need to take into account contraindications to the use of herbal medicines.

Useful properties

Let's look at the beneficial properties of each plant. Ginseng has been used in oriental medicine since ancient times. The alkaloids contained in its root have the following effects on the body:

  • tonic;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antiemetic.

Herbal medicines from Eleutherococcus have a wider spectrum of action. This plant has not only adaptogenic and stimulating properties. Its other beneficial qualities are also known:

  1. Alkaloids in the fruits of the plant have a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates. Regular intake of tincture of eleutherococcus berries helps reduce blood sugar levels.
  2. Herbal preparations from Eleutherococcus improve twilight vision.
  3. Plant alkaloids stimulate the production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

Patients often ask the question: "Which is better - tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus?" These herbal remedies have a similar effect on the body, but at the same time they also have differences. Eleutherococcus acts somewhat slower than ginseng. But its effect is longer lasting. Therefore, everything depends on the desired result. If you need to achieve quick results, then it is better to take ginseng. If you need a slow but long-lasting effect, then you should use Eleutherococcus. In this case, you need to pay attention to contraindications, which we will consider below.

As for the tincture of Chinese lemongrass, this herbal medicine has mainly tonic qualities. It relieves fatigue well and improves performance. Schisandra also has slight hypoglycemic properties and reduces sugar levels. The effect of lemongrass tincture appears within 20-30 minutes after administration and lasts about 6 hours.


  • neuroses;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • low blood pressure;
  • VSD with hypotension;
  • recovery from illnesses.

As for Eleutherococcus, it has the same indications for use. However, tinctures of the fruits of this plant can also be taken for diabetes mellitus, impaired potency, and deterioration of vision at night. This is due to the hypoglycemic and gonadotropic properties of such herbal remedies. Alkaloids in eleutherococcus berries reduce glucose levels and stimulate the production of pituitary hormones.

Patients with diabetes often ask: “Which is better - ginseng or eleutherococcus?” It should immediately be noted that herbal remedies are effective only for mild forms of the disease. They must be taken in combination with medications. Eleutherococcus and Schisandra have a more pronounced hypoglycemic effect. Ginseng is less likely to affect blood sugar levels.

Also, ginseng is not able to increase the acuity of twilight vision. For night blindness, it is better to take tincture of eleutherococcus or lemongrass along with vitamin A.

Patients often take herbal adaptogens during flu and cold epidemics. Which is better for the immune system - ginseng or eleutherococcus? First of all, it is important to remember that both herbal remedies are contraindicated for frequently ill children under the age of 5 years. Taking adaptogens in early childhood can result in autoimmune diseases in the future.

Both ginseng and eleutherococcus have approximately the same immunomodulatory properties. Most often, seasonal outbreaks of colds occur in the autumn-winter period. It is at this time of year that doctors recommend taking ginseng. However, adaptogens are used only for prevention. If the infectious disease has already begun, then taking such drugs is contraindicated.


Preparations based on ginseng, eleutherococcus and schisandra have approximately the same contraindications. They should not be taken for the following diseases and conditions:

  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • tachycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious and somatic pathologies in the acute stage.

However, each type of herbal preparation has its own special contraindications. Ginseng is not recommended for children under 16 years of age. Eleutherococcus and Schisandra can be consumed by adolescents from 12 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation, you should not take herbal remedies based on ginseng and eleutherococcus. However, taking lemongrass is allowed during pregnancy. This remedy is even indicated for pregnant women with low blood pressure and toxicosis. But it should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe such a drug. During lactation, it is forbidden to take any adaptogens, as they pass into the milk and have a stimulating effect on the baby’s nervous system.

Side effects

Which herbal medicine has minimal undesirable effects? Which is better - ginseng or eleutherococcus? Adaptogenic herbal medicines have a number of common side effects. Taking them can lead to the following undesirable symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • nervous excitability;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, diarrhea).

However, each drug has its own characteristics. Medicines based on eleutherococcus usually increase appetite. Therefore, they are not recommended for overweight people. Ginseng and lemongrass speed up metabolism and promote weight loss.

Taking medications with Eleutherococcus may cause a feeling of heat. Therefore, they should not be consumed at elevated temperatures. Also, these drugs are contraindicated for hot flashes during menopause. In such cases, it is better to replace Eleutherococcus with ginseng or lemongrass.

An overdose of preparations with ginseng is more dangerous than taking an excessive dose of tinctures or tablets with Eleutherococcus or Schisandra. The patients experienced severe tachycardia, increased blood pressure and anxiety. If the patient takes a large dose of other adaptogens, this usually leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, but does not cause serious intoxication.

Features of application

The answer to the question of which is better, ginseng or eleutherococcus, will also depend on the time of year. These herbal preparations are recommended for use in different seasons. Experts do not recommend taking ginseng tinctures in the summer when it is hot. Such drugs can only be used in winter and autumn. It is very important to lead an active lifestyle while taking ginseng. During the course of treatment, a person needs physical activity. You can use tinctures based on ginseng for no more than 1 month.

As for Eleutherococcus, preparations based on it can be taken year-round. In any season, you can also use Chinese lemongrass tincture.

Special instructions

It should be remembered that any adaptogenic tonic herbal remedies interact with medications. If the patient is taking pharmaceutical stimulants or nootropics, then tinctures based on ginseng, eleutherococcus and schisandra will enhance the effect of the drugs.

If a person is undergoing treatment with sedative medications, then tonic adaptogenic herbal remedies can weaken the therapeutic effect. There is no point in simultaneously taking sedative medications and plant tinctures that have a stimulating effect on the body. In this case, the effect of treatment is reduced to zero.

The life of a modern person is such that he has to constantly maintain his energy and performance at a high level. Poor ecology, lack of sleep, physical and emotional overload worsen well-being, interfere with normal work, and reduce the quality of life in general.

Therefore, we have to turn to methods of maintaining strength and energy that would be safe for health, easy to use, have a noticeable effect, act quickly and are not financially burdensome.

Of course, tinctures made from natural energy plants meet all these criteria perfectly. We will talk about them below.

Recall that in the last article we looked at.

Rules for use and dosage

Tinctures made from plant materials are good because they have a high concentration of the substance, are well absorbed through the digestive tract, act quickly and have a cumulative effect. Many. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself using alcohol or an alcoholic drink: vodka, moonshine, cognac, red wine. The main thing when using them is to follow safety precautions, excluding an allergic reaction and Remember the following dosage rules:

  1. In minimal doses Such medications will help you quickly get rid of stress and relax before a new burst of energy: on average, this is 5-7 drops of an alcoholic drug per dose.
  2. In average dosage they will tone and invigorate.
  3. Maximum quantity(20-40 drops) will give a sharp increase in strength, but it is better to contact it if you urgently need to improve your tone; For constant vigor, it is better to use an average dosage.

Both the dosage and the speed of adaptation to the tonic drug must be selected strictly individually.

How to take tinctures? It is better to start with one drop, gradually increasing the dosage. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the body's reaction: an allergy to any plant components can suddenly appear and have unpleasant consequences, including deadly Quincke's edema.

Top 5 best tinctures for fatigue

Now let’s look at a list of the most effective tinctures that give a feeling of vigor, increase energy, and also help fight fatigue, absent-mindedness and fatigue.

1. Ginseng

This plant is one of the most famous natural energy drinks. It is easier to purchase an alcoholic preparation from it in a pharmacy chain than to prepare it yourself.

There are real legends about ginseng because it:

  1. Helps with low blood pressure: It is advisable for hypotensive patients to take ginseng in long courses, then they will not have problems with loss of strength and weakness, which always accompany hypotension.
  2. Activates immunity: fighting everything that interferes with life, good immunity adds energy to a person.
  3. Phytohormones in its composition normalize hormonal levels, and, as a result, all systems of the body work better, giving strength and vigor.

But in small dosages, Eleutherococcus is prescribed for nervous tension and stress.

Useful “side” effects: Eleutherococcus slightly lowers blood sugar levels, which is good for diabetes, and improves color vision, which can also be regarded as normalizing the functioning of the body as a whole. This plant also improves mood and helps fight depression.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is better known as an immunomodulator.

It really helps a lot both in recovery from illness and in the fight against colds and respiratory diseases. Even viral infections pass much easier and do not cause as many complications if Echinacea tincture is taken in parallel with antiviral drugs.

In addition, Echinacea affects the adrenal cortex, so antirheumatic and antiallergic hormones are better produced.

But those who take tinctures from it note a significant surge of strength and energy. If you drink this remedy in courses of 2 months, taking a break for the same period, the tonic effect becomes very noticeable.

4. St. John's wort

Traditionally, St. John's wort is included in anti-inflammatory and antitussive preparations. But few people know that this herb has a wider spectrum of action:

  1. it is a remedy against infertility;
  2. a plant that effectively treats loss of strength, improves mood and emotional well-being;
  3. also St. John's wort.

Therefore, taking St. John's wort should be discussed with a gynecologist if you are taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives.

You should also know that St. John's wort can be used as a tonic and as a medicine, helping the production of joy hormones and mood-enhancing. The form of the tincture in this case greatly simplifies the task and speeds up the absorption process.

Chinese lemongrass tincture should be taken 25 - 30 drops 2 times a day for the same period.

5. Chinese lemongrass

It is also valued for its many healing properties. Schisandra in the form of a tincture is very convenient to take 5-15 drops in the morning for vigor.

Schisandra is necessary for those who, due to their occupation, need to focus carefully, to be concentrated. It is better to take the alcohol preparation in the morning and afternoon, avoiding the evening.

The plant also helps to raise blood pressure, which makes life much easier for hypotensive patients.

Diseases of the circulatory system, exacerbations of hypertension and cancer are contraindications for taking any restorative and tonic drugs.

Tinctures of natural energy drinks are not the only way to tone up the body and maintain a cheerful state. In addition, it is imperative to comply with other conditions for accumulating and preserving strength.

  1. Proper nutrition. Those that give the body energy include vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, nuts, honey, low-fat dairy products, eggs, white lean meat, fatty sea fish, unrefined directly pressed oils, spices, dark chocolate, teas and herbal infusions. All this must be on the menu of a person who needs a lot of strength and energy. It is necessary to avoid fatty and red meat, refined vegetable oils, fast food, smoked foods, semi-finished products, confectionery and baked goods containing refined sugar, medium or margarine, excess salt, alcohol.
  2. Drinking a lot of water. You need either herbal decoctions to maintain water balance and remove waste products from the body. This is especially important for brain cells.
  3. Dream. You need to sleep at least 7-9 hours during the day so that all body systems have time to rest.
  4. Physical activity. Sports, physical education, walks in the fresh air are necessary for normal energy metabolism.

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Herbal tonic alcohol preparations are a good way to quickly restore strength and maintain vigor for a long time. But at the same time, you need to coordinate the use of such drugs with your treating doctors, since they may be contraindicated in some diseases and conflict with the medications you are taking.

Plants adaptogens
Date: 03/07/2010
Subject: Components

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In this article I want to talk about adaptogen plants, which can be used not only internally to strengthen your body, but also externally to enhance hair growth and stop hair loss.

Adaptogens are medications that facilitate the body’s adaptation to various adverse effects. The use of adaptogens allows the body to adapt to such unfavorable environmental factors as cold, heat, ionizing radiation, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), and heavy physical activity.
Adaptogens do not cure diseases; they strengthen the body to such an extent that it itself becomes able to cope with any disease.
Employees of the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) have identified about two dozen plants that increase the body’s immune response by 1.5-2.5 times. These include fireweed, agrimony, marsh cinquefoil, hornbeam leaves, and celandine. Chamomile, elecampane, clover, mistletoe, cinquefoil, stinging nettle, burdock, lemon balm, tripartite string, tricolor violet, silver birch, large plantain, yarrow, Baikal skullcap, aloe, kalanchoe, sedum have a mild immunostimulating and general strengthening effect. (hare cabbage).
Adaptogen plants with a strong effect include ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), Leuzea (maral root), licorice, Aralia Manchurian, zamanika, sea buckthorn.

I will tell you about the most famous of them, tinctures that are successfully used for hair problems. These are ginseng, Aralia Manchurian, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea. The first four plants are botanically related - they belong to the Araliaceae family and have almost the same properties as the well-known ginseng. Rhodiola belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is a relative of “rabbit cabbage”.

This is a legendary plant that grows in China, Tibet, Altai, and Siberia.
The chemical composition has not been fully established; the main active ingredient is considered to be a complex of triterpene glycosides - panaxosides.
A distinctive feature of ginseng is its ability to increase appetite. Ginseng somewhat improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver. There is also a slight decrease in blood sugar, and color vision improves.
Contrary to popular belief, the tonic effect of ginseng and its ability to prevent the development of various diseases is not only not higher, but even somewhat lower than that of other adaptogens.
The most noticeable effect of taking it is in winter and autumn. In spring and summer, you need to take ginseng in a smaller dosage.

Ginseng preparations are taken:
as a tonic, general strengthening agent that increases the body's performance and resistance to stressful situations, physical activity, and adverse environmental influences;
during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses, operations;
with prolonged physical and mental fatigue;
for neuroses;
for insomnia;
for sexual disorders;
to stimulate the activity of the endocrine glands;
in case of metabolic disorders;
to reduce blood sugar levels;
to enhance reparative processes in the body;
as a hemostatic agent.

It is not recommended to take in case of: acute infectious and inflammatory processes, severe forms of hypertension and severe atherosclerosis, bleeding, insomnia, increased excitability.
You should not take ginseng tincture in the afternoon.

Release form: alcohol tincture of ginseng root in bottles of 10-30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning before meals in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

Aralia Manchurian.
It grows not only in Manchuria, but also in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. It also grows in China.
The main active ingredients of aralia are glycosides aralosides. To date, the following have been described: araloside A, araloside B, araloside C. It is possible that plants also contain other, not yet described aralosides.
Aralosides have a versatile effect on the human body: they have a general strengthening and tonic effect, activate protein synthesis, and reduce blood sugar due to a significant increase in the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. The intensity of glucose oxidation inside the cell also increases.
Aralia differs from other adaptogen plants in that it has the strongest hypoglycemic effect. It is even used to treat diabetes. Rhizomes with Aralia roots are included in many antidiabetic preparations.
The strong hypoglycemic effect of Manchurian aralia sometimes causes increased appetite. But an increase in appetite does not always lead to weight gain. The increase in general activity and increase in performance reach such an extent that with an increase in the amount of food consumed, the amount of energy consumed also increases. Aralia's ability to increase appetite can be successfully used to treat low appetite in children. Aralia doses are selected individually, adjusted for the child’s lower body weight.
The power of the tonic effect of aralia is higher than that of most adaptogens and is second only to the power of Rhodiola.

Contraindications to taking Manchurian aralia preparations: increased excitability, insomnia, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperkinesis.

Aralia release form: alcohol tincture of aralia root in 50 ml bottles. Take Aralia once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-6 drops. Activating doses: 6-15 drops. The duration of treatment is 15-30 days.

Eleutherococcus senticosus.
Eleutherococcus senticosus grows in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories.
The chemical composition of Eleutherococcus raw materials is quite complex. 7 glycosides-eleutherosides of different compositions were isolated from rhizomes. Eleutherosides have the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. This is due to some of the hypoglycemic effect of Eleutherococcus. The oxidation of fatty acids also increases noticeably. The aglycones (non-carbohydrate part) of these compounds are triterpenes, coumarins, sterols and lignans. Related substances - essential oil, resins, gums, starch, lipids. Coumarin derivatives were found in the stems. Carotenoids, triterpene compounds, oleic acid, alkaloids and flavonoids are found in the leaves. Unlike other Araliaceae, Eleutherococcus does not contain saponins.
The ability of Eleutherococcus to improve color vision is noteworthy. Visual acuity also improves slightly.
Eleutherococcus is considered a drug that improves thermoregulation due to more intense oxidation of glucose and fatty acids.

Eleutherococcus root tincture is prescribed for prophylactic purposes during periods of mass occurrence of acute respiratory diseases. Studies have shown the high preventive activity of Eleutherococcus. The number of colds in the experimental group taking Eleutherococcus decreased by 2 times compared to the control group. It is also prescribed for neuroses, mental illnesses with obsessive states, in the complex treatment of oncological diseases, relieving the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, for poorly healing wounds, diabetes mellitus, severe manifestations of menopause, atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, for chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and mucous membranes lining of the colon.

Eleutherococcus preparations are not recommended at high temperatures, in the acute period of infectious and somatic diseases, and in severe hypertension. High doses of Eleutherococcus extract can cause insomnia, irritability and anxiety in people.

For medical use, an alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus is produced in 50 ml bottles. Inhibitory doses of eleutherococcus: 6-12 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Activating doses: from 15 drops to 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach. Course of treatment 25 - 30 days

Schisandra chinensis.
The name of this plant already indicates where it grows. It grows, however, not only in China, but also in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.
The main active ingredients of lemongrass have now been isolated in their pure form. These are schisandrin, deoxyschisandrin, gamma-schisandrin, schisandrol. The main, most potent substance is schisandrin. There is especially a lot of it in the seeds of lemongrass fruits. All medicines are prepared from the seeds.
A distinctive feature of lemongrass is that it enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system to the greatest extent among other adaptogens. Moreover, the stimulating effect of lemongrass is so strong that it is not inferior in strength to some doping drugs.
In medicine, lemongrass is used to treat nervous depression and general apathy.
Another feature of Schisandra is its ability to increase visual acuity in cases of myopia, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Improvement in visual acuity occurs due to increased sensitivity of the retina to light stimuli.
Schisandra significantly increases the acidity of gastric juice and improves food absorption. Therefore, it can be used to improve digestion during periods of intense muscle gain. Both mental and physical performance under the influence of lemongrass are noticeably increased. It is advisable to use the strong stimulating effect of Schisandra during the competitive period, when the mobilization of all the body's resources is required.

Schisandra is contraindicated in cases of nervous excitement and overexcitation, insomnia, high blood pressure and severe cardiac dysfunction.

The official pharmacopoeia includes an alcohol tincture of lemongrass in 25 ml bottles. The tincture is taken once a day in the morning in a small amount of water.
In order to enhance inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5 - 10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, the selection begins with 10 - 15 drops. Doses are given strictly as a guide. The exact dosage is selected individually, experimentally. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)
Rhodiola rosea is called the golden root not only because its roots have a golden yellow color when cut. It also received this name because its positive effect on the body is extremely strong. In ancient times, Chinese emperors sent special expeditions to Altai for the Golden Root. But China cannot complain about the quantity and quality of medicinal plants, if only because more than half of all adaptogens come from China. There were entire detachments of smugglers who were exclusively engaged in transporting the Golden Root across the border. The root of Rhodiola rosea was considered the greatest value, and its price was many times higher than the price of gold.
Rhodiola rosea grows in Altai, Sayan Mountains, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.
The pharmacological effects of Rhodiola are due to the presence of two main active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodioliside.
In some countries, these substances are isolated in pure form and are available in tablets.
A distinctive feature of Rhodiola from other adaptogens is that it has a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. The contractility of the heart muscle also increases. Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. The glycogen content in the muscles and liver increases. Simultaneously with the intensification of the process of muscle contraction, muscle relaxation also becomes stronger. As a result, muscle performance is restored faster.
In terms of the strength of its general strengthening and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.

Alcohol extract of Rhodiope rosea is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system, for asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, increased fatigue, decreased performance, vegetative-vascular dystonia, in psychiatry, for functional diseases of the nervous system, in the rehabilitation period after somatic and infectious diseases. Under the influence Rhodiola rosea preparations significantly increase attention and performance, improve memory, shorten the latent period of speech reactions by 1-3 seconds, eliminate stereotypical responses, and accelerate the development of conditioned reflexes. In folk medicine, decoction and tincture are used for metro- and menorrhagia, diarrhea, fevers, headaches, scurvy, to relieve fatigue and increase performance, for respiratory infections, for gout (as a diuretic), diabetes, scrofulosis, stomach diseases, anemia , pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseases, toothache, impotence. Externally (poultices, lotions) - for conjunctivitis, abscesses, skin rashes; for lubricating the gums - for pyorrhea. Juice - early cleanser; with jaundice.

Golden root is contraindicated in cases of pronounced symptoms of nervous diseases, depletion of cortical cells, hypertensive crises, and febrile conditions.

Release form: alcohol extract of the root in 30 ml bottles. Take Rhodiola extract once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-5 drops. Activating doses: from 5 to 10 drops. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

All doses indicated are strictly indicative. It is advisable to start taking herbal adaptogens with small doses. When selecting inhibitory and activating dosages, it is necessary to take into account the specific effect of a particular adaptogen on the body.
Under no circumstances should you take adaptogens 2 or 3 times a day. Only a single morning dose fits harmoniously into the human biorhythm.

Adaptogens combine well with any other plants, vitamins, vitamin-like substances and medications. The only group of drugs whose effects adaptogens can weaken are sedatives and hypnotics. Adaptogens taken in activating doses weaken the effect of such drugs. Adaptogens, on the contrary, enhance the effect of nervous system stimulants, such as caffeine and ephedrine.

All these plants have an excellent effect when used externally. These are wonderful remedies for treating oily skin seborrhea and baldness. Tinctures have a normalizing effect on lipid metabolism, which is very important for these diseases. Good results were obtained with simultaneous internal and external use.
Each tincture is taken regularly for 10 days while simultaneously rubbing into the roots of the hair (it is advisable to do this at night). Then it changes to another. Treatment is carried out for one and a half months. 7-10 days after the end of the course, treatment can be repeated again.

In the work on this material, the article by Bulanov Yu.B. “Ginseng and other adaptogens” was used

Plants that enhance immunity and restore vitality include: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Aralia Manchurian and Echinacea purpurea.


Root preparations ginseng trifoliate(Panax trifolius) promote rapid restoration of strength in case of fatigue and reliably protect the body from adverse environmental factors.

People call it the “root of life.” Due to the content of saponins, essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins C, B1, B2 and trace elements, ginseng has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, central nervous system, improves vision and carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus. Please note: ginseng can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

golden root

Rhodiola rosea(Rhodíola rósea) at the break of the rhizome has a lemon-yellow color, which is why it is called the “golden root”.

Rhodiola preparations containing anthraglycosides and flavonoids are used for increased fatigue and are recommended for children who have had infectious and somatic diseases, patients with functional diseases of the nervous system, as well as healthy people with decreased performance and asthenia.

Even a single dose of Rhodiola rosea preparations increases the body's resistance.

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Schisandra chinensis(Schisándra chinénsis) has been known for a long time as a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have a strong lemon smell, contain citric, malic, oleic and other acids, dyes, and the seeds contain vitamins C and E. The seeds are often used for medicinal purposes, and the fruits less often.

An alcoholic tincture of lemongrass seeds has a stimulating and tonic effect and is used for asthenic, psychological and depressive conditions, improves general well-being, appetite, sleep, increases mental and physical performance, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Treats cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder, hypotension, cardioneurosis, wounds and trophic ulcers. Schisandra is contraindicated for nervous excitement, insomnia, and cardiac disorders. Like all tonics, it should not be taken at night. In case of overdose, overexcitation and allergic manifestations may occur.


Eleutherococcus senticosus(Eleutherococcus senticósus) is a valuable medicinal plant. The plant is also popularly called wild pepper. Roots and rhizomes containing glycosides, alkaloids, fatty oils and flavonoids, as well as starch are used as raw materials.

Eleutherococcus preparations have a stimulating and strengthening effect, helping to increase the vital volume of the lungs, body weight, vitality, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In the postoperative period, taking Eleutherococcus helps to quickly restore the protein composition of the blood plasma and accelerates tissue healing, and also helps to lower the concentration of sugar in the blood and speed up recovery.


Aralia Manchurian ( Aralia mandshurica) is popularly called the “thorn tree”, “devil’s tree” for its unusual appearance and decorativeness.

A valuable medicinal raw material is the root, which contains triterpene saponins (arolazides A, B, C), aralin alkaloid, essential oil and resins. Used as a tonic, identical to ginseng.


In ancient times, the American Indians used echinacea purpurea(Echinacea purpúrea) as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antiseptic and tonic. Both roots and flowers, leaves and fruits of the plant containing essential oil and the alkaloid echinacin were used.

Echinacea in most cases does not cause side effects or complications, but its preparations should be used with caution by hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

In the hard-to-reach mountainous regions of Scandinavia, Altai, Pamir, Tien Shan, in the Balkans, in the foothills of the Carpathians, in the Far North of the European part of Russia, the Urals, in the Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains, Tuva, Transbaikalia, and in the subpolar zone, the legendary medicinal plant grows - Rhodiola Rosea (Golden Root).


Rhodiola rosea has been known in medicine for more than 2 thousand years. The plant was first described in the 1st century AD. doctor Dioscorides. For many centuries, this plant was considered the highest value and was used in folk medicine to improve health and maintain active longevity. Chinese emperors and Altai hunters, Scandinavian Vikings and shepherds in the Pamirs drank special tea from Rhodiola rosea. The rhizomes of the plant were highly valued by the ancient Greeks. The power of the golden root was well known to the inhabitants of Altai, where it grew in large quantities. The fame of this plant also reached the Chinese emperors, who for several centuries in a row went on campaigns to Altai just for the sake of this valuable rhizome, and equipped special expeditions to search for the golden root. It was secretly transported across the border by smugglers as the greatest value; its price was many times higher than the price of gold, and if a root was found on someone, they were executed without delay. Legends were created around the Golden Root, one more colorful than the other. One ancient Altai legend says:

“Whoever finds the Golden Root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days, and will live for two centuries. However, whoever digs up this root for personal gain or buys it from a selfish person will fall into poverty.”.

The indigenous population of Altai carefully hid the places where the plant grew; the mountain residents did not show it to anyone. The methods of using this plant were surrounded by mystery, which was passed down from father to son, and sometimes went to the grave with the owner. And it never occurred to any of the strangers that the same Rhodiola rosea that grew around was the legendary plant - golden root. This thought did not occur to numerous scientific expeditions setting off in search of the mysterious root; they returned with nothing. Not knowing what the plant looked like, botanists passed by it.

An interesting paradox: in the East, Rhodiola rosea was considered the most valuable plant for centuries, and at the same time in the West it was used as a dye.

In 1961, an expedition led by Professor G.V. Krylov found the golden root in the Altai taiga at an altitude of 3000 m. Then it was found that the legendary golden root and the well-known Rhodiola rosea, which scientists had long known, were the same plant.

After scientists identified Rhodiola rosea with golden root, extensive research and study of the effects of its preparations on humans began; they were carried out mainly at the Tomsk Medical Institute and the Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Research on Rhodiola rosea has shown that it is simply a storehouse of useful substances. The roots of the plant contain essential oil, tannins, more than 20 valuable microelements (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, antimony, etc.), ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Rhodiola leaves and stems contain malic and tartaric acids. The main biologically active substances on which the specific properties of Rhodiola rosea depend are salidroside and tirazole. The stimulating properties of Rhodiola rosea preparations have been proven by animal experiments and clinical observations.

Olaf Leillinger

It is known that golden root is the most powerful adaptogen, a stimulant of the central nervous system. In this respect, it is superior to ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, lemongrass, and leuzea. Like all herbal stimulants, they are low-toxic, have a wide range of therapeutic applications, and the absence of negative consequences, in particular addiction to them.

The beginning of extensive research into the golden root, when the “secret” of this legendary plant was revealed to people, coincides with the beginning of the mass procurement of precious raw materials. At that time, the Altai Mountains were gripped by a real “gold rush”. Previously, the thickets of Rhodiola rosea in our country were very significant. However, unorganized and haphazard collections, often simply the barbaric destruction of this plant, have led to the fact that natural reserves have greatly decreased or even disappeared completely in some regions, especially in Altai. In order for natural plantations of Rhodiola rosea to be restored, the frequency of harvesting in the same areas must be at least 20 years, with the mandatory preservation of 40 percent of individuals. In Russia, the plant has been introduced into cultivation, but production plantations have not yet been created.

Now Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book as a rare and endangered species.



Genus Rhodiola ( Rhodiola) has about 60 species. The scientific species name for the plant was given by Carl Linnaeus in 1755 - it is a diminutive of the Greek “rhodon” or “rhodia”, the Latin “roseus” - rose, pink, small rose - due to the smell of freshly broken rhizomes, reminiscent of the aroma of a rose.

Rhodiola rosea is a widespread and very polymorphic species, i.e. The morphological characters of this plant vary greatly in different habitats. This concerns primarily the number and density of branches, the arrangement of leaves, their shape and size, the serration of their edges, the size and shape of the inflorescences. Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous succulent dioecious plant from the Crassulaceae family. It has a thick, short tuberous rhizome with a large number of renewal buds. The rhizome resembles a human hand with five bent fingers; it is located almost on the surface of the soil, and tail-shaped roots go deep. The brownish rhizome is covered with scale-like leaves the color of old gilding with a peculiar pearlescent (metallic) sheen. The popular name “golden root” comes from this color. The stems are erect, not branched, 10-60 cm high. There are 10-15 stems on one rhizome; young plants usually have 1-2 shoots. The leaves, like all Crassulaceae, are sessile, juicy, fleshy, oblong-ovate, serrated and pointed at the end. The flowers are unisexual yellow, collected in a dense corymbose inflorescence. Male and female flowers are located on different bushes; male flowers are brighter and more noticeable; female flowers often remain green even during flowering. The fruits are oblong leaflets of red or green color, 6-8 mm long. The seeds are very small and light (up to 2 mm).


Use in decorative floriculture

Although rhodiola is mostly associated with the pharmacy, many gardeners grow it as an ornamental plant. On the site, it looks good on a rocky hill, among stones in a rock garden; its golden inflorescences go well with blue muscari. The decorative advantages of the plant include early regrowth, immediately after the snow melts, in June it already blooms, the seeds ripen in August-September. With good watering, the bushes remain green until autumn. If moisture is insufficient, then after fruiting the above-ground part of the plant dies.

Recently, due to the passion for Rhodiola, many amateur gardeners obtain planting material from markets and from friends. And instead of Rhodiola, they often come across other plants of the same family. It would be good if it turns out to be another type of Rhodiola, but much more often you come across two types of sedum instead. Surviving sedum (sedum) is especially often grown, and hybrid sedum is less common. Sedums have flowers with 5 petals, which distinguishes them well from Rhodiola, which has 4 petals. But usually seedlings are bought in spring or autumn, when there are no flowers. How to distinguish these plants? Pay attention to the roots. Both types of sedum have a powerful root, shaped like a carrot, often forked and branched, with conical roots pointing downward. Even in a very small, one-year-old sedum plant, this “carrot” is clearly visible. The color of the rhizome is light, the cork is matte without shine, often with darker specks. In Rhodiola, the bulk of the rhizome is located horizontally and the roots extend from this rhizome. A one-year-old seedling has an almost spherical “tuber” at the bottom, the size of a small pea. Older rhizomes develop a characteristic “golden” shine, especially noticeable on a damp surface.


Choosing a location on the site

Full sun with constantly drying soil is contraindicated for Rhodiola rosea. It prefers abundant flowing moisture and a large amount of organic matter in the soil. Therefore, before planting, add 2-3 buckets of compost or rotted manure per 1 sq.m. If the soil is heavy and clayey, add sand (up to 10 kg per 1 sq.m.). The reaction of the soil environment should be slightly acidic or neutral. It is not recommended to allocate an area for Rhodiola after potatoes and cabbage. Rhodiola rosea is less demanding of light and heat.


Rhodiola rosea is propagated vegetatively and by sowing seeds.

When propagating Rhodiola from seeds, there is a secret, without knowing which it cannot be grown: the seeds of the plant are in a state of deep dormancy. To get out of this state they need stratification; unstratified seeds have very low germination or do not germinate at all. Sow the seeds before winter in boxes or pots at least 10 cm deep (to ensure sufficient nutrition for the seedlings in the future). The seeds are very small, so it is better to mix them with sand before sowing. Surface sowing, without seeding (roll only) at the rate of 0.1-0.2 g of seeds per 1 sq.m. Take the crops to the balcony or plot. Bury the boxes or pots on the site flush with the soil, cover them with film on top, this will prevent the seeds from being washed away during the snow melting and from birds. If you bought the seeds in winter, then do the same, but in this case, bury the pots in the snow. In this form they will overwinter, or rather undergo stratification. Well, if all these troubles are impossible for you, then you can carry out stratification in the refrigerator for at least 1.5 months: you need to wrap the seeds in cotton cloth or gauze, moisten them, put them in a bowl and put them in the refrigerator (the cloth should always remain damp ), but when grown at home, seedlings suffer greatly from blackleg, so the use of fungicides is indispensable. Under room conditions, seeds germinate at a temperature of 15-20 degrees.

Finn Rindahl

Shoots will appear in the spring. They will be sparse, but quite sufficient to create your own golden root plantation. Sowing seeds in boxes makes it possible not to lose tiny and weak seedlings, it will be convenient to weed them there and take care of them; leave them like that, in pots buried in the ground, until next spring. The first year the seedlings develop very slowly. In summer, you need to make sure that the soil in boxes or pots does not dry out, because... in them this happens especially quickly; the seedlings will not tolerate this and will die immediately. It is also better to bury those pots or boxes that have not been buried in the ground since the fall, flush with the ground in the spring. Choose a sunny place for the seedlings, but with obligatory shading during the hottest hours, because in extreme heat, when the soil temperature rises above 30 degrees, the seedlings also die.

In the second spring, the plants are transplanted to a permanent place, in a garden bed or flower garden, at a distance of 60-70 cm between rows and 30-40 cm between plants in a row. When the plants reach a height of 4-6 cm, the first fertilizing is done with a solution of bird droppings (1:20) with half a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate added to a bucket. After watering, mulching is mandatory. During the entire growing season, 4-5 of the above-mentioned feedings are carried out. The last one, phosphorus-potassium, is done at the end of August - beginning of September, dissolving 1.5 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. This feeding has a beneficial effect on the overwintering of plants. In winter, Rhodiola rosea plantings are mulched with a 1 cm layer of peat. Plants grown from seeds will bloom within 2-3 years. Over the course of several years (5-6), your first harvest will gain strength. Then the plants can be propagated vegetatively. Please take into account that with age, the roots of Rhodiola seem to come to the surface of the soil, so you have to periodically sprinkle them with nutritious soil or hill them up.

If you decide to collect seeds from your own bushes, you must remember that Rhodiola is a dioecious plant. Therefore, if you once purchased one specimen and propagated it vegetatively, you will end up with either only female or only male plants, and, of course, no seeds.

It is convenient to combine vegetative propagation of Rhodiola with digging up medicinal raw materials: cut off the upper part of the roots with 2-3 renewal buds and plant them in a previously prepared area in grooves 15 cm deep, with large rhizomes divided into several parts, at least 5-10 cm long. Before planting, it is useful to sprinkle the cuttings with crushed coal and dry them slightly - this way they will certainly not rot. It is very important - when planting root segments - not to bury them more than 1 - 1.5 cm; renewal buds should remain on the surface. Rhodiola can be planted both in spring and late autumn. With vegetative propagation, raw materials can be dug up every 1-2 years, but in order to harvest so often, you need to have bushes of different ages on the site, so new plants must be planted every year.


Diseases and pests

Bergenia weevil, sedum weevil.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

The optimal time to start harvesting roots is August-September, when the female plants are in the fruiting phase (when harvesting raw materials in natural conditions, this is very important, because seed shedding occurs, which ensures the subsequent resumption of natural thickets). Dig out large plants with roots with a shovel. The rhizomes are shaken off the ground, washed in running water, and cleaned of old brown plugs and rotten parts. Dry in the shade, cut lengthwise and dry in a dryer or oven with the door ajar at 50-60 degrees. It cannot be dried in the sun. The color of the dried roots is golden, and in the cut areas it is white, pinkish or light brown, but not brown. The smell is specific, somewhat reminiscent of a rose. Store dried roots in linen bags or paper bags in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life 3 years.

When procuring raw materials in natural thickets, do not dig up the rhizomes completely, leave part of the roots in the ground.

Opiola Jerzy

Healing properties of Rhodiola rosea

Everything useful is concentrated in the rhizome along with the roots. If in official medicine Rhodiola rosea is used mainly as an adaptogenic and stimulating agent, then folk herbal medicine finds use for the plant for a wide variety of diseases: gastrointestinal, liver, anemia, impotence. In practically healthy people, golden root preparations increase performance during physical and mental fatigue, normalize metabolic processes, as they contribute to the economical use of energy resources, improve memory and attention, and activate the function of the thyroid gland.

How to use at home

The root is used at home mainly in the form of vodka or water tincture and tea drink. The drink made from golden root has excellent taste, its aroma is very subtle, pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of a rose. The taste is slightly astringent, and the color varies from pinkish-brown to deep purple.

Golden root tea, unlike drinks made from other plants, has a very strong effect that stimulates the central nervous system. In this regard, it will probably not be inferior to, or even surpass, caffeine containing tea (Ceylon, Georgian, Indian) and coffee, so it should be taken only when necessary, and not daily. To prepare the drink, take one teaspoon of crushed root per liter of water, boil for 7-10 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes and drink 2-3 glasses a day, adding sugar or honey to taste.


Golden root tea with the addition of the following medicinal plants is very popular: bergenia (black leaves), strawberry leaves, blackberries, raspberries and black currants; St. John's wort flowers, fruticose cinquefoil, thyme herb, taken in equal quantities.

  • Leave two or three tablespoons of dry herbal mixture in 1 liter of boiling water for 1 hour, add honey or sugar to taste.

Tea has tonic properties and restores impaired metabolism in the body. It is good to drink during heavy physical or mental work, for colds, gastrointestinal disorders and other painful conditions of the body. The tonic non-alcoholic drink “Golden Altai” is obtained from the golden root. Or “SEV-Cola,” which surpasses the world-famous Coca-Cola in its properties.

It is not recommended to drink either tincture or tea every day. Do not forget that the body’s forces are not endless and cannot be constantly stimulated. It is better to take stimulant drugs in cases where it is necessary to maintain body tone, but after just five days of constant use they can begin to have the opposite effect, so every five days you need to take a break for a week. Also, Rhodiola root preparations should not be used if you have high blood pressure or temperature, or in cases where you experience strong emotional arousal: the emotions will only intensify, and the drug will not benefit you. Here we need to remember that emotions take a lot of energy. Therefore, when you feel “squeezed like a lemon” from worries, lie down and sleep for an hour or two, and when you wake up, take a few drops of tincture or refresh yourself with freshly brewed golden root tea. To avoid sleep disorders, Rhodiola rosea preparations should not be taken later, than 4-5 hours before bedtime.

The golden root is ready to come to the rescue of both healthy and sick people, giving them high performance and good mood, helping them escape from illness and fatigue. He is ready to be friends with everyone.