Magic rosehip. Competition for the best song of each fairy tale character; Introduce children to theatrical professions Scenario of the fairy tale magic rosehip middle group

Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Middle group

Scenario on an autumn theme for the middle group

Historical reference

On October 1, the rosehip harvest began. The cranes flew to warm countries. They shouted at them to come back: “The road is by wheel!” We noticed that if cranes fly to Arina, then there will be the first frost on Pokrov.


Presenter (adult).

Adult Operated Toys:


Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli!

The cranes are flying away.

How they flew -

All the people were watching.

Landed to rest

And the guys are right here:

- Tell me a story,

And then fly.

And the cranes told the children a fairy tale like this.

Like grandma's goat,

Varvarushka has gray hair,

What a smart guy he was:

I walked on water myself,

I cooked the porridge myself,

He also fed his grandmother.

The Goat appears on the screen.


The goat went out for a walk,

Stretch your legs.

The goat is knocking its legs,

Screams like a goat.


Well, grandma Varvarushka

Loved the goat

I baked pies, pancakes,

I cooked porridge for him.

Grandmother appears on the screen with a sieve.


Ay, tata, tata, tata,

Please sow the flour sieve,

Start some pies.

And for our sweetie, let's make pancakes.

Russian folk song "Ladushki"


Spring and summer have passed,

Autumn has come

There is no sun in the sky,

The cloud hid him.

Song about autumn (optional)


The autumn rain pours and pours,

It's cold outside.


Don't go to the garden

Grandma, you'll catch a cold.


But Varvarushka is gray

So naughty -

She went to the garden

For cabbage for the goat.

Grandmother(goes out of the house and returns with a head of cabbage)

Oh, I'm frozen! I'm sick!

Oh, trouble, trouble has come!


Oh, you, grandma,

You, Varvarushka!

Hurry up and climb onto the stove

Warm your bones!

I'll go into the thick forest,

I'll find some medicinal herbs.

Grandmother goes into the house.

The goat goes into the forest.


How did our goat go?

Yes, according to the fir tree,

Along the frequent birch tree,

What a bitter aspen tree.

Like a bunny running towards a goat,

The gray one is running,

The little one is running.

A Bunny appears on the screen.


I'm already a bunny

I'm too small

I'm already walking through the forest,

I'm looking for food for myself.

Song “A Bunny in the Garden” by V. Karaseva


And why are you, you goat,

Has autumn come to the forest?


Grandma got sick

Grandma Varvarushka.

She coughs and sneezes.


I know how to help you.

Follow the path into the forest

And you will find the rosehip:

Little red berries

On thorny bushes.

Berries for health

You won't find anything better.


Thank you, bunny,

For the tip, little one!



Maybe we'll meet again someday!


How did our goat go?

Yes, according to the fir tree,

Along the frequent birch tree,

What a bitter aspen tree.

How to meet a goat

The little fox is running

The red-haired girl is running.

The Fox appears on the screen.


I'm a little fox

I'm already a redhead

I'm already walking through the forest,

I'm looking for food for myself.


You, fox, don't eat me,

Better listen to the song!

Russian folk joke song “Chiki-chiki, chikalochki”


Oh, how wonderfully you sang

For me, foxes, a song!

Come to the forest again

I will dance for you.

(Dances, hums, bows and leaves.)


How did our goat go?

Yes, according to the fir tree,

Along the frequent birch tree,

What a bitter aspen tree.

How to meet a goat

The target is coming



A Bear appears on the screen.


I’m already a club-footed target,

I’m already a fat-faced target,

I'm already walking through the forest,

I'm looking for food for myself.


Guys, help me,

Protect from the bear!


Clap your hands loudly!

Stomp your feet together!

Musical and didactic game “Quiet-loud” by E. Tilicheeva


Oh, how loud you knocked

They scared me, little bear.

Good help for the goat.

I'm going to my den.


How our goat went through the spruce tree,

Along the frequent birch tree,

What a bitter aspen tree.

How to meet a goat

The gray wolf is coming -

Padded side.

A Wolf appears on the screen.


I'm already a beast,

Gray wolf is my name.

I am already your death,

I'll eat you!


Guys, help me,

Save me from the gray wolf!

Children click their tongues (“hunters are jumping”), bark (“dogs are running”), shout “Bang-bang!” (“hunters shoot”) The wolf frightenedly rushes around the stage and runs away.


Our goat entered the dense forest

And I found a rosehip bush there.

I collected red berries,

I ran to my grandmother.

Goat(runs up to the house with a basket of berries)

Oh you, grandma,

You, Varvarushka,

Open the gates

Take the goat!

Grandma leaves the house.


Rosehip goat

I brewed delicious tea,

Got grandma drunk.


Be healthy, grandma,

Grandma Varvarushka!

Grandma is completely healthy

He's busy around the house again.


Thank you, my dear goat,

That I found berries in the forest.

Leading. Grandma recovered. And the medicinal rose hips helped her recover.

This is where the fairy tale ends,

And whoever listened - well done!

Grandmother and Goat are dancing. Children clap their hands.


The cranes told a tale,

We flew again to the ends of the earth.

Elena Sitnikova
"Magic Rosehip" Dramatization based on Russian folk tales


Dramatization based on Russian folk tales.

(for children of senior and preparatory school groups).


Educational. Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key based on words that characterize a character in a fairy tale.

Developmental. To develop expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions and movements in children. Cultivate interest in theatrical and song-creative activities.


Lead Swallow Bumblebee

Alenka Daisy Bear

Raven Cornflower Grandmother

Behind the mountains, behind the valleys, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Winter came. The grandmother cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and her granddaughter sewed.


I'm the girl Alenka,

I sing songs loudly.


I embroider flowers

I look at the sun.

For my beloved grandmother

I'll sew a handkerchief.


They lived, did not grieve, but only the grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. She felt sorry for her grandmother, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor, and he said that only an infusion of rose hips could cure her grandmother.

And Alenka was a little girl, she didn’t know that rosehips are harvested in the fall. Alenka dressed warmly and went in search of rose hips. I was walking through the winter forest, tired, and couldn’t find rose hips anywhere. She sat down on a tree stump and cried. A raven flew past.

Crow(sings, composing a melody).


I am a black raven.

I fly everywhere

I know everything about everyone


Presenter. The raven saw the girl and asked...

Crow. Hello girl! Why are you crying so bitterly?

Alenka. I'm looking for rose hips to cure my grandmother!

Crow. Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be harvested in the fall?

Presenter. Alenka cried even louder.


Don't cry, Alyonushka, I will help you. Take my feather. It is not simple, but magical. Wave right, wave left, turn around and say the magic words: “One, two, three - feather, fly.”


I'll turn right, left,

One, two, three, feather, fly.


The feather began to spin and fly, and when it landed on the ground, the snow began to melt and streams began to flow. There was a whiff of spring all around.

The play “April” (fragment) by P. I. Tchaikovsky is playing.

Presenter. Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for rosehip, but cannot find it.

Winter has passed

The snow is still there

But already home

The swallow is in a hurry.

Martin(sings, improvising a melody).

On my way

Mountains and forests.

How I love you

Spring beauty.

Hello girl.

Alenka. Hello, swallow. Help me find rose hips for my grandmother.

Martin. Alenka, it’s spring now, the rose hips are just starting to appear green leaves. You need to wait for autumn. (Flies away.)

Presenter. Then Alenka remembered about her magic pen.


The feather began to spin, flew quickly, and when it landed on the ground, Alenka saw: the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming in the clearing. Two flowers, Chamomile and Cornflower, are sitting in a clearing and singing a song (the children come up with the melody).

Chamomile. We are meadow flowers.

Cornflower. Everyone knows us very well...

Chamomile. I am a daisy. Bela,

Both elegant and modest.

Cornflower. Well, I'm a cornflower,

The best flower. (humming, twirling.)

Presenter. And at this time the bumblebee flies and everything buzzes, buzzes, buzzes.

The bumblebee is heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day,

He didn't just fly

He counted flowers in the garden

He grumbled...

Bumblebee(sings, improvising a melody).

It's hard work!

After all, there is no count of flowers in the garden!

(E. Feyerabend)

Presenter. Alyonushka comes up to the flowers and says...

Alenka. Hello, meadow flowers and you, uncle bumblebee. Have you seen where the rosehip bush grows?

Bumblebee. I flew everywhere and saw rose hips. But there are flowers on it now, but I haven’t seen any fruit.

Chamomile. Don’t you know, Alyonushka, that fruits ripen in the fall?

Bumblebee, the flowers are leaving.

Presenter. The girl remembered about the feather and became cheerful.

Alenka says the magic words.


So the leaves turned yellow.

The breeze whirled them around

They rose and flew,

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Alyonushka sees a bear walking through the forest.

Bear(sings, improvising a melody).

Stop being shy

Come to visit!

The path to me is not long,

I'll treat you to raspberries!

Hello, Alyonushka!

Alenka. Hello, little darling! Tell me, have you seen a rosehip bush?

Bear. Come on, I'll take you to him.

They approach the rosehip bush.

Bear. And here is that same rosehip.

Alenka pricked herself on a rose hip.

Alenka. Oh-oh-oh, how can I pick his berries?

Bear. Guess my riddle and you will get berries. “It’s worth the thorn. Whoever approaches will be stabbed.”

Alenka. Rose hip.

Bear. Well done! And here are the rose hips for you.

Alenka. Thank you, little darling!

Presenter. Alenka was delighted, waved her magic feather and found herself at her grandmother’s house. The granddaughter made tea from rose hips for her grandmother, gave her some tea, and the grandmother recovered. Alyonushka told her about her journey. They invited everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.

Grandmother. Come, dear guests, I will treat you to tea!

The guests come out and bow.

Presenter. And now grandma and Alyonushka will treat all guests and spectators to delicious tea.

Publications on the topic:

“Spiritual and moral ideals of Russian folk tales” Preschool childhood is the most important period in the moral development of the individual. Spiritual and moral education occurs thanks to purposeful.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social - communicative, physical. Target:.

I invite you to take a journey into the world of “Snow Tale”. A fairy tale is an integral part of childhood, which opens up a whole world for a child.

Summary of the final lesson in the senior group “Journey to the country of favorite Russian folk tales” Final lesson in the senior group Topic: “Journey to the country of favorite Russian folk tales” Purpose: To summarize the knowledge of children. Software tasks:.

GCD for the development of coherent speech through reading Russian folk tales with elements of modeling and dramatization Krasnova Ulyana Grigorievna, teacher Topic: “Telling Russian folk tales using the modeling method” Program content:.

This script for the theatrical and musical production "The Magic Berry - Rosehip" was compiled "at a moment's notice" about 10 years ago. As a basis, maybe someone will find it useful for the autumn holidays. Children enter the hall. They perform the song “Autumn in the Forest.” Presenter: In one village, in a small hut, there lived a grandmother - an old woman and her laughing granddaughter Alyonushka. The grandmother and granddaughter lived, did not grieve, but only one day the grandmother got sick. Alyonushka: Oh, if only I knew what herb to treat my grandmother with! I would go to the field, to the forest, and pick up this grass. Presenter: Alyonushka, don’t be upset, maybe the guys will help you, tell you what plants they know. (Children prompt) Alyonushka: They named a lot of plants, but I still don’t know which one to take. Heron: I’m very glad to see you, - We need to get acquainted. 3 frog: Oh, save yourself, whoever the Heron will eat us all! Trouble! Alyonushka (runs out): Heron, dear, wait, don’t touch the little frogs. Alyonushka: What a wonderful and funny song. The Fox and the Hare come out. Fox: Alyonushka, look how many rose hips we picked. Alyonushka: Thank you little animals for your help, and now I’ll run home to treat my grandmother. (Leaves). Presenter: That’s the end of the fairy tale, and Alyonushka is great.

Scenario of a theatrical performance based on Russian folk tales “The Magic Rosehip” for the middle group
Subject (focus): dramatization
Age of children: middle group – children 4-5 years old
Venue: music hall.
Methodological tasks:
Cultivate interest in theatrical and song-creative activities. To develop children's emotional perception of musical and theatrical play.
Develop communication skills, the desire to take part in the dramatization of a fairy tale, and overcome the fear of going on stage.
Activate creative imagination in the process of perceiving music and the plot of a fairy tale. Bring children to understand that fairy tales sound more interesting and emotionally richer with music.
Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key based on words that characterize a character in a fairy tale.
Learn to find expressive means in facial expressions, gestures, intonations and movements.
Accumulate and enrich children's vocabulary and their musical impressions.
To form in children an understanding of friendship and an understanding that in trouble a friend comes to the aid of a friend.
Preliminary work:
To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the origin of Russian folk tales, to introduce them to the work “The Magic Rosehip” by the method of “entering a fairy tale”;
Tell the beginning of the fairy tale, invite the children to come up with its continuation;
Have a conversation about the character of each hero of the fairy tale, ask what other heroes can be added to this work, who can be replaced with other heroes;
Hold a competition for the best song for each character in the fairy tale;
Introduce children to theatrical professions.
Invite children to choose actors and understudies for a fairy tale;
Prepare appropriate costumes and decorations with the children.
Grandmother-storyteller - teacher
A dancing group
Children enter the hall to the music of “Hymn of Friendship.”
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know, name some of them?
Today I invite you to play theater and show our guests the fairy tale “The Magic Rosehip.” Who will be our guests? (spectators) And we will be... (artists). Who else were you and I when we were preparing to show the fairy tale? (we painted the scenery and were decorators)
Our artists are ready, the audience in the hall is also ready, and I will be a grandmother - a storyteller. (Puts a scarf and shawl on her shoulders) Artists, go backstage (the children leave), the audience support the artists with applause, otherwise they are very worried. I guess I'll start...
“Hello, good people! Let me take a break from the journey. (children offer a chair). I was not far and not close, I saw not much and not little, I heard fairy tales both old and new... Listen to one of them...
“Behind the mountains, behind the forests, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Winter came, the grandmother cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and her granddaughter embroidered...”
Alyonushka (sings, improvising a melody). I am the girl Alyonka,
I sing songs loudly.
I sing songs loudly.
I embroider flowers
I look at the sun.
For my beloved grandmother
I'll sew a handkerchief.
Grandmother - storyteller:
“They lived, did not grieve, but only my grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. It's a pity for grandma, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor,
Doctor: Your grandmother is very sick.
Bed rest
Let her comply.
Here's a simple recipe for you,
She can only be cured
Fruit infusion
Magic rosehip!
Grandmother-storyteller: So, that means, to cure your grandmother you need an infusion of rose hips.
And Alyonushka was a little girl, she didn’t know that rosehips are harvested in the fall. Alyonushka dressed warmly and went in search of rose hips in the forest. She walks through the winter forest, but cannot find rose hips anywhere. Alyonushka walked through the forest for a long time, got tired, and sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the forest is quiet, only snowflakes are merrily swirling in the air.
Dance of snowflakes, at the end the snowflakes sit around Alyonushka.
Alyonushka was sitting, admiring the wonderful dance of snowflakes, but then she remembered that her sick grandmother was waiting for her at home, and she began to cry. Bunny ran past.
Bunny: (Singing). I'm a little Bunny
I'm jumping, jumping, jumping
I'm white and that means
I can't be seen in the snow
La, la, la, I sing songs -2
Bunny: Oh, girl! (hides behind a tree) She’s crying, did the wolf offend her? Hello girl! Why are you crying so bitterly?
Alenka: I’m looking for rose hips to cure my grandmother!
Bunny: Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be harvested in the fall?
Alyonushka (crying): What should I do? How to cure grandma?
Bunny: Don’t cry, Alyonushka, I’ll help you. Take this wonderful snowflake. It is not simple, but magical. Swing right, swing left, turn around and say the magic words: “One, two, three - snowflake fly.”
Alenka: Thank you, Bunny! (The bunny runs away with the words: Good luck to you, Alyonushka) Right, left, circle
One, two, three, snowflake, fly.
Grandmother - story: The snowflake began to spin, flew, and when it sat on the ground, the snow suddenly began to melt, streams began to run. There's a whiff of spring all around!
Grieg's “morning” is fulfilled, snowflakes run away in a stream.
Grandmother - storyteller: Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for rosehip, but cannot find it.
Winter has passed
The snow is still there
But already home
The swallow is in a hurry.
Swallow: (sings, improvising a melody). On my way
Mountains and forests
How I love you
Beautiful spring.
Hello girl!
Alyonushka: Hello, swallow. Please help me find rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Swallow: Alyonushka, it’s spring, the rose hips are just beginning to appear green leaves. You have to wait until the fall. (Alyonushka is crying) Don’t cry, Alyonushka, I will help you. Here’s my feather for you - throw it up and say the magic words “fly, feather, fly, brighter, sunshine, shine!” »
Alyonushka: Thank you, Swallow!
Swallow (flies away): Good luck, Alyonushka!
Alyonushka throws a feather and says the magic words.
Grandmother's story: the feather flew away, and Alenka suddenly saw that the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, and flowers were blooming in the meadow.
. More noticeable every day
The summer sun is warming.
In the field and in the forest
The flowers have bloomed
White chamomile,
Pink porridge.
Buttercup is a yellow flower,
Blue cornflower.
10 flowers run out and stand behind Chamomile and Cornflower
Dance "Flowers"
Grandmother - storyteller:
And here comes the bee
It itches, itches, itches.
Indispensable in the garden
Sings while dancing on the fly.
Bee: Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,
I'm flying through the forest
I'm collecting nectar
So that young and old eat honey
(sings, improvising a melody, stops and speaks) Oh, my work is difficult!
After all, there is no count of flowers in the garden.
Grandmother - storyteller: Alyonushka comes up to the flowers and says...
Alyonushka: Hello, meadow flowers and hello you bee. Please help me find rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Chamomile: We are meadow flowers
Vasilek: Everyone knows us very well.
Chamomile: I am a white chamomile,
Elegant and bold.
Cornflower: Well, I, cornflower,
The best flower.
Bee: I flew everywhere, and I met rose hips. But there are flowers on it, but I haven’t seen any fruit.
Cornflower: Don’t you know Alyonushka that fruits ripen only in autumn?
(Alyonushka is crying again.) Chamomile: Don’t cry, Alyonushka. Here's my little white petal, it's not simple - it's magical. Throw it and say: Petal, fly up quickly and make your wishes come true!
(Alenka says magic words). Grandmother - storyteller: (scattering autumn leaves throughout the hall)
The leaves have turned yellow
The breeze whirled them around
They rose and flew,
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
Alyonushka sees a bear walking through the forest.
Bear: (sings, improvising melodies). Stop being shy
Come to visit!
The path to me is not long,
I'll treat you to raspberries!
Hello Alyonushka!
Alenka: Hello, Mishenka! Please help me find rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Bear: Here it is, rosehip!
(Alenka runs up to the bush and tries to pick the fruits)
Alenka: Oh-oh-oh, I pricked myself! How can I pick its berries?
Bear: Guess my riddle and you will get berries. “The thorn stands there like a fierce one. Whoever comes up will prick him
And whoever gets sick will be able to cure him.”
Alenka: Rosehip!
Bear: Well done! And here are the rose hips for you.
(Hands over a basket of rose hips)
Alenka: Thank you, Mishenka!
Grandmother - storyteller: As soon as Alenka thanked the bear, she immediately found herself at her grandmother’s house. The granddaughter made tea from rose hips for her grandmother, gave her some tea, and the grandmother recovered.
Alyonushka told her about her journey. They invited everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.
Grandmother: Come in, dear guests, I’ll treat you to tea!
(Guests come out to a song about friendship, sing along and bow). Next, a musical and didactic game “Think and Guess” is played. The teacher asks questions about the fairy tale to the audience, the audience answers the questions and thus the performance of the artists takes place.
Questions for the musical and didactic game “Think and Guess”
1. Flies around the meadow, collects nectar. Who is this?
(that's right, bee! The role of the bee was played by Sabina Fedoroshina - Sabina comes forward and bows)
2. Which of the fairy tale heroes appeared to this melody? (bunny tune sounds)
3. There is still snow, but she is already in a hurry to go home. Who are we talking about?
4. Who appeared on stage to this tune? (the backing track of the song “Freckles” is played, to which the flowers danced)
5. If suddenly there is a fever, if suddenly there is an illness,
He rushes to help people
Like your very best friend. (doctor)
6. Who came to Alenka’s aid to this melody? (bear music sounds)
7. Knits mittens, cooks pies,
He will tell you a fairy tale and calm you down with a song. Who is this?
8 Name what time of year comes in the fairy tale to this wonderful melody? (Grieg’s “Morning” sounds. Spring is coming)9. He embroiders handkerchiefs, sings songs,
She walks alone through the forest with a basket. Who are we talking about?
10. Listen and name who this melody sounded for? (sounds “Waltz of Snowflakes”)
11. What is this song about? ("Hymn to Friendship" sounds)
- Well done boys! I hope that you, too, will be friendly children and will always be ready to help each other.

Summary of GCD in the middle group "Magic Rosehip".

Tasks: To develop expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions and movements in children.
Cultivate interest in theatrical and song-creative activities.
Granddaughter Alenka
Granddaughter Mashenka
Bear Presenter:
Behind the mountains, behind the valleys, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughters Alyonushka and Mashenka. Grandma cooked delicious pies and knitted beautiful carpets.
They sang songs, played on spoons, and drank tea from a samovar.


I'm the girl Alenka,
I sing songs loudly.
La la la la.
I embroider flowers
I look at the sun.
For my beloved grandmother
I am embroidering a handkerchief
Yes, I sing songs loudly.
Cold winter has arrived.
They lived without grieving, but only their grandmother fell ill.
The granddaughters were scared.
Mashenka called the doctor, and he said,
that only an infusion of rose hips can cure the grandmother.
But rose hips can only be collected in autumn.
The granddaughters began to cry and came to the wise Owl for help.

I am an owl - a wise head,
I fly everywhere

I know everything about everyone.
I know who can help you
These are children from the kindergarten "Sunny"
As soon as the sun warms up, the grass immediately turns green.

How can we get to this wonderful kindergarten "Sun"?
Don't cry, Alyonushka, don't cry Mashenka,
I'll give you a magic feather. It's not simple, it's magical.
Swing right. wave to the left, turn around and say magic
words: "One, two, three - fly feather"
Here we are in kindergarten.

The feather whirled, flew and arrived at the kindergarten "Sunny"

Music is playing. A game is being played with the Owl "Guess the time of year"

So winter has passed,
the snow is still there,
and the rooks and starlings are hurrying home
They sing songs and wait for spring.

Fun music plays and the game "The Birds Have Arrived" is played.


The feather began to spin, flew quickly, and when it landed on the ground
the sun sang cheerfully - it warmed everything around.
The birds are chirping merrily,
bees, wasps arrive - they all welcome summer.

The game "Happy Day" is played

So the leaves have turned yellow,
The breeze whirled them around
They rose and flew,
And they sat down quietly on the ground.

How can I find a rosehip bush?
Where does it grow?
Who can tell?
Who will show us the path?

I keep walking through the forest,
I'm looking for a raspberry
I notice everything -
I notice every bush.
Come to visit!
The path to me is not long,
I'll treat you all to raspberries.

So be it, I will help you
Mashenka and Alenka
I have seen you more than once in the forest with baskets.

The game "Guess the description" is played.

So the rose hips were found.

Thank you, Mishenka! Thank you children from kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Alenka and Mashenka were delighted, waved their magic feather and found themselves at the grandmother’s house. They made tea from rose hips and the grandmother recovered, and they all began to sing songs together and sit by the samovar.

Round dance "We all have fun"