If a pregnant woman gets a cold, what should she do? How to treat a cold during pregnancy

A pediatric neurologist is a very important specialist who monitors the central and peripheral nervous system of a child, from birth to 18 years of age. What does a pediatric neurologist treat and what does a pediatric neurologist do? The primary task of this specialist is periodic observations of the stages of formation and development of the nervous system of a small patient, during which many progressive pathologies can be prevented. If it is impossible to prevent them and prevention does not help, an experienced pediatric neurologist determines the diagnosis and prescribes appropriate comprehensive treatment, which in most cases successfully cures the disease.

Today, there are many different diseases of the nervous system that differ from each other, which are classified according to a certain order. Let's list the main lesions of the nervous system and answer the question - what does a pediatric neurologist treat.

  • Pathology associated with infection caused by exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria. A newborn child is most susceptible to such infectious diseases due to insufficiently developed immunity. That is why doctors do not recommend that parents visit crowded establishments with a small child.
  • Epilepsy. It can be formed either as a result of injury or congenitally. Consultation and treatment with a neurologist are simply mandatory here.
  • Diseases associated with severe bruises of the head area, traumatic injuries.
  • Toxic pathology. Some drugs and medicines, namely their incorrect prescription and use, can provoke such damage to the nervous system.
  • Genetic pathology. Passed on from parents or relatives due to corresponding heredity.
  • Hypoxia, which in turn was observed in utero in the fetus.

From this video you will learn what the consequences of not visiting a neurologist may be:

What is mmd in neurology in children

MMD is a minimal brain dysfunction caused by acute failure of the central nervous system, disturbances in the child’s mental state, as well as a number of other dangerous symptoms.

How does mmd manifest itself in neurology in children?

  • Overly active behavior, namely constant movements of both arms and legs, lack of perseverance.
  • Quick distraction to the presence of any irritants.
  • Inability to play alone.
  • He talks incessantly, interrupts adults, and does not hear others when they ask him questions.
  • Moves from one task to another without completing the first.
  • Losing things in kindergarten, school, absent-mindedness.

What is neurology in children?

Neurology in children is a complex, multifaceted medical discipline that deals with diseases of the nervous system of a small patient. If a qualified doctor still detects neurology in a child, this can be explained by the following most common reasons:

  • Receiving a birth mechanical injury;
  • fetal hypoxia, as well as insufficient oxygen supply due to possible repeated entanglement in utero;
  • complex process of childbirth and labor;
  • acute toxicosis of pregnant women throughout the entire period;
  • genetic inheritance.

What is neurology in eight-year-old children?

The child’s psyche is like plasticine; it is very susceptible to stress and any circumstances; parents, in turn, are advised to ensure that it is not damaged. In what cases does neurology occur in school-age children, namely 8 years old?

  1. Excessively heavy loads on the child’s body.
  2. A feeling of constant fear caused by the behavior of parents, as well as their pressure.
  3. Adaptation period at school.

Such neurosis is accompanied by anxiety, sometimes stuttering, tics, and fainting. At the slightest manifestation of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The science of neurology appeared more than 150 years ago. Its main subject of study is the nervous system, both in pathological and normal states. Specialists in this area of ​​medicine are called neurologists, and deal with issues related to diseases of the peripheral and central parts of the body. nervous system, explore the mechanisms of their occurrence, methods of prevention and treatment.

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Doctor's specialization

In adult patients, the main organs examined are the brain and spinal cord. Nerves and nerve plexuses become important elements of study.

When the brain is damaged or pathological, other important organs and parts of the human body may suffer, so it is believed that neurology is closely related to the endocrine system, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the sensory organs.

It is worth visiting a doctor when you feel pain in the back, neck and head, chest and abdomen. In addition, you should consult a neurologist if depression has set in and neuroses, obsessive states and anxiety have appeared.

Neurological diseases can manifest as limbs and tics, which also becomes an important reason for quickly contacting a specialist.

It is necessary to consult a specialist if attention deficit disorder or a constant feeling of fear occurs. Such conditions contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels in the brain and disruption of its normal activity.

Neurological examination

An appointment with a neurologist begins with a visual examination and identification of the patient’s complaints. To help a specialist correctly diagnose the disease and find out its causes, the patient should be told in detail about the state of health and symptoms, the degree of their severity, and the frequency of occurrence.

How is the reception going? It is carried out individually with each patient separately, it all depends on the type of disease.

It is mandatory to study the medical record, certificates and test results. If the data is insufficient, the doctor prescribes additional tests and examinations to make an accurate diagnosis.

The main purpose of the examination is to determine the state of the nervous system and obtain accurate information about its functioning.

A neurological examination is based on examining parts of the nervous system, from the muscles to the brain. The doctor analyzes the victim’s gait, coordination and reflexes, and cranial nerves. Appointment with a neurologist may also be accompanied by palpation, that is, feeling the patient’s body to detect pathological changes.

Diagnostic tests

After a neurological examination has been carried out, the patient can be referred for examination to make an accurate diagnosis.

Types of research conducted:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • (CT) brain and spinal cord;
  • electroencephalography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the back and brain;
  • duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head (DS MAG).

Various laboratory methods for studying the body(general and detailed blood count, urine test, etc.). When and what tests are prescribed depends only on the patient’s health condition.

Symptoms of pathologies

A neurologist helps to cope with neurological diseases that are characterized by specific symptoms.

The doctor's competence includes many neurological symptoms, which are most often don't pay enough attention in everyday life.

What complaints do patients turn to a specialist with:

  • headaches and muscle weakness;
  • speech disorders;
  • , frequent waking up, poor sleep;
  • pain in the back and head;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • loss of sensitivity, numbness of fingers and toes, soft tissues;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue;
  • impaired coordination and gait;
  • absent-mindedness, deterioration of memory, perception.

With neurological diseases, several symptoms may appear simultaneously, or only one of the above symptoms. Untimely contact with a neurologist can lead to to rapid deterioration of the condition body and disruption of the usual rhythm of life.

Types of diseases

Such diseases are considered the most common in the world; they can develop at literally any age and, if not treated in a timely manner, develop into pathologies.

Advice! Neurological diseases cannot be diagnosed and treated independently by the patient; this can only lead to a deterioration in well-being and rapid progression of the disease.

Only qualified specialists determine the type of disease and its stage of development.

Today they allocate such neurological diseases How:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • headaches of different nature and duration (migraines, tremors, nervous tics, etc.);
  • and its consequences;
  • back and head injuries, as well as their consequences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • spasms in different parts of the body;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral protrusions, hernias;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sciatica;
  • hysteria;
  • stroke and its consequences;
  • neuralgia of various types;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Vascular treatment

An angioneurologist is a doctor who specializes in detecting vascular diseases of the brain, as well as their treatment.

The specialist’s competence includes improving preventive measures for people of working age.

In addition, the angioneurologist actively works with other specialties.

The specialist promotes proper nutrition, avoidance of alcohol abuse and leading an active lifestyle.

What does an angioneurologist treat?:

  • neurological syndrome Parkinsonism;
  • pathological changes in the spine;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • determination of repeated, primary risk of stroke;
  • disturbance of brain activity in arterial hypertension;
  • stroke and its consequences;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • cerebral venous dysfunction;
  • disorders of the vascular network of the brain, spinal circulation;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • and etc.

Note! An angioneurologist or vascular neurologist may prescribe additional examinations: coagulogram (detection of the degree of blood clotting), lipidogram (indicator of cholesterol in the blood), x-ray of blood vessels.

Difference from a neurologist

The concept of “neurologist” was actively used in the 80s in relation to a specialist who was trained at a medical university in a specialized specialization - neurology. In modern medicine, such a doctor is usually called a “neurologist,” and no difference in the performance of functional duties, in comparison with a neurologist, has been identified. It can be considered that neurologist and neuropathologist are synonymous words.

Depending on what complaints the patient comes to the specialist with, the initial examination depends. Only a neurologist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Specialists will help you cope with many diseases that hinder movement and cause considerable discomfort.

Video: what diseases does a neurologist treat?

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How to determine whether a child is developing normally? What should you do if your baby doesn’t sleep well, has headaches from time to time, and finds it difficult to concentrate on school? A world-famous neurologist answers readers’ questions.

Many children in the first year of life often experience deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. In medical language, this phenomenon is called perinatal encephalopathy. It is quite difficult to diagnose minor disturbances in her work, because the baby moves little and does not yet know how to speak. But it is early diagnosis and treatment that makes it possible to avoid the consequences of perinatal brain damage. That is why it is very important that in the first weeks of life the baby is examined by a specialist - a pediatric neurologist.

You should not despair, even if the doctor discovers abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. A child’s brain grows and develops rapidly, especially during the first year of life, and properly selected treatment helps to achieve a full recovery.

Our consultant: Vladimir Andreevich Bersenev – Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Pain Problems, Candidate of Medical Sciences, highly qualified neurologist. He is the author of monographs and textbooks on pain syndromes and age-related neuropathology, and hundreds of scientific papers. Our consultant is part of the international medical company Geneva Medical Consultants.

Under the leadership of Dr. Bersenev, a new direction in medical science was created. He has developed technologies for effective care for patients with chronic pain syndromes due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and internal organs.

The doctor’s methods have returned more than 30 thousand people to active life; many children affected by cerebral palsy have caught up with their peers in intellectual and physical development. Today Dr. Bersenev answers questions from our readers.

“If a month, or even a year before pregnancy, a woman drank, smoked, or was exposed to stress, then this can most likely affect the health of the future baby. It is necessary to be especially attentive from the 18th to the 84th day of intrauterine development - it is during this period that the formation of all the internal organs of the future human being occurs. A glass of wine, a cigarette, a strong cold pill, stress at work - all this can lead to pathologies and illnesses in an unborn child. This is why early diagnosis of pregnancy and its planning are so important! By giving birth to an “unplanned” baby, and even a very young one, a woman risks not only the child’s health, but also her own. The fact is that ossification of the sacral spine ends only in the 20th year of life. What are the risks of early birth? High probability of development lumbosacral osteochondrosis,” says Vladimir Andreevich.

Hysteria and nosebleeds

The girl is 2 years and 2 months old. If she demands something, and her parents do not satisfy her desires, hysterics begin. She turns red, gasps, begins to shake, and her nose bleeds. Is this situation normal from a neurological point of view?

First of all, you should reconsider your attitude towards upbringing - apparently, parents do not behave quite correctly with their child if he allows himself to be “hysterical” like that. But the fact that the girl begins to have nosebleeds is an alarming symptom that may indicate a problem with the venous outflow of blood. Be sure to take your daughter to a neurologist and have her examined. Well, you can quickly stop a child’s hysteria by abruptly switching the child’s attention - I also recommend contacting a family psychologist.

Restless sleep

My baby (almost 6 months old) sleeps restlessly and often wakes up screaming. Lately he has been sleeping in a strange position - on his side, with his head thrown back, moving his arms and legs. Is this normal?

Throwing your head back during sleep may indicate a violation of liquor circulation. Liquor, or cerebrospinal fluid, is the fluid medium of the nervous system. Liquor circulates between the brain and the meninges, filling the perivascular and pericellular spaces. It is a kind of natural shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord. A large number of neurological diseases are associated precisely with interruptions in the operation of this system. When the cerebrospinal fluid pressure increases (which probably occurs in this case), headaches occur. Be sure to show your child to the doctor. In such cases, it is necessary to massage certain areas (a doctor can teach it).

And one more important point: you should control your fluid intake before bedtime - on the recommendation of your doctor. Excess fluid leads to tissue swelling, which can also cause sleep disturbances.

Walks on tiptoes

Our son is one year and one month old, he walks only on his toes. When we saw a neurologist, she didn’t attach any importance to it, she said that the son was healthy and that there was no need to treat a healthy child, we saw an orthopedist - everything was fine there too. Is it really not necessary to attach importance to this?

This opinion is completely wrong! Without delay, show your child to a pediatric neurologist; If you are not entirely sure of the competence of your district doctor, contact another, third one.

The fact is that tiptoeing is one of the signs of cerebral palsy.

A child's bones often grow faster than the nerve trunks, and perhaps in this case the nerve trunks are stretched, and this is the reason that the child walks on his toes. Such pathologies are associated with birth trauma in the lumbar or cervical spine. There may be other reasons; this is the question that a competent specialist should answer.

Pronounced veins on the head

Since birth, my child has very clearly visible wreaths on his head, visible through the skin. Many doctors, when they see him, say that we have hydrocephalus. Is a visible venous network such an accurate sign of hydrocephalus, or does it mean nothing at all? The child is 9 months old.

How prominent are the veins? How convex? This may be an individual characteristic of people with pale, thin skin. Or it may indicate hydrocephalus (increased pressure of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain and the space between them). You can only say for sure at the reception, after seeing the patient.

Convex, clearly visible veins on the head are highly likely to indicate increased venous pressure.

I highly recommend visiting a good neurologist. After all, if it really is hydrocephalus, the child suffers from constant headaches. Imagine a person who does not know what the absence of pain means, for him it is a feeling with which he grew up. Such children are usually quiet, calm, and only when he is very bad, he shows it by crying or screaming. But childhood memories often determine human destiny!

Broken vessel

2 days ago, a bloody spot appeared on the child’s eye (on the white under the lower eyelid), as if a blood vessel had burst. Today is the third day, the stain is slowly disappearing. This has never happened before. Could this be related to intracranial pressure? And what to do in this case?

This clinical picture may indicate vascular fragility and/or high blood pressure. The child needs to be examined! There are special medical tables that indicate what blood pressure is normal at what age. You should try it on your arms, as well as your temples. When measuring blood pressure in a child (and even in an adult!), you should remember that this must be done during the so-called basal exchange - this is when the child has already woken up, but has not yet gotten out of bed. Only these indicators will help to correctly assess the child’s condition.

Facial asymmetry

The girl is 1 year and 4 months old. I noticed that the child has facial asymmetry: on the left side the corner of the mouth and the corner of the eye are slightly lowered, the nasolabial fold on the left is more pronounced than on the right. Is this normal?

I have a counter question: how pronounced is this asymmetry? After all, perfect symmetry does not exist in nature! However, pronounced asymmetry may indicate that the child suffered an ischemic process in the brain stem during childbirth. The cranial nerves located in the brain stem control and control the facial muscles. If, due to an injury, the facial muscles on one side are weaker, then on the other side they become more tense. The child should be shown to a specialist.

Is he left-handed?

My son is 4 months old. Gulit, quite active, especially after a course of massage (we did 9 sessions as prescribed by the therapist). Lately I’ve started to notice that he “acts” much more confidently with his left hand (he grips better, moves more actively). Does this indicate any abnormalities and does something need to be done?

Perhaps this symptom does not indicate anything serious. We need to figure it out: maybe the child is left-handed? In any case, you need to see a pediatric neurologist so that he can examine the baby as a whole: how the other arm works, both legs, and check the condition of the facial muscles. A neurological examination will answer all questions.

Baby doesn't talk

The child is 2 years 4 months old. In general, the child is physically and mentally healthy. And he speaks only a few words, although he understands, remembers and understands much of the speech of adults. The child is very excitable, does not sleep well, and is hyperactive. How serious is this?

According to developmental standards, the fact that at this age the child does not yet speak in separate sentences is not alarming. But judging by the accompanying symptoms - poor sleep, excitability and hyperactivity (by the way, this diagnosis should be made by a neurologist, not a nurse, your neighbor or a pediatrician!), hypoxia in the brain stem at birth cannot be ruled out. If the suspicion is confirmed, the baby needs treatment. The sooner you examine your child with a competent specialist, the more favorable the prognosis!

Throws back his head

My daughter is 7 months old. When I try to lift her by the arms, putting my fingers in her palms to teach her to sit, she throws her head back strongly to the right, and it is clear that she is afraid or in pain. What's wrong with my child? The neurologist says that she has no pathologies.

To begin with, I would like to note: you should not “teach a child to sit,” put him in a walker, force him to stand, crawl, etc. You should wait until he does this himself at the appropriate time according to developmental norms: do not rush things, such actions can have a negative impact affect the condition of the child’s spine, joints and ligaments.

Another thing worries me: the fact that the girl turns her head behind her right shoulder may indicate disorders in the brain stem.

In a word, show the child to a competent neurologist. And the sooner the better.

Talks in his sleep

The child is 11 years old, he sleeps restlessly, often talks and screams in his sleep. Should he be shown to a neurologist?

This condition can indicate both psychological problems in the child’s life and neurological pathologies in the body. Problems with impaired venous outflow of blood cannot be ruled out. The child should be shown to a neurologist, track how he learns, how he behaves, after what events he screams in his sleep, etc. As for the second part of the question, all children, even if in the opinion of their parents they are completely healthy, must be brought for consultation annually to a pediatric neurologist. In your case, you should do this as soon as possible!

See a doctor immediately!

Is everything okay with the child? Is he healthy? Here is a list of alarming symptoms that are a reason to visit a doctor:

  • The child suffers from headaches that:
  1. accompanied by throwing back the head;
  2. decrease with a certain head position;
  3. arose after an infectious disease;
  4. accompanied by dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, vision or hearing.
  • He suffered a head injury, accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, and dizziness.
  • A young child has a swollen fontanel.
  • He is too active or, conversely, too passive.
  • The baby has seizures or frequent nosebleeds.
  • The child lags behind his peers in motor and speech development.
  • The child has enuresis, stutters, or tics.
  • You are alarmed by the unreasonable change in his behavior.
  • Sleep is disturbed: he screams or talks in his sleep, has difficulty falling asleep, and sleepwalks occur.
  • The child complains of pain in the neck, back, and lower extremities.
  • His vision is failing.

What developmental features should you pay attention to in the behavior and development of a child up to 1 year and later? What symptoms can serve as signals to contact a specialist? And which ones, on the contrary, are not a sign of pathology? These and other questions are answered by specialists from the neurorehabilitation center “Impulse”: neurologist, neurophysiologist Igor Zhdanov and clinical psychologist Natalya Morozova.

What should you pay close attention to in a child’s life in the first year of life?

The most important thing is the child’s sleep and appetite. How a child eats and sleeps determines his development. Secondly, you should pay attention to certain developmental milestones. With regard to motor development: at 2 months you should observe holding your head in a supine position, at 3 months - rolling over onto your stomach, by 5 months - rolling over from your stomach, in the interval from 6 to 8 months - sitting up, standing on all fours, crawling on all fours , 8-10 months - the child stands near a support, in the interval from a year to a year and four months - independent walking. If you observe certain delays in musculoskeletal development, the child should be shown to a neurologist.

Symptoms indicating increased intracranial pressure may be the following: poor sleep, constant restlessness and screaming, tearfulness, frequent regurgitation, trembling of the arms, legs and chin, protrusion of the fontanelle, as well as a rapid increase in head circumference in size.

After birth, physiological tone usually lasts up to 3-3.5 months, then gradually returns to normal. Children with increased tone (hypertonicity) are very restless, often cry, are capricious, their arms and legs seem to be drawn towards the body and do not straighten.

Babies with hypotonia, on the contrary, rarely cry, sleep a lot, often skip feedings, and move their unusually flexible limbs little.

As for mental development, you need to pay attention to the pre-speech component: the child’s reaction to toys, to loved ones, as well as to sound in general. A rare pathology, but one that affects development, is hearing impairment. Therefore, if parents have the impression that the child does not respond to sound, this is a signal that they need to have their hearing checked.

At an older age (after 1-2 years), what symptoms may be a reason to contact a neurologist or psychologist?

The most important pathological symptoms are decreased understanding of speech, decreased play and everyday skills, distortion of eating behavior (the child eats only a limited range of foods or refuses to eat), does not try to repeat the actions of adults, does not take a spoon and does not eat, does not try to undress and dress. One more point: there is no need for communication. That is, the child does not try to attract attention to himself, to his actions.

At one and a half years old, the child should already be able to speak a few simple words and even small phrases. At 2-2.5 years you should see an increase in the number of words in a phrase to 3-4.

If a child often cries, screams, the plot game does not appear, speech is the first call to visit a psychologist or neurologist. If the child does not communicate, does not respond to the name, there is no speech - a reason to contact a clinical psychologist. The sooner we start working, the faster the result will be.

What should mothers do who have identified unwanted symptoms in their children on their own, but when contacting a doctor they were told to wait until they are 3 years old? Such stories appear quite often on forums. At 3 years old, a child is diagnosed with developmental delay or another, but treatment could have started much earlier.

If you turn to different specialists, one, two, three, then sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that the opinions of specialists will differ: someone will tell you that you don’t have any problems, someone will tell you that you have a huge problem, and you urgently need intensive and extensive treatment. The most suitable option: you need to contact a highly qualified specialist. If this is not possible, then try to do something yourself, at home. For example, if you have problems with speech, watch a few video lessons on the Internet, try working with your child. If there is no dynamics, then you can contact a specialist with a specific problem: the child is not developing certain skills. That is, I work with him, but there is no result. For a qualified specialist, this is a very important symptom.

There is really no need to wait three years. A highly qualified specialist most likely will not give you such advice.

What symptoms in the development/behavior of a child are not a deviation, but mothers often consider them as such?

Twitching (tremor) of the arms or chin when screaming or crying up to 3 months is not considered a pathology. If such “attacks” remain longer, this may indicate damage to the child’s nervous system - during pregnancy or childbirth.

If a child reacts strongly negatively to prohibitions and tries to do everything himself - these are not signs of deviations, these are normal stages of the child’s development. This is a complication of the psychological picture of the child’s personality. A deviation in this situation can be identified as follows: for example, if a child reacted negatively to the ban on cartoons, then normally the child can be quite switched to another activity. If this does not happen, then this is a pathological reaction.

What consequences can result from ignoring certain symptoms (the most common examples can be given)?

Ignoring features can lead to a wide range of consequences. For example, to gross violations of communication, when the child becomes literally excluded from society. Or the formation of an anxious personality disorder. The most common option is when a child develops one of the forms of dyslexia that interferes with the child’s normal learning. Or they lead to problems with maintaining the child’s attention and concentration.

At the moment, many children suffer from hyperactivity syndrome. Many studies say that the percentage of such children is growing every year. What is this connected with? What are the first signs of the syndrome?

We have only 2 types of impulses in our brain - excitatory and inhibitory. And it so happened genetically that any damaging or deficient effect on the brain has an activating impulse. That is, most often the brain is overexcited more often than it is in an inhibitory state. Hyperactivity may be a consequence of these processes.

If you are often tormented by causeless anxiety, you have become very nervous, you are unable to stay in stuffy rooms, you are prone to fainting, then you need to pay close attention to your health. Such complaints, even from light loads, are a reason to consult a neurologist.

Who is a neurologist

Before going to a medical institution, you need to understand who a neurologist is and what he treats. Both adults and children may need this doctor. A neurologist specializes in diseases of the autonomic system and disorders of the functioning of the nerves of the spinal cord and brain. He is engaged in careful consideration of complaints and subsequent treatment of identified diseases. This specialization can only be obtained by a person who has a diploma from a higher medical institution.

Among the diseases that this doctor treats are the following: neuralgia, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, neuritis, strokes, circulatory disorders, convulsions, head injuries, back injuries, sciatica, Alzheimer's disease, migraines, tremor in newborns, impaired concentration, motor disorders, mental disorders and others. Often, to stabilize the condition of such patients, it is necessary to involve a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

What does he do?

A neurologist specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases related to the functioning of nerve fibers. It identifies the primary causes of diseases and their impact on a person’s overall well-being. A good doctor quickly and effectively prescribes competent treatment, which can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. A neurologist who treats chronic fatigue is the most sought-after doctor in modern medicine.

Neurology is a science that studies the connection between the nervous system and human well-being. Neuropathology is the object of research and study of all neuroneurologists. Absolutely all diseases associated with impaired functioning of nerve fibers can be addressed to this doctor. Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of such diseases.

What diseases does a neurologist and neuropathologist treat?

Is there a difference between these specialties? In reality, a neurologist and neuropathologist treats diseases of the nervous system. It’s just that the term “neurologist” was used in the 80s of the last century. In domestic medicine, these concepts are identical. But in foreign practice, a neuropathologist specializes in the pathomorphology of the nervous system, and a neurologist deals with the identification and treatment of diseases of a nervous nature.

What's watching

A neurologist looks at the functioning of the nervous system. Performs an initial examination, checks unconditioned reflexes. The examination also includes a visual examination and palpation. The main task is to identify deviations in a person’s sensory or motor activity. If there are visible violations, he prescribes additional examination or treatment.

What tests does he prescribe?

When assessing the patient’s condition and to facilitate diagnosis of the disease, the neurologist prescribes tests. To accurately determine the disease, a vision or hearing test may be necessary. A specialist may prescribe the following types of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the neck, head;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Brain MRI;
  • electroneuromyography.

What complaints are addressed to a neurologist?

This doctor establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between the nervous system and the pathological condition and prescribes treatment. Sometimes you just need to adjust a person’s lifestyle to achieve the desired effect. An abundance of stressful everyday situations and poor environmental conditions are important factors in the manifestation of neurological diseases. The most common complaints people come to a neurologist with are:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • poor concentration;
  • constant bad mood;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • sleep quality disorders;
  • constant feeling of fear and anxiety.

What symptoms do you see a neurologist for?

The most important thing is to detect early symptoms, this will prevent the development of serious diseases. A combination of negative factors affecting a person, if not promptly contacting a specialist, can aggravate the situation. A neurologist is consulted with symptoms such as:

  • regular headaches;
  • soreness in the chest on the left;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • increased nervousness;
  • migraine;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the sweat glands.

What problems are being addressed?

The reasons for visiting a neurologist are a deterioration in a person’s quality of life. Chronic fatigue and overexertion in everyday life causes disorders of the cardiovascular system. And this brings with it hypotension (low blood pressure), hypertension (high blood pressure). It is fraught with the development of various metabolic disorders. The most important thing is to consult a doctor in time for help. The specialist will prescribe professional therapy and medication.