Tests on the topic present perfect continuous. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

We ___ in France for 5 years.

has been living

have been alive

have been living

Liz ___ to ski for a week now.

have been learning

has learning

has been learning

How long ___ Spanish?

have you been learning

has you been learning

have you been learned

Your father looks tired. He ___ his car all day.

been repairing

has been repaired

have been repairing

The children ___ TV since morning.

has been watching

have been watch

have been watching

How long ___ for us?

have John been waiting

has John been waiting

John has been waiting

I ___ to phone you all day.

have been trying

has been trying

have been trying

Lena ___ geometry since she was 30.

has been teaching

has teaching

have been

My grandpa ___ all his life.

has been smoke

has been smoking

have been smoking

How long ___ to music? For a couple of hours.

has you been listening

you have been listening

have you been listening

Sam ___ fish for years.

has selling

has been selling

have been selling

I ___ about buying new computer since last week.

has been thinking

have been thinking

have think

We ___ the house since morning.

have been cleaning

have been clean

has been cleaning

Donna ___ for a job for half a year.

has looking

have been looking

has been looking

The baby ___ for three hours.

has been sleeping

been sleeping

have been sleeping

How long ___ your homework?

has you been doing

have you been doing

you have been doing

I ___ for this company for 5 years.

has been working

has been working

have been working

My mother ___ for the last two hours.

has been cooking

have been cooking

has been cooking

Stella ___ in the park for half an hour.

has running

have been running

has been running

My parents ___ the walls all day today.

has been painting

have been painting

has paint

He ___ sick since afternoon.

have been feeling

has been feeling

has feeling

How long ___ singing lessons?

you have been taking

has you been taking

have you been taking

They ___ billiards for quite a time.

have been playing

has been playing

have been played

Margaret ___ in bed since yesterday.

been staying

has been staying

have been staying

They ___ to mend the tape recorder for an hour.

has been trying

have trying

have been trying

TEST 2: Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

1 We have no idea how long they ( swim ) for, but it has certainly been longer than an hour now.

2. It (rain ) for hours now. I hope it stops soon.

3. I (write ) one exercise after the other and will have to stop soon.

4. Our visitors (not wait ) too long. I think they have just arrived.

5. Do you know where the children are? I (look ) for them for the last half hour.

6. How long (you / work) at the library?

7. We (write ) to each other for so long now, that I can"t remember when we started.

8. Just look at those trousers. What on earth (you / do)?

TEST 3: Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

Write questions in present perfect progressive.

  1. she / on the phone / talk →
  2. his brother / dinner / cook →
  3. Jane and Mary / badminton / play →
  4. Sue / in the gym / exercise →
  5. Robert / the room / paint →
  6. they/trees/plant →
  7. Henry / in the garage / work →
  8. they / in the lake / swim →
  9. how long / Boris / English / learn →
  10. how long / you / for me / wait →

TEST 4: Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

Choose the present perfect simple or conitnuous

1) It (not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour. .

2) How long (you/live) in London? .

3) How long (you/wait) for the bus? .

4) He (never / go) abroad. .

5) (they/arrive) already? .

6) (you/finish) your homework yet? .

8) How long (you/have) your car? .

9) She (drink) ten glasses of water!. .

10) I (wait) for three hours already!. .

11) How long (you/be) a lawyer? .

12) It (not/rain) all summer, so the garden is dead. .

13) How long (you/know) Luke? .

14) She (have) parties every week for ten years. .

15) I (have) my dog ​​for sixteen years. .

16) How long (Julie/have) problems at school? .

17) I (read) your book all day - it"s very interesting. .

18) It (snow) since last night. .

19) How long (you/think) about changing your job? .

20) She (eat) chocolate all morning so she feels sick.

  1. I/to read/this book/for three days.
  2. We/to play volleyball/ for twenty minutes.
  3. She/to clean/the flat/for more than an hour.
  4. Peter/to swim/for half an hour.
  5. Anna/to speak/on the phone/for an hour now.
  6. You/to wait/for a bus/for ten minutes only.
  7. Nelly and Mary/to do the shopping/since early morning.
  8. It/to snow/since last night.
  9. Jack and his friend/ to ride bikes/for three hours now.
  10. The teacher/to explain/ a grammar rule/since the beginning of the lesson.

Answers: 1. I have been reading this book for three days. 2. We have been playing volleyball for twenty minutes. 3. She has been cleaning the flat for more than an hour. 4. Peter has been swimming for half an hour. 5. Anna has been speaking on the phone for an hour now. 6. You have been waiting for a bus for ten minutes only. 7. Nelly and Mary have been doing the shopping since early morning. 8. It has been snowing since last night. 9. Jack and his friend have been riding bikes for three hours now. 10. The teacher has been explaining a grammar rule since the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Helen… (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes.
  2. My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson.
  3. Sam... (to drive) a car for five hours now.
  4. I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday.
  5. Molly… (to paint) this picture for three days now.
  6. The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
  7. You... (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years.
  8. The wind… (to blow) since yesterday.
  9. My grandfather… (to collect) coins since he was a boy.
  10. Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.

Answers: 1.has been washing; 2.have been writing; 3. has been driving; 4. have been looking; 5. has been painting; 6. have been doing; 7.have been working; 8. has been blowing; 9. has been collecting; 10. have been discussing.

Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative.

  1. You have been writing a report since morning.
  2. We have been working in the garden for three hours.
  3. I have been typing letters since ten o'clock.
  4. Tom has been running for twenty minutes.
  5. A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour.
  6. Jane has been studying English for two years.
  7. They have been building this house for more than a year.
  8. My parents have been traveling for a week.
  9. I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now.
  10. They have been walking since afternoon.

Answers: 1.You haven’t been writing a report since morning. 2. We haven’t been working in the garden for three hours. 3.I haven’t been typing letters since ten o’clock. 4.Tom hasn’t been running for twenty minutes. 5.A cat hasn’t been sitting in the tree for an hour. 6. Jane hasn’t been studying English for two years. 7. They haven’t been building this house for more than a year. 8. My parents haven’t been traveling for a week. 9. I haven’t been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now. 10. They haven’t been walking since afternoon.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning.
  2. Kim... (not to pack) her things for so long.
  3. You… (to iron) clothes all day.
  4. Allan… (not to wear) this jacket for three years.
  5. I... (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock.
  6. Monica and Sue …(to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
  7. Mr May… (to read) this article for more than half an hour now.
  8. It… (not to rain) since afternoon.
  9. My neighbors … (to make) a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
  10. Brad … (fo try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.

Answers: 1. has been fishing; 2.hasn’t been packing; 3. have been ironing; 4. Hasn’t been wearing; 5. haven’t been walking; 6. have been painting; 7.has been reading; 8. hasn’t been raining; 9. have been making; 10.has been trying.

Exercise 5. Make the sentences interrogative.

  1. He has been boating for four hours.
  2. We have been skating since eleven o'clock.
  3. Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes.
  4. You have been writing this article since afternoon.
  5. My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years.
  6. The music has been playing for three hours.
  7. We have been speaking since five o'clock.
  8. Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes.
  9. They have been preparing for the test for two days.
  10. The baby has been crying for half an hour.

Answers: 1. Has he been boating for four hours? 2.Have we been skating since eleven o’clock? 3.Has Lucy been learning this poem for twenty
minutes? 4. Have you been writing this article since afternoon? 5.Have my parents been working in the hospital for thirteen years? 6. Has the music been playing for three hours? 7. Have we been speaking since five o’clock? 8. Has Beth been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes? 9. Have they been preparing for the test for two days? 10. Has the baby been crying for half an hour?

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. … Jenny … (to wait) for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? - No, she…. She... (to wait) for her flight for forty minutes now.
  2. Can I talk with you? - Sorry, I’m busy. I … (to look) for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it.
  3. Is Ed at home? - No, he is in the gym. He... (to train) since five o’clock.
  4. ... your mother ...(to work) as a manager for ten years? - No, she…. She... (to work) as a manager for eighteen years.
  5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? - Yes, he... (to fix) it since nine o’clock.
  6. Alison and Cindy… (not to paint) the walls in the room for two hours. They … (to work) since morning.
  7. The Petersons… (to build) their house for three years now.
  8. Is mother in the kitchen? - Yes, she... (to cook) since four o’clock.
  9. You look tired! - Well, I… (to gather) strawberries for more than two hours.
  10. Where is Ben? - He is in his room. He... (to listen) to music since afternoon.

Answers: 1. Has Jenny been waiting for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? - No, she hasn’t. She has been waiting for her flight for forty minutes now. 2. Can I talk with you? - Sorry, I’m busy. I have been looking for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it. 3. Is Ed at home? - No, he is in the gym. He has been training since five o’clock. 4.Has your mother been working as a manager for ten years? - No, she hasn’t. She has been working as a manager for eighteen years. 5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? - Yes, he has been fixing it since nine o’clock. 6. Alison and Cindy haven’t been painting the walls in the room for two hours. They have been working since morning. 7. The Petersons have been building their house for three years now. 8. Is mother in the kitchen? - Yes, she has been cooking since four o’clock. 9. You look tired! - Well, I have been gathering strawberries for more than two hours. 10. Where is Ben? - He is in his room. He has been listening to music since afternoon.

When composing special questions in the present perfect continuous tense, words are arranged in the following order: question word (Wh-word), auxiliary verb have/has, subject, verb been and predicate verb (with the ending -ing).
Wh-word + have + l/you/we/they + been + Ving

Wh-word + has + he/she/it/ + been + Ving?

For example:
What have you been doing? How long has he been working?
Questions to the subject are formed only with the help of the auxiliary verb has:
Who has been crying?

Exercise 7. Make up a question for the highlighted phrases.

  1. He has been speaking to his friend for an hour.
  2. We have been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours.
  3. You have been told us about your work since five o'clock.
  4. She has been translating this text for half an hour.
  5. They have been having lunch in the canteen since one o'clock.

Answers: 1.Who has been speaking to his friend for an hour? To whom has he been speaking for an hour? How long has he been speaking to his friend? 2.Who has been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours? What have we been doing in the garden for two hours? Where have we been whitewashing the trees for two hours? What have we been writingwashing in the garden for two hours? 3. Who has been telling us about your work since five o’clock? Whom have you been telling about your work since five o’clock? Whose work have you been telling us about since five o’clock? What have you been telling us about since five o’clock? 4. What has she been doing for half an hour? What has she been translating for half an hour? How long has she been translating this text? 5. What have they been having in the canteen since one o’clock? Where have they been having lunch since one o’clock? How long have they been having lunch in the canteen?

Exercise 8. Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. What/she/to read/since ten o’clock?
  2. Where/we/to drive/ so long?
  3. Den/not to ride/his motor-bike/since three o’clock.
  4. Dolly and Carol/to plant/flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour.
  5. How long/Brian/to learn/English?
  6. Linda/to prepare/for her test/since eight o'clock?
  7. Whom/you/to talk with/for fifty minutes?
  8. Where/they/to play/tennis/since afternoon?
  9. The baby/to sleep/for three hours now.
  10. We/ not to climb/this mountain/for an hour.

Answers: 1. What has she been reading since ten o’clock? 2. Where have we been driving so long? 3. Den hasn’t been riding his motor-bike since three o’clock. 4. Dolly and Carol have been planting flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour. 5. How long has Brian been learning English? 6. Has Linda been preparing for her test since eight o’clock? 7. Whom have you been talking with for fifty minutes? 8. Where have they been playing tennis since afternoon? 9. The baby has been sleeping for three hours now. 10. We haven’t been climbing this mountain for an hour.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form and read the joke.

A girl is speaking on the phone. She... (to speak) for forty- five minutes now. Her father … (to wait) for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. “How long... you... (to speak), Kate?” cries her father. Kate quickly hangs up the receiver. Her father looks puzzled, “Usually you speak for hours!” What has happened now? “Wrong number,” answers Kate.

Answers: She has been speaking for forty-five minutes now. Her father has been waiting for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. “How long have you been speaking. Kate? cries her father.

Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Put on your raincoat. It... (to rain) since night.
  2. Is Frank in his room? What...he... (to do)? - He... (to prepare) for the French test.
  3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They… (to water) the flowers for an hour now! - No, they... (not to water) the flowers. They... (to weed) for more than an hour.
  4. How long … you … (to travel) around the country? - I... (to travel) for two weeks now.
  5. Ron should be careful. He... (to sunbathe) since eight o'clock.
  6. Whom...your boss... (to shout) at? - He... (to shout) at his new manager. She... (to work) in this office for only three days.
  7. Cindy is worried. She... (to wait) for her parents to come home since six o’clock.
  8. What…they… (to write) since three o’clock? - They... (to write) an article for the scientific journal.
  9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? - They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They... (to prepare) for this conference for a week now.
  10. How long... Mr Kane... (to wash) his car? - He... (to wash) it for more than an hour now.

Answers: 1. Put on your raincoat. It has been raining since night. 2. Is Frank in his room? What has he been doing? - He has been preparing for the French test. 3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They have been watering the flowers for an hour now! - No, they haven’t been watering the flowers. They have been weeding for more than an hour. 4. How long have you been traveling around the country? - I have been traveling for two weeks now. 5. Ron should be careful. He has been sunbathing since eight o'clock. 6. Whom has your boss been shouting at? - He has been shouting at his new manager. She has been working in this office for only three days. 7. Cindy is worried. She has been waiting for her parents to come home since six o’clock. 8. What have they been writing since three o’clock? - They have been writing an article for the scientific journal. 9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? - They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They have been preparing for this conference for a week now. 10. How long has Mr Kane been washing his car? - He has been washing it for more than an hour now.

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

  1. They have been writing a dictation for half an hour already.
  2. My sister cleans the room in the morning.
  3. Have the boys been swimming in the pool for over an hour?
  4. He doesn't watch TV in the morning.
  5. Have you been reading this book for four days? - No, I’ve only been reading it for two days.
  6. What has she been doing for three hours? - She is preparing for exams.
  7. How long do children play in the park? - They've been playing since five o'clock.
  8. What has your brother been saying for twenty minutes? - He talks about his parrot.
  9. What article does he write in the morning? - He is writing an article about a famous scientist.
  10. What have they been discussing for over an hour? - They are discussing the latest news.

Answers: 1. They have been writing a dictation for half an hour already. 2. My sister has been cleaning the room since morning. 3. Have the boys been swimming in the swimming-pool for more than an hour now? 4.He hasn’t been watching TV since morning. 5. Have you been reading this book for four days? - No, I have been reading it for two days only. 6. What has she been doing for three hours? - She has been preparing for the exams. 7. How long have the children been playing in the park? - They have been playing since five o’clock. 8. What has your brother been telling about for twenty minutes already? - He has been telling about his parrot. 9. What article has he been writing since morning? - He has been writing an article about a famous scientist. 10. What have they been discussing for more than an hour now? - They have been discussing the latest news.


Test 1. (Simple Tenses)

1. I often… to the cinema with my friends. (go)
2. When... you... Bill last time? (see)

3. John and Kelly…yesterday. (get married). Did you know?
4. I…you with your English tomorrow. (help)
5. Allie... eat meat. She is a vegetarian. (not eat)
6. He...always in a hurry. (be)
7. They … each other when they were studying at university. (meet)
8. I promise I… to you again. (not lie)
9. Jack normally…breakfast at 7.30 (have)
10. They…their last holiday in Spain.

Test 2. (Simple Tenses)

1. I don't like horror films.
2. Yesterday my friends went to the cinema, the film was very interesting.
3. Every morning Tom runs in the park near his house.
4. I think the weather will be good tomorrow.
5. Maggie looks like an actress. She is very beautiful.
6. Will you come to our wedding?
7. Max graduated from university two years ago. Now he works as a lawyer.
8. It’s very hot here. Should I open the window?
9. She wants to become a doctor.

Test 1. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Mary...now. (read)
2. Turn off the TV! The baby...!(sleep)
3. It... all day long yesterday. (rain)
4. At this time tomorrow we … on the beach and … cocktails. (lie, drink)
5. ...you ... your keys? They are on the table in the kitchen. (look for)
6. What...you...next Friday? (do)
7. Hey! You... on my foot! (stand)
8. What... you... at this time yesterday? (do)

Test 2. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Tom is not working now.
2. Yesterday from 5 to 6 pm the children swam in the pool.
3. Mom, it smells amazing! What are you cooking?
4. Tomorrow afternoon I will work on a presentation.
5. Yesterday he played football all day.
6. Will you come tomorrow? I'll be waiting for you from 3 to 5.
7. I'm looking for a new job.
8. What are you doing this weekend?

Test 1. (Perfect Tenses)

1. I … already … doing housework. (finish)
2. By the time she got home her children … already … their homework. (do)
3. We…working yet. (start)
4. ... you ... this film? (see)
5. Next year I… here for 20 years. (work)
6. When I saw her last time she … already … her hairstyle. (change)

Test 2. (Perfect Tenses)

1. We bought a new car.
2. I will finish this report on Friday afternoon.
3. Mike has never seen a camel.
4. When they arrived at the station, the train had already left.
5. They have just met old friends.
6. Have you ever tried mussels?

Test 1. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. How long... you... here? (work)
2. They... for 20 years. (be married)
3. Next year Chris… in Berlin for 10 years. (live)
4. Mark … for his flight for 2 hours when they announced its delay. (wait)

Test 2. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. Did you like the cake? We baked it since the morning.
2. They have lived in Moscow since 1995.
3. Our team worked hard and we were able to finish the project on time.
4. In December it will be two years since I lived in another country.