Saint Pauline in Orthodoxy name day. Polina's name day, Polina's angel day

Polina is a female name with several meanings. There are two theories of origin that we will provide you with.

The first theory of the origin of the name Polina is that the name entered the Russian language from the French language. In France, the name was the feminine form of Paul, and the name Paul comes from the Latin paulus, meaning "small" or "little one." So we can say that according to this theory of origin The name Polina means “little” or “baby”.

The second theory is the origin of the name Pauline, as a short form of the Greek name Apollinaria. The name Apollinaria comes from the god Apollo of Greek mythology and means "solar." So according to this theory The meaning of the name Polina is “sunny”. Well, which theory is considered correct, you decide for yourself.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

Little Polina is a wonderful child. She is a calm and obedient girl who easily gets along with both children and adults. Given her emotional calm, the girl’s activity is good. Loves both active games and other types of leisure. Polinochka is a very kind girl, which is noticeable from an early age.

Polina performs well in her studies. She has an analytical mind and is quite good at the exact sciences. Her early emotional maturity makes her an excellent humanitarian. In her studies, understanding the subject is more important to her than grades. But this does not mean that she should not be praised. She considers praise simply obligatory and vital.

Polina’s health cannot be called strong. The main problem in the girl’s health can be called the respiratory system. She is prone to colds, a little more than other children. She often gets a runny nose out of nowhere. The best, although probably the most difficult, remedy would be a change in climate and careful selection of a place to live.

Short name Polina

Fields, Polka, Polly, Polyukha, Polyakha, Polyusya, Pusya, Lina, Linka.

Diminutive pet names

Polinka, Polinochka, Polyushka, Polyushochek, Polichka, Polchik, Polyunya, Polyasha, Polyusha, Linochka, Linushka.

Name Polina in English

In English, the name Polina is written as Pauline.

Name Polina for international passport- POLINA.

Translation of the name Polina into other languages

in Spanish - Paulina
in Italian - Paolina
in Chinese - 波莉纳 (pronounced Bolina)
in German - Pauline
in Ukrainian - Polina
in French - Pauline
in Japanese - ポリナ (read as Porina)

Church name Polina(in the Orthodox faith) Pelageya or Apollinaria, to choose from.

Characteristics of the name Polina

Polina is characterized by several distinct traits. This is kindness, selflessness and responsiveness. Polina is a very kind person and those around her often take advantage of this. She has great taste, which allows her to always look good, even with limited funds. This penchant for beauty can develop into a profession, but if it remains at the level of passion, it will often help in life.

At work, Polina is appreciated. She has an innate sense of disgust for intrigue, which sets her apart from many of her colleagues. Moreover, she is not a conformist, so if someone’s stupidity and unprofessionalism harms the result, then Polina will not remain silent. Some people, of course, will have a negative attitude towards such “excessive” honesty, but most employees will silently support it. Polina has well-developed intuition, which she uses both at work and in her personal life.

Polina is a wonderful wife and mother. She adores her children, and she has more of a partnership relationship with her husband. She is a wonderful and economical housewife. Her love is mature, even in adolescence. She is not characterized by childish emotional impulses and torments. Only an equally mature person can be happy next to her.

The secret of the name Polina

Polina's secret can be called eternal soul-searching. She is very critical of herself. However, if she nevertheless decided that she was right and everything was fine, then this gives rise to a second secret.

Polina is often complacent. If, after internal torment, she decides on something, then the value of this decision for her acquires excessive significance. It will be extremely difficult to convince her, and her self-confidence in this matter can infuriate many.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Swan.

Name color- Light blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lotus.

Stone- Selenite.

Every Orthodox believer receives at the moment of baptism the name of a certain Saint in whose honor he was named or baptized. However, not every believer knows that at the moment of baptism a certain ritual of church sacraments takes place, as a result of which an Orthodox believer acquires his own heavenly patron, who is his intercessor and protector. But at the same time, such a heavenly patron is not a guardian angel or holy protector. Since, as you know, these saints are called to offer a prayer service for a person before the Almighty and pray for his present or future sinful acts. That is why church ministers, every time they perform a baptismal ceremony, remind Christian believers that it is important to remember, honor and respect the day of their own heavenly patron. Otherwise, such a day is called name day, and in Orthodox Christianity such a day is called Angel Day.

Angel Day

Angel's Day or name day is a special day of remembrance of a certain Saint with the name of whom a person in the Orthodox faith undergoes baptism. Such information comes from historical data, which states that every day of the year according to the Orthodox calendar has one or another dedication addressed to the memory of the shrine. Sometimes on the same day they can celebrate not only one Saint, but several. That is why, at the moment of baptism, any Orthodox believer receives a specific name for the shrine, which subsequently becomes his heavenly patron and protector.

Orthodox believers, church servants, claim that the so-called name days or angel days should in no case be confused with the patron saints who protect a person before the Almighty, that is, with guardian angels. From historical information, people know that Fyodor of Edessa said that the Almighty gives each person two angels, one of which is a guardian angel and protects a person from various evil deeds, misfortunes and helps to do good deeds. The other angel is the Holy Saint of the Almighty and it is his name that a person bears throughout his own life. He turns to the Almighty in order to protect us and prays to him for help when this or that person needs it. Also, Saint Theodore believed that the prayers of an angel are more worthy, as a result of which the Almighty accepts them, and human prayers are sometimes sinful.

When can you celebrate a holy holiday?

Sometimes situations occur when an Orthodox believer cannot determine the exact date of his own name. This happens due to the fact that in the Orthodox church calendar there are several variations of angel days, when the name day of one or another Saint is celebrated. For example, Polina can celebrate Angel Day on both October 17 and May 14. It is known that such dates are the days of the Angel or the name days of the Holy Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus. At one time she was elevated to Sainthood, thanks to her own Faith in the Almighty. Pelageya renounced the pagan faith in which she was born, as well as her wealthy parents, who sometimes led a sinful lifestyle. This Holy Martyr was able to defend her own integrity, and chose for herself the most martyr’s death with the name of the Almighty on her lips.

Polina, according to the church calendar, can celebrate Angel Day on January 18. Every Orthodox believer knows that this particular date is the day of memory of the Venerable Apollinaria. The Reverend Saint chose her own path in life, aimed at serving the Almighty. Therefore, during her life she disguised herself as a man, as a result of which until the end of her years she lived with the name of the Monk Saint Macarius of Egypt. She was elevated to the rank of saint due to the fact that she showed the Orthodox residents, by her own example, amazing perseverance in order to achieve a certain goal. That is why many people who bear the name Polina, in order to be distinguished by the same perseverance, celebrate their name day on January 18th. Since in the Christian faith it is believed that the day of an angel, a person should not only know the name of the heavenly patron, but also throughout his own life honor his memory, respect and correspond, that is, be worthy of what bears the name of this particular Shrine.

From a variety of historical data and information, Orthodox believers know that Apollinaria comes from the name of Apollo, who in turn was the God of the sun according to Greek mythology and is translated as small.

In order to answer the question of when exactly it is necessary to celebrate Angel Day, on what date and month, it is necessary to take the exact birthday and determine the nearest holiday of the Saint, this particular day will be Angel Day or name day.

How to imitate your Saint?

Almost all Orthodox believers know the words of St. Ambrose of Optina; he said that “let your life be according to your name.” Based on these words, it is clear that the Holy name that this or that Orthodox believer bears is not only his heavenly patron and a kind of prayer book, but also the main role model. The servants of the temple claim that in order for a person to be worthy to bear the name of one or another Saint, it is necessary to have the desire to at least partially repeat the feats and, naturally, it is necessary to study the life of one’s own patron saint.

Servants of the church and temple claim that the name that is given to a person during the baptismal ceremony speaks not only of the spiritual unity of the earthly and heavenly churches, but also of the general unity of those who have gone to the Almighty, saving at that moment their own soul and even those who tries to fight for the salvation of other people, trying to get closer to the Lord. It is known that earthly inhabitants and sinful people are often called various names of certain angels, who are the holy saints of the Almighty. They at one time became famous for certain exploits, which are discussed in the new testament, or the exploits were accomplished even before the Nativity of Christ.

The temple servitors claim that every person who has gone to the Almighty or lives in worldly life is a single entity under the command of the Almighty. As a result of this, all the shrines, which are angels, are in close union with the inhabitants of the earth. They not only see human life, rejoice and mourn together with Orthodox believers, they can also help a person with the help of prayer, which they offer to the Almighty in order to save us at a moment when we cannot do this ourselves.

Each person should be grateful to his heavenly patron and thank him by carrying out various works, offering prayers daily and strive for better and improve. This is how Orthodox people can thank their angels. In particular, such gratitude is very important for those saints whose names a person bears. It is known from church canons that if a person is not attentive to one or another saint whose name he bears or does not have respect for him, sometimes situations occur when people are not interested in the feats that were previously performed by the shrines. As a result, an uncertain situation arises; inattention to their memory is comparable to the oblivion of one’s own loved ones and relatives after their death, that is, when they ascend to the Almighty.

Many Orthodox believers wonder how exactly we civilians can follow the example of the saints or imitate them. The temple servants claim that initially a person must study all available information about the Saint whose name he bears, as well as study his exploits and deeds during his lifetime. Because, without such information, a person will not be able to love his Saint and have respect for him. Also, temple ministers argue that every person should understand that in any, even the most difficult situation, he can count on the help of his own patron saint. As a result, it is necessary to offer prayers not only of petition, but also of gratitude so that the Almighty and the saints at the right time can respond to your request and protect you or give heavenly help. It is not for nothing that throughout life, patron saints are human angels, and over time, the days of their memory became name days and angel days, thus the saints protect us and help us throughout our worldly life.

When Orthodox believers ask themselves the question of how exactly one can follow the example of this or that Saint, it is necessary to remember not only the path of life he has traversed, but also his exploits. For example, if a person's name, whose patron saint he bears, is a monk, therefore, such a person can lead a selfless life, sometimes he can renounce society, in no case should he depend on worldly pleasures or fortunate situations. The temple servants argue that in this case people need to maintain purity of thoughts, actions and feelings, in no case, not to tie themselves to a wide variety of earthly goods and to maintain complacency, obey the authorities, observe all laws, of course, do not forget weekly, visit temples for ascension prayer service If you have free time, you can travel with pilgrims to various monasteries.

If a martyr appears to the holy angels, then it is important to act in accordance with Orthodox Christian laws, not to worry about worldly goods, in everything and always strives to please the Almighty, despite any obstacles, ridicule, oppression or threats.

Servants of the temple, church and monastery claim that if an Orthodox believer follows the example of his shrine, he can not only get closer to the perfect deed, but also become much closer and more worthy of the name that was given to him by the church at the time of the baptismal ceremony.

Some features of the name day holiday

Currently, in the age of information technology, not every Orthodox believer thinks about how to properly celebrate the Day of Remembrance of their own heavenly patron. Angel's Day, name day or spiritual holiday, are an integral part of the life of both a person on earth and the Holy Saint himself. Therefore, it is on this day that a person who celebrates a name day must remember his own Holy Heavenly Patron of his deeds and offer a prayer service to him. It will also not be amiss if relatives and close friends, together with the person, remember the Patron Saint and heavenly protector, offering prayers to him.

On the day of the angel, one or another Orthodox person can visit the temple in order to:


Take communion;

Offer a prayer service;

Cleanse your own thoughts and hearts;

Light a candle in memory of your own heavenly patron saint.

Also, it is on this day that a person must visit those people who, at the time of the sacrament of baptism, became his godparents. Such a visit may look like a small banquet with your closest and dearest people, or simply memories of the past and long past. It is only important not to cross the line between celebrating the memory of the Holy Patron and a noisy drunken feast. Since it is known that church canons do not welcome such acts, they are sinful.

Gift for your Saint's Day

It is important to note that on this day, you should not give exactly the same gifts as on a birthday, since the main thing is that the gift carries spiritual enlightenment and is given from a pure heart and soul. Many Orthodox believers believe that on name day you can go to church and listen to the church choir sing.

The meaning of Angel Day for Christians.

Church ministers and temples argue that children need to be introduced to the heavenly holy protector from a young age and his existence explained so that the child from childhood can send him a prayer service and ask for his help.

The human Christian name is not only knowledge, but also a kind of communication with the Almighty. Therefore, every person, during his own name day, must offer thanksgiving prayers to his own heavenly patron.

At different times, the name Polina attracted parents of girls with its euphony, evoking peace and tranquility. Being quite old, it never disappeared from use.

The history of its origin is quite contradictory. Some experts believe that Polina is a complete independent name, since the Greek “poly” means “many”. Therefore, Polina is “meaningful.” Others attribute the name to derivatives of the French Paulina (Peacock), that is, “small,” and still others agree that Polina is a shortened form of Apollonia or Apollinaria. In the Russian version, the colloquial Polinaria is more common, which is translated from Greek as “liberated.”

Although over the centuries-old history of the church calendar the list of names has expanded significantly, neither Polina, nor Paulina, nor Apollonia, nor Polinaria are on it. The fact is that Polina in Rus' was called Apollinaria or Pelageya. It is these names that are in the calendar. If the girl is still too young to make her own choice at baptism, then the parents will have to decide. Both names are of Greek origin and have enormous internal energy.

Apollinaria – dedicated to Apollo

Since the name comes from the golden-haired Sun God - Apollo, and Apollinaris means belonging to Apollo, Apollinaria can also be interpreted as “belonging to Apollo”, “solar”. Apollinaria, as a rule, does not have a meek disposition, which is often predicted for a girl named Polina. As a child, she is cheerful and responsive, loves to participate in the affairs of adults and expects praise and recognition of her merits from them. In adulthood, she is a woman of high intelligence, hardworking and devoted to her work and family. By temperament type - choleric. Touchy, but not vindictive. Doesn't tolerate pressure.

If during the baptismal ceremony Polina is named Apollinaria, then she will be patronized by:
- Saint Apollinaria, whose feast day falls on April 4;
- holy martyr Apollinaria (Tupitsina), sentenced to death on October 13, 1937 for belonging to a church group;
- Venerable Apollinaria, who was the daughter of Anthemius, ruler of the Greek Empire. For a long time she hid under a man's monastic robe and bore the name Dorotheus. Saint Remembrance Day is celebrated on the eve of Epiphany, January 18.

Pelageya - “sea”

The name owes its appearance to the Greek Pelagios, which in the female version sounds like Pelagia - “sea”. It is identical to Marina, which is of Latin origin. Perhaps Polina and Pelageya may not seem like ideally consonant names to some, but in Christianity Polina is often baptized with the name Pelageya. In addition, the names of revered holy martyrs and venerable martyrs with this name abound:
- On April 5, the holy martyr Pelagia is venerated;
- May 17 - Pelagia of Tarsus;
- June 26 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Zhidko);
- June 30 - Pelagia (Balakireva);
- October 21 - holy martyr Pelagia of Antioch, who was a student of the hieromartyr Lucian of Antioch, and Pelagia of Antioch of Palestine;
- November 3 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Testova);
- February 12 - Pelagia Diveevskaya.

Despite the fact that others “hear” balance in the gentle name Polina, women who wear it often have a choleric character and do not know how to restrain internal tension for a long time. The girl, named Pelageya, is phlegmatic at first glance, but with age her tolerance also comes to an end. “Sunny” or “sea” Polina is decent, modest, but impulsive.

Women, girls and girls with the name Apollinaria celebrate their name day three times a year. The church name completely coincides with the secular one - Apollinaria.

  • 18.01 – Venerable Apollinaria;
  • 04.04 – martyr Apollinaria;
  • 13.10 – martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna.

Characteristics and meaning of the name

The female name Apollinaria came to us from Ancient Rome. It was derived from the male name Apollinaris (in Latin Apollinaris), which in turn was derived from the name of the god Apollo, the god of the arts, light and prediction. This means that the female name means “belonging to Apollo”, “dedicated to Apollo”. Along with this version, there is an opinion that the name could have been formed from the words polyusis (“liberated”) or polis (“urban”).

Apollinaria is an interesting personality, characterized by responsiveness, care and kindness. Her personal qualities are formed at an early age and do not change with age. Apollinaria is a very vulnerable and sensitive nature. She reacts sharply to criticism and remarks addressed to her, believing that she was reproached and insulted by this. He does everything he does diligently and diligently, expecting that those around him will appreciate it.

Apollinaria cannot be called “white and fluffy.” If anyone dares to offend her or her loved ones, she will stand up without hesitation. In this situation, she can be tough and cruel. He is a very vindictive person and finds reconciliation difficult. She is quite capricious; pressure cannot achieve anything from her. But there is one secret. In order for her to meet you halfway, you need to be affectionate and kind with her. She feels inspired when she feels warmth and care from those around her.

Apollinaria always acts with her characteristic impulsiveness. Her decisions always depend on her mood. However, she is particularly disciplined and meticulous. It can be described as obligatory and organized. Communication with her can be very difficult at times. Due to her pedantry, excessive decency and punctuality, some consider her a bore.

Apollinaria has a large number of friends, whom she treats with reverence and care. She will always offer her help. She perceives her friends' problems as her own and, with all her inherent responsibility, tries to solve them.

Polina is an excellent performer at work. The management values ​​such a reliable employee for his commitment and responsibility. She will become a good and competent specialist - psychologist, teacher, social worker.

Family occupies a special place in Apollinaria’s life, although she is not ready to sacrifice work for the sake of family. She manages to perfectly combine both family and profession. For her husband, she will be a wife, a lover, and a friend, provided that they completely trust each other. If she finds out about her husband’s infidelity, she will divorce without regret. Polina is a caring mother, even too much. She will keep the lives of children, even adults, under control. At home she is a wonderful housewife, with everything in its place. An atmosphere of comfort, warmth and trust reigns in her home.

Patrons of the name

One of the three patroness of the name was Saint Apollinaria (Dorotheos), daughter of King Anphelios. The girl flatly refused to get married because she wanted to devote her life to God. At first the father was against it, but in the end he accepted his daughter’s choice and wanted to send her to a monastery. Before this, she went to Jerusalem, wanted to visit holy places. She distributed all the gold and silver that her parents gave her to those in need. She set free all the slaves accompanying her. On the way to the monastery, her retinue stopped for the night. At night, she changed into monastic robes and hid in a swamp, where she lived as a hermit for the next 7 years. The Lord protected Apollinaria and helped her. One day an Angel came to her and ordered her to go to the monastery under the male name Dorotheus. Apollinaria obeyed unquestioningly. At the monastery, monk Dorotheus was celebrated with strict fasting and prayers. For this she began to possess the gift of healing. In the guise of Dorotheus, she even came to her home and healed her sister. The parents recognized their daughter, but did not say a word. They understood the fate and feat that Apollinaria was performing for them. Only after his death did everyone realize that Dorotheus was actually a woman.

The martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna (1878 - 1937) is known in Russian history. Until 1917, she lived in the Volgograd region and served as a nurse. Then she began wandering around the country, spending a lot of time at services in different churches. She earned her living by doing laundry, cleaning, and babysitting. In 1937, she was slandered and arrested. She was considered a counter-revolutionary and was shot.

Polina's name day is celebrated three times a year.

Each owner of this name celebrates her name day, depending on which saint she was named after.

Let's take a closer look.

When is the day of the angel Polina according to the Orthodox calendar?

Each representative of the name Polina needs to know about the day of veneration of the angel whose name she bears.

Unlike other names, Polina celebrates the holiday on the eve of Epiphany. According to signs, on this day the snow is removed and thrown into the well.

Usually Polina celebrates her name day on January 18, if she is named after the Venerable Apollinaria. If she was named after the martyr, then her feast day falls on April 4. If in honor of the New Martyr Tupitsyna, then the holiday takes place on October 13.

Polina can spend her holiday in church, confessing, taking communion, cleansing herself of sins with her thoughts, and then celebrate the occasion with her family by organizing a small holiday.

Polina's birthday

Every baptized person is named after a saint. After this event, he receives an angel after whom he is named.

The angel whose name the person bears prays to God to save the soul of this person, atonement for his sins from God. Therefore, every believer needs to remember and honor his patronizing angel on his name day.

So, Polina must celebrate her name day once a year and honor the saint in whose honor she is named.

The meaning of the name Appolinaria in Orthodoxy

Polina in Orthodoxy is Appolinaria. This name is of ancient Roman origin and denotes the patronage of Apollo, who in Ancient Greece was the god of the Sun and a mentor of art.

The name Appolinaria comes from the masculine Appolinarius, meaning freed. Today the name denotes a resident of the city. The colloquial form of the name is Polinaria.

The girl Polina or Appolinaria is distinguished by her kindness and responsiveness. She always cares about those around her and enjoys playing with other children since childhood. Likes to strive for excellence in housekeeping and studies. She takes comments hard, especially regarding her activities. She perceives them with cruelty and severity if her “I” was hurt.

Appolinaria likes to receive warmth and affection. She herself loves to give it to everyone around her. He is a very responsible person who does not waste words. She is distinguished by self-discipline, punctuality and a certain pedantry, which can sometimes greatly anger her friends and acquaintances, since she can be so carried away by the task that she can easily turn into a bore.

She is unpretentious in her studies. Can easily complete any task, but expects praise for the work done.

In fact, Polina is a good-natured and sympathetic person, not petty. Someone else's misfortune is not alien to her. She is always ready to help and provide any support. During her lifetime, she often becomes a psychologist, teacher, rescuer, doctor, and a person in a profession where communication with people and help come to the fore. She also loves animals and often helps them.

Easily communicates with strangers, finds common interests and makes useful contacts. She makes a devoted friend who will always come to you in difficult times.

He is a very caring and loving person, a reliable and loyal friend to loved ones. She has no health complaints, but she may have problems with the respiratory system. Therefore, Polina should take care of herself, her diet, her lifestyle, in particular, she should not overcool.

Apollinaria Tupitsyna martyr life

Appolinaria Tupitsyn is one of the new martyrs canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Born in 1878 in the Volgograd region.

She lived simply, but was able to get a good education at the Wel gymnasium. After her she was a nurse, and then a housekeeper and nanny. She devoted her free minutes to her spiritual development, praying in church.

Witnesses called her a person actively opposed to the Soviets, since since 1936 she had gathered people around her and rallied against the Soviets. During her propaganda, she prayed and healed people in word and deed.

A year later she was detained and imprisoned in the Moscow Butyrka cell. Having found out what she was doing, the investigator had enough indicators of false witnesses and so she was shot. Her body was buried in a place where thousands of monks and clergy were present.

In 2009 she was numbered among the new martyrs, which ordinary people often turn to for help. As in life, today people turn to her not only to heal the soul and body, but also for help in restoring injustice and fighting power.


Appolinaria or Polina celebrates her name day three times in the Orthodox church calendar, in honor of saints who suffered for their faith and are numbered among the martyrs.