Personnel adaptation system program. A personnel adaptation program is an urgent need for any enterprise

A new job is stressful both for the employee and for the organization itself. It is necessary for a person to delve into the work process and also build relationships with team members. This period is called adaptation of a new employee. It is important that the management of the enterprise pays sufficient attention to this issue.

The importance of the adaptation period

Adaptation of a new employee is a crucial period that largely determines the future fate of this individual in the enterprise. The significance of the process is determined by the following points:

  • Failure to pay enough attention to onboarding will cause high staff turnover.
  • During the adaptation process, a new employee develops a certain attitude towards the organization and decides on the advisability of cooperation.
  • Getting used to a new workplace, a person is more susceptible to the effects of motivational activities.
  • Eliminating feelings of anxiety and fear associated with entering a new environment.

Adaptation goals

Professional adaptation of new employees pursues the following main goals:

  • Cost reduction. A new employee is usually unproductive. Targeted onboarding helps shorten the onboarding process for a new employee. Thus, it will quickly begin to bring real and material benefits to the enterprise.
  • Save time. With a clear onboarding plan, you can avoid delays caused by the sluggishness of an inexperienced employee.
  • Reducing the level of uncertainty. This will allow the newcomer to feel more comfortable, which allows him to quickly integrate into the work process.
  • Increasing the company's reputation in the labor market. Word of mouth will quickly spread information about the attitude towards new employees.

Two types of adaptation

There are two types of employee adaptation to a new workplace:

  • Primary is the introduction of an employee who has no experience of work and communications at a particular enterprise. In this case, adaptation is quite difficult and time-consuming.
  • Secondary adaptation - concerns employees who are transferred to another place of work within the enterprise or transferred to another division. They are familiar with the specifics of the enterprise, so adaptation is quick and painless.

Main stages of adaptation

Adaptation of a new employee to an organization includes several stages. Namely:

  • Pre-adaptation. It occurs when a person is not yet an employee of the organization. This means familiarizing yourself with the vacancy and conducting an interview.
  • Primary adaptation. Occurs in the first days of a newcomer’s presence at the enterprise. This is an acquaintance with the organization, its employees and the specifics of the work.
  • Effective adaptation. The longest stage, which involves introducing the employee to the work process. As a rule, in the first days, a mentor is assigned to the employee, who prepares him for independent work.

Adaptation to the position

An important component of the adaptation program for a new employee is adaptation to the position. It includes the following points:

  • The hierarchy system at the enterprise (familiarization with the organizational structure). It is worth introducing the employee not only to formal subordination, but also to talk about informal leaders.
  • Authority. This applies to both the responsibilities specified in the job description and potential tasks that may arise due to production needs.
  • Contents of documents. These are all regulations, as well as internal documents regulating the work of the organization.
  • Comprehensive information about the enterprise. This concerns the specifics of the products manufactured (services provided), relationships with clients, suppliers, competitors and regulatory authorities.

Professional adaptation

During the professional adaptation process of a new employee, the following points are touched upon:

  • Determining the content of the work and the desired results of the activity. It is necessary to explain to the employee the essential points and rules, as well as talk about approaches to performing production functions. Simply put, you need to describe the mechanism for evaluating work results by the employer.
  • Features of operation of devices and equipment. The first step is to demonstrate the operation of the equipment. If the employee has not previously encountered such equipment, then he undergoes training under the guidance of a curator.
  • Providing a workplace. Each employee must have his own assigned territory. According to psychologists, lack of personal space is one of the most common reasons for dismissal during the probationary period.
  • Determination of responsibility for documents. The employee must understand what papers he will have to deal with and how to prepare them correctly.

Socio-psychological adaptation

Social and psychological adaptation of a new employee is one of the key points of introduction to the activities of the enterprise. This aspect is influenced by the following parts of the organization:

  • The manager not only evaluates the staff, but also sets the tone of the work. The mood and temperament of the boss largely determine the psychological atmosphere in the team.
  • Team - refers to an established system of informal relationships, traditions and rituals. The future fate of a new employee in an organization largely depends on whether the team accepts him (or whether he himself accepts this situation).
  • The general environment of interaction for the team and management is the norms and rules in force in the organization. They can either unite or divide employees.

Step #1: Beginning of Adaptation

Considering an example of an adaptation plan for a new employee, it is worth noting that this process does not begin from the first working day, but a little earlier. About three to four days before a new subordinate arrives at the enterprise, the HR manager should perform the following approximate list of actions:

  • call the new employee to make sure of his intentions;
  • inform the workforce about the imminent arrival of a new member;
  • prepare a package of introductory information for the employee (for example, telephone numbers of various services of the organization, rules for connecting to the local network, various application forms);
  • prepare a pass to the enterprise;
  • check the workplace for readiness;
  • installation on a personal computer of programs necessary to perform job duties;
  • check the serviceability of office equipment;
  • prepare a set of office supplies and supplies.

As for the immediate manager of the department where the newcomer will work, he must check the relevance of the job description. A supervisor should also be appointed.

Step #2: First day of work

In the example of an onboarding plan for a new employee, the most intensive one is the first day of work. It involves three key links, the approximate actions of which are described in the table.

HR Manager Direct supervisor Curator

Meet the employee and escort him to the workplace;

Present a package of reference documents and corporate paraphernalia (if any);

Carry out registration in the HR department;

Conduct training (safety and other);

Talk about the corporate culture, management style, as well as the traditions that have developed in the organization;

Discuss the scenario of the first working day

Introduce the new employee to the team;

Introduce you to a mentor (curator);

Explain to the employee his job responsibilities;

Draw up a plan for the probationary period;

Talk about the system of rewards and fines;

Explain the amount and procedure for calculating wages and compensation;

Tell us about the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Discuss the plan for the first working day

Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations (work schedule, breaks, dress code, access system, etc.);

Familiarize yourself with the location of official visits (bathroom, dining room, smoking areas, parking, etc.);

Tell about the features of the department in which the new employee will work;

Describe the procedure for communications between employees and managers;

Discuss the results of the first working day

Step #3: First week of work

Considering a typical example of an adaptation program for new employees, it is worth noting that responsibility for organizing the first working week rests almost entirely with the supervisor. Here's what he must do:

  • tell the sponsored person about the history of the organization, its goals, objectives, mission, work mechanism and policy of communication with contractors;
  • familiarize yourself in detail with the documents used in the work process;
  • explain the mechanism of functioning of the administrative and economic apparatus of the organization;
  • introduce the new employee to colleagues with whom he will directly interact during the work process;
  • explain the essence of performing special procedures;
  • give an idea of ​​the reporting system.

Failed adaptations

Unsuccessful examples of adaptation of a new employee in an organization are not uncommon. Here are the most common situations:

  • Arrogance and closedness towards the newcomer. This attitude of the leader is often copied by the entire team. Such an atmosphere puts pressure on the employee, which affects his productivity.
  • Space saving. Placing a newcomer at the same table with another employee will create inconvenience for both. In addition, the newly arrived employee will not have the feeling that he is an integral part of the organization.
  • Ignoring questions. A new person at an enterprise is faced with a huge flow of information. It is impossible to remember everything at once. Therefore, you need to be loyal to a newcomer’s questions, and not say, “Figure it out yourself.”
  • Inconsistent communication. The lack of a clear plan for presenting information leads to confusion. In addition, you should not use complex technical terms.
  • Finding faults and finding faults. Even if the employee has not yet had time to prove himself, he must be praised. Any comments should be made in private.
  • Insulation. From the first days, an employee must be involved in teamwork. This way he will get used to it much faster and become familiar with its specifics.

Typical mistakes of employers

Unfortunately, domestic enterprises pay insufficient attention to the issue of adaptation of new employees. In this regard, the following typical mistakes of employers can be identified:

  • Search for a “ready” employee. Some managers are confident that a new employee must work with 100% dedication. But the ideal employee cannot be found. You can only “grow” it yourself. This will take some time.
  • Treating an employee as a “working machine.” Any employee is, first of all, a person who has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. He may make mistakes. You need to take this into account when building relationships with employees.
  • Excessive demands. Employers often make “cosmic” demands on new employees regarding knowledge and skills. However, not every leader himself meets these parameters.
  • Disrespectful attitude towards employees without work experience. It is rare that an employer agrees to hire an inexperienced employee. And if this happens, then few people care about the psychological comfort of the young specialist, believing that the very fact of work should be perceived with gratitude.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the probationary period. This is a common practice to determine whether an employee is a good fit for the organization. But we must remember that the organization’s management must also make every effort to “suit” the new employee.

The concept of adaptation, its goals, types and elements. Characteristics of the activities of Foriss LLC. Analysis of the program and management system for mentoring and adaptation of new employees of the company. The procedure for conducting an internship, the rights and responsibilities of the mentor and trainee.

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by discipline

"Fundamentals of personnel management"

on the topic:« Developmentadaptation programs for new employees (for exampleForiss LLC»


Student gr. ZUP-072

Mikhalchenko T.L.


Kostromina E.A.

Noginsk - 2009


1. Justification for the need for an adaptation program

1.1 The concept of adaptation, its goals

1.2 Types and elements of adaptation

1.3 Typical projects for developing a system for adaptation and mentoring of personnel

2. Analysis of the development of the adaptation program at Foriss LLC

2.1 Characteristics of the activities of Foriss LLC

2.2 Mentoring and adaptation programs for new employees of Foriss LLC

2.2.1 General

2.2.2 Adaptation program Introduction to the organization Individual adaptation program

2.2.3 Regulations on mentoring General Organization of mentoring

2.2.4 The procedure for internship and commissioning of newly recruited employees

2.2.5 Rights and responsibilities of the mentor

2.2.6 Rights and responsibilities of an employee (trainee)

2.2.7 Mentoring motivation

2.2.8 Analysis of the employee adaptation management system

3. Improving the adaptation system at Foriss LLC

3.1 Proposals for improving the adaptation system. Competency-based adaptation

3.2 Measures to implement the proposed measures





The basis of any modern organization, of course, is people, since it is people who ensure the effective use of any type of resources available to the organization and determine its economic performance and competitiveness. The contribution of human resources to achieving the goals of the organization and the quality of the products produced or services provided depends primarily on how effectively the personnel selection work is carried out. But even the best selection system is not able to provide the desired result if sufficient attention is not paid to the issue of adaptation of new employees.

Dismissal of an employee due to his inability to master a new job or fit into the team will negate the selection results and lead to additional material costs and the search for another employee. A good organization strives to make the most of the potential of its employees, creating conditions for their effective work. The employee evaluates the organization from the point of view of what role it plays in his life and what it does for his well-being. The establishment of organic interaction between a person and an organization provides the basis for the effective functioning of any enterprise.

The first step in this direction is the process of adaptation, that is, the adaptation of the needs and values ​​of the employee to the requirements placed on him by the organization in accordance with its strategic goals. Thus, at the present stage, it is necessary to understand the importance and significance of employee adaptation management as one of the elements of the personnel management system. The problem also lies in the fact that currently existing theoretical and practical developments on adaptation issues often do not take into account the industry specifics and specifics of specific enterprises.

Thus, the relevance and insufficient development of adaptation issues in modern conditions determined the choice of topic, setting goals and objectives, structure and logic of the study.

The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for improving the process of personnel adaptation at Foriss LLC. Achieving this goal is due to the solution of the following key tasks:

1) define the essence of the concept of “personnel adaptation”, identify the goals and methods of adaptation;

2) reveal types of adaptation, explore the factors influencing it;

3) analyze the stages of adaptation;

4) give a description of Foriss LLC;

5) analyze the personnel composition and personnel management system of the enterprise under study;

6) explore the process of personnel adaptation at Foriss LLC

7) Determine ways to further improve the adaptation process at Foriss LLC.

Achieving the goal and solving the assigned tasks determined the structure of the course work. The first chapter will highlight the basic theoretical foundations of personnel adaptation, reveal the basic concepts and essence of adaptation, its types and forms, and justification for the need. The second chapter will provide an analysis of the features of the personnel adaptation system at Foriss LLC, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. It should be noted that, along with a very competent approach to business processes, this company takes seriously both the personnel policy in general and its individual components, such as corporate culture, adaptation, certification, personnel reserve, training, etc.

The third chapter will be devoted to recommendations for improving the management process of the enterprise under study.

The object of study of this work is the process of personnel adaptation. The subject of the study is the process of personnel adaptation at Foriss LLC.

During the study, the following scientific methods were used: observation, analysis of bibliographic sources, methods of analysis of financial and economic activities, processing of personal cards of employees undergoing adaptation, questionnaire survey, interviews.

The practical significance of developing recommendations for Foriss LLC is due to the fact that a correctly implemented adaptation process should lead to:

- to reduce start-up costs by reducing the time it takes a new employee to achieve the established standards of work performance;

- reducing staff turnover;

- saving time for the immediate manager and ordinary employees;

- the emergence of a feeling of job satisfaction in the new team member, reducing anxiety and uncertainty.

Much attention was paid to labor adaptation in the 70-80s. leading domestic theorists: Dikareva A.A., Zotova O.I., Ivanov V.N., Ivantsevich J.M., Lobanov A.A., Kryazheva I.K., Oshevskaya E.I., Podmarkov V.G. ., Rusalinova A.A., Taranov E.V., Filippov A.F. Their research was based on the fact that the employee must adapt to production conditions, and adaptation management consisted mainly in influencing the employee’s behavior. At the same time, market transformations, changes in forms of ownership, and a general deterioration in the economic condition of the country led to the fact that in the second half of the 80s and 90s. issues of managing labor adaptation as a way to increase the efficiency of using personnel have faded into the background. Only in some works the labor adaptation of an employee to the production environment of an enterprise is considered as an element of the personnel management system (A.Ya. Kibanov, E.V. Maslov, Yu.G. Olegov). Among the domestic scientists currently studying this problem, one can highlight O.I. Botkina, R.A. Erokhin, E.V. Maslova, V.I. Nekrasov, K.V. Pavlova, V.N. Samochkina, Strelets P.E., Sarabsky A.A., Shabanov M.A., Shatalov N.I., Shishkina M.I. etc. Despite the wide variety of studies in this area, all authors agree on one thing: helping an employee successfully integrate into a new organization is the most important task of his manager and HR specialists.

1. Justification for the need for an adaptation program

1.1 Concept of adaptation, her goals

In its most general form, adaptation is " the process of adaptation of an employee to the conditions of the external and internal environment". The term “adaptation” is extremely broad and is used in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology, social and industrial adaptation are distinguished. To a certain extent, these two types of adaptation overlap with each other, but each of them also has independent areas of application: social activity is not limited to production, but production activity includes technical, biological, and social aspects.

We can give a definition, in our opinion, of social adaptation by Edgar Stein: “the process of cognition of the threads of power, the process of achieving doctrines adopted in the organization, the process of learning, realizing what is important in this organization or its divisions.” Pleshin I.Yu. Personnel management. - St. Petersburg, 1995. - Page. 77.

In its most general form, personnel adaptation is a controlled process of adapting a new employee to:

· organizational culture of the company;

· to your primary team;

· requirements imposed on him by the company;

· own workplace.

From the perspective of personnel management, production adaptation is of greatest interest. It is precisely this that is the tool in solving such a problem as developing the required level of productivity and quality of work in a new worker in a shorter time.

Author of the textbook “Practical Personnel Management” V.R. Vesnin begins the chapter on personnel adaptation with a definition of the concept of “induction,” believing that it is with this process that the activity of a new employee in the organization begins. Vesnin considers adaptation itself as the stage of employing new personnel following the introduction to a position, defining this process as “adaptation to the content and working conditions, social environment” Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management. - M., 1998. - Page. 216. . Within its framework, a detailed familiarization with the team and new responsibilities takes place; mastering behavioral stereotypes; assimilation - complete adaptation to the environment and, finally, identification - identification of personal interests and goals with common ones.

Recruiting and hiring is a rather lengthy and expensive process - by the first day of work of a new employee, the company has already spent significant funds on him. Therefore, the company is interested in ensuring that the hired employee does not quit after a few months. However, as statistics show, the highest percentage of those hired leave the organization during the first three months. The main reasons for leaving are the discrepancy between reality and expectations and the difficulty of integrating into a new organization. Helping an employee successfully integrate into a new organization is the most important task of his manager and HR specialists.

Often a “newcomer” comes to an enterprise, but his workplace is not prepared, and no one is particularly concerned about this; newcomers are given the right to swim out on their own. But since first impressions usually leave a lasting impression, such a procedure can have a lasting negative impact on the employee's motivation and attitude towards work.

This type of “experience” can often explain high turnover rates in the first weeks or months of employment and why a new employee may feel alienated and take on a negative attitude towards the organization right from their first day on the job. If new employees are left to their own devices, the organization will have no influence on what they learn by chance and will lose the opportunity to instill in them a positive attitude toward work and loyalty to the company's traditions. Personnel adaptation allows you to eliminate or reduce the influence of these reasons on the behavior of new employees, thereby facilitating their entry into the organization.

Let us list the reasons why you need to focus your attention on the adaptation process.

1. Reduce the time it takes to achieve optimal productivity. Any delay in providing new employees with instructions, equipment, resources and necessary training may slow them down from achieving the expected level of performance. Every day of delay is frustrating for an employee and can result in thousands of dollars in lost profits if it is related to new product development or sales.

2. Using a new employee as a source of information for recruiting and searching for potential candidates. By asking a new hire who else has worked successfully at their previous firm, managers can easily add to their talent pool. Sometimes you can directly ask newcomers for help in recruiting their former colleagues.

3. Conducting competitive intelligence. Asking a new hire about the best practices from his previous firm can give his new manager plenty of new ideas.

4. Creating a company image (“the best place to work”). In the first week, a beginner can call dozens of times with friends. How the new employee is treated during this critical period will influence the stories about how they perform. If the reviews are positive, then his friends may want to join your company. Negative comments can also affect a firm's overall image and even future sales.

5. Clarifying manager's expectations. On the first day, it is important to make sure that the new employee knows what the manager expects of him, what the department's goals are, and how he personally can contribute to the development of the company.

6. Understanding employee expectations. It is equally important that the manager finds out what the new employee’s expectations are regarding the conditions and content of work, training, and promotion.

7. The employee’s acceptance of the principle of “sharing of responsibility.” It is important to make it clear to the new employee that they share responsibility for becoming a productive member of the team.

8. Work decision support. The manager needs to “close the sale” by admiring the new employee and supporting his decision to join the firm. All the newcomer's questions should be answered, his fears allayed, and information given to him to discuss with friends.

· reduction of initial costs: while a new employee does not know his workplace, methods and techniques of work well, he works less effectively;

· reducing the impact of feelings of uncertainty on the work behavior of new employees;

· reducing the likelihood of dismissal of new employees;

· developing in a new employee a sense of involvement in the affairs of the organization and interest in organizational development;

· formation of a correct understanding by the new employee of his job responsibilities and the tasks facing him;

· development of the new employee’s skills and abilities to perform work;

· developing a high level of motivation for work in a new employee and an understanding of his role in the success of the organization;

· activating the creative potential and increasing the performance of “old” employees by increasing their involvement in the life of the unit;

· increasing the level of team cohesion.

There are many forms and methods of adapting personnel in an organization. At the same time, the main goal of all adaptation measures is to help the employee start working with maximum efficiency in a new place as quickly as possible.

A properly built employee adaptation system allows an organization to solve several important tasks:

1. Accelerating the onboarding process for a new employee

Achieving the required work efficiency in the shortest possible time;

Reducing the number of possible errors associated with mastering functional responsibilities.

2. Reducing the level of staff turnover:

Reducing the number of employees who have not completed the probationary period;

Reducing the number of employees leaving the company during the first year of operation.

According to A.Ya. Kibanov, goals adaptations are:

· reduction of start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his workplace well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs. Effective adaptation reduces these costs and enables the new employee to quickly achieve established work performance standards;

· reducing concerns and uncertainty among new employees. For

The vast majority of people are characterized by fear of the new, the unknown. The stress of a new employee is usually associated with fear

failures in work and lack of orientation in a new work situation;

· reducing labor turnover, since if newcomers feel uncomfortable in their new job and unnecessary, they may react to this by resigning;

· saving time for the manager and employees, since the work carried out according to the program helps save time for each of them;

· development of a positive attitude towards work and job satisfaction. The adaptation process should contribute to the formation of a positive attitude of new employees towards the organization, towards their unit and towards the assigned work, which is an indispensable condition for high performance indicators. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management / Infra-M: Higher education. 2005. - P.16.

The adaptation process should contribute to the formation of a positive attitude of new employees towards the organization, towards their unit and towards the assigned work, which is an indispensable condition for high performance indicators.

Summarizing all of the above, let us highlight the advantages of having an adaptation system for both the new employee and the organization.

Pros of having an onboarding program for a new employee

· Obtaining complete information required for effective work;

· Reducing the level of uncertainty and anxiety;

· Increasing job satisfaction and developing a positive attitude towards the company as a whole;

· Mastering the basic norms of corporate culture and rules of behavior;

· Building a system of interaction with colleagues;

· Receiving effective feedback from the mentor and line manager based on the results of the probationary period.

The benefits of having an onboarding program for a company

· Creation of a mechanism for assessing the professional and managerial competencies of an employee and his potential based on the results of work in the first months;

· Identification of shortcomings of the company’s existing selection system;

· Development of management competencies of mentors and line managers;

· Justification of personnel decisions regarding both the newcomer and mentors after the end of the adaptation period;

· Increasing employee loyalty to the company as an employer.

In addition, ways to integrate new employees into the life of the organization can significantly activate the creative potential of existing employees and strengthen their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization. For a manager, information about how the process of adaptation of new employees is organized in his department can say a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration

1.2 Speciesand elementsadaptation

Adaptation activities carried out in an organization can be classified according to various criteria.

1. By influence on the behavior of a new employee:

o passive: the new employee acts as a passive object of adaptation measures;

o active: adaptation activities encourage the new employee to strive for independent entry into the organization.

2. By impact on the personality of the new employee:

· progressive, promoting personal development;

· regressive, not conducive to the development of a beginner’s personality (most often this situation occurs if the work performed does not require a person to demonstrate all his abilities or contributes only to his one-sided development);

3. By level:

primary -- when a person first becomes involved in permanent work at a specific enterprise;

secondary - upon subsequent job change.

3. For reasons that necessitated adaptation:

· at the beginning of labor activity, when a person first comes to permanent work in a specific organization;

· when changing jobs;

· upon promotion, when the employee’s circle of production contacts expands, the level of tasks to be solved and the level of responsibility increase;

· in case of demotion, when a person needs help to cope with a stressful situation;

· upon dismissal of an employee, when the organization assists him in finding a new job or in retraining.

The introduction into consideration of the last three types of adaptation expands the very concept of adaptation as entry into an organization, which may not be entirely justified. However, the experience of many organizations indicates the need for such adaptation.

Two more types of adaptation can also be distinguished:

employee adaptation to a new position;

employee adaptation to demotion;

4. By directions:

production ;

non-productive .

Production, in turn, is divided into:

Professional: active development of techniques and methods of carrying out professional activities, acquisition of necessary skills in the workplace;

Psychophysiological: adaptation of the worker’s body as a whole to the conditions of work; its effectiveness and the time of such adaptation largely depend on the physiology and psychology of a person, his health and working conditions;

Socio-psychological: a person’s adaptation to the characteristics of organizational culture, to the primary team and the interpersonal relationships that have developed in it, to the existing leadership style;

Administrative: communicating to the employee the internal rules, his job responsibilities, powers and responsibilities of the organization’s leaders, to whom he can turn on certain issues;

Economic: convincing the employee of the fairness of the motivational system existing in the organization and the reward he receives for his work;

Non-productive, which is divided into:

Adaptation to the social infrastructure of the organization: a new employee is introduced to the possibilities of improving living conditions, using the services of public catering, educational and cultural institutions, sports and recreational institutions and recreation centers;

Adaptation to non-production communication with colleagues: the newcomer is involved in various activities of the organization or department held during non-working hours.

The last classification criterion is decisive for a broader subclassification. It can be most clearly presented in the form of a diagram given by Kibanov A.Ya. Kibanov. Fundamentals of personnel management / Infra-M: Higher education. 2005. - P.38.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activity - adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the work style of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members. It may be associated with considerable difficulties, which include disappointed expectations of quick success due to underestimation of difficulties, the importance of live human communication, practical experience and overestimation of the importance of theoretical knowledge and instructions

When conducting social and psychological adaptation of an employee, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

· What style of communication is accepted in the team (friendly, official business, bohemian, etc.)?

· How is it customary to address employees of equal level/position, subordinates, and managers?

· Are there any groups, “camps,” or territories in the company? What is the relationship between them?

· Who to have lunch with? Who to smoke with?

· Who has children of the same age? Who has cats/dogs/fish/birds? Who has similar hobbies and interests?

· What can/cannot be discussed in the smoking room or over lunch?

· Who can/can’t you turn to for help or advice?

Professional adaptation consists in actively mastering the profession, its intricacies, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making, to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after determining the experience, knowledge and character of the newcomer, the most acceptable form of training is determined for him, for example, he is sent to courses or assigned a mentor. The complexity of professional adaptation depends on the breadth and diversity of activity, interest in it, the content of work, the influence of the professional environment, and the individual psychological properties of the individual.

A new employee needs to master the following professional aspects of work:

· Technologies and techniques used in the company;

· Work standards, documentation;

· Norms, standards, technical requirements;

· Prospects for professional and career growth;

· Training opportunities, advanced training;

· Parameters for assessing the quality of work.

Psychophysiological adaptation -- adaptation to work activity at the level of the worker’s body as a whole, which results in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical activity, etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties; it proceeds quite quickly and largely depends on a person’s health, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely due to lack of work.

We will classify adaptation as psychophysiological to such elements as:

· Work schedule shifted from the usual;

· Shift work schedule;

· Irregular working hours if the employee is not used to it;

· Long business trips;

· Project work

The essence of other forms of adaptation is clear from the names. Let us decipher only some of their elements.

Talking about Corporate adaptation, we mean answers to the following questions:

· What place does the company occupy in the market? How are things going? What is it striving for?

· What are the companies' strategic goals and priorities?

· Who are the key clients? Who are the main competitors?

· How is the company managed? Who makes the decisions?

· What is the company structure? Where are which units located?

· What is the frequency and technology of planning and reporting?

· What procedures and regulations are in place?

· Who signs the documents and in what order?

Organizational adaptation

· I am looking for the restroom? Where can you smoke? Where is the dining room?

· Where can I place my things?

· Where can I get a permanent pass?

· When and where are salaries paid?

· How do they drink tea/coffee here? Can I bring my own mug? Is it possible to drink coffee at work?

· How to order an office, courier, car, meeting room?

· Who should I contact about computer problems?

· Where can I get the required corporate mobile phone? How is it customary to celebrate birthdays? How much should I give for gifts and to whom?

· What time do you usually go home?

Technical adaptation

During the adaptation period, a new employee will have to:

· Remember the new password, get used to the new keyboard;

· Set up your email program, acquire the usual bookmarks in “Favorites”, add the necessary contacts to the “Address Book”;

· Master a new model of telephone, fax, copier, booklet maker, etc.;

· Understand the internal company information storage system, where everything is, what the necessary folders are called;

· Master specific production (warehouse, IT, etc.) equipment;

· Master specific software (DB).

1.3 Standard design of a personnel adaptation and mentoring system

The adaptation program is a set of specific actions that need to be performed by the employee responsible for adaptation. In various textbooks there are different synonyms for adaptation programs - they are also called orientation programs or simply orientation. The essence of these phenomena is approximately the same. We will use the term “onboarding program” because we consider onboarding to be a basic and all-encompassing process that subordinates induction and orientation.

A standard employee adaptation program includes three main stages:

1. Introduction to the organization. This is a rather lengthy process, taking the first 1-2 months of work. The induction process should facilitate the adoption of accepted rules and regulations and provide employees with the necessary information that they need and want to have. The planned work of introducing an employee into an organization involves providing him with basic information about the organization and the potential opportunities provided to employees. The employee is informed about the history of the organization, its prospects, policies and rules, the organizational structure, operating procedure, location of divisions and branches, etc. The employee is introduced to the organization's personnel policy: hiring principles, disciplinary requirements, established procedures, benefits for employees, opportunities for advancement, etc. The process of introduction to the organization ensures not only a positive attitude of employees towards the new place of work, but also an understanding of the principles of the organization’s functioning, clarification of the requirements and expectations on the part of the organization. Many organizations publish booklets containing all the necessary information related to the introduction of employees into the organization.

2. Introduction to the Unit provided by the head of the department. The new employee is introduced to the work of the department and the employees. Sometimes the manager appoints one of the employees as a supervisor for the newcomer during adaptation.

3. Introduction to the position. The new employee’s immediate supervisor begins to communicate with the newcomer after the head of the department has spoken with him. The immediate supervisor is responsible for introducing the new employee to the job and his role in the department. The manager reveals to the new employee the main content of his professional activity and what contribution he can make to the overall success of the department and the organization as a whole. When inducting a position, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:

Colleagues of the new employee and their tasks;

General type of tasks for the coming period;

Requirements for the job (productivity, quality, etc.), the degree of responsibility for the results of the work and the significance of his work for the success of the unit;

Responsible for employee training in the department (mentor);

Start and end times of work, lunch breaks and regulated breaks, if any;

Date of payment of wages;

A place to store personal belongings.

1. The employee is given the opportunity to ask questions that have arisen in his

during the working day.

2. The manager’s interest in providing

the new employee any necessary assistance.

3. Helps to consolidate the right attitudes and the mood for hard work.

The successful adaptation of a new employee is evidenced by:

Lack of discomfort in the workplace, feelings

uncertainty, fear of a new job;

Mastery of the necessary amount of knowledge and skills required for

Compliance of employee performance and behavior with expectations

management and colleagues.

The authors of the textbook “Human Resource Management” T.Yu. have a slightly different idea. Bazarov and B.L. Eremina. Personnel management / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - M., 1998. - P. 237-242. They propose to divide the adaptation process into four stages.

Stage 1. Assessing the level of readiness of a beginner necessary to develop the most effective adaptation program. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience working in similar departments of other companies, his adaptation period will be minimal. However, it should be remembered that even in these cases, the organization may have unusual options for solving problems already known to it.

Since the organizational structure depends on a number of parameters, such as technology of operation, external infrastructure and personnel, the newcomer inevitably finds himself in some degree of unfamiliar situation. Adaptation should involve both familiarity with the production features of the organization and inclusion in communication networks, familiarity with personnel, corporate communication features, rules of conduct, etc.

Stage 2. Orientation -- practical acquaintance of a new employee with his responsibilities and requirements that are imposed on him by the organization. Considerable attention, for example, in US companies, is paid to the adaptation of a newcomer to the conditions of the organization. Both the immediate supervisors of newcomers and employees of personnel management services are involved in this work.

Stage 3. Effective adaptation . This stage consists of the newcomer’s actual adaptation to his status and is largely determined by his inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give the newcomer the opportunity to actively act in various areas, testing on himself and testing the acquired knowledge about the organization. During this stage, it is important to provide maximum support to the new employee, regularly assessing the effectiveness of activities and the characteristics of interaction with colleagues.

Stage 4. Operation . This stage completes the adaptation process; it is characterized by the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable work. As a rule, with the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after 1-1.5 years of work. If the adaptation process is regulated, then the stage of effective functioning can occur within a few months. Such a reduction in the adaptation period can bring significant financial benefits, especially if the organization employs a large number of personnel.

Changing stages causes difficulties called “adaptation crises”, since the impact of the social environment usually increases sharply. As a result, the employee experiences a state of anxiety, resistance, stress, search for a way out, and a need for more active exploration of the hitherto unknown.

At each of the listed stages, a well-thought-out adaptation management system is required. If we talk about specific measures or stages of adaptation, then the functions of the immediate supervisor and the HR manager should be clearly distinguished. So, for example, Bazarov and Eremin see the distribution of responsibilities during the preparation and implementation of the orientation program:

Orientation functions and activities


immediate supervisor

HR manager

Creating an Orientation Program



Familiarization of newcomers with the company and its history, personnel policies, working conditions and rules


Explanation of tasks and job requirements


Introduction of an employee to the work group


Encouraging help from experienced workers to newcomers


As we see, a significant part of the responsibilities for career guidance of personnel lies with immediate supervisor . This is emphasized in a number of textbooks. Vesnin in this sense is an author who widely reveals its functions at all stages - from “induction to position” to the final stages of adaptation.

During individual induction (which, again, is preferable to a group one, since it is more effective and requires less cost), the immediate supervisor “congratulates the new employee on starting work, introduces him to the team (tells his biography, especially noting his merits), introduces him to the department and the situation in it, sets out in detail the requirements, including unwritten ones, reports about the difficulties that may be encountered and the most common mistakes in work, about future colleagues, especially those who have a difficult character, and those on whom you can always rely, ask for advice...The manager provides instructions, monitors the first steps of the newcomer, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of his training, determines the real need for additional training, and provides comprehensive assistance in adaptation.” Personnel management. Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina, M., 1998, pp. 237-242.

The adaptation process itself is also greatly facilitated by the participation of the manager in it. His responsibilities include conducting preliminary work with future colleagues so that the newcomer is well received; appointment of a guardian, checking the state of material working conditions.

During the first week, it is advisable for the manager to see the employee daily, learn about successes and help eliminate problems. This will allow you to get a complete picture of his weaknesses and strengths, relationships in the team, diligence, and appearance as early as possible (ideally within a month).

It is advisable for the manager to create an adaptation control card and constantly keep this process under review. At the first stage, he needs to help the new employee choose the most suitable workplace, at the second - to provide assistance in mastering the intricacies of their profession, in the third - related professions, as well as involving them in the affairs of the team.

In charge HR manager includes:

1. Familiarization with the organization; characteristic; terms of employment; wages.

2. Presentation to the manager, immediate superior, training instructor.

3. Organizing excursions to workplaces.

4. Clarification of working conditions, familiarization with functions (together with the manager).

5. Organization of training (together with the training department).

6. Introduction to the team, introduction of employees (together with the manager).

2. Analysisprogramsadaptation of new employees toForiss LLC»

2.1 Characteristics of the activities of Foriss LLC

Foriss LLC is one of the structural divisions of the SportMaster Group of Companies, which includes various divisions (Divisions, Directorates, Departments, Services, Divisions and Groups). Each department has its own goals and objectives, its own area of ​​work. But at the same time, they all function to achieve a single result in the general interests of the Company.

Within the divisional structure (in accordance with Order No. 71 of the Company dated July 29, 2005), Management company (MC) and seven Divisions: Distribution Division, Retail Division, DivisionO` STIN, Real Estate Division, Logistics Division, Ukrainian Branch, Belarusian Branch.

The structure of the Logistics Division includes Foriss LLC (warehouse) and StilarServis LLC (transport services).

The main provisions of the strategy of the SportMaster Group of Companies, and, consequently, of Foriss LLC as one of the group companies:

· Increased labor productivity.

“Labor productivity should become the core value and core philosophy by which each of the Company’s managers is obliged to make decisions in their daily activities.”

· Transition to a new technological level:

ь implementation of advanced retail technologies

b automation (selection of an IT solution to support changes).

· Improving the efficiency of the Group of Companies’ businesses:

b increase sales on the existing base

b increasing the efficiency of the logistics system

“Logistics provides the basis for future major large-scale resource savings, including in the area of ​​labor productivity”.

· Increasing the competitiveness of the offer:

ь intensification of work on Privat Labels (PL)

ь development of new formats

b improving the quality of the product portfolio and its management

· Improving business management.

· Modernization of the product handling system:

ь centralization of supply chain management (SCM - Supply Chain Management);

b automation of changes in processes and management structure (IT support).

The modernization of the product handling system took place from 2005 to 2006 in four stages:

Automation of the Reception Area and Storage Area by Boxsmall-sized

Automation of the pallet storage areasmall-sizedgoods and sports equipment (MGT / SPI)

Automation of the Storage Arealarge-sizedgoods (KGT)

Automation of the selection areasmall-sizedgoods and sports equipment (MGT / SPI) Corporate newspaper of the SportMaster Group of Companies. - No. 1 (8) May 2006. The topic of the issue is “Strategic Conference”

Foriss LLC has achieved such success in distribution and transportation due to the fact that company management views these activities as a source of competitive advantage, and not as secondary functions. And they support these activities with the necessary capital investments.

The size of the warehouse area is more than 30,000 sq.m. Several thousand units of goods are serviced in the warehouse every day. Employees of the organization, regardless of position, are required to be highly prepared to perform their job duties, because The entire inventory management process is automated.

The company employs more than a thousand people. The structure of the organization includes such divisions as Administration, Accounting, Planning and Economic Department, Distribution Center No. 2, Automated Warehouse Zone, Automated Zone for Selection and Shipment of Goods, Goods Shipping Group, Large Goods Warehouse, Pre-Sales Preparation Group, Administrative and Economic Department , Operation Service, Auxiliary warehouses and examination group, Repair and restoration department, Personnel service, Control and audit department, Control service, Technology department, Supply chain support department, Software department.

The main activity of the organization is servicing goods, starting from the receipt of goods at the warehouse, scanning with entering the goods into the database, warehousing, ensuring competent, high-quality storage, movement, pre-sale preparation of goods, order formation upon request, ending this cycle with the release of goods from the warehouse.

Each area is specific, high-tech and has its own subtleties and nuances. Consequently, the organization cannot afford to have illiterate, inattentive employees. It follows that there is an urgent need for training and adaptation of new employees.

2. 2 Programssmentoring and adaptation of new employees of Foriss LLC

2. 2 . 1 General provisions

The “Onboarding Program for New Employees” is intended to introduce a unified adaptation procedure in all structural divisions of the Logistics Division.

The adaptation procedure is aimed at:

- to ensure the rapid entry into position of a new employee, reducing the number of possible errors associated with new working conditions, reducing discomfort;

To assess the level of qualifications and potential of the employee during his probationary period;

- reduction in staff turnover and, as a consequence, reduction in economic losses associated with the selection and training of personnel;

- receiving “feedback” from a new employee: joining the team, impressions of work, etc.

This program should be known and used in your work:

Heads of structural divisions;


Personnel staff.

This procedure involves the formation of a general understanding of the Sportmaster Group of Companies and the Logistics Division, its main areas of activity, organizational features, features of the relationship between the organization and the employee (hiring and firing procedures, wages, benefits), working conditions, etc.

It is carried out during the first week of work of the employee and consists of 4 stages:

I stage - Introductory orientation interview. The main objective of this procedure is to provide the new employee with information about the Sportmaster Group of Companies and the Logistics Division, the services provided and the features of labor relations. An orientation interview is conducted after the final offer of employment has been prepared and a release date has been agreed upon. It is also possible to conduct it on the first day of work. The interview is conducted by the head of the personnel service or a service employee on his behalf. For candidates accepted for key positions, it is possible to conduct this interview with the head of the structural unit, the General Director.

Key questions covered during the orientation interview:

Company on the market:

The main areas of activity of the Company.

Company position in the market.

Immediate and long-term goals.

Forms and methods of work.

Company from the inside:

History of development;

Main divisions and content of their activities;

Company management, division of powers, procedure for making decisions.

II stage - Applying for a job. This procedure is carried out according to « Instructions for setting up and maintaining personnel records”, approved by order on DL No. 60 dated September 24, 2007.

If the position involves training in a group and then passing final exams at the training center of the Logistics Division, registration is carried out after successful completion of training (warehouse operator).

When registering with the HR service, the employee is given a New Employee Memo, which helps in the first days to navigate the organization:

Memo for employees of the External Logistics Department of the Logistics Division (Appendix No. 1);

III stage - Personal acquaintance with the structural unit and its employees. After completing all the necessary documents when hiring, the employee is introduced to the staff of the structural unit and shown the main premises of the office. Depending on the category of the employee, this round can be performed by the immediate supervisor or another employee on his behalf, as well as by an employee of the personnel service.

Within 3 days, a personnel service employee, via internal email, informs the heads of structural divisions of the Logistics Division, as well as employees interacting with the new employee, according to official duties, the last name, first name, patronymic, position, name of the department and internal telephone number of the new specialist.

IV stage - Familiarization with the workplace.

a) A general familiarization with the workplace is carried out by the immediate supervisor or mentor. For specialists and managers, the head of a structural unit, together with a human resources specialist, appoints a mentor from among employees who have worked for more than 1 year and have the following qualities:

High level of professional competence;

Ability and willingness to share your experience;

Loyalty to the company: dedication to the company’s business, maintaining its standards and work rules;

Communication skills, flexibility in communication, organization, tact.

The functions of a mentor can be assumed by the immediate supervisor.

For warehouse operators with little experience in the position (or no work experience), a mentor is assigned in accordance with the “Regulations on mentoring of employees of the Distribution Center of the Logistics Division”, approved by Order No. 40 of May 18, 2007.

A mentor or immediate supervisor provides individual training to a new employee in the following areas:

Receiving a package of documents to help the new employee enter the position more comfortably and efficiently (job description, regulations on the department, list of office telephone numbers);

Studying the requirements for the workplace, familiarizing yourself with instructions on the technology of your own work and the work of the department;

Study of instructions related to the interaction of structural divisions, as well as on internal and external document flow of the Logistics Division.

The new employee must be provided with a work place (desk, stationery, equipment for document storage, methodological literature, other working materials for general use);

b) Instruction on the use of technical means (automatic telephone exchange, personal computer) is carried out by the head of the OTO UIT (or his employee). Registers a new employee as a network user, explains the features of using the Company’s network capabilities (disks and information stored on them, public directories, etc.) and provides introductory advice on the use of specific software products. To work with the Lotus Notes electronic program, a new employee is given a Lotus Notes User Guide

2.2 . 2.2 Indusindividual adaptation program

An individual adaptation program is aimed at all new employees. The program is drawn up by the immediate supervisor and agreed with the head of the structural unit and the head of the personnel service.

Depending on the position held, the program is compiled according to the following annexes:

Individual adaptation plan for managers and specialists of the Logistics Division (Appendix No.2 );

Individual adaptation plan for technical personnel and drivers of the Logistics Division.

The adaptation program for warehouse operators is regulated by the “Regulations on mentoring employees of the Distribution Center of the Logistics Division”, approved by Order No. 40 of May 18, 2007.

The individual adaptation program is divided into parts:

- Taking office (first month). The plan for entering the position is fixed in the first part of the Individual Plan for completing the probationary period, where its implementation is recorded. This part evaluates the employee's adaptability and learning ability. This stage involves the full entry of the new employee into the position, i.e. acquisition of specific skills specific to a given position (for example, maintaining internal documentation, etc.), good orientation in the activities and structure of the DL and in the structural unit.

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To ensure that the adaptation of new employees to the team is quick and painless, develop a plan-program for adaptation to the position, which can be calculated for a different amount of time - it all depends on the size of your salon or clinic.

The activities of any beauty salon or clinic require well-coordinated teamwork. The communication skills of a new employee should be assessed during an interview so that you know exactly who you and your colleagues will have to deal with. It is better to conduct the interview in the presence of the employee’s future managers, that is, always with the presence of the salon director, and not just the manager, so in the future the employee will always know who to turn to with a question or for advice.

In order for the person in front of you to open up and not feel constrained, it is worth creating a comfortable atmosphere: an individual greeting of the candidate in the reception area, the opportunity to drink coffee while waiting in line, and more.

On the first day of work, the director or manager of the salon should give the employee a tour: introduce him to colleagues, show him where everything is, tell him what local regulations the company has - this will solve a lot of questions.

Plan (program) for adaptation of a new employee using the example of a clinic

For a new employee, you can develop an adaptation plan - an induction program (example below), which can be designed for different amounts of time - it all depends on the size of your salon or clinic. The document will help structure the employee’s first weeks of work.

Introduction to the position


First working day

Meet the head physician of the clinic

Clinic administrator

Safety briefing

Security Specialist

Main block (duration up to three months)

Familiarity with the main job responsibilities, rules and standards of the clinic

Training in working with the clinic’s cosmetic products


Additional block

Basic seminar for new employees


Step-by-step process of adaptation of new employees to the team

As part of a new employee onboarding plan, another effective way to smoothly transition a new employee into a position is a three-step process.

The first stage includes employee registration and hanging out with him indicative conversation. Its main task is to provide newcomers with information about the company: its traditions, rules of business etiquette, corporate standards, dress code (mandatory wearing of a badge, if we are talking about a clinic, it is unacceptable for employees to wear sports-style clothing, provocatively revealing dresses, T-shirts) and more. .

The second stage is entirely devoted development employee job responsibilities, studying the structure of the company and its activities. The newcomer is given a task for a probationary period, agreed upon with his immediate supervisor (sample below).

Probationary assignment

Position________________Salon Administrator_________________________________

Probationary period from ___________2014 to _____________2014.

Evaluation criterion

Execution result (%)

Studying the telephone directory of a beauty salon

Telephone directory studied

Information services for salon employees

Timely information service of the salon

Selling products to customers

The sale is happening as planned, there are no complaints from customers.

Salon customer information service

Clients are informed quickly and in a timely manner

By the end of the probationary period, at third stage, The new employee's performance is assessed. The newcomer writes a report on the work he has done, and then goes through professional testing. Based on its results, the manager makes a decision on the results of the probationary period: either in favor of the employee or not.

It is important to mention the holding of a special adaptation seminar, where employees can get acquainted, listen to presentations about the salon’s activities, and participate in a fun interactive game.

Preparing the team for the arrival of a newcomer

As an example, we recommend including another very effective measure in the onboarding plan for a new employee - sending a letter via corporate mail notifying all employees about the new employee. Inform the newcomer’s first and last name, position, and ask for maximum support. If you have an onboarding plan, it is worth sending it out to all employees with whom the new employee will work, as well as to the administrator.

Or simply before a new employee starts, gather the team and talk about the procedure for interacting with the new employee, appoint someone who will help him with adaptation and with any questions that he may have. Let it even be an official mentor, so that all issues related to work are resolved on the spot and under the guidance of a person “in the know.”

It’s also worth working with “veterans” - motivating them to cooperate: showing how experienced they are, noting that they can become real mentors for a new workmate. In the clinic, it is advisable to emphasize the prestige of mentoring and position it as a step in career growth. “Hazing” is under no circumstances acceptable; it leads to losses and reduces the company’s image.

Building relationships between employees of different generations

The age of the employee plays a role in adaptation: representatives of the younger generation join the team faster than older people.

Today, in many beauty salons, managers are younger than their subordinates. In this case, the manager must realize that his subordinates are already mature professionals, and partnerships must be built based on this definition.

It is also important for the director to clearly indicate common goal so that employees devote maximum time to her, and do not sort things out.

Personal example is also important. Show your employees that you only encourage good relationships within the team and treat everyone with the same courtesy and respect. Resolve all conflicts on the spot. Senior employees will be able to adopt your leadership style and become a guru to the newbie.

It happens that a new employee becomes the cause of conflict between employees. His style of communication and demeanor is not satisfactory, and even insults the “experienced” ones. Here it is worth finding a compromise: talk to the “recruit” about the problem, ask him to adjust his behavior based on the situation; and also talk with employees, explain to them that they should not put pressure on an employee just because he did not immediately fit into the team. Do not forget about the fact of “transfer” of the behavior model. For example, an employee behaves familiarly when communicating with colleagues: he immediately switches to first-name terms and communicates with clients and employees in a rather harsh manner. Do not rush to take extreme measures; it is quite possible that this model of behavior was adopted at his previous job. Have a conversation with the employee, tell them that your company has a business style of communication and respectful attitude towards all subordinates.

All employees of the organization, from young to old, are responsible for the adaptation process of a new employee. Therefore, an employee’s first day in the company should be a holiday for him.

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and activities. The optimal option is to create a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on his work responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

What could a personnel adaptation program be like at an enterprise?

The personnel adaptation program at the enterprise is usually drawn up on the basis of the relevant regulations. The latter prescribes the general procedure and regulates the main aspects of this issue. The program is created for a separate case, that is, it becomes a practical embodiment of the situation.

It is possible that the company does not have provisions on personnel adaptation. However, this does not mean that an appropriate document cannot be drawn up. In this situation, it is more difficult to compose it than if there is a basic part. There are three main aspects to consider when drafting:

  • clear structuring and sequence of actions;
  • language that is clear to understand;
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of each participant.

That is, in order for the adaptation program for new employees at an enterprise to be effective and practically useful, an appropriate program should be drawn up. Experts indicate that such a document is drawn up in two parts.

The first contains general aspects and is similar to the stated provision. The second indicates certain plans that are carried out to achieve the objectives. In total, such an order is calculated for a period of several months.

Some argue that full integration of a new employee takes place within a year. It is indicated that well-designed planning helps reduce this period to six months. However, in practice, only the probationary period is usually taken into account.

Social program for personnel adaptation

A personnel adaptation program is being developed based on the job responsibilities of the new employee. In this case, its primary or secondary integration is taken into account. In the first case, it comes to involving the employee practically from scratch.

With regard to the work process, the main priority of integration is to achieve the production rate of a full-fledged employee. To do this, a plan is drawn up that involves a gradual increase in current indicators, as well as methods for encouraging and motivating the employee.

A separate aspect is the social program for personnel adaptation at the enterprise. Establishing contacts and connections with the team plays an important role. The better an employee feels at work, the less likely he is to leave. To socialize an employee, the following steps can be taken:

  • a mentoring scheme in which an employee is introduced into the general system;
  • mutual assistance and support of the group or individual curators;
  • assignment of certain tasks that are associated with the team;
  • holding joint events, both inside and outside the work process.

These methods are intended to create conditions for maximum comfort for the newly arrived employee. Their achievement is no less a priority than the professional growth of the employee.

Special personnel adaptation program

A special personnel adaptation program at the enterprise covers individual employee training. That is, after the general plan has been carried out, a special one can be used. Most often it covers the following issues:

  • determining the functionality of the unit and the employee himself so that he understands his role in achieving common goals;
  • an indication of the standards and obligations, as well as the liability that follows for violation of certain regulations;
  • reporting according to current production;
  • social regulations and rules of behavior in a given group.

If the employee adaptation program is completed and the results are not fully achieved, special measures may become necessary. This usually concerns the need to improve the employee in certain issues - conduct additional training to improve professionalism or an interview to overcome social withdrawal.

Personnel adaptation program using the example of a company

The adaptation plan for the integration of a new employee at an enterprise is best considered using a step-by-step example:

  • the first stage is preparatory and precedes the employee’s going to work - the HR department calls him and clarifies the necessary questions, prepares a workplace and relevant documentation for review;
  • at the second stage, the employee enters his position for the first time - here he becomes familiar with the basic working conditions, with his immediate superior, the team, and complete information is provided on all issues;
  • during the first week, the third stage of integration occurs - during this time, an assessment of the newcomer’s competence is drawn up, a personal plan for professional training is drawn up, and basic contacts are established within the framework of the work process;
  • the fourth stage can be considered final - the employee is surveyed, his professional abilities and socialization are assessed, and if necessary, additional measures are taken to achieve standards.

Such an integration process requires an appropriate attitude from all its participants. Therefore, a clear indication of responsibility is required; without it, it will be difficult to implement the plan in practice quickly and effectively.

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Posted On 02.11.2017

Regular adaptation for new employees often helps employers introduce a new member to the team as quickly as possible, as well as train him in all the necessary subtleties of work.

Existing adaptation programs, in addition to professional training for a new employee, also include psychological support, assistance during “joining” the team, etc.

Main goals of the events

We can confidently say that adaptation is in the interests of both parties to the employment relationship - both the employer and his new employee. The first is interested in getting results as quickly as possible, while the second really needs help getting used to the new place of work.

The general system of adaptation measures includes a beneficial effect on the following areas of work:

  • minimizing employee training costs;
  • quick determination of the most effective role of an employee in a particular organization;
  • reducing staff turnover through quality training for each employee and showing him the most favorable attitude;
  • creating a positive atmosphere in the team, eliminating possible conflict situations, disputes, etc.;
  • creating team cohesion, forming experienced employees with the most positive attitude towards newcomers.

Who may be responsible for carrying out adaptation measures?

As a rule, responsibility for adaptation rests with specialists from the HR department. But other additional persons can also take part in this procedure, for example, the director himself, the head of the department, laboratory employees, etc.

If the organization is large, it may introduce a separate position for a personnel adaptation specialist.

Create an event plan

As a rule, an adaptation plan is drawn up individually for each enterprise. But in most cases it includes the following main steps:

  1. Preliminary collection of all necessary information about candidates for a specific position.
  2. Study of specific institutions that may produce suitable young professionals.
  3. Analysis of the current adaptation system. If necessary, at this stage all required adjustments and changes are made to the existing scheme, which should lead to higher efficiency indicators.
  4. Checking and analyzing all documents on the basis of which the company carries out the necessary adaptation measures. Such documents include internal regulations and agreements of the company, which can also be adjusted and changed.
  5. Development of materials for preliminary checks and testing of candidates for certain positions in the organization. This may include the creation of suitable tests, the development of special questionnaires and other materials for selecting candidates.
  6. Establishing clear criteria for selecting employees, including requirements for necessary education, qualifications, special character traits, etc.
  7. Direct acquaintance with the applicant, an oral interview, which, as a rule, is conducted by the manager.
  8. Application of all current provisions in practice - implementation of the necessary adaptation measures.

Composition of adaptation programs

The adaptation program is developed by the responsible persons of the enterprise. It must contain all the necessary information, for example, about the methods used, about assessments and selection criteria, about acceptable forms of influence, etc.

When drawing up an individual adaptation program for each employee, such important circumstances as: his current work experience, age, state of health, reviews from previous places of work, etc. are taken into account.

However, there are several mandatory points that apply to each new employee, for example:

  • preliminary acquaintance with a potential candidate. This can be either an oral conversation with the responsible person of the company, or filling out a specially designed questionnaire, etc.;
  • familiarity with all internal documents of the company that will be directly related to the further professional activity of the employee - job description, agreement on financial responsibility, salary regulations, etc.;
  • a story about the safety precautions in force in the organization. This is especially true for those enterprises where special or dangerous working conditions were recorded;
  • direct introduction of the new employee to the rest of the team. This can be an acquaintance with all members of the organization, or with a separate structural unit to which the employee will be assigned;
  • final assessment of the employee’s skills and abilities, for example, after completing a mandatory probationary period.

Additional activities may also include:

  1. Constant contact with an employee in order to find out his achievements over a certain period, for example, a week.

    This method of feedback is very effective, since it allows for the clearest possible observation of the newcomer’s success. In addition, the employee himself will always be able to ask questions about his work that interest him.

  2. Introducing a new employee to the team by organizing a special procedure, for example, an introduction ceremony, a small meeting, or creating a favorable and relaxed atmosphere during the introduction.
  3. Maximum assistance in organizing a comfortable place of work for a newcomer - making the necessary rearrangements, issuing new materials, getting to know the operating features of equipment, etc.
  4. Organization of additional trainings, games, corporate events that will help the employee establish mutual connection and communication with the team as soon as possible.
  5. A constant increase in the requirements, a clear explanation of the assigned tasks, so that the employee has time to understand what exactly they want from him.
  6. Organization of additional training if an employee requires maximum help and support in a particular area of ​​work.

Before approving an adaptation program, you should check the presence of the following, most important, criteria, for example:

  • the employee was indeed told in detail about the future work schedule, as well as other important nuances;
  • the existing safety regulations were clearly explained to the employee;
  • the newcomer was officially introduced to the team;
  • Much attention was paid to possible disputes and conflicts with a newcomer, as well as ways to resolve them as quickly as possible.

It should be remembered that an individual adaptation program must really correspond to the special traits and characteristics of a person’s character. Only in this case will it be able to bring the most positive and high results. It would not be amiss to learn about such important points as the main character traits of a newcomer, the presence of ambitions, the degree of sociability, peculiarities of thinking, marital status, etc. Particular attention can also be paid to previous work experience - reasons for dismissal, features of communication with the previous manager.

An example of a completed adaptation program

Regarding a store employee

1st day

Familiarization of the employee with the company itself, as well as with the peculiarities of its work. Here you can tell about the history of the organization, about the traditions established in it. Next comes an explanation about the current work schedule, the possibility of working overtime shifts, etc.

2-7 days

An introduction to the store's current assortment, a story about special products, as well as how to achieve maximum success in sales.

8-10 days

Instructions on resolving conflict situations, behavior and communication with visitors, skills in answering provocative questions.

11-14 days

Beginning of the internship, transition from the theoretical part to the practical part. Provide customer service under the guidance of an assigned mentor.

15-20 days

Attempts to work independently under the supervision of a mentor. Finding out questions of interest to the newcomer during a conversation with the manager. Practicing psychological techniques and skills in communicating with clients.

21-30 days

Carrying out independent work in accordance with the established schedule and requirements. Establishing an assessment upon completion of preliminary labor activities. Relevant conclusions of management and the person in charge about the possibility or impossibility of further employment.

Adaptation of a radio station worker

1 week

Introducing members of the organization to a new employee. Organizing a small meeting during working hours in a relaxed atmosphere. A story about the history of the emergence and formation of the radio station, informing about interesting facts and internal secrets of the company. Initial acquaintance with the equipment on which the new employee will work in the future.

Voicing further prospects and criteria that have a direct impact on further career growth.

2 week

Familiarity with the current internal documents of the organization, including the employee’s job description. Providing information about the current labor discipline, the specifics of organizing breaks, the general principles of working time distribution, etc.

3 week

Organizing joint games and leisure activities, drawing up motivational programs, creative tasks and creating skits for resolving conflict situations.

4 week

Creation of an individual project by an employee under the guidance of an assigned mentor.

Summing up interim results with an assessment of current achievements, as well as making small adjustments to the newcomer’s work, if necessary.

5-8 week

Independent performance of all duties that were assigned to the newcomer in accordance with the provisions of the employment contract, as well as the current job description. Creation of another original project based on the requirements presented by the manager.

Conversations with other employees, collecting feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the work carried out by the newcomer. View all recorded achievements over the past time and summarize.

Making a final decision on whether the cooperation between the new employee and the employer will continue in the future.

The above examples clearly confirm the fact that any adaptation program must have clear deadlines.

Personnel adaptation plan: everything you need

Only in this case will it really be able to bring the desired results.

It would also be useful to constantly summarize preliminary results. This advice is especially relevant if the adaptation period is quite long. As a result, the person in charge may simply forget about some of the newcomer’s achievements, as well as other important nuances.

That is why it is better to take stock of the results quite often, for example, every week.

Of course, adaptation has long become an integral part of the functioning of almost any organization. If you pay attention to this procedure, it will really help to increase labor efficiency in a fairly short time, while simultaneously reducing costs.