The pyramid on the new rig flew away. Report from the crash site of the hunger pyramid on the Novorizhskoe highway

The pyramid of Alexander Golod, conceived as a mega-harmonizer of space, stood on the side of the Novorizhskoe highway (38th kilometer) for seventeen and a half years, causing sacred awe in some, and sarcastic ridicule in others. For most Muscovites and guests of the capital, the 44-meter structure was simply a landmark - a sign that there were 19 kilometers left to the Moscow Ring Road. But no matter what we, as well as its creator, thought about the pyramid, the hurricane that tore through on Monday left only a paved area and a pile of torn panels. People managed to get out on time. Even the ostrich walking in the pen next door was not harmed. Hunger himself was not offended by the elements: for him, the collapse is not the end, but the beginning of a new, even larger-scale project.

Oil, gas, weapons, drugs...

You see, yesterday the pyramid was gone, and today the head of the district is calling and inviting him to his place,” says a 68-year-old, thin man, slightly hounded by many years of attempts to convey the truth to the people. “I couldn’t get through for four years, but now I need it.” Apparently, he wants me to restore the pyramid. No, I don't need money. I don’t need land either, I own it. I need the right attitude, I need the project to continue. Biophysical technologies of the future have been developed and are waiting to be implemented. The pyramid clearly demonstrated what it was capable of. You have no idea how much money is behind this project. Oil, gas, weapons, drugs - everything is aside.

Let us remind you: Alexander Golod graduated with honors from DSU. Until 1990, he taught in Dnepropetrovsk, rose to leadership positions, was involved in calculations of mathematical models, organized a company that produced guitar strings, and coached the university football team. In 1988, I met a group of enthusiasts studying the effect of the shape of the pyramids, and became fascinated by this forever. In 1990 he moved to Moscow and opened the NPO Gidrometpribor. He spent the money he earned to continue his research.

Women get pregnant, criminals reform

As a result of an 11-year study of the phenomenon, in 1999, on his own land and with his own money, with the help of one partner and one crane, Golod built a pyramid with a height of 44 meters and a base side of 22 meters on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoe highway. Before this, an 11-meter pyramid was built in Ramenskoye.

According to Hunger's theory, special proportions and the relationship of the ribs to the cardinal points allow the pyramid to collect energy flows and harmonize space. Once in the egregor of the pyramid, cereal seeds double their yield, immunity increases in people and animals, cancer and other chronic diseases, including AIDS and hepatitis, disappear, women become pregnant, and pathological criminals begin to knit and embroider. The longer the pyramid stands in its place, the more powerful its effects become, and special matrices charged in energy flows inside the pyramid allow you to take its magical properties with you. True, until last Monday this pleasure was not very cheap: charged stone pyramids, depending on the size, were sold at prices from 4 to 15 thousand rubles. But is it really about money when it comes to a miracle?

“I worked, for example, with prisons,” says Alexander Efimovich. - I loaded salt for them. The salt lay in the pyramid for a day, then it was given to the prison catering units. Three months later, security officers from all the prisons participating in the experiment told me the same phrase: “The impression is that our entire contingent has been replaced.” That is, the prisoners have become different - they have become more humane!

The astronauts will tell you

Did the fall of the pyramid upset him? Alexander Golod assures that he was not upset at all. Since 2010, he has prepared a project for a new pyramid - a hundred-meter one, which now is the time to implement. And the old pyramid, they say, was very worn out, and some time ago he warned the guards that as soon as a strong wind blows, people need to be taken out of it immediately.

By the way, that’s what happened. Security escorted both sellers and buyers out of the pavilion inside the pyramid 20 minutes before the hurricane. Only the ostrich, walking in a nearby enclosure, had a chance to get hurt, but even the bird remained unharmed.

I didn't expect it at all, it was something! - Hunger speaks with respect about the elements. - Because according to all the laws of strength of strength, the pyramid should have, if it had already completely rotted - and it is seriously rotten - folded inwards, but it was directly blown away. That's where she flew off to. I didn’t get 20 centimeters from the pen with the ostrich.

All that I have been observing around my pyramids for 27 years is only balance, only harmony, and everything is in superlatives. I don't have any other words. Especially when we tried to influence newborns with our matrices, on the pathologies of newborns, on the resuscitation of newborns, you could see how these one-two-day old babies came to life. Don't take my word for it? You ask Semenov (general designer of NPO Energia): he sent a matrix from my pyramid to the Mir station - one of those small ones. Or ask the astronauts who were on the ISS. When the Frenchwoman Claudie Haignere flew there, matrices of a new type were already installed there. Ask around - the astronauts will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Not everything is going smoothly with science

The Pyramid of Hunger actually had its fans. Inside, in the pavilion, there were almost always people sitting, charging in energy flows. Buddhists came in and sang mantras. Comrades of dubious religions came in and muttered conspiracies. The women stocked up on charged water, especially since a five-liter bottle cost the same as in a store.

I personally didn’t know any of the regular visitors,” recalls Golod. - But I understand them perfectly. For me there is a Creator, the Almighty. For some reason, great scientists call it “singularity point.” Someone calls him an Artist. Someone - by the Higher consciousness. The fact that He exists is unconditional for me. And if this is unconditional, then it doesn’t matter what language you speak to him. It is important to speak in the right place - this is enough.

Among the adherents of space harmonization by pramids, there are also quite reputable organizations. Thus, the construction of the pyramid was ordered by large medical centers, individual cities and even countries (Georgia). Over the course of 17 years, Golod built more than 15 pyramids higher than 11 meters and several smaller ones, operating, for example, on a separate country cottage with a plot.

But with classical science, everything did not go so smoothly. At the beginning of the 2000s, there was information that several institutes had confirmed the miraculous properties of the Hunger Pyramids. Fellow journalists were not too lazy to call the leadership of these institutions. The Hematological Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and a number of other organizations disowned participation in Hunger’s experiments, and the chairman of the commission to combat pseudoscience, Academician E. Kruglyakov, wrote: “Tales about the magical properties of the pyramids have no scientific basis.”

And what do you think?

Around the site of Alexander Golod, where a 44-meter pyramid fell on Monday and a 100-meter pyramid is planned for 2018, is now almost entirely elite cottage communities. People driving through the gates of these villages in Gelendvagens and Kuisers were reluctant to answer my questions. But in general, none of them believed in the miraculous power of the pyramid, and the majority stopped noticing it altogether, like a lantern at the entrance.

I don’t know... If he made money from this project, then well done, the flag is in his hands,” stated gloomily a heavyset man smoking next to a black Volkswagen Touareg. - And if not... Then I don’t know, everyone goes crazy in their own way.

Personally, when I looked at Alexander Golod and listened to what he said, it did not seem to me that the pyramid project was commercial. He is not dressed smartly, and his car is not new. But I liked his eyes - they were good. In my opinion, Hunger looks more like a fanatical scientist than a slick miracle worker from the 1990s. And how much science, faith and error there is in his project - let everyone decide for themselves.

As I drove away, I saw three well-tied workers wandering along the road. “Hey guys, what do you think about the pyramid that fell?” - I called out to them. “We’re wondering where we’ll get our vodka now!” - the men answered.

The Hunger Pyramid has nothing to do with diets, except indirectly. Golod is the surname of the engineer who erected it, Alexander Golod. An engineer with an occult surname seems to be “ebulliently lazy.” In particular, the following is known about him:

Alexander Golod was born in March 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk. In 1971 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the Army, he became seriously interested in football and became a player-coach and team leader in the Kyiv Military District. After serving in the Army, he worked as a mathematics teacher and programmer, holding private and then management positions.

In 1988, he organized one of the first scientific and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he has been seriously engaged in the construction, study and development of new technologies for the effect of the shape of the Pyramids. Currently, Alexander Golod (since 1991) is the general director of the NPO Gidrometpribor in Moscow. He considers the construction and study of the Pyramids the most important work of his life. Under his leadership, a variety of studies on the effect of the shape of the Pyramids are being conducted.

Research excerpts:

At the Vaccine Research Institute. Mechnikova RAMS (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.B. Egorova): The influence of the presence of living organisms in the Pyramid on the body's reactivity to infection was studied: It was reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed in the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. Conclusion - we can talk about the powerful immunomodulatory effect of the Pyramid on the nonspecific reactivity of the body, i.e. using the effect of the Pyramid shape significantly strengthens the immune system.”

As you can see, non-traditional approaches to chakra cleansing are in demand.

The pyramid certainly attracts attention. Residents of nearby Rublyovsky and Novorizhsky villages come here by country transport.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. It is made of fiberglass and a wooden frame. They say. that there is no iron in the structure is then unclear. how the elements are held together. Similar pyramids can be found in the Ramensky district, on Seliger. According to unverified data, pyramids are widely used to improve the quality of oil-bearing formations. According to Wikipedia:

In 1992, 2 pyramid complexes (four pyramids in each) were installed in the Ishimbay oil field in Bashkiria. According to Golod, “A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the formations decreased by 30%, and the well flow rate increased accordingly.” Apart from the words of the author, there is no information confirming this achievement.

Several pyramids with a height of 22 and 11 meters were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant “in order to improve the environmental situation in the region.” It is reported that “local residents are very skeptical. They know nothing about the improvement of the ecological situation in the region and the amazing healing properties of the pyramid.”

The walls let in light. During the day - solar inside, and at night - electric outside. At the top of the pyramid there is a lantern and in the dark it looks like a night floor lamp.

The frame elements are quite dusty and they are all clogged with dead insects: flies, caterpillars and worms. This goes somewhat counter to the miraculous effect of the pyramid on the body’s reactivity to infection.

Souvenirs and essential occult necessities are sold inside: talismans, amulets, charged water.

The water is charged here.

Inside the pyramid there are two globes - the Earth and the starry sky.

User manual.

A small vernissage was organized at the entrance.

Next to the pyramid is the small cottage community of Renaissance Park, typical of these places in its discreetness.

The news says that the reason for the destruction of this strange structure was the hurricane that raged in Moscow yesterday, but everything is not so simple.

Not only was the moment of the destruction of the Pyramid of Hunger very “successfully” captured on the video recorder of one of the nearby cars, but it turns out that a few seconds before the destruction, the pyramid was visited by several rather strange comrades.

Watch the video

Strange right? People arrived who somehow found out that something would happen to the pyramid, performed some kind of ritual, left the pyramid, and after a few seconds it collapsed... You can think anything you want, except that the real reason for the destruction of the pyramid it became a hurricane.

Now let’s digress from the reasons why the Pyramid installed on the Novorizhskoye Highway could have collapsed to the ground, and take a short excursion into history.

First, let's find out that the so-called pyramids of Hunger are nothing more than an occult project and part of the “Pyramid Business”.

Nowadays, few people remember where the “pyramid boom” started in Russia in the 90s, where the idea of ​​​​the beneficial influence of pyramids on people and the world around them came from. However, this unprecedented advocacy campaign has a name. In many ways, its inspirer and organizer was a man named Alexander Efimovich Golod.

Occultist Alexander Golod

Even on Wikipedia we can learn a lot of interesting things about Golod: Alexander Efimovich Golod (born March 15, 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk) is the general director of the NPO Gidrometpribor in Moscow. In 1971 he graduated with honors from Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the army, he became seriously interested in football and became a player-coach and team leader of the Kyiv Military District. After serving in the army, he worked as a mathematics teacher and programmer, holding private and then management positions. In 1988, he organized one of the first scientific and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he became seriously involved in the construction and study of the effect of the shape of the Pyramids.

Son - Anatoly Golod. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Marketing Manager of JSC Gidrometpribor (03/11/2008). Represents the Russian side in the International Partnership of Pyramid Researchers, within the framework of which, together with Dr. John DeSalvo (represents the American side in the Partnership), he “conducted several broadcasts ... for radio listeners in the USA and Canada” to popularize his father’s pyramids.”

Hunger strives to build pyramids not just anywhere, but in iconic places: Seliger, Novo-Rizhskoye Highway.

Seliger pyramid

Seliger pyramid. Installed in the summer of 1997 near the city of Ostashkov on the shore of Lake Seliger. The height of the pyramid is 22 meters. On this pyramid, according to A. Golod, confirmation was obtained of his assumptions that a sufficiently large pyramid forms a powerful column of presumably ionizing radiation, affecting the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and activating the processes of biocenosis in the environment. Geographic coordinates and a photograph of the pyramid are available on the Panoramio website.

Pyramid on Novo-Rizhskoe Highway

Pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway. Located in the Moscow region on the 38th kilometer of Novorizhskoe highway. Construction was completed on November 30, 1999. The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. This is the largest of the Pyramids of Hunger. The weight of the structure exceeds 55 tons, the construction cost is more than $1 million.

In addition to performing the main functions (“harmonization” of the surrounding space), the pyramid is also used for the production of crystalline “information matrices” used in the construction of smaller pyramids, “information copies” of the pyramids and “transfer” of the healing and other positive properties of the pyramid to water, minerals, crystals , souvenirs, etc.

The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, thanks to the prevailing opinion about the “beneficence” of its internal space, was the subject of pilgrimage.”

The ideas of Alesandr Golod found support from such a serious company as Gazprom, and not only.

“In 1992, 2 pyramid complexes (four pyramids in each) were installed in the Ishimbay oil field in Bashkiria.

Several Pyramids with a height of 22 and 11 meters were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant: the Astrakhan Pyramid of Hunger.

In 1990, in order to determine the possibility of using Pyramids in agricultural production, the ABO cooperative, which was headed at that time by A. Golod, built pyramids in vegetable farms in the Voronezh region, in Torzhok in the Tver region, in the Belgorod region and Krasnodar region, as well as in the Jizzakh region Uzbekistan. Pyramids were used for pre-sowing seed treatment.”

In general, everything is serious, and there is serious money involved here. Of course, this is largely done for the sake of the notorious “cuts and kickbacks,” but not only. Although Golod tries to give his “pyramid business” a scientific form, he is an occultist, and his arguments are exclusively occult in nature.
But let's read this, in its own way, wonderful interview with Gazprom occultist Alexander Golod.

We will build pyramids, which means we will live longer

“More than a year has passed since the last meeting of our correspondent N.Yu. PANINA with A.E. GOLOD, General Director of the NGO<Гидрометприбор>. It was described in the article<Пирамиды будущего> (<Наука и религия>Na 1, 1997). This publication aroused keen interest among readers; many responses and specific requests were received to help people with the help of miraculous pyramids. And now Nonna Panina is again in the office of A.E. Golod.

— Tell us, Alexander Efimovich, what new things have you managed to do during this time?

— In June 1997, another pyramid, 22 meters high, was installed on the shore of Lake Seliger. The radius of its active action is 120 kilometers. And this pyramid still has the same geometry, based on proportion<золотого сечения>. The diameters of the balls inscribed in this pyramid form exactly this proportion

— And such a pyramid works most effectively?

- Yes. Moreover, using her example, it is not difficult to explain the mechanism of action of the pyramid. The fact is that areas of space in the Universe where there are dense material objects (for example, the Solar system) are subject to structural changes. And this leads to distortions in the activity of the Mind within such a section of space. A vicious feedback loop is formed. The curvature of space and the distorted mental activity of man are the causes of all earthly disasters: diseases, crime, wars, earthquakes, economic crises. The pyramid directly or indirectly corrects and harmonizes the structure of space, which means that the likelihood of all our misfortunes occurring is significantly reduced.

— But only in the area of ​​the pyramid?

- Naturally, the dynamics of mitigation, and sometimes even elimination of all kinds of negative manifestations largely depend on the size of the pyramid and compliance with its geometric relationships. If they are chosen correctly, the pyramid can bring the field structures of a person or group of people into a harmonious state. What is the state of field structures? This, strictly speaking, is an indicator of how we fit into the world around us, how harmoniously we interact with it. For example, the same Seliger pyramid. In the zone of its action there is a flow of groundwater from the Valdai Hills; At the same time, he receives information from our pyramid. Next, this information arrives at the watershed of three great rivers - the Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina. Along the beds of these rivers, as well as along many smaller rivers and their tributaries, information from the pyramid is transmitted to a vast territory. The water enters the city's water supply system, and the information is communicated to all city communications, buildings, enterprises and, of course, people.

- So, also for Muscovites?

- Yes. Moscow has been eating for almost a year<живой водой>from the Volga. This significantly reduces the likelihood of epidemics, reduces the number of diseases, and increases the life expectancy of Muscovites - on average by three to five years for each year of eating this food.<пирамидной>water.

— Alexander Efimovich, on your desktop there is a map of the capital with some rings of stones. What does it mean?

“This is the latest of our experiments to harmonize space above such a gigantic city as Moscow. It is well known that stones and minerals are an important means of transferring information when properly oriented on the ground. This is especially noticeable when many stones form a closed contour. The space within such a contour significantly improves its structure over very large areas - even on the scale of entire regions and countries. And in September 1997, in our pyramid, located near Moscow, small granite boulders were kept for a certain time, and then they were buried around the capital in a strictly oriented direction. Three rings were created. One is along a concrete ring road, fifty kilometers away from the city. There boulders were buried every five kilometers. The second ring runs along the Moscow Ring Road: here the stones are buried at a distance of a kilometer from each other. And finally, the smallest ring is located parallel to Sadovoy - here boulders were buried every five hundred meters.

— Do you think this will give real results?

- Yes. We hope that this will lead to a decrease in the crime rate and an improvement in the environmental situation, and the average life expectancy of citizens will increase. And we took care not only of Muscovites. Similar events were held in the territories of four more regions - Leningrad, Tver, Samara and Saratov, including regional centers and other large cities. Syria, Jordan, and Israel became interested in our experiment; Three hundred kilograms of stones processed in our pyramid were recently sent there. I think that this will partly help solve Middle Eastern problems. I would like to do this in the North Caucasus in order to reduce social tension there, but it is easier to come to an agreement with other countries than with your own government. Our appeal to the Security Council of the Russian Federation with a proposal to study the pyramids at the state level still remains unanswered. Perhaps such developments are not a matter of this century, but of the coming century.

— What are your future plans?

“We will continue to build pyramids.” Two 22-meter pyramids have already been completed, one of which will be installed in Kamchatka. A 44-meter-high pyramid is being designed, but it is not yet known who will finance such an expensive structure.

“Well, all I can do is wish you good luck and express the hope that the results of your work will be appreciated.”

And how many of these pyramids were built, some of which, as follows from the interview, were sent to such characteristic countries as Syria, Jordan, Israel?

Reading Wikipedia:
“General-purpose pyramids include pyramids that are made to order and intended “to improve the environmental situation in various regions, for use in the medical and health process, to increase the attractiveness of commercial facilities (boarding houses, open-air cafes, houses, cottage villages, etc. .

Pyramids for this purpose are produced in Russia by the ABO-Noosphere Company. The total number of pyramids manufactured by this company cannot be counted.”

Occult project

Like this. But let's figure out whether pyramids are as useful as Hunger claims? The pyramid really influences the surrounding space, structuring it in a certain way. But Golod’s claims that the pyramid itself is capable of generating “grace” are false. There are thousands of pyramids built in ancient times in the world. In Egypt, China, Mexico, South America, Southeast Asia. Look at these countries, can you say that the people living around these pyramids are happy and they are prospering? In these regions you can find high crime rates and drug armies. Has the crime situation in Russia improved after the Hunger Pyramids? Have his pyramids helped Syria, where civil war continues and the worst appears to be yet to come?

But still, Alexander Golod cannot be called a charlatan. You can't call him an eccentric either. For example, his reasoning goes something like this: “It is well known that stones and minerals are an important means of transferring information when properly oriented on the ground. This is especially noticeable when many stones form a closed contour. The space inside such a contour significantly improves its structure over very large territories - even on the scale of entire regions and countries.” - indicate a good level of occultist in him.

The catch is this: there are a lot of such occultists. But not every one of them finds understanding and concludes an agreement with Gazprom. And Hunger - please. A punchy little guy? There also seem to be quite a few capable men. Therefore, of course, Hunger is the middle link in a certain project. This project is of an occult-political nature, it is not controlled from Russia, and its goals, of course, are not the harmonization of the surrounding reality, but exactly the opposite. In such cases, they say, “you will know them by their fruits.”

Meanwhile, the creator of the pyramid, Alexander Golod, said that he has already prepared a design for a 100-meter pyramid, which will appear on the site of the one that was “demolished by a hurricane.” And the new pyramid, unlike the previous one, which was made of plastic, will be a permanent structure made of concrete. As Golod explained, the pyramid needs a stable ideal shape - “so that the wind does not rinse it,” so “We will build a serious structure,” he emphasized.

Who would doubt that…

Despite the endless rains, the rainfall on the Novorizhskoye Highway grew in record time. In place of the structure that collapsed during the May hurricane, a miniature copy of it appeared. According to the creator, this building is temporary until a more grandiose structure is erected.

Here is all that remains of the previous pyramid that stood on Novorizhskoye Highway: . All this, according to the creator of the structure, engineer Alexander Golod, cost about a million dollars, and now it’s even more expensive, since every part of the pyramid over the years of its presence here was supposedly saturated with the healing energy of this place.

However, no one is in a hurry to take away the wreckage for souvenirs. The 44-meter-high structure, built according to the golden ratio rule, was the pride of Alexander Golod’s engineering. However, he still didn’t calculate something. A month ago, during a hurricane in Moscow, the pyramid collapsed in a couple of seconds.

But the hill on Novorizhskoye Highway was empty for long. In a matter of weeks, a pyramid grew here again. True, three times less than the previous one.

“Three tiers were made new, and the very top, one and a half tiers, is from the old pyramid,” says engineer Alexander Golod.

The creator of the pyramids assures that the structure, despite its size, has not lost its magical properties. In it, they say, you can charge any things and products.

“Coming into contact with the information of the pyramid, just walking around or living nearby - this is a plus of 10-15 years of life for a person,” says engineer Alexander Golod.

And even earlier, the engineer assured that the pyramid could destroy influenza, AIDS and tuberculosis. The structure stood for almost 20 years. And for the locals it has become a familiar part of the landscape. But that's all.

- Do you age less or get sick less?

- No, of course not. It's all nonsense.

- There was nothing like that, there was no gigantic harvest.

- They said there should have been less rain, but there was more.

However, there were also pilgrims. Mostly lovers of esotericism flocked here. The modest size of the new pyramid, Golod assures, will not affect its popularity in any way. Moreover, the structure is temporary. And there is already a project for a new pyramid - 100 meters in height.

“I think it’s about 180 million rubles,” the engineer calculates.

By the way, Alexander Golod leases this land from the Moscow region. It is not clear whether the authorities will agree to the appearance of a pyramid next to the highway, slightly smaller in size than its architectural sister, the Pyramid of Cheops. The engineer, meanwhile, is actively looking for investors. And he again opened a souvenir shop with magic water and crystals for thousands of rubles. But there is no queue in sight yet.

Text: "Vesti-Moscow"

On May 29, the pyramid was destroyed by a hurricane engineer Alexander Golod on Novorizhskoe highway. The structure was built in November 1999 at the 20th kilometer of the highway.

The pyramid was one of the most famous among those built by a Russian engineer in Russia and the CIS countries. There are smaller pyramids built by Hunger in Seliger, Tolyatti, Bashkortostan, Astrakhan, and the Sverdlovsk region.

What was the pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway?

The pyramid was a structure made of fiberglass structures, built without the use of nails. The inside of the pyramid is hollow, you could go into it.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. The weight of the structure exceeded 55 tons; more than $1 million was spent on its construction.

According to the creator of the pyramid, the effect of the structure was “the ability to change the structure of the space surrounding it.” According to the engineer’s idea, in addition to the function of “harmonizing the surrounding space,” the pyramid is also used to produce “crystalline information matrices” used in the construction of smaller pyramids. Hunger has repeatedly stated that its formation changes the structure of space, an “ion column” appears above it, with the help of which it is possible to close ozone holes in the atmosphere, and the seeds of any shadows that have been lying here for some time acquire increased vitality.

The pyramid, designed by Russian engineer Alexander Golod, on Novorizhskoye Highway in the Moscow region. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich

Hunger's views have been criticized more than once by the scientific community. In particular, in 2004, in an interview with AiF. Health" Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Kruglyakov criticized the Hunger theory, which states that all troubles come from the curvature of space.

Until recently, the pyramid was used as a tourist site, a commercial enterprise for the sale of “information copies” of the pyramids, and also as a place of pilgrimage.