Menu for every day for a protein diet. Menu for every day for a protein diet Detailed menu for a protein diet for 14 days

Hello, dear subscribers and readers of my blog! Svetlana Morozova is with you. In this article, the topic is: a protein diet menu for 14 days, I will tell you what the features of such nutrition are, and I will write out an approximate menu for 2 weeks. And is the game even worth the candle?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

However, when protein is digested, it leaves poisons in the intestines, and to remove and neutralize them, we simply need carbohydrates. Especially .

With protein diets, protein breakdown products accumulate in the intestines and blood. The kidneys, filtering the blood, become overloaded and appear.

Digestion is disrupted, as a result, rashes form on the skin, color and elasticity deteriorate. Plus, when protein is broken down, nitrogen is released - this is a blow to the reproductive system, and uric acid accumulates - this is salt deposition, gout, urolithiasis.

Frequent semi-starvation slows down, i.e., if at first there is minus 10 kg, then they begin to gain back - the body regards hunger as an existential threat and begins to accumulate energy “for future use.”

What to do?

Everything couldn't be simpler. The most correct way out is balanced, varied and frequent meals in small portions with a slight calorie deficit, adequate physical activity, and enough sound sleep.

Here are the basics. Then weight loss will be truly effective, long-term and healthy, albeit not so fast.

That's all.

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Any woman always strives for perfection, wants to look beautiful and slim. Not everyone has the opportunity to engage in sports, aerobics and fitness, then diets come to the rescue. With all their variety, you can choose the one that suits you. But the protein diet is rightfully considered the most effective and efficient. In this article we will understand what a protein diet is. The menu for 14 days is compiled taking into account all the requirements of your body.

What is a protein diet?

This diet got its name due to the fact that the diet is dominated by foods high in protein. At the same time, foods high in carbohydrates are completely excluded along with limiting fat. Eating fruits during a diet is mandatory, because they are the source of fiber, vitamins and essential microelements. If you suffer from cardiovascular, joint, or digestive diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting a diet. During this period, it is mandatory to adhere to the drinking regime; you must drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day. Meals should be six times a day.

Benefits of a Protein Diet

No feeling of hunger

If you follow the diet, meals are taken every 3 hours, and protein foods have a long digestion period - 4 hours. Therefore, the feeling of hunger will not haunt you.

Comprehensive health improvement of the body

Often, when performing various diets, we expect one result, but a completely different one appears. Here the effect will spread to all organs and systems, especially in combination with sports. You are guaranteed

  • elastic belly and thighs;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • smooth; tightened and healthy skin
  • high performance;
  • great mood;

No weight gain after finishing the diet

Diets often have a disadvantage - the lost weight comes back in a short period of time. This will not happen in this version. Weight loss will not be as fast as in other diets, but the result will please you.

14-day menu helps you lose weight and maintain muscle

Protein diet menu

The first week of the protein diet is rightfully considered the most difficult, because your body has just begun to adapt to a new diet. There should not be any additional products in your diet. The second and final week will be much easier, but it must be the final one.

Breakfast options

As for breakfast, it should consist exclusively of tea or coffee. Coffee must be natural, tea can be anything - black or green, but must be freshly brewed. Any drink is drunk without sugar. Moreover, if in the first seven days you can choose breakfast, then in the second week of the diet you should definitely alternate drinks.

Second breakfast is a must

If previously you could do without second breakfasts, then when following a diet, they should be an integral part of your diet. For second breakfast, we highly recommend eating a small portion of coleslaw and one boiled egg. This is the perfect snack, but only for eleven days. You can choose any three days on which lunch will be completely different - fruity. Moreover, you can eat either one apple, or one orange, or two kiwis.

The benefits of a hearty lunch

Lunch should always be filling and include the maximum amount of protein from your daily requirement. The main products for lunch are meat and fish. Fish is allowed to be eaten on any two days of the diet; on the remaining days, lean beef or chicken breast is recommended. All this should be either boiled or steamed. Rice and buckwheat are ideal as a side dish, and the latter should appear on your menu for only three days. All other days, only rice is consumed. Meat and fish are allowed in the amount of 150 g, side dish in the amount of 50-100 g.

Afternoon snack as a healthy snack

An ideal afternoon snack would be a vegetable salad, and unlike the second breakfast, it should contain not only cabbage, but also carrots and bell peppers. On any three days of the diet, the salad is replaced with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must be low-fat, and you can eat no more than 200 g.

Dinner options

Dinner is perhaps the only meal when the menu is quite varied. On any five days of the diet, you can eat vegetable salad. Three days are allocated for boiled meat, one day for fish. Also, two dinners should consist of any fruit, and three of a boiled egg. Let us repeat once again that there are no clear regulations on when and what to eat. You decide this yourself, but you make your choice only from the products offered.

A glass of liquid before bed

To make your stomach feel full and allow you to fall asleep peacefully, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or a glass of juice (apple or tomato) at night. The juice should be without sugar and salt. For a couple of days you can allow yourself to drink a glass of unsweetened tea.

In this article, we told you what a protein diet is and described the menu for 14 days in sufficient detail. Let us repeat once again about the need to adhere to the drinking regime and physical activity. The combination will bring you amazing results. By following our simple but very effective tips, in just 2 weeks you will feel the results, gain slimness, lightness and a great mood.

A protein diet, called a protein diet, is one of the basic methods of many diets that lead to weight loss. The principle of protein nutrition is similar to many weight loss systems (Dukan diet, Kremlin diet), but today we’ll talk about the so-called “minus 6-7 kg in 7 days” system, in which you need to consume a maximum of protein (protein) and a minimum of carbohydrates and fats in the diet.

This popular system is designed for an active lifestyle. It shows its effectiveness best with additional training in the gym, fitness classes, aerobics, shaping, etc. at least 3 times a week.

The diet completely excludes all foods high in carbohydrates and strictly limits the amount of fat and is presented in three menu options: for 7 days, 14 days (the simplest) and for 4 weeks. The effectiveness and average calorie content are completely identical, the only difference is the duration.

The essence of a protein diet

This is the simplest and, most importantly, effective method to help a person lose weight. The main thing to remember is that this is a simple protein diet for very quick weight loss, the menu of which cannot contain any sweeteners, including sugar and honey.

Its essence:

  • Eating only foods that contain a lot of protein;
  • Complete refusal to consume foods rich in carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, various types of pasta, products made from dough);
  • Refusal of products containing pure fats (animal fat, mayonnaise);
  • The ability to eat fruits, fish, vegetables, eggs, vegetable oil, salads, dairy products (not fatty) without any restrictions;
  • Limiting carbohydrate foods;
  • And the last thing you should know: the most effective protein diet for weight loss involves mandatory physical activity. This is explained by the fact that the body, receiving an increased amount of protein (protein), always directs it towards muscle growth.

As a result, a person gets a feeling of fullness from the diet. This is explained by the longer digestion of foods allowed for consumption than carbohydrate foods.

A protein day is ideal for combination with high physical activity, without having a negative effect on the mental state; the condition of the skin, teeth, nails and hair improves.

It is believed that protein nutrition for weight loss was introduced into modern dietetics by Dr. Atkins and Dukan, and later, following their example, the Kremlin diet, the Dikul diet and other diets similar in their basic principle of action were developed from nutritionists from different countries, which have spread very widely and have earned considerable popularity among a large number of mainly meat lovers.

Almost any protein food contains hidden fat; also, a diet devoid of carbohydrates is quite dangerous for health - in a protein diet, the carbohydrate content is absolutely reduced, but not eliminated. In the Kremlin fast protein diet, the accounting of incoming carbohydrates is done according to a simple mathematical principle - each product is assigned its own carbohydrate index in points.

Allowed protein foods for quick weight loss

The menu of the protein nutrition program includes more than 70 products, so after reading this section, you will see how diverse it is, like no other diet:

  • Meat is lean, dietary. For example, you can make chops or cutlets from veal, beef, horse meat, or stew a rabbit;
  • Eat offal: beef liver, poultry liver, calf tongue, lamb, front part of beef;
  • There are no restrictions on the variety of fish; it can be fatty, frozen, dried, smoked, canned, crab sticks;
  • Seafood of all kinds;
  • Poultry, except duck and goose. Please note that the skin should not be eaten;
  • Low fat ham of all varieties;
  • Chicken and quail eggs: you can fry them, scramble them, cook them in any way;
  • Dairy products in unlimited variety, but low-fat;
  • One and a half liters of liquid for one day in the form of: tea, coffee, herbal infusion, diet drinks, water;
  • Plant proteins - tofu, seitan;
  • Oat bran;
  • Drying apples, pears;
  • Sweetener in any quantity;
  • Skim milk powder;
  • Balsamic or wine vinegar;
  • Salty soy sauce;
  • Adjika, tomato sauce, tomatoes in their own juice;
  • Cumin, garlic, herbs, onions;
  • Spices for seasoning dishes;
  • Gherkins;
  • Moderate amount of salt;
  • Lemon and its juice in dishes;
  • Mustard, ginger, yeast;
  • Chewing gum without sugar;
  • Vanilla, agar-agar, vaseline oil;
  • Sugar-free lollipops.

Protein drinks for fast weight loss

The diet allows you to drink tea, coffee without sugar, herbal decoctions and infusions, water (plain and mineral). Any fruit juices and sweet drinks are prohibited. Tomato juice or celery juice with the addition of an apple is good for the body. First of all, watch the carbohydrate content: there should be few of them.

We say a categorical “no” to alcohol, protecting the liver, kidneys and stomach. Moreover, alcohol does not allow an enzyme such as pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of animal protein, to work. Therefore, instead of losing weight, you will gain weight and most likely develop stomach problems.

Strictly prohibited foods on a protein diet

  • Sweets, incl. candies, chocolate, pastries, cakes, ice cream, sweet fruits and ready-made fruit juices;
  • Flour, incl. bread, pasta, pastries;
  • Potatoes (in any form);
  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • Butter and other fats;
  • Alcohol;
  • Porridge;
  • Salt, because it retains fluid in the body.

List of animal protein products

How to lose weight on a protein diet in two weeks at home interests many, but you need to know exactly what foods to eat. Protein products of animal origin include all types of meat and seafood, as well as dairy products and eggs.

They are quickly digested, but have a lot of fat, which is not always good for weight loss. That is why during a protein diet, chicken, turkey and rabbit are allowed, but pork and lamb are prohibited. It is better to choose low-fat milk or with a minimum percentage of fat. Here is a list of animal protein products:

  • Sturgeon caviar;
  • Mutton;
  • Shrimp, crayfish, crabs;
  • Salmon, beluga, tuna, sardine;
  • Beef;
  • Chicken meat, chickens;
  • Rabbit, hare;
  • Pork;
  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • Milk and fermented milk products;
  • Duck, goose;
  • Chicken stomachs;
  • Beef tongue;
  • Liver.

List of plant-based protein products

Plant protein products are very important when losing weight, because unlike animal protein foods, they do not contain fat and cholesterol, but they are not very well digested. However, both types of protein should not be neglected. Thus, vegetarians do not receive enough essential amino acids contained in meat products.

For example, 100 g of beef contains 20% of the required fat and 30% of the required cholesterol, but soy cannot boast of this - it has no cholesterol and only 1% fat. At the same time, soy contains the best composition of amino acids, as well as glutamine and arginine, which increase the body's endurance.

List of plant-based protein products:

  • Green and red beans;
  • Peanut;
  • Lentils;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Semolina;
  • Sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds;
  • Millet;
  • Almond;
  • Peas, chickpeas;
  • Pistachios;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Walnuts and Brazil nuts;
  • Bread and bakery products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Apples and pears;
  • Berries;
  • Millet;
  • Garlic;
  • Green peas and green vegetables;
  • Potatoes, onions, zucchini, carrots, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Algae and seaweed;
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • Pineapples;
  • Fruits with pits - apricots, peaches, cherries, avocados;
  • Tofu (bean curd);
  • Edamame (young green beans);
  • Sesame;
  • Seitan (gluten);
  • Spirullina (microalgae);
  • Dried apricots and prunes, dates;
  • Papaya and kiwi;
  • Soy milk.

Contraindications. Who should not lose weight on a fast protein diet?

In addition to what is described, the protein diet also has direct contraindications. It is better to avoid a high-protein diet for people with the following diseases:

  • With severe kidney disease, which does not allow increasing the load on the latter;
  • With liver problems, with cholelithiasis of a certain nature;
  • With severe gastrointestinal diseases;
  • With neoplasms of an oncological nature;
  • With severe heart disease;
  • Women during pregnancy; It is possible to develop a special diet, but only by a specialist.

Protein diets should not be followed by people with various of the health problems described above. Due to the restriction of carbohydrate foods, a decrease in performance is observed. Due to less intake of fat into the body, disorders of the nervous system may occur.

Protein diet for 7 days - menu

Another advantage of a protein diet for seven days for very fast weight loss is that you can create a menu at your own discretion. There are no strict rules here. The above option is just an example. Eating meat and losing weight seems impossible, but it is possible.

During the week, your body will not yet fully get used to the change in food; the result, most likely, will not be visible for long, but this option is possible as an express way to lose weight. The advantage of the 7 kg system. in 7 days is that you don’t have to suffer from hunger and poor health.

A protein diet for a week allows you to get rid of excess weight in a simple and gentle way. Popular options are based on reducing fats and carbohydrates in the diet.

Proteins must be present in large quantities, since they are the most important nutrients necessary for maintaining physical and mental activity, for normal muscle function.

Fast weight loss in a week for men and women is a reality. You need to choose a suitable diet and strictly adhere to the advice of nutritionists. If you continue to follow the rules of rational nutrition, the results obtained can be maintained for a long time.

Detailed protein diet menu by day of the week:


  1. Breakfast: coffee, two eggs;
  2. Second breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge;
  3. Lunch: 150 g of boiled meat;
  4. Afternoon snack: 250 g vegetable salad;
  5. Dinner: steamed fish 200 g;
  6. Before bed: a glass of kefir 1%.


  1. Breakfast: coffee, cottage cheese 100 g;
  2. Second breakfast: 250 g of fruit;
  3. Lunch: 200 g boiled fish + tomato;
  4. Afternoon snack: 200 g cabbage salad;
  5. Dinner: chicken breast 200 g;


  1. Breakfast: tea, rolled oats on water;
  2. Second breakfast: grapefruit;
  3. Afternoon snack: 200 g cucumber and tomato salad;
  4. Dinner: a can of tuna in its own juice;
  5. Before bed: kefir or milk.


  1. Breakfast: coffee, 2 egg omelet, piece of cheese;
  2. Lunch: 250 g chicken liver with sour cream sauce;
  3. Afternoon snack: 150 g of rice, stewed with vegetables;
  4. Dinner: 200 g steamed fish;
  5. Before bed: yogurt.


  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese 100 g, tea;
  2. Second breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat porridge with dried fruits;
  3. Lunch: 200 g beef, 150 g vegetable salad;
  4. Afternoon snack: orange;
  5. Dinner: boiled seafood with green salad;
  6. Before bed: herbal tea.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with water, tea;
  2. Second breakfast: 200 g of fruit;
  3. Lunch: steamed fish steak 250 g;
  4. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 100 g with dried fruits or berries;
  5. Dinner: 200 g chicken breast with 100 g raw vegetables;
  6. Before bed: kefir.


  1. Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese, coffee;
  2. Second breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat porridge;
  3. Lunch: 200 g stewed vegetables, 100 g rice;
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit 250 g;
  5. Dinner: 200 g turkey fillet, green salad;
  6. Before bed: natural yogurt.

The 7-day protein diet includes several protein products (fish, eggs, meat, etc.), which are recommended to be consumed in small quantities (usually 200 g per meal).

Since a protein diet for weight loss for 7 days puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, eat more vegetables. Eat at least 4 small meals a day. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Second week: The daily menu is repeated, plus complex carbohydrates are added in small quantities.

Protein diet for 2 weeks - menu for 14 days

The menu for a 14-day diet is varied. It is dominated by protein-containing products and uses carbohydrate ingredients with a low glycemic index. This menu has a positive effect on your health. Over a 14-day period, women and men develop the habit of consuming only healthy foods.

Sports nutrition is not a mandatory attribute of a protein diet; you can do without it, but this will require a more scrupulous approach to your daily diet, which will require more discipline from you.

A protein diet for 2 weeks is based on the body’s need for carbohydrates - they serve as a source of energy and are necessary for active life. Sample menu for 2 weeks for very fast weight loss on a protein diet.

1 week


  • Lunch: three hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil (preferably olive), 200 g of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: fried or boiled fish.


  • Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 g of kefir.


  • Breakfast: unsweetened black coffee with one cracker;
  • Lunch: large zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples;
  • Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


  • Lunch: one raw egg, 3 boiled carrots. with vegetable oil, hard cheese - 15 g;
  • Dinner: fruit.


  • Breakfast: raw carrots – 1 pc. with lemon juice;
  • Lunch: large fish, fried or boiled, 200 g of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: fruit.


  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad in vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, a glass of fresh carrots, grated with the addition of vegetable oil.


  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea - a glass;
  • Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef meat, fruit;

2 week


  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea;
  • Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit;
  • Dinner: Dinner menu from any previously described day, except Wednesday.


  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken, fresh carrot or cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: boiled eggs - 2 pcs., a glass of fresh carrots, finely chopped with vegetable oil.


  • Breakfast: fresh grated carrots with lemon juice;
  • Lunch: boiled or fried fish, 200 g of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: fruit.


  • Breakfast: black coffee without added sugar;
  • Lunch: one raw egg, boiled carrots (3 pieces), seasoned with vegetable oil, 15 grams of hard cheese;
  • Dinner: fruit.


  • Breakfast: black coffee with crackers;
  • Lunch: zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples;
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


  • Breakfast: unsweetened black coffee with crackers;
  • Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with fresh cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 g of kefir.


  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, 200 g of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: boiled or fried fish (large).

Of all the variety of methods for losing excess weight, a protein diet menu for 14 days will be the best option for people who find it difficult to give up meat, because looking at the diet, it becomes clear that there is more than enough meat.

You cannot adhere to the same diet for more than 14 days; repeating the diet is possible no earlier than six months later. Sports and approved foods are the key to success with a protein diet; it is this combination that will save you from 6-7 or more kg. in a short time.

Advantages of a protein diet for 14 days

  1. During the diet, you will be able to carry out fitness or shaping workouts along with weight loss, and rapid weight loss will not take long;
  2. Follow the basic recommendations so that your protein day gives maximum results and benefits: reduce your daily calorie intake to 1000-1200 kcal. Don't forget about the water regime: drink at least 2 liters of water this day;
  3. On a protein diet there is no feeling of hunger, because... protein foods take up to 4 hours to digest, and menu snacks take less than 3 hours (with 6 meals a day);
  4. Any manifestations of weakness, general fatigue, lethargy, dizziness will be minimal - compared to other diets;
  5. The protein diet for 14 days is one of the simplest and easiest to restrict;
  6. The healing of the body occurs in a comprehensive manner - the hips become more elastic, the skin is tightened and stimulated, sleep is normalized, cellulite is reduced, mood and performance increase - due to additional stress while limiting fat;
  7. The weekly menu with recipes includes a large amount of plant fiber, so interruptions in intestinal function are unlikely. The most effective protein diet for weight loss involves split meals;
  8. The rate of weight loss on a protein diet is not the highest, but its results are different - if you follow the correct diet after the diet, weight gain will not occur for a long time;
  9. Exercising in the gym while dieting will only enhance the weight loss effect, giving you slimness and grace.

The amount of protein required per day for a person is determined by the formula: 1 gram of protein multiplied by 1 kilogram of a person’s body weight. That is, if a girl weighs 60 kg, it turns out that she should consume 60 grams of pure protein per day. 100 grams of chicken breast contains 20 grams of protein.

Disadvantages of a protein diet for 14 days

  1. The protein diet for 14 days is not optimally balanced, although it is used simultaneously with fitness or shaping;
  2. Sudden surges in blood pressure are possible;
  3. The six-meal diet is not suitable for everyone;
  4. Classes are expected in gyms - which is not always possible;
  5. Repeating this version of the protein diet for 14 days is possible no earlier than in a month;
  6. Any chronic diseases may worsen during a diet;
  7. The body does not have enough vitamins, microelements and minerals during a diet and the negative effect only intensifies with additional loads. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations or their complexes.

Protein diet menu for 4 weeks

You may ask, what is the most effective protein diet for weight loss and what is its menu? We will answer you that everything is very individual. When choosing a protein diet, you must proceed from your own preferences.

First week ( have breakfast one half of grapefruit/orange with a boiled egg):

  • Monday: we have lunch with a choice of fruits, as much as you can eat (orange, apple, apricot, pear, melon); we have boiled beef for dinner;
  • Tuesday: dine on boiled skinless chicken fillet; have dinner with two eggs, vegetable salad; snack with kefir and toast;
  • Wednesday: lunch of hard cheese, tomato, bread; boiled turkey dinner;
  • Thursday: for lunch an unlimited amount of citrus fruits in one form; for dinner, boiled chicken fillet with bread;
  • Friday: lunch of two eggs with vegetables; dinner of boiled/fried fish with vegetable salad; snack with one citrus fruit;
  • Saturday: lunch with one type of fruit; dinner with boiled veal and vegetable salad;
  • Sunday: dine on chicken fillet with boiled vegetables, you can eat tomato, grapefruit; and boil vegetables for dinner.

A protein diet for weight loss for 4 weeks looks like a set of mini mono-diets: every day the menu is represented by only one type of product. For example, on Monday you can only eat eggs, and on Tuesday you can only fish. But you are allowed to eat as much as you want.

Second week ( breakfast is the same as in week 1):

  • Monday: for lunch, eat boiled veal with vegetable salad; in the evening, eat a couple of boiled eggs and grapefruit;
  • Tuesday: lunch with boiled turkey and vegetable salad; dinner with eggs and orange;
  • Wednesday: boiled fish with fresh cucumbers for lunch; eggs with orange for dinner;
  • Thursday: for lunch, eat eggs, low-fat hard cheese, boil vegetables; have two eggs for dinner;
  • Friday: fried fish for lunch; for dinner - 2 boiled eggs;
  • Saturday: boiled chicken breast for lunch, plus tomato and grapefruit; For dinner, make yourself a fruit salad;
  • Sunday: for lunch, fried beef chop, tomato, grapefruit; for dinner - eat the same as for lunch.

Third week with a summary description for the whole day:

  • Monday: eat fruits in the first half of the day, without limiting yourself in quantity;
  • Tuesday: Boiled vegetables are also offered in unlimited quantities, but without potatoes;
  • Wednesday: eat all day long, alternating fruits with vegetables, make salads, eat the whole thing;
  • Thursday: steamed lean fish with boiled vegetables, add cabbage vitamin salad;
  • Friday: Boil or fry turkey meat, eat it with boiled vegetables.
  • Saturday, Sunday: only fruit unlimited.

Fourth week with a list of specific products for each day:

  • Monday: 200 grams of boiled chicken breast, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, canned tuna without oil, one piece of bread, grapefruit;
  • Tuesday: fried veal (200 grams), the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, bread, apple or pear;
  • Wednesday: a piece of hard low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables, a couple of cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes, bread, an orange;
  • Thursday: boil 200 grams of turkey, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bread, grapefruit, pear;
  • Friday: boil two eggs, eat 3 tomatoes a day, a salad with vegetables, an orange;
  • Saturday: boiled turkey breast, canned tuna, boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and tomatoes, bread, apple;
  • Sunday: a portion of low-calorie cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, two glasses of kefir, grapefruit.

You can always stop the protein diet, but it is better to calculate everything from the beginning, create a menu and gain strength for a certain period of time. Start small, and you can always continue if the results suit you and your health remains good.

The main disadvantages of a protein diet

Like any other diet, along with its advantages, the protein diet has some obvious disadvantages:

  • Significant load on the kidneys - as a result of eating large amounts of protein, the kidneys receive additional stress, and significant fluid loss occurs;
  • Imbalance of metabolism in the body - due to some restrictions in the diet, there is a lack of certain substances, vitamins and minerals. To minimize the possible negative consequences of this during the diet, you should take complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - can occur in some cases due to the lack of the proper amount of fiber, which is found in large quantities in cereals and vegetables, and with a protein diet they are practically excluded from the diet;
  • Dehydration can occur due to the exclusion of vegetables and fruits from the diet, which contain large amounts of liquid. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid daily, preferably mineral water without gases;
  • Protein diet contraindicated people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys, as well as elderly people, since the increased protein content in the blood increases its coagulability, which can cause the formation of blood clots.
  • We recommend drinking about a glass of water (plain or mineral) 10-15 minutes before meals to prevent dehydration. The total volume of liquid drunk should not be less than 1.5 liters per day. For weight loss, the protein diet menu is very effective, and the mechanism of its effect on the body has been fully studied and scientifically proven;
  • In order not to harm your health, you need to count calories: the number of calories per day should not be less than 1200;
  • Deviations from the diet are unacceptable; it is advisable to eat at the same time. Especially watch the time of dinner, it should not be late;
  • Fix the menu (diet) in a diagram or table, this will help you strictly adhere to the nutrition plan;
  • Diet is a diet, but do not reduce physical activity, do not forget that physical activity is a natural catalyst for burning fat;
  • When it is better to go on a diet - during work or on vacation - everyone decides for themselves, depending on the nature of the work, habits, willpower, etc. Some people find it more convenient while working, as it distracts them, they are constantly busy with something, and this will help them take their mind off the feeling of hunger and obsessive thoughts about food. On the contrary, someone needs a vacation or vacation, since he cannot afford to eat according to the plan, he does not have the opportunity to carry a thermos, containers with food, etc.;
  • The most important, difficult days are 3-5 protein days, when the body, in a panic, begins to replenish what was spent using previously stored fat, but at the same time it will actively ask you for additional food. At this moment, the main thing is not to give in to his requests and not to eat anything that is not prescribed in the diet. Use all your willpower, remembering how beautiful and slim you will become.

Protein recipes

Recipes for protein dishes, including soup recipes, are especially popular these days. Inspired by the example of many stars of show business, cinema and politics, who quickly and effectively lose weight on protein diets, people all over the world are interested in what dishes can constitute a daily diet on a protein diet.

The most common breakfast on a protein diet is eggs. From them you can prepare many dishes that will energize you for the whole day. One of the advantages is that the protein diet recipes are very tasty. Let's give a few examples.

Omelette in a bag

  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 ml. 1.5% milk;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste;
  • Transparent plastic bag.

Whisk the eggs and milk. Season to taste with spices and herbs. Pour the mixture into a bag and lower it into boiling water for 5 minutes. After time has passed, we take out the contents of the bag and put it on a plate. A great breakfast without the use of fat is ready!

Spicy curd mass

  • Cottage cheese 5% - 250 g;
  • A bunch of your favorite greens;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Garlic, salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the greens, garlic and boiled eggs and add to the cottage cheese. Grind with a fork until smooth. Season to taste.

It is not advisable to eat fish and meat for breakfast, especially if it is early, since our digestive system is not yet able to perceive such protein foods due to the complex elements they contain.

Many recipes for a protein diet are easy to follow and have a minimum of ingredients. One of the healthy dishes for losing weight is oven-baked fish. Pollock, trout or hake should be sprinkled with a few drops of lemon and, sprinkled with herbs, placed in the oven. Foil or a special baking sleeve work great.

For lunch, you can make a nutritious protein salad.

Chicken salad with squid

  • Squid - 2 cleaned carcasses;
  • ½ chicken breast without skin;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Cheese - 50 g;
  • Greens, salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste;
  • Pine nuts for decoration.

Boil squid, chicken breast and eggs. Cut into cubes. Three cheese. Chop the greens. Mix everything. We prepare a dressing from natural yogurt, herbs, lemon juice and pepper. Dress the salad and decorate with pine nuts. Let the salad sit for a while before eating.

Baked, grilled or boiled beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish or seafood are suitable for lunch and dinner.

Chicken in kefir

  • Chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • Salt, pepper, garlic;
  • Kefir - half a liter.

Rub the chicken fillet with salt, pepper and chopped garlic, then pour in kefir. Let marinate for at least 3 hours. Then bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pork in soy sauce

  • Pork (not fatty parts) - 1 kg;
  • Soy sauce - ½ cup;
  • Salt, pepper, seasoning for meat - 2 tsp.

Cut the pork into medium pieces, rub with spices, salt and pepper, pour in soy sauce and marinate for 2-3 hours. Pork can be baked in the oven or grilled until golden brown. The basis of recipes for a protein diet for weight loss is protein low in fat and carbohydrates. Next, we advise you to look at reviews of a protein diet for weight loss.

The easiest way to keep your body in good shape – control over the balance of calories consumed and spent. If the weight has creeped up, and you urgently need to bring your body back to its usual shape, emergency weight loss methods that include limiting your total daily caloric intake or carbohydrate-deficient nutrition programs will come to the rescue.

The principle of such menus is based on the fact that the body receives energy from carbohydrate foods eaten. By reducing the supply of energy from outside to a minimum, a person will direct the body to consume the internal reserve, which is located in fat cells.

For 14 days, the priority in nutrition should be meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. They contain a minimum of carbohydrates and a large amount of proteins.

When there is no access to the energy contained in food, metabolic processes will force the body to burn its own fat.

During this period, it is necessary to rearrange the daily routine according to the following principles:

  • divide food into 5-6 meals;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • rise and fall at approximately the same time;
  • last meal 2.5-3 hours before bedtime;
  • increase physical activity;
  • include daily cardio exercises in your schedule.

Reorganize your drinking regime.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. A glass of water an hour before meals will speed up metabolic processes. Distribute the remaining liquid so that at least 1.5-2 hours pass after eating. Protein takes a long time to digest, and water that gets into the stomach after eating will worsen digestion, which will lead to heaviness.

Permitted and prohibited products

A sudden transition to a low-carbohydrate diet can lead to discomfort and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Gradually eliminate sugar and other foods from the menu.

When compiling your diet, refer to the table:

Allowed Forbidden Limit
Meat Sugar Cereals
Fish and seafood Honey, jam, jams Legumes
Meat and chicken by-products Cakes, pastries, pastries Vegetables
Eggs Soda and energy drinks Unsweetened fruits
Cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir Juice from bags Berries with minimal fructose content
Low-fat cheese Mayonnaise, cooking oil Natural juices
Greens, herbs Starchy vegetables Compotes without sugar
Leaf and head salads Sweet fruits and berries Kiseli
Bran Fast food Rice
Natural oils Semi-finished products

Alcoholic drinks of any strength are prohibited. But herbal teas, rosehip decoction and still mineral water will be useful for breaking down fat.

Limiting the consumption of vegetables and fruits threatens vitamin deficiency, so take a vitamin complex.

How to lose 10 kg in a week: TOP 7 programs

Losing weight too quickly is harmful to your health. Express methods should be used only as a last resort and no more than twice a year.

The stress-free low-carb program lasts 4 weeks. Strict adherence to all recommendations is important. You cannot swap weeks or swap breakfast and dinner.

Important! Follow the dosage strictly. If the weight is not specified, you can eat any amount.

Keto diet - weekly menu for women

Provides for the transition to alternative energy of one’s own body. The process of eliminating fat reserves is called ketosis. A low-carbohydrate menu for a week changes the type of energy metabolism to ketosis, in which the liver breaks down fatty acids and converts them into energy.

The body spends a huge amount of calories, but in the process of restructuring the metabolism, problems with digestion arise, and the risk of irreversible changes in the kidneys is high.

Switching to this menu is possible only under the supervision of a doctor after a full examination and a series of laboratory tests.


Another option for high-protein nutrition is based on weighing and scoring. You can eat without restrictions, and carbohydrate-containing foods must be counted in points or conventional units.

The more in , the more points you need to add to your account. In the first week you are allowed to consume 20 points, in the second 40. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt and increase the amount of fluid you drink.

To lose weight in the abdomen and sides for women - menu for the week

This option involves fractional meals; one serving should not exceed the size of the palm of your hand.

Combine permitted products according to the principle:

  • meat and fish + greens;
  • cereals + fruits.

The breaks between meals are 2-2.5 hours. Eat slowly, stop eating when you feel slightly hungry. The stomach will gradually shrink in volume and you will need less food to feel full.

Include exercises, cardio exercises, massage and wraps of problem areas.

Buckwheat with kefir for weight loss

This option is suitable as unloading. For 3 days, you are allowed to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 0.5 kg of buckwheat porridge without salt and butter, dividing the food into 4-5 servings.

Water, green or herbal tea are consumed without limitation, but not less than 2 liters per day. The second part of the day involves reducing the amount of water you drink, otherwise the load on the urinary system will be too high.

Hollywood Diet

This is a quick, but not very useful way to lose weight. Calorie intake should be limited to 600-800 kcal per day. Meals are provided twice a day: at lunch and in the evening.

On odd days, you can eat 100 g of fish, chicken breast or 100 g of non-starchy vegetables for lunch, and in the evening, 1 chicken grapefruit or a couple of quail eggs. On even days, swap lunch and dinner. Breakfast and afternoon tea are not provided; a cup of unsweetened coffee is acceptable.

Advantages and disadvantages of a protein diet for 14 days

The goal of any dietary restriction is to lose excess weight and improve body quality.

Low-calorie nutrition systems and mono-diets allow you to quickly lose weight, but with prolonged food restriction your health suffers:

  • chronic diseases worsen;
  • digestive function is impaired;
  • dizziness and sometimes fainting appear;
  • brain activity is disrupted;
  • reaction worsens;
  • skin color deteriorates;
  • wrinkles appear or deepen;
  • tissue turgor is lost;
  • muscle tissue decreases;
  • brittle hair and nails appear.

Severe daily calorie restrictions can lead to nervous breakdowns and the development of eating disorders: bulimia and anorexia.

When restrictions are lifted, weight increases to the same or higher values ​​than before. A diet with a predominance of protein does not have many of the listed disadvantages.

People who practice weight loss on meat products noted that they:

  • no feeling of hunger;
  • visual attractiveness and high performance are maintained;
  • weight loss occurs smoothly;
  • There are no eating disorders or weight gain when switching to a balanced diet.

People involved in sports note an increase in muscle mass and high results in strength and endurance.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Impaired regularity of bowel movements. The reason for this is a lack of fiber. You can normalize stool by adding green vegetables, herbs, leafy and head lettuce, and bran to your diet.
  2. A deficiency of carbohydrates can cause inhibition of reactions and slowing down of thought processes. Adding dark chocolate to your diet will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Monitor the function of the urinary system, monitor liver function.

Who is the protein diet contraindicated for?

The best solution is to eat a balanced diet, but if you decide to try low-carb eating, make sure you are not at risk:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women. A diet with a large predominance of one macronutrient over another can cause metabolic disorders in the fetus/infant.
  2. Minors. During a period of rapid growth, the body must receive the full range of nutrients.
  3. Elderly people. Metabolic processes that slow down with age do not allow experiments on health.

Persons with acute and chronic kidney diseases are not able to process increased amounts of protein foods; their diet should contain a minimum amount of meat and other sources of amino acids.

Eating large amounts of meat products after 2 days of fasting leads to acute liver injury.

If you fall into one of these categories, choose a gentle diet for yourself.

Results of following a protein diet for 14 days

When following a high-protein diet and a high level of physical activity, weight loss, a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat, and muscle growth were noted.

Bodybuilders practice a low-carbohydrate diet during the “drying” process, during which the intercellular fluid drains and the muscles are visually drawn.

People who are far from big sports manage to lose weight on a low-carbohydrate diet if they increase physical activity.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

16 Mar 2017


Excess weight is not an indicator of excellent health in a person, but quite the opposite. Additional kilograms indicate that there is a malfunction in the body and it is not working correctly. Diets specially developed by nutritionists will help cope with the problem. The most effective and efficient of them is protein.

Protein diet for weight loss

A diet consisting of foods with a high protein content is a protein diet for rapid weight loss. But it also means strict control and limitation of the intake of carbohydrates and fats. During this effective diet, the body intensively removes fluid and calcium. With such a diet, a large load is placed on the kidneys, and as a result, a person may experience dry skin, dull hair, and brittle nails.

To stay hydrated and stay well, you should drink plenty of purified water, as indicated in the fluid intake chart. It will not be superfluous to take vitamins. The combination of a proper and balanced diet and exercise allows you to get a colossal effect. It is not necessary to train in the gym; simple exercises that will take half an hour of your time will suffice. A protein diet for 2 weeks can completely transform your figure.

Pros of a protein diet

This diet has many advantages. The main advantages of a protein diet:

  • Satisfies hunger for a long time. Protein is a complex element, the body needs time and strength to digest it. This is the reason for eliminating the feeling of hunger for several hours.
  • A balanced diet helps you not gain kilograms, but quickly lose them.

Cons of a protein diet

There are disadvantages of a protein diet:

  • after finishing the diet, it’s easy to resort to carbohydrate foods (flour products, pasta);
  • the condition of nails and hair may worsen;
  • Diet causes frequent mood swings.

What can you eat on a protein diet?

The list of foods that you can eat on a protein diet includes the following main ingredients:

  • Dishes from poultry, rabbit, veal, beef, lamb. You can cook meat according to various recipes: steam, boil, stew, fry without oil.
  • A variety of lean fish. Choose varieties at your discretion, it is a matter of taste.
  • Chicken or quail eggs rich in protein.
  • Vegetables (everything except potatoes). They can be taken fresh or in frozen mixtures. Cook soups with them, fry, stew, give preference to greens and cabbage - white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.

A protein diet - it is better to prepare a menu for 14 days in advance - should not be skimpy. The diet can be diluted by consuming the following products: canned fish, lightly salted lard, high-quality sausages, dark chocolate, fruit in moderation. Tomatoes have a special role: they contain lycopene, which our body needs. Salads should be seasoned with lemon juice, flaxseed or olive oil. During a strict diet, you can use different spices. It is necessary to limit salt.

It is prohibited to use:

  • potato;
  • bakery products;
  • porridge, pasta;
  • any sweet drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Protein day menu

After successful weight loss, you need to stay in shape with effective fasting days. They are held once a week at home, on this day only protein foods are consumed. Remember to drink about two liters of sugar-free liquid. You are allowed to eat vegetables, raw, boiled or stewed. Eating occurs every 4-5 hours. There are several types of fasting days:

  • Fasting day on meat. For a day you can eat only lean meat, boiled or stewed. It must be divided into equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can satisfy your hunger with low-calorie vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers). In the evening, if desired, you are allowed to drink 250 grams of kefir with 1% fat content.
  • According to reviews, a day on kefir is the most popular and effective. You need to drink one and a half liters of kefir per day. The diet can be varied with apples in the amount of 3-5 pieces. But you should not forget about drinking plenty of water.
  • A fasting day on fish is very similar to a fasting day on meat. For this you can take hake, salmon, pelengas, pink salmon, and silver carp. The menu for a protein day consists of 600 grams of delicious fish of your choice. Drinking lemon water or water with ginger will help in the fight against hunger. You can start your morning with green tea.

Types of protein diet

There are a variety of protein diet options. The duration of such a diet varies from 5 to 14 days. An accelerated and fast way to lose weight is a protein diet for five days. It is used if you need to quickly lose excess weight. The main products in this high protein diet are:

  • meat, preferably chicken fillet;
  • fermented milk products and milk;
  • herbal tea, still mineral water (no coffee allowed).

The ten-day diet is practically no different from the previous one. The only difference is in the consumption of fermented milk products; they should be taken every 6 hours, 200 grams. Fractional meals and small portions will not allow you to feel hungry. Be sure to drink plenty of still water and exercise. The extra pounds will disappear very quickly. The diet for 2 weeks is significantly different from the previous ones. An approximate menu for a protein diet for weight loss also includes a small amount of carbohydrate foods.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

A detailed description of the diet will help you quickly lose weight without harming your health. Protein diet for 14 days:

  1. Breakfast – 270 ml of coffee drink. Lunch – 1 tbsp. ryazhenka, 2 eggs, 130 grams of boiled cabbage. Dinner – 250 grams of boiled fish with broth.
  2. Breakfast – 230 ml of fruit juice without sugar, scrambled eggs from 2 eggs without butter. Lunch – 170 grams of fish, 120 g of beets. Dinner – 200 grams of kefir, 0.2 kg of rabbit meat.
  3. Breakfast – 4 quail eggs, 270 ml unsweetened tea. Lunch – 180 g steamed chicken, 100 g stewed zucchini, 1 grapefruit. Dinner – 2 eggs, 170 g lean beef, 125 g fresh vegetable salad.
  4. Breakfast – 270 ml of tea without sugar, 20 g of cheese, 10 g of butter. Lunch – 2 boiled carrots, salmon steak 150 g, fresh fruit 150 g. Dinner – 1 tbsp. ryazhenka, 25 g cheese.
  5. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, 270 ml tea. Lunch – 1 glass of curdled milk, pork with vegetables 250 g, banana. Dinner – 1 tbsp. kefir, 1 egg, 25 g cheese.
  6. Breakfast – 250 ml tea, 2 eggs, 15 g dark chocolate. Lunch – 170 g boiled rabbit meat, 150 g vegetable salad, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. Dinner – 100 g of raw carrots seasoned with vegetable oil, a couple of hard-boiled eggs.
  7. Breakfast – 270 ml of tea, 4 quail eggs, 15 g of dark chocolate. Lunch – 170 g beef, 120 g buckwheat, 2 apples or 1 banana. Dinner – 2 eggs, 100 g fish, 1 tbsp. kefir, 150 g vegetables.
  8. The second week repeats the menu of the first, but the order is reversed, i.e. Day 8 equals day 7, day 9 equals day 6, etc.