Runes fortune telling online yes or no. Fortune telling with runes: layout One rune – Fortune telling online

Celtic symbols - runes have long been used in magical rituals; people turned to them for help in many matters. And today you can appeal to them through the network online, for free, or by personally conducting fortune telling on the runes , Having received the answer to the question posed yes - no. How ritual fortune-telling is carried out using runes and how ancient signs are interpreted - we’ll talk about this further.

Yes or no? Runes will help you choose

You can ask runic signs with any question, simple or complex - the main thing is to mentally formulate the question or outline the situation and higher powers will help you get an answer.

To the situation

Scandinavian runes will help you get an answer to the question posed in relation to a particular situation - in this case, fortune telling with a yes or no answer is suitable. It is enough to clearly and clearly formulate the question and turn to the runes - the decoding of the received answer will directly depend on the symbol that appears and what element it belongs to.

There are 5 elements in the magic of runes - which one or another sign belongs to and will largely determine the solution to the current situation.

  1. Fire element.
  2. Element of earth.
  3. Element of air.
  4. Element of water.
  5. They are completed by the element of metal.

What does this or that element carry? Let's look at this issue further.

The element of Fire – it has the strongest energy. When doing fortune telling, the symbols of this element always give a positive answer, but at the same time encourages you to make every effort to achieve your goal. Everything will work out well for you if you don’t sit still.

The element of water in runic symbols carries a symbol of thoughts and dreams, desires, but in fortune telling it carries a negative connotation - nothing will work out for you, since you are not yet ready for positive transformations and changes in the situation. The sign indicates that everything comes in due time.

The element of water in runic signs brings change - it warns that the situation at any moment can take the most unexpected turn. Therefore, it is important to always be on guard - the advice from above is that the situation should always be kept under control, and only in this way will everything turn out positively for the questioner.

The element of earth carries within itself the material side of life - in fortune telling, it encourages you to always look at the world realistically, take off your rose-colored glasses and get rid of illusions. If you discard all feelings, emotions and illusions, turn on all your analytical talents, then you can achieve success.

The element of metal in runic magic indicates the potential and talents of a person, the right path - in each scenario it will symbolize a positive decision, the development of a situation, the achievement of a goal.

To the question

Even a beginner can carry out fortune telling on the question of yes or no by runes - the main thing is to clearly and concisely formulate your question at the very beginning, so that the alignment gives a clear and concise answer to it. Mentally voice it to yourself and mix the runes in the bag, then throw them on a flat surface. When most of the runes lay face down or upside down, the answer to the question asked mentally will be negative. If the images of the runes lay face up, in straight form, this can accordingly be regarded as a positive answer.

If you want to get a more detailed answer, mentally pose a question to the runes, shuffle them in the bag and draw out one symbol with your left hand. He will be the answer to your appeal to higher powers for an answer.

Interpretation of runes

Rune layout

You can turn to the rune with any question - the main thing is to correctly interpret the answer received in the form of one or another symbol.

If a feu lands in its upright position, the answer from above is positive. Your dream or question will be resolved quickly and without much effort on your part. But the symbol also carries a warning that everything quickly and easily acquired can also be easily and quickly lost. If the symbol appears upside down, the answer is negative, which indicates that you have missed your chance to successfully resolve the issue. That’s why it’s so important to reconsider your own principles of life.

If a straight rune appears in the reading Uruz- this is a positive answer to your question, but success is directly determined by your desire to achieve your goal. Therefore, it is important to think positively about it, only in this way will the dream come true. If the symbol appears upside down, this is a negative response from higher powers, indicating that the goal was not achieved due to standard and limited thinking and one’s own stereotypical behavior.

If the symbol falls in the upright position Turisaz– the answer is “yes”. The main thing is to show the qualities of a leader or enlist the support of a stronger patron - this is the only way to turn the situation in the direction you want. If the runic symbol appears upside down, the answer is negative. It brings stagnation in business and a dead-end solution to the issue.

If the symbol appears in the upright position Ansuz– the answer will be affirmative and this situation can be used as much as possible for your own benefit. The rune indicates the development and expansion of your own horizons, social circle and new acquaintances - every little thing can change the situation in the direction you need. But when turned upside down, the symbol gives a negative answer - even the most well-thought-out idea will fail.

Straightforward symbol Raido gives an unequivocally positive answer - you must make an important decision for yourself, and only then everything will fall into place and will play to your advantage. In this case, it is important to show a bit of confidence and a bit of determination. If the symbol appears upside down in the layout, this indicates a negative development of the situation, the answer is no and therefore it is better to retire for a while and do nothing. Otherwise, it will lead to adverse consequences.

Rune Kenaz If it appears in the straight, correct position in the layout, it tells you an unequivocal yes - it promises you the discovery of new Atlanteans, potential in yourself, and expansion of the boundaries of your own space. If the rune is in an inverted position, it promises a negative answer, emphasizing emotional and spiritual exhaustion. There is no need to do anything now to avoid being influenced by external negative factors, circumstances and people.

Rune Hagalaz present in the layout gives you a positive answer - everything you have in mind will definitely work out, and in the most unexpected way.

If the symbol Nautiz fell in its upright position - the answer to the question is “yes”, it tells you the fulfillment of your desires, the achievement of your goal. If the symbol appears upside down, this is a negative answer to the question posed and the reason lies in the fact that the desire itself does not correspond to your capabilities. That’s why it’s so important to evaluate your real strengths and compare them with your own desires; maybe you want too much.

Scandinavian runes have long been used to obtain answers to many life questions

If a runic symbol appears in a single layout Isa– he gives a clearly negative answer. The thing is that the situation itself is too influenced by external factors, but if you make every effort, you can turn the situation in a direction beneficial to yourself.

Symbol Yera, dropped in any position gives the answer “yes” to your appeal to higher powers - the main thing is to quickly respond to changes in the situation and adapt to them. But for now you have a chance to fulfill half of your dream, and you will gradually realize the rest in the future.

Symbol Eyvaz, dropped in any position also gives the answer “yes” to the question, the main thing is to show a bit of determination and self-confidence. And this is the only way you will realize the plans you have set for yourself.

Symbol Perth the one who falls in the upright position tells you yes, but here success may depend on your luck and diplomatic flexibility. If the position of the symbol is inverted, the answer is no, and the reason may be unfinished business or a previously unfulfilled promise.

Symbol Algiz in the upright position gives an affirmative answer to the question posed, and much in this case depends on your own behavior, actions and decisions. If you are careful and consistent in your decisions, everything will work out for you as well as possible. If the rune is upside down, higher powers are telling you no, because you are going against the flow and do not see the opportunities that stand before you.

Symbol Soulu, falling in any position promises you a positive solution to the question posed - show your confidence and clearly outline your goal, realistically assess your own strengths, following internal prompts and intuition. The main thing is to put aside emotions and think sensibly and thus turn the situation to your advantage.

In the upright, correct position the symbol Teyvaz gives an affirmative answer to the question, but your sacrifice will be needed. Therefore, it is important to be firm and not give up. If the symbol is upside down, this promises you a negative answer, indicates hopelessness, the inability to influence the solution of the issue. And all because you don’t need the set goal.

If the symbol Berkana lay down in the correct, straight position - this is a positive answer. That’s why it’s so important to think through your every word, decision and step, solve problems as they arise. If the position of the rune is inverted, then higher powers say “no” to you, promising you failure. That’s why it’s so important to realistically assess your capabilities and potential.

Combinations of runes will help you get an answer to a difficult situation and question

Symbol Evaz, the one who fell in the upright position tells you “yes”, but you will need the help of like-minded people. This is the only way you can achieve your goal and get what you want. If the symbol in the layout is in an inverted position, higher powers are telling you “no”. You will not be able to achieve your goal because you are not able to work in a team.

If the runic symbol Mannaz lay down in a straight position in the layout - this is an affirmative answer to the question, but a lot depends on you. The main thing is to take the situation into your own hands and show the qualities of a leader and be confident in your abilities. If the symbol has an inverted position, the answer is negative, the goal will not be achieved, since you rely on others rather than yourself. You shouldn't do that.

When the symbol Laguz lies down straight, then the rune tells you yes - trust your feelings and intuition, because they will not let you down. The main thing is not to go against the flow now, do not fight the obstacles that arise in your path - try to relax and let go of the situation. If the runic symbol appears in an inverted position, the runes tell you no, your goal will not be achieved due to your own incontinence and impulsiveness.

Rune dropped in any position Inguz always carries the answer “yes” - the main thing is to accumulate your own strength, show the qualities of a leader, and everything will work out for you.

Rune symbol Dagaz gives the answer “yes” in the scenario - it will be more of a random coincidence of circumstances than the result of purposeful actions, luck and luck. That’s why it’s so important not to miss this very moment without being too wise about the decision - this is the chance when fate will do everything for you. Just rely on Russian chance and, relax, go with the flow - Fortune will do everything for you.

So rune Odal in its direct, correct position promises you the answer “yes”. The main thing is to count only on yourself - do not listen to the advice of friends and family, but listen more to your inner self. If in the scenario the rune is reversed, this promises you a negative development of the situation.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, to hide." Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, German raunen - “whisper”, Latvian runat - “speak” or Finnish runo - “poem, spell”. By the way, the Russian “keep” is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, and various objects, and they wrote spells above the entrance to the house and on the bows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic Druid priests, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although all representatives of the tribe had runic literacy in one way or another, the real rune experts were magicians and healers. They were distinguished from everyone else by their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, and taught the youth.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with a particular deity, object or phenomenon. By laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on birch bark or stone, on the shaft of a spear or on the surface of a clay vessel, a healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the essence that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. A healer drove out a disease, a warrior asked for victory in battle, a hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. “evil song” or performed zeid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Not only men, but also women possessed magic. Thus, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans used special soothsayers - volurs - to predict the future. With the help of songs and runes they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely multifaceted. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain reserve of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the options we offer for online fortune telling with runes. We hope that these divinations on runes will provide you with invaluable assistance in everyday life.

This method is good when you have the runes with you, but there is no time, and there is not enough space for a longer layout. Get rid of extraneous thoughts, focus on the question that is tormenting you and pull out one rune. It can be used to clarify several different points.

This method is used when you urgently need advice regarding a situation that is unclear to you. Just ask the runes: “What will save me in this life?” The response you receive will encourage and inform you. It’s also a good idea to pull out a rune in the morning and find out what today’s day will be like. Reach out and ask, “What awaits me today?” or “What do I need to know to make the right decisions today?” Sometimes it is very useful to repeat this procedure at night to look back.

There is another way to use this method, with it you can find out about the condition of any person or even the location of a lost pet. So, for example, thinking only about a friend, put your hand in the bag and pull out the rune. You will immediately know how he is feeling.

130. Guest, 2019-12-21 23:24:38

Do you want to get an accurate answer to a simple question? Our online fortune telling yes no on runes will dispel your doubts! Click on the image of a bag with ancient Scandinavian runes - and the secrets of Fate will be revealed to you! Free fortune telling “yes no” will answer 7 of your questions. Are you ready to receive a prediction?

Yes or no? Click on the bag of runes!

You can ask 7 questions

Does he love you or not, will your cherished desire come true, is there any point in starting your plan? Will your planned tour go well, will you be able to pass your exams the first time or get a promotion at work? Accurate online fortune telling on Scandinavian runes will satisfy your curiosity! These small wooden tablets (albeit in a virtual version) will become guides between you and the ancient gods of the Viking warriors - the harsh conquerors of the northern lands.

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The power of the runes will reveal the truth to you

The “yes no” fortune telling on runes presented on the “site” has an ancient history. According to the ancient story, in order to get runes, the supreme god Odin nailed himself to the sacred tree Yggdrasil for 9 days, and with his own spear. The mysterious symbols that he donated to people were used for various purposes. There was a runic alphabet, one of the forms of writing. Runes were used in white or black. And, of course, they used them to predict fate.

The potential of runes is not limited to answering simple yes or no questions. In ancient times, only specially trained priests could use this tool for prediction. The ritual took place as follows: the priest randomly took several runes from the bag, threw them in front of him and interpreted the resulting combination of symbols. By the way, the Scandinavian peoples had a tradition of depicting runes with their own blood on stone or wooden plates.

We invite you to use our online fortune-telling yes no on runes - it is a simple, convenient and free service for predicting fate. If you want to tell fortunes “the old fashioned way” using your own set of stone or wooden runes, then you will find a couple of simple fortune telling techniques, as well as descriptions of the symbols.

This way of interpreting Rune's answers is simple and very effective. Without yet knowing the deep meanings of the Runes, you can already receive fairly accurate and specific information. Taken from the website of O. Sinko + Futhark, for beginners:

1. FEHU- direct - YES - in a certain form, in its final form, with a feeling of pleasure, most often quickly. But what you receive can be quickly lost. Receiving is associated with the application of effort or money. You should quickly use what you receive.
Inverted - NO - missed opportunities “here and now” due to the inability to believe that these are the opportunities that suit you. Often - significant expenses or loss of strength.

2. URUZ- direct - YES - success depends on the active desire and desire to go ahead, get rid of old forms. Desires and actions are most often selfish.
**You want too much to get the answer you need and you will adjust all Rune’s answers to it.
Inverted - NO - you were unable to overcome the stereotypes of your usual behavior, you retreated in the face of external difficulties due to the belief that these are Difficulties. Failure is due to a lack of understanding of the way to realize a desire.

3. TURISAZ- direct - YES - more often after some time of concentration of forces, wise weighing of the created situation and balance of forces. You should act as a Leader, or find a patron who can provide you with protection, assistance, and further assistance.
Inverted - NO - you have reached a dead end, you either followed the wrong path, or at the wrong time, or relied on the wrong people. In principle, the initial premise was correct, but the implementation was not.

4. ANSUZ- direct - YES - a lot depends on the ability to communicate with information, the ability to communicate, as well as the ability and desire to comprehend broad and new prospects for oneself in the future.
Inverted - NO - stiffness, unsociability, inability and unwillingness to listen to others. Inability to imagine future prospects.
**there will be no answer - this is not the question that worries you.

5. RAIDO- direct - YES - you need to make a rational decision, perhaps go somewhere, take some active actions to follow the Law, as a process that organizes life.
Aspects - court, travel, official marriage. **Think.!!
Inverted - NO - take your time, the situation is unfavorable for any movement. Failure due to the intention to think, decide, move somewhere. **Stop “twitching”!!

6. KANO- direct - YES - success comes from active self-disclosure, unrestrained abilities, open love, full of creativity, artistry, broad understanding of what is happening.
Inverted - NO - you have “extinguished”, look at the situation too narrowly, fall under the influence of the authority of external factors, and show uncertainty.

7. GEBO- direct - YES - success from mutually beneficial partnerships, the ability to ask for help and come to an agreement, the ability to create a “team”.

8. VUNIO- direct - YES - maintaining balance, internal harmony, the ability to focus on a specific task, without being scattered about global perspectives. More often it concerns a limited living space situation.
Inverted - NO - the situation is not harmonious, instead of focusing on what is really necessary externally, you are carried away by illusively exciting problems, these are most often ambitions, complexes, claims.

9. HAGALAZ- YES (In some sources - NO) - but in the most unexpected, unpredictable and often unacceptable by you (and who is to blame for this?) form. You may even regret what you received - the timing is unpredictable, and the consequences may be unpleasant. A clear “YES” depends on the ability to accept the new and unexpected.
**the answer may not correspond to reality or will be given only to reassure you, or to give you a reason to worry so that you do not interfere with the ongoing process.

10. NAUTH- direct - YES - it will definitely be, though in a strictly defined and unchangeable form, the execution fully meets your wishes, primarily subconscious.
Reversed - NO - you could not accept what was happening as necessary (albeit very difficult). Most often, the reason is an internal conflict of desires and their inconsistency with real possibilities.
**You are unaware of what you really want to ask.

11. ISA- NO - the process of implementation is underway, but the time has not yet come for you to participate in it, or maybe it will never come at all - your inner state can neither accept it nor help realize it. Success now depends absolutely not on you.
**You are closed for contact.

12. YERA- YES - success depends on the ability to cope with the daily changing balance of forces influencing the situation. Receipt either in parts or with an increasing process of implementation.

13. EIVAZ- YES - success depends on your integrity of thinking and assessment, your ability to make the decision you need and show determination in applying it. The more uncertainty and vagueness there is in your decision, the more difficult and longer the implementation will be. **Decide if you need to take further action and if you are ready to take further action.

14. PERTH- direct - YES - level and success depend, on the one hand, on luck, on the other, on the ability and desire to more broadly comprehend one’s capabilities in the current situation (to expand the field of possibilities for luck). Inverted - NO - possibilities are completely closed. You have not completed past affairs and these “tails” - debts - are closing a new stage of implementation for you.
**The source of fate - the bag with Runes is closed. You are not given a choice.

15. ALGIZ- direct - YES - success thanks to your caution, attentiveness, ability to be flexible, rely on the help offered, see different ways and forms of implementation. The ability to be a "learner".
Reversed - NO - you actively do not accept the path to which you are being directed, considering it “pressure”, “damage”, “violence”. Perhaps this is what he is. In some cases, this is the right decision if you are really being used, in others it is a complete mistake if you cannot otherwise implement what is needed.
** Focus and make the question clear.

16. SOULO- YES - thanks, firstly, to a clearly and precisely defined life position at the point of balance of all acting forces and, secondly, to a precise determination of one’s level of realization and actions, which allows one to act without fears, doubts, and uncertainty. Follow the inner nature of your self.

17. TEYVAZ- direct - YES - thanks to the ability to sacrifice for the sake of victory, to give up what is unnecessary and insignificant in terms of achieving the goal, the ability to fight, stand your ground, and not retreat. This is also the position of a teacher, parting with existing knowledge to make room for new things. **Sometimes you just have to cut it all off
Inverted - NO - you are wasting your energy. Your actions are determined by the struggle with your own insecurities and inferiority; the external result is actually not important to you - and it will not happen. Your old views and habits, self-determination and hard-won (but now harmful) character traits are too dear to you. It seems to you that you wanted something new - but this is a lie; in fact, you need to preserve the old.

18. BERKANA- direct - YES - thanks to a balanced position and a wise approach, in which any acting forces and circumstances that arise are considered as truly beneficial - even if they themselves do not know it. The result is obtained as a result of correct planning and consistent implementation; help from the mother and woman is possible.
Inverted - NO - you relied not on the possibilities of the future, but on the outdated desires of the past, you have exhausted your potential, but have not found a new one, your plans were incorrect.

19. EVAZ- direct - YES - thanks to a harmonious fusion with the partner side in a joint movement towards a mutually beneficial goal, and the contact is focused only on what unites you, often due to travel, a business trip, sudden promotion. Sometimes it’s a state of whirlwind romance, love.
Inverted - NO - due to the inability to fruitful cooperation and the ability to see the good, you value grievances, ambitions, looking for flaws in your partner, and determining why nothing works out too much.

20. MANNAZ- direct - YES - thanks to the position of a leader who can clearly define the boundaries of the situation, his own position and line of behavior, the goals and objectives of each stage, the ability to control himself and manipulate others - that’s what is important. If you are not like that, it means thanks to the help of another person endowed with at least part of the described traits. In any case, the situation depends only on the human factor - will, action, choice...
Inverted - NO - the wrong person, it doesn’t depend on people in general, it’s not in your power. You required qualities that either you don’t have, or you forbid yourself to have. People do not help you because your distrust of others or some other negative aspects were subconsciously caught by them and they rejected you.

21. LAGUZ- direct - YES - thanks to the ability to stay in existing life processes, listen to life's intuition, trust what is happening.
Inverted - NO - inability to go with the flow, the desire to decide and think, choose and doubt all the time is too great. While you were thinking, the situation passed, floated by and you were thrown overboard.

22. INGUZ-YES - thanks to the most active self-expression, the use of all one’s talents and abilities, the desire for full interaction with the partner side, “here and now” in active action.

23. DAGAZ- YES - Thanks to suddenness, chance, unexpectedness. It requires the ability to accept an unexpected turn of events and get involved in it to the fullest - without doubt or hesitation.
**the moment of implementation is very short - do not miss it.

24. OTAL- direct - YES - thanks to a self-sufficient, master’s position, the ability to rely on one’s own strengths, to see oneself as the master of the situation, to the awareness of oneself in power and right. Often there is a problem at home, family, children and help from this side.
Inverted - NO - complete impossibility of getting what you want, it is not in your power.

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