Psychology of flowers scientific research work. Research work "magic of color"


MBOU secondary school No. 23 LIPETSK

Magic of color.

Scientific adviser:Panchenko M.N.


firstqualification category

Table of contents.

Introduction……………. ………………………………….. . .3

I. Theoretical part…………………….…………… . . 4

1.1 Symbolism of color.................................................. ….. …4

1.2. Psychology of color….……………………………… . . 6

II. Practical part…………………………………………………….. . .7

2.1. Testing. …………………… …………………. .9

2.2. Class color scheme….. …………………10

III. Conclusions…………………………………………………………..11


Applications…………………………………… …………13

Research project

in biology "The Magic of Color"

Goals of work : studying the peculiarities of the impact of color on the performance and behavior of students.

Research objectives:

1.Study the theoretical basis of the issue.
2.Study the priority color of people of different ages (4A, 10th grade and school teachers).
3.Study the influence of the color red on the human psyche.
4.Develop recommendations for the use of colors in student classrooms.

Methods research : observation, literature study, analysis of various sources, synthesis, experiment, questioning.

Object of study: color spectrum.

Subject of study: the influence of color on the behavior of students, the influence of age characteristics on the preference for a certain color.

Research hypotheses:

- each age level has a preference for a certain color;

Color influences children's behavior.

Practical significance : recommendations for creating learning conditions for schoolchildren by selecting the color design of the room.


Every person is born with an internal sense of color, and throughout their life has an emotional reaction to this or that color, so we all know what we like and what we don’t. Choosing a color is just a matter of using this reaction, let's call it your own sense of style, assuming that it is as valid as any person's taste. Believe it or not, the color of your clothes can help you get a promotion, convince you in an argument, or invite your friends to have a frank conversation? The colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength, or vice versa, create a feeling of awkwardness. This applies not only to clothing, but also to the decoration of your home and advertising. Colors in the home encourage or discourage family conversation and can even cause insomnia. The colors of the packaging will discreetly indicate that there is a useful, expensive or fragile item inside. Ask yourself why guests were bored to death at your party? Maybe it's not the company, but the fact that the walls of your living room are painted lavender, that is, a color that invites you to doze off and “switch off.”Because thecolor subconsciously influences people's behavior, does it make sense to understand how and why certain reactions to color occur? In the project we will try to explain in detail our physical reactions to color while simultaneously outlining typical psychological associations.

1. Theoretical part

1.1.Symbolism of color. Since time immemorial, when man acquired the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around him, his attention has been drawn to the magic of color.

Red. Since ancient times, people have shown a special passion for the color red. In many languages, the same word means the color red and, in general, everything beautiful and wonderful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a “red heart,” while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black. The color red is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand – enmity, revenge, war, and is associated with aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On banners it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle, independence. It is interesting that among many tribes in Africa, America and Australia, warriors, preparing for battle, painted their bodies and faces red. The Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothing during war. The color red was also credited with healing properties, the ability to resist the evil eye and witchcraft; red threads, fabrics, corals, flowers and plants help against evil spirits and the evil eye. The Chinese tied something red to children's hands, teaching them to look at this color as the best protection against evil spirits. In many countries, women tie their hands with red thread so that they do not hurt and no one will jinx them. Red also denotes power and greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, the color red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

White the color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and the heavenly bodies, as well as with the productive force, which is embodied in milk and eggs. Associated with whiteness is the idea of ​​what is generally accepted, what is legitimate, what is true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. Angels, saints and righteous people are depicted in white. Byzantine writers spoke of the whiteness of truth. Among some peoples, kings and priests wore white clothes, which symbolized solemnity and grandeur. In Lithuanian, “white people” are honest people; in Hungarian, “white people” are women. In Rus', “white” meant free, noble, righteous: “white Rus'”, “white tsar”, “white peasants” free from all taxes, “white land” - church land, “white light”. This light opposes the afterlife, like a white day to a black night. However, white can also have the opposite meaning. The Slavs dressed their dead in white clothes and covered them with a white shroud. It is customary among some tribes in Africa and Australia to paint the body white after the death of someone close to them. In China and some other countries in Asia and Africa, white is the color of mourning. In the old days, white mourning was also used by the Slavs. The ancient Greeks always wore white underwear at night to ensure good dreams. In India, China and Japan, white symbolizes death, as it is identified with angels and heaven. Ghosts and apparitions appeared to people in white clothes. A brownie was called a “white man” in the Bryansk region.

Black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is the true emblem of all that is hidden, secret and unknown. Many peoples associate blackness with the night, and the night with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is at greatest risk.

In ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of a person, the faces and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous and envious. Ominous characters are dressed in black, whose appearance portends death. According to the assumption of the English ethnologist W. Turner, the color black, which often denotes death, fainting, sleep or darkness, is associated with an unconscious state, with the experience of darkness, darkening of consciousness. Among the Arabs, the expression “blackness of the eyes” means beloved, “blackness of the heart” means love. Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived this way, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to the guardian spirits who send rain, and the priests also dress in black.

Yellow the color makes a warm and pleasant impression on the viewer. The yellow surface seems to emit light from itself and almost tangibly approaches the viewer. On the other hand, yellow disturbs, stimulates the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. A dirty yellow surface makes a particularly unpleasant impression. Yellow is the color of gold, which since ancient times has been perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withered leaves, “and also the color of illness, death, the other world. Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often the yellow color also served as a distinctive feature of noble persons of the upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt. On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. According to the texts of Serbian spells, diseases are carried away by a yellow man, a yellow dog or a yellow rooster. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. In our country, yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal, and in Tibet jealousy was literally called the “yellow eye.” Let us also remember the “yellow press” and the “yellow house”.

Blue – this is the color of the sky and sea. It combines some kind of contradiction between excitement and peace, evokes a feeling of cold and reminds of the shadow. The blue surface seems to move away from the person, drawing the eye into the depths. For many peoples, the color blue symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, it is associated with incomprehensible mysteries, with eternal divine truth. For romantics, blue is the color of dreams and longing for an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, favor, and in the language of heraldry it denotes chastity, honesty, good reputation and fidelity. "Blue blood" speaks of noble origin. It was considered mourning in ancient Egypt and among some peoples of America; the French call horror “blue fear” (remember the fairy tale about “Bluebeard”). Among the Slavic peoples, blue served as a symbol of sadness, grief, and was associated with the demonic world.

Green. Green is the color of grass and leaves. For many peoples, it symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity and lack of perfection. Green color is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also produce a depressing impression (it is no coincidence that sadness is called “green”, and a person himself “turns green” from anger).

1.2. Psychology of color.

Since color subconsciously influences people's behavior, it makes sense to understand how and why certain reactions to color arise. What follows is a detailed explanation of our physical reactions to each color, while also laying out typical psychological associations. It also provides tips on how to best use this information in artistic, business, and everyday situations.

Red the color speaks of danger, excitement, passion, strength, aggression and success. This is not only an emotional, but also a physiological reaction. The color red causes shock, it completely captures attention and requires effort to perceive. Focusing on the color red increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Ever wonder why so many fast food restaurants are painted red? This color activates the salivary glands, which leads to a feeling of hunger and tires the eyes, forcing us to eat more and then leave the room faster. Due to its powerful effect on your nervous system, red can make you restless and tireless. Casino owners have noticed that when the color is red, people make more bets and play more riskily, and therefore it is used in sectors where they play for high stakes. Red encourages people to make quick decisions. The color red also fills you with energy and courage, giving you a feeling of strength with which you can accomplish your goals. This is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before presidential elections. Red evokes strong emotions, including passion. But there are restrictions on red in home decor: use it only in rooms where you'll be working or hanging out - living rooms (if you're using red for the dining room, be prepared for guests to eat twice as much). Red color is preferable for passage rooms where you do not need to spend a lot of time - in halls and corridors. In a nursery, it can lead to insomnia.Red grabs attention and brings objects colored in it to the foreground. Red is the first color you will lose fromview at dusk; it is not visible at long distances.

Yellow. Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color of the spectrum; it inspires optimism and joy. Association with the sun gives yellow a special aura, denoting wisdom, intelligence, imagination, and a tendency towards spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly registered by the brain, stimulating its functioning and the nervous system. The high visibility of yellow promotes quick, clear thinking. Yellow brings other colors to life, turning hot colors into dazzling colors and bringing cool colors back to life. That's why this color is a favorite in home interiors, filling any room with warmth and light. Yellow is most often used in the kitchen and dining room - it helps increase appetite. In small doses, yellow helps create a happy atmosphere for friendly conversations, but prolonged proximity to bright lemon color can cause brain overexcitement and anxiety. Yellow is the happiest color and represents warmth, optimism and joy.Yellow actively protrudes into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; it is preferred for road signs and various types of packaging. Yellow stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making hot colors sparkle and bringing cool colors to life. Too much yellow can be tiring. Its muted tones are conducive to communication, and its golden tones are associated with the idea of ​​wealth.

Green. This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to calm and refresh. The more muted the green color is, the greater its calming properties. This is one of the reasons why hospital walls are painted seafoam colors. Rich green is the color of mature trees, tall and stable. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! The color olive is associated with power and is used by the military, while the color of green grass evokes the idea of ​​new life and growth, symbolizing fertility. Shades of green can be used harmoniously in home decor. Bright green will bring into the house a feeling of the pulse of natural, natural life and will “open” the interior to the park surrounding the house. Green colors are refreshing, making them indispensable in kitchens. Pale green evokes a pleasant, clear feeling and is ideal for nooks and crannies of the home - bathrooms and bedrooms. The color green combines humility, sophistication and a sense of antiseptic cleanliness, which is why it is used in the decoration of resorts. Shades of green give a clean and fresh feeling and are especially popular on cosmetics boxes. In general, products in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly.Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. It helps improve vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. All over the world, green is a symbol of safety. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the start of movement at traffic lights. People who prefer green are reliable and generous.

Blue, blue. If blue is your favorite color, then you're in good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if you persistently look at the blue color, it leads to a decrease in heart rate and respiration and for some time lowers blood pressure. Before the invention of refrigerators, when food was stored in kitchens and pantries, these areas were painted cobalt to repel insects, which were observed to avoid blue. Blue color in kitchens is still popular today. During the election campaign, politicians often wear blue suits to inspire confidence. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can wear to a party or social event, in which case you will get all the latest gossip, because they will be more open with you than with others. Dark blue tones are associated with high social status, stability and dignity. In home decor, dark blue tones will give the room space a regal look and create a serious ambience, while lighter and brighter blue tones will add charm to it. It has been noted that the color blue is associated with a sweet taste, which is why it is often used on packages of sugar and other sweets. People work more productively in blue-colored rooms, and studies have confirmed that weightlifters lift more weights when they exercise in gyms that are painted blue.Almost all of our associations with blue are positive, reflecting its encouraging and calming nature. Blue can expand space, and time seems to flow more slowly in its presence.

White the color is associated with purity, innocence, virtue and loyalty. No wonder it's popular at weddings. Before the advent of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was implied that a person wearing white clothes had a high social status - he did not have to do dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes truth and justice. Since childhood, we know that the “knight in white” will always come to the rescue. In the good old westerns, the good guys always wore white hats and the bad guys always wore black hats. Medical devices are most often white, apparently emphasizing the sterility and cleanliness inherent in healthcare institutions. White staff coats, white bandages and cotton wool come to mind. Although white is a neutral color, it is considered cool because it is associated with snow and ice. White is often used to convey sterility and safety. In international law, a white flag is considered a call for truce. White is used on packages of dairy products and refined products. Black is the most authoritarian and suppressive color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creating an unsettling feeling of the unknown. People fear that the world could disappear into a black hole, and if a black cat crosses the road, then disaster awaits. The impression generated by the color black is endowed with great power. Security guards and bodyguards prefer black uniforms. Expensive limousines are usually black, this is intended to convey the idea that those in the car are important people. A recent statistical analysis of American football games revealed an interesting pattern: referees are more likely to penalize teams wearing black uniforms because their players appear to be more aggressive to the referees. If the invitations to the reception indicate “black tie”, then this emphasizes the importance of the event and conveys the information that the suit should be strict, since the meeting will be of an official nature. Black color is authoritarian and in large doses can give the impression of aggressiveness. Black color is considered conservative and respectful. People think that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.

2. Practical part

2.1. Testing .

We decided to test our first hypothesis that Each age level has a preference for a certain color.

For this purpose, testing was carried out among 4A, 10 classes and school teachers.Question: What color do you like? (Annex 1)

Students in class 4A prefer green, purple, and red colors.

Red expresses vitality, activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win.

Blue means complete calm, contentment, tranquility. It represents the bonds by which a person binds himself to others; unification, sense of community.

Red - blue – harmony and activity in cooperation, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of creation (Appendix 2)

10th grade students prefer black, blue and red colors.

Red the color represents power, he always achieves what he wants. He is always on the move, always a source of energy. It symbolizes passion, excites passion, i.e. passionately loves, passionately hates and passionately believes. He is characterized by maximum feelings.Black always hides within itself everything that it carries; he is “mysterious.” It is associated with curiosity, it attracts, it frightens.Black color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white there is in him.Red -black – dramatization, impulsive excessive desires (Appendix 3)

School teachers prefer blue, red, green colors.

People who preferBlue colour, they try to put everything in order and systematize. They always have their own point of view; dedicated to what they do.

Blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, rigor (Appendix 4)

2.2 . Class color scheme.

So what colors are recommended to be preferred when decorating a classroom? ?

When choosing an interior color, there is only one rule: when choosing a color scheme for the new design of your room, remember that the color should give the energy that you lack. Better to useyellowtones, but in small quantities. Large dosesyellowgenerate excessive greed, and small ones stimulate brain activity and increase the efficiency of mental work. Moderate dosesyellowcontribute to the success of negotiations because they stimulate the desire to find compromises. Korichnevoyellowease comes togetheryellowand heavinessbrown. The need for a happy and complete, enjoyment of the situation.Yellowbrownthe color of hard work and rigor.Cream has a soft effect, expands space, facilitates the perception of reality, and gives confidence that everything will be okay.Yellow- brown– unlimited freedom, existence without any problems and responsibilities, complete internal security.Blue calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies.

Conclusion: the color scheme of the class was chosen correctly, and the color characteristics confirm this.

3. Conclusions.

As you know, colors have a psychological effect. You can, of course, ignore this, but it won’t take long to get into trouble. The psychology of color is specific and affects all people equally regardless of fashion. Therefore, when creating your image in a photograph, your personal image or interior, try to ensure that the color matches the mood that is needed when creating the image. Currently, scientists are making active attempts to use the influence of color on human psychophysiology for commercial and domestic purposes. Moreover, as already noted, each person perceives color in his own way. Therefore, decorators and designers, when designing the interior of premises, must always take into account socio-demographic characteristics - gender, age, profession, etc. However, there are some general characteristics of the effects of flowers on humans. The predominance of any color (or combination of colors) in the design of a room creates a certain emotional and business environment. Few businessmen know that the color scheme of the interior affects the human subconscious. And not only on the performance of employees, but also on the results of business negotiations.

1. A study of the relevant literature has shown that each color has its own symbolism and its own psychological characteristics.

Green – the color of hope, naturalness and freshness.Green color calms, and its abundance can cause depression, “green melancholy.”White – the color of innocence and purity. People who are attracted toWhite color, are constantly in search of themselves and strive forperfection.

Black is the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death. Creative individuals and philosophers of life prefer to dress in black.

Yellow excites and creates a good mood. People who are attracted toyellow, open to everything new. They have good analytical skills and a sharp mind.

Blue calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love toblue color speaks of conscientiousness and honesty.

Red – the color of life, joy, strength and health. People who preferred – impulsive, energetic – these are true lovers of discussions and arguments.

2. Depending on age, each person prefers a certain color:

4A class green, purple, red, which speaks of the activity of this age and the desire to succeed.

Grade 10 - black, blue and red, which speaks of the drama and impulsiveness of this age.

Adults - blue, red and green, which indicates the presence of their own point of view on everything that surrounds them, conscientiousness and rigor.


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4. Baranov D.A. Emotional Color. The emotional component in the psychological structure of color. - Samara: SamSPU, 1996.

5. Budnikova Yu.Yu. Slonimsky E.M. About some relationships between color and human condition. – M.: Solaris, 2004.

6. Konova O.A. The influence of color on a person’s emotional state. – M.: Infra-M, 2003.

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10. Popov A.D. Color as a factor of mental regulation // Applied psychology, 2000. No. 4.

11. Zeugner G.V. The doctrine of color. – M.: Prospekt, 2004.

12. Chemodanova L.B. Study of the emotional state of a group: the method of mutual color assessment // Questions of psychology. 2000. No. 3.

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Annex 1.

Table. Survey results.

Appendix 2.

Choice of color by students in class 4A.

Appendix 3.

Choice of color by 10th grade students.

Appendix 4.

Color choice by school teachers.

Goals of work

: Studying the peculiarities of the impact of color on the performance and behavior of students.

Research objectives:

1.Study the theoretical basis of the issue.
2.Study the priority color of people of different ages (grades 2, 9 and primary school teachers).
3.Study the influence of the color red on the human psyche.
4.Develop recommendations for the use of colors in student classrooms.

research: observation, literature study, analysis of various sources, synthesis, experiment, questioning.

Object of study:

color spectrum.

Subject of study:

The influence of color on the behavior of students, the influence of age characteristics on the preference for a certain color.

Research hypotheses: Each age level has a preference for a certain color, color influences children's behavior.


Every person is born with an internal sense of color, and throughout their life has an emotional reaction to this or that color, so we all know what we like and what we don’t. Choosing a color is just a matter of using this reaction, let's call it your own sense of style, assuming that it is as valid as any person's taste. Believe it or not, the color of your clothes can help you get a promotion, convince you in an argument, or invite your friends to have a frank conversation? The colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength, or vice versa, create a feeling of awkwardness. This applies not only to clothing, but also to the decoration of your home and advertising. Colors in the home encourage or discourage family conversation and can even cause insomnia. The colors of the packaging will discreetly indicate that there is a useful, expensive or fragile item inside. Ask yourself why guests were bored to death at your party? Maybe it's not the company, but the fact that the walls of your living room are painted lavender, that is, a color that invites you to doze off and “switch off.” Because the color subconsciously influences people's behavior, does it make sense to understand how and why certain reactions to color occur? In the project I will try to explain in detail our physical reactions to color while simultaneously outlining typical psychological associations. I will also provide tips on how to best use this information in artistic, business and everyday situations.


1. Symbolism of color. Since time immemorial, when man acquired the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around him, his attention has been drawn to the magic of color.

Red. Since ancient times, people have shown a special passion for the color red. In many languages, the same word means the color red and, in general, everything beautiful and wonderful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a “red heart,” while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black. The color red is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand – enmity, revenge, war, and is associated with aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On banners it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle, independence. It is interesting that among many tribes in Africa, America and Australia, warriors, preparing for battle, painted their bodies and faces red. The Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothing during war. The color red was also credited with healing properties, the ability to resist the evil eye and witchcraft; red threads, fabrics, corals, flowers and plants help against evil spirits and the evil eye. The Chinese tied something red to children's hands, teaching them to look at this color as the best protection against evil spirits. In many countries, women tie their hands with red thread so that they do not hurt and no one will jinx them. Red also denotes power and greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, the color red symbolizes the south, flame and heat. White the color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and the heavenly bodies, as well as with the productive force, which is embodied in milk and eggs. Associated with whiteness is the idea of ​​what is generally accepted, what is legitimate, what is true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. Angels, saints and righteous people are depicted in white. Byzantine writers spoke of the whiteness of truth. Among some peoples, kings and priests wore white clothes, which symbolized solemnity and grandeur. In Lithuanian, “white people” are honest people; in Hungarian, “white people” are women. In Rus', “white” meant free, noble, righteous: “white Rus'”, “white tsar”, “white peasants” free from all taxes, “white land” - church land, “white light”. This light opposes the afterlife, like a white day to a black night. However, white can also have the opposite meaning. The Slavs dressed their dead in white clothes and covered them with a white shroud. It is customary among some tribes in Africa and Australia to paint the body white after the death of someone close to them. In China and some other countries in Asia and Africa, white is the color of mourning. In the old days, white mourning was also used by the Slavs. The ancient Greeks always wore white underwear at night to ensure good dreams. In India, China and Japan, white symbolizes death, as it is identified with angels and heaven. Ghosts and apparitions appeared to people in white clothes. A brownie was called a “white man” in the Bryansk region. Black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is the true emblem of all that is hidden, secret and unknown. Many peoples associate blackness with the night, and the night with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is at greatest risk.

In ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of a person, the faces and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous and envious. Ominous characters are dressed in black, whose appearance portends death. According to the assumption of the English ethnologist W. Turner, the color black, which often denotes death, fainting, sleep or darkness, is associated with an unconscious state, with the experience of darkness, darkening of consciousness. Among the Arabs, the expression “blackness of the eyes” means beloved, “blackness of the heart” means love. Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived this way, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to the guardian spirits who send rain, and the priests also dress in black. Yellow the color makes a warm and pleasant impression on the viewer. The yellow surface seems to emit light from itself and almost tangibly approaches the viewer. On the other hand, yellow disturbs, stimulates the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. A dirty yellow surface makes a particularly unpleasant impression. Yellow is the color of gold, which since ancient times has been perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withered leaves, “and also the color of illness, death, the other world. Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often the yellow color also served as a distinctive feature of noble persons of the upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt. On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. According to the texts of Serbian spells, diseases are carried away by a yellow man, a yellow dog or a yellow rooster. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. In our country, yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal, and in Tibet jealousy was literally called the “yellow eye.” Let us also remember the “yellow press” and the “yellow house”. Blue – this is the color of the sky and sea. It combines some kind of contradiction between excitement and peace, evokes a feeling of cold and reminds of the shadow. The blue surface seems to move away from the person, drawing the eye into the depths. For many peoples, the color blue symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, it is associated with incomprehensible mysteries, with eternal divine truth. For romantics, blue is the color of dreams and longing for an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, favor, and in the language of heraldry it denotes chastity, honesty, good reputation and fidelity. "Blue blood" speaks of noble origin. It was considered mourning in ancient Egypt and among some peoples of America; the French call horror “blue fear” (remember the fairy tale about “Bluebeard”). Among the Slavic peoples, blue served as a symbol of sadness, grief, and was associated with the demonic world.Green. Green is the color of grass and leaves. For many peoples, it symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity and lack of perfection. Green color is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also produce a depressing impression (it is no coincidence that sadness is called “green”, and a person himself “turns green” from anger).

2. Psychology of color. Since color subconsciously influences people's behavior, it makes sense to understand how and why certain reactions to color arise. What follows is a detailed explanation of our physical reactions to each color, while also laying out typical psychological associations. It also provides tips on how to best use this information in artistic, business, and everyday situations. Red the color speaks of danger, excitement, passion, strength, aggression and success. This is not only an emotional, but also a physiological reaction. The color red causes shock, it completely captures attention and requires effort to perceive. Focusing on the color red increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Ever wonder why so many fast food restaurants are painted red? This color activates the salivary glands, which leads to a feeling of hunger and tires the eyes, forcing us to eat more and then leave the room faster. Due to its powerful effect on your nervous system, red can make you restless and tireless. Casino owners have noticed that when the color is red, people make more bets and play more riskily, and therefore it is used in sectors where they play for high stakes. Red encourages people to make quick decisions. The color red also fills you with energy and courage, giving you a feeling of strength with which you can accomplish your goals. This is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before presidential elections. Red evokes strong emotions, including passion. But there are restrictions on red in home decor: use it only in rooms where you'll be working or hanging out - living rooms (if you're using red for the dining room, be prepared for guests to eat twice as much). Red color is preferable for passage rooms where you do not need to spend a lot of time - in halls and corridors. In a nursery, it can lead to insomnia. Red grabs attention and brings objects colored in it to the foreground. Red is the first color you'll lose sight of at dusk; it is not visible at long distances.Yellow. Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color of the spectrum; it inspires optimism and joy. Association with the sun gives yellow a special aura, denoting wisdom, intelligence, imagination, and a tendency towards spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly registered by the brain, stimulating its functioning and the nervous system. The high visibility of yellow promotes quick, clear thinking. Yellow brings other colors to life, turning hot colors into dazzling colors and bringing cool colors back to life. That's why this color is a favorite in home interiors, filling any room with warmth and light. Yellow is most often used in the kitchen and dining room - it helps increase appetite. In small doses, yellow helps create a happy atmosphere for friendly conversations, but prolonged proximity to bright lemon color can cause brain overexcitement and anxiety. Yellow is the happiest color and represents warmth, optimism and joy. Yellow actively protrudes into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; it is preferred for road signs and various types of packaging. Yellow stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making hot colors sparkle and bringing cool colors to life. Too much yellow can be tiring. Its muted tones are conducive to communication, and its golden tones are associated with the idea of ​​wealth.

Green. This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to calm and refresh. The more muted the green color is, the greater its calming properties. This is one of the reasons why hospital walls are painted seafoam colors. Rich green is the color of mature trees, tall and stable. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! The color olive is associated with power and is used by the military, while the color of green grass evokes the idea of ​​new life and growth, symbolizing fertility. Shades of green can be used harmoniously in home decor. Bright green will bring into the house a feeling of the pulse of natural, natural life and will “open” the interior to the park surrounding the house. Green colors are refreshing, making them indispensable in kitchens. Pale green evokes a pleasant, clear feeling and is ideal for nooks and crannies of the home - bathrooms and bedrooms. The color green combines humility, sophistication and a sense of antiseptic cleanliness, which is why it is used in the decoration of resorts. Shades of green give a clean and fresh feeling and are especially popular on cosmetics boxes. In general, products in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. It helps improve vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. All over the world, green is a symbol of safety. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the start of movement at traffic lights. People who prefer green are reliable and generous.Blue, blue. If blue is your favorite color, then you're in good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if you persistently look at the blue color, it leads to a decrease in heart rate and respiration and for some time lowers blood pressure.Before the invention of refrigerators, when food was stored in kitchens and pantries, these areas were painted cobalt to repel insects, which were observed to avoid blue. Blue color in kitchens is still popular today. During the election campaign, politicians often wear blue suits to inspire confidence. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can wear to a party or social event, in which case you will get all the latest gossip, because they will be more open with you than with others.Dark blue tones are associated with high social status, stability and dignity. In home decor, dark blue tones will give the room space a regal look and create a serious ambience, while lighter and brighter blue tones will add charm to it. It has been noted that the color blue is associated with a sweet taste, which is why it is often used on packages of sugar and other sweets.People work more productively in blue-colored rooms, and studies have confirmed that weightlifters lift more weights when they exercise in gyms that are painted blue.Almost all of our associations with blue are positive, reflecting its encouraging and calming nature. Blue can expand space, and time seems to flow more slowly in its presence.White the color is associated with purity, innocence, virtue and loyalty. No wonder it's popular at weddings. Before the advent of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was implied that a person wearing white clothes had a high social status - he did not have to do dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes truth and justice. Since childhood, we know that the “knight in white” will always come to the rescue. In the good old westerns, the good guys always wore white hats and the bad guys always wore black hats. Medical devices are most often white, apparently emphasizing the sterility and cleanliness inherent in healthcare institutions. White staff coats, white bandages and cotton wool come to mind. Although white is a neutral color, it is considered cool because it is associated with snow and ice. White is often used to convey sterility and safety. In international law, a white flag is considered a call for truce. White is used on packages of dairy products and refined products. Black is the most authoritarian and suppressive color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creating an unsettling feeling of the unknown. People fear that the world could disappear into a black hole, and if a black cat crosses the road, then disaster awaits. The impression generated by the color black is endowed with great power. Security guards and bodyguards prefer black uniforms. Expensive limousines are usually black, this is intended to convey the idea that those in the car are important people. A recent statistical analysis of American football games revealed an interesting pattern: referees are more likely to penalize teams wearing black uniforms because their players appear to be more aggressive to the referees. If the invitations to the reception indicate “black tie”, then this emphasizes the importance of the event and conveys the information that the suit should be strict, since the meeting will be of an official nature. Black color is authoritarian and in large doses can give the impression of aggressiveness. Black color is considered conservative and respectful. People think that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.


1. Testing. I decided to test my first hypothesis that Each age level has a preference for a certain color. For this purpose, testing was carried out among grades 2.9 and primary school teachers. Question: What color do you like?

2 classes

9th grade


blue, light blue


Second grade students prefer red and blue-blue colors.

Red expresses vitality, activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win. Blue means complete calm, contentment, tranquility. It represents the bonds by which a person binds himself to others; unification, sense of community. Red Blue– harmony and activity in cooperation, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of creation.

Ninth grade students prefer red and black colors.

The color red represents power, he always achieves what he wants. He is always on the move, always a source of energy. It symbolizes passion, excites passion, i.e. passionately loves, passionately hates and passionately believes. He is characterized by maximum feelings. Black always hides within itself everything that it carries; he is “mysterious.” It is associated with curiosity, it attracts, it frightens. Black color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white there is in him. Red Black– dramatization, impulsive excessive desires.

Elementary school teachers prefer blue colors. People who prefer blue try to put everything in order and systematize. They always have their own point of view; dedicated to what they do. Blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, rigor.

Conclusion: My first hypothesis is that each age level has a preference for a certain color, turned out to be correct and the color description confirms this.

2. Experiment.

I decided to test my second hypothesis: does color have an impact on children's behavior? Each color carries its own emotional load, which must be taken into account when stimulating work activity. For this purpose, on January 16, we organized a “red day”, i.e. the children put on red clothes, the whole class was hung with red cloth and paper. We spent the entire school day in this office.

On the one hand, the color red increased the overall performance and activity in the lessons; it completely captured the attention of the children. For slow and lethargic children, the color red gave cheerfulness and self-confidence. On the other side Focusing on the color red led to an increase in heart rate (10 people). By the end of the lessons, 4 children had a headache. Many students' eyes turned red. The students were spinning around with increased activity, climbing under their desks, shouting from their seats, asking to leave. Interestingly, many children became hot. It seemed that the red room became 3-4 degrees warmer than in a regular classroom (although the temperature remained the same).Conclusion: my second hypothesis, that color has an impact on children’s behavior, turned out to be correct and the color characteristics confirm this.3. Color design of the class. So what colors are recommended to be preferred when decorating a classroom? ? When choosing an interior color, there is only one rule: when choosing a color scheme for the new design of your room, remember that the color should give the energy that you lack. It is better to use yellow tones, but in small quantities. Large doses of yellow create excessive greed, and small doses stimulate brain activity and increase the efficiency of mental work. Moderate doses of yellow contribute to the success of negotiations, as they stimulate the desire to find compromises. Brown-yellow (honey) combines the lightness of yellow and the heaviness of brown. The need for a happy and complete, enjoyment of the situation. Yellow-brown is the color of hard work and rigor. Cream has a soft effect, expands space, facilitates the perception of reality, and gives confidence that everything will be okay. Yellow-brown - unlimited freedom, existence without any problems or responsibilities, complete internal security. Conclusion: the color scheme of the class was chosen correctly, and the color characteristics confirm this.


As you know, colors have a psychological effect. You can, of course, ignore this, but it won’t take long to get into trouble. The psychology of color is specific and affects all people equally regardless of fashion. Therefore, when creating your image in a photograph, your personal image or interior, try to ensure that the color matches the mood that is needed when creating the image. Currently, scientists are making active attempts to use the influence of color on human psychophysiology for commercial and domestic purposes. Moreover, as already noted, each person perceives color in his own way. Therefore, decorators and designers, when designing the interior of premises, must always take into account socio-demographic characteristics - gender, age, profession, etc. However, there are some general characteristics of the effects of flowers on humans. The predominance of any color (or combination of colors) in the design of a room creates a certain emotional and business environment. Few businessmen know that the color scheme of the interior affects the human subconscious. And not only on the performance of employees, but also on the results of business negotiations.

1. A study of the relevant literature has shown that each color has its own symbolism and its own psychological characteristics. Green– the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. Green color calms, and its abundance can cause depression, “green melancholy.” White– the color of innocence and purity. People who are attracted to White color, They are constantly in search of themselves and strive for perfection.Black– the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death. Dress in black preferred by creative individuals, philosophers of life.Yellow excites and creates a good mood. People who are attracted to yellow, open to everything new. They have good analytical skills and a sharp mind. Blue calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love to blue color speaks of conscientiousness and honesty.Red– the color of life, joy, strength and health.People who prefer red– impulsive, energetic – these are true lovers of discussions and arguments.

2. Depending on age, each person prefers a certain color:

2 classes – red, blue, which indicates the activity of this age and the desire to succeed. 9th grade– red, black, which speaks of the drama and impulsiveness of this age. Adults– blue color, which indicates the presence of their own point of view on everything that surrounds them, conscientiousness and rigor.

3. An experiment conducted in the classroom showed that color really affects the behavior, well-being and performance of students in the class. Efficiency and activity have increased. A headache appeared. It seemed that it was getting hot.

MBOU "Petropavlovsk secondary school"

named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.A. Zhukov"



4th grade student

MBOU "Petropavlovsk Secondary School"

Lopatin Igor


educational psychologist Lopatina L.V.



1. The influence of color on a person

    Color perception graphics:.....……………..……………….…………..4

    Association of color and music………………………………………………………6

    Studying color………………………………………………………..7

    Emotions and color……………………………………………………...………………8

2.Our research


    Carrying out a colorful week………………………………………………………...10

    Experiment “The influence of color on health and emotional state” using a heart rate sensor (hand-held heart rate monitor)………………………………………………………………………………..11

3.Research results…………………………………………………….….12





A person sees the world in colors, color is present everywhere, so it affects a person just like everything else. Every person has their own favorite color. But despite this, we rarely think about the importance of color in our lives.
It was not by chance that we began to work on studying this problem.

On the shelf of my home library, I discovered Pamala Osley’s book “The Secret Color Code of Success and Happiness” and I wanted to figure it out and turned to my mother to find out how color affects mood, feelings, thoughts and, in general, human health. I also know that I personally like the color green and I wonder what this color says about me. I also wanted to know the favorite colors of my classmates, so the idea arose, together with the psychologist of the school and a neighboring class, to create a multi-colored week

Problem : Can color affect a person's mood?

Purpose of the study: study the scope of colors, on the emotional state of a person


    Study existing literature on this topic

    Identify the color preference of 3rd and 4th grade students.

    develop a booklet about the influence of color on humans

Object of study : emotional state of 3rd-4th grade students.

Research methods : studying literature, collecting information via the Internet, opinion polls, questionnaires, conversations with students and adults, holding a colorful week.

Hypothesis - color can influence a person's mood.

    The influence of color on a person

From various sources of information I learned the following information:

The frog only sees moving objects. To see everything else, she must begin to move herself.

Crepuscular and nocturnal animals (wolves and other predatory animals) almost do not distinguish colors.

The dragonfly sees colors well, but only with the lower half of its eyes. The upper half looks at the sky, against which the prey is already clearly visible.

Bees and other insects do not see red, but they do see ultraviolet colors that are invisible to humans, and many flowers have patterns in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Studying the influence of color on the human psyche, scientists from the University of Wisconsin (USA) invited American housewives to try coffee from four cups standing next to boxes of brown, blue, red and yellow.

As a result, 75% of respondents said that the coffee standing next to the brown box was too strong, about 85% called the coffee from the red box the most aromatic and tasty. Almost everyone noted that the coffee next to the blue box was soft, and the coffee next to the yellow box was weak.

The coffee in all cups was the same, but the tasters were informed about this after the experiment

    Association of color and music

We will talk about the influence of color and music on our body. From the point of view of physics, color and sound are waves of a certain frequency that affect different senses: hearing and vision... Color music is a widespread phenomenon today.

But the Russian pianist and composer Alexander Scriabin is officially considered the official founder of color music. His color perception is shown in the figure.

In total, a sunbeam in a rainbow is divided into 7 colors, 7 notes in an octave, 7 chakras in humans, 7 endocrine glands...

Each element of the "Magnificent Seven" has its own "partner". This is what the methods of color therapy (color therapy) and music treatment are based on. To treat certain disorders, a harmonious color and/or sound is selected that balances the body: either removes excess or compensates for deficiency.

For example, green color balances disorders in the emotional sphere: depression, insomnia, absent-mindedness, anger and irritability.

If the choice of colors is directly connected with music - then bypassing translation into verbal language - the answer is “formulated” in the language of music.

This method has proven itself well and has been used for many years in the practice of domestic music therapists. In the 1990s, a dissertation research was the first to prove that there is an objective pattern in the subjective choice of color for music, which is revealed using the technique of sound-color simultaneity (SCS).

A little later, Elkin, in his works, established a pattern of color and tonal correspondences.

Here is his table:


Studying color.

Discovery of color
Color is light. This conclusion was reached by the English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton while conducting experiments on the study of the color spectrum. He, being at home in a dark room, opened the window and let in a small strip of light. By placing a glass prism along the path of a ray of light, he discovered that the light was refracted and split into six colors of the spectrum, which became visible when they hit an adjacent wall.

A few years later, another English physicist, Thomas Young, conducted a reverse experiment and found that the six colors of the Spectrum can be reduced to three basic ones: green, red and blue. He then took three lamps and projected rays of light through filters of these three colors: green, red and blue rays combined into one white beam. Jung recreated light. He also classified the colors of the spectrum as primary and secondary.

Surely, each of us has seen a rainbow at least once and remembers the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits?

With its help, we can easily name the colors of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

All colors can be divided into three groups:




Cool colors include shades of violet, blue and cyan. Neutral colors are shades of green, while warm colors are shades of yellow, orange and red.
It’s not for nothing that cool colors are called “cool”! When we talk about blue, we imagine the sky, the purity of the ice, indifference and cold. Blue symbolizes kindness, loyalty, constancy. People of noble birth are said to be "Blue Blood".
Violet the color speaks of mystery, mysticism, nobility and wisdom. It's not for nothing that witches wear purple hats! It is much easier to be a person who knows how to fantasize when dressed in purple clothes.

Blue color is associated with us depth, silence, calm and honesty. As my favorite heroine of Kirsten Miller’s book, Kiki Strike, says: “In blue, a man seems the embodiment of honesty, even if he lies at every turn!” Politicians often wear blue, do they always tell the truth?
Nature, life, harmony, naturalness, kindness – what color did you imagine? Certainly green. When we think of the color green, we think of forests, trees, grass. Green unites us with nature, it helps us be closer to each other, which is probably why people decorate their homes with plants and flowers. But I wouldn’t recommend painting the walls in our classroom green; it’s not easy to get into a working mood in such a room!
Warm colors can even be hot. Red – this is fire, struggle, energy, anger. A person wearing red is confident in himself and can be a leader in any company and feels the need to be active and achieve success;

People who prefer orange are active, sociable, cheerful and have excellent health. Orange – the color of energy. It is the favorite color of intuitive people and passionate dreamers.

Yellow color gives confidence in one’s abilities, helps to perceive new ideas more easily, and increases cognitive interest. This color can be used for children's rooms, but in small quantities, otherwise children will not be able to sleep peacefully.If you want your guests to feel at ease and have fun, decorate your living room with yellow items.

Colors that are not visible in the rainbow, but are always around us, are white and black.

White the color is considered “ideal”; it simultaneously conveys the shine of light and the coldness of ice. It is the color of purity, lightness, peace and innocence. White color can be preferred by a person with any character; it does not repel anyone. It’s not for nothing that medical workers wear white coats, and brides in many countries wear white dresses.

Black - the complete opposite of white. Night, mystery, infinity. Black plays a huge role in our lives - it balances the color white. Without darkness there is no light, that is the meaning of yin and yang. When we need protection or when we feel the need to be alone, we resort to the color black

Emotions and color

In “The Doctrine of Color” I.V. Goethe wrote: “color is a product of light that evokes emotion.” When we say: “blacked with grief; blushed with anger, turned green with anger, turned gray with fear,” then we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them. The first fact that every researcher of the emotion-color relationship is faced with is that it is not of a random, arbitrary nature; emotions and color are “linked” to each other on a very deep basis. Colors are not signs of emotions capable of associatively evoking or expressing this or that feeling; they appear to a person themselves as emotions, or more precisely, as objectively embodied emotions.

    Following the task, children 3-4 years old should draw something “beautiful”, “pleasant”, “good”, as shown in the work of V.S. Mukhina (1981), most often use light, bright colors - yellow, red, orange, blue, emerald green. As V.S. points out. Mukhina: “the color scheme of what is beautiful among children of all countries is similar: the colors in most cases are warm and certainly pure, local” (p. 205). A comparative analysis of the use of “inimitable” colors by children from different countries showed amazing consistency in the choice of color to depict the beautiful and the ugly. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other countries, unmistakably determined by the color of the drawing where the “beautiful” was depicted and where the “ugly” was depicted.

    Our research


For my experiments, I invited 3rd grade students, my classmates. A sociological survey was conducted among the students of our school through anonymous questioning -

Annex 1

30 students took part in the survey.

Conclusion:After conducting a study and studying the results obtained, it was revealed that students who associate themselves with warm shades of colors, when associating the color of a friend, also chose warm colors. The situation is similar with cool colors. From which it follows that energetic, active, quick decision-making children tend to communicate with similar children. And calmer, balanced, thoughtful, but prone to doubt children act similarly when choosing a friend.

    Experiment with cups of tea

We invited the children to try tea from four cups standing next to brown, blue, red and yellow boxes.

I conducted this testing among classmates and 3rd grade students

Conclusion:As a result, 75% of respondents said that the tea standing next to the brown box was too strong, about 85% called the tea from the red box the most aromatic and tasty. Almost everyone noted that the tea next to the blue box was soft, and the tea next to the yellow one was weak.

    Experiment “Listening to music with subsequent association of the color spectrum”

We listened to music with students of two classes and associated their color

Mozart - pink (childhood).

Beethoven - red (wrestling)

Bach - blue, blue (creative spirituality).

Appendix 2

Conclusion: I came to the conclusion that calm, pleasant music is associated with bright and warm tones, and restless music is associated with cold and dark tones.

    Experiment “The influence of color on health and emotional state” using a heart rate sensor (handheld heart rate monitor)

Only those students who were ready to seriously fulfill all the conditions took part in the experiment:

For example, they measured the processes occurring in the body when blindfolded children were covered with a single-color red and blue cloth. It has been found that we are able to perceive color even through our skin:

Experiment scheme:

- plant participants;


- measure your heart rate using heart rate sensor (handheld heart rate monitor)

Analyze the sensations, moods and feelings of the participants.

Research results

From a conversation with the participants in the experiment and the data identified using a heart rate sensor, it was found that the heart rate increased from the red color, the pulse slowed down from the blue color.

Appendix 3

Conclusion: The same color has different effects. It depends on the time, place, mood, emotional state of the person and many other factors.


All these days passed on a high emotional high. Smiles never left the faces of children and adults, there were no quarrels or fights in the classrooms, everyone was very friendly and attentive to each other. And everything was in order in the notebooks. Despite the different colored pens, there were fewer mistakes. A good mood always helps to study well!

The colorful week contributed to the development of students' communication skills, uniting class teams and improving the psychological climate at school.

Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms and improves communication between people. Color significantly affects a person's condition. Colors appeal to feelings, not to human logic, namely:

cause different reactions:
emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment; reflect the seasons, etc.;
have physiological consequences, like positive or negative optical stimuli;
touch sensations: satisfaction, pleasant appearance, etc.

Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb.

Also, one of the points in studying this topic is that color is capable of naturally expressing a person’s emotional (personal-semantic) attitude towards something significant and towards himself. Color visualizes an emotional relationship. The ability of color to transform our state of mind and signal this change has a downside. If we designate someone (or ourselves) using color, we communicate by this what state of mind this object evokes in us.

Color is a powerful means of influencing the human psyche. And the power of color largely lies in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the protective mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Therefore, in this capacity it becomes a very attractive means for psychological manipulation. Accordingly, a modern person must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him.


1. Mironova L.N. Flower science. Minsk, 1984.
2. Frumkina R.M. Color, meaning, similarity. M., 1984.
3. J. Agoston “Color theory and its application in design” M. “Mir” 1982
4. B. A. Shashlov “Color and color reproduction” M. “Book” 1986
5. Janice Lindsey “All about color” Book club 36.6. 2012
6. Lusher M. The color of your character/Sarah D. Secrets of handwriting. – M.: Publishing house.
"Evening: Perseus", 1996.
7. Dragunsky V.V. Color personality test. – M.: Publishing house. "Harvest"
2000. (Series “Library of Practical Psychology”).
8. Klar G. Luscher test. Psychology of color. – M.: Publishing house. "Peter", 1998.
9. Lusher M. Personality assessment through color choice. – M.: Publishing house.
"EXMO-Press", 1998.
10. Frieling G., Auer K. Man – color – space. – M.: Publishing house.
"Peter", 1995.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Project on the topic: The magic of color.

The work was completed by:

3rd grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School Kh. Burkovsky

Goneger K., Kryshchenko L.

Head of work: educational psychologist Chernova L.A.,

primary school teacher

Generalova N.N.

“Our life is in the reflections of color” by V. Goethe.

Selection and relevance of the project

The work to study this problem is not accidental. It turns out that even in ancient times people believed that color had magical powers. Since then, scientists have conducted numerous studies that have confirmed the fact that color affects behavior, mood, feelings, thoughts and, in general, human health. In the project we will try to explain our reactions to color from the point of view of psychological and age characteristics. The project also contains tips on how to best use this information in business and everyday situations.

Goal: to establish the influence of color on the behavior and mood of students.

    Tasks: consider the theoretical basis of the issue.

    Identify the priority color among people of different ages (grades 1-4 and primary school teachers).


color influences people's behavior and mood.

Research methods : observation, literature study, analysis of various sources, questioning.

Object of study: color spectrum.

Subject of study: the influence of color on the behavior of students, the influence of age characteristics on the preference for a certain color.

Product: making a booklet

Project actions:

1. Preparatory stage.

During our lessons on the world around us, we covered the following topics: What surrounds us? What colors are there? Children took an active part in the lessons, which made it possible to identify the children’s areas of interest.

A class hour was held “What surrounds us? The children talked about their favorite colors. Someone talked about observing color changes in nature.

As a result, a “Brainstorm” was held and the theme “Magic of Color” was chosen.

Expected Outcomes: Find out what each color means. Find out what benefits color brings, what legends there were about flowers.

Imagine that all colors have disappeared from the world around us, and we see it only as gray and white! What a sad picture this turns out to be!

What is color?

One of the types of colorful rainbow glow - from red to purple, as well as their combinations or shades. S.I. Ozhegov. Color is the only thing that can be perceived only through vision.

We owe the first scientific systematization and their expressive name to Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). He identified six simple primary colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red and black.

Color is a gift from nature itself. Without him, life would be boring and uninteresting.

Therefore, for my project I chose the theme “Magic of Color”

2. The main stage is a cycle of practical cases.

1. At a parent meeting, involve parents in the project (searching for materials on the Internet) together with students.

2. Compilation of questionnaires for students

3. A survey among students in grades 1-4 in order to identify knowledge on the topic of the project, primary school teachers

4.Processing questionnaires, creating diagrams

Psychology of color The meaning of color

White color

    the color of innocence and purity;

    among the Slavic peoples, white color symbolizes sincerity, purity of soul and thoughts;

    a snow-white wedding dress means innocence;

    people who are attracted to the color white are constantly in search of themselves and strive for perfection.


    the color of happiness, wisdom and fantasy;

    creates a good mood;

    People who are attracted to the color yellow are open to everything new, have good analytical skills and a sharp mind.

Green color

    the color of hope, naturalness and freshness.

    calms, and its abundance can cause depression, “green melancholy.”

    lovers of green are modest, reserved, patient and not prone to violent manifestations of their feelings.

Red color

    the color of life, joy, strength and health;

    symbolizes danger, the color of aggressiveness and passion;

    people who prefer red are impulsive, energetic - they are true lovers of discussions and arguments.

Black color

    the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death.

    almost always symbolizes something negative, dangerous or forbidden - a black soul, black magic, black envy.

    Creative personalities and philosophers of life prefer to dress in black.

Each age level has a preference for a certain color.

To prove or disprove this hypothesis, a survey was conducted among grades 1-4 and primary school teachers. The results are:

We hypothesized that color influences people's behavior and mood. We decided to spend the whole day in clothes with red elements. At first, our mood improved and our activity increased. But by the 4th lesson, some of the children had a headache, their eyes turned red, and they felt hot. Some showed elements of agitation and aggression.

We can conclude: An experiment conducted in a classroom showed that color really affects the behavior, well-being and performance of students in the class.

Blue color - this is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, rigor.

When choosing an interior color, there is only one rule: when choosing a color scheme for a room, remember that the color should give the energy that you lack.

Brown - yellow (honey) combines the lightness of yellow and the heaviness of brown. This is the color of hard work and rigor.

Cream has a soft effect, expands space, facilitates the perception of reality, and gives confidence that everything will be okay.

Better to use yellow-green tones, but in small quantities. They stimulate brain activity and increase the efficiency of mental work.

3. Final stage.

Compiling a booklet “The benefits of different colors.”

Acquaintance with information on the topic of the project contributed not only to broadening the horizons of students, but most importantly to the formation of a moral culture.

The set goals and objectives at this stage have been generally achieved. Gained useful experience working on the project.