Again, notify about new comments by email. Plugin for subscribing to new WordPress comments

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  1. said),

    The description of this process delivers! Once again it proves that in our countries innovation is just a money laundering and an extremely ineffective use of the nerves and strength of citizens.

    By the way, read this: How Vladimir Pozner received a passport. This is very hard for me to believe, it sounds like a parallel reality or science fiction.

  2. light said),


  3. Ptah said),

    @Moriarty Lecter:
    yes, I read this story and was also very impressed
    @ light:
    Thank you

  4. Farin Darin said),

    Uv// I read that Posner disowned many of his electronic doubles, who maintain unknown and numerous blogs on various topics... By the way, we also applied for a foreign passport for the child, but on the advice of knowledgeable people, we brazenly went to Tekstilshchik without waiting in line and - lo and behold - the guard let us through. There were three of us there, with children, I mean. So the whole story didn’t take us that long

  5. Ptah said),

    I’m not a supporter of “skip-the-line” passes; you can actually spoil your karma. Besides, there was no desire to drag a baby into this cesspool

  6. Garpia said),

    In Oviri, even with a child, even with Siamese twins, they will not be allowed to jump the queue. The core there are pensioners. I was always amazed - do they really travel abroad, and then I realized that this is supposed to be for them, and then again - communication. But the laws of the Soviet socialist line are revered sacredly there!

  7. Ptah said),

    Yes, unfortunately this happens most often. This is especially noticeable in government institutions such as post offices and banks.

  8. said),

    Kostya, you are exaggerating. Normal system. Yes, receiving a letter by mail is stupid, but that is the only stupidity. What you urgently needed. Sent the data and sit and wait for the letter. Moreover, this only needs to be done once.
    By the way, the letter reached me within 10 days, if not less.
    About the photo. We photographed Danya when he was five months old. They took me to a photo lab. The mother sits in a reclining position, and the baby sits on her in the same position. We take pictures and then cut off the mother in Photoshop. It took us 10 minutes to do everything.
    Registration. Are you going to take your child to kindergarten? If so, then I’ll tell you a secret, they won’t put him on the waiting list for kindergarten without registration. You better do it faster. We foolishly made it in Danina for 5 months, now we go to the garden, which is a 20-minute drive from the house, there weren’t enough places in the nearest ones.
    And then I didn’t understand: you went to the passport office with the documents, like handing them in in the original - a certificate, etc. - and they told you that your passport will be ready today??? Kostya, it takes a month for a passport to be completed in any case. You're just lucky!

  9. Ptah said),

    Natasha, you are guided by your experience and, apparently, you are lucky.
    You don’t read carefully, I sent the questionnaire over the Internet, but a month later, when I was invited at 11:30, I brought photographs. I only received my passport in the evening. So I had to sit in this center all day. The whole system is full of small idiocy, which together do not save a damn bit of time, in fact.

  10. said),

    Nothing like that, Kostya, I just read it normally. That is, it is true, you brought the original photos (adults also bring a copy of your work record and an old foreign passport) and after that they make a passport for a month, but they only made it for you a day. You could calmly say that you will come for him next week or the week after. It's up to you now.
    For us, it takes a day or two from the moment we send the photo via the internet to their response letter. In the letter they inform you of the day you should come to submit your documents. And you go there without a queue.
    It's not my luck. There are a whole bunch of people like me. I also wrote on my blog how I received it, you can read the comments. Almost everything was also received through State Services without problems. It's bad luck for you. And even then I didn’t quite understand what exactly it was.

  11. said),

    Yes, I forgot to write. The date they set for you to come and submit photos and documents is usually a week or two after you sent them everything over the internet. At least that's how it is with us. During this time, you have time to collect all copies - passports, employment documents, etc.

  12. Ptah said),

    no, Natasha, the point of my post is not that I was unlucky or anyone else. And the fact is that in our country even such a service is considered a breakthrough. Although for any normal country such design of the main document is a shame. Well, tell me, what should I do with 30 days in my passport?
    Why bring a photograph if its digital copy was downloaded a long time ago and meets the requirements? Why do we need copies of the internal passports of the parents of the organization itself and the issuing one?
    And this is just what immediately comes to mind. I repeat, in Georgia, for example, the entire procedure takes 30 minutes.

  13. said),

    Not all at once. Remember how just two years ago we stood in lines at night, kept lists, and checked in on them. Anyone who, God forbid, did not have time for roll call, was dropped from the list. This was cruel, I received my last passport this way.
    Of course, there is still enough bureaucracy. Yes, 30 days is too much. Although it is believed that during these 30 days the recipient’s data, all his work, etc. are checked. Of course, there is no need to check anything for the child. But, in general, we received Danya’s passport 2 weeks after it was submitted, not a month later.

  14. courgette said),

    Kostya, congratulations! It was a difficult journey once again, yes, last time you also cleverly organized everyone in a queue :)))

  15. Dadin said),

    Oh how!)))
    “The first gene passport in Russia was issued in Pyatigorsk to the head of the Peacekeeping Mission named after. General Lebed to Alexander Mukomolov. The new document, which indicates more than forty parameters of the genotype of its owner, was presented to Mukovolov by the deputy director of the Russian Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Pavel Ivanov, at a round table dedicated to the creation of a unified system for searching for missing persons in the North Caucasus, the Stavropol Territory State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company reported.
    And of course there are still a lot of problems with the system, but they can be corrected. The main thing is that they have established a base - normal premises, computers, and trained personnel. And the fact that the state has begun to identify itself with the role of servants of the people without royal irony is encouraging. And now it’s much easier to get a passport than before

  16. Balin said),

    Yesterday we went to Tekstilshchik. The whole time took 1.5 hours. At the same time, we stayed in the hall for about 15 minutes... and then sat in the canteen and took a tour of the center. I decided to register on the portal after all. Let's see what kind of animal this is

  17. Ptah said),

    Can you clarify why you went? And what exactly did you spend 1.5 hours on?

  18. Dmitry said),
  19. Ptah said),

    I would answer you if I understood what exactly you wanted to say.

  20. Dmitry Alexandrovich said),

    I don’t understand what the problem is at all...from personal experience I will say that from the moment of registration to the coveted letter with the password, no more than a week passed (within the prescribed two). I registered without any problems... I found a service (obtaining a new type of international passport, etc., etc. according to the text)... I went through all eight steps of filling out the form (in case of controversial questions or difficulties, I contacted the GU specialists at the phone number indicated on the website). After about two days, a mark appeared asking you to come and submit documents at the appointed time and day…. came... they checked the documents with the originals (copies), explained what and how, an instant photo and voila!!!
    There are slight delays in issuing... it’s just that in small towns all the documentation is taken to the region... and so everything is on time...

  21. Irina said),

    Today I submitted my passport documents to the regional Federal Migration Service. On Monday I filled out a form on the website, on Tuesday I received an invitation, today (Thursday) in 10 minutes without a queue (or rather: without a queue, because there were about 10 people sitting in the corridor who came with paper forms). So far there is only one positive from government services.

    As for registering for government services, well, you just need to do many things in advance, and not when “it’s really necessary”

  22. Elena said),

    On March 26, I submitted documents for a passport. They fill out the form themselves. It costs 500 rubles + 150 for two photos + 2500 for a passport. They told me to show up on March 29 to pick up the form. Then they laughed. They sent us to office 5 to sign up for the queue (people they take a live queue from 6 am). The prospect of getting up another two hours earlier does not make me happy, so I preferred the electronic queue. I sat in front of office 5 for 45 minutes. which office they are recording in. They now sent me to office 13, and a girl sits there and declares that she is not recording in person; I need to leave the building and call her on her work phone. Well, I went out, stood on the street and saw the girl’s back through the window. I’m calling. This is the first time I’ve been to a sanatorium. When I asked if I could sign up for a waiting list, they told me that I could sign up for an enema. Ha! Apparently, I’m not the first person to come to them by mistake. In the end, I got through and signed up. So, today March 29, and the documents will be accepted on JUNE 3. And I will receive my passport a month and a half later, after submitting the documents.

  23. AsyaN said),

    Good evening! I came across your blog quite by accident) I got to the point where I need to go to the office and bring them photos of the children)) I noticed there the question about “registration” .. I didn’t have time to register the children yet .. it’s possible without registration get a foreign passport?

  24. Ptah said),

    I received a foreign passport for my one-month-old son without registration. I just wrote in the form the address in which I was registered. If they ask, answer that it is registered. They won't check anyway.

In fact, for VKontakte group owners this is a very pressing problem. I admit that, until recently, I also considered the inability to promptly learn about all the events that occur in groups as a big disadvantage. I even wrote to technical support on VKontakte and asked the question:

“When will it be possible to receive notifications about comments in a group?”

I didn’t receive an answer, but somehow, quite by accident, I found a solution to this problem on the Internet. Yes, I agree that this is not a very convenient method, but for lack of a better one, I consider it the most effective one today.

You can still see comments in VKontakte groups

In order to receive notifications about comments on posts, videos and photo albums, you need to use two tools.

Supervisor of VKontakte

The first tool is online service, which provides us with all the information that is currently inaccessible to most group owners, and to which we have become so accustomed when working on other social networks.

When new comments appear in a group, the “Overseer” will send a list of existing groups with the number of new comments to the e-mail specified during registration. Everything seems to be fine, but all the information about who left the comment and in which section of the group is not displayed. Therefore, going to the group and viewing photos and videos again is not the best or most productive activity. Still, it’s better to spend this time on more important things.

♦ Advice!

Add to the service not only group addresses, but also all sections in which you have user activity: photos, discussions, videos, products.

If you do not use an additional tool, then “VKontakte Overseer” is a completely unpromising tool for you.

VKontakte application “Comments by date added”

Second tool is a completely easy-to-use application in which in a small window you need to enter the address of a group, public page, photo album page or video recording. After a few seconds/minutes, a list of comments with a link to the post will appear on the page. Thanks to this application, you can see which post contains a comment, and calmly and very timely respond to it to the user.

♦ Advice!

This application does not send messages to your email. Just run it after the Overseer notifies you that there are new comments.

♦ Let me remind you that neither “Overseer” nor the VKontakte application are effective without each other. Yes, of course, you can use only one VKontakte application, but this can only be convenient if you have one group. Then you can launch the application several times a day to check your group.

And since we all have one common feature that unites us - a small amount of free time, I assure you that enthusiasm will end very quickly.

Important update in the Overseer application

On 03/01/2016, a new convenient function appeared - you can see which specific post a comment was posted on. To do this, you just need to click on the “Go” button and find yourself on the page of the post with the comment. Since there are a lot of spam messages in this group, this new feature is a real lifesaver for me. It's very convenient! Thanks to the developer!

Are comment notifications banned?

I still don’t understand why such a popular social network doesn’t provide notifications to the owners of groups and public pages in order to make their work at least a little more convenient in this regard?

♦ If we compare VKontakte with its competitors - Google+ and Facebook, I believe that these social networks properly show respect and care for their users - the owners of groups and communities. Agree that with the help of email notifications, you can always answer a question on time and participate in an important discussion. The speed of response to a comment is directly proportional to the degree of trust of participants in the group.

& I hope that these tools will be very, very useful to you. And, as always, I ask you to write in the comments what methods you use to see the events of visitors in your groups in a timely manner.

Friends, greetings! Now you can follow the updates of the Free Webmaster Blog by subscribing to notifications of new comments on articles. I implemented this function using the well-known Subscribe to comments plugin. Very often, a subscription just helps out.

Now for me the treasured “subscribe” checkbox is an indispensable condition for commenting, because if I leave a comment, it means I’m interested in the author’s opinion, what he will answer, therefore I prefer to receive notifications by email.

From a visitor's point of view...

For example, you have a question about an article, you can’t agree with the author, or you just want to talk about it. You leave a comment and wait for a response.

But there is one BUT. You won't have to wait a minute or two. To prevent waiting from turning into a tedious, exhausting action, you can do it easily and simply - use the subscription that the plugin offers Subscribe to Comments.

When new comments appear, you will receive a notification of changes to your email address 😉 If the new comment is small, then its entire content will be displayed in the letter. By following the link you can go to the page and read the full text. It becomes possible to manage subscriptions, delete irrelevant ones, and view the full list of topics you are following.

To do this, you just need to check the box:

From the blog author's point of view...

At your discretion, you can change the appearance of the subscription management page, as well as the type of notification letter. It is possible to use HTML tags and customize everything for yourself.

To insert a checkbox asking you to subscribe, you need to follow the closing tag. insert line:

You will get the following:

As a result, visitors will be able to subscribe to notifications about changes without leaving a comment, and new comments will be sent by e-mail. Plugin Subscribe to Comments very interesting and useful, I recommend it to everyone!

To set the subscription checkbox to be the default, you need to perform the following steps. Find the main plugin file /wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php and the line in it:

1 <input type = "checkbox" checked = "checked" name = "subscribe" id = "subscribe" value = "subscribe" style = "width: auto;" !} />


and make sure that it is really checked="checked" and not otherwise.

Feedback is an important criterion for responsibility on the part of any self-respecting resource. Thanks to it, users can seek help if any problems arise (for example, with account recovery or deletion). Yandex mail is no exception - you can always write or even call the support service. How to do this?

How to write to support?

Traditionally, the most convenient way to communicate with the administrators of an Internet resource is e-mail, which is especially true in the case of Yandex, which itself provides an e-mail service.

At the same time, the support service urges you not to rush to contact the operator, but to look for the answer to your question on the feedback page - Indeed, solutions to most possible problems in the operation of Yandex services are offered here.

Each of these sections includes a number of subsections that describe as accurately as possible the reason for contacting technical support. Sometimes the subparagraph contains information that allows you to quickly fix problems yourself, as in the example below.

If there is no ready-made solution, the user will sooner or later end up on the feedback form page. The exact configuration depends on the subpartition in which it is located.

If you decide to write to the operator, remember that it is necessary to describe the malfunction as accurately as possible so that the employee does not have additional questions and he immediately understands the situation.

To do this, try to provide the following information:

  • name and version of the browser used;
  • address of the page where the error was found;
  • describe in detail what actions you are taking and what, in your opinion, is not working;
  • If possible, attach a screenshot of the error message to your message.

In some cases, other information directly related to the description of the details of the situation will be required. After filling out the form, be patient and wait for a response. If the support team is busy, this may take a long time.

How to call Yandex by phone?

All problems with mail are solved not only through the site itself. Yandex support service provides free consultations by phone. A special hotline has been opened for clients from Russian regions at 8 800 333-96-39. The company's managers provide qualified assistance in a short time every day from 5:00 to 24:00 Moscow time.

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One of the largest sites on the Runet simply could not leave its users alone with all sorts of problems and failures that, one way or another, arise in the operation of any system. That is why technical support is available around the clock on the website. To contact us, you just need to log in and wait for a response in the form of a message.

It is worth noting that an electronic appeal is equivalent to a written one. Consequently, your application will be processed without fail in accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for citizens’ appeals”.

Therefore, to solve any difficulties, despite the special telephone number provided, it is better to immediately write to the support service by e-mail.

Those who comment on me will immediately understand what I am writing about. After you receive a response to your comment, you receive a notification by email (it does?), they say, so and so, a response was received on the site and all that, if, of course, you left your real email.

Read below about how this is implemented.

For example, I am a frequent guest on many blogs and actively communicate on them in the comments. And it is unrealistic to retain all the threads of conversations, remembering on which blogs and in what topics the correspondence was conducted. Therefore, if I suddenly commented on someone, you answered me, and I, in turn, did not react in any way - then I apologize, but it’s your own fault - you should have taken care of automatic notification by mail, and at the same time increasing the number of comments on your articles.

And in this case, everyone’s favorite plugin Subscribe to Comments is far from the best option, because it gives you the opportunity to subscribe to all new comments on the article. I don’t know about you, but I personally find it annoying to clear out the rubble at the post office ( a day and so you have to sort through several hundred letters), when you subscribe to your head like this on some commented blog) Therefore, I almost never use this function, even though I myself have this plugin.

UPD. They delicately turned me off in the comments, reminding me that in this plugin it is also possible to enable the choice of subscription option - for all messages or only for replies. However, I forgot about it for a reason, the fact is that I had already tested this feature once and thus the notifications in the mail did not reach me at all. I don’t know what the problem was, but I thought that this function did not work normally. By the way, almost no one turns it on or even knows about the existence of such an opportunity, so in most cases on blogs you only need to subscribe to all comments on an article.

And that’s half the problem - you could say that you signed up, which means it’s your own fault, you knew what you were getting into, you checked the box - now clear it up ( or not removed if it is checked by default) 🙂

But there are such smart-ass blogs, including among my friends( I won't point fingers🙂) where site owners check this box by default and then simply remove it from the page.

Those. therefore, by leaving your comment on this site, you automatically become the proud owner of a subscription to all comments on the article (which most people don’t care about, we are primarily interested in our own person) and part-time, working at the post office =)

Well, well, well, nonono! It’s not good to do this and force such a subscription on people - I’m sure many people are annoyed by sudden blockages in the mail. For example, I immediately unsubscribe from such a mailing list, and in the future I will think several times about whether it’s worth leaving comments on such a blog at all, so as not to bother myself with unnecessary cleaning up later.

There should be freedom of choice, at least on the Internet; whoever wants to will subscribe; if I want to read other people’s comments, I’ll go and read them on the blog myself. I understand that this is also a marketing technique to increase traffic to the resource, attract users to discussions, etc. however, it seems to me that the technique is very dubious and can give the opposite result.

I hope my call will be heard - return the check mark, down with coercion! 🙂

Comment Reply Notification plugin.

Here he is, this little scoundrel, which, for some reason, few people know about, or know, but do not use. But this is a great way to remind the commentator about your blog and get him to return as soon as possible, thereby maintaining the thread of the conversation and improving behavioral factors.

It was suggested to me by my comrade in arms and just a good blogger Evgeniy fishkalife. Still, I can’t resist and sleep - before he also had a forced subscription to comments, which really infuriated me :) But then he installed this useful plugin, and commenting on his blog became much more pleasant, especially since there is something to comment on =)

The meaning of his work is simple– as soon as you receive a response to your comment, you receive a notification email, and only when there is a personal response to your message – it’s called feel the difference with the buggy Subscribe to Comments :) As a result, there is order at the post office, and the mission is completed – the visitor is pleased that they are talking to him and even politely reminding him of this, so as not to strain himself once again to keep everything in his memory.

I won’t describe the plugin settings in detail, I think they are no longer small, they are elementary - we chose in which cases to inform about the response, configured the text of the notification letter ( It’s advisable to do everything in Russian, of course) and that’s all, we enjoy the increased commentary on the blog) If anyone still has problems, write in the comments.

Upd: I didn’t manage to be free) Due to numerous requests, I’ll briefly write how to translate the line in this plugin that displays a checkbox with a subscription to a reply.

It appears after installing the plugin, go to its settings and enable Commenter choose to do so (default checked) in the settings if we want to give the visitor the right to choose whether he wants to receive a response to his comment by mail ( although here you can safely select “If the response is from the author of the post or administrator” or “Always inform”)

Under the comment form, the following message will appear: “Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail”, which it would be desirable to translate. This is done directly in the plugin file comment-reply-notification.php.

Just open it in a text editor, find the phrase through the search Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mai and in 2 places we replace it with the one we need, for example Notify me of a response to my comment by email. Close, save, everything is ready)

By the way, I myself do not have this plugin installed separately, but this function is built into another one - the tree comments plugin WordPress Thread Comment– it’s like in advertising, 2 in 1, a universal solution for those whose templates do not support the possibility of tree comments and who want to set up notifications about email replies.

By the way, you probably noticed that even with this plugin I give the person the right to choose whether he wants to receive notifications by email.

Although it’s not so scary here, if this option is removed, at least there won’t be any blockages at the post office.

What plugin do you use to notify your commenters?